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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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September 3, 2007 at 2:00pm
September 3, 2007 at 2:00pm
To keep my promise yesterday I wrote up a few things. I sent it out to a lady friend that edits for me, and she said I would most likely be in hot water if I posted it. I like to keep my port on the lighter side and the last thing I want to do is offend!!
So with that in mind I make full concession, I don’t have a clue as to why we do what we do in most relationships. Deep bow, hat in hand, and exit.
September 2, 2007 at 11:58am
September 2, 2007 at 11:58am
I started this out as a very serious effort to explain why men sometimes act the way they do. In a response to questions ask in scarlett_o_h port "Male Mysteries" . But as I went along trying to word and answer some of the questions she had ask. I realized there is nothing I can say that we all have not seen on the discovery channel or read in a self help book. I also came to the conclusion that our mates are not chosen with a logical mind but from the remnants of evolutionary forces for survival of the fittest. Should you not embrace the theory of evolution and choose the biblical ideology of creation. Then we will fall back on the words spoken when man kind was cast from the garden. Go forth and subdue the land and multiply, either way, we are here.

So today’s words are a bit of general knowledge of where we came from, tomorrow I will try and candidly reflect on…..Now that we are here…..what, are we going to do. .

Since man first walked up right,…..not enough room……. Since the cave man, naaay still to little room…Over the past 50 years or so women have took off their aprons and stepped out of the kitchen went to collage and entered the work force. And many who did not go to collage were forced to enter the work force for personal survival or to simply supplement their partner’s income. So in the last 50 years women have evolved at a very rapid pace. They have learned they could perform academically and excel in their chosen profession as well as their male counter parts and in some cases surpass them. This paragraph alone could be a book within its self but I will try and keep it to the condensed version

Within this 50 year span of time where women have rapidly evolved, men have been in some ways complacent. Since the time of the cave man he has been sitting on top of the heap so to speak. So there was little reason for him to change. Down through time he has provided food and shelter and took what he wanted to sustain his blood line and continuance of the human race as a whole.

So his strength as a hunter, warrior, or provider implied strong genes and attracted women to him to father their children and provide food shelter and safety There also, was his natural instincts to protect what was his, any sign of weakness would cost him his women, children, home and at the end of the day, his life. So in essence in that place in time the survival of the human race depended on his strength.

Sadly for all, the male driving force of subdue and conquer, that has brought us to this point, is now our own worst enemy. The laws of the land somewhat protect us from what we once had to defend against, and means for food and shelter is done through direct deposit. But yet our ancient needs for strength and dominance remains, and is so intricately woven into who we are, and how we perceive our self, and it still determines on a daily basis how we relate to others socially and intimately.
The need to keep our manhood (ego) in tact is as natural for us, as the natural desire for women to give birth and nurture her young. I am not sure how many counseling sessions, or years of evolution it will take for us to evolve into what is expected of us.

In today’s seemly modern times, even the educated empowered women with their own blast from the past, so to speak, continue to keep the ancient male alive and well, with the choices they make when choosing a man.

Consciously or sub consciously women choose a man with the strongest of all the above mentioned qualities .She two has a desire to mate with strong healthy genes to assure her blood line survives. With her own natural forces helping her along she chooses a man that she feels will provide her with strong healthy children, and provide a decent sized cave and offer her a secure environment to raise them in.

When the imprint of the man she wants was originally set inside her ages ago, the human life span was less the 30 years, so the objective for both was to get their off spring up and running as soon as possible. Also with the tough conditions of everyday life at the time, and the need to assure the survival of the human race, there were several women that felt this strong hunter and provider was the man for them, and called the same safe cave home.

Okay, history has been set, mates have been chosen, vows have been said, LIFE SPANS HAVE INCREASED!! The female suddenly realizes this fine specimen of a man her ancient memories choose for her is going to be her constant companion, for the next 50 years.
The great hunter wakes up one morning and realizes his raging hormones have been restricted to one woman. And there is no land to subdue and nothing left to hunt.

At this point we can easily see why a divorce attorney drives a Mercedes. But, why don’t we hold on here for a bit and see if we can salvage the situation. After all there is land developers, real estate agents, law enforcement agencies, marriage counselors, and mental health agencies that need to benefit from this little union. Along with highly paid TV talk show host that help us ponder the mysteries of the choices we have made. And should we all just cut to the Attorneys so quickly what would we read when we are in the waiting room at the doctor’s office.

So how might we salvage this union.??

The rest tomorrow.

August 31, 2007 at 11:38am
August 31, 2007 at 11:38am
I have a few errands to run today, and the only pair of clean jeans I can scrounge up are loose in the waste, and requires a belt. But I cannot find it anyplace. If I have left it somewhere please return it. I have both boots so no worries there. Seem to be short…..Never mind, I found them.
Out the door...have a good day!!

August 30, 2007 at 1:21pm
August 30, 2007 at 1:21pm
As any erotica word-stringer I try and capture my mood, movements, or the scene surrounding the act of lovemaking. I also step out on a limb to try to capture the thoughts of my partner through out the story. So, over the couple of years that I have been posting here on writing.com, I have been asked more than once
how I seem to know so much about what a woman may be thinking or feeling.

My point today is the fact that I don’t know, as I could never come up with a reasonable answer to that difficult question. (I don’t think any man is supposed to know what a woman is thinking or his head would most likely explode!) I am not even exposed to that many women on a daily basis because the last 15 years of my life has been a 24/7 ordeal of operating trash companies.
Let me tell you, that is about as far from a romantic scene as you can get. The thought of the day in that business is which truck will fall apart today, or who licked the red off Billy Bob's, the driver's, candy and made him decide to just run over those two cars. The real silent prayer around the clock is, "The load stays up and the tires stay down!"

Anyway, back to my point. When I give the "what are women
thinking?" question a bit of thought I realize what little I do know is a
collection of what I have heard from women I have dated over the last several years. I mean it's not that we sat around exchanging conversation on the topic,but if you listen a bit, sometimes pillow talk or whatever can give one a little insight. But where you get the real jewels of the female mind is listening to them talk about their X.

I will attempt to share a few tidbits of education gained, and how it was

My last relationship was with a really great lady, and she could
sometimes share things about her Xs in humor or just blurt out
valuable info. She had previously been in a couple of long-term
relationships so there was lots of info to be gained. I learned one of them was always on the go wanting to find something to do.
Okay,……. I am laid back enough, so a nap is not out of the question. I also learned he was a little quick on the trigger in the lovemaking department, and he was a non-smoker and she enjoyed her cigarette. Okay,…… I am still in the
game here. I can draw back on the reins a bit on the quick fire thing, then, we will enjoy a smoke and take a nap. Works, for me.

However, her most recent X, at the end of the day, was simply my
hero. I was told up front that his lovemaking ability was simply
incredible. ALLL rightttty then. Okay,……………… he is not here, and my male ego is fairly well intact, so I will just have to try and simply do what I can. Keep in mind I smoke pretty well and can for sure enjoy a nap. So over the next few years in my humble endeavor to at least get an OK rating, I learn many valuable
tips along the way.

I know this is running long so I will skip a few short-term house
calls where bits of knowledge was acquired, and take you to my first relations after my divorce from a long, long marriage.

After my divorce, the first lady I dated often talked about how her X was always working in the garage or doing something in the yard. Okay, this is not rocket science. Since most of my married life had been mowing grass and home
repair, I found no problem with giving all that up, and we will just live in an apartment, where all that will be taken care of.

However……………………………After a few weeks in the maintenance-free apartment I learned why her X had spent time in the yard. The poor guy did not love yard work after
all, he was just trying to get a little rest!! Don’t take me wrong, it was
interesting for a while, and little cowboy was pretty well capable of running with the big dogs, but when you have been in a long and somewhat sex- free marriage, it is a switch for sure. I would compare it to a horse that has been pulling a milk wagon for years, his stops are somewhat planned and a long walk in between. His feedbag is put on at high noon everyday as part of the relaxed
routine. Then suddenly one day he is traded to Pony Express INC!!!

So over the next 3 years or so, from the sedentary life of the milk wagon to whips and spurs and cotton candy I learned a lot. But if some of the education from this relationship is forgotten never to be
spoken or written in words.

One memory, of one day, that will always remain, is the day in a
moment of concession, I uttered the 5 words I never thought would be spoken
by the Cowboy: "YOU WANNA GO TO WALLMART???!!!"

August 28, 2007 at 10:53am
August 28, 2007 at 10:53am
When love was simple.

Her shy touch was gentle against my arm. When I turned to face her she quickly placed a neatly folded, note in my palm. With both her hands she closed my fingers around the note and quickly ran away. Before anyone saw I slipped the note in my pocket, and watched her, as she ran across the play ground, to rejoined classmates. Her hair was long and dark, a little red bow……Muse?

Summer nights kiss.

I feel the warmth of your lips press softly against mine as I gently cradle your face in my hands. The brushing kisses we share are as warm and soft as the summer night that surrounds us. My lips lightly caress over your face, lingering slightly to note the softness and smell of your skin. The look in your eyes, taste of your lips, warm softness of your skin, all speak to my male emotion of simply woman. In your eyes I see and except your offered emotions of tender submission that will allow me to escort us…………………Muse??

Winters fire.

The fire dances its warming dance on the hearth as you move close in my arms. The reflection of the fire allows me to see the beauty of you…Naaay, to hot for that. The AC hums along smoothly, the cool air is refreshing…………

Take the ribbon from your hair, shake it loose and let it fall….already written.


See what I mean?

Its all about Monkeys, Chickens, Watermelon, Exotic fruit Bubble wrap, The perfect head, and transfat-free sunflower oil. All Topped off with Cheese WHIZ!!!!
August 27, 2007 at 12:43pm
August 27, 2007 at 12:43pm
Someone suggested I put more profound words, as opposed to my usual crap in this Blog. So with that in mind I must go seek my muse. The weather has given us a break here in the south, so I may grab a box ( fried) of chicken and head up to the parkway. Take along a box of Ritz Crackers, and a can of cheese whiz and enjoy the view from the mountain top.
Upon taking note of my bed head this morning ( which, may be the reason my muse bolted in the first place )I may stop and get a hair cut first. Then I hope she will return to me and provide profound words of wisdom. Words that will provoke deep thoughts and inspire meaning full conversations.
If not then I suppose we can all just wrap our self in Bubble wrap and roll down a hill and see who makes the best pops! How’s that for a trade off?.
August 26, 2007 at 12:00pm
August 26, 2007 at 12:00pm
Not sure what went wrong with my comment box yesterday,unless it was expanding for the BS factor.
August 25, 2007 at 1:34pm
August 25, 2007 at 1:34pm
No profound words today. I thought since the weekend is upon us, I would leave the Cowgirls to hang with their somatic Cowboys today. Get a little laundry done. Stop by Wallmart, and the grocery store. Hang out for a while in the produce section; fingertips sensually stroking the cukes, maybe idly thump a couple of melons. Then wander over and check out the canned fruits and all the potential there of. Oh,yeah!! You forgot the chicken!!!

And the kids may want to stop at the zoo??
August 24, 2007 at 1:18pm
August 24, 2007 at 1:18pm
As some of you may have noticed the stock market has bounced all over the place for the last while. I suppose if you don’t pay attention on a daily bases, most will notice it when their retirement plan statement arrives.

No only have I taken a serious hit in my 401k plan, but in my personal account as well.. When I am not screwing around in Blogville, I play a bit as an online stock trader. I mean the scale I trade on is not going to destabilize the world economy should I make a decision to buy or sale. So for those of you that have read any of my off the wall stuff here, don’t panic and dump your stock.

I do think I have developed a special talent for taking a company down. So should any one have a personal vendetta against any company just let me know, for the price of a few shares of stock we can take the company to it knees.

Soon after I purchase the stock of a seemly well grounded, financially sound company, it is soon revealed the value was all on paper and the CEO is only speaking through his attorneys, and rumor has it he wears pink underwear. The new wonder drug just released has side effects that cause users to bark at the moon, or lose all their saving at the casino, and were only lucky enough to salvage gas money to get home because they had to leave early when over come by intense sexual desires.

I am BSing a bit, at the end of the day money is only money and as in life, some days you win, some days you lose.
However, last night while watching the news I heard of a much more distressing problem. It seems from the report, there is a country that I assume has an abundant population of Moose. It seems also the country has problems with the air pollution because of the amount of methane gas emitted when the moose fart and belch. Who would have ever thought?
I assume the folks there will survive but I was thinking of the writers there. I mean if you were an erotica writer all your romance/erotica scenes would have to take place indoors. I think if you tried to set a scene outside the mood would be lost when you tried to set up the surrounding scene.

The yellow moon takes reign of the night sky, and somewhere in the distance the familiar sound of a Moose belching and farting, and drifting to them on the summer beeze……………….
August 23, 2007 at 12:29pm
August 23, 2007 at 12:29pm
from the key board of the cowboy.

Yesterday, as I do every few days, I built up the courage to visit my mom at the rest home. I need the courage because she is not happy, to say the least, about being there. She hits me extremely hard because I am supposed to be the one to fix whatever is wrong in the family. So she opens up her full arsenal when I walk into her room. I think the hardest thing for her is she cannot understand why her time-tested talents of putting me/us on a guilt trip no longer works. Between my sister and I we made “every effort” to try and keep her at home. Although a single ounce of credit is never given. Sometimes her tactics can be comical and sad all at the same time.

Yesterday, before she brought out the big guns (that we had "tossed her away like a wrinkled piece of paper"), she showed me her toe that was wrapped with a band aid. She then told me that as she “struggled” down the hallway in an attempt to get something to eat, her foot had been run over by one of the big food carts used to feed the(her words) old people that could not get out of their beds. She also said if she did not find a means of escape they would for sure kill her.

The toe did not look to be that serious, so I thought I would make a couple of calls before I asked questions of the staff. Turns out she had scratched it on her wheelchair the evening before when my nephew had brought her back from dinner, and HE had placed
the band aid on her toe.

Back on a serious note: I think the decision to finally place her in the rest home was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I think between her and us,there was the unspoken finality of it all. There was also between us the unspoken reality that, in the same way she had lived her long life, her final days will be no different, she is not going to face the end without a fight. I suppose at the end of the day, I would not have expected anything less.

The issues I have with my mom are my own and just life, and part of the ever-moving cycle of life. We all will have to see our parents age, if we have been lucky enough to hold on to them and not lose them prematurely. We will all have to deal with them in our own unique way, in their regression, as they did with us, in our progression.

Even though the aging process is as natural as rain, it still is hard for me to see the people there and not feel a deep sadness, and wonder what they were like in their younger years. Walking the halls you may see caps bearing insignias,displaying the different branches of our military in which some served. Glancing in their rooms you see photos or awards showing accomplishments in their past. Some just display pictures of their kids and their grand kids, but proud accomplishment none the less.

I suppose they display the links to their past to remind themselves and others they were not always as broken shells by the sea. Although the hands of time have left behind only shards of their former strength or beauty, they want us to know and hope we remember. Not so long ago they were the strength of our nation, base of our economy. They were our soldiers, our housewives, our engineers and our teachers. They were the keepers of our faiths, teachers of our ethics. They knew friendships and hardships, sorrows and joys.

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