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Rated: E · Book · Technology · #1973676
Thoughts from time to time.

I have lived in a exciting piece of time, being a baby boomer and growing up in the sixties. It was an era of mechanical technology in the United States of America.

Farming changed with the World and farms grew in size and versatility with displaced people moving to big towns and cities. We went from two row planters to sixteen row planters. One hundred or two hundred acres per farm to two or three thousand acres per farm, on the average. We've went from eighty bushels of corn per acre to two hundred forty bushels per acres with no irrigating needed.

The Worlds population has exploded and one of the ways to feed the population is synthetic foods.

Examples- Milk made from distilled soybeans, cheese made from soybeans and by products.

Meat production that takes grains that a human can eat will slowly go out of economical feasibility.

Instead I can someday see alternative crops produced to provide needed protein.

Example.- Variety of a Garbanzo Bean, or Russian Thistle, planted in the winter, grown and cut by early summer.
Dried in the field until the moisture content is forty percent. Put into vats to ferment with a special bacteria.
Heated to capture the alcohol for fuel.

The remaining product is put into a artificial digester and when it becomes ninety percent soluble is distributed to special silos that are one hundred feet in height.

Inside the silos are mindless mammal tissue masses that grow to fill the silos.

When the mass reaches a certain height, a door at the bottom is opened to harvest the bottom third of the mass.

The tissue mass slides to the bottom and continues to grow.

The process takes one pound of dry matter digested product to grow into five pounds of a human digestible product.

The product is ground, packaged, and sold as a protein burger.

Sound simple until some biocenologest creates a super cell gastric bacteria for better fermentation, and wipes out all mammals in the World due to inflammation of the Ileum, causing Ileus, inducing a slow and painful death.

Today that sounds like one big whopper. But in the future it might become a reality. Who knows?

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November 27, 2017 at 4:41pm
November 27, 2017 at 4:41pm
As a person becomes older he starts looking back in life and wonders what if anything he will be remembered by! As a child will he be remembered as being a smart, obedient kid? Not me! Self centered was I and none to smart. As a young man I was just another working stiff! Even more so because I hadn't studied to get good grades as a kid and manual jobs is what I did. As a family man I focused more on my job then my family and did not excel in that either. In my later years I've enjoyed improving my mind and writing stories but I feel I'll never be good enough or focused enough to have something published!

The other day on Facebook someone asked the question, If you had something to say on your Tombstone, what would you have written? Good Question! After thinking about this I thought of something that would be about as honest an answer as any answer could be!


November 24, 2017 at 1:18pm
November 24, 2017 at 1:18pm
Have you ever had an an idea for a story, wrote it down and thought, that's really good! Then you post it and think, why did I ever write it first person singular? What was I thinking!!
November 21, 2017 at 12:31pm
November 21, 2017 at 12:31pm
Many times I feel I have nothing to say in my Blog on a given day and therefor say nothing. Today it was brought to my attention a Blog a friend of mine has been writing that I knew nothing about. It has in depth philosophical questions guided by American and Mid American virtues and is a very good read. The Blog can be found by typing in your search page on your computer, mhuenemann.blogspot.com I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
November 2, 2017 at 9:28pm
November 2, 2017 at 9:28pm
You never, ever, tell others of your crimes,unless they are so big as to be incapable of concealment,

and then you describe them as policy or statecraft.
October 11, 2016 at 3:22pm
October 11, 2016 at 3:22pm
That winter Lois and I went to my sister for the fortytwo dominoes parties and it seemed like there were less men then I remembered. Among the sister's friends was Lucille, who liked to flirt with me. One of the things about fortytwo and trying to take all the tricks was saying, "I'm going to plunge!" Lucille would look at me and say, "Herman are you going to plunge?"

I loved hearing how she said that, so I would say when she was my partner, "Do you want me to plunge Lucille?"

She would say right in front of Lois, "Herman, you can plunge anytime you want to. You don't have to ask me!"

And she didn't ask Lois when she started buying me shirts and saying. "I've got some shirts at the house that you should stop by and try on. Anytime would be fine, day or night, and I would love for you to stay awhile!" She wanted....I thought that part of my life was over with! It's never to late in life to realize you can still be wrong! Blow me over and tickle me with a feather, she knew how to make me feel truly alive! The bad thing was I had to break Lois's heart when I didn't come home some nights and I had to tell her GOOD BY! It's terrible when you feel like a cad and are happy at the same time!
April 30, 2016 at 3:16pm
April 30, 2016 at 3:16pm

The old man was in his easy chair when the doorbell rang. As he was getting up he thought to himself, "The older this recliner and I get, the more creaks, pops and groans we make!

When he opened the door he saw his grown son and his ever present guitar with his sons wife and small child. He remembered the time, a long time ago, when he had asked the son and his mother to leave, fearing the beast that waged war inside of him!

"May we come in father?" the son asked, "I wrote a song I would like you to hear! Do you still have the stand where I can put my sheet music?"

"I'll go get it." the old man said.

As he turned to go he heard a gasp from the young daughter-in-law and saw the lion. "Don't worry!" the old man said, "He's here quit a bit and hasn't hurt me yet!"

"I think we should go!" the young girl said. "I don't trust him!"

The old man spoke up. "Go into the kitchen and we'll put the easel in the hallway. That way if he does something you will be able to run out the back door and escape!"

As the old man set the easel up, the lion jumped on the dinning room table and sat down, putting his paws in front of him, while surveying his domain like a sphinx of old. Looking at the lion in apprehension, the lad put his music on the stand.The son started playing, filling the room with sweet melody and filling his soul with peaceful harmony.

At this point the old man realized it was nothing more than a dream, because he felt he was the lion, but at the same time he was playing within his son. Looking up he asked the question, "What is the meaning of this?" And as he was asking the answer came to him. "The lion and I are the past, and my son and I are the present, with the mother and child being the future. If the lion can be controlled, I can hold onto the present and not lose the future!"

The old man woke from his sleep and rolled over, looking at the digital clock at his bedside. It read 2:22. "It must be the beginning of a new day." the old man thought. He heard his second wife snoring beside him so he got up and went to the chair to put on his old shirt, vest and slippers. Making his way out to his old recliner and blanket, he heard the snoring stop. He heard the bed creak and his young wife leave the bed, going to the bathroom. He heard her potty and then go back to bed.

Lying in the dark he thought, "Thank you lord for your answer to a question I didn't know I was asking! If You can help me control the beast I've got a chance for the future!"
April 10, 2016 at 4:30pm
April 10, 2016 at 4:30pm
How would you describe love? Love is an affection or an emotion! But what creates this for any person? It would be created or brought on by admiration and respect of a person with a reciprocating feeling from said person who has the same values of right and wrongs! Being flattered and appreciated turns into love. An affectionate persons loves his-her parents, teachers, neighbors and friends as long as you haven't become disappointed with who you think they are! If this happens to you, the love that you have for that person changes with the new understanding! The relationship of a marriage is vary much the same, but so vary much different in that the multifaceted and depth of the love is on so many more levels. The one you are married to is PERFECT with idiosyncrasies that are cute and entertaining, causing the love to grow and become deeper as time go's own. When a disappointment comes along and reevaluation takes place, (example-infidelity) the idiosyncrasies are no longer cute, but grating on one's patients. When this happens the love changes in the marriage! The thing left over with time is commitment, which in today's society seams to not be enough!
March 27, 2016 at 6:48pm
March 27, 2016 at 6:48pm
Today I've done so much of nothing that it's completely wore me out!
February 15, 2016 at 12:53pm
February 15, 2016 at 12:53pm
The secret of enjoying old age? Retire before you're old!!
October 16, 2015 at 2:07pm
October 16, 2015 at 2:07pm

Wisdom- Loved is the man, by his wife, that can't say no, and doesn't resent the yes! Blessed is the man whose wife appreciates what they do for each other!

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