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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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December 12, 2020 at 4:20pm
December 12, 2020 at 4:20pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 117
We got back from the north yesterday early afternoon. i wanted to get back earlier so I could mail if I needed to. I did have two sales to mail, so glad I returned early enough to mail. At the North woods I did spend two afternoons ice Fishing and did end up with two good meals of fish, one walleye. I did have a problem, I picked up a screw in the same tires as last summer. When I went out Thursday morning it was as flat as It could be. It is a good thing I have an air compressor up there. I pumped it up and ran too town. I got the tire fixed after going to my third repair location. The prior locations were filled up with work and would not do the repair. I did manage to get on the ice by 1:00.

I had planned to write yesterday evening, but I got real tired and depressed. It is best not to try writing under those conditions. At this time of year, and more so this year with this China virus and the Elections It is easy for me to become depressed. This will be the first time in my children's lives and know Grandchildren that I won't be spending Christmas with all of them at our home. My oldest daughter is 48. They all live about two hours away but all different directions. We are the one centrally located.

So I was going to write earlier today, BUT we got hit with a snow storm, The wet, sticky, heavy white stuff. It looks pretty, But no fun to shovel. but it has to be done. I will go back out and do more later. I do some and then rest some. The Little Dog has a problem taking a walk in the snow, So I have have to shovel a area for him to do his outdoor job. What a spoiled Little Dog. but he says he gives therapy for payment, He is right. I hope you are having a Blessed Weekend.
December 7, 2020 at 8:49pm
December 7, 2020 at 8:49pm

Today was bad news and good news. The bad news was the little Dog Biscuit had a bad night yelping in pain with any slight movement. We had him sleep with us thinking that might help, It did not. So we did not get good sleep either. We thought it might be his teeth. The good news was we did get him into see the vet. It sounds like he pulled or sprained some neck muscles. We were given some dog anti-inflammatory pain pills and told keep him quite and resting. After a few days we will see how he seems. If not better we will need to x-ray his neck. I think his neck problem is how he lies in his kennel, Side ways with his head cocked up against the kennel wall. A bad habit I would think he picked up as a puppy raised in a kennel. The kennel is plenty big but he does not often lie the long way.

We leave for the north woods tomorrow. I am not in a good mood to do so. Maybe I will feel better once I leave. I am starting to feel down. I have no good reason other then this scourge on our land. I will come back with the Ice Fishing equipment. No ice here yet, Maybe by January. I may be able to ice fish up there now. We are going to try and return earlier Friday. I hope you have a satisfying week.

3. National Roof Over Your Head Day. Tell us about the favorite room in your home.

I wanted to do a few key strokes to write about this house we call our home. It is a typical large late 1800's Queen Ann style home. With the normal many rooms, but they are smaller but very functional for the two of us. The room I spend most time in is the office library room. Being a large old home we moderately heat the whole house and supplement with electric heater in our occupied room. So that favorite room is nice and cozy surrounded with my books, papers and desk, table and computer. It is full but not cluttered. I do my internet business work in this room. We also eat in this room if we are alone. A house is a house but a house becomes a home with your personality given the time to do so. We will have been here 23 years this coming January. We love this home. We will not leave it easily.
December 6, 2020 at 8:02pm
December 6, 2020 at 8:02pm

I think I need help, I just spent the good part of two days sorting matchbooks. Match books are a great collectible but difficult to display well at a flea market. People want to see certain matchbooks and will not take a lot of time to look, like everything else in our culture I was to be easy. So I sorted the last auction lot purchases into categories and combined them with others of like categories. Then put them all in four pocket plastic pages, fourteen to a page. Then labeled and priced and put into a three ring binder. People collect matchbooks for the Art work and Graphics, Or a location, A business type, A product, A memory and it goes from there. It is an easy type thing to collect, They don't take a lot of room, They don't eat much, They are low maintenance, and they won't break the bank collecting. The most in demand are the 1030's 40's and 50's and now 60's. Now that you have the low down on matchbook collecting go dig yours out and see what you have. Everyone of an older age has some someplace.

The little dog is on my lap as I type this, He does not seem to feel well today. It seems it maybe his ears, They are big enough to get caught in the door. At any rate he said hw would feel better is he could sleep with mom and dad tonight. I think he will.

I need to start thinking about ice fishing. I just brought up a Ice fishing box lot purchased a few months ago I need to sort. We will go up north on Tuesday next week. I expect to Ice Fish some. My brother says he is catching some legal walleyes of late. I could use a few walleyes for the freezer. We shall see. Have a Great Week and a Blessed Rest.
December 5, 2020 at 8:15pm
December 5, 2020 at 8:15pm
This day I wanted to write on this prompt:

Proverbs 4:7
7. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Getting Wisdom But How, First off Sincerely ask God to grant you Wisdom. Second, Have a healthy life style so you may age, You will have some wisdom rub of on you with age, you can not help it. Wisdom after all is a collection of life experiences that you can use to make good decisions if you desire to do so. Third, You need to make a real decision to acquire wisdom. It all will not all just fall in your lap. Watch other peoples good and bad behaviors and the consequences it produces. Learn by watching and listening to others. Seek out your elders and learn from there experiences, Most are a store house of wisdom. Wisdom is learning how to put 2+2 together and come up with 4. It is learning how to think, with logic. It is learning how to lead a Productive, Organized, Satisfying and Happy Life. It needs to be realized true wisdom is a Life Long Quest. I wish you a rest full blessed evening.
December 4, 2020 at 8:56pm
December 4, 2020 at 8:56pm

I am happy to announce a personnel victory. Yesterday we went and did our Bi monthly grocery shopping stopping at the auction house on the way back home. I had won a few lots of stuff. One of the lots was a group of early Little Golden Books. It was a great lot for reselling. I have been selling Old Vintage Children's Books on line for over twenty years. But the real treasure to be found was the Golden Book "Little Yip Yip and his Bark". I did know it was in the lot. It is a book I had been looking a number of years for at a reasonable cost. It is the first and only Little Golden Book I remember from my childhood. I think I got it for Christmas even before I could fully read. I suspect I wore the original out, and do not remember what happened to the original. The pictures and story in this book were so familiar. I am very happy to have this First Printing copy. I have other books that were from childhood but this is the first I could actually somewhat read. It will be displayed as a keepsake. Have Blessed Evening
December 2, 2020 at 12:17pm
December 2, 2020 at 12:17pm

I did not write last evening as I had planned to do. I got real tired and did not have the ambition to write. But my sleep was not good the Little Dog kept hogging the bed. He does not sleep with us every night, but it was colder last night. It is a treat for little Dog. At any rate I did not sleep well. I was thinking about what I wanted to write on this blog. I feel I am being very shallow in my writing, Just under the surface of my existence. I am writing the easy to write things, my daily behaviors. What I want to write is what is deep in my thinking, My Soul and my Spirit. But that is difficult for me as I am a very private person and guard my independence greatly. My philosophies of life are not main stream.

I am a Traditionalist Conservative with some libertarianism, The Independent part of me. You can Advise me, Give suggestions, Educate, But I will not follow because you said too. I will give good thought and make the decisions for me and follow what I think is correct. I will not try to make decisions for you either. When I started this Blog It was with the understanding I would not make it a Political Cultural Rant. And I will not, Except to say, In todays world everything is political. For me not being political on this site takes away much to write about.

The next Philosophy is religion, It is and is not a Philosophy. But it is a very Private thing for me. I have my thoughts that have been thought out over a life time. They are not widely held ideas on our existence and or lack of existence, Nor the existence to come. I am a serious Spiritualist Christian. But I do not wish to push my Ideas onto others, As I may be wrong and everyone needs to find there own way. What I will say is that there is more to this world then physical humans can ever know or understand. But TRUE Knowledge STARTS with a belief in the Trinity of God.

You will be able to pick out bits and pieces of Religion and Political philosophy as I write. I will not be always able to help myself. So that leaves the Weather, Prompts and my Daily details to write about. I hope I do not bore you. I will throw a Zinger in the writing every now and then.

Dec 2. Today is National Fritters Day!

Speaking of Fritters, I frittered the evening away instead of writing Last night. On a more serious Fritter, The wife made Zucchini Fritters last summer, about four times. They were good but you can get to much Fritter. I do not want to fritter this morning away so I better get writing.
November 29, 2020 at 10:16pm
November 29, 2020 at 10:16pm

I now have gotten signed in, but what to write. I will give you the days low down. I get up in the morning, and take my two pills and say a Thank You prayer. Then have the coffee and check emails, weather, News, and my internet sales site. By then today it was after 10:00 am. and I went outside to the garden. I did some cutting back and deadheading, and covered the Strawberries and garlic with straw for the cold season. I covered some ever green perennials and winter outside onions. I came in about 1:00 and started doing listings for the Internet site, Did six listings. I did get the listing done by the time we had dinner at about 3:00. Of what else home made Turkey Noodle soup and Garlic Bread. The wife makes great soups. Then during and after dinner it is off the the auction site. I won three lots, Bottles and Match books. I then ended up here. That is my day in a Nut shell. I did make three good sales since Friday that needed to be shipped tomorrow.

PROMPT Saturday, November 28, 2020
What’s on the top of your mind right now that you need to tell someone about?

What is at the top of my mind at this moment, Is that I am at peace and all is good in my world. It does give me a guilty feeling somewhat as that is not the case with a lot of people who have problems. That maybe me tomorrow, but tonight all is well. The Garden and outside work is finished for the year. I like the yard and garden but I am always glad when it and I can rest a few months. The porches are painted that were planned to be done this year. The van is back where it needs to be. All the extra things that needed to be done have been done before the winter cold and snow arrives. The dog and cat are healthy. The wife and I are healthy for our age. Yes all is well this evening. I give Thanks to God for providing this evenings Peace and Satisfaction. I wish Peace and Satisfaction to You also.
November 27, 2020 at 1:56pm
November 27, 2020 at 1:56pm

My youngest daughter came for Thanksgiving dinner. The wife made very taste turkey and all the trimmings. It was good, She works hard at doing her best at cooking and it shows. but I could not help being somewhat down. We live in a crazy world. If you have not noticed I am OLD School. I refuse to accept or partake into todays Cultural Correctness, Globalism, Instant Entitlement, Lack of Personnel Responsibility, Main Stream Media Bias, The Main Streaming of Violence. The lack of valuing Human Life, and the list can go on, but you get the idea. I will fight back First at the Honest ballot box, Then second with my money spending. I will not fund this type of corrupted culture and society.

On a lighter note, I wanted to write on this November 24th Prompt, Think back to a time when you felt completely at peace. What made you feel that way?

Finding complete peace for me is not easy. I am always in my head Thinking, Planning, Remembering, There is never any down time, Except: When I am sitting in a kayak on a pleasant day, with little wind and a good fish pole in my hand. Everything else goes out the door. I am completely focused on the next cast, What the shore line is like, What the vegetation is like, Do I see any fish on the locator, Where do I want to paddle too and fish next. There is not much room in a Kayak Fishing, But the Holy Spirit of God insists on coming along. And the Holy Spirit is always welcome.
November 25, 2020 at 6:52pm
November 25, 2020 at 6:52pm

Well as you can tell I am back at the computer and the van is back in the driveway. But getting the van was a bear, going I had to drive through the seasons first snow storm here in South Central Wisconsin. Then coming back more snow part way to warmer temps then rain. The last hour I drove in the rain in the dark. Which is difficult for me, The glare on my eyes is bad, Cataracts. I left at 8:30 am and got back at 5:00. A long day for me, But the van is home and seems to working well.

We did get the carpet cleaned yesterday and today we got everything put back to normal. The wife worked on a Thanksgiving Dinner while I worked on normalizing. This will be the first time in my three daughters lives that we have not had a Thanksgiving Dinner all together. We these last years have been all going to my daughter Sarah Pearls home in Northern Illinois for Thanksgiving dinner. They do not want to host this year. Her husband is very virus cautious. So we will have a dinner here. My youngest daughter from a Milwaukee suburb will join us. Thanksgiving day is an honored holiday for me. [No gifts, No commercialization], with a shared family meal, Giving a Thank You to God for a year of Family Blessings. Our family has been truly Blessed by God this past year, No sickness, No family disagreements, Everyone getting along, Everyone paying there way and financially doing well. The grandkids with the help of a Christian Education are coming and will become independent adults with Christian Values, ethics and integrity, Good up right citizens. Yes, The wife and I are truly blessed this Thanksgiving Day and may I add all the Past Thanksgiving Days. I pray for YOU a Blessed Thanksgiving Day, Keep your family close to you.
November 23, 2020 at 8:47pm
November 23, 2020 at 8:47pm
Three Score and Ten + Day 98

I had a change in plans and did not drive north to get the van today. I decided I needed to be sure the van had its repair before driving to get the van. They phoned late morning that the van is ready to go, But to late for today pick up. I will drive up earlier tomorrow and hopefully be back early evening. Vehicles are a real pain in the neck or else where.

So today I worked cleaning up in the garage. I planted some late small tulip bulbs. Then turned off the water for the season. I always try to bring the outside season to a close by Thanksgiving Day. God has granted us, My wife an another successful outdoor season. The outdoor season is important to us. It provides, Stress Therapy, Physical Activity, A years supply of vegetables, and satisfaction for a job done. It keeps us healthy.

Tomorrow while I am gone, a carpet cleaner is coming to do his thing. it is the first time we have hired a thorough carpet cleaning. I hope there are no problems while I am gone. I hope everything is ready for him.

Now that I will have shifted gears to inside work, I hope to play more on this site. I still have a lot of details learn here. I know it will come with time, But time for me is always in short supply. it does not help that my vision is getting bad and I am do one finger typing. I keep hitting the wrong keys trying to go to fast. Have a Blessed Rest

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