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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #2232901
Psalm 90:10, "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty if we are strong....
Three Score and Ten the Introduction,

Well here we go, After 50 years I am going to take another attempt at writing. The first time was the Palmer writers correspondence school in 1969. The writing will be not a book that will be written with the idea of being published, But will be a writing of thoughts unencumbered by possible publishing and monetary gain. This writing will be a hybrid of Journal and Reminisce. It is important to me that the writings are my true thoughts at the time, not influenced by any factor. The writing will try to explain how a 70 year old white, male USA citizen now relates to today's world. Is every oldest generation lost in their own world, that they aged into? What do I see, and feel as I age farther. I know I am not normal as in what this world today would consider normal. But I hope I am in the ball park writing the thoughts of a 70 year old. I hope for you to learn to know who I am, As I search for Who I am at 70+ This work will carry on until I am no longer able to think or write. This will be done on a nearly daily writing interwoven with a life's reminiscing. This writing has been in the planning for 10 plus years. and I have now made it to this starting point. This writing is dedicated to My Wife The Kitten, My family, My grand children, Lukas, Levi, Luis, Lydia and Sonora Pearl. I thank you God that you have allowed me to have your Three Score and Ten Time.
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August 1, 2022 at 8:43pm
August 1, 2022 at 8:43pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 348

Hello Grand Kids and all you other Older Kids out There

It today seems like I have gotten a few steps ahead of the Pack of Wild Dogs. They now seem to be running faster and I am slowing down. But at this moment there is some breathing room to write.
We will be going north tomorrow and do our chores up there. I hope we are not to late for the Blueberries being picked. I also hope to get the tractor to the repair shop to have brake work done on it. It has been on the bucket list for only twelve years or so. Then there is always grass to mow. and this time up strawberries to fertilize. Then back on Friday to go back on Thursday the following week. You Lukas and Levi will be spending a few days with us up there before going back to school. I am sure I look forward to it. We will fish some, We will sit around a fire. Maybe hike a bit. The thing I enjoy most is watching you guys and your actions, How you talk, What you like to do. How you are maturing into up right young men. It takes me back Sixty years. There will be a time when you realize just how blessed you both are at this time with the parents you have.

What else is M for?......Prompt from writing.com

I want to write this before looking at the other comments
"M" for me is for, Me, My Memories, Mrs. Money, Moments, Mind. I am sure there are other words that I should be thinking of, But not doing so.

It will be a busy day tomorrow So I will say Good Night
July 18, 2022 at 6:34pm
July 18, 2022 at 6:34pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 336

Hello Grandsons and All, Sorry about the lapse of time since my last writing. We spent a week in northern Kentucky visiting grandma's brothers and sisters. It was a 70th birthday visit. We then hurried home to stay one day, then up to the Northwoods to care for the yard and gardens. Then back here to care for the yard and gardens. Now tomorrow it is back to the north for yard and garden care. I need to now cut up a dead tree that has fallen across our wood's road. I cannot mow the road till it is taken care of. The last time I was up there I reinjured my shoulder using the large TroyBilt rototiller on the potatoes. The roto tiller is getting ever more difficult for me to use. It is difficult for me to pick up and swing around. The shoulder is getting better with some rest and ease of use. but I do feel like I have been riding a wild bull.

The little dog gets his summer clipping tomorrow before we had north. You know he was wanting to be a brain surgeon but decided he was not cut out for that. So he decided to be an educator. He is teaching me about God. That he has faith and trust in us, the master to provide for him all his needs as we need to trust God the master to provide for use all we need. Provided we do are part as we can. The little dog is wise not knowing how humble and wise he is. He is a true educator by setting the example.

I am about to go out and pull pea vines so I can replant beans when returning here on Friday. The rabbits have been a pain in the ... this year. They have been busy chowing down the second planting of beans. The first did nor germinate. So now there will be a third planting if I can find seed. The pea area is protected from varmints. Elmer Fudd is a man of my calling, I hate wabbits. They are one of God's creatures, But best outside the garden.

Luna the cat just jumped on my lap and wants attention. He says hello. He gets so lonesome when we leave

I hope to write again soon if the alligators allow for it. I wish for you all to have God's Blessings
July 18, 2022 at 6:32pm
July 18, 2022 at 6:32pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 336

Hello Grandsons and All, Sorry about the lapse of time since my last writing. We spent a week in northern Kentucky visiting grandma's brothers and sisters. It was a 70th birthday visit. We then hurried home to stay one day, then up to the Northwoods to care for the yard and gardens. Then back here to care for the yard and gardens. Now tomorrow it is back to the north for yard and garden care. I need to now cut up a dead tree that has fallen across our wood's road. I cannot mow the road till it is taken care of. The last time I was up there I reinjured my shoulder using the large TroyBilt rototiller on the potatoes. The roto tiller is getting ever more difficult for me to use. It is difficult for me to pick up and swing around. The shoulder is getting better with some rest and ease of use. but I do feel like I have been riding a wild bull.

The little dog gets his summer clipping tomorrow before we had north. You know he was wanting to be a brain surgeon but decided he was not cut out for that. So he decided to be an educator. He is teaching me about God. That he has faith and trust in us, the master to provide for him all his needs as we need to trust God the master to provide for use all we need. Provided we do are part as we can. The little dog is wise not knowing how humble and wise he is. He is a true educator by setting the example.

I am about to go out and pull pea vines so I can replant beans when returning here on Friday. The rabbits have been a pain in the ... this year. They have been busy chowing down the second planting of beans. The first did nor germinate. So now there will be a third planting if I can find seed. The pea area is protected from varmints. Elmer Fudd is a man of my calling, I hate wabbits. They are one of God's creatures, But best outside the garden.

Luna the cat just jumped on my lap and wants attention. He says hello. He gets so lonesome when we leave

I hope to write again soon if the alligators allow for it. I wish for you all to have God's Blessings
June 19, 2022 at 9:34pm
June 19, 2022 at 9:34pm

Hello Grandsons and others it has been eleven days since I wrote last. Since I wrote last, we finished planting the gardens, We did two flea markets, went to the Northwoods to get planting done. I did get some items listed in the On Line booth. We did get the house gable vents installed. I did some shipping and all the normal things. BUT I am disappointed with myself. I can not seem to get all the things done that need to be done and find time study and read. When we are north I may find a bit of time to read philosopher's and study human personality types, genealogy, and Theology. I have always been a reader and quested for knowledge. But know it seems it is getting more difficult for me to do. I need to use a magnifying glass with a light. I get sleepy tired. But the worst is my mind just does seem to get sparked to take it all in. My mind is getting lazy. The words and thoughts and ideas do not flow to the top. I am going to structure more if that is possible, set aside a block of time to read and study. What I need is you young guys and your spongie mind that absorbs everything put to it. And while you are at it how about some of your energy.

I have an online auction going off in fifteen minutes. So I will leave for now. I am back the auction is near over. I did win 4 lots of items. When during my earlier days a good on site farm auction boiled my blood. Tomorrow I need to take the van in for service. I am sure glad we only have one vehicle

Till next time be Godly Blessed
June 8, 2022 at 8:25pm
June 8, 2022 at 8:25pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 296

Hello, you Grandsons Have missed me, The alligators and wild dogs have been hot on my trail. I have had to keep moving or they will get me and eat me up. So much to do and so little time that is right to do it. I have been fishing only one time this spring, that being in the north. I did get a small meal of fish. You guys know the lake. I did get potatoes planted north. Now we will see how they do this year. Will the deer and potato beetles get them? With the price of gas as it is we will only go up twice a month. We may stay an extra day to give us the time we need up there. We did a flea market last Sunday and will do another this Sunday.

The garden down here is doing well. Now keeping up with it is another story. The first crop of spinach and arugula is harvested and spinach replanted. The garden seems to grow faster each year and I get more tired each year, not a good combination. I need some young weeders and totters and doers like you guys. Lukas and Levi you will be stopping here on Friday on your way to camping. I always look forward to seeing you both. You both are growing so fast just like the weeds in the garden. but you are not the weeds. You are the First fruits of the family. I hope you both realize how Blessed you are.

As for the others reading this I hope you are also well Blessed this day
May 26, 2022 at 6:41pm
May 26, 2022 at 6:41pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 283

Well, I am still swing at the ball, Even if I have been absent from writing for some time. I hope you guys understand. Sometimes I just loose my spark, and my brain just does not want to junction. I think I feel like an old car, Just wearing out. I still can get to 0-60 but it takes longer. and it helps if there is a slight down hill grade.

The last month has been very busy. The garden is now about three quarter planted and looking good with no help from the squirrels. We visited you Lukas and Levi at your school for grandparents day. Then the next day watched you both compete at your track meet. That was nice. I always like seeing you guys. We went to the north and planted our Mountain ash tree, and cared for the Blueberries and strawberries. No potatoes planted up there yet. We will go up on the 30th and hope to get them planted then. We then took in Sonora Pearl's graduation from high school. I am pleased to report she is now a Marquette University student. This coming weekend we will be going to our grandson Jordan's high School graduation. He will be leaving for marine Boot camp a week later. Grandma and me will worry about him all the while he is gone. He is flying away from the nest. I pray he is a strong flier. We did a Flea market that went well considering It was windy cold and damp, But no actual rain. So it was a success.

As for me I need to sit and fish in the kayak and try to sort things out. I have not been out yet this year. It is amazing what time in a kayak can do for the spirit, Just me and God. It is thundering out at this time with rain. I am hoping to get out fishing on Sunday after we return from the graduation late Saturday.

I hope May has been Pleasant and Satisfying for you. I suspect you too have been busy. May God Bless Your Days
April 30, 2022 at 8:05pm
April 30, 2022 at 8:05pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 257

It is time I wrote. This last week has been productive with potatoes planted and yesterday we snuck the red fall raspberry plants in before the rain. I sure hope they do well. The plants are not cheap. This will be my last planting of raspberries. I have been having raspberries since about 1988. I used to sell raspberries but not any longer. It is a planting now for just the wife and me. They sure are good on ice cream or in a smoothie.

Tomorrow is our first flea Market of the season. It will be cool and cloudy with wind, but it looks like no rain. The flea markets serve a couple of purposes. One it gives us some cash for gas, and it gets us out among people, so it is a social event also. And it gives us purpose, another outlet for activity. We will do about eight markets this season if all goes as expected. but it is tiring.

On Monday we will need to unload the van and then load the van and leave for the Northwoods. I need to uncover the strawberries up there. It has been colder than normal up there this spring, so I waited to uncover them. The we also have a Mountain ash tree to plant up there. It was ordered in January, and I picked it up from the nursery on Thursday. It should be a good addition to the yard. The wild birds should love the fruit in the fall. It will need to be planted if it is wet or not up there, it goes in. We will need to come back here on Wednesday.

Then on Thursday it is a shorter trip up to see the daughter's family. We are going to visit you Lukas and Levi at your school for a Grandparents Day program on Friday. Then on Saturday watch you run a track meet. I am pleased to be asked to join you. You two young guys are my legacy, and I am happy with that. We will be returning home later Saturday. Then later in the month it back to the North hopefully to plant potatoes and do some fishing. We will have two High School graduations later in May as well. As you an tell spring time here is like fitting a jig saw puzzle together. But with God's Grace and Leading I get the puzzle together each spring. I look forward to doing it again this spring.

I do not know If the wrote about it, but I got a new pair of glasses the first part of April. The prescription is not that musk different, but they do not have the glass coatings and the lenes are larger. They are not all full of scratches so I do see better. But typing is still a chore. I am a one finger typist but I make so many mistakes now. My finger just does not seem like it wants to go where I want it to go. I do a lot of corrections and it slows me way down.

I now am tired. My allergies are giving me problems. They are with me year long, but are worse in the spring. I need to rest some for the long day tomorrow. Have a Blessed Evening All
April 23, 2022 at 6:56pm
April 23, 2022 at 6:56pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 250
It has been eight days since my last writing, and I am eight days older. What have I done with those eight days?
We had a nice Easter Dinner with two of the daughters and grandkids. it was nice and then they left. We went up to the Northwoods on Wednesday and came back on Friday. I saw my brother and he is having some serious health issues. It has been coming on for some time. We are close. I did work on the Blueberries. I put the ice fishing things away for the season. And know with my new glasses I was able to do some reading. I try to read up there because there are no distractions. We had a fire the first night. There was still some snow, and the lake still has ice.
Before I left on Tuesday, I did get onion sets planted. What a roller coaster of a spring. It now looks like cooler than normal temps with a lot of rain into May. I will need to plant potatoes this coming week. There is a whole lot of outdoor work that will need to be done.

So, what else was done in eight days, I did some internet store listings and did some sales shipping. I had some internet auctions that needed my attention and bids. And I rested some, I now get tired easily and need to rest. I now understand what getting old means. But I am very Blessed, and things could be much more difficult. But I always feel that I should have done more, There is more too do, So much that I could have done. I just did not do it.

But I want to relay here how much I enjoy reading the day to day blogs on this site. Other then my wife I can go days without talking to people. I am not a normal people person. But I like hearing about your day and what you are doing. So I save some of your blogs and do read them. They fill a Nitsch for me. So please write your blogs. Hello Lukas and Levi and Luis you are always in my thoughts.

Have Blessed up coming week ALL
April 15, 2022 at 12:24pm
April 15, 2022 at 12:24pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 242
Well today is the traditional Tax Day, I am thrilled. I am glad I did the filing about a month ago. Normally by Tax Day it is nice outside, but not this year. I will need to go out and cover for about three days. i did get some seeds planted, should be Okay. I did plant some onion plants and shallots that I will cover. By know the perennials and bulbs will have to be on their own.
Easter is this coming Sunday as you know. Two of the kids and grandkids are coming for dinner. I am always happy to sit down with them for a meal. We are centrally located for all of them to visit. But I wish they would visit more often. But doing a big meal is getting stressful for the wife. It all has to be just right, and it always is. She is going to be 70 in June so the kids and grandkids help as much as they can. Hello Lukas and Levi. We will see you on Easter Day.

We wish you all a Blessed Easter Day
April 11, 2022 at 9:40pm
April 11, 2022 at 9:40pm
Three Score and Now Eleven + Day 238

Well, it has happened, I did get some seeds in the ground today and expect to do more tomorrow. But I am tired. I try to start earlier in the season and slowly work into the spring exertion. I think that does help. It was a nice day today. They are calling for thunderstorms here tomorrow about 5:00 pm and also Wednesday. That will give me time to catch up here in the house. So tonight, I am more tired than normal. I have not slept well the last two nights. Too much of the do list in my head. I used to put more on the to do list then I could do. And take it as a challenge to do it. Now I try to put less on the to do list then I can do so I will not be stressed. So, I can take time to walk around the yard and check it all out. There are many kinds of eye candy. By the way today we are observing our Twenty Fifth continuous years of garden in this location. I am hopeful to have a many more. Grandsons how does your garden grow, I will get the scoop when I see you on Easter.
Have Sweet Dreams All

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