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Walking In The Love Of The Lord; Casting All My Cares On Him!
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Genesis 8:20-22
From the time of Noah, God's promises have been true. My one hope is to press into the Father of All Creation, the Lord God Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Prophets, for He is the Word of Life and from the Beginning. Holy, righteous and just and there is no truth outside of Him. May the Lord Be Praised Forever!


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♫~ Kenword~♫

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March 14, 2020 at 9:34am
March 14, 2020 at 9:34am

Saturday - 6:33 a.m.

If you get an opportunity, choose the love of your life. Be mindful of the most important ways a love needs to be. Remembering the stuff of life that makes life lovely and warm can be a challenge. But a beautiful, concerned, compassionate, and loving special friend will help you to recall the important details of life passing by. But what must this special friend possess to make them the love of one’s life?

In choosing may I suggest someone gracious, kind and caring. Special friends that become the love of your life will be with you a long, long time.

When I chose my love I went for the obvious attributes: beauty, brains, electricity, gorgeous hair, charismatic smile, adoring eyes. How splendid my love was at our first engagement, how utterly splendid she is now, at this very moment. She is a vision beyond, way beyond, my comprehension.

But the one thing that I had not sought in a love, but for which I am now eternally grateful, is her magical voice with velvet-soft, sultry tones with which she pronounces words to compose sentences so lyrical I could almost faint in the listening. My love’s eyes sparkle as she speaks, alive with the gift she has been blessed with and I melt.

It has been over forty-four years of listening to my love now, and funny it did not dawn on me until several months ago how blessed I have been to have a love whose voice is so absolutely perfect for my soul. She says she loves me. Her eyes say the words before her voice gives eternal beauty to the thought. I am struck once more with the vision of her, twenty years old in a formal dress, a glitzy restaurant, and a hand held out – “So, pleased to meet you.” Has it really been over forty years?

My love’s voice sings the first song of my morning and the last song of my night and in between I enjoy the wonder of my love’s longings, joys, sorrows and glee, with a deepening admiration that inspires more and more love for the one I love.

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♫~ Kenword~♫

March 13, 2020 at 11:34am
March 13, 2020 at 11:34am

Friday, March 13, 2020 8:20 a.m.

I was standing at the kitchen window looking out on our patio as the dawn broke. The overcast sky, gray and dark, tried to hide the fact the sun was on the horizon, but at 7:28 a.m., just as a wise and just forecaster had predicted, I am, at 7:28 on Friday the 13th, looking out my window at the first light of day. How cunning of all my kitchen clocks to alert me to the fact that the forecasters were correct in their prediction. I am seldom at my coffee maker at this moment. Today it was important to notice the time of day and the weather that had crept in overnight.

I would rather see the first rays of light, golden and bright, but today our view of life will be colored by the visit of some turbulence from the Pacific and the Canadian coasts.

I have my coffee, sturdy and robust, with which a sip elevates my powers to be alert. I have been glancing over my scripture readings for the day and I am glad in my heart as my fingers ease into the work of praying and meditating on the Word of God.

First of all to the law. The law was originally set for the people of Israel but they were not always able to adhere to the precepts given to them by God and Moses. Like most mankind, they were trained up to live by their own judgement and whatever seemed right to them they did.

One day a lad decided to go out into the wilderness and gather sticks.

Numbers 15:32
32 While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation. 34 They put him in custody, because it had not been made clear what should be done to him. 35 And the LORD said to Moses, “The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 And all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, as the LORD commanded Moses.

It was suddenly clear on that day that though there would be sacrifices for sin in all of its various shades and colors, there were some sins that would not be tolerated. At the time not all the camp of Israel was made up of only Jews. There was among the Israelites those who were referred to as "sojourners." Moses made it clear to all the camp that the law applied to all of those who were with them, Jew and non-Jew. In the Courts of Heaven, one life taken to demonstrate the seriousness of the law was justice and deemed the supreme right of the Creator of all things.

As I meditate on who God is, I know of little that is known by me that can even come close to what God knows. While the law was a new task master replacing the old task masters the Israelites bowed to in Egypt, the Maker of the Law knew all things about the outward appearance of both the keepers and the breakers of the law. Even more important to those who lived their lives for the sake of appearance, He knew the inner heart of everyone now coming under the power and authority of His law. While outwardly a sin may seem a small infraction by a court made by human law, God knows the heart. He knows those whose attitude towards the law and the High Courts of Heaven is rancid and infectious.

Through Christ Jesus, the price for the sins of the world has been paid, both for the Jew and for the ones who in this life sojourn with them, which is in reality, everybody. Just as the one gathering sticks on the Sabbath disobeyed a commandment of the Lord, we all daily break the laws of God. Some lawlessness is dealt with immediately in the Courts of Heaven and the sojourners in this world of darkness and sin are shocked, alarmed and outraged. But all sin will be dealt with, either on this side of death or on the other. Only the saving belief in God the Son, Jesus, the Holy Lamb of God, can one be saved from the punishment of sin. He paid the price that can bring deliverance. Only pray to God and ask Him to save you as it is written in

John 1:12

(12) But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, (13) who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

(14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

My prayer in this meditation is that today would be the day of salvation for all of those who have been seeking the Lord. Trust in the Lord and be saved, our God says in His word. Revive us in our search for more of You O Lord.

May those who have found a Savior in Christ Jesus, be heartened by the love that is our perpetual shield against the works of darkness. May the hope of salvation and all of God's promises He gives to those who believe in Him, be yours today. Amen.

Psalm 18:25-28

With the merciful You (God Almighty) show Yourself merciful;
with the blameless man You show Yourself blameless;
26 with the purified You show Yourself pure;
and with the crooked You make Yourself seem tortuous.
27 For You save a humble people,
but the haughty eyes you bring down.
28 For it is You who light my lamp;

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March 12, 2020 at 2:14pm
March 12, 2020 at 2:14pm
Thursday March 12, 2020

Cruising out of Port Angeles on Highway 101 headed home. The giant motor beasts with 18 wheels pick up speed by the Wilder Auto Mall and Cinema Center. I’ve got a buddy’s truck in it rides smoother than a Cadillac. Don’t care for the radio stations since moving so close to the mountains, none of the music piped through commercial airwaves can match the majesty of the snow-capped Olympic Mountains. But the Rock ‘N Roll Hymns of the Sixties on my Ryobi construction blue-tooth boom box can and I crank up Mary Chapin Carpenter and Trisha Yearwood to the maximum. My view of the mountains out the passenger side window is enhanced by a bit of country jazz from the 1990’s.

The preacher man has cleared space in the store room and there will be more use for that space than old chairs and thrashed iron shelving. I am glad to sing along, I’m glad to be headed home, and I’m glad that I have a moment to remember this ride. Will it be significant? Absolutely. There is a revival coming to the land and I want to get to my revival fire tools quickly and efficiently. The Bibles are piled high and the literature for holding a revival for 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders is ready to peel out.

Psalm 17:8
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings,...

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November 7, 2022 at 7:04am
November 7, 2022 at 7:04am
*CountryIL* *CountryUS*

I pray O Lord, God of Heaven and Earth, for Your holy city Jerusalem. Psalm 87 we sing, Your City of Zion is upon the Holy Mount. You have brought soul after soul into the valleys of Israel and shepherding them like a loving father. You nurtured and taught and imparted to their spirit everything they asked for. And when they forgot You, You had mercy and left off what was happening in other places to assure they would turn again to Your will and Your purposes.

You are a Good Good Father, and there is none like You in all the world. Bless the nation of Israel once more as they navigate the world of the Revived Church, who Love You, love Your Book, Love Your Son, Love Your Kingdom, Love Your Nation and Love Your City of Beauty and Life. Please defend Your city from the divisive men who want to rip Your city into two pieces. One for the Lamb, one for the Mosque. One for the Redeemer, one for the Ishmael. Let it not be so in the earth’s life time; no division for “Glorious things of you are spoken, O city of God. Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you!” Thank You for raising up nations to say no to the woodsmen who would split Your Holy Mound with an ax of self righteous peace making. They are warmongers who want war, demand war and do not sleep until the blood of youth is mixed into the soil of sand and clay.

You O Lord rise strong over the “United Nations” who love dictators, party leaders and socialists, and work to dissolve borders and the self rule of those who stand for You! Have mercy on the enemies of Israel, but shut their mouths! Close up the gaping canyon below the noses of their granite faces. Bring confusion of the hour and the minute of the day where the digits on their devises are in disarray and they can’t tell the time or the seasons. Give them a sense that their brother cares, but their minds can no longer discern who their brother is. They already dwell in darkness. Would Your holy light cause them extreme confusion? Bless them with Your Holy Light O Lord that they may see clearly the internal workings of their blood thirsty partners.
You O Lord Love the Gates of Zion more than the dwelling places of Jacob. How much more do You love those who dwell in Jerusalem, the City of David. Give grace to all of Jerusalem’s inhabitants and make Your City, Israel’s delight. Make Your City the center of commerce for the whole world. Establish her wealth, power, and authority over all of her neighbors that if they do not have her favor, they are swept away with the storms from the desert.
Thank You for my friends, the Church, Your Church. Melt away all dividing lines except Your Book. May those who say they are the Church but defame, scorn, deride, re-write and belittle the precepts of Your Book be sent into oblivion and remove the word “church” from their mind, heart and soul. May the sign above their meeting places say: “Ichabod,” “The Glory of God Has Departed Our....”

Allow those who no longer believe the Words of Your Book, be what they are, a kingdom unto themselves to nurture the works of darkness to those who refuse to repent of their sin. Let them continue to deny there is sin, and there is no devil, and that hell is not a real place. May they add wine and narcotics to their services to dull the pain of a life lived without You and Your hope of salvation. Nourish their delusions until their misery is no longer tolerable and they fall before the cross and plead for mercy.

May the true Church rise with Your promised prosperity that we, Your children would have the resources to help those losing their homes to foreclosure and past due rents. As the economy sucks their bank accounts dry may the Church have Your Kingdom Economy in place to relieve the suffering of no heat, no food, and no bed this winter. May the missions that are already filled with the homeless be franchised in every city to accommodate the thousands yet to be delivered into the streets with only a shopping cart of possessions left.
Fund the welfare system of every Church to take in the broken hearted from the storms of winter. May the heart of Jesus be in every Elder, every Deacon and every family that names the name of Jesus. May our bank accounts overflow with the generosity You provoke in the 1% to give of their millions to save their lost countrymen, their distant kin.

Open up new industry with higher wages for the uneducated and under served of my nation. Deliver every hungry soul from the evil of poverty and the depression of want. Meet the needs of my nation’s children whose fathers and mothers have departed mentally or physically. Deliver them from the hands of the abusers and the users.
For the mothers who cherish what You have put in their wombs, may they have the fortitude and resources to raise their children in health and prosperity and where there is any lack may the churches and cities and counties of this land give all that is needed to honor the choice for life.

For those whose womb is inhabited by the unwanted may they never be impregnated again. May they be as barren as King David’s wife Michal for the rest of their lives. May those who sow their seed without regard to its outcome be struck with impotence for the rest of their days. May the seed of American men become as rare as unicorns until legalized abortion is removed from all the United States who defy the rulings of the Supreme Court of America. May every American couple bound in unsanctioned unions be visited by Your Spirit of Truth and be convicted of their lawlessness and harlotry. May those who are unrepentant have the needs for their many lovers be met with impotence and a loss of libido. May what they worship be theirs to keep all the way to the grave or until the Spirit of Repentance brings them to the foot of the cross.
Thank You Father for being a Loving God who desires none to perish. You alone are the author of life and You alone can stem the tide of irrational shedding of innocent blood. Our Supreme Rulers have spoken. Governors have responded. May the fortunes of those Governors who defy the new rulings from the Supreme Court on abortion be swept away into the hands of those who will sponsor unwanted children into loving homes. May the process of adoption be taken out of the hands of greedy lawyers and judges and put into the hands of agencies that can expedite at low cost the adoption of a parentless child.

May every new born child be a wanted child. A loved child. May every newly formed child in the womb today be a wanted child. A cherished child. May there be no more birthed child under the skies of America until the value of the unwanted child raises to astronomical monetary value and every last baby is spoken for. Habitations past the womb for every infant is what I desire. Break the curse of abortion off of this nation forever Lord.

I pray all of these prayers in the name of Jesus’ and to Your Honor, Glory and Praise! Amen.

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♫~ Kenword~♫

March 11, 2020 at 10:25am
March 11, 2020 at 10:25am
Wednesday, 03.11.20
Today there is a ring of clouds around Sun Land and the darkness was breached in the northeast at 6:50 am. Sunrise will be at 7:32 am.

“…in your presence is joy forevermore…” Going into Canaan the first time. “We came to the land to which you sent us. It flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit…(a cluster of grapes so large it took a pole between two men, two out of the twelve sent into the land, to carry it. Caleb: “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are able to overcome it.”

An online journal can be the citadel that is called sanctuary. It must stand against the powers of darkness that would try to overcome the light. The citadel is built of words and the words become the wall. Word walls build the unimpeachable citadel.

The words may have life or death, but for the citadel, where the soul may find rest and comfort, the walls are made of pure light. Word walls are built with words of light. The words ascribe glory to the God and King of all things, Christ the Lord of Glory, ruler of heaven and earth. In Him there is great hope and an understanding of the mission to which all mankind is called – to work for the glory of God. The words are life when they are His words. Find one whom Jesus calls friend and you have found one who has built a citadel of their own. Darkness will never prevail where the walls of light shine.

It is in His presence that I find my place. It is in His presence I discover my mission. Psalm 16:11 “…in Your presence is fullness of joy."

I welcome this train of thought to enter my citadel and it fortifies the outer walls against hate, lust, fear, greed, avarice, malice and murder.

No matter what I may say today, my citadel, built on the holy Word of God, is filled with the joy of the Lord. It is He who is my shield and there is no sorrow or pain that will not turn to joy in His presence.

To my friends, should you wish prayer for the challenges you are facing right now, please let me know. Even if I am not on WDC, I will receive the notification on several devices and will agree with you in prayer. Sometimes just writing out our need invokes the notice of our Heavenly Father. Because He knows our heart He already has the solution. To His Honor and Glory. Amen.

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♫~ Kenword~♫

March 10, 2020 at 9:37am
March 10, 2020 at 9:37am
Like A Rock - Good Morning Tuesday - March 10,2020

I am able to write this morning because of the peace God infused into my heart and soul. It happened yesterday as I pondered His Word and His Work in my life. I had been holding back because of a huge assignment. I had to write a training that would inspire youth, 15 - 83 to work with the children in our area. I completed the assignment and then delivered the words to a classroom of 16 students. We came to know, by the deepest of love poured down from heaven above, that our children need to be shown the love of God with tender admonishments and soft looks of compassion that they may receive the grace to ascend above the challenges of this life and corrupt forces that daily try to enslave them.

As we closed our time together, our class increased their commitment to prepare for the work of training our children in the way they should go and grow.

So in this moment of reflection, as I sometimes do, I rise up boldly and proclaim there is yet one way into the Kingdom of God. There is no other way but by "The Rock Of Our Salvation".

And while Bob Seeger may have intended something different from his song, today I do lift my eyes towards heaven and sing:

"And sometimes late at night
When I'm bathed in the firelight
The moon comes callin' a ghostly white
And I recall
I recall
Like a rock, standin' arrow straight
Like a rock, chargin' from the gate
Like a rock, carryin' the weight
Like a rock

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♫~ Kenword~♫

March 5, 2020 at 5:35pm
March 5, 2020 at 5:35pm

I struggle a bit with the assignment. Write a teacher training. Something is pulling me back away from the words I want to say. Outside my office the wind picks up and gray clouds move in rapidly. There was a forecast of rain yesterday, but not today. How fast the outside sky matches my own internal ire. I want to say something new to the class. They should not be impressed with me but rather inspired to think of what they do every day in a way that gives it a lot more import. No wonder I filled with ire. Irritations are not new to me. I have walked away from lesser assignments. I was too casual about them.

I write casually. Should I? I know what is burning bright inside my insides and not even George Elliot’s great insight into human psychology could push through the walls I have put up. I lift my hands to jam the sky higher above me and roll the next problem to the front of my thoughts: A Classroom Schedule Is a Fire to Burn Burn Burn – it is a covenant with lesser life forces who will in turn rule the world but not before he has blown up a hundred of my balloons or she has lost her mind in the songs designed to thump along like most preteen mysteries. “It is how it makes me feel.” “Her voice is sketchy.” “Her voice is surreal”, “It’s how it makes me feel.” But I light something in you my child and all you are worth is never put out, though all of the forces of darkness will try. Burn my words and my words will burn, but you will take something away from our time together that you have earned.

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♫~ Kenword~♫

February 6, 2020 at 11:51am
February 6, 2020 at 11:51am
Dear Heavenly Father God, Holy Is Your Name.
Lord God Almighty, please have Your way today. Here on earth as in heaven. May Your Kingdom Come and Your will be done. Today O Lord.

Please forgive me of all of my sin. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I forgive those who have sinned against me and pray for all who are my enemy. Please forgive them as well.

Father I praise You that You have given me a strong mind and body to do the work today. Help me Lord to be focused on the issues of CCS and the work that You would have me do to train as a writer for Your Kingdom.

I am pleased with the concept of being a Kingdom writer. Please show me the way.

Thank You for this forum to share my thoughts and prayers and to glorify You.

In Jesus Name.


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♫~ Kenword~♫

February 20, 2019 at 3:36pm
February 20, 2019 at 3:36pm
Many teachers and scholars came together, after Jesus was crucified, to examine the evidence to verify that Jesus was who he said he was.

Out of that investigation there was a conclusion that was shared by many of these scholars - he was exactly who he said he was - The Son of God. And as the the Son of God He was One with the Father. He expressed his oneness with the Creator of all things and demonstrated the power of both God and himself, God the Son, to work in love to heal and bless humanity. He said He would send another "comforter" and so He did. His Holy Spirit lives with us today.

He proclaimed a freedom for the captive and victory over sin and death. Radical proclamations became his leading characteristic as he declared God's Kingdom to be near at hand and available not only to the most learned within a community of faith, but also to the most humble...especially to the most humble.

Much has been done over the past 20 centuries since his proclamations and declarations and while evil and destruction still prevail over justice and truth in this world, there continues a mainstream of light that does miraculous works in his name, testifying moment by moment, day by day, that he was and is exactly who he proclaimed himself to be. His good works continue through those who believe. Not even death and hell can stop the works of God for those who call upon His name. Come Lord Jesus Come. Amen.

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♫~ Kenword~♫

January 7, 2019 at 9:17am
January 7, 2019 at 9:17am
Genesis 5:28-32
When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son. He named him Noah and said, “He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed.” After Noah was born, Lamech lived 595 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Lamech lived a total of 777 years, and then he died.
After Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth.

*Mugr* *Cross2* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Cross2**Mugr*

Noah’s father was Lamech, a man born of Methusulah whose life span was 969 years. These were the days before God had decreed that man’s years would never exceed 120. By the time Noah was born, hundreds of thousands of people inhabited the earth and there was extreme wickedness in each man and woman born in those days.

The good that God had done for mankind was overshadowed by greed, malice, vengeance, sexual perversion and murder. There was only one man whose heart was not bent towards evil and it was Lamech’s son Noah.

I gather surrender my heart today to wonder about Noah. For as in the days of Noah, evil prevails over good. The advent of the news services, television, radio, computers and the internet insures that we are informed of all the evil that is being done all around the world, minute by minute.

But the most diabolical evil is what is happening in my heart right now. It does not love and it refuses to repent of any of its wicked meditations. Until at last I must bow my knee and turn to God for deliverance from my own destructive ways.

You O Lord are my hope and my shield. Forgive me of all of my sin and lawlessness. Restore to me the joy of Your Salvation and I will have rest and peace in You, my Deliverer. Amen.

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