Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1662525-Skin-Suits/cid/886309-Call-Betty-over-and-show-her-the-results-and-se
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1662525
You happen upon a secret formula that allows you to grow disguises of anyone
This choice: Call Betty over and show her the results and see what she suggests...  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

Call Betty over and show her the results and se...

    by: Unknown
"This is wild... Betty HAS to see this..." Henry thought to himself. He quietly went into his room and got his cell phone, scanned it for her number and nervously dialed it, not expecting her to answer but planning on leaving a message. Shockingly the phone rang no more then two times before Betty picked it up.

"There a reason you're calling me at 5:30 in the morning?" she quipped.

"I'm surprised you're up." he quipped back. "I was just going to be leaving a message..."

"Yes well I was on the phone until about an hour ago and was checking it for new messages... anyways what did you want?"

"On the phone to 4AM and checking for messages..." thought Henry to himself. "She's definitely got some sort of boyfriend..." Henry snapped himself out of the funk thinking about Betty almost put him in as the situation with the suit demanded some sort of action. "I think you might want to come check out what our little suit concoction has turned into." he said getting back on the subject.

"Oh, did it all just go down the drain or something?" she answered back, not recognizing the sincerity in his voice

"Would I be calling you if something stupid like that happened, Betty? Just come over... we need to decide what we're going to do with it."

Recognizing Henry was serious now, Betty quickly chimed back "Ok Henry... let me get dressed and I'll be there in 30 minutes or so and we can go to school together."

45 minutes or so later Betty arrived and Henry ushered her upstairs to the tub and the full bodysuit of his mother laying inside. Upon seeing it Betty's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Oh my god!" she said to herself gazing down at the skin-suit replica of his mother they had made. "This stuff... it really ... REALLY works?!"

"Yep. Try touching it, it even feels like a regular person..."

"Ewww you touched your naked moms body?" Betty said as she laughed slightly before leaning over and poking the suit to see for herself. "Amazing! It really does feel like skin...." Betty then removed her finger and looked at Henry, her lips slightly furrowed. "I have to say your mom IS pretty hot... So, have you tried putting it on...?"

"What? No! That is... I was so shocked at seeing how it turned out, I wasn't sure WHAT to do. I mean..."

"I understand." smiled Betty as she gazed down at the suit, a peculiar smirk on her face. "Well, any good experiment needs to test the hypothesis, right? One of us should put that thing on to see how and IF it works..."

Henry was shocked at what Betty was suggesting, but then again she was right: they had gone through all of the trouble to make it, it should be tested to see if and how it worked.

"You're right." Henry finally said after staring down at the suit himself. "So which one of us is going to try it...?"

You have the following choices:

1. Henry puts it on

2. Betty puts it on

3. Neither get a chance (Other)

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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