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Rated: E · Book · Other · #1962205
You are what you write. Illusion and Reality...I reside in between. Where are you?
UNDERSTAND THAT REDIRECTING CIVILIZATION is a major undertaking. You can write volumes about it and who will listen? But the energy that goes for that purpose cannot be withdrawn. You know that.

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December 9, 2013 at 3:25am
December 9, 2013 at 3:25am
We are creatures who believe we live in time. Minute by minute, second by second, we count them off...despair at their loss.

Think about this: If you were on the moon or Mars and looked at the Earth (The beautiful blue planet)---and you asked, "I wonder what time it is there?" What is the time of a planet? Surely there must be something bigger, more accurate than Grandmother's digital alarm clock.

I believe, that from this distant viewpoint, the time you see is NOW---all of it. The whole planet. And if you look around you, or close your eyes and see inside...what time is it?

The only answer can be, now. In other words, all over the Earth, where ever you are, it is only now. Once second later is the past, and one second ahead it the future.

To quote a channeled Master: Time is a difficult concept for you, being part of the illusion and seemingly very real, but in fact there is only ‘Now.’ Now is eternal, everything that happens happens now, there is no other time . . . there is no time!

When I took the EST training (so long ago) they told us the same thing. So how about: WE ARE CREATURES LIVING IN AN ILLUSION OF TIME, which help us keep out mind sort of balanced.

But every once in a while take a moment of NOW and just enjoy where you are!
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December 3, 2013 at 12:49am
December 3, 2013 at 12:49am
Electronic evolution in Iran

Now, in the twenty-first century, Iranians who left before, after, or during the revolution, return---they are astounded---stunned at the changes that have occurred since 1979.

And now, even after only ten years for me, I see enormous changes. During the eight years of the Ahmadinejad administration, the infrastructure expanded to encompass the entire country. Freeways became full-scale autobahns. Bridges float across valleys and tunnels bore through mountains, not unlike the mountain-ridge highway that runs the length of the Italian boot. Not unlike the freeways of Paris or Madrid. Smoother, sleek and more graceful than Los Angeles. I ride over great, soaring roundabouts that interweave in multiple layers providing uninterrupted flow in all directions.

They've just opened a many-miles-long, double-decker freeway that's lifted elegantly above an old, congested highway. And in the city, if something was in the way, they bridged it or tunneled under, they did not destroy existing neighborhoods. And as it progresses, all of it is landscaped. Lawns, trees, flowers, tiled murals, with decorative lighting.

In Tehran and all the major cities, it is the same. Progress seems blindingly fast. There are massive universities, hospitals, schools building or expanding everywhere as the population grows. Every small town and village have asphalt roads, electricity and natural gas to every home, television, internet, phone service. Rich or poor, they all seem to have a mobile phone. Wireless Internet access is invading every town. The electronic transformation is happening in a matter of years, not decades. Europe and America evolved over many years, but here, it is an explosion of state-of-the-art electronics within a very short time-span.

Even young parents are at times befuddled by the cyber-conscioness of their children in handling phones, tablets and computers. In remote villages, it becomes a one-generation shift, and even if they don't go for higher-education, the television is right there to nudge their brain. (sound familiar?)
For sure, telephone & computer technology is changing faster than the schools. I see an electronically connected society evolving within this new generation. I mean connected ALL THE TIME. Not just in Iran, but all over the world. Think about it.
I have more to say, but later.
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November 26, 2013 at 3:12am
November 26, 2013 at 3:12am
An American in Iran

So much has happened and is being said this week, that this blog seems appropriate to repeat. I wrote this in 2009, but it's about 1978-9 just before the revolution in Iran. Most people have very short memories, so I'm sharing mine.

TEHRAN: I first worked in Iran back in 1974 on a movie project, later teaching in the National Theater. I didn't leave until the revolution was well under way in November of 1978. I had a unique point of view being one of the very few Americans who worked inside the Shah's government. And during those years I never knew or communicated with any of my countrymen as they were inside their gated, Americanized communities. My friends and co-workers were from all parts of the city, both upper class, diplomats, artists, actors, and ordinary workers and craftsmen, plus all their families. The hospitality of all these Iranians was enormous and heartfelt.

There is so much concern and conflict about the current situation of 2009 (up to now!) that I am compelled to write about what I have seen. This is my own personal experience and memory. I hope my friends will not worry about me as much.

I remember, there was a line across the city; an east-west street named Shah-Reza (now named Enghelab). In 1978-9 the population of Tehran was just a little over 3 million. Now it is over 12 million; a great sprawling metropolis, ribboned and banded with expressways, autobahns, and a high-speed, underground metro that expands daily. (Think Paris- La Defense) But the line across the city still divides it into two quasi classes, two distinct philosophies about religion, how to live, how to relate to the outside world. What happened back then is intensely relevant today.

In 1978 the line of Shah-Reza Street was a very clear, hard division: the North, wealthy, privileged, self- indulgent, beautiful homes, the best apparel from London and Paris, Nightclubs and extravagant
western-style restaurants, and parties. Education in the best schools in London and America. And don't forget the 30,000 Americans and their massive embassy. The city stopped when the black limousines
carried the Shah or his Empress through the streets from their grand palaces high on the hill.

Below the line, south of Shah-Reza Street was a different world. Simple homes, millions of hard-working merchants, manufacturers, workers, and the multitude of servants and service personnel who made life so comfortable for the elite above the line. No one would, or dared, to speak against the King. Women were forbidden to wear their chador at work or in school. Information was totally controlled by state media. The US supported Shah of Iran pushed them too far, demanded too much, and ruled by fear and intimidation with the US-trained Savak as his enforcer. Protests and demonstrations were put down with vicious force and bloody results.

The voices of the Islamic clergy called for resistance to the corrupt and decadent influences of America and the West. Too long the Shah had repressed the traditional beliefs and practices of Islam. There was an Imam, exiled in France, whose voice stirred the hopes of millions. (The memories of the Iranians are long and detailed)

And as I learned later, on the other side of the Atlantic, the American intelligence services decided that the Shah had become too independent with the petroleum industry. He wanted more profits for his nation. The opposition would be allowed to continue and to be encouraged.

Also in the south of the line, (or in exile) there were long-silent intellectuals, scientists, teachers, and military who began to exert pressure and influence on events. I remember when one of my project managers finally said, "Shah must go!" In the village where I lived, they were smashing and burning their television sets in the street. A movement had begun that gathered momentum each day.

In spite of the extreme crackdown, the demonstrations continued. In some cases, risking their lives, high-school girls donned black chadors and marched the boulevards calling for the end to the regime. Power was cut daily, streets blocked. A curfew was enforced with military tanks at the road blocks. The banks and government buildings were burned, the fancy shops and restaurants were smashed and burned, the foreign hotels were broken and closed. The airline offices were burned. Piece by piece the facade of Western civilization was stripped away. The hated, US-supported government, their officials and their families were forced to leave. Finally, the Shah left Iran, and his royal court and government ceased to exist. The military retired to their barracks.

For a while unidentified mobs ruled the streets. I watched them break down the front of the Imperial Hotel and burn the portraits of the King out in the street. Faceless men always started the violent attacks getting others to join, then they would fade away, perhaps to instigate destruction down the street. Those days were very frightening. I stayed out of sight in the city with friends until we could arrange a ticket on one of the last flights out on the last airline to function which was Air France.

A huge number of those people living above Shah-Reza Street quietly fled to Europe and America taking as much of their wealth as they could carry (Their abandoned houses still are untouched). Those who stayed, changed their clothes, perhaps added some religion to their daily life, and pledged loyalty to the new Islamic Republic. This Revolution had epic proportions and was to have long-lasting consequences.

On a special flight from Air France, Grand Ayatollah Khomeini arrived into the utter chaos of revolution and began the transformation of a nation.

I was facing culture shock arriving back in Manhattan. I had missed more than half of the "70's!" More will be posted soon.
[Your comments are welcome]
November 20, 2013 at 6:39am
November 20, 2013 at 6:39am
SO, I SAID TO MY SOUL:Who is the RECEIVER? You in there, or me out here? I receive sound, light, smell, touch. And who is receiving what? The HUMAN receivers are the LINK TO THE PHYSICAL WORLD, (This I know)

AND MY SOUL SAID: but the INNER-HUMAN is the receiver/LINK to the SOUL and the spiritual world...or the higher frequencies that are a much greater world/universe.

Are you directing or passively observing? Do we work independently....Or are we bound together as ONE entity?

We are bound, merged, united as ONE. The body (Physical You) is your house to be in while you are behind the veil of forgetfulness.

Outer me thinks I am independent...that's part of the illusion. The workings of the physical body runs mostly on it's own without much conscious thought. There's a lot of decisions being made, processes and functions minute by minute, every second. My focus to inner body can narrow in only so far, the rest is hidden and a mystery.

Is all that intelligence built in...and comes with birth guided by our personal DNA? And how much do you remember as contained within my DNA...that you are not telling me about? Huh??

From Conversations with my Soul
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November 16, 2013 at 3:09am
November 16, 2013 at 3:09am
Awareness is a total state of being
Responsibility is the end result
That comes too late.
Action is limited to preconceived untruths
Learned from those ignorant fathers
Who mix blood and chicken s***
Into a paste they know will mend the egg
But they can't find all the pieces
Nor all the fluid so precious
Now that it is lost forever.


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November 11, 2013 at 7:18am
November 11, 2013 at 7:18am
Well think about it. How many times do you blink in a minute? How many times do you blink in a day? Tiny percentages, but add them up and you will find that you are in darkness for part of your life.

Then there's the closing of eyes, turning off the reception of visual light...and going to sleep. Dark isn't it?

But then. Wow! You see all kinds of stuff and you are not in darkness until you wake up and...blink!

Most of the time you do not remember what you've seen while sleeping unless a dream passes into a waking state. Vivid images, emotions, all kinds of people and situations are maybe remembered, but just a quickly they fade and most are forgotten unless your awake self is shocked or somehow impressed by the event.

Those events are remembered, some never forgotten, and feel as real as any actual event in your life. What about those memories? I think they are important. Do you question the source? Remember you are not seeing with your eyes...however you are seeing.

The complexities of our physical selves are awesome. We take them for granted most of the time. Blink and see.....

November 10, 2013 at 8:42am
November 10, 2013 at 8:42am
Everyone says time is speeding up. Is it?
I wrote an entire paragraph a few minutes ago...and it disappeared. scooped up by a faster than the internet time warp. Got to move fast to beat those critters. This time I will save fast and see if I'm still here after.

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