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Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #1242039
A look at who Daizy is. My very first blog/journal.
*Flower2* A Field of Daizy's *Flower2*

Well, this is me *Flower2* *Flower2* *Flower2* *Flower2* *Flower2* *Flower2* *Flower2* A sig made for me by SilverValkyre

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April 28, 2007 at 8:00am
April 28, 2007 at 8:00am
I am so grateful to God for the wonderful Christian parents who raised me!!! I was born into a loving, God comes first in our lives, home. I was my daddy's pride and joy. I was raised properly, I was shown love, discipline, how to treat each other and all those we come into contact with. The loving part is what I am talking about today.

I email and IM with a teenager right now who has all kinds of problems and no one seems to care.There never was a father in the home. I feel so frustrated that I can do nothing to help her. We IM almost daily over the internet and once and a while through email on WDC. I let her know I love her even though I have never met her. I tell her God loves her and even send my prayer to her through the IM. She knows about Jesus personally, but with all going on in her life has a hard time relying on Him. She wouldn't want me giving out her name so I'll call her God's Child.Please pray with me for her.

By the way, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and my son is coming to visit today! My son's 'Hi Mom' would have been sunshine enough. But God sent sunlight in my direction anyway. I hate ending with a negative thought and feeling. So I shared my warm sunshine with you. Even though 'stuff' may plague us, we can still look to the sun/Son.
April 27, 2007 at 6:38am
April 27, 2007 at 6:38am
This morning as I woke all I could hear was a choir of birds singing to welcome the day, with the wind as their accompaniment. Where I live, during this time of year, there are hardly any traffic sounds. So I really do mean they were the only thing I could hear. Outside the window behind me, here in my little office, is a huge pine tree. The birds have decrescendoed to let the music of the wind swish through the boughs. A mourning dove is the soloist that occasionally adds it's harmonic tones to the hymn of the wind.

I don't know what the day has in store, but God has sent music to sooth my heart and soul. He and I will face it together, whatever it may bring. He will sustain me if it turns out not so good, and He will enjoy it with me if it is wonderful. And if it is just a regular day, well then, I have spent time with my Lord and that is always a special day!
April 26, 2007 at 8:12am
April 26, 2007 at 8:12am
Today is my birthday, but the celebration started last Saturday. My brother PSanta-I'm ba-ack! took me to dinner. Tuesday my dad took me to dinner, last night before I went to choir practice my friend dropped off a wonderful gift for me. When I got home from choir practice Meg had sent a c-note. She lives in Australia and it was already April 26 there so she thought she'd go ahead and send it. That way I get some extra hours of birthday time. When I logged on this morning I had a c-note from and kiyasama had given a birthday merit badge from the Angel Army. This has been a fun celebration, but as I told Meg, I was born a little after 11pm, so I'm not going to turn 56 until then. Maybe I can cheat time and stay 55, but I doubt it. I'll face 56 with a smile. God and I will have the best year yet!
April 25, 2007 at 7:36am
April 25, 2007 at 7:36am
Here in southwest Michigan, I am beginning to see tinges of green on the taller trees. The shorter ones and bushes have a little more covering on them. The lilac bush I can see from the window, has full-blown leaves. Everything is in it's own stage of development. And each is as exciting to watch grow as the other.

It is the same with serving our Lord. We are each in our own stage of development. Some are more mature in their walk with Jesus, they are greener than those who have not reached a more mature stage. Yet those who are not as far along in their relationship to God are just as beautiful as those who are. We must remember, we too, were once immature Christians. We must not look down on those who are not at our particular stage in our Christian life. Also, we have not achieved perfect Christian maturity. We will only attain that level when God's calls us to Heaven. We have quite a bit of maturing to do. And there are others who in turn are more mature than us.

So I thank God for how far He has brought me in my Christian maturity and pray tha I will continue to become what He wants me to be.
April 24, 2007 at 8:00am
April 24, 2007 at 8:00am
Last night I got out the lawn mower. The grass was waving in the breeze. That's means it's time to mow. I knew the blade needed sharpening, and the throttle needed to be adjusted little higher but I need help with those two tasks. I can do a lot of maintenance 'stuff' but I'm not good at mowers.There are ridges in the grass where the blades didn't cut good, but it does look better though.

We are a lot like lawn mowers. We can do the job God gives us, but unless we keep our lives maintained and sharp, we may not do the best we could. Daily reading of His Word, constant communication with Him are two ways I keep myself 'maintained'. I am human and as thus not perfect(far from it). That is the reason I need to be in touch with Jesus every day. He supplies me with what I need to operate my spiritual equipment properly. I have developed a personal relationship with Him, so I can talk to Him any time I want. Even when I am working, or shopping, or cooking. I always talk to Him while mowing the lawn. There are usually no distractions then.

Anyone can develop that relationship with Jesus. Give it a try!
April 23, 2007 at 7:17am
April 23, 2007 at 7:17am
Two things happened yesterday that I would like to mention. First just to let you know what the residents living in this tiny community are like: an ambulance had to be called for a gentlemen in his late 40's(?). I was there in a flash when I heard the siren a couple streets over. This was even before I knew where it was going. Within minutes neighbors had gathered outside, not just as gawkers, but as concerned friends. Some were silently praying for the husband. Others were consoling the wife. One went a few houses away to check on the husband's elderly parents to let them know what was going on. When the ambulance left for the hospital with the husband, one of the ladies followed in the car with the wife. This is what a God centered community is all about.

The second thing is: This weekend our church was holding special sevices we call a 'revival'. A guest evangelist preaches. It is a time for those who need to meet Jesus, for those who need to examine their relationship with Jesus, and for those who need to give their lives totally to God's control.

I have been forgiven of my sins. I have totally committed myself to doing God's will. But last night, I took one more step forward in my relationship to my Lord. He wanted me to come to an altar of prayer. So, I did. Not because of a sin I had committed, or that I had grown cold in my fervor for doing His will. He wanted me to publicly prove my commitment to His will. I knelt at the altar at the front of the church to tell God He has control of my life. Just as we need to continually say the words 'I love you' to our loved ones, I needed to repeat to God that He has control. I needed to say it again, and will say it continually.

As I have said before He is the reason for all I do.
April 22, 2007 at 7:44am
April 22, 2007 at 7:44am
Yesterday, my brother PSanta-I'm ba-ack! took me out to dinner for my birthday, which isn't till next week, but that's when we could go. We went to a place called Logan's Roadhouse. When we walked in, there were peanut shells all over the floor. The tables and booths all had tin buckets of peanuts to crack and munch while waiting for our food. I couldn't seem to bring myself to throw the peanust shells on the floor like everyone else was. I'm not sure why. That seemed to be the fun part for everyone. I just made a neat little pile on the table with my spent shells. The busboys just sweep them off on the floor. I did throw one down, but then glanced around to see if anyone had noticed my untidiness. Oh well.

The food was wonderful. My six ounce sirloin was 2 inches thick. It was perfectly grilled to my medium rare order. It was so tender I almost didn't need the oversized knife they provide to cut mouth sized morsels. I don't like pepper at all, but the lightly peppered seasoning they smeared on before grilling was very tasty. The onion petals were scrumptious when dipped in the horseradish sauce and the caesar salad made me want to say 'oolala'. But it was a roadhouse afterall, so I just said, 'mmmmm'.

I usually relate my blogs to something about my wonderful Lord. There is really no lesson to be learned. Oh, wait! I have one! God loves us so much that He gives us times of pure enjoyment, just because!

Praise His loving, Fatherly nature.
April 21, 2007 at 8:44am
April 21, 2007 at 8:44am
This is Saturday morning. I just had a breakfast of one egg, one slice of toast and too much bacon. I am now drinking my coffee with powdered hazelnut creamer while writing my blog. I am wearing (besides my unmentionalbles) a pair of blue jeans, size 10 for short ladies, a maroon sweatshirt, size large, that hangs down past the exterior portion of my anatomy. I have on a pair of white socks, and will wear a pair of dirty, white, backless sneakers on my feet when I go outside. I don't own a pair of shoes that have backs, just slip into ones. Even my good shoes are backless.

I live in a very small community where, when the weather permits, we can ride golf carts wherever we want to. Some of us have heavy plastic covers with roll down sides, back and front. We can ride our golf carts in the rain, and start getting them out in early spring and put them away around November. There is one man who bundles up and rides with his plastic cover down all year.

Am I boring you yet, I'll go on. I live at Indian Lake Nazarene Camp and Conference Center. It is owned by the Governing body for the Churches affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene in southern Michigan District. Along with permanent residents who own their houses on land leased for life, there are cabins and bathhouses and restrooms for children, youth, and family camps. The yearly District Assembly(more or less a business meeting for the entire District), along with a 'campmeeting', is held every summer. We also have three buildings with motel type accomadations and conference rooms, which are used during the summer and throughout the entire year.

I am the housekeeping supervisor for the entire camp. So I live where I work. I drive my golf cart to work. My first time on these grounds was when I was 3 months old. My mother brought me down to 'camp meeting'. I ended up working in the dining hall as a teenager for 5 years. I loved being here then. I hated to leave at the end of the summer. Now, through all that I have done which was not pleasing to my Lord, and after finally letting Him take control, I get to live here all year round! I am the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. It's not because Jesus let me live where I wanted to. It's because I have dedicated my life to living in His will. Whatever and wherever that may be.

Jesus is my reason for everything I do!
April 20, 2007 at 7:29am
April 20, 2007 at 7:29am
This morning I have just visited friends of like faith via this site in Ghana, Cornwall(G.B.), a few here in the U.S., will visit one in Australia and will see one in person who lives across the fence. I thank God that He let 'those guys' work on computers in their garage. Today we can share our experience with our Lord, with others we may never see till we get to Heaven. It helps us to look past our own little world, to realize how vast is our God's resources. How powerful He must be. He can take care of our little corner while at the same time take care of someone else's corner far away.

And speaking of my friend across the fence I want to say to her, God has everything under His control. It's hard to wait upon Him from this side of situations, but may He give you His peace!

Please pray for her!
April 19, 2007 at 8:18am
April 19, 2007 at 8:18am
Last Sunday, at church, a lady I know came up to me and gave me a hug. She told me her husband had mentioned that something was different about me. I have a glow that wasn't there before. I see two reasons for his observation. The first is that I am walking in Jesus light. I am relaxing in God's guidance. My Christian walk is not a struggle now, but a joy! The second reason I see is that I have joined the choir, (both the man and his wife are also members), and have had contact with them in a couple other situations. They can begin to see the real me. So maybe it is a new 'glow', which they noticed because of getting to know me a little better.

There are two things I learned from this. 1. We need to make an effort to know and understand people. We can't appreciate their joys and pains without knowing them personally.Look to those around you. God made us to need that fellowship. 2. Don't wait for someone to come to you. Put yourself out there. Go places. Do things. Be friendly. Take part. God made us to need that fellowship.

I have a cousin who says they are unfriendly at a church she had attended for several years some time ago. However, I noticed she didn't reach out to any of the ones she complained about. They probably thought she was unfriendly too.

May God help me to reach out to others in love, and to get out there and let myself be loved.
April 18, 2007 at 7:27am
April 18, 2007 at 7:27am
It's been a couple days since I have written in my blog. I was away Monday morning and running late yesterday. I have only been 'blogging' for a little over two weeks and it has already become a part of my routine. I almost felt guilty not writing on those days.

But today I am 'ready and rarin' to go. That is an expression I heard from somewhere in my past. Speaking of the past, my dad brought me the candlestand that had been made from one of the carved bedposts from his and Mother's bed. My mother died in 1986. The candlestand was made way before that. Water had ruined the bed frame, but the posts were untouched. It was the only bed I saw my parents sleep in until it was ruined when I was in high school. It was part of the living room decor until my dad remarried, after Mother died.

As I cleaned the candlestand my mind and heart returned to the years of childhood. I had nothing but blessed memories to reflect on. I am grateful for the wonderful Christian heritage I have. This is the reason God had the Israelites in the Old Testament place stones as markers. So that when their children would ask why they were there, they could tell the wonders that God has done for them. I know we say that we need to move on, and we do. But we need a little something to help us remember once in a while. Knowing what God has already done can help us find the faith to wait for what He will do in the future. As some historians say, forgetting the past will makes us repeat it's mistakes.

I know this entry sort of rambles today, but then our heart doesn't always travel in a straight line, and that is where this blog comes from.
April 15, 2007 at 6:04am
April 15, 2007 at 6:04am
It is almost 6:00am. I have been up for almost 45 minutes. I woke early and couldn't sleep. I ususually start the day (and my blogs) just after the sun has begun to rise for the day. I can sort of tell what the day will be like. Today it is dark. I can't see what the weather will be like, sunny or dreary, but I have joy singing in my heart. I am ready for the day. Jesus is here with me. We are just enjoying each others company, humming a tune together. And just now I hear a bird singing along with Jesus and me.

Praise His Dear Name!!!!
April 13, 2007 at 7:43am
April 13, 2007 at 7:43am
As I wait upon the Lord this morning, nothing of great theological ideology comes to mind. No small insight is revealed. I am not overwhelmed by the emotional impact of a wondrous, blessed event. But I am content just knowing that God Is.

Like wayfarerjon has mentioned, I am learning that I don't always have to feel deep emotions to know that God is with me. It is when I don't have the feelings, that I rely on Him most. Thus, I exercise my faith, and become a stronger person.

Praise His name, anyway!
April 12, 2007 at 7:51am
April 12, 2007 at 7:51am
Once again, it is a dreary morning. There is not one speck of sunlight. Oh, it isn't dark as night, but everything has a gray hue to it. My brother has what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. His body has a hard time producing meletonin, which we get from the sun. So when it is gray like this and in winter, he gets sad, depressed, melancholy and has a hard time making himself get around to do much of anything. He has to overcome the urge to just hibernate. Going to work is a huge chore. He takes supplemental melatonin and has a sun lamp, but it doesn't replace the real thing. We've all felt the effects of 'gray' days.

When I don't allow myself to get my daily dose of Jesus's 'light' in my life every day, I become like my brother with his lack of melatonin. I want to hibernate away from the world. Facing the world is a chore. Doing what God had intended goes by the wayside. There is no joy in my life. It is the light of Jesus in my life that gives me purpose for each day. Life may still be hard, but I can face it with joy!!
April 11, 2007 at 7:45am
April 11, 2007 at 7:45am
As I open my blog page, I see this blank spot waiting to be filled. I could fill it with 'gobbledygook'. I could fill it with nonsense. I could start out with nonsense and finish with wisdom. I could expound high and lofty thoughts. I could fill it with nasty garbage. This empty page has no choice in what will fill it. I get to decide what goes here.

Like the blog page, we were designed to reflect what the author has in mind. Unlike the blog page, we get to choose whether or not we allow our 'Author' to fill it with what He has in mind.

His plans for my empty page are way better than what I can imagine and come up with. I started out with the innocence of a child, then 'wrote in' gobbledygook and nonsense and garbage. That didn't work out so good. I think I'll let Him help me finish out my 'life/blog' .
April 10, 2007 at 8:14am
April 10, 2007 at 8:14am

This morning there is golden sunlight streaming through my window. But I can hardly focus on the sunlight because of the condition of the window. It has gathered dirt and grime over the winter.

The window is the portal through which I should be able to see the sun in all it's glory, yet what draws my attention is the filthy window it is trying to shine at me through.

As a Christian, I am the portal through which the light of Jesus shines.
Is my life kept free of the dirt and grime so others can focus on His Light, and not be distracted by the grime I have allowed to gather on my 'window'.

The only way to keep my 'window' free from the grime of life is daily checking in with Him, through prayer, reading His word, and taking action on what He reveals.
April 9, 2007 at 6:37am
April 9, 2007 at 6:37am
As I sit looking out my window, it is not yet light. The street lamp casts a warm glow on the yard and tree. It is so still that not even a pine branch or the flag across the street are moving. In that stillness God is just sitting beside me; letting me bask in His presence.

These times of stillness are necessary. God tells us to be still and know that He is GOD. He isn't saying let me tell you who I am. He isn't saying let someone else tell you who I am. He isn't saying let your Bible tell you who I am. He is saying be still and experience for yourself who I am.

All these things are necessary, but at this moment God says, 'be still long enough to find out who I am.'

I think I'll be still now.
April 8, 2007 at 7:53am
April 8, 2007 at 7:53am
Today is Easter Sunday. Come with me as we go to the tomb of Jesus with the women to properly annoint Jesus body.

As we walk toward the place of burial I smell the spices Mary is carrying in an alabaster jar. They mingle with the scent of spring flowers wafting in the air. We begin discussing how to roll the stone away from the entrance. Maybe the soldiers standing guard will be kind enough to help us.

We walk facing the rising sun. The brilliant oranges and reds almost blind us as we come to the path leading to the tomb. We can see that the soldiers have deserted thier post. To our surprise the stone has been moved to the side. When we look in, our eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness within. Mary gives out an anguished cry. Jesus body is not there. After we all look to make certain He is no longer there, we head back up the path which twists and turns.

Once again we are facing the sunrise. I lead the way up the path. A man appears, silhouetted against the orange light. Thinking it must be the keeper of the place, I ask where Jesus body has been taken.

HE SPEAKS MY NAME! "Nancy" I know that voice! It is the voice of my Lord and my God! Jesus knows me by name!

I fall at His feet in love and surrender. He takes my hand and helps me rise.
He bends a little so I can look Him in the eye. He says, "I love you. This I have done for you!"

April 7, 2007 at 8:53am
April 7, 2007 at 8:53am
Today is Saturday. The day after Good Friday and the day before Easter. Some feel that it is more or less like a day in 'Limbo'. The family and friends of Jesus were waiting for the Sabbath to get over so they could annoint His body properly for burial. The human body of Jesus was just laying there waiting for resurrection.

But I feel it is a day for further rejoicing. The split second that Jesus said, "It is finished!" and died, all Heaven rejoiced! The work had been completed! Man's Salvation was assured! Imagine the joy of the angels and especially of Jesus and God the Father as The Son was once again accepted into the Trinity and His Father's arms! (See yesterday's blog) He hadn't risen on earth, that was yet to come. But the hope for mankind had already been accomplished!
April 6, 2007 at 8:25am
April 6, 2007 at 8:25am
Today is Good Friday. We commemorate this day as the worst day in the life of our Risen Savior. This is the day that God had to turn His back to His One and Only Son. Jesus took on Himself the sin of anyone who ever was, or ever would be born. And God cannot look on sin. That's why Jesus, in His humanness, cried out, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

It was bad enough that man was falsely accusing and killing Him. It was bad enough that His disciples ran and hid. It was bad enough that Judas His disciple betrayed Him. It was bad enough that Peter denied he even knew Him, not just once, but three times. It was bad enough that He was beaten and humiliated and paraded in front of the whole world on His way to die. But to have His Father in Heaven, who had sent Him to earth, who He had always been a part of in the Trinity, turn His back to Him, was the ultimate sacrifice. He didn't even have God to sustain Him through the death on the cross.

This is the first time I ever understood the extent of Jesus sacrifice. I weep as I write. I PRAISE AND ADORE AS I WRITE.

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