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Review of Enigma!  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
The composition of the poem is great. I find my Mother and out of it comes the fact that there are many people in this world and I would do better to love than to judge. Thank you for the insite. Di

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Disguise  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked this and you did exactly what I admired in a piece of writing. You told it like it was and what this young man had been doing to what I would call victums. Reminds me of my husband when he was younger. You showed that in your writing. Good job.
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Boxer  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I could come up with nothing but perfect in this short story. Writing like this is what the world needs to dust itself off, get up and give it all we have, all you have to do in a story like this is put in any situation and it will turn out to be good. When I read this I thought of two powerful things: The author Norman Vincent Peale and the boxer movie that came out not too long ago where the man had to have welfair to get by but when he won the big fight he paid welfair back.
If you continue to write like this you can only go on to encourage others. You have given me this for the day and all I have done is review a little and lay around in self pity. Your story inspiried me to do more with my life in spite of enormous circumstances. Please keep writing and make this world a better place.
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
No wonder your teacher said to join this site. This is a wonderful piece that made me feel so honor to see because of my Irish roots that I know not much about. My family our of the Berryhill clan when Grand Sir Berryhill married Lady Catherine back in the 1700's. I bought an old song book at a thrift store and I saw a son in it entitled "The Irish Need Not Apply." That and the movie Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise was in about Ireland was all I knew but your essay blew me away. It really showed me about my country. Thanks so much.
I'm right next door in Alabama. I must ask you have you ever read "Cold Sassy Tree" by Olivia Burns? It's a wonderful southern novel which to me are the best. I hope to write a southern novel one day. I wish you would read my story "Tupelo Outside or Hillbilly Initiation." I think you'd like it. Keep writing, you are really good!
Review of Death of a lilt  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That was really great. Good and to the point. It's so hard for me to say alot, like you did with only 300 words. This is the only thing I saw that needed changing: She had a round face, black hair and small eyes sparkling with a hope.

I would say with hope and leave the a out.

Write on...Diane
Review of BYE BYE  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (3.5)
This needs a little work but with it I would give you a perfect 5 because I can see talent here. Love is hard and I think sometimes we write it very quickley because we want to be over it and this is the way I feel here. Still it's a good piece and write on!
Review of Hello Again  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is such a great story. It is so like a man to not take a chance on love when it feels so real to the woman. Then when they loose her they try very hard to get her back. This has happened quite a bit in my life. I told my daughter, as well, Kim if they love you they'll be back but you usually will have moved on. The guy she dated this time has done the same looking for that perfect girl that is not out there. The perfect family, the perfect everything is not out there. I hate it for my daughter, she's modeled, beautiful girl, talented, great personality, has such a heart and gets let down by everyone except me!
Keep writing because you are so good. Hope life finds ya'll together if this is a true story as many times as your path has crossed this love is meant to be.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
There is nothing to change in this wonderful piece that you have written. I really loved it and it left the reader wanting more. This is great because you want the reader to want a book to hear more about what happens to this poor abused little boy. It also gives us a power over this earth through the love of our Christ who died for our sins.

Never quit writing because you do have talent.

Drop by my port sometime.

Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so good you should consider entering it in the poetry contest I entered last night at www.poetry.com. I mean it says all that anger is and I have done my best work in anger. It gives me that kind of rush I need to get things done. Although, like you said, it leaves then you get that down feeling ashamed that you let go. Keep writing. This is so good.
Review of A New Life Awaits  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is so good. I like the way it starts out with how much everything meant to you in this relationship and how you thought it would kill you. Towards the end you did a wonderful way of turning it around and showing a positive existence and living life to its fullest.
Keep writing.
Review of Failure?  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Your poetry is so good and you need to keep writing so that it can heal your wounds. I need to send you something scanned from the book I'm reading "What I know About Writing" by M.E. Kerr. He says that it is the pain that we endure that makes us great writers or artists. I can see the pain in your work. I've lived with it all my life. Still going through it. I haven't heard from you in a long time. Let me know what you are up to?! Diane
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was really good and such an important take on Mister Roger's. You know, I was fortunate to be able to stay at home with my children. My last child, a girl, now 23 would not have her Mom working. I breast feed and she refused the breast milk out of the bottle it had to come from the real thing. So my babysitter, who of course was a relative, no one else brave enough to conquer babysitting my little one, decided it would be best if I quit. She was wasting her money on gas to deliver Kim to me to breast feed in the breakroom. So we spent many an afternoon watching Mister Rogers and Sesame Street. The most memorable ones is when Mister Rogers brought out his photo album and shared with us his marriage. On Sesame street the store clerk, I think passed away, and they were all so sad and they showed us how to deal with grief. Yes, since I was an only child I did more playing with my children than I did when I was a child. We had a good time and I don't regret it!
Keep writing...you are good.
Review of It's a New Day  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)

I can only imagine. My depression keeps me as you are now and the pain is unbearable. I don't won't to move. My hands get numb. My feelings are about the same.

I lost my job at a Camp and Conference Center in 2004 because my husband had a near fatal car accident and was hospitalized for a month. He also caught a STAPH infection in the hospital so there was just no way I could go back to work. Tim also had a coal mining accident at work about 3 years prior to that accident and broke his back. He lives in constant pain. My boss, at the camp and conference center for the Episcopal Chuch, is an Episcopal priest. He didn't come to the hospital nor did he engaged in a phone call. He could've cared less except for the fact that I wasn't at work. There's names for people like that! Anyway, this all added to Tim's pain so with what you've been through you know I am not married to the same man. He weighted 155 when we married, he weighs 250 now! I have been with him though through thick and thin. Fighting Social Security and Workman's Comp! After eight years of being a faithfull employee I became nothing to the camp where I was Office Manager and some said, "The angel of Camp McDowell." So I went into a deep dark depression. I'm still there although this site helps!

My sister in law, a close friend, and some of my students have Fibromyalgia. Yes, students, Water Aerobic. If they don't come to class they usually have a hard time walking. So if you can really try and find some water. Just walk back and forth accross the pool. Hang on a noodle in the deep end and let gravity help you get those muscles loosen up. I've heard that when you have this you have a film around your muscle and if you could break that film it would make you feel better. I just heard this from one of my students that have it so I don't know this to be fact but I do know my Water class helps lots of sickness.

You should be on social security though and your letter was wonderful. This should be read not only for people who live in pain but those of us who live with someone in pain so that we can know how they feel. The letter was written just down to earth with the facts given to back up what you wrote. God did not create this to happen to you but since it did he would plan that something great and wonderful would come out of it maybe to start some kind of support group for people who have your diease. I always know that God doesn't plan for these things but gives us opportunities to make good out of bad.
Love always,
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
People love me and my personality but I don't like me. I think with all that I've been through the self esteem thing is just broken down. I feel like most people I've met who are abusers have taken little bits and pieces of me and laid them out to dry with nothing attached to me. If you pulled on the bag I carry full of writings, scrapbooking, etc. you see pictures of me and how I live. There are places you can read and look at and oh, how my animals love them. They are my salvation. I've got to be in church and with God on my spiritual level where I can feel the uncontional love. That's how dogs love, like God does with nothing but unconditional love. God created Dogs, instead of Mothers, to be with us during these hard times. My little Jack Rusell Terrier and my daughter and son are my blessings. I love them all so deeply.
Have a wonderful day. Watch for stars. Colors and feelings help with love on days I don't feel. My daughter is moving back home. I hope my hubby can find it in his heart to let her stay unptstairs and not bother her. It will be nice to have a frikend.
Review of Season of Sorrow  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh, I am so thankful that by knowing your birthday is tomorrow that I was lead to your beautiful story of life that is so full of soul and heartbreak. Your ability to keep going where some of us would just fall down and wallow in self pity you are a rock. What we in the south call Steel Magnolia's. Yes, you are one of us. You are the Family of Man. What we all have in common in this life. A sorrow so deeply inbeded in our souls that the only way to let it out is to write. I am so touched by this and I plan to come and visit your port more often. God has a funny way of putting us together. I invite you to read some of my stories and poems. They to are writings from the heart.

I wish you the best. Your writing is great. It needs to be read over and over again to prove to us all that there is always hope. My holidays are filled with births and because of your writing I am giving thanks for them right now. My sister in law was born around Thanks giving, Nov. 26, I was born Nov. 21. My son, Dec. 23, my daughter, Dec. 13 and my Mother in Law-Dec. 25. I am thankful for them all. Although my sister in law is fighting fibromyalgia. My mother in law is married to a porn addict. My son is incarcerated. My daughter is 23 and moving home. We all have histories to overcome but we will.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi long lost but not forgotten friend of mine! This is a great poem. I love the ryhming of the poem. You know I've never tried doing that but I've heard you can go online to some dictionary thingy to do that but knowing you, I know you didn't cheat and it natually came to you. I want you to read my Tupelo Outhouse but not yet. I entered it in a contest but I really need to shorten it some and leave some of the descriptions for other stories. I think my book will be named: Northern Born but Southern Bred by the Grace of God! The short story I wrote is kinda what I want to put in my book.
So good to meet you once again. You are progressing so well. I don't even consider you a newbie now! I'm helping one and she is so good. cbrown is her email, Chrystal is her name, and I think her port is Dreamer 2. It's good to help someone! *Smile* How's the ex hubby and little girl? You are so good to help. I would too.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
I just loved this poem so much because there is nothing like going home to see Mama with the kids in tow. You did a marvelous job on showing us how this takes place in generation after generation. The same thing happens again and again. Just like the story you read about my Great Grandmother's home in Tupelo. It started there then to my Grandmother's house, then to Mom's house with my own children. I am glad you were inspired to write this and share with others.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really good and I plan on coming back again and again so that I can make my writing the best it can be. There is nothing better than me writing a piece that is like the story telling that I love so well. The next best thing is reading. I love to read and will read just about anything. I just finished "The Secret Life of Bee's" and now I am reading "On Writing" by Stephen King! I am glad I've met you and plan on bookmarking this site so I can visit.

Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Donating some points because this is such an important mission.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I learned a lot of things like that from my Mother. Did you know I found out I was illegitamate by accident. I went with her to the hospital. She was feeling out the forms while she answered her questions. Have you ever been marriend, Miss Strickland? No. Do you have any children? Yes. My heart fell to the ground. I don't think I've retrive it as of yet. It saddens me to think that she never told me the truth. I hurt from that and my girlfriend is doing the same thing to her daughter but she says no it won't hurt their relationship because they are so close. So was me and my mother and I found this out at 49, I was devestated. The truth from the beginning would have been better. Now my friend is going to have another baby. Paula, the daughter she lied to is nine years old. No Father again. Do you think she is beginning to see a pattern. Then of course my Mom was hard core...Don't have any children, I won't take care of them... Don't come in here preganant before you are married... No, sl----- around and getting that way, I won't have anything to do with them...self righteous, amen. It hurts. Everyone knew but me! Sometimes all we have is our Mother's blood!
Review of Introduction  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am going to check this out all the way. I am much like you an Alabama girl. I have so much to write about but I am also again, like you, ADHD or whatever I have so many projects that I have to relaly concentrate on one thing at a time. It's the only way to ever have something published. I want to so bad and now it has become a doing. My Mother doesn't understanded!
Oh, well such is the life of a writer. I am proud that you really are t

Review of Tears  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Excellent! I loved it. The ryhyme is so important and so very good in what you've done with it here in this poem. On top of being excellent it touches on a dide of depression as we've felt it before but this time captured with words.

Keep writing. You are good! Since you are a Newbie you may want to join the group for Newbies. It's great and helps show you around the site.

Review of Eternal Abode  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is the first reading in a very long time that I would consider that it gave me an old-fashion hymn. I, if I were you, would consider sending it in for a practice level to put to music. Have you ever noticed that all the real hymns were usually written before the 1600-1800's. I don't get on a soap box....but I do when it is my friend.
Take care,
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I kept seeing the sponsered item at the top of the page. Unknowing at what the result would be...ummm book covers aren't just for gathering dust. As I kept by passing the sponsered item all kinds of thoughts came through my mind. Is this about a book cover that students in school put on their books to keep them clean so that they won't have to buy them at the end of the semster? What could it be about? Homemade book covers made out of newspaper. Perhaps book covers made out of old wallpaper. Not once did I think of an actual Book cover and like you said they are so important. It gives me an inkling to what's inside the book. I'll give you an example because most of the time I try my best to keep my book covers on the books. Why? Not to protect the book from dust but because it gives me an insight about the book without having to glance through it to find certain items about the book. Okay, the book Phenomenon by sylvia Browne. Inside the cover: Atlantis-Where did it go and when will it return? Ghosts-Who are they? Numerology-How does this affect us? All of this I wouldn't know about the book except that it has the wonderful book cover that I plan to keep. I like to read what other books the author has wrote and a picture of them on the book cover. You got all of this conveyed in your writing on book covers. The thing that touched me was about the bookstores. Oh, how I loved the old book stores. Reminds me of the movie "You've Got Mail." The Book store around the corner that had been in business for years. Replaced by a huge bookstore. It's just like these big chains of Home Depots taking over the Ma and Pa hardward stores. Go ask a bookstore, a small one about a classic and they know it and they've probably read it. Go to a little hardware store. Yes, they have a three quarter pipe for plumbing. Home Depots high school part timer? A what? Pipe, what's that?

Well, I've bored you enough. I only dream to be a published author one day and you are one! I am honored to review your work.


Let me know how your son is doing.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
That was a great poem about a very difficult subject: War. I just can't imagine that war is good for anything. I remember John Lennon's song: Imagine and think to myself if we didn't have religion there would probably be no wars. Although I am a Christian most of the wars that we have are all based on religion. I wish they would take the Bible and see how much Jesus hated wars. They just cause death and destruction and it will last for generations. Orphans and such. You did an excellent job with your wording. Keep writing.
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