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by Fi
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1877728
...there you will find me.
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

*Starv* *Starg* *Starv* *Starg* *Starv*

A fascination for the stars,
a friendship with the darkest night;
a search for adventure,
a longing for the light;
a journey to the edge of the universe,
a wonder in my eyes...
I have strong convictions,
I love to sing and dance, I hate sham, lies and guise.
I love life, people, oceans, pens, dreams, cats, chocolate,
and I'll stand for what is right.
You can tell me what I should be,
Everything I lack.
But at the end of the day just take me back
to where the stars still shine at night.

*Starv* *Starg* *Starv* *Starg* *Starv*

*Infov* Warning: Contains pert opinions, illogical thoughts, unrealistic dreams, ridiculous rants, irrelevant links, un-profound philosophy and "conservative" religious beliefs.

You're welcome to read, follow, comment, listen, laugh and cry. *Reading* I can't promise any emotionally-tranquil content. *Smirk*

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

® Bragging Rights Reserved
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September 5, 2013 at 4:00am
September 5, 2013 at 4:00am
Just because I can't help it, I have to test out the new feature. *Bigsmile*

As usual, nothing is usual around here. A rock-steady, ever-changing environment is exactly what a writer needs. Loving it!
September 5, 2013 at 12:54am
September 5, 2013 at 12:54am
Oops, I forgot to post yesterday. I was in town all day, got home late and spent the remainder of my time reading and judging contest entries. *Smile*

Tuesday's word count:
*Box* 257 words of Chapter 26 (why am I not doing well on Tuesdays??)

Wednesday's word count:
*Checkg* 752 words of Chapter 27. Could have done better to make up for yesterday. *Pthb*

Finished the "WDC Birthday Obstacle Course *Checkr*
Completed "Invalid Item *Checkv*
Earned/won over 50k in GPs, I still don't know how! *Shock* *Delight* *Check*
And successfully completed my entry for "The Writer's Cramp:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1951066 by Not Available.

So I have nothing to grumble about today. *Bigsmile* I have been hoping to enter "The Writer's Baker's Dozen Contest but just haven't got around to it. I wrote half a story and then realized I had missed the deadline (curse the time difference!), then wrote another half and lost steam.

A bit annoyed that three recent awardicons/MBs didn't show up on Community Recognition. *Cry* Oh well, it reminds me not to be greedy and not to take it for granted either. *Laugh*

*Starg* Bragging:

Very proud of my new badge – thanks Princess Zelda ! :-[
Merit Badge in Determination
[Click For More Info]

 "Congratulations! You have completed 13 qualifying reviews for Day 3 of the  [Link To Item #1946721] .  Thank you for your great reviews celebrating Writing.Com's 13th Birthday."

And the lovely new port awardicon – thanks nangwaya! *Delight*

What's this? Yes, awardicons can be linked! It was supposed to be a secret, but I accidentally discovered it and SM said I could go ahead and shout it everywhere. Well, not really, but I did mention it in Scroll and he said he was testing it and thought, "What are the chances someone tries it... Or tries it and tells someone else. LOL! *Bigsmile*"

So ssssh for now. *Laugh* Next time I'll shut my blabbing mouth, but this time the temptation is too great. After all, there must be some proof that I discovered it! *Laugh* Writing.Com Hall of Fame: "9.5.13: Kasia, aka flea333, accidentally discovers SM's fantastic new feature, linking awardicons."

*Starv* Featured:

*Ribbonb* Congratulations to the two recent winners.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1950675 by Not Available.

Agony of Christ  (ASR)
The agony and pain of our Lord Jesus...
#1950793 by ber-brag
September 2, 2013 at 11:28pm
September 2, 2013 at 11:28pm
*Checkb* 795 words of Chapter 26.

I am keeping well on top of my 700 words per day goal, but other areas of my WdC life are lagging. I'm starting to get overwhelmed, especially with all the birthday celebrations.

*Right* 700 words per day, five days a week
*Right* Continue judging entries of "Invalid Item, and try reviewing some of them
*Right* Participate in "WDC Birthday Obstacle Course and "Wdc 13th Birthday Masquerade Ball
*Right* Keep "Invalid Item updated
*Right* Finish and close "Invalid Item
*Right* Complete review for "Invalid Item
*Right* Stay calm and don't be grumpy. *Pthb*

Well, grumpy rant over. :-[ I am working on 13 reviews of entries in "Invalid Item for "Invalid Item (phew! what a mouthful).

Recording my progress in the "WDC Birthday Obstacle Course:

1) Enter a contest. *Checkg* "Invalid Item
2) Complete a random review. *Checkv* Review of "Halloween"
3) Post an update to your Notebook Tab. *Checkg* "Note: *Bookopen* Write *Pen* by Yours Tru..."
4) Respond to a new member post in "Noticing Newbies. *Checkv* "Re: A newly active member"  
5) Write a "Product Review *Checkg* "Tombstone"  
6) Link an item from your portfolio that you would like reviewed. *Checkv* "Invalid Item (Passkey: 333777)
7) Link to a member that you have reviewed, and believe others should review. *Checkg* ber-brag
8) Review an item from the portfolio of the last member who reviewed something in your portfolio. *Checkv* Review of "Sailing"
9) Post your goals for the week or respond to a goal post in "Weekly Goals. *Checkg* "Weekly goals"  
10) Search "Writing.Com 101 for an entry on Virtual Dice. *Checkv* "Virtual Dice
11) Submit a review to "Good Deeds Get CASH! *Checkg* Review of "Color of Hope"
12) Read an entry plugged on "The Blog Board and leave a comment. *Checkv* "1 Good Morning Memory day the 13th Mmm!
13) Use your "Notepad to check your links before submitting your survey response as only responses with working links will receive a prize! *Checkg*

*Starv* Bragging:

Thanks to CJ Reddick for the awardicon! *Heart*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1735091 by Not Available.

*Starg* Featured:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1950421 by Not Available.

Congratulations to murphyco for winning 1st Place in Day 1 over at "Invalid Item *Thumbsup*
September 1, 2013 at 6:17am
September 1, 2013 at 6:17am
*Balloony* HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY, WRITING.COM!!! *Balloonb*

Can I believe it? We're 13 at last!

What can I say? It's late and I have to go to bed, but I can't tear myself away! So much is happening. Awesome updates are everywhere, incredible new features, fantastic activities.

But to bed I must go, and sleep while the party begins on the other side of the world. :-[ Good night, all, I'll see you tomorrow.


*Ribbonv* Honoured to have won the Grand Prize in "HONORING OUR VETERANS (Check out the other winners: "WINNERS CHOSEN, AWARDS ON THE WAY!"  )

Fold The Flag  (13+)
They fold the flag for a soldier resting in the grave. [Honoring Our Veterans entry]
#1945821 by Fi

Merit Badge in Military
[Click For More Info]



WDC Birthday Obstacle Course  (E)
Celebrate Writing.Com's 13th Birthday by completing this challenge!
#1948961 by Diane

A great activity which looks like a lot of fun to play in, + a MB and a draw for a 6-month Premium. *Smile*
August 30, 2013 at 7:55pm
August 30, 2013 at 7:55pm
*Checkb* 1,611 words of Chapter 25.

12,643 words to go.

New characters joining the story, making it more interesting. These chapters are going to be great to develop in the the edits. I am beginning with constructing Sevina's character, which needs lots of careful attention. Kostov needs the most work, I think – Rena's hatred against him and his gradual change. Their relationship is going to be very entertaining. *Smirk*

Lynx isn't going as well as I had hoped. He just needs more scenes to live up to the standard of Rena's friend and confidante, or the plot will flop. The attention has shifted from him too quickly. Must keep this in mind for the edits. *Rolleyes*

But I'm on a roll and I'm very happy with the progress I am making. This week I have written a total of 7,695 words, over double my expected 3,600! *Delight* Pretty good going, I think.

What's the goss?

*Balloong* Wishing StoryMaster and StoryMistress a very Happy 13th Writing.Com Birthday! :-[ (No more tagging...after an MB, cnote and post in my notebook and each of theirs, I think they wouldn't appreciate any more! *Laugh*) But I can't help shouting their names louder. After all, they have given me my identity as a writer through this awesome site. *Heart*


I think it's only appropriate that the featured authors today should be StoryMaster and StoryMistress. Go give them a cnote, MB, awardicon, Gift Certificate, review and whatever other goodies you can think of. I think they deserve it!
August 29, 2013 at 8:47pm
August 29, 2013 at 8:47pm
*Checkb* 1,202 words of Chapter 23, plus more in 24.

14,290 words to go. *Delight* I definitely need to work more on the setting and Rena's life in the Establishments. *Silent* Oops, I'm not supposed to tell you that until you read it. I have subplots that I mean to develop in the edits. They're going to be lots of fun. I'm just nervous that I'll lose the inspiration... *Confused* Absolutely must not let that happen.

I have been thinking about my story (no kidding – duh! *Laugh*) and how Luther, Rena's father, sets the tone for the whole book. He connects the past with the present (and the future) and the North to the South. He is the link between what Rena has experienced and what she will experience, and the cause for almost everything that happens.

In some ways, I think he is as important, if not more important, than Rena. It is by his strength that she learns to survive. She relies on him in every way and later his memory is what drives her. Her motive, goal and actions are guided by her father's. He ties the characters together – Rena, Lynx, Otter, Sevina, Atheris, Kostov; they are all connected to him directly. His background story is also the foundation for the conflict.

If Rena is the wheels that carry the plot along, Luther is the train that drives it. *TrainB**Traincar1Bl**Traincar1G**Traincar1O**Traincar1W**Traincar1R**Traincar1Y*

I am very much indebted to Sparky's comments, suggestions and encouragement. *Thumbsup* I've found his input very helpful. And Elle has sent me some cnotes, which always give me a laugh and a boost in motivation. Thanks to you both. *Heart* (I won't tag you here, since I think I may be starting to annoy you. *Laugh*)

*Balloonb* On the count down for the massive Writing.Com 13th Birthday Celebrations! *Balloonp* I can sense the excitement in the air. This is going to be an incredible party. *Bigsmile*


Who is your favourite character you have ever created? Post the link in the comments below *Down* and tell me all about it! I want to hear everything you have to say about your favourite character, and what you love about them.

I think Luther is my new favourite. :-[ It used to be the cool, in control Jedrek from Within The Forest, and then it was the fat, evil Monsieur Arnette from Maybridge. Now it's fatherly, protective Luther. (As you can see, my female characters don't stand much of a chance! *Laugh* It's bad when you're falling in love with your own characters.) Monty from Matchstick comes next.


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1947280 by Not Available.

eyestar~* presents an articles contest – write 13 reasons you like Writing.Com and compete for the 13 prizes. :-[
August 28, 2013 at 11:36pm
August 28, 2013 at 11:36pm
*Checkb* 2,668 words altogether: 91 words of Chapter 9; 2,133 words of Chapter 22 and 23; 444 words of Chapter 23 that I had previously written and have now added.

Added "Invalid Entry, "Invalid Entry, "Invalid Entry, "Invalid Entry and "Invalid Entry

Not bad going, though I say it myself. *Smile* I think I made up for yesterday. Thanks for all your kind comments, cnotes and support! I hope I'm not letting anyone down. Sometimes I fall short of doing my best. *Pthb*

I'm on the countdown: 15,060 words to go! *Laugh* Yep, I'm starting to count every word I write. (Well, not exactly, but you get the idea.) I'm not the paranoid type, but it's a pretty amazing feeling with the end in sight. I wonder what NaNo would feel like. I know you'll probably think I'm crazy, but I'm interested in doing NaNo this year. I have an idea for a (less ambitious! *Laugh*) novel that I developed an outline for last year, a sort of action/comedy with a bit of mystery thrown in. Some light relief and easy reading after my rather epic "Invalid Item.

Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation is gearing up for NaNo and I'm going to go with her every step of the way, as she works on her first novel. :-[ If I'm not in the writing frenzy myself, I'll be supporting her and laughing at her when she gets just as paranoid about her word count as I am now, and kicking her butt along when she lags behind. *Smirk* I think I'll return the favour of all the encouragement she has shown me by giving her a hard time.

And Elle - on hiatus is whipping me along mercilessly. She has kindly invested 10k in my support, and she isn't going to put up with losing it! *Laugh* I hope you do NaNo this year, Elle, so I can torment you as well. *Smirk* There would be nothing better than having both of you at my mercy.

I'm hesitating between continuing with "Invalid Item straight after I reach the 50,000 words or taking a break so I can come back to it fresh, and maybe do NaNo for something different. I'm wondering if this will help me come back to my novel with a good perspective or only distract me from the story. I guess I'll just see how it goes.

A few of us have been talking about a NaNo contest, sponsored by "P.E.N.C.I.L. We were considering supporting novelists all through November, and those who complete their 50,000 words by the end of the month get a reward, and the best novels receive prizes. What do you think about this? Are there any NaNo-ers out there who would be interested in a contest like this?

Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below. *Down*


 A Man I Never Knew  (E)
Poem about meeting my father
#1949616 by Meshellmybell

I found Meshellmybell 's poem in the "Read A Newbie". I really enjoyed the poem, and it contains some excellent lines. Stop by for a read, rate and review! *Thumbsup*
August 27, 2013 at 7:55pm
August 27, 2013 at 7:55pm
*Box* *Blush* Wrote 65 words and not much else. *Frown*

But I did earn a few thousand GPs in Scroll. *Bigsmile*

I am most heartily ashamed of myself. *Cry* Don't bother rebuking me. I blamed myself all night. I am absolutely determined to make up for it today (which I know I can and shall because I'm going to town, which is an hour away, and I always have lots of time to think and write on the way).

Five more weeks, with 18,000 words to go! That's 3,600 words a week. *Pthb* Yikes. So that's 720 words every working day. I'm freaking out!!! Please, need some support here, people. *Worry*

* Chants: "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it".

Well, to be honest, it's not as bad as I thought it was at first. 18,000 doesn't look half as scary as 25,000 did a while ago. *Smile* So I'm happy and pretty confident I can make it. I would appreciate your support all the same.

What's the goss?

Brother Nature and I are planning on a contest. Can't tell you much now, but keep your eyes peeled for when it goes live!

Congratulations to Shaye and Marci Missing Everyone , and to ~ Aqua ~ and Spawn of Sylvia Plath for their new statuses as Sponsors and Rising Stars ("Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program). *Starg*

Check it out: "Ode to SM and SMs? *Heart* Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation has a soft side after all. *Laugh* *Cry* And tell me if it doesn't make you go aaaaaw. :-[

A good friend here on WDC and neighbour across the Tasman Sea, Sparky , is dealing with Bipolar disorder. I think he could do with some support: "Invalid Entry

There are a lot of shocking, sad, interesting and sweet blog posts going round at the moment. I feel like this week has been an emotional roller coaster for a lot of my friends on WDC. *Frown* I'm the only one without something to tell. *Shock* Maybe I should have another seizure. *Smirk*

I just want you all to know my thoughts and prayers are with each of you, in whatever situation you are dealing with right now. *Heart* Big and little issues, and those days when just everything seems to go wrong – you know I'm here for you through thick and thin.


Yay, some bragging to do! *Bigsmile* A big thanks to JACE and Elle - on hiatus for the awardicon!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1946521 by Not Available.


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1944782 by Not Available.

Come and support this awesome event with unbelievable prizes, hosted by Elle - on hiatus and the "Kiwis on WDC! group.
August 26, 2013 at 6:15am
August 26, 2013 at 6:15am
*Checkg* 611 words of Chapter 22 + 793 words of a short story contest entry.

I could have given myself a blue tick but I don't think I deserve it this time. *Pthb* I did get some bits and bobs done offline (not writing related) that I needed to do, and I'm glad I did. My focus today wasn't on writing, so I'm not going to reward myself for writing. *Bigsmile*

No boasting today. Not much happening. It's late and I'm tired. *Yawn* So here's a quick featured item, a contest that caught my eye and I'm meaning to enter.


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1941917 by Not Available.

I love the idea of picking your own prompt, so thank you sdodger – I look forward to entering. It's so frustrating that the only short story contests seem to be horror or erotica and/or have ridiculously impossible prompts/rules. Does anyone know of any contest that just lets you write a normal short story? *Confused* I want to write something that I actually enjoy. (And the Writer's Cramp isn't inspiring me much lately either, so don't suggest it please. *Pthb* Been there done that.)

Anyone else feel this way?
August 24, 2013 at 7:50am
August 24, 2013 at 7:50am
You would not believe how long it took me to get this one! X was the hardest, of course, although I struggled with H for a while as well. Written for The StoryMistress 's flyer challenge, posted in response to The StoryMaster 's "Note: A big "shout out" ( whoop whoop! ) to [Li..."

The Writing.Com ABC:
author's abode,
blogger's bliss,
creator's challenge,
dreamer's delight,
enthusiast's elysium,
fan's fantasy,
genius's genesis,
humorist's heaven,
intellectual's ideal,
journalist's joy,
kid's kick-off,
lover's life,
master's marvel,
novelist's nirvana,
opportunist's oasis,
poet's paradise,
quality's queen,
reader's rapture,
scribbler's sanctuary,
thinker's tower,
user's upgrade,
virtuoso's valhalla,
writer's world,
x-factor's Xanadu,
your yearning,
zealot's zone.

Got any better ones? Let me know in the comments below. *Down*
August 23, 2013 at 10:15pm
August 23, 2013 at 10:15pm
*Checkb* 1,603 words of Chapter 21 and 22.

*Starv* Like the new look? I got bored of the old layout and decided to change it and make it a bit more personal. Hope you likee. *Smile*

LIKE this post: "Note: Curious how many likes I can get for this post. I..." *Laugh* C'mon, we can do better than 18!

And about my daily writing:

This is me preparing to write my daily 500 words:

This is me when I'm writing:

This is me when I miss my daily word count:

And this is what I hear when I go to bed:

And this is how I feel when I wake up:

This is how I'm starting to feel about my word count:

Actually, these are mostly clips I watch for inspiration. *Pthb* They make me feel so epic. *Laugh*


Fold The Flag  (13+)
They fold the flag for a soldier resting in the grave. [Honoring Our Veterans entry]
#1945821 by Fi

*Starv* Awardicon gifted by the very generous nangwaya *Smile* Thank you! *Heart*


 Night Wanderers  (E)
Two companions traverse the night sky. (from "Kirya and Nero")
#1635713 by BD Mitchell

*Moon* I came across BD Mitchell 's poem in the random reads. I really like his unique rhyme scheme and the flow is very smooth. I was instantly transported.
August 22, 2013 at 9:06pm
August 22, 2013 at 9:06pm
*Checkb* 739 words of Chapter 20 and 21.

Posted "Invalid Entry and "Invalid Entry

Some more work on the emotions of Chapter 21 would help. Tomorrow should be a good day, since I'm coming up to some more juicy plot moments. Descriptions will be difficult though. Rena’s first impression of the Cold Circle is vital.

I went onto YouTube looking for a soundtrack of a train so I could describe it better (Rena has never been on a train before and I wanted to capture what she hears and how she feels about it). I found this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oVTXSntnA0 I was writing at night and actually found it incredibly helpful, not only as a backdrop for my story but to help me relax and concentrate. (Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation you may find this helpful?)

I intend to employ this technique more, although the rain sounds mostly make me want to pee. *Laugh*

I used to be a very heavy sleeper but later learned to sleep lighter. It's always easier getting out of bed in the morning. *Smile* My ability to sleep with any background noise goes back to when I was a baby. At night my parents learned to understand the difference between the cry of a baby in need or pain and the grizzle of baby being fussy. They worked hard and were tired at night. With seven children living in the house we had to adapt to sleeping with noise. Mum called it "healthy neglect" and I can't thank her enough for it.

There is a famous story in the family of when we were building our house. We were priming the wood in a big machine that made a lot of noise. We had been working all day and were all tired. I lay down on the trailer with my earmuffs on and fell asleep. We have a photo of it. Many times I slept through the sound of Dad working on the grinder in the workshop and some of the most magnificent storms.

And of course I have slept listening to the ocean, the wind in the trees, the crackle of a fire, kiwis calling to each other down at the creek, and many other beautiful sounds. *Smile* Nature is a privilege to listen to.

What's happening?

I have an exciting announcement (well, exciting for me *Bigsmile*): Thanks to our very generous donors and a fantastic raffle, enough GPs have been raised for all the prizes at "Invalid Item + more when "Invalid Item funds are received. *Smile* I know I go on about this all the time, but it's just another reminder of how kind and thoughtful the people in this community are. *Heart*


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1948634 by Not Available.

*Puzzle1* Support some great activities and help nangwaya reach his goal of non-smoker! As well as purchasing tickets for only 300 GPs, you can buy yourself a Merit Badge or Awardicon. *Delight*
August 21, 2013 at 10:23pm
August 21, 2013 at 10:23pm
Novel Writing: 500 words

As many of you know, I am writing a novel with "Invalid Item (You can sponsor me here: "Invalid Item *Bigsmile* Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.) I have set a goal of 600 words per working day and to keep to that I am going to try to post in here each day.

I keep a journal on my computer to record my writing progress, so I will copy it into here so all of you, my dearly beloved sponsors *Kiss* and supportive friends *Heart*, can see what I'm up to. This way my notebook posts won't annoy you (much) anymore. *Bigsmile* When I get all excited about something insignificant or totally uninteresting to you, I will post in here and you won't be obliged to read it! *Laugh*

Goal: Finish first draft of "Invalid Item (passkey 333777) by 1st October 2013
Aim: 50,000 words
Written: 30,000 words
To write: 20,000 words
in: 8 weeks
which is: 2,500 words per week
or: 600 words every working day, not counting weekends

When I post, I will include a *Check* to show my level of satisfaction at a glance.

*Checkv* = very happy
*Checkb* = goal reached
*Checkg* = late / unsatisfactorily
*Box* = missing

So for those of you who are interested you can keep up with what I'm doing and sit nervously on the edge of your seat celebrate how wonderfully you have invested your GPs and time and words of encouragement into this humble writer attempting to make her mark in the world of novel writing. *Quill*

*Peace* *Bird* *Pen*

Learning: The 4 D's (sounds like something from algebra, doesn't it? *Laugh*)

I have learned a lot this year while undertaking this awesome novel project (I can't recommend "Invalid Item enough ~ Meeple is a fantastic teacher and guide, and I couldn't have made it this far without her). I wanted to share something I was thinking about last night after completing my daily 500 words.

Writing a novel takes...

*Right* Devotion. You have to be excited about your idea and the plot, love the characters and enjoy every moment you spend with the story.
*Right* Determination. From the beginning you have to channel your energy and focus on this project. You have to take it seriously and be willing to go through with it.
*Right* Discipline. Ouch, this one always stings me. *Bigsmile* I always struggled with this until the best moment of my novel-writing experience: when I signed up, a little reluctantly, to "Invalid Item Setting deadlines is vital, and sticking to them! It makes you scared, but there is such incredible satisfaction in successfully achieving something you wanted to do – or even overachieving.
*Right* Discovery. There is so much you will find out on the way. Life is all around us, and life is about learning. You make mistakes, you pick yourself up, you just don't look back. The horizon is a glow of possibilities, of what you wish you could do and what you can do. Discovery is a reward in itself.

If any of my fellow novel-writers are reading this, I want you to know that you are doing great. I share that anxious and excited feeling that drives us towards the end of our eight weeks. We can make it! Together! *Clock* I wish you the best of luck.

*Peace* *Bird* *Pen*

What's happening:

Okay, this entry is getting really long – but most of it is still to come! *Laugh* I wanted to make a quick note to record a moment I am quite proud of: I have finally finished reading War & Peace (all 2000 pages!). *Smile* It is a heavy read, but interesting. The characters made the book for me. The history is interesting as well, but there is a lot of it!

And the other night I finally got around to watching The Avengers. I loved it. Funny, exciting and thought-provoking. I would rate it 4.5 out of 5. The "reindeer with the glow-stick of destiny" still has me in fits of laughter. That goes down in my favourite quotes hall of fame. *Laugh* *Laugh*

Check out these activities and make sure you support them:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1946558 by Not Available.

WDC Birthday Ice Cream Social 2018  (E)
We're back again this year! Help us celebrate WdC's 18th Birthday in this fun auction!
#1794493 by Pat ~ Rejoice always!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1946721 by Not Available.

*Peace* *Bird* *Pen*

Awards & Honours:

August has so far been an overwhelming month for me. I have received an unbelievable amount of surprises and awards, encouraging and helpful reviews and I have powered ahead with my novel.

Here I would like to showcase these awards...and yes, have a little brag just because I can. *Smirk*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1940205 by Not Available.

*Right* This poem won 1st Place in "Invalid Item! *Delight* ...for which I am indebted to Princess Zelda for considering my poem worthy of the 25k awardicon. *Heart*

Check out the other winners – there is a lot of variety and it's amazing how they have used emoticons in their work:

*Right* I am also very grateful to Princess Zelda for helping me fundraise for "Invalid Item with her raffle "Invalid Item *Thumbsup* Her efforts have been immensely helpful.

*Right* Some of you may have noticed in "Poetry Newsletter (August 21, 2013) I won an honorable mention in "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest with my poem "Invalid Item, for which I am indebted to Stormy Lady

Check out the winner, with her incredible imagery and emotional pull:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1946348 by Not Available.

*Right* by Sandy~HopeWhisperer And take a peek at my fellow honorable mention winner, who presents an accurate description of jealousy:

I intend to compete again in this round, since it was such a fun and exciting challenge, and of course it makes the poetry newsletter doubly interesting. *Bigsmile*

Pillars Of Stone  (13+)
Our childhood shapes our future, even if it ends in a prison graveyard.
#1935235 by Fi

*Right* This poem received an awardicon from warriormom on behalf of Anonymous! *Delight* A big thanks to both of you. *Heart* If you're out there Anonymous I want you to know how grateful I am! Would you believe it? This poem has earned two Merit Badges and an awardicon! *Shock* I am so proud of it, especially since it's one of my favourites. *Blush* *Suitheart*

*Right* Some MBs (wow, there are a lot of them! *Bigsmile*):

Merit Badge in Grammar
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  *^*Balloono*^* Congrats on reaching your 10 reviews with  [Link To Item #pencil] !! *^*Balloono*^* *^*Bigsmile*^* As a reader, writer, reviewer, as well as a leader you have a lot on your plate and I appreciate everything you do! *^*Heart*^* ~ Gaby Merit Badge in RAOK
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Thank you for all your support and generosity over at  [Link To Item #1928789] , we really appreciate it!  *^*Delight*^* Merit Badge in Groups
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Thank you so much for all you do for the  [Link To Item #kiwi]  group.  With such a small group, your support and encouragement makes a huge difference. *^*Delight*^* THANK YOU! Merit Badge in Product Reviews
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For completing ten product reviews for  [Link To Item #1209679] ! 
Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^*
(I dare you to take up the challenge to write ten product reviews and post them at "Angel Product Reviews)

Merit Badge in Motivation
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You are doing GREAT! Keep it up, I am looking forward to reading your complete novel. Merit Badge in RAOK
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CONGRATULATIONS! Winner of  [Link To Item #1928789]  draw for week 16 with an AMAZING answer to NINE Ads in one week! *^*Smile*^* Merit Badge in Congratulations
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Thank you for organising such a fun event Merit Badge in Angel
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Thank you for your donation to 100 Words of Horror. Merit Badge in Inner Strength
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Thank you for your donation to  [Link To Item #1941293] . Your support is much appreciated. For all that you do for this community and for being a great friend, I'm happy to give you the 'Inner Strength MB'. 
You are awesome! *^*Star*^*

And my favourite of all given by my kind and thoughtful Rising Star CJ Reddick :

Merit Badge in Wisdom
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If I did my math correct, this is your 100th merit badge.  And I promised myself to be the one to give it to you.  Thanks for all of your wisdom and for your friendship!
 [Link To User azulofegypt39]

And I have saved perhaps the best award of all for last. GabriellaR45 and Hannah ♫♥♫ completely *Starstruck* my day, week and perhaps month by bestowing on me Rising Stars Group's highest reviewing award! Can you believe it? *Shock* Neither can I!

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*Noteb* Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation *Bigsmile*

® Bragging Rights Reserved
August 14, 2013 at 3:53am
August 14, 2013 at 3:53am
Reading Emily 's blog entry "Invalid Entry inspired me, so I'm stealing her idea (which she stole from Shaye 's "Invalid Entry *Laugh*) and I'm going to give it a go myself to break the Blogger's Block I have been experiencing for a month.

So here is my list of favourites:

Number: 7
Girl's name: Fiona, Lenora (Nora), Vienna (it sounds like a girl's name, right? *Laugh*)
Boy's name: Archie, Arthur, Eric, Stanley (Stan), Harry
Movies: Lord Of The Rings, The Hobbit, Defiance, Bourne Trilogy, Pride & Prejudice (1995) ...and many, many more.
Song/Band/Artist: Hallelujah Chorus, by Handel; And Can It Be?, by Charles Wesley; Why? by Michael Card; Pompeii, by Bastille; So Cold (acoustic), by Breaking Benjamin; The Fire Inside, by Bob Seger; Hall Of Fame, by The Script; September, by Daughtry; I Will Wait, by Mumford and Sons; What If This Storm Ends? by Snow Patrol; Strong Enough To Save, by Tenth Avenue North; Everything, by Lifehouse; ...and lots of movie soundtracks.
Composers: Chopin, Beethoven, Schubert
Color: Green, Purple
Dog: German Shepherd, Border Collie
Cat: Tabby, all the way *Smile*
Store: Second hand book shops
Food: Sweet and Sour Sausages (mmmmm)
Dessert: Self-saucing Chocolate Pudding
Snack: Anything involving copious amounts of chocolate :-[
Drink: Water, Milo, Coke
Hero: Dad and Mum. Winston Churchill, King George VI, Charles Upham, Bielski Brothers, Irena Sendler
Country: New Zealand (of course!)
Place: Home (of course!); Mangaparua Valley/Bridge To Nowhere (2nd home)
Season: Torn between summer and autumn. Love them both.
Month: January, July

Authors: Charlotte Brontë, C.S. Lewis, Alistair MacLean, Jane Austen, J.R.R. Tolkien
Books: Bible, Lord Of The Rings, Pride & Prejudice, Villette, Jane Eyre, When Eight Bells Toll, San Andreas, John MacArthur
Poets: Tennyson, Emily Brontë, Kipling, Tolkien
Poems/Poets: No Coward Soul Is Mine, by Emily Brontë; Crossing The Bar, and Break, Break, Break, by Alfred, Lord Tennyson; If, by Rudyard Kipling; Invictus, by William Ernest Henly; The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost; Théoden's Fall, by J.R.R. Tolkien; In Flander's Fields, by John McCrae; Paradise Lost, by John Milton
Quote: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." ~ Jim Elliot
Website: Writing.Com!
Bible Verse:
Proverbs 3:5-6 ~ "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Romans 8:28 ~ "For we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
Revelation 21:4 ~ "And He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."

What are some of your favourites? Let me know in the comments below *Down* or link to your list of favourites blog post. *Smile* Let's spread the favourites, because favourites are just some of the things that make every day worth living, whether it's listening to your favourite song or reading your favourite poem again. *Smile*

What's happening? I'm selfishly going to advertise activities that I am involved in. *Blush*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1831519 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1941293 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1754258 by Not Available.
July 11, 2013 at 8:09pm
July 11, 2013 at 8:09pm
*Starb* July 11th 2013: Would you like to be able to converse with animals?

What I love about animals is their unconditional acceptance of people. No clamoring opinions, no lies, no flattering. Just those big affectionate eyes and a heart simple but loyal, and a keen instinct that sometimes excels human feeling.

I think if animals and humans were able to communicate with each other the magic of that relationship would be broken. Animals would have to be intelligent to speak, because words are the product of thoughts, and this would place them on a level similar to or the same as humans. It would be a strange world, like something from a fantasy, and I'm not sure if it would be a nice world.

God created creatures for a purpose – for the pleasure and use of humans, and to glorify their Creator.

I love pets. Their companionship is vital to us. Every person needs to know they are respected, obeyed and trusted by an animal, and to be responsible for its care. I think those who don't have pets are missing out on a lot. But that's just me. *Smile* I love my cats so much, and my brother has a retired police dog "Ace" who I love as well. (He is almost human in his behaviour because of his police training and his seven years of service alongside a dedicated and excellent human partner.) I'm even friends with cows, pigs and chickens! *Laugh*

Of course, I am so curious about animals and if I was given the chance I would definitely like to talk to some of them. I'd have a lot of questions to ask! But I'm glad I don't have that chance because animals have a special place of their own, and somehow talking to them would ruin that.

None of this stops me from talking to them all the same, even if they don't even understand a word! *Bigsmile* (Although I'm certain they get to know their names and understand tones of voice and certain actions.)
July 10, 2013 at 10:20pm
July 10, 2013 at 10:20pm
*Starb* July 10th 2013: Pinpoint a moment in your past where you had to make a big decision. Write about that other alternate life that could have unfolded.

The biggest decision I ever made turned my life completely around – not physical but spiritual. It was my choice to accept Jesus as my Saviour.

Previously, religion was a hobby, something that appealed. Good morals to live by, a belief to hope in, a place to belong. But I soon discovered that Christ isn't something you add to your life. He is something your life becomes.

I remember distinctly the night – a night without date or time, all I knew was the new date and time I stepped into: eternity. It was dark and raining and I was curled up in bed. I felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness and sinfulness. I realized the true extent of my dirty heart. If I died right then, I knew I was hell-bound. I called out to God in prayer, pleading in my emotionally tipsy way for Him to drive the sin from my soul and save me from hell. I placed all my faith in Him and all my trust in His Son's death and resurrection. Fear and desperation fell away as I have never felt before. I felt gentle assurance, joyous elation and overwhelming peace. I touched heaven. I touched Him.

I knew I was in His hands.

Since making that decision, my life changed drastically. I felt like the door of an ageless prison was thrown open, as light burst through the door, the chains broke, the rats scampered away, the dust and cobwebs were blown out. For a time I was blinded by the brilliant light and then I heard the triumphant song of thousands of angels. (My favourite song to this day remains Handel's Hallelujah Chorus  ). I saw His face, the face of the King.

I knew I was His. I knew He was mine.

A dangerous, exciting and beautiful journey began. With Christ at my side I have nothing to fear. His love guides me. My thoughts, words and actions glorify God because He justifies them and makes them perfect. I find meaning in life and the earth, I understand His plan and I try to live each day rooted in the Bible.

I could never pen the depth of my joy if I had all eternity – which I do! – but God's holiness has made me complete, and I shall never cease praising Him.

He worked a miracle in me. He gave me new life and new hope.

Not only am I guided by good morals, my foundation is Christ and I love to do what is right. I have never doubted my salvation because God's ability to save is total. Every day becomes lovely because He created it, because it is an opportunity to share the joy in my heart. I know where I belong, not only among the wonderful people He loves, not only among the angels who praise Him, but with Him, with the King, the Lord, the Saviour of all. With a God pure, just, holy, perfect, good, sovereign, creative, eternal – how can I express this? With Him as my protector, my Father, my King, my joy is endless and my faith in Him complete.

I can't imagine living without Him. I would be lost, lonely and afraid. I don't want to drone on – I've spent more time talking about the decision than actually its alternative! Sorry about that. I tend to get carried away on this subject, as you can see.

If I hadn't made that decision? I think I would have made a lot of bad choices and done a lot of stupid things. My thoughts would be different, my world would be dark and despairing. I think I would never have realized the "depth of the darkness where sinners are stained" if I didn't know the light that saved me. I would be influenced by any mood or fashion that happened to be the moment. It's difficult to say what it would be like, but I think I would never have found the freedom of expression that characterizes my writing.

And most of all, I would not have a new life in heaven.

*Starb* What's happening?

My poem "Pillars Of Stone won Shining Star Winner June 2013 (an award open to prior winners of Rising Star status) in "Rising Stars Shining Brighter *Delight*

Merit Badge in Writing
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Shining Star Winner *^*Star*^* June 2013 *^*Star*^* Rising Stars & Circle of Sisters
July 9, 2013 at 8:18pm
July 9, 2013 at 8:18pm
*Starb* July 9th 2013: You’ve imbibed a special potion that makes you immortal. Now that you’ve got forever, what changes will you make in your life? How will you live life differently, knowing you’ll always be around to be accountable for your actions?

If I had all the time in the world I would not be in a rush to go anywhere. I wouldn't drive a car but walk everywhere. I would ignore deadlines and day and night.

I would perhaps even become a genius! Think of all that time for thought and study and learning ~ I could invent anything with enough effort.

I wouldn't tell anyone my secret because they would want to have the potion (which I would destroy), but I would try to help the world. I would go to places like Africa and Asia and teach people how to be self-sufficient, to grow their own food and make their own things. I would plant seeds so no one would go hungry. I would be a doctor and use my hands for healing. I would be a scientist and use my discoveries to eradicate all diseases. I would teach the world how to love again.

But even with immortality all of these things would be impossible, because we live in a sinful world. Immortality would indeed be bitter. Like the elves of Middle Earth, the longs years would drag on and I would grow weary of pain and struggle, of the vanity of mankind and all that they do. Even if I could create a sort of paradise, it would fall captive, as we are all slaves, to time. The days would turn grey and my eyes would dim, not with age but with the burden of suffering and all that I had seen. Still the rains would fall and the sun would rise each day and people would hurry to work and play. Dreams would fade into memory.

For this reason I am grateful to my Saviour, for He has made me immortal but not on this earth. My home is a heavenly home, where He has prepared me an everlasting place of peace and adventure. In the presence of God we will be perfect. No sin, no suffering, no hopelessness. That is true immortality.

and the people and the city go marching on
the trains still roll in, though all hope is gone
the rain falls down and it shatters the streets
the long years drag out in unending grey
time’s armies crumble the walls of every day
every word, look, thought and deed repeats
beyond the ageless limits, unforgiving acts
dividing existence from the dead, and fear from facts
and the people and the city go marching on
July 8, 2013 at 10:00pm
July 8, 2013 at 10:00pm
*Starb* July 8th 2013: Would you rather spend time in the forest or the city?

I'm not a great fan of the city. Constant noise, smell and so many people, all rushing here and there so busy and yet so purposeless. There are a lot of horrible and sad sights as well, such as a homeless man pulling a trolley of his belongings up the street, a group of talented musicians busking without any notice or earnings, and fights outside the hotels and brothels, to the ever-present background ringing of police, ambulance and fire engine sirens. All this makes me feel claustrophobic and depressed. Too often that sense of community is lost in the endless houses and streets. However, cities hold a keen insight into humanity. It is fascinating to watch people and think about who they are and where they are going, to visit poorer districts and secret buildings and alleyways lost in the maze. In a city there is always something to be discovered. With their own intrigues, happenings and crimes, cities provide constant inspiration to the writer. (A poem I wrote inspired by the city at night: "Invalid Item)

Living in the city is my ultimate nightmare, even though visiting it can be enjoyable. I am fortunate enough to live on a small farm in the countryside in a beautiful valley with its glittering river, rich plains and towering hills. Out here there is freedom, quiet and time – to appreciate nature and the fullness and beauty of life. The only sounds are the birds chirping and singing, the occasional putter of a distant quad-bike and the echo of the train like thunder far away in the hills. Of course, there is always the baaing of sheep, the mooing of cows and the help-helping of the peacocks, and the wind in the big macracapa trees over the road or rustling the corn heads or the rain on the tin roof.

People are wrong to think that nothing happens in the country. It's just that we aren't overly busy like townsfolk. We have our own excitements, of course. Sometimes it's the neighbour calling for help to stack up the silage heap or stopping by to ask for this or that, or to borrow a tractor. Sometimes it's the buzz of the hay season and all the work that comes with it, or a tasty bit of gossip circulating up and down the valley (usually starting at the pub), or Guy Fawkes barbeque, bonfire and fireworks at the hall. There are times when there is a fire that someone needs help putting out or when the neighbour's wife had a fall off her horse and broke her pelvis and the ambulance needed directions down the farm tracks. But yes, out here it's definitely a slower pace of life – not sleepy, but spacious. We have our own time.

Forests are definitely among my favourite places in the world. I love commercial forests with their neat rows of pines – there's something mesmerizing staring down those rows, wondering where they lead and where they end. The pine-carpeted floor and the curving tracks that lead ever up and onward, branching off into uncharted territory. The sun falling through the treetops and dappling the damp earth. The glimpse of deer and goats and rabbits. Forests are a fantastic place to go for walks and to sit and think. I have found a lot of inspiration for my writing there as well, especially in my first book, which is about partisans living in the forests of Poland during World War II. A short story also was inspired after a hunting trip in a forest further north ("Invalid Item).

But I also love the wild and deep bush. Here in New Zealand we have thousands of kilometers of bush. It has such an awe-inspiring atmosphere, as if in the presence of something great. The bush doesn't lead anywhere like the commercial forests. If anything, it closes you out – or in. Once inside the shades of its endless roof, another world is before you. Tramping, a favourite pastime of ours, can take you days into the middle of nowhere, far away from anyone or anything. It's lonely out there, and magnificent. In a group of trampers there is always a deep feeling of fellowship. Despite all differences, you are all in the mercy of nature. It's almost like a gentle survivor's course! ("Invalid Item)

For myself, I would rather spend time in a forest, but for others, to observe people...the city.

*Starb* What's happening?

My birthday is coming up on the 15th July – join the party at "Invalid Item

Recent writes: "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item

Won first place tied in "The Writer's Cramp twice with "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item (don't worry, I'm not suicidal! *Laugh* You'd definitely hear about it if I was. *Smirk* Read it to see what it's about. *Bigsmile*)

Won Rising Stars Best Poetry Reviews June 2013! *Delight*

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Merit Badge in Courage
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For having the courage to complete my "prompt contest" challenge by submitting three entries to either  [Link To Item #cramp]  or  [Link To Item #896794] .   Thanks for participating! Merit Badge in Birthday
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  Happy Birthday, dear *^*Star*^* Kasia. I hope this is a very special one for you. Warmest best from all of your fans and friends from Rising Stars, *^*Heart*^* Gab
June 20, 2013 at 11:12pm
June 20, 2013 at 11:12pm
*Starb* June 20th 2013: Can people change (did you change; views, philosophies, routines, countries, etc.)?

Can a leopard change its spots?

I believe that people don't necessarily change. Their characters develop with time, sometimes subtly, sometimes dramatically. It's more sudden and obvious when a life-changing event occurs and a person can seem to turn completely into someone else, whether for good or bad.

We are all born with a unique character and we all experience different situations and meet different people, which all serve to mold us into who we become.

We are like oak trees surrounded by rain and wind. Our exterior changes and even some things inside us change. We change views, beliefs, routines, countries, but on the inside we are always the same – an oak tree, but a growing oak tree.

The ultimate turning point in my life was when I came to Christ. My character has grown with my faith.
June 19, 2013 at 7:56pm
June 19, 2013 at 7:56pm
*Starb* June 20th 2013: Are you a complainer or one of those people who doesn't let anyone know you're annoyed?

Definitely a complainer! *Laugh* On WdC I'm a quieter person and I'm not very fond of complaining. But offline, if something is wrong, I don't hesitate to voice it. *Bigsmile* I have a bit of a tendency to say it for how it is, but it's not necessarily complaining. Well, excuses aside, I make up for it with my wit and sarcasm lame jokes and rants, which somehow people find amusing.

I guess I'm the kind of person who complains about tiny things, but when the big waves roll over, I knuckle down and endure it – and try to be as cheerful as possible.

There are certain things that I don't complain about, or avoid complaining about. People, for one. I don't say "So and so is so annoying because she does this" or bla bla. I usually just laugh at them privately and put up with them on the outside.

People who are close to me say, teasingly, that I complain a lot, but that's because I only complain to them. I have one friend who listens when I complain (not a good idea), so of course I always complain to her. But pretty much no one else.

Enough about me. *Pthb*

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