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Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Really they should put this poem on the back of a pack of cigarettes. I don't smoke but both my children do and it breaks my heart. My Father know has cancer of the throat from smoking. It is so sad. He can barely talk. You know I always tell my kids, "You knew it was a snake when you picked it up."
Keep writing. Very good.
Review of Images of You  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (3.5)
Great work. I love your way with words. It really does potray the youth of the day. I am glad I read it because it brought me back to when I was a young woman. The only thing that it lacks, to me, is the the use of all the senses. That some times for me is hard to achieve but my creative writing teacher said to always use all five senses.
Review of Live For Yourself  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
It was kinda of a hard read but a good one. I really liked the idea because it is so true especially for me right now. You are so right too that it is the people that are doing it to you that say those things. Like my Mother saying that I shouldn't care what people say to me when she is the main one doing the damage with her words.
Keep writing.
Review of Brother Esau  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I really liked that and it is much like my poem Rage. I think that it is good to get things out in the open and let your feelings run amuck. If you keep it in it would only end in depression and hurt yourself. Some times we need to think of us.

I read your Bio. I am the same way. I read any thing that isn't nailed down! Used to when I had nothing to read in the bathroom I would read directions over and over. Isn't that crazy? Have you read "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown? I couldn't get into his DaVinici Code but liked the other.

Take care and keep writing.
Review of Dream's Reality  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
That is so good, so sweet, so innocent, and some thing that we, who have forgotten we even have a dream, need to know still exists in life. You know not too long ago I was out to lunch with a friend. She ask me what my dream was and it was sad I said I don't have a dream. Oh, she really got me. Everyone has a dream. What about that novel you wanted to write. Have you forgoten?

Anyway any writing that sparks the human soul is worthy of the best review. I hope I've acheived in giving you that, remember keep writing!
Diane *Smile*
Review of Harsh or Not?...  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
A little confusing but good. I think you were doing what I was doing in the recent poem I wrote "Rage" which I wish you would read and review. I saw a typo toward the end of the poem that was "their." That's were my confusion lay is in the last sentence "But our boys
Will surely call you, in thier mares out..." I didn't quite understand it since you had not mentioned the boys before.
Thanks and keep writing. I think if you work on this just a little it could become a great piece that would get a 5 rating.
Keep writing.
Review of Alone No More  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.0)
The never ending pain of us on earth left by those little boys are forever etched on our hearts and you can tell by this poem. I really liked it except for one part. I don't think God had a plan for taking Alex and Michael. I think that the devil had a plan and worked through their mother in her sin. I know God worked through Alex and Michael after their deaths in the ourpouring of the nation's heart. I imagine that God was as shocked as us that anyone would take the life of the children He loves so well.
Review of Our Eyes  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.5)
That is so good and to accomplish this writing with your sons. You must be a remarkable woman.

Welcome to the Day in the Life group. Oh, we need each other so much so you will find comfort here.

There's another group that I am a part of "The Silent Helper's Group." They are also a wonderful group of people. I'll mention your situation and maybe they can help with some points so you can stay online. I know the feeling because I couldn't have kept my membership without some special angels God sent my way.

Love and blessings to you,
Review of The Box  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
That was so beautiful and the picture that it paints of an elderly woman is absolute perfection. I think any writing that potrays a mature woman as someone who is really a thinker and is blessed by much more than material things on this earth is some thing we need to see more of...keep writing. Yours was a refreshing change. I'm going to email you a site where you can post your poem in a contest. You do need to do that because it is very good.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like the images that this kind of poetry gives to the reader. I'm going on the internet and looking for this type and give my try at it because I know I will not know what I'm doing. It is beautiful work though.
Are you still taking classes?

Did I tell you that while I was in Tuscaloosa, AL I will soon receive information about their Creative Writing program? Not very many colleges offer it; around here anyway. I don't know about other states.

Well, take care!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I really liked this and it's amazing how it caught and held my attentionbecause this is not the usual Genre that I usually read. If I had seen that it was Sci-fi I would have looked the other way but I'm certainly glad I didn't. In some ways the start of your work reminded me of the book, The Stand by Stephen King. The end of the Earth as we no it but when you also stepped in with another planet and world order I became really interested. You have to go futher with this because as I see it, someone totally outside of what she really reads and then you catch me with your writing and hold me there. That says a whole lot.
Review of Reflection  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really a great piece of poetry and when you read mine you will do as I have done and be in total shock at the simularites of the two works. The only difference to me is the fact that I used less words but they both paint the same picture. Really errier like I was meant to read your piece of work. I loved it...the way it made me feel, think, see, etc. Your use of the senses is great and that's the key to good writing.

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Review of Change of Plans  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
There are a few grammer errors but not many. I liked this uplifting piece of work. I can see every thing at play here and you just did a great job of showing the carefree yet some times complicated life of a roomate at college. I just got back from my daughter's house and she's not in college, taking a break right now that is longer than I wanted but she's working. She lives with 2 other girls! They go to college and all work at Hooter's. It's an ususal match of girls. This reminded me of the past 4 days with them.
Keep writing.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I loved the way you showed the young woman's pain in this piece of work. With a few minor changes it could be perfect. I'll try and help.

You can see the glow of her CIGARETTE
In the darkness that surrounds her
SHE'S all alone
Except for the memories that haunt her (.)

You can see the pain in her eyes
When she puts the CIGARETTE to her lips
You can hear the hurt in her tears
When they fall from her cheeks (.)

Each memory falls to the ground
With every tear that is cried
It brings her past to life
In which SHE TRIES so hard to hide (.)

The death of her Grandpa
All the fights with her Dad
Those lonely nights
Where she wished she was dead (.)

When her heart was shattered
By someone she loved
SHE tried so hard to pretend that SHE'S fine
But everything inside her has died (.)

All those times she was told
That she didn't matter, she was nothing
She made herself believe
That she would never amount to anything (.)

Her tears fall harder now
As her CIGARETTE burns away
She closes her eyes
And tells herself again that she's ok!
Review of Can I?  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (3.5)
So very sad to love so much to have it broken. I know your pain. Read my poem Rage and it is out there. That poem made me feel so much. Especially the hard relationship I had with my first husband. I was so in love that I just couldn't be close enough and I know he felt the same. You know though it was like a fire if it kept going it would have burnt every thing in it's path.

One thing: How my heart it beats for you,
I would leave IT out.
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (3.5)
I really loved this story and with a little help it could get a perfect score because I too, have experience a canoe ride and it's perfect for a good short story.

I saw one part where it should have been: It should be Mom and Dad loved it too. Or use the word also.

Keep writing.

Review of The Ballad of MDG  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I liked this and it really showed the story of a man in pain. I think with a little work I could give this a 5 because as I usually say this is a work that should be said if for nothing else but to save another.

I saw just one misspelled word..gray. I usually don't look alot for misspellings because I am too interested in the work and what it says so you may want to check it again.

Review of Beauty  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked this and found it to be much like the old English poetry that I studied and loved so much when I was in high school. I love the old wording. That is missing from a lot of poems these days especially mine.

I can feel the angels hiding her from the world so she won't become spoiled to it.

Review of Escape  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I really feel the pain of the woman you are writing about; she even sounds like me. I like the way of your free verse. The only thing I would do is leave some of the words out. That is very hard for me to do in poetry too but I think that it really gives the reader a chance to do their own imagery of the poem.

Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Awww...yes! The perfect scene of someone who has writer's block and is dying to fill the page with words of her/his own or to even fill them with the unknown voices inside their heads.

I loved this. It even reminded me of times I would be taking a test and just go blank when I knew perfectly well all of the answers.

Keep writing,
Review of Journey  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well, Snake, what a dream. I could feel every thing you were saying. I guess when we touch that subconsience we can bring up the side of us that doesn't come out in the bright of light.

I appreciate the good review you gave me for "Rage" of which I am still in...I have to stay away from him so I won't loose it again. I feel him win when he gets a reaction. So I go to my attic tree house and write.

Take care,
Review of THE REASON  
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Country Mom, thinking the same thing I am, my husband needs to read this. God's give him 3 chances he needs to change so it may not be 4!

This was done so well. You are a terrific writer. How did you get your books published. I joined one of the groups that is really serious about published. I just joined them so I can't remember the name. I'm starting a new group to do the book "the Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. Have you ever read it?

Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is going to help me so much. I've been a member of writing.com for awhile and I've never took the time to find these little things out that can help so much now and in the future.

Can you believe that I bought a upgraded membership so I could have a website and never found out how do create the website. Funny, eh?

Thanks for all you do!
Review by Being Diane
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I feel your pain in this poem and wonder if the whole world doesn't feel the same way. I liked the way you used the words in the poem which could almost be a song with a little work.

I noticed in your bio that you were not very happy right now but you didn't understand. Don't let yourself get to far into not very happy or you'll find yourself depressed. I've been there for a long time.

I won 3rd place in a poetry contest. I haven't written but about 5 poems in my life. It's item # 1070193. Check it out when you have a chance.

Review by Being Diane
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really loved this piece. You made me use all my senses in your writing except taste and I could use that one as well because when I'm walking some where and I smell burning leaves I can taste them also. My creative writing teacher always said to use all the senses when writing a piece.

I saw one thing I would change wanted to take some pictures of the old Bed & Breakfast I was staying in

I would say where I was lodging.

Keep writing.
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