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Rated: XGC · Book · Personal · #1762613
Random crap written when I'm not working on a story... may or may not be interesting...

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I've never had one before...

Want to use this to keep my fingers moving even when I don't have a story to write, or if I'm stuck.

Will contain random crap which may or may not be interesting.

I don't do too many interesting things, so, i will probably write about things that other people, who I have never met and who may or may not be real, are doing.

Also, cats, and science, and beer, and metal.
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October 1, 2011 at 1:04am
October 1, 2011 at 1:04am
Day 30 Prompt - VIP Pass or Hall Pass?
Write whatever comes into your mind

I'll take a VIP pass because im a very important person, and i dont need no stinking hall pass! i'll walk down whatever halls i want, and if you think i dont belong you better think again!

also, its been thirty days and ive updated every damn day, so, yeah, hall passes are lame. and, uh, the vip pass gets you in the back door to the back stage where you get to see all the awesome sights and hang out with the cool people, me being one of them.

and, thats it. nothing specail for day 30. woo yay! did it! done! hooray!

i didnt and dont expect to win, but i did expect to complete it, and im glad i did. yay me.

the end.
September 29, 2011 at 5:40pm
September 29, 2011 at 5:40pm
You remember the old days of the web? How the sites looked like with only html coding and/or old levels of flash? When blogs were limited? Aside the web there were cassette tapes, floppy discs, VCDs and LDs and we used to make mixes on the tapes to listen in our car as the CD players were unavailable or expensive. And of course the CRT monitors which were really small compared to the monitors we have today.

Write about this past in many paragraphs if need be. Write about vinyl records, the walkmans that were the predecessors to the iPOD, the first mobile phones, etcetera. Write your memories about them and how much they mean to you. Even if you were born in the late 90's or so I bet technology still has progressed and you might have seen your parents' old things.

So, write on the nascent years of the tech generation ^_^

when i was a teenager, i had a 700mb hard drive on my pc, and dirty pictures saved on floppy disks. I played doom and quake and warcraft and starcraft with my brother over LAN. I heard screeching howling sounds when i connected to the internet. i had cassette tapes! and a gameboy with only tetris on it for the longest time, and my phone could barely text!

now, everyone has audio and video recording capability in an instant, and it can be uploaded for everyone to see in a matter of hours. I think this trend will continue to grow, i think soon the average person will have recording devices in their eyes and ears, and will be constantly uploading all their experiences to the web for others to view, of for themselves to review later.

then, you will be able to live stream someone elses audio and video into your own brain, experienceing someone's life through their own eyes as they live it. if you are doing something interesting enough, you could have thousands of people experiencing it right along with you through your eyes..

then, once other sensations such as touch and smell are able to be recorded, the end of technological progress will be just around the corner. with everyone in the world constantly uploading everything the see hear touch taste smell feel to one single database, if you want to go anywhere in the world, as long as someone has been there, you can be there too. a sort of google maps, but with all the senses, and totally immersive. maybe for a while it will even be a job for people to run around to remote parts of the world, looking at and touching everything, but, once you have so much sensory information, you dont really need anymore, because you can mix and match the information to create new experience.

by this point, anyone with the money to do so will be living completely in virtual reality. doing whatever crazy fantasies they want, by themselves or with friends. the next step will be to create a capable AI to take care of our bodies as they lay there with us in the virtual world. mankind will pool together their efforts to create this, then go to sleep in the virtual world, the only progress being to add upgrades to its technology, or work on increasing our own lifespan.

but, living in a simulation may lose it's appeal, even if it's a perfect one, if you know that it's a simulation, and that you can have anything that you want at any time. maybe people will figure out how to segregate their memories, partition their minds, so that for a set time they forget that it is a simulation. maybe you could design your own life, with hardship and rewards along the way, and see how you do before you wake up and create another life for yourself. maybe that's what you are doing now.

but, comcast will save us with its monopoly and shitty bandwidth caps, making none of this feasible! thanks comcast, for keeping us rooted firmly in the past!

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September 29, 2011 at 1:11am
September 29, 2011 at 1:11am
No prompt for today! that means...

Dinosaurs, robots and cats!

If a dinosaur time traveled from the past, and a robot time traveled from the future, and a cat sat and waited for them to come to him... then, there would be a robot dinosaur battle and the only winner would be the cat, who would be observing it all nonchalantly while being pet and fed by some sap(me).

then the cat would burrow into the corpse of the dinosaur and make a home there, using the meat for food and the bones for scratching posts. and it would use the remains of the robot to fashion a laser pointer that stayed perfectly still, and a keyboard for it to sit on. then, it wouldnt need me any more. and my house would be destroyed by the battle. and, i would have to find a new place, far a way, in the future, which i would go to because the time portal was still open from when the robot came through.

and the cat would continue to live inside the dinosaur, and people would come to see it, and a cult would be formed. the cult of the dino - slaying cat. and when i got to the future it would have dominated the world, and i would have power over it all, because it's my cat. except, cats dont give a fuck about you.
September 28, 2011 at 2:54am
September 28, 2011 at 2:54am
What was the best advice you were ever given? And did you take it??

some advice that stuck with me was when someone (i wish i could remember who, but i cant) pointed out to me that the things you regret in life, are almost always things you didn't do. people dont regret failures half as much as they regret when they didn't try. when they didn't kiss that girl or go on that trip or jump out of that plane.

so next time you are afraid to do something, either because you are afraid of failure or rejection or physical injury, think about how you will feel five or ten years forward, looking back. think about how much you will regret not doing it, how that 'what if' feeling will nag at you, how you'll think 'if i could just go back, id...' spare yourself that future regret, and just do it!

September 27, 2011 at 3:43am
September 27, 2011 at 3:43am
"If you were asked to be the keynote speaker at a graduation ceremony, what would you say to inspire the graduates to work toward their dreams and attain their goals? Write your speech for us."{/i

It's your life, and it's now or never!

As long as you never give in, your dreams will never die!

Let all your troubles go, cling to the joy of living!

Never give up, never give in, wherever this world's going to take you!

Take a chance, reach out and grab what you want!

Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals!

The only journey is the journey within!

Reach for the moon! If you fail, at least you fall amongst the stars!

blah blah blah! words words words! cliche platitudes!

Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals! YAY!

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September 25, 2011 at 11:17pm
September 25, 2011 at 11:17pm
I deserve a ____________. Finish the statement and write about why you deserve it.

I deserve a raise! and one bigger than the 1 or 2% a year i've been getting...

seriously, though, i dont know exactly how to answer this question. you wont get very far in life waiting for things you 'deserve' to just fall in your lap. you have to act. you have to reach out and take them.

and how is it decided who deserves what? if you think you deserve something, then make it yours. other people may disagree with you, though.

Is saying you deserve something different than saying you want it? i guess you can want things that even you yourself don't think you deserve. I want loads of money, but i haven't done anything to earn it.

I want a vacation, i think i deserve that. I'm going to get on a train with no plan, hop off in a new city and wander around. then maybe i'll rent a car and drive who knows where. then when i'm out of money, i'll stop wherever i am and get a job, and in a few months i'll be off again.

or i'll stay at home and google earth the cities i want to go to, and zoom down to street level. I guess i deserve to get up and go to work in the morning.
September 24, 2011 at 3:37pm
September 24, 2011 at 3:37pm
The Domestic Division of Labor.

I don't have much to say about this. I take out the trash when I notice that it is full, I clean whatever dish or cup I used, and I expect others to do the same.

I need to get my own place. I've always lived with roommates, and though it can be nice, it's also a pain having to deal with other peoples shit. I want my house to be my own, and not have to argue or debate about what goes on in it. I want silence when I'm sleeping and no one bitching about the smell of meat when I cook.

So, the division of labor would be me doing everything. Because it's my house, and i dont want to listen to anyone whine, or see them do a half assed job.

And also, I'd have cats. And they would clean nothing but themselves.
September 23, 2011 at 4:45pm
September 23, 2011 at 4:45pm
""What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call.” ~ Liz Carpenter

Write a letter to someone you care about, maybe someone you wish to apologize to, maybe someone you miss."

Well, the only time i've ever written an actual letter on a piece of paper and mailed it, was when i was 11 or 12, and I wrote to my favorite author at the time, Brian Jacques. Imagine my surprise when he wrote me back! I tried to find that letter recently, but i could'nt. I think it may be in the attic somewhere at my parents place, along with my ninja turtles and gi joes.

I'm not sure what i'd ever write in a physical letter, unless it were some legal thing. If I want to tell someone something, i'd rather interact with them, hear and see their response to my words, have a conversation come out of it. Maybe i could write a letter and then hand it to them and stand there while they read it.. but that seems weird. I guess writing a letter today wouldn't be about conversation, or communication even really, but more about letting someone know how you feel about something, without wanting them to respond. like a piece of art, a drawing, but with words.

true you can't reread a phone call.. but you can't re read a face to face conversation either.. unless you videotape it i guess.. and you can reread emails... and IM conversations... i certainly have done that before...

And i didn't write a letter... i keep messing up these prompts!
September 22, 2011 at 4:21pm
September 22, 2011 at 4:21pm
You are putting on a dinner party, and have already invited all the friends and family that you want to attend. Now, you can invite three more people from anywhere in the world, and any time in history... who are they, and why? (no fictional characters!)

Even though i have all of time to choose from, i'm going to limit my self to the past couple hundred years or so, because i think anyone from much further back than that would just be too confused and scared to be interesting as anything more than an exhibit. (look at that! i'm over-analyzing my own prompt!)

First off, I think I'd have to invite Stephen Fry, because he is brilliant, hilarious, and a purveyor of many interesting things. He seems to be a great conversationalist and i'm sure he could talk for hours to people about anything topic that struck anyone's fancy. And also, I'm a huge fan *StarStruck*

Next, I'd invite Richard Feynman, another brilliant man, but this time in the field of physics. He was known for being able to explain the most complicated things in easy ways for the layman to understand, and also doing it in a fun, charming way. Also he was known for being sort of a ladies man, so my lady guests could have fun flirting as well as talking about the structure of atoms and how magnets work.

Finally, I'd ask Isaac Asimov, because he is one of my favorite writers, and one I've always tried to emulate. I'd love to ask him about what his favorite books were -to read or write, and what writing tips he could offer. I'd talk to him about the future, and what he thought it would be like. And how did he write so many books, on so many subjects? Hundreds! An amazing man.

And fourth... I'd invite everyone on WDC! :P

September 21, 2011 at 10:54pm
September 21, 2011 at 10:54pm
We’re all afraid of something. Write a formal complaint to whatever scares you the most.

My fears all involve being out of control. Being not able to leave somewhere, being trapped, such as stuck in an elevator, or being in prison, if i was put in solitary confinement i think i would likely kill myself in a matter of days. even if im somewhere fun, but i cant leave for some reason, like my car broke, or i rode with someone else and have to wait for them to want to leave, it makes me very uncomfortable. even though i dont travel around much, just knowing that i have the power to leave to anywhere at a moments notice is very comforting.

but the worst is being out of control of my own mind. drugs, are not for me. panic attacks everywhere. and i cant control it, and cant run away from it, because it's in me. this makes it the worst thing ever.

time is another thing i don't like to think about. it just keeps going, ticking away and its going to be gone eventually no matter what you do. im going to be 30 soon. then i'll be 31, 32, 33... start at your age and just count up... scary. and there is nothing you can do to stop it. we are born falling toward the ground with nothing to grab on to. hopefully, though, i'll have enough years for the idea of death to grow on me before i have to face it.

oh, i just noticed that this is supposed to be in the style of a formal complaint. shit.

Dear Fear. You make my life shit sometimes. Get out. If I could take a pill to get rid of you, yet keep all my other faculties intact, i would take it every day, just to be sure. So, go back to the outside world, and stay out of my mind!

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