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Rated: E · Interactive · Erotica · #1856959
a quality-controlled interactive about life in a pudgy prep school
This choice: Anna makes sure to keep Arisa social—she brings Marissa and Paris over!  •  Go Back...
Chapter #89

Risters almost reunited

    by: Trampltrum
As she walked to her class Anna felt bad for Arisa; she was stuck, cooped up like a chicken all day with only the TV and her phone for company. She wanted to help Arisa, get her out and about…but that just wasn’t feasible. Arisa’s sheer size made her a (non)walking logistical nightmare; getting her through the door was a feat from when she had gotten back after Christmas that neither Arisa nor the whole group of her friends that pushed her wanted to repeat.

Whipping out her phone, Anna scrolled down to the only people that could help.


Arisa sighed as she flicked past another channel. She had never been a huge TV addict, most of the time it was just on in the background while she and her friends chatted. Now she was actually paying attention, she realized so many channels were just so boring! Who thought it would be interesting to have a third channel about people moving house!?

Sighing again Arisa looked at her phone; she kept it on top of her belly for easy reach, no texts from her friends. Arisa wanted to text them…but she always thought it was rude or intrusive if she texted first…maybe she should just wait a little longer, maybe Marissa or Paris would text her something funny? Or even Cerys? God how was one of her oldest friends getting on in her new room…

As Arisa kept uming and ahing over if she should text or just wait a little bit longer she heard the familiar beep of her door. But before Arisa could even turn her head on her fat shoulders something slammed into her flank.

“Arisa! I missed you so much!” Squealed Paris as she tried to get a handle of her friend. Standing back, Paris gave the titanic Thai girl a second look. “Wow you got fa…fa…fashionable new clothes!” Paris stuttered, stopping herself from mentioning the obvious weight Arisa had put on over the holidays.

“Oh? You like?” Arisa blushed raising her humongous arms up so Paris could get a full view of her dress

“Hell yeah! You look like fire girl!” Paris acknowledged with a wink and a big smile.

“Thanks! Did Anna let you in?” Arisa asked, trying to lean around to see past the valley girl.

Paris nodded and looked over her shoulder as she explained. “Yeah she was right…behind…me…” The freshman stopped mid sentence as she caught sight of the ridiculous display going on in the doorway.

“Push harder you lazy bitch!”

“I AM pushing! I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t go up like twenty pants sizes over the holiday!”

“Not like you did much better Ms Udder-for-tits! I saw you eat most of the turkey!”

“And who ate the rest of it fat ass?! I don’t think mom or Aunt Edith have as bottomless a stomach as you!”

Paris sighed, “Seriously?”

Finally, with a pop, Marissa stumbled through the door with Anna in tow. Anna had no such problems with the door; it seemed as the twins had grown fatter and fatter the differences in their figures had become more exaggerated. Marissa was transforming from an hourglass more into a pear; as her ass soaked up excess calories like a sponge, feeding the rest to her belly. Meanwhile Anna was becoming more titty-tastic day-by-day; her massive melons wobbled and shook as they bounced off her pot-belly, her ass was now well and truly left in their shadow. Hell if Anna was ever going to get stuck in a doorway like her sibling it would be because of her huge chest.

After checking to make sure none of her uniform had ripped Marissa got around to the real reason she came. “RIS!” She squealed, waddling over as fast as her fat-choked legs would allow, practically diving onto Arisa as she sat in her bed. “I missed you so much! How was Christmas? Did you get anything good? Did Rys have fun?”

“Hehe one at a time!” Arisa chuckled. “It was good, I got a new laptop, and yeah I think she did!”

“Sweet! Have you like…heard from Rys recently? I haven’t got a text from her in ages…I mean her thumbs probably got too fat to hit a single button *snort*”

Arisa huffed, “That’s mean! She’s not that fat…I think…”

“Totally is…” Marissa muttered.

“I think I can help.” Paris piped up. The rest of the group turned to her, eyebrows raised. “She was given a new roommate right? Well, one of the girls in my class is talking about how she is in some super special SSS room with another girl on it…maybe it’s her?”

“That’s a good idea! Maybe it is; what’s her name?” Anna asked.

Paris smiled, it was good to be helping; she had always had this little worry that as the newest member of the group she didn’t quite fit in. But those fears were dead and buried now! “Her name is Chelsea Planter.” No sign of recognition from anyone. “Uuuh, long wavy hair, pretty fat, has enormous boobs.” Paris clapped her hands over her mouth as she realized she used the “f-word” in front of her monumentally obese friends. Not only because she worried that she would offend them, but also because she worried it would subconsciously draw her friend's eyes towards Paris' "problem area". Over the winter months Paris had started to notice some of her clothes had become rather, snug. The tanned teen had tried to shrug it off as eating too much chocolate over the break, but this was a few more pounds than just simple winter weight. But as much as Paris fretted over this new plushness of her belly, as love-handles oozed over her skirt, it was nothing compared to her peers.

Thankfully there was no backlash…or any sign that she had offended anyone as a matter of fact; but there was no sign of recognition either.

“She kinda walks around like this all the time like she is super relaxed.” Paris then stuck her arms out straight and began waggling them slowly like a slow-motion version of those flailing balloons that sat outside in front of car-dealers.

Then Marissa seemed to have a spark. “Oh! I think I have seen her, lilac hair color right?”

“Yeah!” Mentally Paris was punching herself that she forgot something that obvious.

“Alright, since she is in your classes you can just talk to her right?” Anna suggested. “I mean, if she is Cerys’ friend she would want to let us know she is alright won’t she?”

“Oooo!” Arisa squeaked, bobbing up and down, “Perhaps she will want to hang out with us too!?” She was super excited at the idea of possibly making another friend.

“Easy tiger, we don’t know what this girl is really like.” Anna pointed out. “She might not want to hang with us.”

Noticing Arisa start to look a little glum the other twin stepped in. “Awww! Why would someone not want to hang with Ris? She’s awesome!” Marissa pointed out, throwing an arm over her shoulder.

With the mood lightened, conversation turned to more detailed stories of what everyone did over break. With Arisa carefully leaving out her and Cerys’ little incident in the noodle bar, and then the twins bickering over who ate more during Christmas dinner; but it was mostly laughs and good times, despite the hole left by the lack of their goth gal-pal. As snacks were brought out, everyone remarked how Cerys would probably have enjoyed this meeting a hell of a lot more.

Eventually everyone who didn’t live in the dorm room had to leave; with their bellies filled with candy and soda goodness. Thankfully Marissa waddled sideways out of the door this time, so there were no stuckage-based issues caused by her monumental hips and ass.

Anna and Arisa stayed up later, watching movies and bingeing on the remaining snacks until eyelids began to droop and the blonde called it a night. “Well, looks like it’s time for me to hit the hay, night Ris!”

“Night Anna!” Arisa waved as she snuggled deeper into her bed-sheets, kicking the food wrappers off and onto the floor.

As Arisa started to fall asleep she began to wonder about the next day; Paris and Marissa couldn’t come over every day, perhaps she should talk to Ms Polluck now?
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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