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3,158 Public Reviews Given
3,206 Total Reviews Given
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Casual for the most part. I will point out errors I see and offer suggested corrections. I like to focus on the content and formatting of the item. I love providing helpful comments and feedback that may improve the item if acted on.
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I like to provide suggestions to the author on things I see that may need a second look. I'm not afraid to do a little research to verify a poem's format, or the contents of a story (if requested).
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Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Comedy, and Suspense
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Honestly, I will read anything if asked. I just prefer those listed above.
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Short stories, novellas, books (though a review of that may take days/weeks due to my schedule), Poetry of any format.
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I find non-structured poetry difficult to review, unless there is a short disclaimer about this non-structure that would help in understanding the reason it's in that particular format.
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Review by Sum1
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the changes! It is quite a bit stronger, and a bit deeper. Well done!
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Elby,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a beautiful poem you've written. The rhyme scheme and flow are excellent, and the story of love is special. Yet as much as I really like this poem, I find it lacking something. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think I'd say it lacks depth. Don't get me wrong, I really like it. But the more I think about it, the more I get an answer, slowly but surely. Yes, it lacks depth, and in a way, emotion. Yes, it's full of love. Every line drips with your love for this woman, and that's fine. But it didn't raise any emotions in my heart or mind. It makes me mad really, that I don't feel an emotion while reading this, because it seems to be me missing something, not the poem. I will leave you with a couple of very minor things you might want to do, should you edit this.

1. Center the poem on the page. I think a poem like this looks, and maybe reads, much better when centered.

2. Insert the title in the body of the text. On top, in bold. Right now, even though the title if above everything else, the poem looks naked without it.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hey Kim,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         Great tag line for this story, "I never did like that judge." This is a pretty macabre story, full of a maniacal man who shows no remorse for his past actions. You painted him well with your words, I felt I could see him in his hoodie as he 'relaxed' in his cell. You left me wondering how he managed to plant that final bomb in the Justice Center, how he knew where he would be. Questions like that. But really, it doesn't matter much, it was entertaining. I got the impression that Irwin was a bit like Hannibal Lecter, minus the cannibalistic mannerisms. He acted self centered, non-caring about others, remorseless. Nicely told, nicely written, excellent descriptions! Happy 12th Anniversary to you my friend.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Station at Night  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hey A.G.
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 14th WDC Anniversary!

         I can see you like writing pretty short stories. I read this one, and the other I reviewed a few minutes ago. Well done on both, you do a nice job presenting the plot in a short amount of space. However, I don't feel this one is as good as the other one. Let me explain.

         You changed tenses throughout this one, whereas you were consistent in the previous one. That's not too bad really, we all do it, and will again. However, the biggest issue with this one, is it really isn't much of a story. What I mean is, it's about a man at a train station waiting for a train. Your description says 'waiting for a train that will never arrive'. Yet it did at the end of the story. I can live with that really, because you did a decent job describing his surroundings, shadows in the night, sounds made by the wind, etc. However, at the end he gets on the train, and that's it... I have to say, you leave the reader hanging with that ending. Did he arrive safely at home? He was the only passenger? (Oh, a train would have a conductor, and an Engineer, not a driver). What I'm saying is, you built this up pretty well; I was expecting a ghost train to arrive, and once he got on board and seated, the conductor would come by, except he'd be a skeleton. But, he got on board a very normal train, and the train left the station. See what I mean?

         I did see a few things you might want to look at, should you decide to edit this.

1. Not being from this small village and there being no places he could sleep for the night, and no other modes of transport, he had to travel home by train. This sentence is very wordy, and a bit run-on. You might consider breaking it up into at least two separate sentences, and re-wording it a little.

2. The wind went skipping down the flat line of the track, whipping innocent victims on the platforms, as it travels from station to station. Victims? I thought he was alone on the platform. This sentence is in past tense in a way, (wind went skipping), so travels should be traveled.

3. Pulling his coat tighter to protect himself from the elements, he looked down the track again, willing for the train to arrive. I think you should delete the word 'for' from this sentence. It's not needed.

4. Dripping water, from who knows where, echoed through the night. You can do a much better job describing this. If you leave as is, delete the first comma, it's not needed. But how about, Water dripped from the low overhanging eaves and landed with a loud plop in the puddle at the foot of the station's stairs.

5. Water particles floated on the oil of the railway like, and the pebbles between the wooden slats glistened like diamonds in the light of the street lamps. I think the word like (after railway) should be line.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of The Wreck  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hey A.G.
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 14th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a pretty good story with a gruesome ending. It was good, but it almost seemed like your rushed through it. What I mean is, Bill discovers this wreck, his dog disappears inside it, and he goes looking for it. It's getting dark, of course it's dark inside the ship, and he foolishly flounders along. You could have built this a little more I think. What would be wrong with him going home to get a light and return to look for Tyson? Then he explores the ship, and the deck gives way on him, with the same end result. This way, you build it a little more, have a change to show us more about the inside, etc. Maybe a light would reveal pictures mounted on the bulkhead of previous captains, maybe pinups in ragged state. Perhaps he would find things that had been used by the crew. There's a lot you could do with this. As a very short story, it's fine. But it has so much to tell/show still.

         I did see one thing you may want to look at should you decide to edit this.

1. Hear heard little taps on metal getting quieter, as they moved away down the corridor. I think you meant he, not hear.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Face Of Sun  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Dear Moon Voyager,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

         Well, the first thing I have to tell you, is I'm not sure where you wanted to go with this. At the same time, I liked the way it flowed, the things you were saying here. However, it is a bit obscure, hard to decipher for most people, and a little (okay, a lot) of what I call 'Out There'. That doesn't mean it's not good, or not well written, because it is. It's just hard to comprehend. I won't try to tell you how to edit it, but I do have a couple of suggestions for you.

1. This reads like a person's thoughts. How so? Here's an example. Blaze the sky...scorch the sun with a hot kiss of its own: to show it, maybe, to praise it maybe? Or maybe get tangled in its elixir, its axis, its kingdom of sky and earth or maybe itself. This is off the wall thinking, your mind just going at light speed, but the words you type don't go anywhere, which is what makes it hard to read or understand. Additionally, I've highlighted in red a repetitive word. While it's great that you can type this as your mind thinks it, read it yourself, and see what you think.

2. Unlike other stars, it does know nightfall – it knows only day. In this case here, your mind got a bit ahead of you, just like mine does. I think you left the word 'not' out, it should be inserted before know.

         A very interesting read, but very hard to understand at the same time.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Big Race  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Hey Kim!
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         My biggest question as I started reading this, was what did they bet, and what were they racing? I loved the small twist at the end when you answered both my questions. While I have a sweet tooth, I could never eat that many doughnuts at one sitting. I will say that in some ways, the ending doesn't jive with the rest of the story though. The contestants are in a Weight Loss Camp, but the prize is powder sugar doughnuts? I guess they snuck those in past the watchful eyes of the staff, huh! *Smile* Another small question about this. Would there only be three contestants? Where were the young girls to cheer them on, or race against them? Then again, this was the Writer's Cramp, so you may not have had enough room to add more. Well done though, I enjoyed it. You just like leaving me with questions, huh.... *Smile*


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hey Winklett,
         After my last visit (and chuckle) I had to drop back in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary!

         I've had many eye exams, but no one's ever stuck a needle in my eye. Nor have I seen an Ophthalmologist with the bedside manners this doctor had. Your physical reaction to that stress test may have been due to the momentary blindness. I'm no doctor, never want to be one, but I've seen a lot of things. From your description, I'd guess that when you lost sight during that test, you became disoriented, and 'dizzy', though sitting still you would not have felt it. Dr. Jim talking here, lol.

         His idea of testing your tear duct didn't sound too bad, but after what he'd put you through without any warning, I'd have done the same thing, and left. Actually, no. I'm one of those who just sits there and lets the test go on as the doctor wills it, lol. Once had an badly ingrown toenail cut out with no numbing beforehand, then sent back to work.

         Again, well done, I liked the flow of this. Well written with your unique sense of humor. Not sure I'd want that surgery either. *Smile*


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hey Periman,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 4th WDC Anniversary!

         The original version of this is one of my all time favorite songs, whether sung by Louis Armstrong, or "Bruddah Iz" (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole). Your take on this is all too true based on today's world. I refuse to look at the dark side though, and try to see good in everything. It's not a realistic point of view, but if I look at it like you do in this beautiful poem/song, I'd never smile. Excellent work here, I love this. I did see a few small things you may want to look at, should you decide to edit this.

1. I see meadows of red, Illnesses too I know you may be looking to emphasize certain things in this, but I don't think capitalizing illnesses is needed.

2. I see skies of black , sad tears on my eyes I think you can see the need to remove that space.

3. Are also in places, Like a dreamy fake shine Again, a capitalization where it's not needed. Like should be like. Look at the last verse, second line. You do it again there.

4. They're also saying. I'll kill you. In this instance, perhaps a comma should be used after saying, with the rest inside quotation marks, since that's dialog.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hey Sharkdaddy,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 6th WDC Anniversary!

         First of all, Merry Christmas, and a happy Belated Birthday!

         This is very cute, reminds me a lot of a Dr. Suess type ditty. I can't imagine have a fly in my head, I'm not even sure that can happen, at least not an adult fly. *Smile* But stranger things have happened I'm sure. It seems this could be a little longer, maybe describing a trip to the doctor to remove it, having troubles getting it out perhaps, and who knows what else? Maybe it was laid eggs, etc. But kept lighthearted as it's currently written. Thanks for making me smile on Christmas morning!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review by Sum1
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hey Ms. Brooks,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 7th WDC Anniversary!

         Let me start by saying that I'm far from an English expert. It was my worst subject in school, and I still have a mental block about much of proper English. So one might wonder how I came to enjoy writing. To be honest, I couldn't tell you. I also never apologize for a review, never use a short phrase like this one, "Please remember, I'm just a writer like you, and always take reviews with a grain of salt. You have to decide what is best for your work and follow your heart." (I see something like that in many of the reviews I credit). But since you teach comma usage and such, I suspect you know far more about writing than I do, so I will say this, "If what I mention here is not correct, ignore it!" *Smile*

         I really liked the eight rules for comma usage. Your examples of usage for each rule are excellent, and demonstrate proper usage to readers. I'd like to think I know how to use comma's, but I do get a few comments here and there on them. I get more comments on other parts of the English language though. However, I did see one thing in this that doesn't make sense to me, or shall I say, doesn't read right.

1. I'm far from a comma guru. Believe me, but from teaching them, I was able to strip out all the nonsense and such and find eight simple rules for conquering the dreaded comma while writing. That second sentence here does not read correctly if you ask me. (This is where my failure to really understand all the nuances of writing fails me). Here's how it should read, at least to my eyes. I'm far from a comma guru, believe me. But from teaching them, I was able to strip out all the nonsense and such and find eight simple rules for conquering the dreaded comma while writing. All I know is, the line "Believe me, but from teaching them.... That's the part that throws me. I know rule 1 doesn't apply since Believe me can not stand on its own as a sentence. It's not a series, so rule 2 is out, nor does it seem to be extra information. I'm pretty sure it's not an introductory clause, nor does it come after a conjunctive adverb, or separate two adjectives. See my dilemma? *Smile* I'm not trying to pick this apart, far from it. This comment is very minor in nature. But I have to know where my error is in thinking like this!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review by Sum1
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Amy,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary!

         Like I said in a note to you a few minutes ago, you and I are alike. I've had more than my share of 'Internet Love Affairs', and the trials and tribulations first hand of the pits you can get into. My problem is, it took me several attempts to realize that it is exactly as you write here. Thing is, mine were all with American women (there's not that many really, but it was more than 2). Here's what I've learned. Like any relationship, you have to work (imagine that) to keep it fresh and going well. There's a member here on WDC whom I've known since before WDC, and we still love each other, and talk almost every day. She is the exception, and is exceptional. The others? No, meeting was nice, but we weren't all that compatible, as you write here.

         I like the way you write. It's as if we're sitting side by side in front of a fire, telling stories. I mean that as a compliment, believe me. This is well done and flows nicely, never leaving the reader hanging. I love your advice, and agree with you wholeheartedly. Does all this mean I won't meet people in person that I've known first on line? No, but it does mean I know I'm not in love, nor is this person one whom I want to spend the rest of my life with.

         Thank you for the read, and chuckle, both stories. I will have to drop by and read more soon, and hope I do!


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Mr. Fish  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Phelina,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a cute story about two different characters, both named Mr. Fish. I enjoyed it some, but knew where it was going to end early on. But then, with a story this short, that's not unusual. However, the twist at the end, having your human character named Mr. Fish was good. The one comment I will have for you, is to name the fish character Mr. Fish differently. Perhaps something like Mr. Perch. I know Perch isn't a fresh water fish, but giving him a different name would personalize him more. Maybe even Mr. Salmon, since they do spawn in fresh water. You get the idea.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Old One Ear  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Cynaemon,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         I have to say that I found this to be a pretty ordinary story. That is, until I found the poem at the end. Then the ordinary became the extra-ordinary, tears filled my eyes as I read that, and the things Hatshepsut did for Old One Ear.

         You did a really good job portraying Hatshepsut as a stuck up, rich, spoiled-rotten cat. She was fascinated by One Ear, but that was about it. Until she read his journal, I think that then she fell in love with him, at least in her own way. Your ending was powerful, I absolutely loved it! My only comment or suggestion? Center the poem on the page. Somehow, someway, emphasize the words of the poem (italics?). It stands out, it makes the story more than just a story.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Promise Kept  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Jack,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 12th WDC Anniversary!

         Like a couple of other people I know on WDC, I've never read something of yours I didn't like. You write in a very casual style, and I don't mean that as a criticism, it's a compliment. What I mean is, when I read something of yours, it's like we're sitting somewhere in a very relaxing atmosphere, just talking as old friends. Great eulogy for your mother, it's easy to tell you were close to her. I see this was written 8 years ago; I'm hoping the pain of her passing has lessened. It probably has, but the feeling of loss is, and still will be, with you forever. Thank you for this, it makes one appreciate the small things in life.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Reality  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Dear Karen,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 4th WDC Anniversary!

         First, I miss you! But dang, I do hope you have a great 4th Anniversary, even if it's not spent on here.

         I really liked the idea behind this story. The question at the end is a good one, and I have two answers for it. One, it was a mistake for some reason. But the second one, the one I like better, is that someone wanted that man killed, and arranged it so he might be. Of course, it required the right person, but it was a chance. Well done here, the flow is good, dialog even better.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Space Blunder  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hey Light,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 8th WDC Anniversary!

         I love science fiction stories, and this one is as scy-fy as one can get. But it seems to kind of ramble. What I mean is this. You start the story describing a backyard barbecue. I really liked the use of certain words you fabricated, like cell-pod and I-page, as well as the hologram projection game. But that's where the barbecue stops, and the 'real' story begins. So, your nice build up on what's going on was shoved aside as you told the story you wanted to tell, about a bungled experiment. Don't get me wrong, I loved the idea of the story, and your plot. But I think it needs to be tightened up some. If I may make a couple of suggestions here.

1. You might want to completely change the beginning. Since the barbecue has no bearing on the story, maybe change it to something where Sue and Harold are relaxing, and she finds the story when she powers on her I-Page.

2. The dialog is very stilted, not very natural.

3. Do a little research on a star going supernova, and think about your wording of the experiment. You got a bit technical there, and may be off base with some of your statements. Sometimes in science fiction, it's best to just generalize things without getting too specific. Think about it. Indestructible remote sensors? If a star is going supernova, can we manufacture anything that will withstand the incredible forces and heat that will be generated? Iron Fusion? I think (know really) fusion involves much heavier elements than iron. It may be possible to fuse iron, but I've not heard of it. So generalize more, don't get too carried away, but let the reader make some assumptions. Here's an example of generalized science fiction. In the series Star Trek, the Enterprise used Di-lithium crystals as it's power source. Lithium is a salt, Di sort of implies two crystals, or something cut in half? I don't know. But you know what? The producers never tried to explain how the Di-Lithium Crystals worked. They just 'put it out there', and let viewers assume it was possible.

4. The story ends very abruptly. Harold gets to the end of the article, and says he's glad he didn't take the job? What does that have to do with the whole story? Like the barbecue at the beginning, it doesn't fit.

         I did notice a few small things (wording/typo's) you may want to check in this, should you decided to edit it.

Title:  Excellent for this story.

Description:  Also very good

Grammar:  You mixed up a few words here and there. The dialog really needs some work.

General Comments:  

1. He sets down with Sue’s I-Page and begins reading the story aloud. Sets should be sits.

2. “The information that has become available indicates that the Gov Science Unit was conducting a shortcut version of the League of Scientists plan to simulate a star nova on a small scale, to analyze the elements it produces. He's already reading, this is a continuation for the previous paragraph. You don't need the opening quotation marks here, you have them at the start of the other paragraph.

3. They caused malfunctions in some asteroid belt satellites, as well as interference for equipment on Mars (The Magne-Brella project is not yet on line) and many satellites in our star system. Using 'they' to start this sentence implies people. But since you're talking about the experiment, they should be this.

4. The fragments are projected to coalesce back together in a month or so. Your story is about an experiment that simulates a star going super-nova. If that's the case, and the amount of energy released is as high as you describe, the asteroid would not coalesce together again. Instead, it would probably end up causing collisions with other objects in the asteroid belt.

Overall impressions:  I liked the idea of this story, a government experiment gone wrong once again. But it does need a little tightening up.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Earth Science  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hey Lori,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 5th WDC Anniversary!

         It's been too long since we said hi to each other, I do hope you've had a great 5th Anniversary here! I love puzzles of almost any type, hard for me to ignore one given the chance. This was fun, I'm not a rockhound, but I do love different types of rocks. One of my favorite places to visit on trips is on I-68 in Maryland. Look up Sideling Hill sometime, it's pretty cool. I did see one small thing in your narrative above the puzzle you may want to fix.

1. Today, they are referred to as amature Geology buffs. People who are fascinated with the history, and science behind our Earth are likely become to Geologists. You are missing the word 'to' in the last sentence, and amature should be amateur. To is there in red font now.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review of Newbie Link Hub!  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hey Supersonic!
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary!

         I found this to be very enlightening! Of course I'm not a newbie anymore, but I remember my early days. A friend of mine and I joined a day apart, and it seems we held each others hand as we explored this wonderful site. I wonder how many newbies find this nice Hub and use it to explore. I wish I knew a way to get it more exposure. You might try looking at a couple of forums to put it in though, that would definitely help.

         This does need a little updating though, you said you joined 10 years ago, but it's now been 13 since you joined! One other thing is, you might want to change this to a forum, where others (newbies especially) can make entries about what they found, or help they might need. You offer help, a forum would be a great place to do that! Once you do that (IF you do that), contact StoryMaster and see if he can provide a link to it somehow for newbies. Just a thought....


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

Dear MidnightAngel,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 10th WDC Anniversary!

         Your story is interesting, I loved the idea of visiting an insane asylum to get stories. Except I'd never do that. Not that I'm afraid, I've visited a friend who was on a psych ward long ago, so I'm not afraid of something like that. But a stormy night and visiting one alone? No thank you.

         I felt the build up to the story was excellent. Your descriptions of the storm, Stefan's run to the front door, followed by the guard's examination of his case were very good. But it seemed the interview part was a little short, a little too simplistic. Especially his interview with the Captain. However, in my comments here, please realize that I'm a 20 Navy Veteran, having served my entire time on submarines. So I will likely comment on a few things others will most likely not. The first thing I'll tell you about submarines, is that they don't say "Fire all torpedoes". Fire is a word reserved for one use, when a fire breaks out on board. So, they would say, "Shoot all torpedoes."

         I did feel the interview with Mrs. Richter was much better, and loved the twist, where she used an old Indian spell to conjure up the bear. The part about the bears soul not dying was a little confusing to be honest. It doesn't seem that this bear killed two days before her husbands hunting trip did not connect with the rest of the story.

Title:  Excellent for this story.

Description:  I know this was for a contest, but your current description should be modified to tell us more about the story.

General Comments:  

1. "One of them was a yeoman and the other a junior officer who had lost their lives at sea when they drowned in their vessel. If these two men drowned on their vessel, how did they get on the Captain's submarine? This line didn't make sense to me.

2. Stefan looked up as Captain Cunningham stopped talking. “Please continue.”

Stefan looked up as Captain Cunningham stopped talking. “Please continue, my friend.”
These two lines are redundant and seem to be a repeat. If he's repeating himself, you need to stress that here.

3. Letting your imagination get the better of you? Since he's talking to himself here, you might want to highlight this with italics, and single quotation marks.

4. Realizing how this was probably the reason Mrs. Richter had been brought to Cripple Creek, Stefan shut off his tape recorder. You don't need the word 'how' in this sentence.

Overall impressions:  A good story about interviewing inmates at an insane asylum.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pete's Last Out  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Hey Jack,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 7th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a pretty good story about a man's memories of a co-worker. While I could relate to it easily, it did leave me with a few questions. The biggest one being, if the young recruit found the ball, what had happened to make the ball become lost? Later on in the story, we find the significance of the ball, but since it 'magically' appeared on Sergeant Brown's desk, it seems it was initially lost or misplaced. That was never explained in the story.

         I liked the flow of this, the memories of the Captain as he remembered Ebb and the things that occurred during his career. But other than the initial dialog between the captain and the recruit, there wasn't much other dialog. What this did to the story, is make it more 'tell' than 'show'. I'm sure you've heard that phrase before. I will try to point out at least one place where you could have used dialog to enhance the story a bit.

         You also have a tendency (as do I at times), to use run-on sentences. At other times, some of your sentences are too short, and do not make much sense as written. Another thing to watch for, is an overuse of comma's. Again, I will try to show you places you've done that, without picking the story apart. My goal is to help you improve your skills, not tear this apart.

Title:  Very good for this story. But without a character named Pete in it, I thought it was a little bit of a stretch. The story didn't center around Pete Rose, it was all about Ebb, his life on the force, and the memories of one man, the captain.

Description:  Very good as well, but you should removed the comma after fondly, it's not needed.

Grammar:  Your use of grammar was fine, I just noticed the run-on sentences and comma usage in a couple of places.

General Comments:  

1. I believe this belongs to you Cap." You are missing the opening quotation marks here.

2. Jack Doyle sat in the back of the small Anglican Church listening to the eulogy of Ebenezer Benjamin Brown; Ebb to his friends and co-workers, when living, he was a short, barrel chested, ham fisted tank of a man that walked precariously on a pair of spindly bowlegs. This is a very wordy, run-on sentence that could easily be two or three. If I may, here's a suggestion. Jack Doyle sat in the back of the small Anglican Church listening to the eulogy of Ebenezer Benjamin Brown. He was known as Ebb to his friends and co-workers. He was a short, barrel chested, ham fisted tank of a man that walked precariously on a pair of spindly bowlegs.

3. In fact with his cauliflower ears, flat nose and scars on his forehead.
This is one of those sentences that doesn't make sense as written. You could pair it with the sentence that follows it using a comma. In fact with his cauliflower ears, flat nose and scars on his forehead, he bore a striking resemblance to his wrestling moniker, ‘Bulldog’.

4. The thing about men in the company of men, that tend to spend a lot of time together, whether it be in sports, or in closely knit units be it military or law enforcement. They cannot help seeking out weaknesses in their fellow comrades. It could be an ugly tie, or a badass haircut, anything at all, as long as it provided side-splitting hilarity. Anything that will relieve the boredom and provide entertainment is fair game. It will be pounced on like a pack of starving hyenas on a crippled wildebeest. This paragraph is very wordy, a bit run-on, and is not worded well at all. In fact, a couple of sentences in it do not make sense. I know what you're trying to say, and it can be said in far fewer words. Again, if I may offer a suggestion. Men who spend most of their lives in the company of other men, whether it be sports, the military, of any job that causes them to spend a lot of time together, tend to seek out any weakness in the comrades and give them grief over it. Any surmised weakness is picked on, exploited, made fun of, all for the sake of relieving boredom. Even that's wordy, but at least it's a sentence that says what you're trying to say.

5. The herd learned two things from this incident; this is how men learn things, ladies. With this worded as it is, you imply only ladies will read this story. Perhaps a little re-wording would help. The herd learned two things from this incident; but then, this is how men learn things.

6. Ebb kept flipping the ball above his head and catching it when someone who should have known better, a veteran by the name of Jim Lord, chuckled and said; "Be careful you don't miss the ball and break your nose again, Wheezy." Again, a bit run-on, and very wordy. Ebb kept flipping the ball above his head and catching it when a veteran by the name of Jim Lord, chuckled and said; "Be careful you don't miss the ball and break your nose again, Wheezy."

7. Someone weeks later swore, that he had looked out the window and the traffic had stopped, then someone at the back of the room muttered, "Oh s***." You used 'someone' twice in this sentence. Instead, give them names!

8. "After this incident no one ever called Ebb ‘Wheezy’ to his face, or otherwise again, and Jim Lord, he became known as ‘Lumpy’.” You don't need quotation marks for this sentence, no one is speaking.

Overall impressions:  A good story about remembering a fellow worker after their death.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hollow Earth  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hey Gene,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 7th WDC Anniversary!

         This is a good story, an excellent read for a young child. As I read it, I was struck by a couple of things. The idea of the Inner Earth is similar to Edgar Rice Burroughs books about the same subject. With everyone disappearing on the flight, it also reminded me of Stephen King's 'The Langoliers'. However, it was nothing like either of those.

         The flow of this is perfect for a child's attention. The story isn't too long, the pace not too slow or fast, and the wording will pique a child's interest. I think your early description of Ibby and Jimmy were excellent, a child would want to know what the children in the story look like, how they act, and you answered those thoughts right away. I loved the twist at the end, it was perfect for this story!

         There are a couple of very minor things you may want to look at, should you consider editing this.

1. Their flight had left the Airport in Anchorage, Alaska in route to Helsinki, Finland an hour earlier and the flight path would take them directly over the North Pole. Airport does not need to be capitalized, at least the way it's written. If you had worded it as follows, then yes, it should be capitalized. Their flight had left the Ted Stevens Internationals Airport in Anchorage, Alaska in route to Helsinki, Finland an hour earlier and the flight path would take them directly over the North Pole.

2. They were met by sores of lovely fairies that twittered in Rikki’s face, excited and worried. It seems that sores should be scores.

3. “Yes, your grace or you highness,” Ibbie replied. “But I do not know how to use it.” I think you should be your.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Leigh,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary!

         You know, I love stories like this. Stories that make you dream of possibilities, ones that bring a tear to your eye, but most of all, ones that you'll never forget.

         This is a wonderful, beautiful story. For the most part it is well written and flows well. It did seem that the first couple of paragraphs were a lot of telling with little showing. At one point, I found myself wondering if you'd have any dialog in it. But it quickly picked up and moved well. I do have a few comments for you on it.

Title:  The title is very good, but I think you could change it slightly. Not sure how, but it seems to me that it could be edited a little.

Description:  This is where you write something to pull in potential readers. I noticed most of yours had a description like this. So tell me this. If they are all the same, why should anyone read one over the other? This definitely needs to be re-written.

Grammar:  Very good, with a few minor areas that need editing.

General Comments:  

1. A light snow was falling as Charlie Reardon left the diner and made his way down Madison Street. It was a short walk to the home he’d shared with his wife for sixty years. When he reached the porch, he sat down on the steps. It had been snowing like this the day he and Mary brought the mirror home. When you look at this on WDC, the first line is a bit more separated from the others, as if there's a hard return in it, but it doesn't show here. Hmmmmmmm.

2. They spent several days talking about what they wanted most out of their lives. You can see the missing letter here.

3. No one recalled there ever being anyone who fit his description every being there. This sentence is worded a little awkwardly, and the word every doesn't fit at all. If I may make a suggestion. No one recalled there being anyone who fit his description ever being there.

4. You didn't say this in the story, but I surmised the following. The mirror only grants you one wish, or the ability to give you the one thing you want most in life. You may want to add a sentence to that effect somewhere in the story. If you do, I would suggest it be where the old man is telling them how to use the mirror.

5. He has a wonderful imagination and story ideas in her head. I really think this last part, well below the story almost ruins it. If this is his story, then he should write it. If he tells you part of a story and you write it out, I would not mention it in the story at all. If you then published a short story collection, mention in the forward that his imagination feeds you Muse, allowing you to put to paper what he can only relate verbally.

Overall impressions:  A beautiful story of love, and a magic mirror that can make your fondest dream come true.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Let It Die  
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (2.5)

Hey Organized Chaos,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 13th WDC Anniversary!

         As I read this, I grew more and more sad. I hate seeing family members not relate with each other, I lived with it myself for 25 years. But mine was self induced, I could have left at any time and been happier. But I would not leave my children alone with their mother, for there was the problem for all of us. She was the cause, but we all went along with it instead of standing up or speaking up. As a result of this, most of us are not close, so I must have done my share of wrong somewhere, somehow. I think family should be close, and it really saddens me when they aren't.

         As far as ending the relationship with your mother, as your description alludes to. I don't think you can ever end a relationship with a family member. Yes, you can ignore them, you can not speak with them or do much with them. But they are part of you, share your blood lines. To me, you either learn to live with it, or let it go, knowing that if they call, you'll be there, because you are needed.

         You really need to go through this with a proof reader, looking at grammar, spelling, and plain ol' word usage. The number of errors in this are too numerous to count. That doesn't mean I don't like this, despite it's depressing message. Overall, it is nice, I think it's a cathartic type of thing to read, and something you should keep. In fact, you might consider leaving this as it is, and re-writing it with necessary corrections made. This way you can look at the old, and new, and see the difference. *Smile* My first intention was to read through this (which I did), and list each thing I thought you might want to edit. But half way through, I decided not to do that, and quit listing edits needed. The reason? I have no desire to ever tear anyone's story or poem to pieces. I'm no expert, nor am I an English Major. My background is similar to yours, (from what I read in your bio). Engineering/Technology. But I do think I write decently well, I just can't specific comments when I read something. But I can notice errors, and provide suggestions for correction. So, get a proof reader and edit this, if you want. Below are my specific comments.

Title:  Excellent for this article.

Description:  Very good, it drew me in and let me know what to expect.

Grammar:  There are numerous misspellings as well as incorrect word usage. Some may be due to typo's, but it's hard to tell.

General Comments:  

1. Then my specificity spiraled down, I thought of people I knew, my friends, overhearing that familiar bickering and exasperated tones of someone who has given up arguing with their parents, I thought of my father and how he reassures when times get difficult on how he has been there before, that all things will pass, I also thought about how because of him I have grown, or reduced down, to a minimalist due to his fondness of gadgets and technology he has yet found purposes for, but that doesn't stop him. Wow, this is a long, run-on sentence. It can easily be broken into several shorter sentences.

2. But hey, he worked hard for it, earned the money, he can chose, just as I can chose; admittedly my choices are less mostly due to the fact that I earn less, but I digress. In both cases, chose should be choose.

3. It was only until recently when I realized I my have inadvertently decided that it is unrepairable, or that it cannot be made into something that it just can't be: allowing me to stop trying altogether. This is a run-on sentences also. When using comma's, ask yourself this question. Is the following line a separate thought, a separate idea? If so, use a period, and write it as a new sentence. The red my should be may.

4. Acting depressed was so 'emo'. I thought it was shameful, so I smiled at lunch, and finished all of my homework before the final bell rung. You need to either add 'had' before rung, or change rung to rang. Rung is not correct as currently written.

5. Right-side up on one side and upside down in a different color on the opposite side of each paper. It seems that you are missing the word one after the first usage of on. That, or change on to one.

6. Parents learn to work around this and try to teach their kids good habits and discipline the would need for the rest of their life. You need to change 'the' before would to they.

         It was at this point that I turned off the 'edit/review' mode, and read only for pleasure.

Overall impressions:  A very sad journal of lost childhood, lost love of a parent. Nice read, but it needs a major edit.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Sum1
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Dear Joanna,
         I saw your suitcase on the Anniversary Review page and thought I'd drop in to honor this occasion, your 11th WDC Anniversary!

         You make me wish I was there that night, sharing in the festivities with everyone. You painted a warm scene with your words, describing how people mingled around looking at various displays, or sat in pubs patiently waiting for a drink. I liked your descriptions of the events, but I did see one thing that I must comment on. Actually, something I didn't see.

1. This doesn't have an ending. Even though it's an essay, it still needs a beginning or introduction, the middle plot of events, and an end. You leave us hanging at the end, with no idea of what happened later, or how your night ended.


*Boat*  WDC POWER RAIDER  *Boat*

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