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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
First there was "I'm Studying You...then there was "Who Do I Think I Am??. Finally, we reached "Who do I still think I am??.

Until now. Welcome to the Buffalo in your soul...

WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus Blog City image small

A fair warning.

Barrel Of Monkeys

*Trophyg* A THREE-TIME CHAMPION OF THE "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS! *Trophyg*

A habitual line stepper.
A signature for Quills winners to use
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February 3, 2015 at 7:43pm
February 3, 2015 at 7:43pm
Banner or header for 30DBC

*Phonograph* "I have a muse, I never asked for one or wanted one, but then one day my muse showed up and has been hanging around here ever since. My muse is Andre the Blog Monkey, who most of you know. Do you have a muse? Tell us about your muse. How does he/she/it help you write and create? If you don't have a muse, try and generate one. You may need your muse to help you out down the road in this competition."

Hey everyone! Day three of Brother Nature 's too-many-letters fundraiser for the 30DBC, the teams have been set, and Elle - on hiatus has already started talkin' smack. That didn't take long. This should be fun. *Smirk*

Of the lord knows how many blogging prompts I've seen over the years, I've probably been asked about a muse several times...and I don't think I've ever really answered the question or gave it much thought, to be honest. Why? Because I'm self-admittedly prompt-dependent. I find it really hard to open up the composing of a new entry without having something to riff off of...which makes me wonder how I ever functioned before I joined blogging groups or competitions.

That's not to say I don't have a muse; I just haven't discovered it yet. Blogging isn't exactly writing love letters or infomercials, although sometimes it seems like it. Those forms have intended recipients that you're trying to specifically cater to. My blog audience? While I know who most of you are, let's not kid ourselves...I'm writing for me first and you guys, well, ummm, the 1A to my 1. I don't expect you to buy what I'm sellin', nor do I think I can convert you into something you're not.

Beyond that, I have motivating factors. Mainly, I don't wanna suck. If I suck, you don't read this, and if you don't read this I'm basically typing to see my words put out in front of me. If I wanted to do that I'd just sit on Facebook all day spouting random nothings hoping no one's paying attention. I want to entertain and be entertaining. Hopefully engaging. Once in a while, maybe even inspiring. But I just want you to feel like this wasn't a waste of your time. That's what failure feels like, and I don't want us to have to go through that.

Not all of us possess a blog monkey...some of us are stuck with just using what we know to keep snappin' off these things. And that's alright by me...it means there's one less monkey to clean up after.

BCOF Insignia

*Bookopen* "James Patterson says he 'pretends that I'm sitting across from somebody and I am telling a story. I don't want to get up until it's finished. He swears this is a recipe for monumental success.' Think about what keeps you involved in the books you read. Do you agree with Patterson? What are the elements that engage you? Do you feel the stories you write will keep an imaginary listener across from you entertained?"

Wow...good question. I'll get this much out of the way...this is the first time I've seen this Patterson quote, but I've always tried to write these entries like we're having a conversation. What you're reading is pretty close to what I'd be saying if we're sittin' at a restaurant crushin' a pot of coffee, catching up and reminiscing. It's authentic, and hopefully relatable. It's a lot more comfortable than being with the person who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, spittin' big words just to sound all educated. From my experiences, no one likes that guy.

And here's where I kinda tie in the first part of this entry about having a muse...if I can't make this entertaining enough for you to read, then what's the point? Write like you're talking to someone casually. It comes off better than reading an encyclopedia. But I trust most of y'all know that already.

I'd like to think I'm fairly adequate at doing this. I'm happy with it. And it's not like no one knows about this. People read it, and that's cool and I'm very thankful for that. But far be it from me to say what works for me is definitely gonna work for you. Sure, James Patterson's sold umpteen million books, so he's got some cache...when he speaks, he probably knows what he's talking about. It makes sense to listen not only to his advice, but that of other people who are confident in their writing without publishing bestsellers as well. Learn as much as you can, do some trial and error, and see what works out best for you. Join groups and participate. Get feedback. You're not the same person you were a year ago, or ten years ago, and you won't be the same this time next year.

And wow, have I started getting off track. That happens. The point is, there are many ways to be successful, just as there are many different levels of success. Know where you want to go first, and then work about getting there.

Blog City image small

*Suitcase* "Why does a mind wander from the task at hand? Does your mind wander at times? How do you re-focus?"

My mind? Among other things, it definitely wanders. I get distracted pretty easily. And I have no idea why...if I did, I'd probably try to stop it from happening. I probably have adult attention deficit disorder...great, something else to talk to my shrink about. *Rolleyes*

I'm sure there are good reasons...like, the things you have to do usually aren't as interesting as the things you'd rather be doing, so maybe you're thinking about that than the tasks at hand. Or there's some sort of urgent thing going on in another aspect of your life that is taking control of your thoughts even though there's nothing at the present you can do about it. It happens. Some people are just more naturally gifted with an ability to block out distractions. Me? Not so much. Some days I can barely do one thing at a time, let alone two or more.

Regaining focus takes understanding...knowing that you've fallen off whatever you're doing. For me, it's like I need an extra second to remind myself sometimes. It's amazing I've never been hit by a car when crossing the street or been in a serious accident involving the loss of a finger *Laugh*. I swear, I'm not totally absent-minded! I just tend to get lost in my head at times.

But yeah, like I was saying, sometimes ya just gotta hit the reset button on what you're doing to get back on track. Otherwise, it sucks having to go back and clean up your mistakes when you're not paying attention. There's a quote or something about doing things right the first time, and whoever coined it wasn't playin'.

The WDC Soundtrackers.

Today's also Day Three in "The Soundtrack of Your Life, and I'm going with "Blister" by Jimmy Eat World. Sure, everyone knows their big massive radio hits, but my friends and I listened to them before they got big (doesn't everyone say that?).

The actual meaning of this song is probably miles from what I get out of it, but interpretation is one of the many beauties of music. For me, it's about missing someone who's far away and wanting to experience whatever you're both going through together in the moment. Anyone who's been in a long-distance relationship knows what I'm talkin' about, and that's what the lovelorn part of me hears. There have been a few people over time I've managed to get close enough to that have made me feel that way...glad that they're there in spirit, yet helpless to be able to do anything about it. And, it's just a kickass song.

"How long would it take me to walk across the United States,
all alone?
The west coast has been traumatized and I think I'm the only one still alive."

For the blog.

*Bird* What do you know about this? Harper Lee is coming out with a sequel to her classic, To Kill A Mockingbird   this summer...it's one of my favorite books, but there's a healthy amount of skepticism surrounding it from a few other articles I've read about it today. Supposedly this book was finished before TKAM, and it wasn't supposed to be published. But Lee found the manuscript, and after the death of her sister, who lived with her and used to handle her inquiries, has agreed to it being published. Rumors are that she's being taken advantage of in her advanced age along with the notion that her sister is no longer around to speak for her, and if that's the case that's a pretty shitty thing for a company to do. I'm sure we'll hear more during the run-up to its release, so I don't know exactly how I feel about this yet.

*Hockey* Speaking of literary comebacks, how about my twinner Julie D - PUBLISHED! rejoining us for this month's 30DBC after almost three years of being away from WDC? That's pretty amazing! I'll just have to try and keep her away from Lyn's a Witchy Woman during hockey season, so the two of them aren't gangin' up on me with their Philadelphia Flyers smacktalk *Smirk*. Seriously though, it's great to have Julie back, and she's certainly been missed.

*Beakerg* And isn't this a little effed up? New York's attorney general is going after stores selling nutritional supplements that don't contain what they're said to contain  . Having once been in a semi-management position at one of these stores, I can't help but feel a little more betrayed that a giant corporation has once again resorted to lying to the general public just to make a buck. It's disgusting, and I hope these stores aren't allowed to get off without facing serious consequences...but you know they're big enough that the buck will get passed, ignorance will be claimed, and somehow us little guys will end up paying for it.

Anyway, that's all I've got for today...peace, you can't stop me, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

February 2, 2015 at 5:47pm
February 2, 2015 at 5:47pm
Banner or header for 30DBC

*Snow2* "Do they know it's Groundhog Day? Does your part of the world have such a weather related tradition? Are there any weather related traditions (actual or completely bogus) you observe? Tell us about the weather conditions in your part of the world."

Good afternoon y'all. You'll have to bear with me today as I'm in one of my moods...it's downright terrible outside today with the snow and the wind. Someone remind me again why I live in the northeast.

Why?? Please, why??

Snow in New York itself is a damn tradition. If you know anything about me, it's that I can't stand it. Passionately. And there probably isn't too much I get passionate about. Therefore, I generally try to avoid anything winter-related because if there's one thing people don't like, it's being around someone when they're miserable...and snow pisses me off.

It's not that it's cold; it's just that it tends to ruin good things...like sunshine and green grass. It makes going anywhere more difficult, it's a giant hassle because you have to shovel it (unless you're a shitty neighbor), and people tend to overreact and drive like a-holes. It's a major inconvenience that you can't do anything about. Sorry if you're one of those people who's into skiing and other forms of winter horseplay...we probably can't be friends.

And the sad part is that I've lived through almost 40 of these damn winters. Like, why haven't I learned my lesson and gotten the fuck out yet? I don't have an answer for that. I wish I knew, other than there's probably too many things I'd miss, and eventually I'd end up bored with paradise. But that's unlikely.

I don't think I have any weather-related traditions, to tell the truth...even when it's nice out. Unless you count forgetting an umbrella when it rains or wearing an inappropriate outfit when it's too hot. You know...just the uncomfortable things. I think in my next life I want to come back as a weatherman...I'm pretty good at being wrong half the time, so I may as well get paid for it.

BCOF Insignia

*Baretree2* "What does a groundhog think about Groundhog Day? Write a story, poem, or rant. Have fun and be creative."

I have no clue. Here's where I'm no fun today...do we have to pretend to care what an animal of little worth thinks? What does a groundhog even do? What's its purpose? They're, like, the least emotional creatures on the planet. Look at them...are they happy? Sad? Having a bad week? Who knows?

And why do we get so bent out of shape as a society when one sees its shadow? We have all this cool ass technology- hell, my tablet has the weather update as soon as I fire it up- yet we rely on some little rodent of folklore to tell us it's gonna be shitty outside for six more weeks? What kind of backward nonsense is that? I can type words on a screen that are seen worldwide, but the animal kingdom's version of Santa Claus supposedly can predict the future? C'mon man.

And where's PETA in all of this? Why are we exploiting animals instead of employing people who are trained in weather sciences? Aren't we above all that? You wouldn't send a six year old outside to see if the weather's bad, right? That'd be foolish, and would probably earn you a visit from Child Protection Services. Yet we're all cool with the groundhog doing all the work. Unreal.

Me, age five or six.
He's on to you, groundhogs and weatherpeople.

Tell you what, people...live for today. That's all that matters. Planning ahead for trouble will only lead you to more unnecessary worries, and life's too short to waste 'em on wondering how much more it could possibly snow in the next six weeks. And that, my friends, is one to grow on.

Blog City image small

*Music2* "Do you think music has a magical effect on the mind? How?"

Absolutely. Without a doubt. Anything that triggers the senses can be magical if you let it (cue the Willy Wonka imagery here). It's a universal language that can transcend any mood. Everyone's got their "breaking point"...that moment where the right song can change you from being inconsolable into someone more palatable for public consumption. That's what makes us human, and not, say, a groundhog.

It's a not-quite-guilty pleasure. You know you've been there...you've had those moments where you're feeling nothing, and then "Oh snap! This is my jam!!". And suddenly everything feels right in the world. If having your frame of mind changed by a song is magical, I wanna be David Copperfield with dope headphones.

Surely though, it can go the other way as well. Remember earlier in this entry when I said I hate snow passionately? Ditto with country music. Wanna see my life turn to suck? Cue up some twang. I'll probably instantly dislike you for the eternity that you're around me. Just like nothing good happens at a bar past 2am, nothing worthwhile or prosperous happens between me and country music. Don't try to convince me otherwise; my life, my story. End of conversation. Wanna see magic happen? Watch me pull a disappearing act when you start bumpin' that good ol' boy noise.

But yeah, music does have a magical effect on the mind. Without it, we wouldn't have "The Soundtrack of Your Life. We walk down the aisle on our wedding day to a murmuring crowd. Champions would raise their trophies not to Queen, but just to cheers. And all you'd have stuck in your head are silly thoughts. Music matters, and don't let anyone tell you differently.

** Image ID #1970900 Unavailable **

Here's a fact about me unrelated to this song that you may or may not have known: I'm a "third". I share the same name as my father and grandfather. Enjoy that. Let it roll around in your head for a minute or so.

I like lists. I make them a lot, sometimes randomly. They provide a sense of order in a life otherwise lacking it. When this Soundtracker activity rolled around, I made a list of artists I wanted to use, and I wrote down the songs I used last February, because I didn't want to repeat/recycle the same list as last year. I ended up with way more bands than days in February. *Rolleyes* And I still had no idea what song I wanted to use today.

But then I took a walk to the store to get a few things, and this song popped up on my iPod. It's the first Modest Mouse song I'd ever heard. I used to read a lot of music magazines and they'd always gotten good reviews...I was in a record shop one day perusing the used cd bins and came across this album, and I thought "Why not?", so I bought it not knowing what they sounded like. And it was amazing...you know that feeling of not knowing what you want until you have it? That was Modest Mouse for me. I guy-crushed hard on this.

It's actually a beautiful song, "3rd Planet". It also came around to me when I was first realizing I was having depression issues that would impact me going forward...I know I'm not a perfect person; I've made mistakes in life and I've let people down, but that doesn't have to define me because there can be good in otherwise tragic situations. Everything has a deeper meaning than what you see on the surface, and sometimes the reasons why things happen are greater than just what happens.

"Everything that keeps me together is falling apart.
I've got this thing that I consider my only art of fuckin' people over."

For the blog.

*Football* So I sorta lied yesterday...I did actually watch the Super Bowl even though I said I wouldnt. Turns out the NBC Sports Extra app I downloaded awhile ago was showing the game sans hassles, which wasn't the case earlier in the season. So I did what I normally do during football games...I abused my Twitter privileges. Why on earth #fathandsweat isn't trending nationally, I'll never know. *Smirk*

*Quill* So hey, this is awesome, because I got this email today...

The Quill Awards 2014

*Thinker* Blow your own mind   with these facts of life. Groundhogs aren't necessary.

Boom...done! And I feel a little better (even though it's still shitty out). Peace, if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

February 1, 2015 at 11:04am
February 1, 2015 at 11:04am
Banner or header for 30DBC

Hey everyone! I'm back...hard to believe I haven't written a blog entry yet in 2015, but I've got a good excuse. See, this year hasn't been good to me so far. Among other things, my laptop crashed...and typing on my tablet kinda sucks. I'm determined to get by though until I can fix it (I think, fingers crossed, it's just the fan), but it's not the easiest thing in the world to do, fo' sho'. Also, I've been hosting this thing called the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS, which has compromised a little of my time. But February is an unofficial month there, and I've turned the reigns over to my man Brother Nature , so I'm down for whatever he's got in mind for the next four weeks. I smell chicanery...or maybe that's just Andre The Blog Monkey's leftover banana peels starting to rot. *Smirk*

Our prompt for today includes talking about our enthusiasm level for participation, along with recruiting others to accompany us on our journey. Well, I'm here, and I don't like being involved in something unless I'm all in. So I'm throwing down the gauntlet...either you're with me or you're against me, and nothing's gonna get in my way of trying to win this thing. And while I hate talking about myself or boasting, I can assure you that I'm very qualified for this type of contest. Read any of my award-winning blogs...I'm a three-time winner of the 30DBC and an editor for the Blogging Bliss newsletter, as well as a longtime ambassador of the blogging community here at WDC.

I'd like to take this moment to encourage anyone who hasn't already signed up for this experience to do so now in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS forum...and drop my name if you do and plan to be a part of the winning team. I don't know how the teams will be divided, but I assume that if your preference is to be on my team, we'll try to make that happen. But I must specify that while I'm running the official months of the 30DBC, this month's (and future unofficial months') challenges are all Joel's. This is his baby. Don't expect me to influence any more than me bangin' out my entries and doin' what I do.

So come on y'all! Let's have some fun while the weather's still nasty outside (at least it is here). Bring your A game and let's see what you got. You'll meet a lot of good people, you'll expand your audience, and maybe you'll even become a better blogger in the process.

** Image ID #1970900 Unavailable **

I'm also taking part in "The Soundtrack of Your Life this month as well...I'm a music nerd and this is the premiere event of the year for us Soundtrackers. lizco252 does a fantastic job with these activities, and it's fun hearing what other members are listening to and how it shapes them.

Today's selection is from The Beatles, called "Don't Let Me Down". Having a favorite Beatles song is like...I don't know, having a favorite kid? I don't have kids, and there are more great Beatles songs than there are great kids anyone could have, so maybe that's a bad way of putting it. I'll say it like this...this song to me is in the Top 5 all-time of Beatles songs. Simple but meaningful lyrics, the harmony, and Billy Preston's work on the keys...they all make this worthy. Lyrically, it's who I am when I begin a relationship- any kind of relationship, be it romantic, friendly, or business- I feel like someone else will let me down before I let them down (and I don't mean that in a pompous sort of way; lord knows I've done my share of disappointing in the past). I'm at times optimistic to a fault when it comes to committing to my beliefs...and I'm not optimistic at all by nature anymore, so when you get my vote of confidence you know I'm serious. Even though this song tries to recapture the innocence of early Beatles tunes, there's a depth and maturity to the sound...a band falling apart internally, but still managing to create beauty and inspire.

"It's a love that lasts forever.
It's a love that has no past."

For the blog.

*Football* Today's the big day...Super Bowl Sunday. I won't be watching, because I don't own a TV and the website I used to use to watch stuff online was shut down as of Jan. 1st. I don't care for either team, but I hate New England more (being a Bills fan), so I guess I'm just hoping it's a good game and I'm sad that football season is over. If you're unsure of who to root for or just don't care enough about football, here's a guide   that will at least give you something to talk about if you're going to a party to watch the game.

I think that's all I've got for you today. I guess doing this on a tablet as opposed to a laptop wasn't so bad...we'll see though once I have to edit. Peace, yes she does, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

December 31, 2014 at 6:00pm
December 31, 2014 at 6:00pm
Blog City image small

*Thought* "'It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.' -JK Rowling. Do you agree with this?"

'Sup y'all? It doesn't feel much like the dawning of a new year, but I've been in an emo mood all day (retrospective, lovelorn, and thoughtful about nothing much as opposed to the smeared black guyliner and angst for the sake of angst). I have other things I could and should be doing, but I'm gonna do what makes me feel best, even though I don't even know how to respond to these prompts today and writing a blog entry wasn't on my list of things to do.

I have a complicated relationship with dreams. I either don't remember them, or they're so vivid that they startle me when I'm awake and coming to. I hate it. In the foggiest mornings, the last thing I want to do is come to grips with the insanity some dreams bring. If I'm lucky enough to sleep, the last thing I want to do when I wake up and am trying to figure my shit out for the day ahead is dealing with the weirdness I had to put up with in my head while I'm under the auspices of Ambien, Doxepin and Gabapentin.

And I don't know that I can honestly agree with the Rowling quote. I mean, it's hard to front on an author who wrote a bazillion-selling franchise, but it's not my taste, those books/movies, and she's kind of a dick from what I've read about her. So I can't take her or what she says at face value, from a personal level. But yo, if you're so stuck up on your dreams that it impedes your personal progress in life, you need to chill. Step back, take some moral running-down of the accountability in your own life, and then proceed. Do not go, and do not collect $200 until you do so. Capisce?

Dreams can fuck you up. Especially if they're about certain people or odd events. I know I've made some kind of mention about this before, but the $100 bill dream comes to mind...I was broke as eff-you-can-see-kay years ago, and dreamed in all sorts of vivid display that I'd found a Benji. So much so that I tore apart everything in 542 (my apartment at the time) that was in the dream when I woke up. Like, there really was a god damned $100 bill somewhere in my house, and I was foolish enough to not put it with the rest of my shit when I emptied my pockets for the day. Talk about a buzzkill. "Yeah! There's money in my jacket pocket! Oh wait...no. Noooo!"

I don't talk about dreams much anymore because people think you're crazy when you tell them you had dreams about them, and everyone else on the internet thinks they're some kind of dreamologist who can diagnose all of your life's problems because you dreamed you were *Pointright*thisclose*Pointleft* to partying hardcore with the random girl of your dreams. Fuck that...I don't need to hear it, because I've already been let down by nocturnal mind wanderings. I even tried to talk to my therapist once about it, and he convinced me to start a "dream notebook"...and he never asked me about it again. Jerkoff.

All I can say really is live in the now, if you're taking any advice from me (which I don't recommend doing). Just be thankful that you can easily fall asleep and wake up in the morning without issues. Dreams come and go...it's actions (as I'm sure you well know) that mean more and make you who you are.

BCOF Insignia

*Calculator* "'Forget yesterday-- it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow-- you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift-- today.' Steve Maraboli. Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not?"

I'm a brooder; a lingering thought-er. I can't think of the right word right now, but I'm that guy. Concerned for stupid reasons over silly things. Too engulfed in my own head sometimes to see the storm that burns the forest full of trees, or whatever that metaphor means. I'm the danger cartoons warn you about. I'm "this is so right though" when you (and I) know it's absolutely wrong. I contemplate to a fault, mainly because I'm over-correcting for random impulsive behaviors and indiscretions of my past.

That said, I don't want my yesterdays to be forgotten, and I'll never stop sweating tomorrow...tomorrows aren't given. But too many todays have sucked and left me falling asleep wondering what's next. Some things...feelings, situations, whatever...can change daily given the person. My bullshit today could be someone else's joy tomorrow, as sick as that sounds. Maybe we're here, and maybe we're not. I don't know. I do what I can to get by, and your higher power can sort out the details.

Blog divider.

I don't care if this song is eight minutes long. Strap on some headphones and suck it up. Sometimes music is better appreciated that way. Certain albums deserve the headphones declaration, and this is definitely a "lay down for awhile" song.

"You say it's a good thing
that you float in the air...
that way there's no way I will crush your pretty toenails into a thousand pieces."

For the blog.

*Rain* One of the best articles I've come across in a long time: "What It's Like To Be In Love When You Have Depression"  .

*Cart* I don't even want to hear about your holiday shopping nightmares. You'll get no sympathy from me  .

Alright...I think I've had about enough of this for one day. I'm off to worry and fret and do the things I've been putting off. Peace, reach out our hands, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

December 30, 2014 at 6:53pm
December 30, 2014 at 6:53pm
Blog City image small

*Confettir* "What is your formula of sticking to New Year's resolutions or any other promises to yourself, after making them?"

Good afternoon, kind people! I love the New Year themed prompts *Rolleyes*, so let's tackle these while I'm still awake and give a shit.

Formula? That means math, and y'all know I don't play math well in this here writing of stuff about writing and not maths. That's not to say I dislike math; maths are important and I don't shy away from dropping verbal maths (as long-time readers will know). It's just that...when you get technical and want me to produce a formula...the angst and anxiety comes out, and I go into batshit recluse mode. Not a bad place to be, by the way.

Me though? I'm formula-deficient. See "This one's about teaching, tradition, and TWLOHA. if you're in need of a primer. I don't make resolutions, mainly because I've learned I don't stick to them. Why bother? I need a nap; I'll eventually take one. I'll lose weight...*Laugh* easier said than done. I'll quit smoking...naw man, I'm going straight to Hell with my sultry looks, disgusting intentions, and my menthols. Word to the seed I don't believe I have. You want a formula? There's 39 years' worth, in skin and maybe a fancy hat.

And I've learned not to promise anything to myself either, because I know I'll let myself down. I'm the biggest a-hole to myself than anyone has ever been to me, and I know a lot of a-holes.

That said, 2015 should be a beast. A friendly beast; kind and searching for more beasts like him. Introspection sucks balls, this year and every one after.

BCOF Insignia

*Burstv* "As the year closes, many of us consider New Year's Resolutions. On January 1st, we are opening a brand new 365 page book about what? This book is our opportunity to create something unique. Do you make resolutions? What's the first page/chapter of your book going to say?"

Like I said y'all...I don't make resolutions. I don't believe in setting myself up for failure. I'll do what I do, take my chances, and deal with what becomes of it. If this is the new year  , then so be it. If not, make what you can of it and go from there. Very simple.

Ain't no book gonna tell me how to live. Not much I haven't seen before. Naps though...naps are great. I need to take more of them (solid ones), and I need to stay vigilant concerning a good nod-off (which I could use right now).

I still haven't closed the book on two decades but...I'm thoroughly unprepared to start a new book in and of 2015.

Blog divider.

I guess I do have one traditional New Years song, and it's this one...

"Like calendars dying at New Year's Eve parties,
as we kiss hard on the lips
and swear this year will be better than the last."

For the blog.

*Thought2* I'm so glad someone came up with this list of deep thoughts   well in advance of me saying any of them.

*Confettibl* I know you're concerned about how I feel regarding New Years, but don't worry...I think I've got "having a healthy and successful year" taken care of:

Is this how New Years works?

*Quill* I wanna take a second (maybe two...it's my blog *Smirk*) to thank the person that nominated this slice of internet pizza for "Best Blog" in the 2014 incarnation of "The Quills. It means a lot; I'm not gonna lie. I've been nominated for awards before and even took home an honorable mention one year, but something about it feels different this time. And hey, congrats to all the other nominees as well, who are all special and deserving in their own right..."Invalid Item. I'm particularly excited that lizco252's "The Soundtrackers Group got a nom for "Best New Group", because I enjoy taking part in Beth's Soundtracker activities and sharing music with others...I'd love to see the Soundtrackers take home a trophy for Beth.

Alright, I'm done here for another day. Thank you, do your thing, peace, can we have one last dance, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

December 29, 2014 at 6:50pm
December 29, 2014 at 6:50pm
Blog City image small

*Scholar* "Where teaching in schools and universities are concerned, shouldn't character be as important as the intellect? Shouldn't students who are otherwise smart and capable be held responsible for the crimes they commit, such as bullying, robbery, rape, and destructiveness, or should we just overlook their crimes because they are so capable?"

Hey folks! Greetings from snowy Cortland...I'm back after spending the holidays with my mom and brother outside of Buffalo, which was a good time regardless of them both being sick the majority of the time. Hope you all had a kickass festive experience...I know I missed out on some great prompts while being away but it's cool that we've got some real thought-provokers today (by the way...congrats on your 300th prompt, Lyn's a Witchy Woman and "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise...what an accomplishment!). Bear with me; this might be a long one. *Wink*

I'm gonna start it off by immediately saying that regardless of who you are or what your potential is, if you do something stupid you should pay the consequences. And as much as I hate to admit it, yes, every situation is different and circumstances aren't always what they seem, but what's more troubling than anyone in a position of bettering themselves committing an act of crime or indecency is the lack of consistency in punishment. Simply put: money talks, bullshit walks...if you've got the money for a good lawyer sometimes even the most heinous of infractions can be made to "just go away", while the common man or common woman has to suffer the indignities of justice for minor offenses. And don't tell me that's not true. Wall Street pirates bankers bilk society out of billions daily, but if you misunderstand the complicated rules of a benefit system designed to help the poor, jobless and unfortunate, courts won't hesitate to bury you further. Personal experience, yeah, but my complicated legal history isn't the basis for my opinions. Moving on...

My biggest concern though is why are we limiting the boundaries of moral decency to just students? Teachers and administrators are human beings as well, and are just as likely as the A+ student or the juvenile delinquent to snatch you out your wig or hustle you for your lunch money, and y'all know it. How many times a year do you hear about a teacher boinkin' a student, or a principal getting run up for a DWI? Hint: once is too many. But outside of a day in shame and their name in the local newspaper, do they really suffer? Are they held up to the same standards as the kids they're bustin' on and the lives they're trying to mold? Not always. I'm not gonna lie; I have a heavy distrust for authority, mainly because I've seen it being abused too many times. Double standards for some are unfortunately (for others) a way of life. What keeps me on the "straight and narrow" now? It's because I know that if I fuck around and catch a case, I don't believe I'll be treated with the same leniency as some who get to be dicks just for fun with no consequences because of who they are.

What we lack is consistent accountability for our actions, across the board. Nobody has the right to treat others as less than what they are. Entitlement is bullshit, and the thought that someone deserves the benefit of the doubt because "he's a good kid" or "she's a pillar of the community" makes me sick because of its utter nonsense. Good kids don't cheat, shoplift or make fun of the crippled kids. Excellent teachers don't abuse their authority, sleep with teenage students, and power trip because "they worked so hard to get to where they are". Fuck that with a capital THAT. Sorry for being so harsh with the language, but situations like this really piss me off.

It boils down to a simple concept...do the crime, do the time. Suck it up. There are reasons we have rules, laws, and social mores. If I'm an asshole to someone, I expect to get treated like the asshole that I am...reverse common courtesy, you might say. Are there reasons to act out sometimes? Yes. But there are also other ways to go about getting what you want/need, and often the alternatives are easier to obtain with a second thought or a better way of thinking/behaving. Too often though some seek the path of least resistance rather than working toward a desirable outcome, and it tends to ruin everything for the people who do the right thing. I'm no better than anyone else, and I won't argue that there have been times where I've received more than my fair share of preferential treatment for one reason or another, but I also won't say it was right. Have I been lucky? Yes. And while I believe it was the professional golfer Gary Player who once said, "It's better to be lucky than good", life's not golf. Eventually luck runs out. Being good gets you places luck can't.

(Side note: Actually, Gary Player said, "The more I practice, the luckier I get." Lefty Gomez is the one who coined "I'd rather be lucky than good."  , but he played for the Yankees once and I don't trust the Yankees or anything about them worth the price this blog is banged out upon across your eyes.)

BCOF Insignia

*Burstr* "Do you have a special or traditional food that you eat on New Year's Day? Or do you have a recipe for one the traditional foods that you would like to share? My grandmother always served black-eyed peas and greens on New Year's Day because they were supposed to bring good luck and prosperity in the New Year. Another New Year's Day food is pork and sauerkraut because it encourages you to move forward in the New Year."

I'll tell you what...my (Polish...not crazy Italian) grandmother liked making pork and sauerkraut, and it made me move somethin' forward...away from the table in a hurry *Laugh*. Naw man, I don't like peas or sauerkraut at all. Pork though, I've grown to love, because it's not just chops breaded and fried (or baked). There's this thing called "bacon", and it's incredibly delicious in all of its incarnations if you haven't heard of it. Please do try it soon. On everything. *Wink*

Seriously though, I don't really have any specific NYE/NYD traditions. Life changes sometimes robs you of traditions, but I don't think I've ever really had any specific food I must eat on the first day the calendar flips. And I know some people can get really OCD about the shrimp and herring, almost as much as they want to start the new year out "right", but not me. I'm too impulsive for that, and not in the negative sense...if I'm hungry, I'll eat, and I'll eat what I'm in the mood for. I'll make the best of what's available. I won't starve (my belly-licious belly since I broke my ankle two years ago will attest to that).

I don't buy into a lot of ritualistic behaviors anymore. It used to be a big deal to go out for certain events, but I don't have the sense for that anymore. No urge, wherewithal, whatever. I prefer to do things on my own account. I don't march to the beat of a certain or different drummer; I am the drummer. An easygoing, simply pleased drummer, who doesn't give a shit about much (almost to a fault). You cook it, I'll (probably) eat it. You wanna do something? We'll (probably) go. Oh, you like hockey? So do I! I know this contradicts my whole selfish side, but you'll eventually see that and get used to it, because everything comes out in the wash anyway.

My New Years Eve will be spent at home most likely, chillin'. I'll watch Cortland's celebration from the window, where I can see the clock tower and the illuminated "2015" display. I think last year someone projected a hockey game onto one of the buildings nearby; maybe if they do it again I'll head outside and check it out. If it's not too cold, that is. There's something to be said about being comfortable in shorts in your own place of residing year-'round. And I'll eat whatever it is my heart desires...damn you, CVS, for not having shelled pistachios in stock when I come back from Buffalo, and you know I'm the only one who buys the two bags you shelve every week.

Blog divider.

Life is awesome because I got an iPod for Christmas...it was a really good deal on a 160gb piece that's non-existent anymore thanks to the jerks at Apple. Only took three and a half days to load up my music library to it, but super mega thanks to my mom for taking the chance on eBay and getting me the dopest, unbelievably hard-to-come-by toy evvv-arrrrhhh. Suck it, Teddy Ruxpin  .

That said, I don't even have a song to pin on this entry. But I do have the first song that was busted out of this newfangled solid state piece of machinery (even though I skipped it on shuffle because I don't need to subject ma to The Wu so early at 11:30am). And I don't even care if I've posted this song 36 times before, yo.

Meth's verse though...and Raekwon's.

For the blog.

*Countryus* Also got me from moms my new hoodie de jour, which I think is French for "the new hoodie from the Made In America   store that I'll wear pretty much all the time until it's time to wear another one". Sounds legit; plus it says "Made In America" on it, as well as on the tag. Yay America!

*Shovel* Who doesn't want tips on how to simplify your life? And wouldn't you like to know that science is studying ways to rid annoyances from your life  ? I know I would like that! <insert cheesed-out grin here> Pro tip: Use a pasta strainer to shake out the cereal dust, lest no one be after your Lucky Charms, if ya know what I'm sayin'. *Wink*

*Mustache* So, remember what I said in my last entry about not taking selfies even though I shaved off my legendary 30-Day blogger camping beard? Well, I, uhhhh, caved. Damn you, Facebook people who wanted to see me beardless! I'm so weak.

The latest, updated picture of me.
Next step:
removing the shitty attempt at dreadlocks.

*Pencil* Just gotta tie up a few business matters now that I'm home and have some time off and can concentrate. The "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is back up in full effect! It's, like, mine and stuff now, so I encourage anyone who is reading this to enter. Pretty much everything will remain the same (except the forum, which I'll be working on tomorrow and the next day, but don't expect much in the way of changes)...I have a surprise or seven in store, and I'd still love some donors and guest judges, but yeah, it's gonna be as cool as hell as I can make it, but it'll be cooler if you're a part of it. Also, this thing reading enjoyment extravaganza "Invalid Item is out and in the books, and I had a hand in that, if you're so inclined to see what it's all about (and why wouldn't you??). So get on that when you're done with this, and tell me and Wordsmitty ✍️ how much you love that and us in the "Blogging Bliss Newsletter Forum.

*Video* Now, y'all know I'm selective about a lot of things...and that includes the movies that I see and the charities I support. That's why I'm sharing this with you all now...the To Write Love On Her Arms   movie trailer. TWLOHA   is something I believe very deeply in...if you haven't been there, you know someone who has (and I refrained from saying "chances are..." because fucking face it, you know someone who's been suffering from depression, or someone who's been a victim of a hate or sex crime, or someone who's struggling with or has dealt with addiction). I'm championing this because it's not new to anyone...it's real, and it's here, and we can talk about it and not shame anyone or make you feel like shit because of it. I don't ask a lot of you cats, and I don't normally judge you (but sometimes y'all get behind some stupid shit...jus' sayin'), so just do the world a favor and support those you know having a time you know you don't think you'd ever go through, because it does happen (and by "it" and "does" and "happen" I mean just that, and then some). Sorry not sorry if it sounds hypocritical to anything I said earlier, but sometimes no, all the time, love is the answer.

And with that, I bid you all the most joyous of New Years, with everything you hope for and more. Be not the dreaded reason. Peace, through your spine, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

"You need to diversify yo bonds..."
December 23, 2014 at 10:54pm
December 23, 2014 at 10:54pm
Good- no, great- evening to you, friends. No prompts today for me, thanks...I'm full *Laugh*. Anyway, just checkin' in to say hey...chillin' at my mom's house outside of Buffalo for the holidays, ya know, doin' the damn thing (I always wondered why people say that; I don't know what "the damn thing" is).

As I'm wont to do on occasion, I've been scrolling Facebook at random moments throughout the day, and people have been sharing these "It Was A Good Year, Thanks!" videos (or whatever the hell they're called), and it got me to thinking. I'm not one to jump on these bandwagons, partly because I never know if there's some sort of spambot in hiding and lurking behind them (yes, I'm occasionally paranoid), and partly because I hate looking at the same shit all the time on social media and I'm not one for doing what everyone else is doing solely because "everyone else is doing it".

And in my pondering of this, something was glaringly evident. It was not a good year. It was not a bad year. In a poetic sense almost, it was a year of ups and downs and highs and lows...just like every other year and pretty much how life wrangles its way into evening things out. I won't go into detail (if you want, there's lots of other blog entries you can read that'll catch you up for the most part). I did some notable things, made less bad decisions, and still had moments I haven't quite come to acceptance with. And that's ok- or, dare I say it- normal.

I tried to take a break from WDC for awhile to focus on other things, and I would've gotten away with it had 30DBC Creator/Founder not dropped the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS on me (curses; foiled again!). But I'm actually thankful for that, because instead of talking about 2014 and what was, I'm sitting here thinking about how cool 2015 is shaping up to be. The 30DBC is back on hopefully solid ground, thanks to an anonymous donor, and I've come up with a little surprise as well toward the end of January (which may not be much of a surprise to some, but I'm practically giddy over the possibilities *Wink*).

Tomorrow's Christmas Eve, and I won't get all sappy with y'all about it. I just hope that for everyone who reads this, you guys have a kickass holiday surrounded by love and life. Be safe, look out for your neighbors, say thank you, try not to overindulge, and enjoy. *Heart*

Blog divider.

*Giftr* This isn't a holiday song at all, but for some reason it always gets me a little around this time of year, so it's sort of a tradition form me to post it. It started many, many years ago on WDC, before blogging was even a thing. I had a "journal" item in my port (we're talkin' maybe 2002-ish) that I would share tidbits of my life in, and like I said, this song felt like Christmas to me. No matter where we are, physically or emotionally in life, we're significant and we play a role. And through that, with what we know and believe, we can create gifts that aren't always given but can easily be received. It's just as important to dream as it is to accept reality; without either neither is possible. At least, that's part of how I view this song...you can see it differently and that's ok; that's what music's all about.

"We're forced to bed,
but we're free to dream.
All us human extras;
all us herded beings."

For the blog.

*Camera* Well, I did it. I shaved off my incredibly long beard. Actually, "shaved" isn't quite the word...I had to scissor it down, and then clipper it a few times with different settings until it was an acceptable stubble. Now people want me to take a new selfie, and I promised myself awhile back #nonewselfies (hashtags = ok; selfies, not so much), but maybe once my tablet charges I'll change my mind. And if I can clear up some more port space, maybe I'll stick that new selfie in a future blog entry. Why do I need the port space? Because...

*Pencil* ...I finally accepted and made room for all of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS items, so they're all up and un-privated and functional (except for a couple of the images I determined weren't necessary...if you've used them in the past- and I don't think anyone has- I'm sorry). The forum will be slightly revamped between Christmas and January 1st, but the rules and formats will remain unchanged. Can't wait!!

*Eat* Holidays. Food. Gifts GIFs. As only Liz Lemon   could.

Alright you guys...get some sleep. Hope the fat guy with the toys is extra nice to you. Peace, the rest of the world, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

How to take the perfect selfie:
Step 1: Be hawwwwt
Step 2: Quit. #Ifailed
December 20, 2014 at 8:14pm
December 20, 2014 at 8:14pm
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'Sup y'all? It's the last day of the "12 Days of "Christmas", so I'll let you in on a little secret...I never really had a "list" per se. Well, I did...I had a couple of bands scribbled down somewhere on a sheet of paper that I knew put out a Christmas song, and some nights before going to bed I'd get a video and lyrics ready for the next day's entry only to scrap it by the time I got to typing. I never really referred to my de facto "list", so that means no...

*No* Beck, "Little Drum Machine Boy"
*No* Mitch Miller, "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus"
*No* El Vez, "Feliz Navidad"
*No* Fear, "Fuck Christmas"
*No* AC/DC, "Mistress For Christmas"

*No* <the worst Christmas song ever known to man, that I can't even bring myself to name and I've only got a few more hours left to hope someone else posts it so I can mock them point it out>.

This actually has been a fun little challenge, and like lizco252 said in one of her many posts today, "I don't think I've felt this festive about Christmas in years!" I do believe I have to agree with that statement.

We've had all kinds of different music show up: standards and ballads, acoustic renditions, pop starlets on repeat, punk covers and rock classics. We've heard of the exploits of all the traditional characters like Santa, Frosty and Rudolph, and some of us have been introduced to some, ummm, slightly seedier individuals throughout this playlist compilation- prostitutes, murderers, people having undergone a sex change- so why not introduce a child molester with a revenge plot into the mix?

De La Soul wasn't really known for this type of narrative, but it's a nice beat with a slinky-dink, pluck-and-go toy piano line that adds a little bounce to the nature of the smoothly-delivered lyrics. Ladies and gentlemen, "Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa".

"None of the kids could understand what was the cause.
All they could see was a girl holdin' a pistol on Claus."

For the blog.

*Santahat* I'm pretty sure I made this reference over the summer, but "Millie Pulled A Pistol On Santa" spawned an afterword of sorts nearly twenty years later from Atmosphere, titled "Millie Fell Off The Fire Escape"  ...a sad conclusion to an even sadder story.

*Plane* Ok...let's lighten up a little bit. This is for all you kids and grandkids out there (really though, if you're reading this kids, you probably shouldn't be) who still like to track my main man Santa's travels on Christmas Eve...you can learn how NORAD's Santa tracker began  .

*Football* Y'all know I love football, and I'm happy that there's two games on today, but I'm also glad to know that I'm not the only one who thinks calling football played on Saturday "Thursday Night Football: Saturday Edition"  , or whatever the hell they're calling it, is just plain stupid. It's football. Call it that. And since the NFL has basically been playing Saturday games toward the end of the season nearly every year for as long as I can remember, I guess it's ok to tie in some kind of holiday theme...but calling it something asinine like "Thursday Night Football Being Played On A Saturday Afternoon" makes about as much sense as, ummm...well, I haven't seen something so nonsensical in quite a long, long time. Then again, this is the NFL, and aside from the fact that they rake in billions upon billions of dollars every year (as a non-profit, no less), not much of what they do as a business makes a lot of sense.

With that being said, I'm gonna get outta here and catch the "Saturday Night Game Of Thursday Night Football" because I'm a dumb American supporting something I don't believe in just because they're pairing it with something I can barely pry myself away from. Yay America! Peace, go for ya self, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

December 19, 2014 at 9:09pm
December 19, 2014 at 9:09pm
"Being spontaneous is being able to respond with confidence; calmly trusting that, whatever the outcome, you will have a positive if challenging experience that will lead to greater self-awareness and success.” ~Sylvia Clare

“I may be going nowhere, but what a ride.” ~Shaun Hick

“Plans are invitation to disappointment.” Derek Landy

Blog City image small

*Burstb* "Do you believe spontaneity leads to a richer, fuller life? Or do you believe that planning every intricate detail is the only way to have a fuller, successful life? I've given you three different quotes about spontaneity; which one describes your life?"

Hey y'all! Happy Friday! Just think...in a week from now you'll be returning all the crap you didn't want for Christmas! Isn't that exciting? Yeah, I didn't think so. Anyway...I think this Blog City prompt might be the longest prompt in the history of prompts. Maybe Lyn's a Witchy Woman should get some sort of statistician for this kind of stuff on her staff so we can verify this.

Anyway, I'm all for spontaneity if it's fun and it works...which I think is a shitty, around-the-bend way of saying I most likely prefer having things planned out, or at least having a general idea in advance. And I'm not even talking about a successful life...when someone spits a cliche like "write what you know", one of those things for me is not "a fuller, successful life".

But I digress...yes, there's a certain bit of romance that accompanies spontaneity. It's a rush, this "doing something on a whim". The mix of excitement and suspense and the feeling like you're doing something a little dangerous or naughty, or that you're going against the grain while telling the world IDGAF with your middle fingers blazin', is most certainly a buzz unlike chemically-induced mayhem. It's fun when you're young, and/or rich, and/or just don't care about anything anymore. Being beautiful is an extra plus because no one likes an ugly thrill-seeker...it ruins the mood.

However, for me, right now, I need some semblance of structure and direction. One of my biggest pet peeves has always been people showing up at my place unannounced or uninvited. I don't like doing that to people, and not every day needs to be an adventure of the social variety. I need some kind of warning...not just for physical preparation purposes, but for mental prep too. This way I can plan out in my head what I expect of any situation at the bare minimum to avoid letdowns, mistakes or faux pas, and forgetting anything important. Nothing sucks more than trying to do something spur-of-the-moment and it going to shit because of the multitude of things that can go wrong when life moves immediately from "status quo" to "high speed chase". Good on you if and when you can be spontaneous and pull it off without some sort of hassle...rarely have I ever been so lucky.

To sum it up though, I don't think any of the quotes necessarily apply to the concept of "a fuller, more successful life". I'm having a hard time trying to reconcile spontaneity with success, if I'm being honest...the idea of that nearly goes against everything I've ever heard and learned about being successful. Then again, like I said, you write what you know, and of success I know very little. Take it as you will.

BCOF Insignia

*Gifto* "There's a very large package on your door step. It's not addressed to anyone. Do you call the post office? The police? Or does curiosity get the better of you and you open it? If you opened it what was it? If you didn't what were the results of your reaching out?"

And that's a lot of questions! *Laugh*

Funny story (well, to me it's funny)...the other day someone left a phone book outside my door. And it wasn't the "here's the yearly Yellow Pages delivery" either...it was a beat up, terrible lookin, wrinkly local directory that had to be at least three years old and had been thumbed through six times a day. I'm not sure about the dates, because I didn't actually pick the thing up. I just sorta kicked it down the hall until it was almost in front of my neighbor's door. Because screw that...it's someone else's problem now, since it never should've been mine in the first place.

But a package? If it's not addressed and doesn't have any tracking info then I don't see the need to contact the post office. And cops? I don't care to call them for much of anything...the less I bother them, the better. As long as the box isn't ticking or hissing, and it looks plain and not like someone took a dump in it  , I'm nabbing it and opening it. What do I have to lose? If it's something cool, then score. If it's something that sucks, I'll throw it out or leave it in a common area of my building for someone else who may value it more to steal take at will.

I don't know what'd be in the box and I won't speculate because that seems a little...strange, and then I'm diving into the realm of fiction blogging and y'all know I don't have no time for that. But I'll tell you what...I won't feel bad for one minute opening that package. Not at all. I've had too many valuable things stolen from me in my lifetime by heartless fools to think about caring that someone else dropped their crap off in front of my door. Maybe that makes me an a-hole, but whatever...don't lose your stuff and I won't take it. Pretty easy, how that works.

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And now for my favorite part of today's entry...my eleventh song for the "12 Days of "Christmas", and it's "A House Or Maybe A Boat" by the only man I'll ever refer to as the sexiest man alive, Canada's own Hawksley Workman.

It's hard to believe I made it all the way to Day 11 without including a song from his album, Almost A Full Moon  ...a record described as "celebrating Christmas, community, family, food and singing". There are definitely a couple of corny songs, and a song or two that don't seem very hoiday-esque ("Claire Fontaine"   is a long-time favorite any time of the year), and it isn't his best work, but the originals provide an updated perspective on the holidays sorely lacking from the stale classics heard year in and year out.

"So bring your kisses and a carton of clementines
to go with the wine, and well keep the rind
'cuz the smell is just right at Christmastime."

For the blog.

*Bookopen* And if you'd like yourself some Hawksley Workman, may I suggest Hawksley Burns For Isadora  , a collection of prose and other writings that were originally published as personal ads in (I believe) The Toronto Sun. Beautiful and romantic; I've given several copies of this book as gifts throughout the years. and it makes an excellent companion to some of his earlier musical works.

*Medicalblack* Everyone wants to start the new year off right, am I correct? With that in mind for 2015, I'd like to introduce a new, random feature to this here blog called Men's Health And Wellness And Other Problems. Today's article focuses on 15 facts about boners  ...the power of education behooves you to read this because the more you know, the more you, uhhhh, grow. (See what I did there?)

*Video* We can't let the terrorists win, and this whole North Korea/censorship thing with theaters cancelling the release of "The Interview" is straight-up bullshit as far as I'm concerned. But thanks to apparently the same terrorists who lobbied for the film's non-release, parts of it have been leaked...including the Kim Jong-Un death scene, which you can watch here  . Stupid censorship and the spineless Sony Corporation...ugh *Rolleyes*.

Alright, well, my work is done here...y'all have a bomb-ass weekend and we'll do this again tomorrow. Peace, we'll kiss for the rest of the year, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

December 18, 2014 at 8:37pm
December 18, 2014 at 8:37pm
BCOF Insignia

*Thinker* "'Comedy is tragedy plus time.' Do you find this to be true?"

Hey everyone! Interesting prompts...ahhh, the old quote from Carol Burnett, who is very funny in her own right. I'll enjoy talking about this for a few minutes.

If you're viewing comedy from the perspective of "someday we're gonna look back and laugh about this", then yes, the quote directly applies. There's all the cliches about time in play also...that it heals all wounds, etc. And of course what is "the end of the world" today often becomes humorous biographical fodder among those closely tied in to certain situations later on. That, my friends, is what is referred to as "life".

That's not to say things can't be funny in the now, because we know humor can lie in the surface of almost anything if you know how to find it. Personally I try to do that whenever I can, almost to a fault...not everyone shares the same sense of humor, especially in circumstances that require more of a sense of urgency or quiet humility. While some people can handle the ice of an unfortunate situation being broken by a well-timed or good-natured wisecrack, there's always those Serious Sallies who think it's in poor taste to do anything but sob, whine, and generally show a restrained sadness. But that's probably another blog entry unto itself for another day.

One of my favorite stories of unintentional comedy that's still funny to this day and gets laughs when it's retold involves the wake for my boy DMFM's mom, who passed away nearly 20 years ago from cancer. She was beloved by everyone, and her illness shook a lot of us because (I know for me) it was the first real death we had to deal with as adults that involved someone in our inner circle. Tons of Dave's friends came to the afternoon viewing and were planning on coming back for the evening one as well...someone had mentioned going down the street to Ponderosa for dinner in between. As we were gathering around discussing this, Dave came over and someone in the group told him what we were planning on doing. My boy Adam chimed in with "Yeah Dave, you should come. Everybody and their mother is gonna be there!" We all knew what he meant, and like I said, it was completely unintentional...but we collectively went dropped-jaw silent. It's funny now, because so much time has passed, but in the midst of actual tragedy, it was awkward at best.

I'll leave you with this...try to find the funny in as much as you can while you can. Even in the worst moments. Everything's better with some laughs involved, and being able to look back and say something was funny in retrospect can change the light and perspective of the moment in question.

Blog City image small

*Bookstack2* "Someone is baking a cake for you in the shape of six books. Name the books you would choose for the cake."

Dude...cake! Yeah! A six-friggin'-layer cake! Don't worry; I'll share *Smirk*. Six books though...off the top of my head? Random. Here goes...

1) One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey
2) Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger
3) In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan
4} If At First: A Season With The Mets by Keith Hernandez with Mike Bryan
5) To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
6) On The Road by Jack Kerouac

Those were the first to come to mind, mainly because they're favorites. I don't know why anyone would bake me a cake and go so far as to decorate it with my reading preferences, but hey, I've had worse things cross in front of me before so I wouldn't complain.

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And now, as part of the "12 Days of "Christmas" playlist, allow me to bring the mood down just a little bit. Everyone knows Jimmy Eat World's big Christmas song (their great cover of Wham's "Last Christmas"), but they, well, I dunno...I'm not sure if you can consider "12.23.95" a Christmas song. It's more like a story that has no details other than a sad soundtrack with somber vocals. It veers toward soft techno blips and bleeps at times after the short lyrical stretch, drawing this song out to over six minutes even though the vocals are minimal. The "Merry Christmas baby" sounds hopeful, almost remorseful...and it somehow nicely fits right in during the middle of their "Clarity" album.

"I didn't mean to leave you hanging on.
I didn't mean to leave you all alone."

For the blog.

*Santahat* Who's ready for the traditional 24-hour marathon of "A Christmas Story"   on Christmas Day? Gear up for it with these 18 facts about the movie  . I actually tried to visit Ralphie's house   while coming home from a trip to Cleveland, but it was a Monday and there aren't any tours on Mondays.

That's all I've got for you people tonight...gonna go watch some football now and see what you cats have been up to. Peace, <tugs earlobe>, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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