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Rated: XGC · Book · Personal · #1762613
Random crap written when I'm not working on a story... may or may not be interesting...

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I've never had one before...

Want to use this to keep my fingers moving even when I don't have a story to write, or if I'm stuck.

Will contain random crap which may or may not be interesting.

I don't do too many interesting things, so, i will probably write about things that other people, who I have never met and who may or may not be real, are doing.

Also, cats, and science, and beer, and metal.
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October 21, 2011 at 5:25pm
October 21, 2011 at 5:25pm
since i blogged. oops. i thought i was going to do it every day. it's almost halloween. i still have no idea what costume i'll wear. i'm going with some friends to the redhook brewery nearby, they are having some kind of event there.

i watched the fountain, it was really good, but confusing. part of the confusion probably came from me being led to believe that it was a science fiction movie, and so i thought some of the metaphorical and allegorical stuff was actually happening in a straightforward way. hugh jackman is a brilliant actor.

i read Blood Music, by greg bear. some interesting concepts there. what if a bundle of a hundred or so cells could have the same intelligence as a human being? there is enough information processing and storage power there for it to be so.. an intelligent plague..

working slowly but steadily on my story for the throwdown, im sure i will have it done in time at this point, but it will probably still be last minute :/ no idea for last pen, starting to seriously doubt i'll get anything done for that in time.

where does all the time go. i dont like thinking about it. i'm sure older me will be pissed at present me for not doing more with my youth and health. at least i can say i was happy for most of it.
October 18, 2011 at 2:29pm
October 18, 2011 at 2:29pm
i got honorable mention in the blogging challenge! so, that means i'm a pro blogger now. or something. yay me!

i submitted one of my stories to a magazine last night. ive been submitting them all, the sci fi ones anyway, in the order that i've written them. im two behind at the moment. i have to let them sit for a while so that i don't think they are crap anymore. and get as many reviews as possible. none of them have been accepted yet.

but one of these days, one will be. and then.. i dont know, it will be pretty awesome. but, if i write enough stories without selling any, i dont know, 100k words worth, then im going to self publish a compilation on kindle and bug my friends to buy it. and at this rate that will only take a few more years :/

i've wondered more than a little bit if i could go to a hypnotist, and have him do something to my brain to make me write more. if hypnotists can help cure addictions, i wonder if they can create one. it would be rad to have an irresistible urge to write, all the time. and if it could be made as powerful as some other urges i have, then maybe i'd actually get things done more often. I wonder if the quality of my writing would go down or up as a result.

but, writing shit is better than writing nothing.
October 15, 2011 at 3:30am
October 15, 2011 at 3:30am
communication seems impossible or useless at times. when i think that how people perceive me may be completely different than how i perceive myself, and the things i say may be interpreted in ways different from the message i wanted to send. and these two things, the perception of my personality, and the interpretation of what i say, they can have feedback off each other, feed into each other, until an entirely different conversation is being held than the one i think im having, with entirely different people than i think im talking to.
can anyone ever know me? really? isn't there always one more mask. and even if I some how take off the last mask, wont my real face just be seen as a mask? or will it be seen at all through the cloud of projections that are placed on me.

people make up a 'you' in their heads. they imagine what you might say about things, what you might do. that you is more real to them than the real you.

and now ive been distracted and forgot where i was going with this. something about not being able to communicate other that with pure guesswork. oh well.

end rambling.
October 12, 2011 at 1:51am
October 12, 2011 at 1:51am

I dont know much about poetry. i dont read much of it, other than a few people here on wdc. and i haven't tried to write it since high-school. and, even then i had no idea what i was doing, or why whatever i was writing should be called a poem, and not a song or a lyric, which is what i always felt i was writing. ive never actually put words to music before, that might be something to try.

so, i dont really know how to judge a poem other than on those merits. rhythm, rhyme, and patterns. but, there are other things that make me like a poem, if they have clever metaphors or analogies, or if they make me see a vivid scene, or make me laugh, or cry, or feel anything really. but, i dont know how to make a poem do that. and i dont know how to articulate what about it is good or bad. other than the rhythm, rhyme, pattern.. etc

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why i dont review poetry. or write it. also it seems that poetry is much more personal and emotional than fiction writing is, so people tend to get more butthurt if you point out any perceived flaws. and also it tends to be a bunch of emo bullshit about darkness and bleeding souls. now im just being grumpy.

in other news, i finished a book this week The Forever War, and started another, Old Man's War, by one of the same authors. i watched the republican candidates spew the same old recycled bullshit. I found a new band to listen to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjR_y9YJs00 I watched some QI and some breaking bad, and a shitty movie called Drive. and.. yeah. stuff.
October 10, 2011 at 12:13am
October 10, 2011 at 12:13am
today's subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Spout

well, i've never been to scotland, but, i do like water, and waterfalls.

there is a waterfall in snoqualmie, near where i live. i havent been there in a long time, and now i think i may drive down there before it gets too cold and sit and look at it for a while. something about the crashing of a waterfall or the splashing of waves on a beach is just very relaxing. maybe we have a little bit of fish brain left in us that misses the sea.

i remember watching some documentary on apes, and apparently they like it too. they were observed swinging back and forth over a small waterfall, looking at it, even when no other apes were around to see them showing off. it was as if they were performing for the waterfall. or maybe they just wanted a better view.
October 8, 2011 at 12:44am
October 8, 2011 at 12:44am
today's subject, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripatric_speciation

i think biology, and especially evolutionary biology is super interesting. i used to be really into it and read most of Dawkins' books, and also Gould and Mayr. life is just so cool, all kinds of life, and learning how it is all connected, all related, is really cool. imagining life shifting, moving, expanding, shaping to meet the pressures of a changing environment. and now, we shape our own environment.

people like to think evolution doesnt affect us, or that it has stopped somehow, but it hasn't. the selection pressures have just changed. though... i cant say what they are. but as long as some people have kids, and some people dont, evolution is taking place, selecting for the people who do have children.

but it's not even as simple as that. because, if you're siblings have children, most of your genes are still passed on through them. in animals like ants and bees, the vast majority of the colony does not reproduce..... and, ive forgotten where i was going with this. bees are awesome though. a whole group of honey bees can swarm up on a giant wasp the size of your thumb that is attacking their hive, and cover it. then they start vibrating their little bodies all together, producing so much heat that the wasp stuck beneath them is boiled alive.

bees are rad.
October 6, 2011 at 11:08pm
October 6, 2011 at 11:08pm
ok, so, ive been having a hard time focusing my thoughts enough to write about anything in these blog posts without a prompt giving me direction, so, i decided i'd hit the random article button on wikipedia and use that as a prompt. here's what i got today http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile_G%C3%B3mez

baseball. i find it very boring, and have not enjoyed it since i was a youngster. though, most team sports dont interest me much. i think baseball would be more interesting if they seasons and games were both about 50% shorter, and if they had a pitch clock, and also if the baseballs randomly exploded. or if the outfielders had jetpacks to better catch the really high ones.

i think i have a hard time with team sports because i dont feel like the team represents anything. you can like a player, but the player isnt going to stay on that team. that team may not even stay in that city! why should i care what group of people wins whatever contest im watching? do i pick which mascot i think is more fun? i guess you can pick which city you like best, though it's likely hardly any of the players or coaches are from that city. i suppose its fun to watch if you make a bet on it, but otherwise i have a hard time caring who wins.

individual sports, like UFC or golf even, interest me more. because you can learn about the players, and their styles of play and personalities.

guess im just not a team player
October 6, 2011 at 12:57pm
October 6, 2011 at 12:57pm
well, ive got an idea for the throwdown, and have finished a very rough and skeletal outline. so, im way ahead of schedule! usually i dont have a strong enough idea to start writing till the last week of the month, and have to bang the whole thing out in a few days. now, if i can just start writing it...

October 4, 2011 at 1:08am
October 4, 2011 at 1:08am
i got one in the mail today. it was on sale on amazon for 79$. i signed up for the amazon credit card that i'll never use, and got 30$ off. then i signed up for a free trial of amazon prime, which i shall cancel, and that got me free 2 day shipping. so, it was like 55$, woo! it has wifi on it, so now i can shop for and buy books in the comfort of my own home, or wherever i am. i bought one with the touch of a button, and it downloaded almost instantly, and it was half the price as the bookstore! sure, a used book would be cheaper, but the author doesn't get any money from those sales.

i think i will be reading a lot more often now, this thing makes me feel like im in the future. it will save so much space not having dozens of books around. i can keep a few favorites to show off on a shelf, then have hundreds in my pocket. the last form of entertainment to be digitized, and possibly the best. or is it the last? probably not. in a hundred years, maybe all sports will be digital, performed only in virtual reality so no one is injured. and people will be suspended for hacking the physics so they can jump farther...
October 2, 2011 at 5:35am
October 2, 2011 at 5:35am
30 day challenge is over, and im still writing something, how bout that! we'll see how long i keep it up...

played d&d at my friends house today while his 3yo son ran around yelling the whole time. he's cute usually, but even when he is, it only ever reminds me that i dont want children. i'm just too selfish to want to dedicate my life to another person. and, yes it's true that once you have one, something clicks in your brain to make you not care about anything but them.. but you could say the same thing about drugs.. you spend loads of money on them, and give up everything for them, but boy do you sure enjoy it!

speaking of drugs, i started watching Breaking Bad, very good so far. chemistry is interesting. if you are going to dissolve a body in acid, don't do it in the bathtub.

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