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by Budroe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1183984
My journey through (and beyond) the valley with Cancer as my companion.
Dear Friend:

This is not a Blog about writing! (I already have one of those.)

This is a blog about a journey I am taking with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer. My goal is honest therapy as I progress through, and beyond this new reality in my life. I hope that, somewhere along the way you will find some words that will help you too.

While this is, in fact, an interactive Blog, I hope that you will scroll slowly down this page. For you see, the front of this Blog IS my journey. The entries are conversations that are held along the journey.Yes, there is a lot on it--before actually getting to the Blog entries. But, I hope that by the objects and words which appear before the Blog itself, you might come to understand just a little bit about me, and my journey, and some truly amazing friends who have agreed to journey with me. I hope that you, too, will choose to accompany me on my walk--through the Valley.

I invite you to join me, and discover the wondrous truths, meet some truly amazing people, and share those "memorable" moments this journey will undoubtedly present. Come along, won't you?

In His Care,

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Would you like to help me help others? I found this amazing organization, and I am proud to be a sponsor. I hope you will check it out. It's called The Network For Good.  

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("Every thing is funny - Growth through humiliation - Wisdom through loss")


The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
~Helen Keller~

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
~Virginia Woolf~
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"There is strength in truth."
~The Barton Family Crest~

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

I have moved the list of my thanks for those who have helped to make this little Blog so very special. I hope that you will take a moment to read the list, growing every day, and let these fellow travellers along this journey know that you appreciate the contributions they make to our walk together.

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

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If you are new to WDC, or to our Blogging community, I highly recommend the monthly edition of "The Blogville News". Feel free to click below, and let scarlett_o_h know that a Blogger sent ya!

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Budroe Ring Leader

I have three publications at the moment. Here is a link to purchase my latest one. Buy a great read, and help a fellow writer out, Okay? *Smile*

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July 16, 2010 at 4:01am
July 16, 2010 at 4:01am
My little buddy is doing quite well, thank you very much. He still has all his component parts at the moment, with surgery looming in about two weeks. His Prednesone seems to be doing wonders for him. His rear legs are gaining strength (and so is W.T.) every day. He likes water, and loves Milk. He has graduated to a larger food dish, a larger litter box, and a larger carrier. Evidently, we put the other ones in the washer with hot water! Yeah, right!

I would say, conservatively, that W.T. Fields is now double his "presentation" weight. I don't know if his meds do for him what it does for humans, but I'm hoping that is the case. I know it can't be his FIVE times a day eating habits.

This little fella is also beginning to show his personality. He is very definitely a "people" cat, very personable, gentle, and friendly. He still has a distinct dislike for all canines. He has chosen for himself his favorite place in the house: my lap! Well, right after Sara's shoulder, but I digress. He is sleeping many hours, growing in strength and length. He is using his rear limbs more each day, and today did so without complaint. He is accommodating. He loves to lick anyone who will permit it. This evening, we both watched as W.T. MOVED his left front leg--from the shoulder. For us, it was miraculous. I don't believe it holds much promise yet, but we are watching closely for any signs of nerve repair/regeneration. He will get his shots, his neutering, and his claws (front) removed regardless of any other surgery.

He is also beginning to act "cat-lke". He is beginning to play with us, and I swear he, tonight, said "No!" to me. He knows where his food is, from anywhere in the house, and is surely willing to do what is necessary to get to it. (Physical Therapy) He is a wonderful, gorgeous young man who has brought chaos to a whole new level. He is settling down, and settling into our hearts. We hold out only the very best hopes for him, because that's how we are, and that's how he has affected us--especially me. W.T. is the first animal I have ever had who I could call MY pet. I just hope that doesn't boomerang on me any time soon! *Smile*

I love my kitty. My kitty loves me. We are both, day by day,

In HIS Care.

July 16, 2010 at 3:48am
July 16, 2010 at 3:48am
Today, I agreed to accept ownership/leadership of this WDC group. A dear friend asked for the favor, and I agreed to do it. Why?

Good question. I think I have a great answer.

I really believe in this group, what it does, and what it stands for. I don't know what anyone else might think of it, but that really isn't the question, now is it? We have some really tremendous WDC members who have consistently shown their skills, craftsmanship, and talent on our site in this group, who share a deep belief in something greater than themselves. I believe this is one of several reasons I might name as to why they are so significant to our community.

I quite frankly do not know what leadership of such a group as this will require of me. I do, however know this. God does not lead His Kids to failure. Where He guides, He provides. Sounds purely cliche, unless of course these are watchwords for your entire life. In my case, they are. I hope the group will be an exception to the general WDC statistic that says transfered ownership is the deathknell of any group. I believe the group s better, and bigger than this.

We are all very busy here. Both with our WDC commitments, as well as real life commitments. But there is always time for your faith to walk, or sit in the cool shade with fellow believers, or even run from time to time. I have a strong faith. I strengthen my faith in this community through the believers, and those belief/faith groups in which I participate.

I hope you will give our group a look-see. You can click on the signature above to find us. If you like what you see, I hope you will choose to join us on this amazing adventure. If, for some reason, you don't like this group, I hope you would email me and let me know why. Believe me, I can take it.

I think this is a good time, and a good move for me personally. I have been remiss in my faith jourey, specifically in my writing. I hope to change that, very soon. Until things get settled down, I will be working very hard to get this group active, and up to speed again. I hope you will keep good thoughts for us. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

In His Care,

July 12, 2010 at 2:23pm
July 12, 2010 at 2:23pm
Okay, so for the past three years I have been involved in some heavy, serious research. In the process, I have subscribed, signed up and purchased a metric ton of information. This is not unusual for me. But, most of my past research has been in the form of paper. I have a filing system for paper.

For these projects, however, the research has been just as harrowing, time-consuming, and predatory--online. I don't have a filing system for "online". What I do have is an inbox with over *GULP* 20,000 documents! It makes me nauseous just considering that number. It's no less than I might do for some other major project, but who counts paper? Highlighted portions, references, oh my. And, these are the pages I saved! (About 1 out of 10 pages actually gets catalogued.

I now have an email address that is basically useless to me, because I can't seem to stop the flow of information into it. Will it take another three years to stop, unsubscribe, cancel, and/or otherwise stem this tidal wave?

I do admit that the information I have gathered has been of countless importance to my research. The research, however is done! Decisions have been made, tasks have been itemized, and the actual work the research creates must now be done. There is only one thing in the universe which makes me feel that this immensity will not completely undo my sanity.

The delete key.

The most used key on the keyboard. Now I begin to understand why. Understanding the "why" of a thing is my greatest passion. Thank you, IBM, for this astoundingly powerful grip on sanity. It helps me know that, despite all the information I can handle (or not), I do remain,

In His Care,

July 9, 2010 at 8:53pm
July 9, 2010 at 8:53pm
"Want To!" (WT) Fields has made it through another night, with some rather stunning results.

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So stunning, in fact, that everyone who knows him is currently taking a very well-deserved rest! As you can see (and I should have known), WT is more than a handful for us today. Yes, he is ten weeks old. He is a baby. All that is very true. He is also severely wounded, injured, and bodily dysfunctional at the moment.

But, as we learned today, WT is also 100% cat, probably wild, and an animal we must get to know much more about.

He began our day with surprises. After sleeping well through most of the night, with one attempt (Failed) to get him to eat/drink, WT awoke today and immediately showed us that he was appropriately named. He ate a full meal, drank his weight in water and milk, and offered us wonderful (to us) presents in his litter box! We were very pleased, and quite impressed with this little guy's health improvements today. His left eye was wide open all day, focused appropriately, with smooth following. He did not seem to mind pushing himself across our floor, and let us know of his pain cry (distinct) in the process. He also taught us his "Yipes, I'm Hungry, Y'all!" cry. (Yeah, HELLO cry! You ever heard a cat demand something? Yes, that one! *Smile*

There was one worrisome addition to the puzzle today, however. Meet BudBud:

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This little guy is my namesake, and we are part of a team. He is part of my healing therapy, and loves me good every day--and has for almost two years now. Unfortunately, that gives him "rights" of access to me that, until today, had no limits. Today, limits were addressed by W.T. in a most unsociable way. Basically, W.T. thought BudBud needed to die--immediately! In Sara's arms, he wildly tried to attack the pup, and got Sara instead. Biting, clawing, and hissing in a most ingracious manner, the kitten missed the dog and got Sara (who is terribly allergic to cats, I might mention) with bites to her fingers and claws to her face, very nearly taking her left eye in the process!

The kitten went nuts! I mean, like as in Psycho. As I was tending to a puffing up Sara's wounds, we discussed casual issues like Rabies, Feline Aids, and Feline Leukemia. These are all presently unknown quantities, as tests have not yet been done. The idea was to wait until surgery (if necessary). Now, W.T. is safely vaulted inside his carrier, until he decides to rejoin the nice people! Man, is he mad! This Kitty does NOT like 1. Other animals in his space, or 2. Dogs, or 3. This dog.

Time will tell. BudBud will be a large part of my life here. W.T. will learn that. Or, he won't. The prospects frighten me. I became as angry as I have ever been during this incident, to the point of visible shaking, seen by all concerned. I was surprised, shocked, and so very angry. Not a cool Dad at all, no. Sara chewed a couple of Benedryl, while watching her finger swell. I watched her face turn red. BudBud went to the opposite end of the house, while W.T. was uncerimoniously deposited in his carrier. Sara slept, and I pondered. Wow!

He's a baby. He's a very sore, sick kitten with what appear to be social issues. If I were he, I wouldn't be very sociable, either. He's surprising us every day. He needs, and I covet your best thoughts and prayers for him, and for us as we continue to struggle to bring him to a life of hope, care and love. This little guy's got it in him to "monster" his way to survival. That's a very good thing, and the one reason we all decided together to attempt that very thing.

X Rays to determine the condition of his pelvis on Monday. We are fairly certain it is broken. If so, rest and nutrition are the prescribed course of treatment. A friend helped us determine today that the rough splotch of hair on his back is most probably from being burned (like a muffler on a travelling vehicle would do, for instance), and will heal nicely (or not) with time. Amputation of the Left Front Leg is a given now. We just have to do what we can to get him to support his weight on his rear legs. Steroid therapy seems to be a part of the solution for W.T., as he seems stronger, brighter, and more loveable every day.

Never having had a pet, much less a kitten, not to mention a Kitten with these challenges, I am learning by the moment. W.T. brings us surprises of joy each day so far. BudBud just wanted to say "Hello!" He will learn, as will W.T. that life in nature is not determinant, but rather selective. The puppy wanted to love on me--and W.T. W.T. figures he can go love somewhere else. I think he has kind of claimed us as staff. We both know he recognizes us. That's very cool. Lord, I just can't wait for Kitty Kindergarten!

He is in our care. Today made me wonder how Dad ever dealt with me during my first days,

In His Care.

July 8, 2010 at 4:18pm
July 8, 2010 at 4:18pm
Yes, there are pictures. As soon as I can figure out how, I will post some here. They should go up first, because then you would understand so much better why the last 24 hours have been so hectic.

Sara and I returned to the Vet's office yesterday afternoon, after they called and told us Kitty was ready to come home for a while. For the record, (and to my great sadness because of the wonderful names that could have been...:rollseyes:

HE is a 10 week-old Orange Tabby. As we were talking to the vet, we were told that this Kitty really seemed badly to want to live. As the Vet put it: "This little fella's got a lot of 'want to' in him!!" So, at least for now, we are calling him "Want To!" It is a name that definitely fits the profile, I'll tell ya.

WT has severe radial nerve damage in his left front leg that will, most likely, not heal with the intensive Steroid Therapy we will be giving him for the next few days. In addition, this little fellow has quite a number of issues to deal with:

1. The most critical issue at the moment is the possibility of permanent loss of function of his rear legs. We will x ray him tomorrow to see if its a broken pelvis, or something else. He has feeling in both rear legs, and is moving them by stretching. But he cannot support his weight on them, and they don't work for him. He pulls with his right front, and pushes with his right rear leg. (He'd be a great Nascar racer--only going left!) Cats can survive with one limb missing, but not two. It's kind of a big deal for him in the short term.

2. Various and sundry scrapes, scratches and bruises on and about his person. We don't know if he got these before, during, or after his obviously involuntary release. Those will heal. The worst one is a deep cut from the center of his lower lip down about 2", circling around the left side of his face.

3. His left eye is "wierd". It doesn't track evenly, nor does it fully open. He seems to focus with it, though, and he does use it. We would let him figure this part out. It doesn't seem to be bothering him too much at the moment.

The x rays will be very important. If it's a broken pelvis, the rest he is getting now will continue to be the very best course of treatment for him. If it's not that, then there is much more significant injury than we knew, or now know.

I can tell you that his urinary and intestinal systems work--well! Sara has fed him twice, and I have fed him once. He slept peacefully during the night. When he is awake, he cries for one of us to hold him. We do and he stops crying. Today, he has drunk Milk (Yes, I do know. But anything eaten is a vast improvement. The other stuff we can deal with.) He seems to have decided that Potted Meat is a good thing, that slightly warmed 2% milk is a really good thing, and that Kitty litter is doable in a pinch. Not so much on the soft-scrambled eggs, tho. We need a replacement source of protein.

He is NOT a fan of the litter box, and he seems determined to find the darkest possible spot in the house to call his own. We fear he will somehow push himself behind the refrig, so that has become an anti-kitty fortress of empty water jugs. (The sound of plastic moving terrifies him, so it has worked so far.) Sleep is his friend right now, and has been a blessing for me!

He is a sick, wounded little baby. We are treating him as such. He's (even against our own wishes and protestations otherwise) in our hearts now. Sara is gentle and "Mama-esque". I'm the meanie that makes him walk, stand on his own, physical therapy Daddy one. He has accepted us in these roles, and we have accepted him.

I do sincerely hope he has enough "Want to!" in him. Quality of life issues are significant at this point, because keeping him in a permanently disabled state is a major concern for us. We know he is in some severe pain--but he doesn't know he should not be. To him, this is his reality, and he has quite obviously accepted it. Even if he is only with us a short moment, we want that moment to be the very best for him it can be. So, we are staying close to him and arranging our life around him, for the time being. There is no doubt that he deserves it.

We're just not sure what we did to deserve him in our lives. We pray for him, and keep WT in our thoughts. We ask that you would, too, in whatever way you choose to selflessly care for another yet wounded creature that, while we did not create him, we receive him with gratitude and grace. We will do all that we can to keep him,

In His Care,

July 7, 2010 at 3:21pm
July 7, 2010 at 3:21pm
Sara tried to avoid hitting an animal on the highway this morning. Somehow, that has been translated into "Bud, you NEED a cat!"

Huh? I don't quite see the connection, especially considering the condition/nature of this cat.

As a matter of fact and clarification, it is a Kitten of unknown (at the moment) sexual identification or orientation. But, the yellow Tabby is most likely wild. It also was found with a desperately wounded front left leg. The kitty will, most likely, become a three-legged cat today. The Vet, which responded to Sara's Emergency call, examined the rather completely disagreeable temperament. the kitten. It turns out that the only discernible damage is to the left front radial nerve. The leg may, or may not, rebuild the nerve. If not, the leg will most likely be amputated. Evidently that somehow translates into my keeping/adopting the cat for the two weeks he/she/it will need to attempt to rehab the leg.

I've done a lot of research today on cats. I don't know cats. I don't (didn't!) do cats. Somehow, it seems I have been elected to care for this wounded kitty. Sara stopped in the middle of heavy traffic here, and backed off the road to pick up the kitten. A chase into the woods insued, with the kitty winning the race--no sympathy here. The little kitty took extreme exception to anything human, and decided to fight whatever was near it. The poor thing just didn't know that it was a determined Sara that must be dealt with. She, wounded and exhaused, deposited the cat in the rear of her car (next to BudBud, the dog) and took off for the Vet's office. She knew, the cat did not. When the cat found out, the cat went, well, nuts!

At this moment, the kitty is resting peacefully at the Vet's office. X Rays show radial nerve destruction in the front left leg. We are working now to see the possibility of saving the leg as the kitten (approx 1 mo old) recuperates. It could take as long as two weeks to know the outcome. Then the rehab, if that is necessary.

Somehow, needing someone to care hit me square in the heart. Serious discussions of putting the animal down didn't sit well with me. This little guy/gal fought to live. It should. If we can bring Kitty to some sense of survivability, or not, that is a good thing. But, given a chance, we can often be amazed at what animals find themselves capable of, especially when life begins with such chaos and tragedy. I can't give up on an animal that obviously wants to live so fiercely. Yes, fiercely. Ask Sara, she will tell you.

When she comes back from the bathroom/First Aid Station. She looking for sympathy? Ha! I'll save it for the Kitty! I will try to make sure that Sara, Kitty and I all remain,

In his Care,


PS: Check this out!

<a href="http://www.pictures-of-cats.org/dyn/C2/OptInVerification?domain=pictures-of-cats.org&submission_id=23447049&verification_code=245a7028df5a332705d01dfc023943d6">Thank You</a>

This is where we found so much information out about three-legged cats. Be sure and check out Charlie, who is a solid black, three-legged cat who has his own (of course) staff--AND his own blog! Ok, so how cool is that? LOL *Bigsmile*

PPS: We are currently exploring potential names for the Kitty. We could use your help. So far, we have:

Mr. 3-Legs
NearMiss (IF female)
CP (for Campbellsville Pike, the road the kitty was discovered on)

We'd appreciate your suggestions/comments.

July 4, 2010 at 9:18pm
July 4, 2010 at 9:18pm
The experiment continues. We, the people of the United States of America, celebrate this day in a myriad of ways, from hamlets to metropolis. But, more than the local celebrations that lift our spirits, renew our allegiance, and realign our patriotism, these personal celebrations are what make our nation what it is today. I hope each reader of this blog will take a few moments, and reflect just on what America means to you. You don't have to be here, or live here--or even be a citizen here. Comment, and let us know how you feel when you hear "America".

While we celebrate with our fireworks displays, picnics, and steaks on the backyard grill, it is important to remember that approximately 1% of our sons and daughters are currently engaged in hostile actions around the world today. These are our heroes, yet it seems that, after an eight-year campaign, we have forgotten their sacrifice and daily service to nothing more than an idea, an experiment. Please look at this short (2 min) video made by America's First Lady, Michelle Obama, and see if there is something inside you that needs release. Do you know a "military" family? Do you see a Gold Star in your neighborhood? Is there someone you know who is serving now? What can you do, today, to let them know that you remember.

It's a bit of a challenge, I know. But, for those of you who know me, you also know that doing nothing is just not an option. I can pray for them. I can write a short letter, a "pen pal" note to an unknown soldier currently in harm's way, and thank them. I can do this. I hope you will discover that, today, you can do something, too. That's what keeps the experiment alive, after all.

Today, I am thankful that we have a military force full of heroes. I am grateful for those who serve, and those who serve at home, living daily with the fear of loss, and the pride which fills their hearts because someone they know and love is serving. I am thankful for the fallen heroes, whose loss is felt moment-by-moment by loved ones and friends who seek an answer to the most difficult question of all. I am thankful to be an American, who has the grand opportunity to exercise the franchise of my citizenship in this way. I pray for all those who serve, that they will continue to be,

In His Care,

June 30, 2010 at 3:38am
June 30, 2010 at 3:38am
Or, perhaps leaving one.

I am in the process of moving. I will have more to write about this in the next few days, and weeks. Because of some truly gracious friends, I am able to do so at a pivotal time in my life. I hope you will think good thoughts for me as, over the next month or so, I slowly create a new home for myself as a stranger in a strange land. The logistics are incredible. We are taking this one in very small, seemingly insignificant steps (read one large car load at a time!).

Today, we came back to Tennessee, where my new home will be. If required, the last trip could be the next one. A U Haul will be required, but not a large one. A very important chapter of my life will close soon, and another one will begin. I am cordially ambivalent at the moment. The situation is a bit of an extreme one for me--and for others. I hope this will be the very best move of all for me. Time will tell, as much has to be done to make it possible for me to live here with any degree of independence.

My absence here is only for the sake of packing and/or unpacking boxes. I am looking forward to providing the scenarios for the July Novel Writing Workshop, led by our friend and fellow writer frankie. This will be a four-week intensive on Mystery writing, and I hope all my readers will participate! I believe it will be informative, and full of creativity. I'll post a link tomorrow, so please stay tuned. I do remain,

In His Care,

June 9, 2010 at 4:43pm
June 9, 2010 at 4:43pm
I have several friends here on WDC who openly identify themselves (at great risk, it would seem) as faithful "Christians", or what I refer to as "Christ followers". Several of them belong to the same prayer group, "The Open Door To Grace" group here on WDC.

As those who follow this little blog can tell you, I am not ashamed of my faith relationship, nor afraid to publicly address it from time to time here, and other places.

I personally am convinced that there is no greater power on this earth than the effective prayers of God's Faithful. None. From the prayers of the faithful, I am still here. From the responses to those prayers, I have seen the physically impossible occur on a regular basis.

There's nothing really complex about it. If you pray effectively, your prayer will be answered. It may not be what your heart desires, but you can know it is God's very best for you in the given situation.

Here is a group who not only believes this as I do, but participate together in the praying for the needs of all who seek prayer. If you need prayer, I highly recommend using the prayer hotline available within the group. All you have to do is to click on the new image just above. You may leave your request anonymously if you wish. The group will take your petition before the Throne of God Himself, with the full and certain knowledge that His Will will be done, as he has promised.

I, too, covet your prayers during these difficult days. Prayer is like a smile. If you want one, give one. Prayers offered for others are known as "Prayers of Intercession". That's the purpose of this group. Praying together, in concert, from around the world.

If you are a strong believer in the power of prayer, I high recommend this group to you. They, and you, help me to do the one thing I want most in life: to remain,

In His Care,

June 2, 2010 at 3:22am
June 2, 2010 at 3:22am
Painfully obvious.

This entry will appear on June 2nd. Yet another (x in a row) month that fails to shine completely blue. Is there anything I could do, on purpose with such success?

Possibly, yet I know not what it is. Do such things irk you? They do me. I like things that work as they are supposed to work. Andy Rooney and I agree on this. I am overwhelmingly impressed, for instance, with the "self adhesive" postage stamp. It's reasonable, it's functional, it's relatively inexpensive, and it works. Who would have ever believed that such an innovation came from the Postal Service itself?

The "Forever Stamp" is another postal innovation with extreme promise. USPS shipping has also come into the game to compete with FedEx and UPS, as well. Reasonable, sensible, functional, and performance-proven. I like such things.

Would my life suffer so terribly if I did NOT receive mail on Saturday, or Tuesday? Probably not. Yet, I feel somehow cheated. The number of postal pieces delivered is, in this email age, up significantly. There are more people living in more places than ever before. Seems like a perfect logical review for the Postmaster General to provide a budget that is 88% of the previous year, resulting in closure of postal offices and reduction in employees, doesn't it?

Now, we could lose one (or possibly two) day(s) of delivery. Postage prices just went up--again. How about we cut those 7 or 14 %, in line with the reduction in workload for Postal Carriers? Balance in the Universe is an important thing.

I like things that work as they were intended to work. It is more often amazing to me when that actually happens. I never fail to realize what I have witnessed when that happens. I wish more things did work as designed and intended.

I remember postmen of the 50's. Of course, I also remember posting a hand-written letter to the mailbox. That was a really glamorous job back then. Everyone knew their postman. I am considered a bit (imagine!) eccentric to some of my peers. I am neither abashed nor ashamed to ask the first name of anyone who provides a service to me. I like to know their names. I take every opportunity to thank them. I pray for them.

I'm definitely getting older. I've probably aged 20 years in the past four. It (life) finally has begun to catch up with me. Are we better than we were? On the one hand, I'm sending this to hundreds of readers with the click of a key. On the other, there is the Gulf of Mexico, which seems totally unimpressed with mankind's advances in technology at the moment.

I lived much of my adult life in Colorado. I used to go with friends into the mountains (Rocky, not Appalachian) to pan for Gold. It is interesting to note that Gold is a non-renewable resource, yet has never been found in a trash dump. In the USA, for instance, there has been "found" approximately 150,000,000 ounces of Gold. Some 70,000,000 ounces of US Gold has been mined from the California Gold fields alone. In 1853, the Alleghany Gold mine opened in California. Now, some 3 miles under the earth, the "mother lode" vein is still being mined today--successfully. Mother Nature works, every time. I like that. I do believe much as George Carlin used to comment regularly. We are mightily arrogant to believe that Mother Nature requires our help to repair our planet.

June will not be blue. The mail will not be showing up as often, and that changes an entire societal benchmark for all of civilization. Mother Nature does not even take note. But, when you stop to think about it, everything is pretty much alright, just the way it is.

Isn't technology just a wonderful thing? Welcome to the Information Age.

In His Care,


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