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Rated: XGC · Book · Personal · #1762613
Random crap written when I'm not working on a story... may or may not be interesting...

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I've never had one before...

Want to use this to keep my fingers moving even when I don't have a story to write, or if I'm stuck.

Will contain random crap which may or may not be interesting.

I don't do too many interesting things, so, i will probably write about things that other people, who I have never met and who may or may not be real, are doing.

Also, cats, and science, and beer, and metal.
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September 11, 2011 at 5:13pm
September 11, 2011 at 5:13pm
"Today marks the 10-year anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, this tragedy touched us all. It changed the course of history and altered our lives forever. Today is a day to reflect on those events and remember all of the innocent victims that were lost. The human spirit is always enduring and perseveres even through a horrible tragedy such as this. Write about your feelings, thoughts, emotions, anything that comes to mind, both then and now."

Well, it's 9/11 again. The day that I turn off the television, stay off the internet, and go outside. Because I was tired of hearing about it after the first anniversary. I understand a lot of people died, and that it was a terrible tragic event. But thousands of people die every day, and we aren't honoring their deaths and remembering them at all, let alone every year ad infinitum. It's like some kind of grotesque holiday.

It was a sad day, it's still sad, it will always be sad... but any death is sad.
If I had a friend who had been murdered ten years ago, I'm sure I would still remember him, and have a drink in his name every year, probably more than once. But what i wouldn't do is plaster pictures of his corpse everywhere i could find, and play videos of his death for all my friends and family, and strangers who have never even met him, and make collectable coins with his dead body on them, and coffee table books with close-ups of his wounds. that would be considered obsessive.

instead of mourning these deaths and getting along with our lives, we've let them completely control our lives. we frantically throw our freedoms away in the name of 'safety', all over what? a dozen guys with box-cutters? is that all it takes to turn the land of the free into the land of fear? all it takes for us to turn on ourselves, and start hating anyone with brown skin and a beard, or a middle-eastern sounding name? how childish. a national tantrum.

its time to get back to being a happy and free country. and we cant do that as long as we automatically see the boogyman of 'terrorism' in the face of every stranger.
cancer kills more than terrorism. starvation kills more than terrorism. lightning strikes kill more than terrorism. vending machines kill more than terrorism. in 2009 a total of 9 americans worldwide died due to terrorism. http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/crt/2009/145700.htm we need to stop letting this control our lives.

tonight i'll toast a drink to all those who died on that shitty day, and to all the soldiers who got sucked into this pointless war because of it. and i'll drink to freedom, and the hope that we start taking some of it back.
September 10, 2011 at 2:04pm
September 10, 2011 at 2:04pm
How do you cure writer’s block? Do you have a special ritual that you go through when you encounter writer’s block? Or do you just suffer through it and hope it clears up or goes away?

When I have writers block, I usually can fix it by talking to someone about what I'm trying to write. Just saying the troubles I'm having out loud will often give me the solution. And, people ask questions that I hadn't thought of which leads to new ideas... talking (or typing) to someone, is i think the best help for me for writers block.

If I have no one to talk to, though, I will listen to music. I will find some music that has the same 'vibe' that I want my story to have, and listen to it while letting my mind wander, and see what appears in my head. Or watching movies that are of the genre i'm trying to write, or reading books of the same.

Usually though, my writers block is just a lack of motivation in disguise. Hearing someone tell me that they want to read whatever it is that i'm trying to write will usually get the wheels turning pretty quickly.

And, also, blogging! It gets my fingers used to typing, so, instead of just staring at a blank page, they feel the need to move!
September 9, 2011 at 2:12pm
September 9, 2011 at 2:12pm
"Where do you turn to and what do you see when you're lonely?"

When I'm lonely and I have no one to talk to (and there is no one in wdc chat room) i usually just try to remind myself that other people exist. I'll go sit in a crowded place, and just be around people. Or, go into a random chat room with strangers and just have that open in the background while i do other things.

I like to watch mst3k when I'm lonely also. It always makes me feel like I'm hanging out with old friends. Or i listen to talk radio, Phil Hendrie is my favorite. Watching Let's Play's on youtube is another thing, playing games is most fun for me with other people, and when i have no one to play with.. i watch other people play instead! haha

I think it is much harder to be lonely with the internet at your fingertips 24/7. There is always someone to talk to about whatever is on your mind, even if they are a stranger. And strangers are for the most part kind, in my experience. Then again, most people need more face to face human contact than I do. I can be satisfied with only electronic communications for long periods of time. well, i shouldn't say satisfied. sustained, maybe.

next time you feel lonely, remember there is a whole world of people out there, and some of them probably just as lonely. reach out and talk to someone! call someone, post a message on a forum, send an email (to me if you want *Smile* ) because, being lonely sucks, and you shouldn't have to be!
September 8, 2011 at 12:33pm
September 8, 2011 at 12:33pm
Imagine the abstract part of you (mind, soul, spirit) is a house. What rooms are in the house? Which room is your favorite, or are you afraid of, or do you find yourself in most? Describe one of these rooms in detail, or give us an overview of the whole house full of rooms.

My house only has a few rooms. the main one is very large with dark hardwood floors and several large comfy chairs and couches in the center facing a large roaring fireplace. The walls are made of bookshelves which are full of all the facts and knowledge i have learned, all the movies and shows i have watched, and all the music i have listened to. Above the large fire place is a big screen television, with surround sound all in the room. Sometimes i watch the television, and sometimes i stare into the fire... listening to music helps me see more interesting things in the fire.

There are also two very large windows in this room, that take up most of the wall opposite the fire and television, they look out over a vast and beautiful landscape of trees and mountains and rivers and storms and sunsets and eclipses and stars. But usually I am in the chair with my back to it, looking at the fire or the television.

Upstairs is the attic. It stores all my memories of my life of more that a few years past. It is very disorganized and cluttered and dusty. I only find things by chance, or when someone hands it to me.. and then i can only guess which box it came from.

There is a bedroom which contains my dreams.. it is very foggy and dim, and I'm never sure what's going on in there until I step through the door.

There is also a basement. It has been sealed up with brick, and i try not to think about it. Sometimes i'll feel the house shake, and there will be a crack in the brick that I have to repair.

sometimes the brick cracks wide enough and something gets through. It puts the fireplace out and darkens the room so i cant read the books. It cracks the television and pulls the shades down on the windows. It locks the door to the bedroom and chases me in circles until i want to die.

eventually it goes back to the basement, and i can relight the fire, fix the television, put the books back on the shelves, open the blinds, and try to rebuild the wall even stronger.

September 7, 2011 at 12:52am
September 7, 2011 at 12:52am
Write an experience where you were scammed by
a transaction. How do you fight with it?

when i worked at a gas station, i several times encountered what are called 'quick change artists' or, at least that's what i heard them called. What they would do is buy a small purchase with a large bill. When you handed them the change, they would say something like "oh wait, can i get fives instead of 20s?' and then 'oh, well hold on, i need one 20' and so on, trying to confuse you as to how much money you had given them.

i knew what i was up against though, and just did everything very slowly with all the money in plain site, and they gave up and left. even if there is a long line, just do everything slowly and clearly and in plain sight. also it helps to be good at math.

I can't think of a time i have fallen for a scam, though i have had my debit card number used to buy porn.. so maybe i fell for something somewhere and didn't realize it. i didn't challenge the transactions though, i was too lazy to do the paperwork. I just got a new card.

speaking of which, my new card for my new bank account has not come in the mail, and i have a load of money in my account that i can't get at. the worst part is, i know my wife is going to spend it all! If anyone could be so kind as to hold on to the money for me, i would be able to let you keep ten percent after all is said and done. all I need is your account number and routing number, and i'll be able to transfer the funds to you right away. pm me if you are interested.
September 6, 2011 at 3:01am
September 6, 2011 at 3:01am
"Summer? Autumn? Winter? Spring? Which is your favorite time of the year and why is it your favorite? Tell what kinds of things you like to do during that season."

My favorite season is the fall :) i love the cool weather and the smell of the air, and the color of the leaves, and the holidays! halloween is my favorite, i like seeing all the creative costumes, and the parties. thanksgiving is nice too. also, new tv comes out in the fall... and i watch way too much television.

i like the weather, here fall is cool enough to wear a jacket if you want, but not so cold that driving with the windows down is uncomfortable..
September 5, 2011 at 2:57pm
September 5, 2011 at 2:57pm
"What if the "one that got away", the person who absolutely ripped your heart to shreds, came crawling back to you begging for another chance? How would you handle the situation?"

The ones that got away from me were never anyone i actually had in the first place.. so, if they decided that they were interested in me after all, i would definitely go for it.

it would be so much easier if we could choose the people we have feelings for. instead ive got constant repetition of not being interested in the ladies that want me, and vice versa.

the only thing to do is keep meeting people! im sure a lot of it has to do with a lack of effort on my part..
September 4, 2011 at 12:02pm
September 4, 2011 at 12:02pm
"When is it OK to lie? We all tell the occasional "little white lie". What makes them more acceptable than a regular lie?"

The answer to this question depends mainly on the context. In a legal context it is almost always OK to lie. If you are in a courtroom, or talking to a police officer, then you may get in trouble for it, but otherwise, not really. You can lie in advertising if you are careful about it, you can lie to your customers if you twist the words just right, and you can lie to voters easily with no repercussions. But, i think that is not what was meant by 'ok' in this question, because people are not very happy with being lied to in this way... i find these lies to be greed and power drivin, and I personally am not 'ok' with them, but in a legal context they are 'ok'.

In a social context, it is sometimes required of you to lie, and the truth is considered rude. This is mainly the lie of omission. By keeping silent, you allow someone to believe that you agree with them, which is a sort of lie. This is mainly the case when conversation comes to the area of religion or politics. Usually it is much better to smile and nod and attempt to change the subject, than to say what you really think, especially if it is in a happy friendly environment where guests would not appreciate heated discussions. I am 'ok' with this kind of lying when others do it, but, i really don't like doing it myself. But sometimes the alternative would be even more uncomfortable.

Then there are situations where you are lying to protect yourself or your loved ones. Lying to the enemy, in other words. If someone is actively trying to destroy you, either physically, socially, or financially, then i would have no qualms about you using any skill you have to defend yourself through subterfuge, sabotage, or whatever else you can come up with.

Other than this last situation, i find lying to be very uncomfortable. The truth is so much easier to keep track of!
September 3, 2011 at 3:15am
September 3, 2011 at 3:15am
"You have been named as a suspect in a crime that you didn't commit (and had no knowledge that it even occurred). It was a burglary and now you're being questioned by the police. Write the interrogation, from a handful of questions you are asked, to the answers you provide. Feel free to implicate other members as possible suspects to clear your name."

I'm in the interrogaton room, hot lights bright in my eyes. The detective pounds his fist on the table.

"We know you took it, now where is it?"

"It would help if you would tell me what the hell it is."

"Don't bullshit me you little fuck!" The table took another beating. "It was there, you were there, and now it's gone. Make this easy on yourself and everyone else and just tell me."

I sigh and lean forward, my arms on the table, my head down. "Animal, plant or mineral?"


"Animal? Plant? Mineral? What is this thing I've taken?"

"Uh... well it isn't really any of those-"

"An abstract concept then?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Just so you know, although the concept of currency is fairly abstract the bills themselves are made of paper, so would fall under 'plant'."

"It's not money goddammit!" A coffee cup jumped off the table and clattered on the ground.

"Okay! Okay... so, can it only be taken, or can it be given also?"

"I've given you plenty of it."

"Is it shit? I did take a shit this morning."

"Shit ain't no abstract concept, you fuckwit!"

"Good point. Okay, if I'm taking and you're giving, then it must be... time?"



"Time. Yes. That is correct. You have taken a lot of my goddamned time figuring this shitty blog post out, and you are going to pay for it."

"Your time? But you're the one that brought me here. This doesn't make any sense."

"Well I'm just doing whatever you type, you stupid shit! This whole clusterfuck is your fault!"

"Oh yeah."

"What the hell made you think you could put a twist ending on a blog post anyway? Come on!"

"Yeah... I don't know what I was thinking."
September 2, 2011 at 12:42pm
September 2, 2011 at 12:42pm
"What is your biggest pet peeve/gripe/grievance/whatever you want to call it? Why does it bother you so much?"

I'm very good at getting along with people no matter what weird quirks or habits or attitudes they have, but I can't abide anti-intellectualism. People who are proud of being ignorant of something, and look down on learning and highly educated people as 'elitist' just really grind my gears.

It seems there is a lot of this in america, however subtle. Knowing a lot about any subject gets rolled eyes, (if I don't know about that it can't be that important, why are you wasting your time?) highly educated people in movies are rarely good guys, (have you ever seen a scientist in a movie who wasn't either evil, or a socially retarded clown?)

Of course if you look hard enough you can find examples of anything anywhere, and i am probably suffering from confirmation bias, but, whenever anyone takes this attitude of derision toward learning, something in my mind automatically shifts them into the 'idiot' category, and i have to make a conscious effort to continue taking them seriously about anything.

these people seem opposed to ever saying 'i don't know' about anything, so when they have to they try to belittle the knowledge they don't have by saying things like 'that's stupid, why would anyone know that?' and making it a problem with the person who does know, instead of with them for not knowing. such a lack of curiosity makes me sad. it's not like you are going to run out of room in your head from learning too much. and a simple 'i dont know, tell me' will lead to so many more interesting conversations!

i guess it boils down to a lack of curiosity. or, maybe a fear of new knowledge, because then you may need to change your opinions on things, which is uncomfortable or even painful, especially when you've had them for a long time.

im sure ive over generalized and exaggerated quite a bit in this post, but hey, im supposed to be complaining!

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