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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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April 18, 2008 at 5:06pm
April 18, 2008 at 5:06pm
I understand there is a new genre started for nonsense, on WDC. I have been guilty of that before we were allowed. In this blog I mean. My stories are "very serious", well at least, "serious".
For example, the last couple of blog entries I have written about the fierce beast in the photo above. In reality he has to wake up to bite a biscuit.

Oh yeah. The rescue folk called him Jack..??
April 16, 2008 at 3:23pm
April 16, 2008 at 3:23pm
Several folks have asked for a picture of my new dog. So I posted one above. I however, must clear up a few things that could possibly be misconstrued at first glance, when observing the posted cam shot photo.

I offer this warning, because at first glance his current state of peaceful slumber may invoke a false sense of security for anyone that might unknowingly tread upon his domain. Thus putting themselves, in the path of imminent danger.

Neither, should the sissy chew toy, seen in the foreground, and the other object that his massive puppy teeth has already ripped to smithereens, take away from the hidden danger that lurks, just behind the now closed eyes.

Just in front of my wireless router, If one dares to look, you can see a small piece of bone, which is all that is left of an angry, snorting, long horn bull that made the deadly mistake, of wondering into his path.
April 12, 2008 at 10:32am
April 12, 2008 at 10:32am
This morning early, really early, I might add, the little dog seemed to be running in his sleep ( after, he made me get up, HE went back to sleep) I watched him as I drank a cup of coffee and had to wonder what he was chasing. I wondered if in his dreams he might be in hot pursuit of a rabbit and he of course (since it was his dream) was rapidly closing the gap. I wondered if he felt the new spring grass beneath his feet as he sped across a sun filled meadow. Was the scent of his quest almost over shadowed by the aroma of the blue and yellow wild flowers, which bloom beneath his speeding paws? Did the resounding echo of his bark, that returned to him from the surrounding mountains, sound as if, by heavenly choir, all his ancestors gone before him had come to bark with him in unison, encouraging him steadily onward in his pursuit. Then again, he could have just been getting out of the way of a bus.

I promise pictures soon..lol..and if he likes it here he may need a new name
April 11, 2008 at 12:42pm
April 11, 2008 at 12:42pm
The Cowboy actually has a new dog, he has all the shots and snips a dog needs, including ,a chip in his ear in case he decided he hates my ass, and runs away. He is a beagle and hound mixed, the way he jumps around, he may have a touch of Jack Russell too!! Just pretty much a mutt, like his owner. I think

He seems to be a pretty nice dog though. However, I am not going to say much yet, until I make sure he don't eat my boots, and keep me awake all night.
April 7, 2008 at 10:52am
April 7, 2008 at 10:52am
Up date....Fleck, per your comment, I went and looked for a dog in Bugzys blog. I saw no dog photo..But Bugzy herself looks all cute in her lead photo.

Up date...OH Yeah..I just learned its Destinysdances B-day..I will refrain from any age comments..but go say something nice to her..I try, but it ends up as a smart ass comment in the end....:)

After investigating the area, I found out, the dog I mentioned yesterday, belongs to a neighbor, who had already rescued him for an abusive owner. He said he had been roughed up pretty good by the former owner. That being the reason he is so skittish. But the dog came up for dinner, last evening and hung out for a while. He actually came in the house for a while and checked things out. The neighbor said, he supposed the dog thought he had died and gone to the promise land, since we were both feeding him and rubbing him on the head..lol… I may have to get one of my own for sure now, kinda like having him around.

I will still try and get a photo to off set the pictures, "Southern Diva" and Miss “Destinysdances” have over in their blogs!!!
April 6, 2008 at 8:55am
April 6, 2008 at 8:55am
A long time ago, in this blog, I was pondering the thoughts of getting a dog. I wanted one that was easy natured, so I thought a Beagle might fit the bill. I also had one when I was a kid, which may have been part of why I thought a beagle would be a good choice. Well, thoughts were about as far as the ideal went. However, the last few days a big black lab puppy keeps showing up here at the Playbilly shack. Least, I think he is not full grown, I am not a dog expert, but his feet still seem bigger in relationship to his overall size, although, he already stands, above my knees.

I was reluctant to feed him, because I thought he might belong somewhere and would go home sooner or later, but yesterday he was still around, it was raining and he was looking pretty hungry. Anyway, I gave in to his sad look and feed him. So I may check around and if no one claims him, I may just grab him a bag of dog food. I was going to let him inside last night while it was raining, but he acts like someone has mistreated him along the way, and would not come inside.

He for sure is not a Beagle, but seems like he might fit in, since his choices are slim at the moment. I will give him a choice and he may decide to seek other options, when I tell him life won’t be a bowl of cherries, should he decides to hang with me. He must know, I sometimes forget to feed myself and my cooking is usually best if just eaten by me. However, a bag of gravy train may work for him.

The positives may be, that he seems to be able to look sad and pathetic, which may come in handy when we stand on the corner holding up our sign, hopping for food. He may be a real asset and able to upgrade his food supply, if he can continue to maintain his sad pitiful look, by dropping one ear and wagging his tail. We will just have to see!!

Side note: I have been around this site for a while and should know this, but when you check stats for who reads your stuff, Who are the non-members? Who are they, and where do they come from???
March 24, 2008 at 6:15pm
March 24, 2008 at 6:15pm
I hope all is well in Blogville, been a while since I stopped in. But I do stop and read a few blogs from time to time. I see my old friend “Destinysdancing” has become a professional blogger now. I remember when she was just a fledgling, hanging out over in my blog. I have not spoken to her in a while, think she must have ran off with a traveling poerty writer or something.

I hope all had a great Easter and the bunny was extra sweet.

A few things have happened since I was in blogville, with the exception of a couple of items that I pulled at the last minute. Everything in my port is being published. Paperback, but will be out next month!
So thanks to all who have stopped in, with a special thanks to those who actually left a comment! I am kidding of course.
Since I am not really a writer, I have to give a lot of credit to a few of the ladies that actually took English in school. I vaguely remember the teacher talking about punctuation, grammar, sentence structure and the like. But there was such a pretty little girl, that sat just across from me…………..Well, you know how it goes.

The name of the book is “Sensually Erotic” under, “of course”, the name COWBOY.

So buy a copy, so I can sell more than one. Erotic stuff I write, I best not try to sell one to my mom.

December 24, 2007 at 4:50pm
December 24, 2007 at 4:50pm
The snow falls silently just outside, while inside the fire offers us its flickering warmth. My arms encircle you as you lean back in my arms, farther adding to the warmth and security we enjoy inside. I feel you shiver slightly and press closer against me as I savor the smell of your hair and brush my lips against the soft skin of your neck. Holding you close I enjoy the warmth of your skin through the soft fabric of my old flannel shirt you slipped on before returning to me after your shower.

The lights of the tree behind us reflects the colors of the season casting their colorful reflection around the room. I reflect back to earlier when we had ventured out in the falling snow to find the tree. The snow had just started to cover the earth around us, covering all the imperfection and showing a smooth surface of white. I remember the beauty of you as I watch the snow flakes touching your dark hair when I playfully push back the hood of your coat for a moment, and touch your lips for a kiss. I liken the taste of your kiss to the many snow flakes that fall around us. Though millions fall no two are the same as neither is the expressions in a soft kiss……………….

The crackle of the fire brings my thoughts back to the present and my lips again brush your neck and breathe light kisses down on to your shoulder. My hands move to cup your breast, fingertips noting the response of your nipples just beneath the fire warmed fabric of your shirt.

In the dim light of the fire my hands move to caress down your bare inner thighs, opening your legs wider, exposing you to the warmth of the fire, your head lays back on my shoulder as my fingertips trace the softness between them. I hear your breath pause in anticipation of my finger moving inside. But my hands move up to unbutton the top buttons on your shirt and allow my hands slowly slip down inside to find and caress the softness of your bare breast. I feel your pleasure as your nipples firm against the light brush of my palms.

I move to undo the rest of the buttons and open your shirt, and admire the sensual lines of your body as you are now totally bare, exposed to me in the dim fire light and can feel the warmth against your skin. My hand moves over your stomach and down again to caress between your open legs, This time I hear your breath escape when my finger slips inside and then up to lightly smooth and massage your wet sensitive bud. I want to feel you let go in my arms and be all sensitive and hot when I finally enter your heated depths. My arm across your breast holds you firmly in my embrace as my words and whispers in your ear, encourage the steady rhythm of my finger, slowly bringing up your emotions in the quiet of the fire light. I feel you nails press tight against my arm, your breathing becomes more shallow in response to my touch, your body tenses………..Then up on the roof there arouse such a clatter, I suddenly release you to see what the matter. You know the rest.. I will hunt the fucking Cookies…

Just playing, we all love Santa..and hope all a happy holiday and great New year
November 22, 2007 at 6:24pm
November 22, 2007 at 6:24pm
AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..I am soooooooooooooo full ( Rubs belly) AHaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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October 15, 2007 at 6:32pm
October 15, 2007 at 6:32pm
The Cowboy is alive. and home. I saw a lot of country and traveled a lot of miles.But it was a great trip,just not enough time!

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