Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/alwayslove
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140 Public Reviews Given
141 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Honest. I do not review harshly or with malicious intent. I only want to give you my honest opinion nothing more, nothing less. • I review on my phone from the hours of 6am -3pm. Back to doing reviews my apologies for all those that requested one and I didn't receive it in time.
I'm good at...
Identifying weak points in plot, identifying common grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.
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I love pretty much everything. I am even a fan of gore.
Least Favorite Item Types
I am not sure, I love a little bit of everything.
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I am open to reviewing any and all forms of writing.
Public Reviews
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Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Happy fluffy story about unicorns and a princess. I enjoyed your light story as I went about my workday. It was just the right kind of happiness I needed!
Review of Love/Hate  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thank you so much for sharing your quote with us. I felt how much love and hate you held for the person and I could sense the confusion from the two opposites! This review was given freely!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Review of Blue Gems  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Honestly, this was such a lovely read. I throughly enjoyed how much pleasure and delight that you gained from another with blue gems. Thabk you so much for qriting this♥

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!Open in new Window..
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Kristoffer Kerk, I am reviewing your story "A Loss of the Heart" here on writing.com

♥ The short story is about a woman who appears to be in a depression, the short starts off by describing the woman's general vicinity as being dark and bleak, the very essence of suffering because that is ultimately what is wrong with the woman, she is suffering. Later, it is discovered the woman had a child who died. The woman is all alone after her daughter dies, no support, no love being shown from anyone. She is stuck in a cycle of heartbreak.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short was written.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This was a very good suffering short story and it definitely tugged at the heartstrings. A tear did fall as I read that last paragraph, it was sad, but I enjoyed what the author did with the story and I look forward to reading more from this author in the very near future. Thank you so much for writing such a great story.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely
Review of Stars  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Jamie, I am reviewing your story "Stars" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story was about how we do not have a choice on who becomes our partner in life. It is about a man never really understanding why he loves the love of his life he only knows that he does.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This was a well-written story, one I thoroughly enjoyed. I have no specific suggestions for you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: I loved this short story, it was so beautiful to me. I loved listening to his thoughts, he is completely confounded about his love for the woman depicted in this short story. I was able to relate to this story on so many levels. I don't always know the whys of most things in life, I don't know why we love who we love or why we fall so deeply in love with them, and I have found that we may never know. Wow, this short was well done! Thank you so very much for writing such an awesome piece. Now a smile is on my face too.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi HuntersMoon, I am reviewing your Contest entry for the Writers Cramp, "Now You See It ..."

♥ One day Oscar decides to go to a Surplus store with his friend Jack, a Surplus store that Oscar had driven by a hundred times at least. Well, on this particular day when they arrived the store was no longer there, but unknowingly to them, the store is still there.

Bill a worker at the store somehow managed to get his hands on a device that was made by the government that he accidentally turned on one day and it made the store invisible.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short is well written.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors

♥ Overall: This was an easy to read short, it was also intriguing enough that I was able to keep on reading. I really enjoyed this short, and I hope that in the end, Bill was able to successfully make it out.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi DeeDoubleU, I am reviewing your short story "Don't open that door" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is a comedy and it is about an after school detention teacher name Miss McGill and her three fifth grade students: Danny, Stanley, and Cecil. The three students have detention for various offenses. While in detention Miss McGill decides that she needs to run to the office for just a moment and everyone knows that you don't leave three troublemakers alone for any prolonged length of time. While Miss McGill is away the kids decide to get into a little trouble by opening a door that Miss McGill had said not to open.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: There were a few sentences that gave me pause, but I think if you were to do another read through of this short, you will find the errors.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common spelling errors and your grammar is okay.

♥ Overall: This was a funny short, the ending and the beginning were both my favorites. I think your sentence structure needs a little work and can be improved.

For example,
After five minutes of silence, Miss McGill stood and said, “Boys, I have to run down to the office for a moment. No talking please, and whatever you do…. Don’t open that door.

After five minutes of silence Miss McGill stood and said, “Boys, I have to run down to the office for a moment. No talking please, and whatever you do. Don’t open that door.

Just little things like that I don't think all of your commas are needed in this piece, to be honest.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Quitting Dolce  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Miss Darkchild, I am reviewing your short story "Quitting Dolce" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about a woman named Lilly whose walking home from and on her way home she spots a new fall line displayed in the window of Dolce and Gabbanna.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short seems to be well written. I believe that you should do another read through, because some of your punctuation is not needed in my opinion.

For example: Her mind's racing, half of it screaming, "Get OUT!" and the other half sweetly whispering, "It won't be so bad."

I think it would read better like: "Her mind was racing. Half of it screamed, "Get out!" and the other half sweetly whispered, "It won't be so bad."

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not notice any spelling mistakes, nor grammar errors.

♥ Overall: With a little more work this short story could be greatly improved. I enjoyed myself nonetheless though. I like that you separated the paragraphs, but I am not sure if all the indents presented add to the story.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of The Cave  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Rick H, I am reviewing your story "The Cave" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ Heather and her niece Cristina were walking up a cliff to grieve over the death of their loved one. When one day they came upon a large crevice full of hidden passages. Unknowingly they uncover some sort of alien creatures hiding, but shortly after it is discovered that this was all a dream, Cristina was asleep or was she?

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short seems to be well written. I have no suggestions for you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This was an easy to read short story. I enjoyed the emotion that the story contained, the recent loss of the aunts sister and the little girls mother.

My only wish is that the author would have explored that a little more, but I understand why the author could not do so. Thank you so much for writing this short story. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Osirantinous - sick of rain, I am reviewing your group "The LGBT Writing Contest" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ The LGBT writng contest is typically bi monthly and it is hosted by United. It is for anyone who would like to write a story or poem with LGBT themes and/or characters between 1,000 and 5,000 words. First places receives a 25,000 awardicon as well as a Gay/Lesbian MB and 10,000 gift points. Second place receives a Gay/Lesbian MB and 8,000 gift points and the last and final place is third place. Third place receives 6,000 gift points. The contest typically runs from the first day of the starting month until the last day of the month at 11:59WDC time. New prompts are typically posted on the first of the month.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: I have nothing to suggest to you at this time, your group is well written.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not notice any spelling or grammar errors.

♥ Overall: This contest is very unique in that it only has one center focus LGBT and I think that this awesome to have a contest centered only telling the stories and poems of this sexual orientation. Thank you so much for creating this group and I look forward to perusing it in the very near future.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi T, I am reviewing your story "An EX-ceptional Evening" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about Cassandra and her blind date Damien. Cassandra and Damien are on a blind date when in walks her ex Adam and his date. Cassandra was left brokenhearted by Adam previously and the last thing that she wants to do is to be in close proximity with Adam again. Damien begins to doubt that Cassandra is over Adam because of her reaction to him as he enters the restaurant, but its not that Casandra is interested in Adam its that he broke her heart and she really does not know if she can be in the same room with him, humiliation is a bitter pill to swallow! But Damien suggests a great a idea to Casandra, don't let the ex know whether or not he affects her, the best revenge, and before long Casandra and Adam are back to enjoying their evening even when Adam says hello to Casandra.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: I did not notice anything amiss.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: Your spelling and grammar are up to par.

♥ Overall: This was a very good short story about moving forward, releasing and letting go.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Reflection  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hi Kac, I am reviewing your story "Reflection" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about a man who does not have a reflection. Although, he visits the store, goes to the bank, and he even says hello to the cashiers, but for some strange reason, he is invisible. One day he goes home and takes a snap shot of himself and realizes that he can see himself, and shortly after he realizes that he has died.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: I think your short story would read better if it were broken into sections. For example: Once upon a time there was a man who had no reflection in the mirror. He has not appeared in any photos he took of himself. Yet everyone else could see him. So he's not invisible? Everyday, he greeted the cashier at the store. He smiled at random people on the street. He went to work. The bank. The pub. Everyone could see him. One day, he woke up.

Got out of bed and went towards the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw someone. He saw someone in the mirror. But he didn't know it was his own reflection.

It's easier on the eyes and it allows readers to pause in a sense before moving onto another part in the story.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any spelling mistakes, but your grammar does need some work. For example: He was not alive anymore.

♥ Overall: This was a good short story and with a little more work it could be amazing. You have little things that need to be worked on, but this is a really good story.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Fit To Be Tied  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi Starling, I am reviewing your story "Fit To Be Tied" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ First impression: Jock sexually abused Bonnie. Next thought, oh this is fiction. This short story is about a woman named Bonnie who goes to a dress shop in order to find the perfect dress for her date that night, but then the sales clerk Jock manages to catch Bonnie's eye and before she knows it he's eyeing her lachiveously, and then "helping" her try on her clothes.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short was written decent. I noticed a few errors of concern such as run on sentences and the like, but those can be easily fixed and did not actually detract from the story. I believe that if the author was to do another read through that those things can be easily fixed.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not notice and spelling or grammar errors.

♥ Overall: This was a piece that sparkled and I enjoyed seeing the interaction between Jock and Bonnie.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Brandiwyn, I am reviewing your assignment "October Nano Prep: 2016 Calendar" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This a calendar for the October Nano Prep of 2016. This calendar starts on October 1st and end October 31st. This calendar provides those participating in the prep with daily required writing. The writers have until 11:59 wdc time to complete the daily writing. If the writing is not done before the designated time. The writer is then no longer in the race to see who can finish the prep and win prizes. Many can not complete the challenge because it requires dedication.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This assignment is well written, I have nothing to suggest to you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any spelling or grammar errors.

♥ Overall: This is ultimate prep of all preps in preparation for NaNo in November. This is a great competition, full of amazing support. Thank you for making this comp happen here on wdc, we truly appreciate you.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of A Little Help  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Jacky, I am reviewing your story "A Little Help" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about a mental patient named Jake. Jake has D.I.D Dissociative Identity Disorder. As Jake is sitting there he attempts to get a needle through a piece of thread with his other identities trying to help and offer his advice. It is later discovered through both Alex and Fred who I am assuming are his doctors or lab technicians that Jake was actually trying to poke his belt robe through the handle of a pitcher.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short is well written I did not spot anything amiss, I have no specific suggestions for you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This author has done it again with the crazy patients! I enjoyed Jake and his "other" personalities. Thank you so much for writing this short. I look forward to reading more of your work.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Roadkill  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Quarter Over, I am reviewing your story "Road Kill" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ David and Emily are driving to their hotel late one night when they hear a loud thump. David decides to get out of the car and what do you know there is a carcass of some-sort dead, it seems as if it has been chewed on, with multiple bite marks and wounds.

It is shortly discovered that something sinister is going on. The couple then do the smart thing and get back in the car only for David to discover that Emily is missing! But, where did she go?

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: The short seems to be well written.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This was a dark tale, it also kept one on the edge of their seat, I was rooting for the couple, but sadly as we all know dark stories do not often end with a happily ever after. I enjoyed the open ended ending. It left the story with the possibility of more.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Roadkill  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Quarter Over, I am reviewing your story "Road Kill" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ David and Emily are driving to their hotel late one night when they hear a loud thump. David decides to get out of the car and what do you know there is a carcass of some-sort dead, it seems as if it has been chewed on, with multiple bite marks and wounds.

It is shortly discovered that something sinister is going on. The couple then do the smart thing and get back in the car only for David to discover that Emily is missing! But, where did she go?

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: The short seems to be well written.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This was a dark tale, it also kept one on the edge of their seat, I was rooting for the couple, but sadly as we all know dark stories do not often end with a happily ever after. I enjoyed the open ended ending. It left the story with the possibility of more.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

Review of Or So You Said  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hey turtle moon-dohi, I am reviewing your poem "Or So You Said" on behalf of games of thrones here on WDC.

Rhythm/Rhyme: This is a free verse poem, your flow is tight. Your emotions came through. I felt every word that you wrote and I saw your relationship go from innocent to something unrecognizable. I really enjoyed reading this poem.

Imagery: I loved the imagery that you portrayed. I loved the whole tone and feel of this poem.

Impressions: I did not expect such strong emotion to come from this poem, but it did! My favorite lines are: "A word that continued to be bound in mystery;
a relationship based on hope and debased in doubt."

I felt those words down to my heart, because I've been there. I've felt that the words spoken weren't being followed by actions. Thank you so much for sharing such an emotional story with us.

This review was written freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely.

Note: I am writing on my iPad and my spelling may be slightly off, please excuse any typos

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Review of Starting Over  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi slez, I am reviewing your story "Starting Over" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about a guy name Lou and his friend Corwin. One day Lou's friend asks him to help fake his death, the two go back and forth. Corwin attempting to get Lou to agree to help fake his death, and Lou trying to dissuade him away from the idea.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: This short seems to be well written, I do not have suggestions for you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common spelling or grammar mistakes.

♥ Overall: This was a fast and easy read. Honestly, the short had a supernatural feel to it. It became very prominent towards the end when Corwin said that he'd faked his death once before, about seventy years ago. That particular ending left the reader wanting to know more? And asking the question of, who is Corwin? or rather what is Corwin?

I enjoyed this short, and I look forward to reading more from this writer.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Bedrock, I am reviewing your contest entry "Designated Driver" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about a sheriff and a newly hired deputy stationed outside of a bar, and what happens when they pull over someone who seems to be driving while intoxicated .

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: I did not find anything worth noting.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This was an easy to read short story. I really enjoyed the arguement between the deputy and the sheriff on fairness. You could tell that the sheriff was slightly jaded. I enjoyed seeing the difference between a new person on a job and a seasoned person.

My favorite part was the ending, was not expecting the humor at the end, well done!

Thanks Bedrock for writing such a nice story. I enjoyed reading your short and I look forward to reading more from you.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Game of Thrones  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Keeper of The realm, I am reviewing your contest "Game of Thrones" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ The contest is Game of Thrones or simply GoT themed. It is a writing contest held in August every year.

The contest typically consists of five teams in a battle of writing wills. The contestants are judged daily and weekly on: Reviews, weekly writing, and several different writing competitions are contained within.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: Everything seems to be well written, I have no suggestions for you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This is an amazing competition full of
wonderful and friendly writers. This competition is guaranteed to enhance a writers expierence on writing.com, as well as, forge lasting friendships. This contest is a true gem.

Thank you Keeper of The Real for forming such an awesome group.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely.

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Review of Screams of Hell  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Melissa Hall, I am reviewing your short story "Screams of Hell" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This was an interesting horror story. It is about a woman who is awakened from a deep slumber by a high pitched noise. The woman in question goes to investigate the noise only to find out that there is a monster in her home, which scares her because it wants to consume her so she sets the thing on fire along with her house.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: I personally know how hard it is to write a 300-word story, so what you did was an amazing feat and I have nothing to suggest to you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not notice any common grammar or spelling errors. Everything seemed to be well written.

♥ Overall: This was a quick and easy to read horror story which will keep your heart racing to the end. Thank you so much for writing this awesome short story and I look forward to reading more of your work.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Thirty Days  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey sindbad, I am reviewing your poem "Thirty Days" on behalf of games of thrones here on WDC.

Rhythm/Rhyme: I enjoyed this free verse immensely. I loved how your words flowed.

Imagery: Your provided a detailed description of how you perceived your girl to be. I felt the emotions pouring out of you through this poem. I felt how much you missed her, how much you yearned to be near her, but at the same time because of all the days that separated the two of you, you both are unsure of where you stand with one another,

Impressions: This was a great poem, it presented us with a lot of emotion and I physically felt the feelings that you were feeling. I loved the narrators view point of his girl, I loved how he saw her. You could tell that he thinks highly of her, thank you so much for writing such an awesome piece, and I look forward to reading more of your writing.

This review was written freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely.

Note: I am writing on my ipad and my spelling may be slightly off, please excuse any typos.

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Review of Waiting Room  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi Float On Alright, I am reviewing your story "Waiting Room" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ This short story is about a woman named Jess in a waiting room with her friend Mara waiting for her lover Charlotte to get out of surgery from having her appendix taken out.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: I have no suggestions to offer you at this time, your short story seems to be well written.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I did not spot any common grammar or spelling errors.

♥ Overall: This was a tension filled drama. Jesses worry is felt throughout this short, and I loved that Jess had someone that she could lean on, her friend Mara. Mara was an added bonus I loved how she kept Jess grounded, and was someone with whom that she could lean on. I really enjoyed this short piece, and I look forward to reading more of your work, thank you so much for writing such an emotional piece.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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Review of Secret meeting?  Open in new Window.
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi NipponFury, I am reviewing your story "Secret meeting?" on the behalf of Game of Thrones here on WDC.

♥ I honestly do not know whether or not you intended for this to be humorous but it was. Anyway, this story is about a guy named Frisken that is in the military. Well, while Frisken is training his commander praises him which Frisken is unaccustomed.

Shortly after someone else walks into the room who just so happens to look identical to his commander. The only differences are two things: The aviator glasses, and the thumb. Later it is revealed that one is an imposter.

♥ Things I noticed/specific suggestions: The short was well written, I have nothing to offer you at this time.

♥ Spelling/Grammar: I spotted no commor spelling or grammar errors.

♥ Overall: I really liked what you did with this short story, I loved the whole imposter at a military base theory. I also enjoyed Frisken's humor, that was really refreshing. Thank you so much for writing such a good short. I look forward to reading more of your work.

This review was given freely in thanks for a writing that was written freely

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