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In my view, the primary focus should be on encouraging the writers to write. I do not review items I don't enjoy anymore because I see it as a waste of my time. So, if you get a review from me, I enjoyed reading your work. The amazing thing about this whole process is that reading an inspiring review usually leads to me reading more of a reviewer's work also. So, it's a win-win.
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Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I saw you had updated your faith journal so here I am to read and send a review.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I think we are all anxious about things because the public has been lied to for so long. It doesn't seem very Democratic, what's going on.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

It is good to pray and to hold on to our faith. It gives us something stable to hold to in times of trouble.

This is a good and inspiring entry. Nice work!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I was looking at the things recently updated. I went to your journal and this entry caught my eye.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about Arlington and how they have a lot of statues honoring people, including the Iwo Jima Memorial.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

That is a memorable thing about Titanic. It makes me want to watch that movie again. It came on cable when I was in the hotel in Arlington, the night before Tom's service. I did not make it to the end, but the movie relaxed me and I want to see it again now and stay awake to see her looking at the Statue of Liberty.

I don't like that people tore down statues in the pandemic. It's like trying to erase history and rewrite the stories.

If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Someone said that, but I think it's true.

This is a very thoughtful entry that I enjoyed reading very much.

Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I clicked on the read and review option on the left side of the screen and it brought me to your fine essay about caring for aging parents.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about my own parents and what their care entailed. I also thought about the loss of my husband, which was much more recent. One never knows about these things until they arrive on the door step.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I was very interested to read your reaction to all that went on more than 22 years ago.

I totally agree, in my own experiences, that if God had been more a part of things, it might have made a tremendous difference.

But we all get to faith on our own path and journey, I reckon. All this had to happen for me to get to where I am today, which is still not entirely sure. Forgiveness plays a big role in faith and moving forward and that can be a struggle when we see things we might have overlooked for years.

My suggestion would be to write a follow up piece to this about how things turned out and how you coped and how your faith sustained you, if it did.

When my husband was ill, the hospice worker told me that many spouses now choose to leave when it gets tough.

I was shocked, then thought about it and wasn't so shocked after all.

This was very engaging and well written. You can't go wrong, writing honestly about life experiences and faith.

Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Lighthouses
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I checked to see what was updated lately and I found your wonderful journal entry about lighthouses.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

There are some pretty ones all along the East Coast of the U.S.

Also Ireland has some pretty lighthouses. A friend, who lives in Australia, used to collect miniature lighthouses.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I think there is something memorable and magical about lighthouses and the people who live in them.

I enjoyed reading this very much!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I was looking in your port for what was updated recently.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

Thank you for sharing your experience. It is inspiring and uplifting.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I found this to be inspirational and profoundly moving. I think we all don't realize things that change us as they are happening. Sometimes, it takes time for us to see it.

You help others to see it by writing about your faith.

Well done! *Heart*

HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Storms
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I saw that you had updated this so I came to read and review.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

Sorry to read that you had these bad storms. We get them and the warnings and watches, too. I hate it when the power goes out, especially when it is so hot out.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I am glad you have a generator. I don't have one and if I did I'd be afraid of using it because it runs on gas. We talked about getting one, but never did because we figured if we got one we wouldn't use it.

I hope that the bad storms are done. We might get some later today and then for about a week we are in the risk zone to get them. When I was a kid growing up, we had them a lot in summer in Maryland.

I think they are scary and disruptive, but in Houston the power has been out for some people for more than a week. FEMA should help with that, but they are apparently asleep over at FEMA.

Anyway, I hope you are done with storms!



HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I like reading in your spiritual journal and it helps me to organize my thoughts and prayers for the day.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

There is a lot of power in prayer and turning to God in hard times and good times. We don't always have the answers so we turn to a higher power.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I love how you are always ready to count your blessings. Things are challenging in this world, but we do still have blessings. Sometimes it is easier to see those blessings than others.

Well done, as always! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of Louisiana Lingo  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I saw that you had posted this on the Newsfeed so I wandered over to have a look and send a review.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I think this looks really complicated, but you have done a nice job with it.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I like that you have incorporated so many wonderful things that bring back memories to me of time spent in New Orleans.

I wouldn't know where to start with this, but it looks like you had a lot of fun and it's nice that you share it with us!

Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review of If I Should Fly  
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!


What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I gave the prompt in The Writer's Cramp and was interested to read the resulting work.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

What prompted the prompt was I saw a tiny cardinal in my yard. I wondered what his point of view might be.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I liked your first stanza best as it captured the feeling I had when I saw the bird out walking around on a summer's day.

"If I should fly, I’d be like that little bird that visits my porch
No bigger than a small lemon, this bird sings with the voice of a small child
It flies as fast as a small car
It defends its space like a small bear"

I think you portray the feeling I was trying to communicate quite well, that is the combination of the vulnerability and the bravery of setting out into the unknown as a bird.

Nice work!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am visiting and grazing in your pasture this morning. *Heartp*


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about my own experiences. Amazon has been so much better than the post office in the last few years. Some days now, I get no mail and I knot that isn't what is going on.

Mr. HOOves and I used to get fired up about it. We even went to the post office to vent a couple of times. It did no good.

Our regular delivery person has physical challenges (she has trouble moving) and it is a struggle for her to bring packages up. She is so pleasant, though and she always gets things here. Eventually. But now that I have interacted with her, I am more patient than I was. She and Mr. HOOves got on, too. We ended up liking her a lot.

Other people may be more swift getting in and out of the jeep, but no one is as nice as her.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I would be more careful with a package that had no label now.

Amazon should run the post office and maybe it would be better. That Bezos guy knows what he's doing. Mostly.

Interesting entry that made me stop, think and moo on by day.

Well done! *Heartp**Heartv*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

You sent me a kind invitation for our next campfire so here I am to send a review.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I think we will have fun with this one, into the Fall once we start next week. Sometimes I go back through them and read how things were at the time. I can't always remember and our campfires help me to cope and organize my thoughts.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

Thank you so much for hosting another memorable and fun campfire. I know we will continue to enjoy our daily writing time together.

On we go!! *Cow**Heartv*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

*CakeB* HAPPY 17th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I wanted to send you an anniversary remoo this month since I know it is coming and it is coming soon. I was reading your delightful Comedy Newsletter and I followed the trail of pale blue dishwashing liquid back to your portfolio and this was the latest item you updated so voila. So, if you heard the pitter patter of hooves this morning, it's me! *Laugh*


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

This was a delightful tale of the quest to see the Blue Moon promised by weather forecasters in May. A lot of what is predicted turns out to be questionable, doesn't it.

You certainly expose the amusing underbelly of predictions and forecasting.

If I hear one more time that this is the most important election year of my lifetime, I will scream and run out into the night and jump on that moon whether it is blue or not!


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

What's so remarkable about this is that it's even more true today. You wrote it a good while ago and it's stood the test of writing time.

Well done and Happy Anniversary! You have brought a lot of smiles in these 17 years that we all celebrate.

Well done (((WW)))!!! *Heartv*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I came and read in your journal of faith and prayer. It is inspiring.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I think that we have a lot to pray for and to worry about, too.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

You have summed up the state of the world very well. It is scary times, but we have lived through scary times before.

Prayers are comforting and inspiring to others when you share them so well done.



HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Garden Of Stone
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

You had mentioned your poem in our campfire so here I am to read and send a review.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I know you know where I got the idea for the prompt. I got it from looking around Arlington Cemetery.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I like how you write about how it is about remembering and being together again. I can't believe how long the waiting goes on, but in the end, they are remembered well and cherished. Things will come together eventually.

You did a fine job with your poem. We will wait patiently now for our memorials to go up.

Fine work!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
for entry "Wolves and Moon
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I came to read and review because you always make me feel welcome.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I love wolves, too. Someone on the news said there are wolves around south of here. So people are in a panic over what to do. The wolves were there always. Maybe the wolves should be in the panic since people aren't always nice.

Wolves mind their business. People have weapons and don't know what they are doing.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

The moon is important for us and the wolves. They howl at the moon. The moon governs things for us too. We don't know enough to howl so in that way the wolves are more evolved. They know what they are doing.

The moon listens to the wolves. I don't think the moon cares about what people say unless they support the wolves.

Just a theory, but I feel it's true.

Fine entry!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I saw you had updated your Game of Thrones writing so I came to read and send my thoughts. I am glad you did this! Thank you!


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I had started watching Game of Thrones a while back. I watched most of it, but then they did something too gross for me and it made me think that the writers hated women. When I found out what happened to Daerney's it confirmed what I thought. Then I quit watching, but sometimes I wonder what happened so thanks for summarizing.

I could watch it again, but it's all the violent stuff that I don't like and it sounds like there is a lot of that.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

The other guy I really liked in the cast (besides the little fellow) was the Eunuch. I found him to be funny and I enjoyed his parts. The bald guy I think. I have Max now so I could watch it, but I'm not sure I want to go there.

I loved all the Dire Wolves. They were so beautiful and I am glad to see that Jon Snow was reunited with his.

Thanks for writing about this - I enjoyed learning about what happened some more.



HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

*CakeB* HAPPY 15th WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*CakeP*

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I looked to see who was having an account anniversary today so I could wish you a happy one and send a review.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about how welcome spring has been this year, compared to last year. You remind me of the joy and loveliness of the season. Last year I don't think it ever arrived in my world.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I especially enjoyed this part:

"Can you see it?
Yellow daffodils surround us and smile,
their buttery petals soaking in
the coolness of an early spring sun.
I can't help but smile back."

There is still trouble and strife in the human world, but the natural world gives us solace and even joy if we can only see it.

You have captured the feeling very well with your words and I enjoyed this immensely. Hope you will be back writing soon!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I have been reading and reviewing in your Game of Thrones writing collection. It has been my pleasure to do so!


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

This is a poem, based on a song, that is focused on finding the right man, who comes into her life like rain from the sky. Nothing can stop a love like this.

It is only important that two people came together and found each other and built a life.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

It is nice to think that it rains men when you have met a special man and know what that is. It's a true blessing when that happens.

I enjoyed reading this and all your Game of Thrones collection so much! Thank you for all this wonderful work!



HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am reading and reviewing your Game of Thrones writing collection. This took a lot of imagination and creativity to respond to all these prompts. They certainly produced some wonderful writing that I am enjoying reading.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about life for an imaginary presence in the mirror. Rose from Titanic is an interesting character to imagine. I wonder what Kate Winslett would imagine for herself. Interesting to wonder about that.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I liked how it was fun and engaging, but then life went back to normal. The trip to Bob Evans was great because it provided some of the best from real life with what could be imagined.

I enjoyed reading very much! *Heart*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am reading and reviewing in your Game of Thrones writing collection! You are doing a fine job with all the prompts and I have enjoyed my visits very much!


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

Angela finds a ring that helps her control the weather. She is careful in how she uses it and takes it on so that someone doesn't get it who will abuse the power to control the atmosphere.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I liked the choices Angela made and I also enjoyed her interaction with the squirrel. She uses her power wisely. More world leaders need to do things like Angela does them.

I found that to be a very interesting and timely analogy.

Well done! *Heartp*


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am reading and reviewing your Game of Thrones prompted writing collection.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

This story involves imagining what life would have been like for a woman who married well in Jane Austen's time. Her husband is not devoted, but she makes the best of it.

It seems like a lonely life, but she has done her best.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I like how she faces the situation realistically and holds on to other relationships with people. That is a smart thing to do. It does seem like she longs for more, but it is unsaid.

I enjoyed reading this imaginative point of view perspective. Well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!


What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I was looking in Account Anniversaries in the month of June and thee you were!


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

The remote is a continuing source of contention and fun! LoL Even today, years later, the remote is in charge not the other way around. I found your poem to be very amusing.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I was entertained especially by the use of the name "Joe" in light of what I saw on Youtube yesterday with another old Joe. This seems to be very up to date, even though it was written a while back.

Personally, with my own Firestick remote, it had the batteries explode. I felt that was a certain male spirit telling me I wasn't doing it right.

I enjoyed your poem very much and wouldn't change a thing.

Well done and again Happy 23rd anniversary!!!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am continuing my reading adventures in your Game of Thrones Collection. I am enjoying my reading and reviewing very much!


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about how Gina has to be prepared to move fast in her role as Tooth Fairy. It's interesting to think about what we remember from our own encounters with a tooth fairy in our childhoods.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I like that Gina is resourceful, sticks with it and does what needs to be done. It seems like she is a dedicated tooth fairy who is well up to the task.

I enjoyed reading about her adventures in the night - well done!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
created by marphilhearts & gifted by siscok

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am reading and reviewing your Game of Thrones prompt writing collection.


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

The town people think they know Ariana and who she is, but they don't know her at all until the chips are down and she comes to save the day.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I don't really think we know others. We only know what they want us to know unless the crisis happens. Then, too much can be revealed. We all have secrets, good and bad, like Ariana did.

I think you have written a nice story about finding out the truth when it matters to people.

Fine work, as always!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
Review by ♥Hooves♥
In affiliation with Paying It Forward  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a lovely image for me from Lizco252!

What brought HOOves meandering in a space time continuum over to your port?

I am reading and reviewing in your Game of Thrones writing collection and enjoying my visits very much!


What does HOOves think about while perusing your item?

I thought about how a young boy of 10 years old would use his imagination at the beach. Suddenly, sand castles become very real.


What does HOOves moo appreciatively about while reading your item?

I liked that the Dragon was in reality a Sea Gull, who had swooped in. A child's imagination is a wonderful thing that creates stories that build on reality.

I enjoyed reading about this adventure very much!


HOOVES, a.k.a. COWser Soze, a.k.a. tHiNG a.k.a. 4ps

Maybe Making a Difference (you tell me?) One Review at a Time in 2024! *Cow**Balloons**Type*

Ta Ta until we meet again in another place and time....

"Avoiding Toothless Rabid Bullies & Such
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