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Rated: XGC · Book · Personal · #1762613
Random crap written when I'm not working on a story... may or may not be interesting...

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I've never had one before...

Want to use this to keep my fingers moving even when I don't have a story to write, or if I'm stuck.

Will contain random crap which may or may not be interesting.

I don't do too many interesting things, so, i will probably write about things that other people, who I have never met and who may or may not be real, are doing.

Also, cats, and science, and beer, and metal.
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September 20, 2011 at 5:21pm
September 20, 2011 at 5:21pm
Write an essay or blog about on what life for you would have been like had there been no Writing.com.

As ive said before, without WDC i likely would not be writing anything.

i've always liked to write, but i've never found any motivation to do it. the projects i started would get mired in my self criticism, never able to progress beyond conception, and the few things that i did finish granted me no satisfaction, because i had no one interested in reading them.

now, ive completed more projects since ive joined this site than i have in my entire life before, and i'm probably drawing close to surpassing myself in total word count as well.

the contests here give me a goal, and a deadline to work toward. and all my friends in chat encourage and motivate me to continue, as well as everyone who has reviewed me. It makes me happy to know i'v entertained some people with my creations, that they have some value, however small, to someone other than me.

ive learned loads in the short time since i joined, and i hope i continue to learn and change and gain new skills along with all of you!

thanks to everyone who has ever had a kind word or a piece of advice for me, you've helped more than you know.
September 20, 2011 at 1:45am
September 20, 2011 at 1:45am
Plug your city or hometown...it doesn't matter if it's where you're from or where you're at.

Seattle is known for terrible sports teams, computers and coffee... and grunge, i guess.

i think it's a lovely city, i love the rain and clouds. i like the people, with a liberal attitude mostly. i like the many metal shows i am able to see.

and, being near the water. the skyline is beautiful.


i havent lived many places, and have been in this general area all my life, so i really dont have a very good perspective on why it's better than any other place.
i need to travel more! to new cites.. new countries... meet new people, do new things.

those sure are a lot of things i should do. yep.
September 18, 2011 at 11:43pm
September 18, 2011 at 11:43pm
Today's prompt is about craziness. Write whatever you want about it!
Crazy memories, crazy videos, crazy people you've met, crazy ideas - anything at all!
Just go wild! :)

being crazy is probably my worst fear. losing my mind, my memories, my self. being unable to comprehend the world around me. things not making sense. sometimes i wonder if maybe i am crazy, and everyone i know just puts up with me, humors me.

but how do you decide when people are crazy? crazy people certainly dont think they are, they think everyone else is. or is conspiring against them.

crazy people are fun to listen to rant about things. they pull connections and conspiracies out of thin air. it must be an adventurous and exciting world they live in.

crazy women turn me on. mental imbalance is hot for some reason. i'm somewhat ashamed of this, but i cant help it.

umm.. yeah. crazy fish swim in squares and leap out of the water to die in treetops. the end.
September 17, 2011 at 10:11pm
September 17, 2011 at 10:11pm
Vincent Van Gogh said, "If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint', then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." What is your 'you cannot ____' voice always ragging on you about? Work with your can do Journal and go for it! Having doubts? Write it out!

my brain tells me i cant write. I know i can, judging by things ive written in the past that people have liked, but, whenever i write anything new, as im writing it i'm always thinking 'this sucks, why am i even bothering'

the reasons i find for continuing are either that im in a contest, and i want to turn in something, no matter how crappy (i think) it is, or, i've told someone i would write it and feel an obligation. if not for these things, i'd never write anything. the same goes for my blog. notice that i've only been updating it regularly because of this contest... otherwise, i always think 'why would anyone want to read this, or care?' and then dont write anything..

one of these days i need to figure out how to motivate myself, but, for now i depend on other people.

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September 17, 2011 at 3:19am
September 17, 2011 at 3:19am
feeling a lot better now. I was playing cards at a friends and just started feeling.. not good. luckily she had some of the pills that i had been prescribed for this sort of thing... i constantly take for granted the simple joy of being calm.

on the drive home listening to the radio, the late night talk show was on about all weird occult stuff, astral planes, spirits, aliens, whatever. If you call in saying anything, the host will believe you and let you ramble on about it. anyway, one guy was saying that souls are made of 'electromagnetic radiation' and, i thought that was pretty funny. but, it started me thinking of what i am made of, and that is the same stuff the universe is made of. parts of me used to be in the hearts of stars. i am the universe. and then i thought, what if.. as unlikely as it seems, there is no other intelligence out there, only us. what if we are the first beings to wake up, the first to see all this and understand it. the first consciousness... we are the awakening mind of a fetal universe.

there is a cricket in my spiders cage, and it is happily chirping away. part of me wants to chase it down and kill it, and another part smiles at the thought of this little guy following whatever insectile urge calls it to sing its song, signaling it's position to the deadly tarantula that is mere inches away... but, (un)fortunately not hungry.

I'm going to run in the morning.
September 17, 2011 at 1:44am
September 17, 2011 at 1:44am
Give us your definition of blogging.

Blog, web log. A place to write your opinions, thoughts, ideas, rants, or what you had for breakfast. Something to read if you want to learn about the person, or at least learn what they want you to know bout them.

I've not been feeling well today, and am having a hard time concentrating. so this will have to do. I hope I am myself again tomorrow.
September 15, 2011 at 1:47pm
September 15, 2011 at 1:47pm
Music speaks to our souls. What songs have made an impact on your life and why?

A great prompt! So much music over the years has been such a big part of my life at so many different times, that it's hard to pick only a few songs! Maybe i'll do one for every couple years of my musical evolution, haha

age 14-15: The Offspring, Ignition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx_r-UOkZD0 What 15 year old boy doesn't fancy themselves to be a pyromaniac? This is one of the first songs i remember identifying with that wasn't a mainstream radio song. (no, i didn't get out much) This isn't played on the radio! Other kids don't know about this!

age 16-17: Weezer, Say it Ain't So http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENXvZ9YRjbo&ob=av2e Weezer is my highschool years band, so many memories are packed into their songs, but this one probably the most. I played it everywhere, listened to it all the time, sang it out loud randomly, and friends would join in... one of my most vivid memories of social bonding through music.

age 18-19: A Perfect Circle, 3 Libras http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9MAg9E5K3w Girls that I like dont like me! D::: When this song came out, it suddenly applied to every girl I'd ever had a crush on, and made me feel feelings about them. That combined with my blooming obsession with the vocalist's other band, Tool, made this song, and whole album really, one of the first musical things I was fanatic about.

age 20-21: Tool, Lateralus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDlC7oG_2W4 The peak of my obsession with Tool. This album sparked my brief investigation into the occult, astrology, Aliester Crowly, tarot, etc. Still the closest i can say i've come to having a religious experience was listening to this album. this song in particular always comes into my head when i'm having a hard time with anything, i think: 'spiral out, keep going'. i pictured life as a spiral. you may feel like you are going in circles at times, but you must always be going outward and upward. 'ride the spiral to the end, you may just go where no one's been' :)

also during this period was my discovery of black metal, and all metal in general, the main band that got me into it was Cradle of Filth, this song in particular http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49ZJqqrr6jk , which i heard playing in a friends car and had never heard anything like it. A very important step in finding all the music I listen to today!

age 22-23: Manowar, Brothers of Metal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejwkMu5DMHQ my first experience with power metal, and another song with tons of memories in it. also another song that i would sing out loud with friends regardless of if it was playing anywhere. This band led me to discover other older metal bands such as helloween, and Iron maiden who i had somehow never really listened to. I didn't realize at the time, though, what it was that i liked about these bands, and so, couldn't really find other bands that i liked as much as them.

age 24-25: Children of Bodom, Trashed, Lost & Strungout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVifw7Atg2Y More adventures in black metal, but this time with more intricate guitar and keyboard work. This band is classified as power metal sometimes also, but i still didn't make the connection, and was unable to figure out why i liked this band so much more than other similar bands. this was also around the time i started going to shows regularly, and found out that metal shows have a much more fun atmosphere than rock shows.

age 26-27 Dragonforce, through the fire and the flames: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jgrCKhxE1s&ob=av3e finally i discover european power metal! by hearing it on the radio of all places! but, even after discovering this, i did nothing about it, i didn't look for other bands in the same genre, i only listened to things i already knew, thinking that anything 'new' was 'crap', so this time period was sort of a dead zone for musical discovery, even after finally making the connection to what kind of music i should look for. I was becoming 'old' when it came to music!

age 28-29 Heavenly, Spill blood on Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_bJWVmbiAQ In the past couple years, I have broken out of my rut and am discovering all the music I wish i had known about when i was younger. and all because I tried something new (which i only even listened to because i had a terrible thing for the girl showing it to me) but, this song was the trigger for it all. Now i am falling in love with a new band every couple weeks, and will listen to anything, even if it's not my usual thing, just in case i might end up loving it.

Age 30-?? Who knows? I hope i find new things, I hope my tastes keep changing and evolving, i hope i never let myself get stale! I've made it a point to try to only listen to things out within the past ten years, but maybe I should make it 5!
September 14, 2011 at 4:46pm
September 14, 2011 at 4:46pm
What are your favorite places within the Writing.com community and why?

I guess my favorite part would be the chat rooms, since I spend most of my time on this site there, or checking my email. I like meeting the writers and hearing their take on things, and making friends, or just talking about random unrelated stuff :) I also like to look at the contest pages for prompts and ideas, and for inspiration and motivation. I find a hard time writing something just for the sake of writing it, or just for myself. I have to have it be for something, or someone, and have a deadline, or I'll never do it, so the contests are very useful for me.

WDC has been the most helpful thing so far in my writing 'career'. All the people here have been a great motivation, whether they know it or not. So, thanks to all of you! I'm glad I found this place :)

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September 13, 2011 at 1:46pm
September 13, 2011 at 1:46pm
"How would it affect your life if we suddenly lost all of the services and technologies we rely on everyday? No electricity or gas service? No water or sewer? No telephone? No television? No internet? No radio? No gasoline?"

Well, i'd probably be dead within the month. I have no survival skills to speak of, without the internet to look them up. I have no self defense skills to fight off looters and rioters which would surely be filling the streets at first. without being able to travel anywhere except by foot, and without being able to communicate any way except face to face, i'd be disconnected from all friends and family. I'd have no time to think about anything except how not to die. without any enforceable rule of law, the brutality of people would come right out into the open and you would probably get used to seeing people beat to death regularly for opinions differing from the local group. In one generation, without any way to pass on our information, we would be back in the dark ages, living in a world dominated by superstition and fear and religion.

In short, it would ruin my life, and probably the life of anyone who is not a sociopath, or already removed from society for some other reason. and this should not be anything to look down on or be ashamed of. of course we depend on our technology, and the infrastructure we have built with it! a spider depends on its web, bees depend on their hive, and we also depend on the things we create.

our advances in technology over the years of been slowly increasing our ability to communicate, slowly bringing us close and closer together as a species. when you can talk to anyone in the world at the click of a button, it's harder to make imaginary villains out of them. harder to see them as the 'out group' and somewhere to easily place your hate and blame. take a look at the most violent dangerous places to live, and you will find that they are the most isolated from the rest of the world and/or the most backward technologically.

Increased communication and access to information is what has been, is, and will be making this world a better and safer place to live, love, and learn for a long time to come.

also, this whole thing was probably caused by zombies, which are never good.

September 13, 2011 at 3:37am
September 13, 2011 at 3:37am
“Write about yourself as you would a fictional character, in the third person. Try to view yourself as objectively as possible, detailing your appearance, mannerisms, perceptions and attitudes etc or just whatever comes to mind and only what you are comfortable sharing.”

Jonas was an average man. He did things most men do, he drank beers, watched television shows, read books. Quiet and inconspicuous, you would not have been able to pick him out of a crowd. That is, until he started writing about himself... then he grew to be seven feet tall and sprouted giant bat wings from his back. He gained incredible musical skills on the keyboard and guitar, playing mindblowing solos with an instrument in each hand, while Jessica Alba and Mila Kunis argued over who would fellate him next. Fire exploded from the ground where he stepped and glass shattered at trying to contain his reflection... then he gained the power to objectively view himself.. and went to sleep early because he had work in the morning.

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