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Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very nice Halloween peom, not scary just fun. Good use of words to discribe and set the scene. I could picture the street and all that was happening on it. Nice work
Review of Old Buddy  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ok, this brought a lump to my throat. I do not own a dog, but, I have always liked them. What a lovely tribute to "your buddy" The poem is in an easy, simple rhyming manner, but, it works nicley with the topic. I could feel the love for this animal in each line. Your last two lines were just so touching.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
I could picture the scene you are writing about in this poem the imagery is pretty clear. At first I thought
some of the descriptive words were just too contrived, but, as I read the peom to its completion I realized
you wanted the reader to feel part of the pack.
Review of Cats  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoy my cat and like to watch her antics around the house. Your poem brought to mind many of the days spent playing and observing "Lady". I like how you started the poem with them being young and frisky and the last stanza showing how they will evolve. Nice.
Review of In the Dark  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is just a great poem for children, be it a Halloween poem or not. Very good rhythm thougout, and the rhymes are spot on. Love how "brave" the writer is until the last line, then, it better to be safe instead of sorry. Just loved it.
Review of Puzzled Tiger  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.5)
Loved the first three lines, the last line seems off. Just find a better line for the ending and this is a nice little poem. It has good rhythm and the reader can picture the tiger very well waiting to pounce!
Review of Talking Dirt  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
I liked the gentle feeling of this poem. I liked the second stanza, it makes the "dirt" a partner in your life, but, the poem feels unfinished. It leaves me wanting more, (sometimes that's a good thing). You mention in your first stanza that "the dirt has stories to tell" I want to hear them!!
Review of Lady In White  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I liked it. Your choice of words kept me interested , there was enough discription of how the lady looked to get a good idea, but not too discriptive that I became bored while reading. Your naritive flowed easily along and made me feel like I was sitting on the sideline as the observer of this dance, and I wanted to see how the "lady" would make out. Nice done.
Review of Simple Poems  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Loved, loved, loved, the second poem of your repitoire. It realyl hit a spot in me. The first poem was good, and had some great lines, but, my heart really went to the second poem. The rythm was right there and the words just seems to flow. Very cute, really liked these lines: But, sigh, money doesn’t grow on trees,
And twenties don’t fall like autumn leaves.
Review of Under the Pillow  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a nice simple "prayer like" poem for children. The rhythm in the first stanza made me stumble just a little
with the last line, the other paragraphs work well, the count seems off in the last line of the first stanza.
Other than that, this is a sweet poem for children.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Cute and to the point. I liked that you put the word "eggs" in green, is that a tribute to Dr. Suess?
Review of What I Deserve!  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ok, you had me going until the last line, then I laughed right out loud. I too always want a perfect five. Your poem had quick and easy rhythm the rymes worked very nicely. I LOVE that you asked for a write in of 8 I (being my humble self) would have asked for a 10, but, that would have thrown your rhyming scheme off and I would have had to take points off, so 8 it is!!!
Review of Seuss Like Poetry  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very cute poem especially for a child. It has a bit of mystery in the beggining, will the elf be friendly or not. The poem tells a story which is easy to follow and is full of color and fantasy.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Beautifully writen, the pace never faulters, it is written with almost a a "marching pace" rhythm to it. The words have a lovely quality to them even though they are telling of a tragic event. A nicely presented piece.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice little twisst on this piece. I liked the rhythm it was almost "Dr. Suess" like which made it more whimsicle and that works well with your poem. I think in the third stanza I would use : "opened" it may read better, just a suggestion. Enjoyed this piece and hope to see more.
Review of Odd Sock  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just loved it. Too cute. Haven't we all been there and done that. The rhythm was spot on and the rhymes worked very well with the structure of this piece. Your second stanza is my favorite as all the lines just are so true and funny to boot.
Nicely done.
Review of All Poetry Is Sad  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
I couldn't agree more. As the old expression goes "diffrent strokes for diffrent folks.
The world would be so boring if we all thought alike.
Review of Dancers Never Die  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The poem tells a lovely, sad story. The rhythm is a little shakey, not as smooth when each line is read outloud, the reader stumbles a bit trying to find it. These are my favorite lines they are bitter sweet:
"Her arms move like silk; her hair spiraling free.
For once, she’s dances for herself, not for others to see."

Review by cmboutelle
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Quite a lively poem, loved the rhythm you chose . The piece had a self-deprcating flair to it and I found that it made the poem more charming it worked well with the theme and I enjoyed your play on words :Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder! I have read some other works by you and have enjoyed your variety.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nice poem of hope and love of country in this piece. I liked you opening lines they set the pace of this poem and the pace is an easy almost drifting rhythm that makes the reader feel the flag drap along as you read.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.5)
Loved it. Your style of poetry is easy to the reader and the rhymes fit very well with the story being told, they did not seemed forced just to have something rhyme.

I like the message of this poem very much as it is not a boastful message, but, one of pride! Your poem says "I am me and proud of it." If we were all the same what a very boring world this would be to live in. Realy what is "normal" one man's normal may be another's "weird". I love these lines the best as I think they sum up your whole poem beautifully:
But when I signed the contract of life,
Being normal was not required.

Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem tells a lesson, we never know how we affect other people around us.
I'm not quite sure of the style of poetry you were trying for, each stazna seems to be diffrent. I like that it tells a story and has a moral at the end. The beginning starts out feeling a little hopeless, but, the ending changes the readers perception.
Review of A Moment In Time  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your poems are filled with deep meaning and come from the heart. Once again this tells a story and the man asks why someone he loved so much must be taken from him so early in life. But God has explained that we all have a reason in life, we may not see it, or understand his reasons for doing something, but, there is a reason. The only critique I would have of this piece is the stanzas do not all follow the same rhythm pattern and as the reader it is a little hard to read, but, certainly not hard to follow. If you have a chance you may want to check out another poem by me: Does Anybody Care it has a similar topic.
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
Ah are we every realy happy with how we look? Even the beautiful rose is not happy with God has given her. This is a lovley poem with a great moral to it. The rythm and rhymes were flowed easily for me. I liked this stanza the best and the comparasons you used:

I am sorry, I complained
Against innocent thorns.
Without them I feel as if
I’m a deer without horns

Nice work, look forward to other pieces by you.
Review of OLE MAN SMYRL  
Review by cmboutelle
Rated: E | (4.0)
I could picture "Ole Man Smyrl" sitting in that saloon at the card table. The way this is written I can almost "hear" a snarl in your voice as you discribe what is happening in this poem. The main charactor takes no Sh-- from anyone.

This stanza was my favorit:
Boot Hill holds many a soul,
Ole Man Smyrl did in,
'Cause he didn't abide cheatin',
'Specially on him.
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