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Catuary, The Early Years


Mimeenah Roshan faithfully kept a journal all of her life, and it is through her writings and drawings that we are given a glimpse of Catuary in its later years. We first meet Mimeenah as a young kitt living on her parent’s farm. It is a beautiful and idyllic life. The farm is tucked away in a fold of land near the beautiful Golden Lake. And as an only kitt, Mimeenah has the full attention of her loving and devoted parents.

I myself am particularly fond of her first journal, where she discusses everything in her young life from needing more crayons to the lovely Hugs and Purrs Festival with a passion that only one so young can feel.

We laugh with her in her delights, as she has her fur painted for the very first time. And we cry with her in her sorrows, when one of her young friends crosses the Rainbow Bridge too soon, leaving an emptiness in the hearts of all who knew her.

As she grows and matures, we learn that she is more than just a distant relative of the Prince and Princess. The blood of the ancient Makreelas flows through her veins. And when the lovely Princess’ life is cut short by a devastating and incurable sickness, we are shocked along with Mimeenah to find that she is suddenly the next in line to rule this lovely kingdom, even though there have been hints all along the way.

Through her wisdom and courage she rebuilds her beloved Catuary, making it the great kingdom it is today.

Rambley-Bambley Hatshepsut
Head Historian
Catuary by the Sea
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February 23, 2004 at 11:37pm
February 23, 2004 at 11:37pm
Mews, Dear Human

This is the second day of the Festival, and I went to the Carnival, which was set up on the shore of Golden Lake. I watched the Awards Ceremony of the teams who had participated in the Fishing Derby, and I saw my cousin SnowLing, and her friends, who had been on one team. They were being awarded the Prize for the most Unusual Catch. Kitty the Great had caught an old tyre, and two old boots. Kitty the Great laughed as he was handed the award, which was really the Booby prize. Then he announced that his catch would be donated to the City Council, who would use it to make a swing in the new Playground. I clapped and laughed along with Kitty and all the other cats. It will be great to have a new swing.

I bought tickets for the rides with toonas that my Grandpurrs had given me. I rode on the Merry-Go-Round, and then slid down the Giant Slide. Last of all I rode on my favorite, the Ferris wheel. It was a huge Wheel, and it went up, up, up into the sky until I could see to the far side of Golden Lake. Oh, mew. What fun it would be to be a bird and to be able to fly up so high. Afterwards, I wandered around looking at all the neat things. I only had a few toonas left, and I couldn’t decide whether to try a game or buy Cottnip Candy. Then I saw her cousin Daenida, and her handsome wink-wink Cookie, and waved to them.

“Hugs and Purrs, Little Mim,” they called. “Are you having fun?”

“Hugs and Purrs,” I answered. “Yes. I am having ever so much fun.” Cookie had won a giant Teddy Bear for Daenida, which I stared at with longing. I wished I was clever enough to win soething.

Cookie punched me in the arm, and said, “Come on kiddo, I will win something fur you too.”

“Oh, thank mew. Oh, mew,” I said and my voice came out in a tiny squeak. And before I knew it, we were all standing in front of one of the game booths, and Cookie was throwing balls at Milk Bottles. One, two, three, he threw in quick succession, and all the milk bottles were on the ground. Cookie is quite an expert at the game. I picked a small lavender kitt with a crown, who was supposed to represent the Makreela.

“Thank mew so much Cookie”, I said. He really is such a dear, and my cousin is very lucky to have him.

“No problem, kiddo”, he replied. “You better run along now, and find your Mewm and Pawp. The Fireworks will be starting soon.”

I hugged her new doll and ran off smiling. I found her Mewm and Pawp and we all sat together in the stands and watched the fireworks show. There were Rockets, and Candles, and Wheels and Sparklers that soared over the crowd and burst in patterns of colorful flowers, or rained down like lovely fountains. And last there was a giant green Blight Dragon, which was chased away by a rain of purple cats that fell in fountains. The crowd clapped and laughed when that happened.

I have had such fun this year, and tomorrow will be the very best day. Maybe I will be chosen to end the Festival.

Hugs and Purrs, Mim

February 25, 2004 at 12:51am
February 25, 2004 at 12:51am

The last day of the Festival, I slept late. When I finally woke up, it was to the smell of sizzling sausages and pancakes. This was the most important day of the Festival. Tonight all the cats gathered at Golden Lake to watch the annual Meteor Shower. It is said that the meteors represent our ancestors. We sit in family groups and watch them fall, and they quietly name loved ones who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. And most special of all, one of the three to six-year olds is chosen to end of the Festival. I hoped ever so much that it would be me, but it is usually one of the six-year olds.

After breakfast helped her Mewma clean up. Then we carefully swept and dusted the house so that all would be in order for the visit of our ancestors. Mewma set out dishes of special food on the table. Salmon cakes made with special catnip, and lovely slices of Chunknip Melon. Then it was time to get ready to go.

I carefully brushed my fur, then put on the lovely new lavender dress which Mewma and Pawpa bought me. I wanted to look my very best. I picked up my new Makreela doll and hugged her close. Then I put her in my pocket. I hoped she would bring me good luck. Pawpa looked ever so handsome in his lavender shirt, and Mewma looked lovely in her new dress covered in tiny lavender flowers.

When we arrived at Golden Lake, I took my place with the other three to six year olds, and Mewma and Pawpa picked out a lovely grassy little knoll on which to sit. I could feel the excitement in the crowd. Finally the Prince and Princess arrived in their pink Cadillac, and took their places in their box, which over-looked the lake. I love the Prince and Princess, who are both so sweet. The Princess wore a beautiful long pale pink chiffon dress, embroidered with tiny pink roses and shot through with silver threads that sparkled in the moonlight. She was so beautiful. The Prince looked ever so dashing in a Maroon waistcoat and tails. After they were seated, the Princess raised her paw and said “Hugs and Purrs.” Then she opened the door of a large birdcage, and many lovely flutterbys flew out. Most of them flew away, but one flew toward the crowd and over our heads. It flitted here and there, and at last it came gently to rest on my shoulder. I was stunned. There were butterflies in my stomach, and I stood rooted to the spot like stone. Then I took a deep breath, and thought to myself, “I can do this. I know I can.” I raised my head high, and walked slowly and carefully down to the box where the Prince and Princess sat waiting. The Princess slipped her paw mine and squeezed it tight. I stood tall, and looked out over the crowd, and said, “This is the end of the Hugs and Purrs Festival, and the beginning of a New Year. Remember to always greet your neighbor with Hugs and Purrs, and long live our ancestors.” Then I walked back to Mewma and Pawpa and sat down with them just as the stars began to fall.

Oh, it was a lovely evening, with a quarter moon in the sky, and the Magic Star Kitten constellation gleaming high overhead. It was a beautiful starfall, and the crowd watched in silence long into the night. At last it was all over, and I smiled to myself as I fell asleep .I knew my Mewma and Pawpa were very proud of me.

Purrs, Mim

February 26, 2004 at 1:37am
February 26, 2004 at 1:37am
Oh, Mews, Dear Human,

Sorrow of sorrows. I have cried and cried, and cried and cried. My dear little friends Primmy and Bastien have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. They left us within days of each other. I am so sad, I cannot stop crying.

Today we buried them together in a little grave under the bower where we played this summer. I can hardly believe it was only a few months ago that we had their pretend wed-winking. How happy we all were. I can still remember how beautiful they looked. I thought they looked like angels, and now they really are angels.

I remember the wonderful Purrday party Shazon and Primmy and I had. I have to laugh to think we all had such different ideas about celebrating the day. And we managed to do all of the things we loved best.

I will never forget the Mookruh Festival. I remember how I pushed Primmy in her wheelchair, and how Shazon ran ahead to see everything, then how she ran back to lay tiny gifts at Primmy’s paws. It was so good to see her smile that day. She seemed so tired.

She seemed tired often in the last year, but she never complained. She always had a tiny, sweet little smile on her furry face. I remember now that she often looked at things beyond us. It was like she was looking at a faraway land. And I guess she was. She was looking at the Rainbow Bridge. Mewma says that those who are getting ready to leave often have that look. But it seems so unfair that ones so young should have to leave. (Sniff). I feel as if my heart will break in two.

It seems like it was only yesterday that we all finished working on Primmy’s garden. She knew it was something she had to finish. If I had known she would leave so soon after it was done, I would never have helped. I would have dragged my paws until spring. Oh, I know that is silly, dear human. Of course I would have helped her. How could I not? But would it have made any difference? Would she have lived longer if she still had the work to do? I don’t know. Only Bastet can answer that question.

Mewma and Pawpa have tried hard to comfort me. They tell me I should remember that both Primmy and Bastien are now well and happy again. And that someday we must all follow them. And I do know that is true. It is just that I miss them both so much.

Today we layed them both so gently in their grave, with their paws touching each other. We left little gifts for them, balls and soft catnip mousies. All of our classmates tossed flowers into the grave. There was sage and rosemary and lavender, and tiny roses and primroses. I wish I could have filled the whole grave with primroses. How Primmy loved her flower, the beautiful little primrose. Her garden was full of them.

After we covered them over, Shazon and I helped plant miniature roses and primroses over the grave. They will be beautiful next spring. Then Shazon and I hugged each other and cried until our fur was soaked. How can we go on without our little friend? We three had promised to be friends forever. Mewma says that we can still all be friends. She says that I will always have Primmy and Bastien in my heart.

Mews, human, this has been a very hard and sad day. But I am going to try to remember all the good times we all had. And since I have you, I will always be able to look back and read about those times whenever I need to.

Thank you, human, for giving me a place to put all of my thoughts.

February 27, 2004 at 3:23am
February 27, 2004 at 3:23am
Mews, Human,

We lost our little friend Primmy many months ago, but we still miss her very much. Primmy’s parents gave us her journal. I spent the night at Shazon’s house, and we read it together. Primmy’s journal is quite different from ours. She didn’t write every day, but only on special occasions. But the wonderful thing about Primmy’s journal was the pictures. She drew pictures of all kinds of flowers. They were very beautiful, delicately colored, and filled with faeries. We laughed and we cried as we read the journal and looked at the pictures.

Losing Primmy is something that has changed both Shazon and I very much. Shazon is still as energetic as ever, and she still has to jump into everything with all four paws, but nowadays she seems much more serious. Now she says she wants to grow up and do work which will help others. I think this is a plan she will stick with.

I am quieter, and sometimes I just feel so sad. Mewma said I needed a change to cheer me up. I guess that is why when I received an invitation to tea from the Princess, that Mewma said I could go. I was very surprised to be invited, but Mewma said that it was because I had been chosen in the Hugs and Purrs Festival to honor our ancestors. Pawpa said it was because we were cousins, and he thought it was time I learned to ways of the Palace.

I was very excited to be going to the Palace. The invitation said I could bring two friends, so I invited Shazon to go with me, and my cousin Daenida. On the appointed day a beautiful white coach drawn by four grey horses came to pick us up. What fun it was to ride in the coach. It was much higher than our little wagon, and you could see ever such a long way around the countryside. Shazon and I were very nervous, but Daenida had been to the Palace many times, and said that the Princess and Prince were both quite nice.

When we arrived, the Princess herself came out to greet us. She was dressed in pale green satin lounging pajamas, embroidered with pink and white flowers, and she was so beautiful I could hardly take my eyes off of her. I had chosen to wear my lovely pale lavender dress that my Grandmew had helped me to make. I felt quite plain next to the Princess, but she complemented me on my dress, and I felt much better.

She gave us each a little hug, then led us to the garden where the tea would be served. The garden was absolutely beautiful. There was a large fountain in the center of the garden into which the water danced and tinkled in the sunlight. There were so many flowers I imagined that there must be one of each kind in the whole world. The tea table was set close to the pond where many large goldfish swam among the reeds and water hyacinths. Oh, human, I thought I could have stayed in that garden forever. I only wish my friend Primmy could have seen it.

My cousin Daenida helped pour the tea and serve us. There were Salmon Cakes, and coddled eggs, and toast with butter. There was a delicious marmalade catnip cake, decorated with orange frosting and flowers. And best of all there was Sugared Mouse Tails. The Prince came out to join us, and told us many jokes. He makes them up, and thinks he is quite funny. He soon had all of us laughing and joking, and we felt very much at ease. The Prince and the Princess are so nice, and so down-to-earth, you couldn’t help but like them.

At the end of the afternoon the Princess invited us to come back anytime, and then we were driven home in the same beautiful coach. It was a lovely day, and I look forward to visiting again.


February 29, 2004 at 12:30am
February 29, 2004 at 12:30am
Mews, Dear Human,

It is high summer and the night is so beautiful. The moon is full, and I am restless tonight. It is so bright I can see for miles over the fields and orchards from my second story window. After sitting for a while and daydreaming I decided to climb out the window and go walk the labyrinth. Can one say that one is daydreaming if it is night? I guess you can, since I wasn’t sleeping.

Anyway, I put on a pair of black sweatpants and a black sweater, and climbed quietly down the tree outside my window to the ground. I am so lucky to live in Catuary. I know that it is perfectly safe to wander around at night, and I have often wandered through the fields in the summer time.

How can I describe the summer nights to you, dear Human. The breeze is soft and warm and cool at the same time. How can a breeze be warm and cool at the same moment? I don’t know, but I don’t know how else to describe it. The fields are filled with flowers that scent the night. I walk slowly and feel the cool dark earth beneath my paws. The moon plays little games with the shadows.

I finally arrive at the small temple, and opening the latch I let myself into the labyrinth patio. In the bright moonlight the labyrinth is beautiful. The black stones that define the course stand out in sharp contrast to the light grey stones of the pathway. I start at the entrance that is on the west side of the labyrinth and walk back and forth and round and round. As I walk I feel like I am walking on a high mountain in a field of Mimeenah flowers. Beside me runs a cool, sparkling stream. I dance about and want to race down the side of the mountain. Although I have never been there before, I feel the place is familiar. I am filled with a sense of joy and happiness and well being.

At last I reach the center of the labyrinth, and I stop and sit. I think about all of the things that have happened this year. I was such a kitten when the year began. But I have grown a lot. It has been a year of much happiness, and of great sorrow. I feel the events of this year have changed me and my friends for all time. Mewma and Pawpa tell me I am growing up.

I think about the Mookruh Festival and the Festival at the Great Temple in San Kata. I think about our Purrday Party, and about Primmy’s garden. And I think softly for a moment about my sweet little friend. How many things she will never see. She will never see this winter, and the new spring, and all the summers to come. I think for a moment about my friend Shazon.

I think of the days I have spent at the palace with the Princess. We have become such good friends. But we have become more than friends. She has taken on the task of teaching me to be a lady, and of teaching me the ways of the palace. I am surprised at how much I have learned.

I have also become good friends with my cousin Daenida, and with all of her brothers and sisters. Mews, Human, she has a really large family. But they are all wonderful, and rambunctious and full of energy. Mewma and Pawpa are glad that I have had such wonderful opportunities.

I have set here until it has grown cold, and I feel stiff. I feel cleansed after walking the labyrinth, and I am glad that I came here tonight. But now I am anxious to get back home. I stand and stretch, and hurry back along the way I came. Arriving home, I quickly climb back up the tree and into the window, which I close. Then I change, and snuggle down beneath the warm soft blankets on my bed. I am glad I am growing up, but I am glad I am still a kitten too.


March 1, 2004 at 12:04am
March 1, 2004 at 12:04am
Mews, Dear Human,

Having read Primmy’s journal, Shazon and I decided to share our journals with one another. I greatly enjoyed reading Shazon’s journal. She has such an interesting view on things. She is always so rambunctious, and she likes to jump into everything with all four paws. But this is really her way of covering up a much more serious and shy side. You wouldn’t think Shazon was shy. She also spends a lot of time thinking. And she has such a deep desire to help others. Shazon has a lot of love to share with the world. I just hope that the world will realize that. I love my friend Shazon very much, and I know we will always be friends.

And here is an excerpt from Shazon’s journal.

Mews, Dear Diary, Mimsy and I have just finished reading our journals. I am glad that Mims decided to share hers with me. My friend Mimeenah is so sweet and shy and innocent, sometimes she doesn’t see what is right in front of her. Of course, I know that her Mewm and Pawp try to protect her from many things. I always knew that Mimsy was very special, but it was after we went to tea at the Palace that I realized just how special she was. I don’t think she realizes it, but someday she will be the ruler of Catuary. I KNOW that she will.

A Glimpse Into the Future

Well, it was quite a year for the young Mimeenah. How difficult our early years seem. But as she grew and learned she did realize how lucky she was. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all have such idyllic kittenhoods?

Mimeenah and her friend Shazon, and her many cousins, did grow up, and they had many wonderful times, dancing and dreaming and playing and learning. Life in Catuary in those days flowed along in a timeless happiness that is so often missing from today’s world. New Kitts took the place of the growing kitts.

Mimeenah grew up and went off to attend college at the prestigious CLAW University. Shortly after she left home, her old Pawpa fell and broke his leg. Unable to keep the farm up, he retired, leaving it to Mim’s cousin, Kona. Mim’s Mewm and Pawp moved into a small cottage on the Palace grounds that they enjoyed very much. Her Pawp kept a small garden, and also helped around the palace grounds as a gardener. He seemed happiest when he was puttering around, digging in the earth. For her Mewm it was a chance to go home to the palace where she had grown up.

Mimeenah visited often, and was delighted for her parents and their happiness. Then in her last year at the University, tragedy struck. Both of her parents were killed in a train accident. Mimeenah was beside herself with grief and sorrow. Shortly before her graduation, her beloved friend, the Princess also died. Mimeenah felt she had nothing left in Catuary, so after her graduation, she left to work and live in a big city.

Her friend Shazon also graduated and went off to live in the world of humans. There she worked in a job that helped other cats. After many years she finally went back to Catuary.
She fell in love with the handsome Loganberry, and the two were wed-winked, and are still very happy together.

Mimeenah and Shazon remained the best of friends, but gradually they lost touch with one another.

Mimeenah spent many years in the city, but she never found true happiness there. Then one Christmas something happened that changed all of that. She knew it was it was time to go back home.

And there we leave Mimeenah fow now. What happened to change her mind and send her back to her beloved Catuary? What did she find when she arrived? And what did she do?

Epilogue: I would like to thank Wannabe for this contest. This has been something I have wanted to write for a long time. Although this has been written as a daily journal, the events in the story have actually taken place over the period of one year in the life of our young heroine, Mimeenah. I hope you will come back and read the story once it has been edited.

Purrs, Mim

February 24, 2004 at 12:59am
February 24, 2004 at 12:59am
Mews, Human,

We had to write stories about our friends today. I wrote about my best friend, Primmy’s, garden.

Primmy sat in a large chair on her front porch. She was comfortably propped up on a big chair surrounded by pillows. Her cane sat close by her side. She waved as her friends ran by. They were pulling each other in a red wagon, and they waved back as they raced along.

Primmy had been born with only three paws, so she couldn’t run and play with the other kitts. But she didn’t mind, for she still had many things to finish in her garden. After the group went by she sighed and stood up slowly. Then she hobbled down the ramp that her Pawpa had made for her, and knelt down in her garden. She planted some lovely nasturtiums, and she planted several lily bulbs. It was hot work, and Primmy grew tired easily. She didn’t have much energy these days, but she knew she had to finish the garden. She hobbled back to her chair where she sat down exhaustedly and fell asleep.

And so the summer went. Each morning Primmy would work for a while in her garden. And each morning her friends would race by playing some game. Sometimes her winky Bastien would come and sit with her, and sometimes Mim would visit too. But the others seemed much too busy to stop now that summer was here.

One day the group came slowly walking down the sidewalk. And in the middle of the group was her friend Shazon, walking on crutches. She had fallen off her horse and broken her paw. She came slowly up and sat on the porch with Primmy. The next few weeks were wonderful. Shazon came and stayed everyday. On some days they would plant a few plants, but mostly they just sat and talked, or played games, or made paper dolls.

Then one day Shazon didn’t come. In fact Primmy didn’t see her the whole week. The next time she saw Shazon, she was racing along again with her friends. Her paw had healed, and she no longer needed the crutches. Shazon waved gaily as she ran by, but Primmy was too tired to wave back. These days she seemed to have less and less energy.

The next day Shazon and the others came by again. But this time they didn’t race by. They stopped, and Primmy noticed they were pulling a wagon filled with plants.

Shazon raced up with her usual energy and enthusiasm. “We came to help you finish your garden,” she told Primmy.

Primmy smiled at her friends. Then suddenly all the cats were kneeling in the garden planting flowers. There were nasturtiums, and roses, and primroses, and gillyflowers. There were bluebells, and daffodils and even the rare Mimeenah flower. Finally the garden was done, and it looked so beautiful.

The rest of the summer went by quickly. Each day Shazon and the others stopped by to see Primmy, and to help her water the garden. Each day Primmy grew weaker, but she was always happy to see her friends. And she was especially happy that the garden was finished. She knew her work here was done.

Fall came, and the other kitts went back to school, but Primmy was too sick this year to go. She sat in the window and looked out on her lovely garden, and thought of the happy times she had had. The sun was warm, and a few flowers were still in bloom.

Primmy smiled softly and closed her eyes.

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