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Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent job, Norman. Your work here is simple and straight to the point. I appreciate the fact that is no unnecessary fluff, the absence of a tentacular style. The rhyming is pleasant and without unnecessary labor. I enjoyed this piece very much.

With My Compliments,
Review of Why Do We Die?  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Moom. This piece has so much that can be said about it; I hardly know where to start. Some who read this will think it controversial. I would not blame them for that. You have certainly tackled a subject where opinions abound, and strong feelings erupt. However, all of that is to be expected.
It is telling that you have done your research and are not just dolling out opinions willy-nilly. Unfortunately, if the reader is not a Bible believer, the words that it puts forth have little relevance.

Overall, I found this piece interestingly written. You certainly laid it out there for all to see. What they will do with the information is in God's hands. I have always approached my writings on similar subjects with an effort in logic; I am very much into logic.

I believe you did an excellent job of presenting your argument. Now, if you can get readers to consider it.

With My Compliments,
Review of Cavy  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another gem for my perusal. It is both a picture of disgusting loss and delightful life. I enjoyed reading this piece very much. Well done.

Kindest Regards,
Review of Our Daily Rain  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
A most excellent piece of work. You have a true talent for poetry. I have always been an anglophile. I have never been to England, But it is one of the very few places I would love to visit.
I truly love this poem. To me, it shows a genuine love for your country. The flow of words is as those silver drops of rain of which you spoke. When I read your prose, I feel as though I have taken to my lips a cool glass of water on a Summer's day.

With My Compliments,
Review of Thinking  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (1.5)
I really don't know what you expect out of anybody who would read this, notwithstanding that your abbreviations are ambiguous. It makes no sense to me at all and would have been better placed on the newsfeed.

Review of There Was Me  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Another gem, Christopher. It is fascinating that we can cherish pain, but we often do. I know it to be true with myself.
I appreciate your poetry very much. It touches the part of our nature which is broken.

Review of We Have a Shadow  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Clearly, a very personal poem written from the depth of experience. I appreciated your clarity. My favorite stanza is We destroy worlds.
We make "we"
To be obsolete.

Wonderful simplicity that tells the sad story of everyday humanity. Well done.

With My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a wonderful story and you did an excellent job writing it. How mysterious is the act of dying. No matter how much we study the process, we can never understand it. Can you really blame people for being fascinated with death? Of course, morbid fascination is one thing, and being in awe of it is quite another.

With My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, why shouldn't I be the first to welcome you with a review? It sounds as though you have been through the mill. The good thing is that you are on the mend. I'm happy to hear that. Since you can't do much else, you may as well write. I hope to hear more from you as you continue to improve.

With Best Wishes,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are a true inspiration. I cannot imagine the things that you must deal with on a daily basis. It may sound bizarre to say that I enjoyed reading about your daily and seasonal challenges, but I have been interested in your circumstances since I met you. You may not realize how much you have to offer the rest of us, but keep writing and being an example to us all. I hope that I can be considered a part of your pack.

With My Compliments,

Just a note about my salutary phrase: Durning the Civil War, Officers would send messages to one another on the battlefield. They would often tell the runners to deliver the message "with their compliments." Being an amateur Historian, I use this as a salute for a job well done and a sign of respect.
Review of More Than Man  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is indeed an interesting beginning. It is, however, contradictory in one sense. You say that he is searching for a greater form of existence but then describes a life of seeming desolation. Therefore, he has not achieved that for which he sought. As the novel progresses, there may be a resolution to this conundrum. It would be interesting to see how you work it out. It is, however, good writing.

My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hell, Paul. Although you are ten years my senior, I did grow up in that period. Unlike yourself, I can't say that I thought about the whole bomb thing. I do remember hearing the warning signal going off every day at about noon in downtown Baton Rouge, La. I wasn't frightened or anything like that. I did, and still do remember that sound being really cool. Surely, we had different experiences, but I wouldn't trade growing up in that period of history for any other.

I did really enjoy your reminiscence. It was well written in a nostalgic tone. The reading was very enjoyable.

With Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (4.5)
I read the two offerings in your port, and I want to encourage you to get busy writing. Why just two pieces in around two years? Are you a serious writer or just a hobbyist? You say you have words burning within. If you don't let them out, you might spontaneously combust. Also, you need to art up your port to attract readers. Do something to get people's attention.

You have the talent, so use it. Start writing and give us something to read. Your two works are fine, and with a little work, they can be even better.

Hoping to see more of you in the future,

Review by Crow
Rated: E | (4.0)
I don't think it will take you but a second to understand why I was attracted to your poem. The only thing I question is why you failed to use any punctuation. I realize that some poets don't get caught up in dots and commas, but those diacritical markings can change the flow and meaning. And, may I ask who Clancy is, another crow, I suppose.

If your poem is written in an artsy form, then you achieved your goal. All in all, I did like this piece. I will be interested in visiting your port to browse your other offerings.

With My Compliments,

Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
A most illuminating article, Jay. It requires one to think, and that always a positive thing. As two individuals go, we are probably different in many ways. I assume that we are both Christians. However, being a Calvinist, we would probably disagree on theology. That being said, I will rarely dispute another's beliefs unless they border on the absurd and have no scriptural foundation. I have also reached the age where I believe that I can say whatever I want. Of course, such a belief is COMPLETELY FALSE. Yes, I have strong opinions, but I will not force them on anyone. Finally, I have a naturally suspicious nature. I am very wary of opening myself up to strangers.

Now that I have spent all of this time speaking about myself (something which I hate), I need to review your Essay. I did find it clear and informative. You clearly thought it out before going to press. There is good sound advice in this piece. You seem to honestly believe what you are saying. This fact is something perceived in the inner man. You are absolutely correct in what you say and it reminds me of a scripture. "He that will have friends must show himself friendly." You have certainly shown the truth of the axiom which says that you always catch more flys with honey. I believe that is the way it usually works on Wdc. Excellent job.

With My Compliments,

Review by Crow
Rated: E | (3.0)
I tried sponsoring a writer, filled out the form, and submitted it. However, nothing under this writer's name shows that I am sponsoring him.

Review of Whither Faith  
Review by Crow
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A most excellent and stimulating read, Terrence. Having been an ordained Baptist Minister for around thirty years, I understand exactly what you are saying, and it mirrors to a great extent my own experience and thinking. Your first two paragraphs concerning the nature of faith are spot on. Also, the fact that higher education - or is it indoctrination - changes the intellectual terrain is also a key element in the mind's obsession for exploring. In any case, I will not belabor this review further.

I thoroughly enjoyed the work done here. It reflects my own style and I wish I had written it, but you get the kudos for that. Yours is an adroit probing on the classic conundrum.

With Compliments,

Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yours is not a bad idea, but why not have the best of both worlds. As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground"

Great job.
Review of Midnight Shivaree  
Review by Crow
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I really love this poem and the cover picture you chose is exquisite. This was a great idea for a short work. I love this genre. I can't wait to get into your political folder.

Excellent work.

With My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Come on, suemar, let's get this portfolio in shape. You need to start writing. You've been around long enough to be much further along. Of course, I am not chastising you. It's more a case of tough love. I realize that you have suffered stress that didn't help matters. Of course, you can always be most helpful to yourself and others by writing about your experiences.

Now, when it comes to this jogging business, you've come to the right place. There isn't a whole lot I don't know about jogging. I am sixty-eight this March and I can truthfully say that I have been jogging on and off for thirty-five years. For me, it has always been about healthy weight control. Where I live in the states, the winters are mild, but that's not to say that we don't get some really cold stretches. And I will say without apology, I hate to run in the cold. Spring and Summer are my times to hit the streets and backroads. I can't afford the extra expense of the Health Club.

Let me encourage you by revealing that I have lost as much as forty pounds by watching what I eat and running regularly. Of course, in those Winter and Holiday months is when I start to see the weight sneaking up on me. It has always been a constant battle. Recently, I came upon a game-changer. A high protein diet, water, and regular exercise. If you don't cheat, the weight will come off.

You can do this and you won't die, although it may feel like you will at first. Your body is wonderfully designed. It begins to respond the first time you do something good for it. You may start with a light jog and before long find yourself running your first mile. It's amazing how quickly the body begins to respond.

Well, I've droned on enough. You can do this thing. Of that, I have no doubt. And what better place to record your progress the WDC. I look forward to hearing from you. We'll fight this battle together.

With Kindest Regards,
Review of Highway Star  
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a good one, Don. As Yoda might say, clever and funny it was. The rhythm was fine and the word choice excellent. As I read, I wanted to see what would happen to the fearless family. I'm glad they came through. Good work, Don.

My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, is it not ironic that when you wrote this piece you had passed sixty-eight years. And now, as I am reading and reviewing your contemplation of time, I am just reaching the sixty-eighth mark. You are now passing seventy-five. I pray that you are presently doing well.

Yes, as the years pass we wonder how much longer we have. We very often are more acutely attuned to the world around us, and feel its pain more imperiously. May God look upon both of us with His mercy.

With My Compliments,
Review of You Survived It  
Review by Crow
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Greetings, Longtall8. I'm happy that you found us and decided to become a part. Let me say that you are very welcome.

I found this work most interesting. I am always glad to see writers that can say what they wish without filling the page with unnecessary verbiage. Also, I appreciated the theme of the work. As an older gentleman, I am beginning more and more to realize that there will be an increasing number of things to overcome. You took what most would call a disadvantage and turned it around. I'm sure that that will be encouraging to many. Well done.

My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Jim. This is a clever piece of work. It is a piece that one would expect from you. I'll admit, I had to read it a couple of times to be certain I followed all the diacritical marking correctly. It's a great birthday offering. Well done, Jim.

With My Compliments,
Review by Crow
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello, Rosie. I have never heard of the guy you mentioned. However, whatever confidence you may have in him, you must surely realize that he has no chance of getting on the ballot. Being young and full of energy means nothing when you enter the Washington arena. He could be the brightest bulb in the box, but when they finish with him he won't shine so brightly, if at all. Also, I don't know where you are getting your information from, but automatic weapons are not available to the public. The only groups who use full auto weapons besides the police and military are drug cartels, terrorists, and other criminal factions. The Los Vegas shooter used what is called a 'bump-stock.' which allowed his semi-auto to become what could be described as automatic. Bump-stocks have now been banned. The public is only allowed to have semi-auto firearms which means that you have to pull the trigger for each shot. These can be deadly, but they do not possess a fully automatic setting.

With Regards,
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