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February 5, 2021 at 10:09am
February 5, 2021 at 10:09am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox }Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image Prompt: "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice;
and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."
(John 10:16, KJV)

Prompt: Have you considered that we modern-day Christians
are written about very plainly in this passage?
Can you see yourself? Do you understand the reference?"

I agree that modern Christians were among those that Jesus had in mind when He referenced other sheep. The context of this passage reveals that even the Pharisees and other listeners at that time figured out that jesus was referencing the Gentiles, although they had no idea to what extent. Jesus knew the future. He could seed the events unfolding before Him. He transcends time so all time is "present" to Him. Everything in history, past, present, and future is revealed to Him. He was referencing Gentiles because He knew Israel would reject Him just as Jews and other non-Christians reject Him to this day.

For my blog Prompt: "Today while cruising through the WDC galaxy with Groot, I found a star that has been shining on WDC for about 10 years. Many of us know Jeannie who has contributed so much around here. She writes about her favorite musician Prince in
Prince Remembered  (E)
Prince, meaning behind his songs that I still listen to and enjoy.
#2220280 by Jeannie
Who is your favorite musician? What do you like about them?"

I don't have a favorite musician because I do not listen to that much music. If I were to choose a favorite though it would be Bob Seger. The housekeeper on my floor has a radio playing softly in the background and I do hear it when I am working. He listens to older rock and pop music. I think it's okay. I can take it or leave it.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "Please use these words in your blog: fern, rainy, decipher, sparkle, and interception."

The fern grows best in rainy climates and rich dirt. It is hard to decipher what a fern says. They sparkle in the rain. I scored an interception by spotting a poisonous snake under a fern. My brother was about to step on the snake.

Blog City image small Prompt: "If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. "Author Unknown

Discuss how you felt reading this quote. Did you immediately think of someone special or a time in your life?"

Yes. It makes me think of my late wife Susan.

Marvin D Schrebe AKA Jamison Christian "Chris" Breva AAD RBA, CPRSS

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill AwardsA signature for those who sponsored the 2017 Quill AwardsSignature image for sponsors of the 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors
February 4, 2021 at 8:27am
February 4, 2021 at 8:27am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox }Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image "But as many as received him,
to them gave he power to become the sons of God,
even to them that believe on his name:"
(John 1:12, KJV)

Prompt: This verse is often used to lead someone to Christ as Lord and Savior.
How could we help concrete-thinkers to be rightly related to Jesus through these abstract terms?

I used to be a member of a church that thought this verse was often used out of context. The emphasized that the verse says He gave them the power to become children meaning that although faith is the key that opens the door, there are still other actions required for one to be saved such as repentance, confession, and baptism.

I no longer believe that way. I believe a person is saved the moment they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, which means they automatically do these other things. There is no magic formula and there are no works involved.

For my blog Today cruising through the galaxy we encountered a new star. x The T Lady x writes about a baby that will not go to sleep.
 Go to Sleep, Little One  (E)
For the little ones whose imagination keeps them awake
#2206334 by x The T Lady x

How do you get a baby to go to sleep or if you have never had children what do you when you can't sleep?"

When I can't get a baby to go to sleep I mix a little brandy in with their formula and...

No, I'm joking of course. I have walked the floor many nights with my son. Some nights he had colic and nothing satisfied him. Other nights he just wasn't sleepy. I learned to sleep when he slept and be awake when he was. Then he started sleeping normally.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "Hard to believe we've been posting blog entries for 3001 days in BCoF. Have you ever scrolled back to see what your first blog post was and when? Did you ever think, you would be blogging this long? Do you blog the same way as when you began or have you developed a style of your own?"

I not only have a style of my own but two groups of my own.

Blog City image small "Prompt: "Knowledge is love and light and vision." Helen Keller Use this quote in your Blog entry today."

I don't have a response to that.

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill AwardsA signature for those who sponsored the 2017 Quill AwardsSignature image for sponsors of the 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors
February 3, 2021 at 8:16am
February 3, 2021 at 8:16am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox }Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image "1 In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made."
(John 1:1-3, KJV)


"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
(Genesis 1:1, KJV)


Prompt: Who is the Word, and how are these two passages related?

This is a really good question Jay O'Toole . I can sink my teeth into this one because I spent a great deal of time last semester studying it. The Word John refers to here is Jesus Christ. For a long time the early church was divided about who Jesus was. One of the major divisions was the Gnostics who taught that Jesus was not human at all but that Jesus merely appeared human. Therefore they believed He did not really have a birth nor did He really die. They believed He was merely a Spirit, though that Spirit was divine.

Another division of the church held the exact opposite stance. They believed Jesus was 100% human and that He lived such an impeccable life that He became divine. This of course was also wrong.

The divisions among the church as to whether Jesus was human or divine nearly ripped the church apart for decades in the second century. Councils were held declaring one doctrine after another heresy and proponents heretics. The problem lay in the wording. The Bible says that God begat Jesus. What does begat mean?

One of the church fathers, and I cannot rightly remember whom, suggested that the definition meant that Jesus shone forth from God eternally. God has always existed and Jesus existed co-eternally with God as an expression of God's essence. It's a really deep theological subject, but the long and the short of it that Jesus has always been a part of the God-head, just as the Father and Holy Spirit are part of the Godhead. Jesus chose to become a man without losing His divinity. Therefore He is 100% God and 100% man. The man Jesus was born and died and saved us. Jesus the God is eternal and took part in creation. He is literally the Word of God or the Logos because every scripture in the Bible is about Him or part of His story.

For my blog Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with ET and found this planet: (248)
Read this item:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2118660 by Not Available.

Write about twilight.

I always sort of liked twilight. To me it means the work day is done and I can look back and reflect on a job well done or I can plan how to do better next time. Twilight can be frightening to some folks, especially those who have dementia. One of the symptoms of early dementia is that the person begins to hallucinate around sundown. The jury is still out on why but my guess is that the brain is preparing for sleep. If I fail to take my medication for narcolepsy my brain falls asleep while I am awake and I see things because I'm dreaming! Twilight is both good and bad.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Valentine's Day: What kind of gift would you like a secret admirer to give you on Valentine's Day? Would you like to know who your secret admire was? Have you ever had a secret admirer?"

I've never had a secret admirer. I don't want anything for Valentine's Day.

Blog City image small "Prompt: What is the strangest news you have found on the internet?"

I was trying to avoid politics butt you asked. The strangest news I have ever heard on the Internet or anyplace else was that Biden won the election after clearly stating he was going to raise taxes, cut jobs, and basically gut the economy more than COVID has.

Signature for finalists in 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill AwardsA signature for those who sponsored the 2017 Quill AwardsSignature image for sponsors of the 2018 Quill AwardsSignature for use by 2019 Quill Awards sponsors

February 2, 2021 at 10:02am
February 2, 2021 at 10:02am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Made by the talented A. E. Wilcox }Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Just an image "He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities." (Isaiah 53:11, KJV)

How could an eternity of debt be expunged by Jesus, the Christ, during a finite number of hours, during one weekend 2000 years ago? (This one is fairly easy to answer. Just respond using the flawless Character of our loving Lord as your tool.)

I think you answered your own question. All one has to do is respond in obedience to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As to how a sacrifice made by one man on a cross two thousand years ago could atone for every sin in the history of mankind, I think one needs to understand who Jesus was. Jesus was not an ordinary man. He was indeed 100% human but He was also 100% God. Essentially, God Himself died as a substitute for man. Nobody has to face the horrors of Hell because God Himself died to prevent us from doing so. Somebody asked me once how a loving God could send anybody to Hell. My answer is that God condemns nobody to Hell. Many people will condemn themselves to Hell because they choose to disrespect the sacrifice God made for them and they choose to reject Jesus.

For my blog Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with my Unicorn Sprinkles and found this planet: (1)
Read this item:
Surreal Flash #poem  (E)
Life gives us all kind of teachings, messages. We need to trust our heart.
#2242903 by Ilaya

Write about surreal.

Surreal is a state in which things seem real when they are not. I have seen a lot of moments that were surreal. It is like an altered state of reality in which things seem okay but in reality they are not okay. Love can be surreal. One thinks they are in love but the honeymoon passes and the relationship falls apart.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Use these words in today's entry: groundhog, spring, shadow, hope, snow, flowers, lavender."

The groundhog saw his shadow. No hope of early spring. There is snow on the ground. The flowers cannot grow.
The scent of lavender will not be around.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: On Kindness: What is it that makes people want to be kind? What do you think about people who go out of their way to be kind to others? Do you think they may have ulterior motives, which they themselves may not be aware of?"

Kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:27. If a person is kind they are following promptings from God.

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February 1, 2021 at 8:07am
February 1, 2021 at 8:07am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- } Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2235060 over display limit. -?- "For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,
and as a root out of a dry ground:
he hath no form nor comeliness;
and when we shall see him,
there is no beauty that we should desire him.”
(Isaiah 53:2, KJV)


"My servant grew up in the Lord’s presence
like a tender green shoot,
like a root in dry ground.
There was nothing beautiful or majestic
about his appearance,
nothing to attract us to him."
(Isaiah 53:2, NLT)

Prompt: Would we be able to pick out Jesus in a crowd,
if we were walking past Him on the street?"

I honestly do not believe we would be able to recognize Him. I think we would be looking for somebody who looks like the images we have that portray Jesus and I do not believe those images are Him. I believe He would show up in jeans and a t-shirt or as the homeless addict on the street. At any rate, it would be something we would never expect.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Lukeskywalker and found this planet:
Read this item: "Take Me to Wonderland (ASR)"
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2243132 by Not Available.

Write about Wonderland from this poem."

I don't have to go to Wonderland to find a world like that. All I have to do is look at society. A lot of things don't make sense in society as we blur the lines between right and wrong and the definitions of this and that. I was just reading online the other night where a male athlete that identifies as a woman competed in an all female race and set a new woman's world record. Naturally the runner set a new world record for women in the sport because he is not a woman! Biologically he is a man. He has a young man's muscles, adrenaline, and other things going for him that women do not have. He may identify himself as a woman but just because I identify as a bird does not mean I am build to fly like one.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Day 2998: February 1, 2021

I found my Serenity Journal, when I was cleaning out a container. Since this is the first day of a new month, I'm posting a quote from that journal.

Prompt: "There is a quiet, serene confidence in knowing that all things do not stand or fall according to one's own achievements or the correctness of every decision one makes." Joseph A. Sittler

What does this quote mean to you? How do you find moments of serenity in your day, week, or month?

I find moments of serenity based on my faith. I believe that God is ultimately in control and that He makes everything work out for the best for those who trust Him.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: The unbelievable: Is there something that you have trouble believing in and why is it unbelievable? Has anyone ever tried to convince you to believe in this or in any other thing that you can’t believe in?"

I have had people try to convince me that I was crazy before. It worked for a while.

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January 30, 2021 at 9:24am
January 30, 2021 at 9:24am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- } Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2235060 over display limit. -?- Jay has asked for the weekends off so I will send a prompt on Saturday. Remember that no prompy gors out on Sunday since most of us should be concentrating on worshiping Jesus then.

I gave received several blessings over the past few days. I will be working soon I believe and I received a mice publishing contract. How has God blessed you?

I have had several blessings today. I am almost certain I am going to get the position I am seeking. All I am waiting for now is to make sure that a person with an RBA qualifies as an addiction counselor per state medicaide guidelines as many of the clients I will see are through Medicaide. I have a Regent Bachelor of Arts degree with 78 hours of psychology on it as opposed to a BSW or BS in psychology. My prospective employer just wants to be sure the RBA will work. It typically does, especially when the RBA emphasizes psychology or social work and mine emphasizes psychology. So I probably have a job. I will know for sure next week.

My second blessing is a book contract that was signed yesterday. My book "Styles in Poetry", a collection of poems and short stories I have written over the years, will be published this coming summer. The marketing plan is pretty aggressive and includes radio interviews on national radio, podcasts about my book, a retailer book buy-back plan backed by insurance so I won't lose money, and other options. I think this could be a lucrative deal for me. Over the next few months we are going to work on the design, editing, paper quality, pricing, everything to make it a valuable "must-have" book and me a known author. God has been very good to me.
Praise you Father for your continued providence. Thank you for allowing me to wake up this morning not under the threat of facing the Lake of Fire prepared for Satan and his angels, but facing eternity with Jesus Christ who died for me. Oh Father you are wonderful and so loving. I cannot express the unspeakable joy I feel. You are my anchor at stormy seas and you are my sunshine on the mountaintops. Everything I have is due to you!

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- Today while avoiding materializing in the center of a star, we warped across the WDC galaxy and found a veteran of WDC. The star is Writer_Mike who writes a story about an aunt who was not wanted in a boy's life.
Gone  (ASR)
WC entry. A remote helicopter does its job.
#2036527 by Cubbee

The ending will surprise you.

Have you ever wanted somebody to be gone? What did you do?

Yes. I had a man move in with me once. He was an old hob but kept himself clean for the most part. He just drank too much. He got drunk one night and made the mistake of threatening Susan, my late wife. Up to that point I tolerated him and listened to his fantasies about recruiting me for a motorcycle gang and riding the highways to Spurgis or whatever it is. His fantasies scared my wife for she thought I really wanted to join him in those escapades. If I had known she thought I was serious I would have ended it sooner. Then when he decided it was alright to "hit a brother's bitch" and laid his hands on my wife he found out the hard way that I was just going along with him. I nearly broke my fist while breaking his jaw and tossing him out of my house. The neighbors called the police who ended up ruling my behavior self-defense and hauling him to jail. He died several years ago now, old, broken, and drunk.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
Saint Augustine

What do you think?"

I disagree. The reward of faith is eternal life. Another reward is to be serene in the face of the storm.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "On this day January 29, 1924 was the beginning of the Winter Olympics. It's been almost a 100 years.. What is your favorite winter event in the Olympics? Why? If you had the opportunity would you compete?"

I am blogging a day behind and answered this in yesterday's post.

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January 30, 2021 at 5:21am
January 30, 2021 at 5:21am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- } Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

This entry is a day late. I was up and gone yesterday before I had a chance to enter it because I had a job interview. The interview went great. Mow I just have to wait and be sure my RBA has enough education behind it work as a counselor in the human services field. I'm certain it will have. In fact, one agency told me that I have enough qualification now that I could start my own agency. I just don't want all the headaches. I want to be where I can deliver direct services. I have to wait until Monday to get the final clearance to work and then I will be signing my name Marvin D. Schrebe, RBA, CPRSS, ADC. All sorts of initials. My brother doesn't understand that at all. He has complained all of his life that his signature is too long. The last thing he wants is titles to add to it. I told him those titles make him more valuable.

Image #2235060 over display limit. -?- Prompt: What does it mean to come to Christ as personal Savior and Lord?

I think coming to Christ as Lord and Savior means different things to different people. To some it has a courtly, legal ring meaning they surrender their will and their life to Jesus and He becomes their King and Master.

To others it means they enter a covenant with Jesus in which they do His will and his bidding and He becomes their sacrificial lamb and resurrected Savior to save them from sin.

To still others it is a legal proceeding in which God the Father adopts them as His children and they become heirs of the kingdom of God.

To me it is all of these things and more. It is the second birth which took place at baptism in which the water represented the grave and the baptism represented the second-birth resurrection that I shared with Jesus to walk in newness of life. It represents deep theological themes that I do not have time right now to detail. It means walking daily by the Savior's side and resting each moment in the crucified.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Today while cruising through the galaxy of cyberspace that is WDDC, we came upon a shining star that I have become familiar with. Writer_Mike discusses a benefit jail he was held in
WDC? What's the point?  (E)
An essay to get out of jail at the Special Event Court House, but still true.
#2216689 by Writer_Mike
, which is "An essay to get out of jail at the Special Event Court House, but still true."

Write about benefits, charities, etc."

I have been arrested in these special charitable events. The way it works is the charity works with the local police to do fund raisers. A contributor pledges to match up to a certain amount and then declares a "warrant" on a member of the community whom they believe has enough friends and family who will "pay" the person's bail. The police then goi to the "suspects" house and literally arrests them complete with reading of rights and handcuffs. They take them to "booking" which is a phone room. They are then allowed to call family and friends to raise a "bond" which is whatever amount the person signing the warrant agrees to pledge. This way the amount doubles for the charity. If the "suspect" cannot raise the amount in a certain amount of time they are released with a hearty thank you for playing along and transported back home.

I raised $10,000.00 for a charity one time because I knew a lot of people who would gladly contribute to it. The amount of my bond was originally set at $200.00. The charity was thrilled and my friends all thought it was a gas to see me walking away in custody. It was all for a good cause and a ton of fun, even if I thought I was losing a day's work over it. As it turned out, my boss was the one who pledged the $200.00 to get me arrested to begin with so it was all in a day's work. lol.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "On this day Edgar Allan Poe's poem, The Raven, was published in 1845. What's your favorite Poe poem and why?"

I can't remember the title, but I remember reading a Poe poem in one of my undergraduate literature classes in which there was a body buried in the floor or something and the suspect had hallucinations about the heart beating. They became so bad that his erratic behavior ended up getting him arrested for the murder, as I recall. I don't remember the name of the poem and scarcely remember the details. It could have been The Raven for all I recall.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "On this day January 29, 1924 was the beginning of the Winter Olympics. It's been almost a 100 years.. What is your favorite winter event in the Olympics? Why? If you had the opportunity would you compete?"

I don't care for sports of any kind. If I do watch any part of the winter Olympics it is the ski jump. To be honest, I don't get over thrilled about any of it unless an underdog suddenly wins.

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January 28, 2021 at 8:30am
January 28, 2021 at 8:30am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- } Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2235060 over display limit. -?- "13 Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.
Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

14 Is any sick among you?
let him call for the elders of the church;
and let them pray over him,
anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick,
and the Lord shall raise him up;
and if he have committed sins,
they shall be forgiven him.

16 Confess your faults one to another,
and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

Prompt: Prayer as the respirations of the spirit is critical to every aspect to the Christian's life. How has prayer become to you more than simply grace at the dinner table?"

Prayer to me used to be something I only did when I was in trouble. I'd say those "foxhole" prayers of "God, get me out of this and I'll serve you."
I was insincere and God knew it.

I often neglect to say grace. I don't know why. I just sit down and eat.

My prayers are usually in the morning and at night. I pray after I wake up to ask God's guidance and strength for the day then I thank him at night. I also do my reading at night. I feel free to express myself with God. Like David, there are times I think God is asleep. Psalms 44:27. God never sleeps however and by faith I know that. God has my back at all times. I spend my night before bed and my mornings expressing that.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- Today while cruising through the galaxy with my editor, we found the star kittie. The author writes about a special little girl in
Child of Joy  (E)
A poem dedicated to a tiny little lady. This is for Hannah.
#934529 by Kit

Tell us about a special child.

I think all children are special. Some are spoiled. Some are more intelligent. Some are more mature. All are very special and unique. Children are the future.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Prompt: "Use these words in your blog. Crime, fiction, deception, familiar, charred, and balloons."

Crime is no way to make a living. It's a life of fiction because the perpetrator is living a lie. They think they'll get away with it and they won't. Don't fall for thedeception. We're all familiarwith crime and it truly does not work out. Charred bones is all it is. You may win some balloons but you'll go to jail.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: "Good books don't give out all their secrets at once." Stephen King Use this quote in your Blog entry today."

I guess he's right.

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January 27, 2021 at 8:57am
January 27, 2021 at 8:57am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- } Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2235060 over display limit. -?- "1 I will praise the Lord at all times.
I will constantly speak his praises.
2 I will boast only in the Lord;
let all who are helpless take heart.
3 Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
let us exalt his name together."
(Psalm 34:1-3, NLT)

Prompt: Define worship. Give a few examples of how you enjoy worshiping the Lord by yourself and as a member of a larger congregation.

I am the chaplain of the West Virginia Veterans Home so I am pretty much the one who organizes and conducts our worship services. For a long time after I first got here the chapel services were mere Bible studies and prayer meetings. We had no musicians in the chapel so we did not have music. Then I spoke to the recreation director and other powers that be around here and became the official chaplain. Along with that I arranged for us to hold chapel services in the large auditorium where we could use the PowerPoint projector and the sound equipment. The sound equipment is Bluetooth enabled so I operate it through my phone. Then I downloaded a bunch of instrumental music files on my phone and use them to accompany us as we sing hymns and praise songs. Chapel has improved tremendously as a result. I'm going to experiment with it and see if my phone will also play YouTube soundtracks. If it does I will start Mixing in a little modern music with the old fashioned hymns.

I also have worship services throughout the week in my room. Some of these are Bible studies and some are prayer meetings. Of course, I do my private devotions as well and listen to hymns and praise songs, and just hang out with God.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: I was cruising the galaxy with Chewbecca and we found this plant Image #1862559 over display limit. -?-

Let's write about rain for your Space Blog today."

I get tired of rain. It seems like all it does in the winter is rain. Of course, I'd much rather see the rain than the snow, but I want sunshine, blue skies, and green leaves.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: January 27, 2021 is National Chocolate Cake Day. Write about your favorite chocolate cake."

My favorite chocolate cake I can't get any longer. My mom made it. It was a salad dressing cake. She used Miracle Whip salad dressing in it. I don't have the recipe and even if I did I don't have access to an oven here. They do all the cooking and baking for us.

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January 26, 2021 at 9:46am
January 26, 2021 at 9:46am
Created by the talented  [Link To User poulynoe] Image #2235354 over display limit. -?- } Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- Image #1971183 over display limit. -?-

Image #2235060 over display limit. -?- Chris Breva has given me the privilege of preparing some prompts for this group. I am very grateful for this honor.

Since today will be my first prompt, I would like to return to the most basic Bible verse of our Christian lives, John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Prompt: How would you explain the abstract word, "believe" to a concrete-thinker? This will help us lead others to Christ. (Luke 19:10)

Jay O'Toole I believe this is an excellent question! How many of us know people who claim to believe in God and claim that they believe Jesus is the Son of God, but fail to have a relationship with Him? If you ask most of the men in this building they will tell you they believe but they do not act on that belief. I think we need to explain that there is a difference in simply acknowledging that something is a fact and putting that fact to use. James 2:19 tells us that simply believing Jesus is the resurrected Son of God is not enough. James acknowledges that even Satan believes Jesus raised from the dead.

Believe as used in John 3:16 is from the Greek word πιστεύω which means believing in a manner that causes the believer to take action. I can believe medication is going to help me until I am dead. However, if that belief does not actually result in my swallowing the medication or using it, then the belief is useless. Belief must result in action. This is why Jesus told Nicodemus in this same passage that a person must be born again. Belief, in this case, must result in action. The actions required are repentance.

Image #2235152 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: I was cruising with Buck Rogers on the way to the moon and found this planet:
 Invalid Item 
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#2198754 by Not Available.

Write about this poem in your Blog entry today."

This poem is about dreams. Dreams are weird, elusive things. Some would have us believe that dreams are latent expressions of our subconscious. I personally believe that dreams are the brain's way of processing all the information collected that day. Surgeons have proven numerous times that during brain surgery procedures in which they keep the patient conscious they can probe an area of the brain and the patient will remember the specific conditions of a situation that happened decades earlier. I think dreams are the brain being a good secretary and filing thoughts and input into memory cells.

I liked the imagery in this poem. The writer has a good imagination and dreamed the dream state vividly.

Image #1997652 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: Winter Rain"

I am not a big fan of winter rain, but I would much rather have rain than snow.

Image #1971183 over display limit. -?- "Prompt: What do you think about the feeling and the idea of responsibility? How it can be instilled in people, and what encourages it the best?"

This sounds almost like a political question. Many people are asking how responsible the last election was. I guess time will tell. I honestly do not believe you can instill responsibility into people. At one time you could, but not now.

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