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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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September 29, 2007 at 4:34pm
September 29, 2007 at 4:34pm
When I was getting out of the shower this morning my phone was ringing, but I could not get to it in time to answer. I checked the phone for missed calls and saw the number was restricted. I thought good, glad I missed it, likely one of those, one time special offers, since there was no message.

I went out for a while, and when I came home, still feeling a bit under the weather, I decided to take a nap. Just as I was getting to sleep my phone rang, I did not check the number and just answered, and this guy came on, new my name and all. Told me his, and I was trying to figure how the hell knew me, as I had no clue as to he was.

Then he solved the mystery when he asks if I knew a certain lady. I actually had to think a moment because it was so long ago. He and his wife had separated briefly several years ago and he had somehow found her old phone bill and was going down the list

He said she had told him she never dated anyone while they were separated and now he finds she had talked to me 7 hours and 16 min in a month. I was trying to be as vague a possible. It was not hard to be vague, because as I said earlier, I could hardly remember the name, much less the lady. . But since he seemed to know my name and all, I must know his bride as well.

I was just waking up, and I hate these type calls anyway, but instead of just hanging up I decided to see what he had going on and see if I could blow him enough smoke to make him happy and content in his marriage. I did not know if he was still with her or what.

His first question was how long did we date…I told him we never…………actually…..dated. We were just…… friends.

Him. So what did you talk about for 7 hrs and 16 min.

Me……………well…life in general…she talked a lot about you. How she missed you and all.

Him. Did you ever meet her in person? And where did you meet her.

Me…I could hear a dog in the back ground.. So I told him I met her at a dog show and we had coffee and exchanged numbers.

Him.. Did you guys sleep together?

Me……………………..No…….it wasn’t at all like that…………….

Any way.. He seemed to be buying all that, so I kept fielding his questions for a while, and he seemed pretty relaxed she was a good woman……. As he was talking about how hard he worked trying to keep the relationship together,and all was needed from me in the conversation was a …….really…every now and then. I started waking up a bit and thinking about all that. So I ask him again, when had all this taken place? He told me the year, and I did NOT even tell the guy, there was no way it could have been me. I have only had this number for 3 yrs or so. So I suppose, if there were no other numbers on the bill, the couple will live happy ever after

So we talked 10 min about a woman named Cathy I did not even know. He had gotten my name earlier from my voice mail on his first restricted call that I did not answer. I was half asleep, and have dated several women over the years with that name, so hey.....Who knew?? Wrong number!

September 28, 2007 at 11:54am
September 28, 2007 at 11:54am
I tell you what, this round of cold, flu or whatever has been a tough one. There were a couple of times I thought about calling 911 to just come get my ass, and do SOMETHING!!!. Anyway, I feel a little better today, not quiet as grumpy, I don’t think.

I think I may actually be over the original illness, and just be suffering currently from Nicotine withdrawal. Whatever virus I had over the last few days was for sure a non-smoker and did not want any part of a marlboro. It did not really care for coffee either, but I stood my ground, and made it take the coffee. The sudden depletion of both in the body would for sure have been deadly.

Want to thank everyone that stuck with me with mail and the get well notes. And hope I did not return a thank you mail that was incoherent.

Just a foot note and I will end my whining once and for all. But after a couple of comments left in my OTHER sick blog. I don’t know what DEEs profession in life is, but lets all prey she is NOT a nurse!!!

September 26, 2007 at 1:04pm
September 26, 2007 at 1:04pm
No road trip for the Cowboy today. I have been zapped to the max with a summer cold. So, to read this in the proper context you must hold your nose, breath through your mouth until you can take no more, then stick out you tongue and go, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..%^&K! or @#^T!…

Whatever it sucks, I seldom get sick, but when I do it’s a joy a(sneeze,make that 2) minute for sure. Sure its that way for all, but its( hackiiiiii) all about me at the moment.

I tried to finish a couple of stories, but my female lover in the story, suggested I bring in a surrogate to assume my role. She said all the, sneezing, wheezing, bitching and moaning from me was distracting. So cold of her, dont you think?
September 25, 2007 at 1:35pm
September 25, 2007 at 1:35pm
I have run out of anything to blog about. I have though about adopting a few kids so I will have something to talk about. Then, decided naaay, been there done all that. I would be better off shooting myself in the foot, then write about the pain, recovery ect.

Could get a dog, then he would need to be fed, petted, and such. Thinking about taking a month or so vacation and check out a few of the north western states. When I was a kid I read a lot of the Lewis Lamore westerns. The setting for several was the Dakotas, so I have always wanted to see that area. So I need to go fill up the car and go I suppose. When I get back I will have blog material,least a few photos..lol
September 24, 2007 at 10:56am
September 24, 2007 at 10:56am
I hope all had a great weekend.

I have jury duty scheduled for later today. While I practice one of our constitutional rights, I will miss the speech of the Iranian leader speaking on our soil. I do believe in freedom of speech in the highest manner.

But at the end of the day, I guess you can call me and old fashion southern red neck or what ever you choose, that is your right. But when the speaker stands under a banner in his country own country and parades missiles through the streets with the message: Death to America” Seems to me he has already said enough.

Up date. Dismissed from Jury duty. Not sure if the my Tee-shirt saying: "Kill them all and let God sort them out" helped or not.
September 21, 2007 at 12:53pm
September 21, 2007 at 12:53pm
When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a truck driver. I soon found out the job was not nearly as exciting as I thought it would be. I still to this day have a love for trucks. There is just something about the release of the air brake, then the roar of the engine, providing the power to move 80 thousand pounds along the highway. When I am not blogging and talking crap, my work is still around trucks. I sometimes have the opportunity to
ask a driver to slide over and let me take a short run just to get me out of the office. But enough of all that. My point today is things you can see from the window of a big rig, when you kind of sit above most of the other vehicles along the highway.

As expected, one of the first things you notice is the fact that
there are lots of women on the road with nice legs...and most seem to have little problem demonstrating that fact. You see clothes being changed at 70 mph, and some other things you just find another gear and try to erase from your mind…

This could be a book I suppose but I will shorten to a single
interesting day. On this day I was actually driving my pickup.

A few years back I was dating a lady that lived down on the coast of South Carolina near Charleston. I lived up in North Carolina, so our weekend commute was around two hundred miles.

One Sunday afternoon I was returning home, pretty much worn out from the weekend and parts of me feeling like it had been a favored chew toy for the last couple of days. Not complaining, just painting the picture here. If any of you have had a long distance relationship, you know how it goes...catch up from the previous week, and try and stock up for the next.

Anyway, I was driving along in my pick up and was passing through a larger town in SC. The traffic was bumper to bumper, but still
moving along at 70 or so miles per hour. There was a concrete
barrier in the middle, separating the 8 lanes of interstate. I was in one the 2 inside lanes, one lane over from the concrete barrier. I noticed a smaller car coming up on my right that seemed to not have a driver. When it came on up beside me there was a lady all down low in the seat, one foot up in the seat,her leg leaned over on the driver's side door panel and the other on the accelerator. She had one arm stretched out with her hand firmly on the steering wheel, and the other one down inside her shorts, she was in her own world and loving life...Kool…I am awake now! A nice little diversion from a long boring drive.

She went ahead of me a bit, then her lane slowed and I was beside
her again. She looked as though she was all tense, going over the
edge. In about the same second her car bounced and swerved a bit. I thought she had lost her focus and tagged the wall. She slowed quickly; I looked back in my side mirror and saw that about the same time she had reached her point of explosion, SO had her left front tire…
Kicks the after glow right in the ass, I suppose.

September 20, 2007 at 12:36pm
September 20, 2007 at 12:36pm
The key boaRd of the Cowboy will not say a word today. lol..Good thing I suppose.
September 19, 2007 at 10:39am
September 19, 2007 at 10:39am
I tried over the last few days to promote a training school,tried to sell a duck hunting concept. All that went over like a lead balloon,so I will get back to my stringing of a few simple words.

Her heart longs for a place to set her soul free...

...a place where she can feel the air and taste the salt from the

...where she can soar with the eagles to experience the freedom
above, and absorb the beauty down below.

...a place where she feels the love her heart so desperately craves.

…..a place where strength will surround and protect her when the
storms of life come her way.

...a place where she can feel her tears kissed away as gentle and
warm as the golden morning sun absorbs the dew each day.

In this place she can touch, explore, and freely express her beauty and intellect as a woman, but yet be tenderly held and gently sheltered as a little girl.

...a place to express her inner most secret desires and emotions, to have each tenderly touched and explored.

...a place to feel her body tingle with soft lips touching hers,
sending chills down her back and releasing the chemistry within her that allows her heart to sing.

..a place where whispered words will encourage her and soft touches will guide her.

...a place where she can feel the true passion of a woman spill over and set her body to tremble with the sweet sensations that so entails.

..a place where she can be held tight and entrust her heart and body as the passion consumes her.

She knows of this place, where freedom abounds, and her desire to
seek the safety and shelter of this secret place grows with each passing hour.

This place quietly calls out to her; her breast betrays her with just the
thought of the passion there. She can feel the warmth of it...the taste of
it...the smell of it.

She takes delight in how her heart smiles at the thought of this
place. She is close, her step quickens, she is there...she feels the warmth,
the trust, the love, the passion as she slips into her place...my arms. (Or the
arms of your favorite guy..:))

September 18, 2007 at 11:17am
September 18, 2007 at 11:17am
After an inconclusive sampling of the market, it seems the soul mate training classes, mentioned a couple of days ago, might not be as lucrative as first anticipated. It appears some don’t want one, some don’t need one, a few have already found one. A couple just thought a Friday night stress relief would work. Some others thought while they did not really believe in one certain soul mate, if one just kind of showed up and fell in their lap they might take one.

It also appears that some of the original takers may have received
new guidance from the stars and are seeing happily ever after looming on the near horizon. To raise venture capital for such an endeavor with these shaky stats would be near impossible.

Also giving further thought to the whole soul mate training thing,
there are risks involved. Placing too many out there could saturate the market and lower over all quality of your average soul mate. Also there could inadvertently be a certain amount of cross training involved; causing them to feel several women might be their soul mate. For example, I had a friend that, with just a bit of training, went forth into the world and found two soul mates and a celestial-split-apart, all within a three year span.

So I suppose nature should remain in control of all that. In the interim, for those that said they would be interested in finding one, or maybe just enhancing your existing one, you might find a value in the below very basic suggestions

Should you feel the need to be held and cuddled in the night, and
with winter coming on this should be easy, just don’t put as many
blankets on the bed, and turn down the thermostat a few degrees. He will soon just wrap right on up close to ya.

If you want him to see the wonder in your eyes, wait till he is
really hungry and then balance a biscuit on your nose. If you want to sweeten things up, just put a little strawberry jam in the biscuit.

Should you desire to feel his fingertips burn fiery trails upon your skin, just have him enhance the touch by putting a dab BenGay or Deep Heat on his fingers, it will warm things right up. Have ya
wiggling in no time!!

If you ever feel the need to sit by the water's edge, just being close and enjoying those special moments, where no conversation is needed: Duck hunting, my friends, will provide all that in one shot. With a bit of luck, and a little feather plucking, an economical candle light dinner could be in order. Damn! I
have sooooo been over-complicating this thing!!

Just goes to show you ,in writing, if you just keep writing down enough meaningless crap, something finally makes sense. It is all in the duck hunting, closeness, romance, dinner. Who would have ever thought?

September 15, 2007 at 4:23pm
September 15, 2007 at 4:23pm
More BS from the key board of the Cowboy.

Over the last several years while I have ambled through life, I have met a lot of women that seem to be fully engaged in the exasperating search for their soul mate. They seem convinced this special person will complete them and add meaning and fulfillment to an otherwise rocky or mundane existence.

HOWEVER, I have also noted along my leisurely walk that the perfect soul mates, who are so diligently sought always seem to remain elusive; therefore they are sadly, seldom found, leaving many lives incomplete and unfilled.

I have always been somewhat of an entrepreneurial individual and have always firmly believed in the simple rule of supply and demand and delivery of a quality product to allow anyone success in a free economy.

So with all the above in mind, and to minimize the time spent kissing frogs, I have decided to start a soul mate training school. The training classes will be held at holiday inns, focusing on key locations around the country where the demand seems strongest

I understand the soul mate trainee will need training to adhere to the unique individuality of each seeker, and must, as a finished product, hold all the enduring qualities and specification desired by the individual seeker. So in order to achieve a happy ending for all, a detailed questionnaire must be fully completed by seeker.

Although my credentials are limited, I have over the years been thought to be the soul mate of several seekers. (Kind of like the guy on an episode of “Mash” that had stepped in horse shit once, so he was deemed the expert on horses) But I feel with a few satisfied customers on down the road, sending in letters of recommendation about walking along the beach hand in hand, eye gazing interpretation, absolute mind blowing sex, and gazing at the stars in perfect harmony the business will soon find solid footing.

The trainee can be either your present inert stallion that seems to hold little in common with you, but yet may still posses a few of the redeeming qualities that might have caused you to have wrongly assumed he was the one in the beginning. The trainee may also just be someone simply off the street that is walking upright and breathing, but must have the yearning, and the drive to be” ALL that he can be.”

Applicants must be able to communicate on at least a third grade level, and understand the meaning of a few basic words: Yes, Honey. Yes, Darling you look wonderful tonight. And yes, Sweetie that was simply the best I have ever had.

To accommodate various needs and budgets several different levels will be offered.
From just your basic run of the mill type soul mate to a total heavenly split apart, where you two can be so closely woven you know not where he ends and you began.

Each level will be outlined in detail later.

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