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Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your work does sound a lot like mine. I'm going to write an essay on camping. I did quite a bit of it when the children were small. Talk about a job...you are right...work, work, work. Then when you get home it still isn't done because then you have to go through the piles and I mean piles of dirty and I mean dirty, really dirty clothes. That's not counting the camping trips that I took with the in-laws or should I say they became out-laws. Nothing like a good camping trip to see if everyone is compatibable!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very good and very true, although I don't carry a minature fan with me. I got some Perrier' can't spell, water that is in an aresol can (excuse me environmentalists, even though to some extent I am one), and spray it when a hot flash comes. Then I just look politely at others and say "This is what the stars do to set their perfect Hollywood make-up." As far as the biofocals I buy lots of dollar store eyeglasses. When someone new has them on and ask the question "Why do we need these as we get older?" I reply "because our lenses in our eyes are hardening preparing for death!" Watch people scatter all over the place screaming "Do you have to put it that way?" *Wink* Back to your writing...it was excellent. I love the way you used the web MD. It's like you go there then you find all kinds of other things wrong with you! You did a great job.

I wish you would review my last writing named Sailing. No one has reviewed it and I loved it. Brought back memories of being in love with someone I am proud to say I've been married to for 27 long long years. How many last that long these days?

Take care and keep writing?!!! You humored my day...my life what's left of it. Oh, wax will take care of the facial hairs!

Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was truly a great essay one that would help people like me, who suffer with mental illness also, possibly make it through one more day. I can truly say from reading this that the song "One Day at a Time" really applys to our situation. You put all five senses at work here because I can feel everything that you feel. I can even imagine not only having a wall but building that imaginary wall so that others can't come in and hurt you more. I am so glad that you found someone, like your husband, that allows you to love yourself. I have people like that around me but haven't come to the point of being able to forgive myself for not being a "Normal" person. *Wink* What is normal?

I will also feel out the poll or whatever you would like for I believe in what you have written. Keep writing and again I would think about trying to put this as some help even if you post it in one of the groups here at writing.com that deal with mental illness.

Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.0)
That is a beautiful story especially the meaning behind it and the fact that it was Christmas. With a little work this could be a perfect piece. It was just a little awkward in places but I tend to do the same thing when I have the story in my mind and want to get it on paper before I forget---I'm kinda like you about that and getting lost. *Smile* I guess I better show you some for instances on being awkward. Like the sentence Heaven was a place, but a person. I would word it kinda like this: Heaven usually is a place but in this instance it was a precious little girl.
A boy a year or two younger was with her, and she looked around as if lost. There was a younger boy with her and they both seemed as if they were lost.
Just look around. I've found in my works that I have to rewrite, rewrite and rewrite some more. I HOPE you take the opportunity to read some of the work I wrote around Christmas.
I'm in the group with you. Support Group for Writers. I'm going to try and read a piece from everyone's port..then start again. I think our leaders are right; we need to get to know each other.
Review of Behind His Eyes  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Last sentence is a small mistake clothes instead of close. I make those all the time. This was really good. I am spechless on what I have read on your port. Your writing is so very good. I read the one about the Devil and posted it on the plug page and have told others about it. You are a terrific writer and you need to keep pursuing this and not let a second go to waste in your goals of being a published writer. Have you joined any groups?
I wish you would review a short essay I wrote the other day. It's called "A possible Affair of the Mind." Please??!!
I am orginally from Michigan. Lived in Detroit until the day I graduated then moved to small town, Alabama.
Review of Love  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked this poem and it puts into perspective a simple word love. You did this to the word and it came out perfectly. I've never thought of the written word like that only math so you've really put some thought into this for everyone that reads it and I can see why it was published.
Keep writing!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greatly written and equally important subject. I think everyone should have their BIO on their PORT. It gives us all a glimpse into the world of the writer. Why do they have BIO's in books if it isn't important!!??? I even up date mine every now and then which reminds me; mine needs updated even now as I write this!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is really, really good. The thing I liked most about it was the fact that it is unique with not puncuation but it was so very readable at the same time. You really gave an inside look at the needle and the damage it can cause. You did an excellent job in showing the deceitfullness of the dirty needle. It promises you the world but gives you an empty feeling when you come down.
Keep writing. Also, I read something else tonight about drugs that was really good. Dave is the writer and it's the first thing I've read of his but it held my attention through the whole story. It's item number 1092550. I don't usually plug someone else while I'm reviewing another but it is just so unusual that I read two writings and the subject in both of them is drugs and they both are excellently written.
Keep on writing!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really liked this poem and I think for one because I feel as if I can hear not only your voice in your work but many other women as well. We've all been where you have been and dug ourselves out of that big, deep whole of despair. My daughter is there now and I am trying hard to help her catch the rope to hang on to what is left and try again. Your voice gives hope to those who feel like they can't.
Keep writing.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Really good work. You made me feel as the slave did as having no power but willing to fight for the rights he believed in. It's a sad reality that this went on at one time in our history and that the butality still lingers on where injustice is done at this very moment that I write in Africa just as it happened in Germany. Oh, but if people just realized we are all in this together.
Keep writing. Keep making a difference!
Review of The Hill  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
That's really beautiful. Being from the south I can understand all of it and you caused me to use all my senses in your work. I feel the wind and I can hear the birds. I can see nature going about her work with no care for what is happening outside while you do the watching. I love the country and also like to do writings about the storm.
I am playing it forward trying to repay what has been done for me in the group "Day in the Life" which has helped me through some tough times. Jem is a Gem, isn't she?
Review of Thank You Card  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (2.5)
I didn't quite know what to think of the poem because some of it I didn't understand. I think some times I don't understand sibbling poems just because I never had one.

I think you did a good job with the feelings behind the poem. What your Mother and Father would think is some thing that you are still concerned about.

Keep writing,
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great idea to pursue and like you said we do need to do research on items that are new as with the internet. It hasn't been out that long and there is so much to know.
My Mother got a diease nph. I think that's the name of it but I posted something on a website for caregivers and when I did another search on nph what I wrote on that website came up as a link.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can't imagine that someone that you look as if you gave your heart and soul to; could just leave. In the poem I feel so sorry for the girl who looks as if she just wants someone to love her in just a natural way. It hurts my own heart to know that someone does this to anyone. I remember my exhusband not buying me cards until after I had divorced him. How cruel can men be?
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really liked this because it painted a picture of the man so well without giving too much away. He remains as he would want a mystery. I loved the vision of him chewing the pencils to the quick. I used to do that in elementary school. How strange that I haven't heard of it happening until now.

Keep writing more and more...
Oh, thanks for the GP's too!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Really, really great and I usually don't like fantasy and won't even stay with it because it doesn't hold my interest but this did. I haven't even watched "The Lord of the Rings" through an entire movie. Neither has my husband. This though drawed me in and I liked the entire writing and felt as if part of what took place.
Keep writing because there is so much of a demand for this genre.
Review of Saying Goodbye  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really loved this story. I am a sucker for these kind that have some deep meaning to them. I like some thing I will read and remember! A couple of misspellings but I think they were more typos than any thing. Hear is spelled wrong toward the end. Can't smell the grass. These are just simple things in life that make stories like this great and unforgettable.
Keep writing!
Review of Kudos Be  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think I'll copy you (imatation is the highest form of flattery) and put my favorite writers in a place on my port. That's such a great way to help others find people that we really admire. In other words everyone will get a chance to be reviewed if it is someone we promote. That's a great idea. I give you the honor of the get idea keeper in the world right now.
diane *Smile*
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really liked this people because I really felt the love you had. You did an excellent way of getting that accross to me. Love poems are the best especially when they are like yours when they really show true love in its best light. dianemember of purplesky's review group
Review of Love  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'd really like to hear more of this poem so that I would know why you feel like this. Did she take a chance on love only to be broken hearted? Was it her first love? Mature love, etc. Other than that I enjoyed the poem because I, of all people know love isn't what it's cracked up to be.

dianemember of purplesky's review group
Review of I Am Alone  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was really good. I suffer from depression and feel this way so much so the poem really touched my heart. You put a lot of feeling into it. It reminded me somewhat of Simon and Garfunkel's song, "I am a rock." Keep wriing; you could be the next songwriter. Who knows?

dianemember of purplesky's review group
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
That was absolutly wonderful, so heartfelt and so very, very true. I wish more people could read things like this so that they could learn how important life is and how we should treasure each day. I've felt better with my depression than I have in a long time and this writing is a perfect way to end my day. Thanks for sharing and keep writing.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (3.5)
I don't understand it very much but I respect it as probably being some thing political, very good, adn personal. You did a wonderful job with this as a poem and believe that you could use it as an attention getter in your country to bring about good fortune!
Review of Tragedy  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was very emotional and touching. These days and times we see so much touble and strife that it is hard to see good through the thickness of the fog of bad. I'm going through my selfess Aunt dying without the Lord. She's went through so much and been and death''s door and I've tried to get her to turn her life over to God but she'll watch gospel music in the morning and cussing and being mean by the afternoon. Now she's in the hospital dying. They think she's had a stroke. My Aunt is 81 just bought a 2005 Malibu Classic, gave her 1999 Lincoln, $5000.00 cash and still owes $9000.00! They really ripped a dying woman off! She has no children and her husband is already passed a great christian man she put through hell. She left her friend the car which s already given to her so that my son nor I can drive the car. I also believe her fiend took her to do a new will which Jean only had two blood relatives left me and my Mother. I wouldn't want her estate but my chldren should be left something. Plus, right now my husband and I have no car. My son wrecked one car and I left our van running becuase I went to pick up my Aunt and Mother and they left in an ambulance and didn't tell anyone! No calls nothing. I feel alsleep with the vehicle running and messed up the fuel injection system. My husband is disabled and had a coalmining accident in 1999. He's only 47 so they owe him a good bit of money. We'll be on our feet soon and we'll stay there. God will plant our feet firmly on the floor.
Sorry I got carried away but I see others have it worst than me.
Review of 2-24-06  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
With a little work this could be a perfect piece because it is packed with emotion! You work some more on this because even if it doesn't get published it is a great tribute to someone you loved. I even use some of my work in my scrapbooks with pictures just a suguestion.
Also, a few corrects.
The doctors search for the face
of the widowed woman.
Regreting they could not save him they comforted us in knowing they did all they could.
{v:color}He meant the world to me like a grandfather.

Hope this helps. Just suguestions.
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