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by Fi
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1877728
...there you will find me.
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*Starv* *Starg* *Starv* *Starg* *Starv*

A fascination for the stars,
a friendship with the darkest night;
a search for adventure,
a longing for the light;
a journey to the edge of the universe,
a wonder in my eyes...
I have strong convictions,
I love to sing and dance, I hate sham, lies and guise.
I love life, people, oceans, pens, dreams, cats, chocolate,
and I'll stand for what is right.
You can tell me what I should be,
Everything I lack.
But at the end of the day just take me back
to where the stars still shine at night.

*Starv* *Starg* *Starv* *Starg* *Starv*

*Infov* Warning: Contains pert opinions, illogical thoughts, unrealistic dreams, ridiculous rants, irrelevant links, un-profound philosophy and "conservative" religious beliefs.

You're welcome to read, follow, comment, listen, laugh and cry. *Reading* I can't promise any emotionally-tranquil content. *Smirk*

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December 14, 2012 at 12:10am
December 14, 2012 at 12:10am
My poem "Invalid Item won 1st Place in "Rising Stars Shining Brighter Contest! Wow! I'm over the moon. *Shock* What an honour! *Delight* But it's my Dad, not me, who deserves this award. This Christmas is starting really well!
December 7, 2012 at 12:25am
December 7, 2012 at 12:25am
I haven't written in here for a while. Naughty me. *Smile*

I've lately been having a lot of dreams that are inspiring me to write short stories. Unfortunately, they're all mostly along the same lines, so I'll have to start being more original. Just finished "The Kayak" today, which you can find in my portfolio. It was fun to write, but I'm not all that proud of it. It's very similar to "The Bullet That Brought Us Together", which was also inspired partly by a dream.

I've had a great idea for a zombie/apocalypse story, called "The Black Mile", which I'm currently working on. This one's gonna be great, so look out for it coming soon. *Smile*

Until then...
November 18, 2012 at 11:36pm
November 18, 2012 at 11:36pm
If you've read the books but haven't yet seen the movie, go see it. I don't recommend watching the movie without first reading the books. If you have read the books and/or seen the movie, reply to this post and tell me what you think!

Warning: This post may contain spoilers.

I have a love/hate relationship with The Hunger Games, the latest bestseller in YA fiction, by Suzanne Collins. When I first read the books, I didn't quite know what to expect. I warmed quickly to the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, and enjoyed the plot. I appreciate the intricate world Ms Collins created, although it's not entirely original and in many ways the book reflects the Japanese novel Battle Royale. The writing style is vivid but also...amateur. I could tell the author hadn't quite mastered her own voice, but all the same, Katniss is a good storyteller, and it was a good read.

Although Ms Collins brought across some good themes in her story, which teens can well relate to, I found myself constantly frustrated, as if grasping for something just beyond my reach. In the end, I was left wondering what exactly the author was trying to say – I had an idea, but the themes just weren't brought out as powerfully and masterfully as they could have been. I wanted to rewrite the book and give it more depth.

Anyway, after all that, let me get to my point. So, what prompted this spiel? Last night I watched the movie adaption of the novel...and I must say I was disappointed.

What frustrated me most:

1. The action didn't really start until near the end of the movie. Even then, I felt it was anti-climatic. The suspense builds up to when the Tributes enter the arena, and suddenly it's over before you know it. I didn't feel the adrenaline or suspense half as much as in the book.

2. All the way through the movie, Katniss is admired. To me, this really killed it. Sure, the reader wants to have faith in the protagonist, but what's the fun when you know she's going to win? By the time Katniss was admired or feared by just about every character, and made her stunning appearance in the chariot, and rated one of the best before the Games, it seemed just a matter of course that everyone else should kill each other off (or she would only kill them in self-defence or mercy) and coincidence should render her victor. And this brings me to my next point:

3. Peeta. He drove me crazy. He seemed just another character to fall in love with Katniss, to show how good and brave and caring she is. He came across as weak and reliant on Katniss to win, and at the end when Cato has him in the death lock (and when the rules were changed back to only one winner), it was up to Katniss to save the day (again). The only moments Peeta really shone were when he had his little speech on the rooftop before the Games, and suggested to the Careers that they wait her out (even then he appeared pretty weak and stupid). Which brings me again to another point:

3. The scene where Katniss escapes the Careers by climbing a tree and they set up camp to wait her out – the acting was pretty bad. The Careers looked way too much like actors, or a bunch of teenage kids having fun, instead of the tough, cruel, highly-trained and lethal hunters they were in the book. And why on earth would they curl up and go to sleep when a) someone else could come along and kill them, b) Katniss could escape through some magic means of her own, c) they could burn or chop the tree down, d) or Katniss could throw pinecones at them. (Nah, kidding. *Laugh*)

4. Predictable. Just about every turn in the plot was easily predictable, even in the book. (i.e. Rue was destined to die by the hands of another Tribute, giving Katniss (and the reader) another reason to hate the Games and another chance to prove herself. It was so predictable that the other Tribute from Rue's district would somehow repay Katniss' kind treatment of the little girl.)

5. It reeks of teenage girl fantasy. I understand that it is aimed at a YA audience, specifically, girls, but that's no excuse for being unrealistic. What every teenage girl dreams of: a) everyone admiring her, b) two handsome lovers to choose between, c) some hot guy saving her, d) saving some hot guy, e) being perfect at everything, and I could go on, but I'll spare you. (If you're still reading...I think I may have lost any readers by now!)

6. Again and again and again and again (*gasp*) Katniss repeats the line "It's okay" or "It's gonna be okay". I think she said it more times than all her other lines put together, and every time she said it, it wasn't okay! (And "trust me" *Sick*)

7. The filming. The camera shook around most of the time, to give a sense of urgency and action (esp. when nothing is happening). I'm a fan of this technique – when it's subtle. The only way to make it work is to keep it unnoticed by the viewers. Throughout the whole movie, the camera wheeled and spun and bumped and turned upside down and made me feel sick and headachey, not to mention sore eyes.

All that said, I must say I was impressed by Jennifer Lawrence's performance. She brought Katniss to life, injecting energy into the plot and redeeming an otherwise boring movie. My only problem with her is minor: Katniss is sixteen and Ms Lawrence looks (and is) too old. (Especially in the flashback scenes, when she was supposed to be a little girl!)

Just one last note: I didn't find the movie very violent, perhaps more disturbing. I think they did well in keeping the violence away from the focus of the movie, but it was still pretty boring. Not enough suspense, too much kissy stuff. Wasn't impressed overall and found it a bit boring. I have no other problems with it.

So that's my opinion on the Hunger Games, books and movie. *Smile* Thanks for reading!
November 4, 2012 at 12:47am
November 4, 2012 at 12:47am
Have you ever wondered at those words that aren't and you think should be? Or what about the ones that are and shouldn't be?

Words that should be:
*Right* a cross between love and friendship that isn't fondness or affection, "close friends", "good friends".
*Right* inner beauty, character beauty, soul beauty.

And weird words, such as...hecticness. According to my instinct, this word sounds like "hectic" was first invented as an adjective, and then when people wondered about its related noun, created the word "hecticness". Could be just me, but it sounds weird, huh?

And speaking of hecticness, life has been hectic for me lately. *Rolleyes* I guess it's the time of year.

Enjoying fantastic spring sunshine, working on those poems and trying to write down the millions of story ideas and prompts that have been flying through my head. Also, I've been updating "Invalid Item and now it looks amazing, though I say it myself – beautiful layout, pleasant to the eye, professional-looking while retaining its casual appearance, and inspiring. Check it out. What do you think? Tempted to enter? *Wink*
October 15, 2012 at 12:11am
October 15, 2012 at 12:11am
I've recently challenged myself to write a poem a day, or at least a few poems a week, and I am vigorously churning out a lot of rubbish...ahem...soaring on wings of achievement.

I'm learning a lot through just practicing, i.e. expanding my vocabulary, trying out different styles of poetry, discovering new rhymes, thinking about various different subjects, and becoming quick at interpreting prompts (I am yet to learn how to be unique). And no failure is a failure unless nothing is learned from it...

Thanks to contests such as "A Poem A Day Contest and "The Writer's Cramp, with their incentive prompts and prizes, I retain a fresh, rich and varying flood of ideas.

Speaking of contests, I am proud to finally be a winner in "A Poem A Day Contest – for the first time, (which shows progress, however slow!), although I suspect it's only because there was no competition! *Laugh*twice in one week with my poems "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item

A recent entry for "The Writer's Cramp, although it did not win, has received warm feedback. I'm quite proud of it, actually, and it's a winner to me. *Smile* Check it out: "Invalid Item I'm turning it into a song.

I haven't heard back from the World Poetry Movement concerning my poem "A Rose For Me" in their International Who's Who In Poetry 2012, but I am patient and satisfied, even if it doesn't get published in the end. What an honour that I was chosen – 1 out of 10,000 reviewed, apparently! That is enough of a reward for me. *Smile* But I'm still hopeful, and look forward to hearing from them.

Other recent creations include:
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item

Most of all, thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to always write on – thanks to Writing.Com, which has nurtured and cultivated my clumsy love for writing into a sort of talent. I believe my roots are strong, now. Nothing will stop me from writing, "though hell should bar the way". *Smile*

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September 28, 2012 at 5:40pm
September 28, 2012 at 5:40pm
Update on the poem: I sent in the abridged version of "A Rose For Me" the other day and have received confirmation that it was received. Waiting in suspense to find out if it'll make it into my first published poem. *Smile* Thanks for all your support, Writing.Com! *Heart* It has truly been helpful.
September 21, 2012 at 5:21pm
September 21, 2012 at 5:21pm
Update on the poem: I have learned that there is a 26 line limit, so I've edited a version of "Invalid Item to 24 lines. However, there is an alternative: "Invalid Item, which is 20 lines. Again, I would love to hear your thoughts. Which to you prefer? Which would be better published? Please advise. *Smile*
September 20, 2012 at 6:01pm
September 20, 2012 at 6:01pm
I am so excited! I have received an offer to have one of my poems published free in the International Who's Who In Poetry 2012, a volume of 2000 poems from all over the world! *Delight* I am still reeling from shock, that I was chosen from among all the talented poets out there...

And no, it isn't SPAM, like a first thought. Golly, I nearly trashed it! *Shock*

The poem I think I've decided on is "Invalid Item. I would really appreciate any reviews or advice so I can polish it up before sending it, but I don't have much time – only have 14 days.

If anyone out there is actually interested, I'll keep you posted. *Smile* Wow, I'm so excited!
August 28, 2012 at 10:36pm
August 28, 2012 at 10:36pm
Scribble Prompt by runningwolf04 ~ My 10 favorite scents or smells.

1. Freshly baked bread. Mmmm...nothing beats it.
2. After the rain.
3. Jasmine.
4. Frying bacon.
5. The sea.
6. Hot tarmac.
7. Old books / antique shops.
8. Clean laundry.
9. Cinnamon.
10. Freshly cut grass.

What are your favourite scents or smells?
August 20, 2012 at 8:04pm
August 20, 2012 at 8:04pm
Right, so lately my life has stepped right out of a book. Or perhaps I've stepped into a book (and I'm not the main character!)... I can't go into many details, but it's really complicated, just like a plot. And I feel like writing it all down somewhere, but there's too much to write! So I'm going to start taking notes and I reckon this could make a bestseller. :)

I know that most of my readers (if I have any out there???) probably aren't Christians and probably wouldn't really understand, but life inside a church can be really interesting. You see, there are good churches and bad churches. Bad churches have rejected God, betrayed their own convictions and gone their own way. The world looks at the bad churches and believes that's what all churches are like. The good churches are the best thing that ever happened to society, and the bad churches are among the worst. Thankfully, we got out of a bad "church" and are now settled in a good little country church.

I won't go into many details, but it involves two churches – a bad church and a good church – and a court case, and almost an entire city is wound up in this somehow. Like I said, it's really complicated.

If I wrote it all down in a book, it would be a long novel! I reckon it'd make a good story. Besides, readers are beginning to turn to the realistic stuff. Fairytale romances just don't sell anymore. Reality is pretty hard to predict. That's why I'm having a hard time anticipating what's going to happen. :S

And I'm beginning to realize there's a whole lot more at stake here than what I first thought. It's more than just a husband and father of three daughters age 1 - 4, and another on the way, accused of a crime he did not commit and going to prison, it's not only about his and his family's good reputation, and the reputation of his friends (my family among them), it's a desperate struggle between light and darkness, and the darkness seems overwhelming.

And there's even a romance in the mix. Kind of Romeo and Juliet – the guy's family believes in one side and the girl's family believes in another, and she wonders if they can even be friends after all of this has blown over.

Perhaps it's not very nice of me to look at this way, but as a writer I can't help seeing a great story that demonstrates the nature of good and evil in people, churches and communities.

“'Tis strange – but true; for truth is always strange; Stranger than fiction.” ~ Lord Byron
August 8, 2012 at 9:29pm
August 8, 2012 at 9:29pm
I am challenging myself to write non-fiction short stories, as people have told me I'm best at them. And besides, as the saying goes, "write what you know."

I am beginning on The Bridge To Nowhere Chronicles, a series of stories about my family's experiences while tramping to the Bridge To Nowhere on the Wanganui River. *Smile* Look for it posted soon.

After that, I am going to write about other random memories (current non-fiction in my port: "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item, "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item) and share insights into my family life. This will also serve to collect material for a book my dad and I are writing based on true events.

This is going to be an endeavour of a lifetime, relating my exciting life for the world to read about! The laughs, the fears and hopes and tears and joy, I will tell it all, and I really hope you enjoy it.

I'm also going to have a crack at entering more contests, as I haven't for a while.

Bear witness to my resolutions!
July 25, 2012 at 8:16pm
July 25, 2012 at 8:16pm
I have become a bit discouraged lately over my writing. I feel that my work is too unrealistic, that I need more experience before continuing, but I should at least practice my writing to get better. It's an endless circle of "stop!" "no, go!" "stop!" "go!" – which doesn't make for very smooth writing!

Also I've had a few negative reviews and emails that haven't helped...

But during this time, I've felt that Writing.Com has really encouraged me. All the birthday well-wishes continue to flood in, and that's really cheering. As well as being reminded daily of the WdC motto: Always Write On! I feel that this has kept me going.

I do miss dear Pat and her cheerful words. *Heart* Get well soon, warriormom

So I will continue to remind myself:

Always Write On! *Quill*
July 19, 2012 at 11:41pm
July 19, 2012 at 11:41pm
Just some random thoughts...

Why is it that everyone wants to be a writer these days? The market is flooded with average books no different to their neighbours. It seems that every man and woman thinks they have a story worth telling, and they picture themselves a popular bestselling author.

What makes me any different?

I don't even have a story to tell (although I seek to tell many others' stories – dunno if that counts).

I don't know if I'm different to many of these aspiring writers. I like to think I am, but no doubt everyone else likes to think the same of him/herself.

The "follow your heart" and "live your dream" messages of today's society just don't do it for me. After all, aren't they all following their hearts and living their dreams? Where does it lead them?

"The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" ~ Jeremiah 17:9

So what makes me different?

I still seek the answer.

But I think I have found it.

If I ever rise above the masses, then I will know that I was right. If I never do, I will keep on searching...

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July 16, 2012 at 12:43am
July 16, 2012 at 12:43am
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1879925 by Not Available.

Zero, Zero, Zero

Dedicated to Senior Constable Len Snee,
a police officer who died in the line of duty
7th May 2009, Napier, New Zealand
in the Jan Molenaar siege  

Inspired by the words of Superintendent Sam Hoyle:
"(Len Snee,) You have received your last page: zero, zero, zero. You are now on leave."

Thousands line the streets, silent, to honour and farewell
A hero who died serving a country, and our hearts swell.
For he was one of us, not famous, proud or great,
Just a man doing his duty, a father, son, brother, mate.

The sun was shining on that fatal morning,
Just a routine search – there was no warning.
Then shots were fired, and heroes made,
Though often we wish it didn't happen that way.

Len Snee, New Zealand salutes you.
You represent to us more than you ever knew.
And now we honour this gentle, strong man,
Who has become more to us than before this began.

In one of the darkest hours our country has faced,
We ask why, why the tragedy and reckless waste?
Yet this we know: New Zealand will rise and stand
Together, as one, this nation and this land.

Stirring haka1 honours him, amid the bagpipe song,
As pall is taken up and carried to where he now belongs.
Len Snee, your last page you have received:
Zero, zero, zero. You are now on leave.


1  Haka: national New Zealand dance

July 15, 2012 at 10:36pm
July 15, 2012 at 10:36pm
I enjoyed a fantastic birthday weekend with family and friends, and the stormy weather held off until Sunday afternoon, movie time! *Delight* My best friend was able to make it down from Auckland with her two brothers to stay for a while, so that's great, and we ate lots of chocolate and ice-cream. Even my two kittens wished me a happy birthday with special smooches and cuddles. *Laugh* Anyone would think they're human!

Everyone at Writing.Com has been so kind and supportive with their good wishes and birthday gifts. I am really thankful to be part of such a great community of writers. *Cool*

I look forward to achieving much in another year of my life, and in glorifying God in all that I do.

Until the next 15th of July!
July 7, 2012 at 1:44am
July 7, 2012 at 1:44am
Scribble prompt by Fi : Write about first impressions. Have you ever thought something about someone when you first met them and it was proved wrong?

All right, I'll admit I'm a fool for first impressions. *Blush* Several times I have judged people before getting to know them. I'm still young and have a lot to learn about people. But I do believe that personality is displayed (or betrayed) in manner of clothing, talking and company.

Example? I can't think of many off the top of my head, but once we had this Asian family come to stay. They were going to play music for a friend's wedding and as we had offered accommodation for guests, they came to stay with us. When I first heard they were coming to stay, I thought, "Oh no, this is going to be so boring." (I always prefer to lock myself in my room and read and write when people are around, especially people I don't know. So naughty of me!)

Anyway, they turned up, but I had to go out for an orchestra rehearsal that night, so I was just leaving when they arrived. (Phew!) It felt good to put off the dreaded meeting.

How wrong I was! By the end of the weekend, I wished I could have spent more time with them. They turned out a lively, charming family (all five of them, minus dad and eldest daughter), and we shared some great conversations and fun times. Now we are good friends, and I laugh every time I think back to that time.

And you know what cracks me up? I learned that they thought exactly the same of us, and found themselves equally mistaken! *Laugh*

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July 5, 2012 at 10:00pm
July 5, 2012 at 10:00pm
Scribble Prompt by Prosperous Snow celebrating : Celebrating independence

As New Zealand doesn't really have an Independence Day, I had to have a think about this prompt before I figured what I am celebrating independence from.

The connection may be a bit vague, but at the moment I am celebrating independence from romantic love. *Laugh* No thanks for me! I have just finished reading through Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen Of Verona" and found it agonizing. That Proteus would betray his best friend and his lover for a woman he does not deserve for the sake of "love" makes me sick. And then at the end Proteous quickly falls in love with Julia again. How convenient! Yeah right. If I were Julia, I'd dump him.

So this is what I have to say:


I do not know this love that crowds so many minds.
I have felt no torture of the lover's kind.
But I claim that I have suffered equally, if not more
Than those who have loved before.

This weeping subject of every poet's famous lines,
This healing potion and bitter wine;
Yet I have known a greater love than this
And it steals beyond the deepest kiss.

The love I know – but I cannot say...
But it is better than this pathetic lover's fray
Of bittersweet partings and broken hearts
That this romantic love imparts.

Stay away, happy love, I pray.
Keep distant, cold love! Stay away!
You'll not enter this soul that is free
For I do not know this love, nor does it know me.


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July 5, 2012 at 7:16pm
July 5, 2012 at 7:16pm
Scribble Prompt by Champ : What do you find in your SPAM folder?

Match.Com offers me thousands of dates –
Don't care 'cause I ain't after mates.
I've got enough – they're everywhere,
All around me, in my hair. *Laugh*

Another says, "Your account has been suspended."
Don't have an account at "Netflix", so that's just splendid.
"PayPal: Attention!" Don't have PayPal
So they can go and rot in... *Shock*

Ah, sifting through it all, what glee!
Here at last is one for me:
An offer of five hundred grand
If only I lend a helping hand. *Delight*

Ha! What a joke! Don't we love SPAM?
A screaming laugh at all the sham
In this world, of free money and life success...
If only we click and acquiesce. *Yawn*


Now for a funny story about SPAM.

My brother got a SPAM email, addressed "Dearest Friend", from a "beautiful 18-year-old African girl who had inherited a diamond mine and lots of money". The email was veeery long, but in short it went like this: Her father was a very rich man, but her uncle poisoned him to death. Her father then warned her to get out of the country before her uncle poisoned her, too. If only my brother would help her immigrate, be her "guardian" and help her to university, they could be...friends. She even left a phone number.

So my brother, after trying to ring her (the number didn't work *Cry*), emailed her back. The email was long, and he addressed it "My Darling", but in brief it went like this: I am very sorry for your loss. Your father must have been a very good man, and rather clever to talk to you after he was dead. I will be happy to help you immigrate and find a job (at my dentistry). I am desperate to hear from you and your money. Darling mwah mwah mwah love you hold on don't let your uncle kill you I will contact you soon dearest darlingist...money? (etc.)

He signed it Phil McAvity, Incisor Dentistry, Canine Avenue.

That's my story! *Bigsmile*

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