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1,676 Public Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
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Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
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Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
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Sad, tragic endings.
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My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review of Be Not Afraid  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

I'm reading your poem and thinking about the Orwelling question. Is two plus
two four? If enough people say it's five, then is it five? Well, some people can
make a world where they say what is real. Some of these people are in mental
hospitals, most of them are living according to their needs. People with God
complexes, can be very good leaders.
You write: "Fear not the possiblity of death.
It is but another chapter of life."
Death is the end of life by definition. The afterlife is imaginary. It has no basis in
the real world. You can speculate, but that's not factually truth. I hope your not
offended by my skeptism. I just worried about people, who want a better life after
they're dead.

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I love this piece! Yummy! I think the best writing is about life's experiences.
There is no better cure, than a good snuggle.
"You know you shook me baby.
You shook me all night long.
You moved me baby
Just like a huracane.
You move me darling
just like a earth quake move the land."
(You Shook Me; Muddy Waters)
Keep it coming!
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

I kept think about Steve Martin, "I have happy feet!"
You really have to develope Angel's story. I want to read more.
Did she go looking for fellah? Maybe, she stopped at the MacDonalds.
She saw a cute guy, making her cheese burger. They got to know each other.
She spent the night dancing in the MacDonalds as her fellah mopped.
Just a thought. :)
Review of The Woods  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"My name is Erika." I had a music teacher in highschool by that name.
She was very pale and slender and had pointed ears. She might have
been a changeling.
I love the twist in your thread. Two lost souls follow a song and meet
each other. You might want to seperate the paragraphs more. That
would clarify, who is saying what.
What is unique about people is their ability to imagine realities.
What is frightening about some people is the power they have to
alter reality.+
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Well we all need some we can lean on.
And if you want it you can lean on me.
(Let it Bleed; ROLLING STONES)

I have a friend, who is a Priest. He said he had a dream in college.
He saw a beautifull woman reading a book. When he looked at the
pages they were all blank. She smiled at him and he knew he was
a Priest. Strange, but true.

"When can you stop feeling lonely and start believing again?"
you asked. Well, you never stop. Life just keeps giving you
rainbows to chase.
Review of Perfection  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

"See what a scourge is laid upon your hate.
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love.
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
(Romeo and Juliet, Act V: scence iii)
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I wish you had given your thoughts on normality.
Normality used to mean conformity. A rutine job and
happy home life were the American dream.
But, how can you have a happy home life, if you can't
hold on to a job? There are no carreers, only temporary
employment. Good luck, trying to collect a pension.
Sadly, no one stays in any one place long enough to
be normal.
Review of Over You  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

A perfect diary of teenage angst in these modern times. "Kim truely was being a jerk.
and I had no reason in the world to think she was my friend." well said Sasha.
Let me tell you a story about a girl from the first century. She was betrothed to
a man she had not known. He had been married before. She was pregnant before
they married. She could have been stoned to death for this offence. He did not
accuse her. They were married and were homeless. She had her baby in a grohto.
They fled to Egypt. They returned to Galilee three years later. He supported the
family as a carpenter. His son was learning the trade. Their son was crucifed
for sedition. They remained married.
I guess kids had to grow up faster in the old days?

Review of Proletarian  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I not certain what your writing about? "Proloterians waking for the volume
in taking percentage to stop the clock." I'm missing the metaphor. Are you
saying communist go to Hell? What was Jesus talking about, "the first,
should come last(and)give your money to the poor."? If capitalism liberates
the people from tyrany, then why have the banks been nationalized? Free
enterprise has bankrupt the Federal Goverment. Do you want to be abandonded
when you loose your job and your savings? That is the price of a free market.

"Proloterians cutting air for breath." I don't see how else to breath?
It reads like an anti-socializism rant. Maybe, some people can live without
a centralized goverment. But, isn't that anarchy?

"What you do to the least of my brethern, you do to me" Jesus was a communist.

Review of A 6"x6" Box  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

My body and mind are yours.
How much I love you.
I feel ashamed.
Then, what is this love?
I don't care about food.
I don't care about sleep.
I know that far inside of us
we have never met.
What is this love of ours?

I have felt your loss. May you find peace.
Review of Uninvited Guests  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ghost stories are fun. And your presentation was smooth. Max was driving his family
home from Church on a Sunday evening in 1991. Max became inpatient with a 1941
Chevrolet sedan that was slowing traffic. Max leaned on the horn. The driver looked
around in surprise. Then, before Max and his family the car faded away. This
Chevrolet has been sighted outside Albany, New York. I guess some folks just can't
let go of a soooth ride. :)
Review of Passionesque!  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Yes! That's it! The flute is played whether we hear it or not.
Love is the sound that penetrates our thick bodies. It is a
network of bodies atuned to its note. The tune has truth in it.
It's passion reaches wisdom. All must dance to the flute.

Grand Web-Witch could you look at my Goddess?
It's an evolutionary leap.
"God made it to be so-thus it is-you are not alone." you put it exactly.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ha! This rhym reminded me of Dr. Zues, "All the Whoes down in Who ville."
Why is the tiolet smack up against the tub? I remember tubs you could streatch
out in. These plastic molds are for the birds. I love'd the beat and I hope your
hubby reads it.

Great fun check out my thread The Goddess.
Review of A Price Too High?  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

My middle name is Chathal: Charlie. Have read the book by that title?
Well, the story you tell has been played out all over the world. Samalia
warlords hording food sent by U.N. for famine victims. There are many
desaster plans: Alternative 3 designates population control with food
and reproductive permits. Yup. Our federal goverment, which has
nationalized our banks, has plans to take control of population density.
So, your sci-fi big brother goverment is not that far off.

Fun read.
Have you read Fahrenheit?
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"God created Adam and He made him a help mate. He made them male and female."
Did you know every fetus starts out female? It is the mother's hormones that decide
if the fetus will be male. Geneticis speculate that all life was female and self-
reproducing. The male gender was a mutation in recent evolution. Your right.
You are the Yin and Yang.
Review of Totem Wolf  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

It is sad that a life can be spent without knowing peace. Here lies the fool
who went out the world without learning why he came into it. I like to look
at all things from different perceptions. It's fun. Nothing is more mysterious
than the bond of a mother to her child. Love the pic. Great prose, "Let me bath
in the warmth so welcoming."

Seek a peek at my thread, Made Smart.
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

You should work at McDonalds. I like the riot scene in periodicals.
The Kittery, ME, McDonalds had exchange students. They were usually
from Russia and physically perfect. The girls would change
in the employee restroom: one tiolet and a sink. The manager put
a spy cammera in it, connected to his computer. Very naughty.
Closing the store was a trip. Usually there is only three or two to
close. The lobby is locked. Sometimes these girls would make burgers
without pants. Just for laughs. The customers couldn't see into the kitchen.
The service industry can be mind blowing.

I'd shorten the scene discriptions and consentrate on dialogue.
That's my fancy. Anyway your syntex is smooth. The mood humdrum
powderkeg. Amusing.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Don't try to keep others people's
conscience in order; it's the hardest
worked and poorest paid trade in the
world." Henry Ford.

So true. :)
Review of I Was Good  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

This sounds like a Tori Amos song:
"Mommie's in the trunk.
Were gonna give her a swim
in the bay-yay-yay."
I like in "invisible fog" phrase; fog can be invisible if your eyes are
freezing over. Hyperthermia can cause snow blindness and stumbling
desorientation. The ice seems hot and the sky falls. It is cruel, but
at this point a great vision can appear.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

North Korea has nukes and pleanty of mass graves.
Pakistan is a safe house for the Taliban and they have nukes
and mass graves. How do you rebuild Afganistan?
Iran loves Ben Laddin and they have nuclear subs and mass graves.
Syria is just a hop away from nuking Israel and there are mass graves
all over there.
Did you know there are mass graves in Russia? They have ICBMS.
Looks like the USA is going to be very bussy fighting tyrants.
But, first the core of engineers have to rebuild the traffic system in Iraq.
Not an easy task when your being shot at.
A Senate Commitee has just admitted that Saddam Husane had no
involvement in the terrorist attack on 9/11. But he was a tyrant.
How many tyrants should the USA overthrow?

Your article is very profesional, but how many wars can America fight?
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ha! Satori! You have found your inner voice. Was a little maden, who
tamed the Unicorn. Her innocence held his main and golden horn.
She rode through the forest on his white back. Her heart was pure
and her body unawaken.

Lovely poem. Thankyou.+
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Fun read. I love bible chatter. Har Satar the accuser. Satan in the
Old Testament was a messenger from God. God preordains all
creation. God wills good to come from evil. The slippery slope in
theist morality is God's omniscients. If God is all powerfull why does
God allow evil to exist? Adam had no choice but to sin, because all
must fall short from the glory of God; lest they be like God. Only God
is perfect.+

Did you know God knows everything? How can God be wrong?
Lucifer in your story is fighting God. In the Bible all must serve God's
will. It's story that God is telling and we are only pawns in this game
of life.+

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is so soft and cuddly. I vaguely remember feeling this way.
Love is a leap of faith, which can slam you hard into the pavement.
The Devil makes a young man's love a sin. It is not easy to be good
in passion and passionally good. Can a wild flower grow in Heaven?
Joy and pain are Earthly delights.+
Review of The Apparition  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

A room can have a vibe. I was painting a multi-unit house, and
I couldn't go down a hallway. It just felt dangerous. Turned out
that a priest had hanged himself in the room at the end of the
hall. It could have been a residual emotion. I did not have a
clue about what had happened in that room. The owner told me
he had been disgraced and hanged himself. I think emotions
have energy, sometimes bad vibes can remain.

Nice story.
Review of Scruffy  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I went zig-zagging.
You threw the baseball.
I caught it.
You dragged me.
My feirce teeth held the ball.
I am your dog.

Ode to a Schipperke
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