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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (5.0)

This will be one of my very few five-star ratings given for a poem lately.

I have read some items from your "Annie" poems and this one touches something very deep in my soul.

There is real magic in these words, embracing, loving strength. The centered text looks beautiful and fits the perfect harmony of this poem.

I really love the line-breaks in the second stanza, they give rhythm and strengthen the meaning:

"A white gold reminder
of Annie and another ring,
a family ring wrought close by grief
and love
and of
the halo around the moon
the evening Annie died"

I was simply moved by this poem.


BCD review raid

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Review of Fall  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)

I like how you experiment with sounds in this poem. I am very sensitive to this kind of effort. I think that you have been pretty successful at depicting a changing landscape/climate although - it's just a feeling I have - the poem sounds a little impersonal, the writer/narrator seems slightly indifferent.

I love the sound of:
"Lush leaves
cushion every footfall"

and the opening lines are simply beautiful.

At the end of the first part,
"in a sky of cornflower"
feels like a transition, already part of the "harder sounds", I think.

Overall, a pleasant item that allowed me to discover your writing.



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Review of Who Won?  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I like the title of this poem and your item description that already point to the idea that war is destruction for all.

The poem itself is very descriptive, adjectives and verbs abound to depict the horror and blood, the tragic scene of human atrocities.

A rhyme pattern that you followed could or could not be there, in my opinion. It is not absolutely necessary to bring forth the message and to put a certain rhythm in your words.

The alliterations appear to have been very carefully chosen and have a beautiful, striking effect on this poem.

I particularly like:

"Smoldering, smoking, splintered cinder "

Interesting piece.


BCD review raid

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Review of Insanity  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This piece begins giving the reader some information about the character, but for the first two stanzas, with the nice rhythm and flow, the reader is not expecting the "story" to become so violent.

There is a progression where we get to understand that this is a madman, but we don't know how far he can go.

Then we discover the disturbing nature and deeds.

I like the last stanza that shows how he returns to hide under the appearance of "normality".

Interesting item.


BCD review raid.

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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

You have totally deserved the award given to you for this piece.

I don't know "the Diaries of Lisa Lansing" and I think you have done a great job explaining in just a few words that this piece has a particular function in the diaries.

Your use of repetitions is great: it is very rare to find repetitions well used in poetry.

Here, you give new elements, different aspects of the girl's tragic reality, then use the repetition that cements all of these facets.

"I am lost; it is worse,
my mind moves fast across the universe."

"and wonder if I can abide this curse,
where my only escape is across the universe."

"a body that's me, in a dark hole of woe"

"The body that's me,
battered and beaten, struggling to breathe"

"Swollen and pale,
the body that's me is lifeless and frail."

These are just a few striking examples of your technique.

It is a dark piece, as a whole, but it also sounds so close to the character and compassionate. I couldn't stand a voyeuristic interpretation of a difficult topic such as this one.

I have to add that, from a psychological point of view,I like how you express the estrangement of her soul from her body which is the only way for a victim to survive the excruciating pain of abuse.

Excellent piece or writing.


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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This is an interesting poll about Halloween. I like the fun and cultural, educational side. It can be interesting for children too.

I picked out the Irish option, but I don't know much, in fact.

I hope you'll be giving the right answer! *Bigsmile*

I'm writing a public review so that more readers can take this poll if they're interested.


Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Thank you for making me laugh today. It was much needed.

I like your campaign, I even think I might have voted for you, but it looks like I prefer a "lying c***" for mayor. I hope you don't mind. *Wink*

If I think about it more seriously for a minute (not more, I promise), I'd say that if candidates mentioned their neurotic qualities like your candidate, at least we would know who we are voting for.

Although knowing that someone's a #-+&@* never prevented them from being elected.

Hmm, thought-provoking, after all!.

Kind regards,

Review of The Stand  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.0)

A poem that asks for change, criticizing the general immobility and easy routine that takes over our lives.

This is made clear in the first part and the poem is quite well worded.

There are so many facts that prove your point of view, that I think you could have made this point stronger.

And especially when you evoke change, the reader is expecting to know what dreadful things you would change in our world where injustice, violence, corruption and manipulation abound. Not only in the streets, but in the media, in the world of politics and finance.

Yet you only complain about the fact that:

"Youth and excitement are evil"

a little disappointing for such a good start.

Also, I would really advise you to find a more personal way of saying this:

"But I will break free of my chains"

the expression being so cliché, it has lost its original strength.

I hope that you don't mind my comments for a poem that has a strong beginning and could be improved.



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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.5)

This item reads like a page from a blog. It looks like you needed to write a natural, easy piece without worrying about your style and originality.

It is quite pleasant to read, just every-day stuff, thoughts that go from a cup of coffee to your plans for the future.

Have you considered creating a blog for pieces like this one?

Kind regards,


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Review of My best Friend  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.5)

This is a lovely and loving tribute to a tree. I really like the idea. It is also linked to childhood memories.

You made it rhyme, although a free form would have been good for this item too, letting it flow gently, without the limitation of making it rhyme.

Still, it is a pleasant read. Maybe you can avoid repeating "up" in two consecutive lines:

"I climbed her branches up to the sky
and counted acorns up so high"

There is already an "up" before

"Her graceful branches held up my swing"

I hope this is helpful, as often we don't "see" the repetitions or mistakes in our work, unless we let it rest for a while.

I hope you keep on writing,


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Review of Tribute  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I had to read this piece of poetry as I was very close to my grandmother. Unfortunately, she passed away after two difficult years of illness and depression, not wishing to live anymore.

I am deeply moved by the emotion in this poem and the passionate way in which you describe the strength and character of this person you loved (and still love).

There is such a beautiful energy in your writing, that I would make a few suggestions, if you don't mind. I feel that a few details might improve this piece.

"I didn't want to see her leave"

"she may have left this earth
but she left behind her suffering"

I have the impression that the repetition of "leave" adds nothing here. It would be better to use different verbs (part, say goodbye...) and maybe "at least she was freed or got free of her suffering".

And I would definitely put a period after the final sentence as well as after:
"her anguish is over, her pain is gone"
The statement is strong and a period is really needed there.

Thank you so much for sharing this emotional tribute with us and I hope you don't mind my comments.


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Review of Noise  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I am really impressed by the truth in this poem. It is a universal topic, yet it is very much a portrait of the world we live in.

To me, every stanza seemed to be a different image of a world that can no longer listen to others and where the individual does not have the courage or the clairvoyance to speak his or her mind.

The following lines are so thought-provoking:

"You crave noise
to deny
the existence
of your own voice,
with hunger
to be hear"

I am glad I discovered this piece in your port.

Kind regards,

Review of I am  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I have read many "I am this and that" and "I come from here and there" kind of items. Most of the time I found them boring.

This is actually the only one I read without stopping, because each thought is like a piece of a puzzle and each piece seems essential, coherent.

Is it because it is well structured, well worded? Is it because the content sounds honest? Probably both.

Anyway, I found this to be a very good piece, an excellent example of this kind of "exercise".


Review of Full Circle  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (3.5)

There is some good imagery in this poem and its pessimistic conclusion sounds natural if the reader follows the dark feelings expressed throughout this piece.

I quite like the wording here, like in:

{c:Steel curtains guard every emotion.
Gates that may never be breached.
A head filled with endless commotion.
A blackened heart never within reach."

What I like less, but that's my personal opinion, is ending every line with a {i}period{/i}. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't, as the same idea seems to continue. For instance in:

"Moments drift into nothing.
And memories soon disappear ."

Also, there is one line that I don't really understand:

"An emptiness from which there is no end."

Should it be "for which"? And, I wonder, what is "the end of emptiness"? Is it the end of a feeling of emptiness we are talking about?

I'm simply sharing the questions that came to my mind while reading that particular line.

Overall, this is quite a good poem, in my opinion.



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Review of About Them  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

With simple words, a straightforward message, you have written a poem that reminds us of essential contradictions, of the absurdity of war.

"Nobody told me I'd be killing children.
I was told I'd be guarding the perimeter."

The difference between what we are told and reality can be huge! That is why we need to think for ourselves and teach our children to do so.

Thanks for sharing,


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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)

I am glad I found a poem that made me smile or even laugh.

I love the item introduction: the reader already knows that they won't be reading of the things "above" us, but what lies beneath our feet.

Nice choice, to look at things that are small!

"You are but a single blade,
For greatness you were not made."

I hope to read more of your work.

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Review of Being A Man  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (5.0)

I know you're away, so you'll find my fourth review for you waiting in your mailbox!

This is an awarded poem and I tried to review different kinds of poems from your port until now. But I was really curious to see what your definition of "being a man" was.

Your voice is immediately recognizable, with a style that is ageless and a content full of wisdom.

There is a lesson given in this poem, which might scare off some of the younger readers, while most will appreciate the importance given to unselfishness.

As a woman, I quite enjoyed the following lines:

" The joy
of many a wife dies when she’s harried
by a husband who’s an eternal boy."

Isn't that true...

I hope that fathers really talk to their sons (and that their sons still lend an ear) about what really counts and the generosity that makes one human.


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Review of One Small Step  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)

Beautifully written, well thought-out, this is one of those items that are somewhere between prose and poetry.

It is really pleasant to read and everyone can relate to the feelings and reflections you shared.

This is just my opinion, but I found the end to be more cliché than the first two paragraphs (or stanzas, but I don't think the word really applies here).

Lines such as:
"Each day is what you make it."
"(...)no limits to what you can achieve."

could be even more effective if you found more personal words, unique ways to express such ideas.

My favorite line:
"Scattered dreams over empty meadows I will gather and make my own."

I hope you don't mind my comments and also hope to read more of your work in the future.

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Review of Fake memories ?  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

The idea behind your story is very intriguing. You explain this in your item description as:

"Are your earliest memories yours or are they created by stories of your childhood?"

But then I am not sure I understand the meaning of "stories" here.

Everything that is depicted, seen from the young child's point of view, is very good because it sounds credible; it is the way a four-year old would see and understand what goes on.

I do understand that in the last paragraph, this reality looks different; what happened during the night might have been a dream. Although many details make the reader think that it wasn't.

"a tear in her eye, a smile dancing on her lips."

The end doesn't tell the reader what really happened that night, so that the mystery is kept intact.

But then I wonder what you mean by "stories of your childhood". Dreams? The stories you have been later told by others? The way grown-ups may lie or hide the truth from children?

This is where this story, well thought-out and written, becomes a little too mysterious compared to the initial intent. Or at least this is the impression I was left with.

Best regards,

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Review of Spanking  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This is a good piece of writing, whether fictional or inspired by a real-life experience.

You use few words to set the atmosphere and it works:

" There is a hum of a box fan in the study window. It is midday. My mom
has discovered me playing with her makeup and garder stockings and white
high heeled shoes."

There is also something ageless about this item; it could have been written in the early 20th century.

As it is well written without being one of those boring "erotic" pieces that are a list of endless actions,
I think that you really need to correct the numerous typos and misspelled words in this piece, such as:

"fedish" (fetish)
"I fell out the her shoes"
"soul of her deck shoe" (sole)



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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Harry!

Here's your third review. I have to say that I was wondering right from the start if this "viper" was another man or woman that can destroy the love and trust of a married or unmarried couple, or a more abstract concept or behavior.

I think you wrote this in a simple, way, easy to understand as far as the feelings are concerned. The question is universal.

"Its bite will bring pain, agony, and despair"

"One must live with anger, the other shame"

That's very clear.

Maybe I'm being picky, but in:

"(...)Many tears are wept
over adultery; at ruining lives it is most adept."

I don't know if "adept" is the appropriate term here. It seems to me that it's been used for the rhyme. I would rather use it with an animate subject (instead of an abstract noun). But it's just my personal impression.

Thank you for the interesting read,

Review of Steel Dreams  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)

I think that your poem deserves a higher rating than its actual average.

Its wording strikes me as personal and original. It is often the case when I read your poetry.

I like the way you described and gave short images, feelings related to this motorcycle ride.

"We're riding tandem today on the Vulcan,
trying to capture our youth so it seems."

It's a nice way to capture a moment.


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Review of Our Walls  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a very good subject for a poem, highly evocative.

Thank you for giving a brief explanation of the form of poetry you chose. It is always useful to learn or be reminded.

Pictures/memories, frozen images and bare walls, interesting links and contrasts are created in your poem.

It is simple imagery, descriptive, still effective.

Good luck in the contest.


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Review by AXiLeA
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is an interesting and educational piece of writing.

It tells us the story of the hindu goddesses and all the beliefs that accompany them.

I wouldn't call this a poem, it is rather prose where you combine the information given to the reader with prayers to the goddesses.

I just noticed something that I would advise you to change:

"Every time I close my eyes or not, I see you."

I'd suggest:

"Whether I close my eyes or not, I see you."

Best regards,

Review of A Change of Heart  
Review by AXiLeA
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

It's good to read one of your items again. This looks like a story very much inspired by your own experience. (Or maybe totally inspired...).

I like your sense of concision and clairvoyance which make this story - and many other pieces of writing in your port - a source of reflection and inspiration for women.

"It has been a difficult year but not as stressful as the time we were together. He now owns 60% of the land I bought and a house of his own. I have my self-respect."

Excellent way to end your story.

Hope to hear from you soon,



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