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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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February 24, 2017 at 10:39am
February 24, 2017 at 10:39am
I have a confession to make.

My favorite ice cream is only found at one grocery store, Kroger. It's called Denali Extreme Maximum Fudge Moose Tracks. If I ever buy any, I usually get one bowl because my whole family loses their minds when they open the freezer and see it in there, and it invariably makes me mad. Even if I buy them THEIR OWN ice cream, they still eat mine. Well, this time I ate my whole container of ice cream by myself, and I didn't have to eat it all in one sitting (which I have considered but never done).

Every evening before time for the family to come home, I took my ice cream and hid it under a pile of vegetables. So there.

Please don't tell anybody.
February 19, 2017 at 2:22pm
February 19, 2017 at 2:22pm
I didn't entirely mean to not blog for seven months.

The other morning - Friday the 17th - Anna Claire had a choir competition. The choir leader doesn't like for them to eat cereal for breakfast because milk does something to their vocal chords. We went to McDonald's and got her an Egg McMuffin and some water. I got a Sausage Biscuit and a Diet Coke. When I reached the window where you pay, the woman told me that the person in front of me had paid for mine. All I could do was look at her crazy. That was a first for me.

The choir got Superior at the competition, the best you could get. I was proud of them.

Emily is at Mississippi College now, in the dorm. She and her new friends are having big time and she is making good grades too. Her new roommate, Abigail, is her best friend, which worked out well. I never had good luck with roommates, I'm glad Emily wound up with a good one.

Anna Claire's birthday was Wednesday - she was sixteen - and it didn't work for us to take her out to eat until yesterday, which was Saturday. Abigail-the-roommate came with Emily to the celebration. Earlier in the week I had come to the realization that one of my favorite Mississippi Authors, Dorothy Shawhan, had lived in Cleveland, Mississippi, which is where Abigail is from. It turns out that they lived down the street from each other and Abigail was Dorothy Shawhan's dogsitter. I felt like I had been given a present when I found that out.

Matt is fourteen and not quite six feet tall. Not much to report on him lately. No news is good news, I guess. He gets good grades in school.

Hubby is still alive, which is an accomplishment on my part! Ha!

Now you know what I know.
August 5, 2016 at 9:24am
August 5, 2016 at 9:24am
I just woke my kids up at 8 something AM. I've been letting them sleep late. But Matt and Anna Claire go back to school Monday and later on today we have errands to run with my mother, so we are going to eat breakfast. This is our last chance to do anything together before school starts, just the four of us (my husband is busy getting his room ready for open house tonight). I took all three dogs and let them wake up all three kids. Fluff woke up Emily and Jack woke up Anna Claire and Matt and Wimzy lent moral support to the whole operation.

I meant for us to do something earlier in the week, but my car breaking down threw a monkey wrench into that plan. I did get it fixed, the alternator was the problem. They tried to see if they could rebuild it, but it was totally worn out, so they had to put a new one in, which is fine with me.

We're off to go see what we can get into today! Wahoo!
August 3, 2016 at 9:22am
August 3, 2016 at 9:22am
My Honda Pilot broke down yesterday.

Luckily my daughter drives and has a car.

Unluckily, I had gotten out before everybody was awake.

Luckily, a neighbor boy spent the night with Matt and they decided to sleep in the living room where the phone was, since nobody has a cell phone but my daughter and hers needed money on it. I finally woke the neighbor child up and he answered the phone. He spends so much time at our house that this was not a surprise at all - when he picked up, he said "Hey Mama Lisa," which is what he calls me. So I told him to go wake Emily up and tell her she needed to come get me. The whole family came. They said "We were worried about you!" Ha! Anyway, I had to get the dern car towed. I hate having to get my car fixed. I expect machinery to just keep running without any help from me. I spent the whole rest of the day yesterday mad. I don't get angry much, so when I do I feel ENTITLED to my anger, you understand.
June 23, 2016 at 10:43am
June 23, 2016 at 10:43am
1. I have had a sinus infection for a week. I'm getting better, I just have this cough that isn't completely gone.

2. I started taking Contrave this morning to help me lose weight, I have lost 35 pounds on this diet from a local hospital, but I've been on it since January and I needed a break. I've gained about 5 back in the three weeks I've been off. You have to eat their food exclusively, which is not bad, but with my husband and kids out for the summer, it was too hard. I went to the doctor yesterday and she prescribed this Contrave. As much as it cost, it better work. According to the reviews on the internet, it's pretty good.

3. Anna Claire has had a friend over this week and so has Matt. This is due to complete forgetfulness on the part of myself and my husband as to who we invited when. The "Southwind Gang" as I call it also hangs out here sometimes too. We live in the Southwind subdivision, which has nine million boys all about the same age. I have no idea how so many boys wound up in the same subdivision, but they enjoy coming to our house. I have thought about hanging a sign over our door saying "Welcome to the home for waifs and strays." But I'd rather they be here than to be wondering where my son is. My husband teaches around the corner at the school most of them go to and I think it gives them the big head to be able to say that they hang out at his house.

4. Vacation Bible School has been this week, so that is a good place for all my hangers-around to go around 6:00 in the evening. Hoorah! Peace and quiet. I confess, though, that I have somewhat enjoyed the activity. I get all the peace and quiet I can stand during the school year when it's just me here all day long.

5. I have officially stopped drinking Diet Mountain Dew every day. I haven't stopped drinking it, you understand, I just don't drink it every day. I've been with Diet Mountain Dew longer than I have been with my husband and I love it, but it got to where it was racing my heart. Lucky for me I like unsweet tea. I don't know why, I never have liked sweet tea, but I love unsweet, so I am drinking that instead of DMD, so I still have caffeine, but not quite as much. A DMD every now and again is a good treat.

June 11, 2016 at 11:04pm
June 11, 2016 at 11:04pm
We just got back yesterday from Chattanooga. Matt and Anna Claire went to church camp at Eagle Rock Camp in Maryville TN. Since Em is about to take off for college, we took her on a little trip. We had a good time.

1. We rode straight up Lookout Mountain on an Incline Railway. It's the steepest train ride in the world. I think it goes up at a 72 degree angle, or something like that. It takes about twenty minutes to ride the trolley up the mountain, then you have a gift shop to look through, of course, then back down. The trip down was much more thrilling than the one up, for some reason, at least to me.

2. Hubby and Em went to the Aquarium. They enjoyed it. My back was killing me and I didn't feel like walking all over creation, so I dropped them off and took the car on my own scenic tour of Chattanooga. It's not as big as I thought - it doesn't seem to be much bigger than Jackson, Mississippi.

3. We went to an IMAX movie about the National Parks narrated by Robert Redford, which we enjoyed.

4. My husband got up at 6:00 AM on Thursday and went downstairs to the hot tub. He sat in there around 10 minutes before he realized his phone was in the pocket of his swim trunks. *Laugh**Laugh**Laugh* I don't have the faintest intention of letting him forget this, not at all.

5. We went to this diner-type place that had all these cakes. That was the first thing you saw when you went in, all these fabulous cakes. They were a little too fabulous, though: one slice was $6.50 and a whole cake was $71. No thanks!

We got home yesterday and Matt and Anna Claire got home today. A good time was had by all. Our little dogs are glad we are home where we should be and I am overjoyed. I want my own bed and my own house and my own furniture and my own recliner . . . well, you get the idea.
May 12, 2016 at 10:19am
May 12, 2016 at 10:19am
Emily graduated from high school last night. She was number 14 in a class of around 135. I'm proud of her little smart self. She got a 30 on her ACT the last time she took it, so she has an almost free ride at Mississippi College, and I'm thinking that by the time my husband gets through talking to the financial aid people, dorm and everything will be paid for.

They did something at the graduation I've never seen before: they announced that the graduates wanted to thank their parents for everything they've done for them and each graduate left their seat to bring each set of parents a red rose. I thought this was lovely.

My husband's sister's family came as well as my mother and stepfather, and we all took Em out to eat at Sal and Mookie's, a pizza place in downtown Jackson that is also well known for their fancy desserts and ice cream. After that they had Project Graduation - I forget what all they did, but she didn't get home until 6:00 this morning. They went to the Planetarium as well as this trampoline place called High Heaven, then went to breakfast. I assume she had a good time. She didn't even make it to her bedroom - she came in and flopped down on the couch.

I still remember crying as my husband drove off with her to go to four-year-old kindergarten. Dern.

April 4, 2016 at 5:44pm
April 4, 2016 at 5:44pm
1. I just paid to have an updated account for a year, so I can blog again! Yay!

2. I had to pull my retirement out so we could catch up a little bit, and while I regret having to do this, the good side is that I bought a car, a Honda Pilot. It has third-row seating. We have three teenagers and having them squeezed in the back of the Toyota Camry that we have been borrowing from my stepfather is getting to not be a good thing. Plus, Matt is 13 and he is getting bigger every time I look at him. He was 5 feet 8 inches in February, 4 inches taller than either one of us, but I think he has grown since then. He wears a size 13 shoe.

3. Speaking of which, Matt was in the All-State Honor Choir in Hattiesburg, MS this past weekend. We had to get him a pair of black shoes to wear for their performance on Saturday. Evidently the shoes Sam bought him were identical to some that were size 11 that he already had. He made it to Hattiesburg with one size 11 and one size 13. They had ridden the bus to Hattiesburg, about 1 and 1/2 hours from our house, so they had no way to make it to a store. He just had to roll with it.

4. I have lost 30 pounds on this plan my mother talked me into, and is paying for. Lots more to go, though.

5. My daughter, Emily, is graduating in around 6 weeks.
November 9, 2015 at 2:14pm
November 9, 2015 at 2:14pm
1. Today is Emily's 18th birthday! Wahoo! When I joined Writing.com, she was 9. We are taking her to eat tonight. All she wants is money, so that's what we are going to give her.

2. I bought my three small dogs some extra-large dog biscuits at the store this morning. That made me feel good to see how happy they were with their treat. I don't have toddlers any longer, so my dogs are my toddlers. Yes, I am one of those people.

3. The store was decorated for The-C-word, of course. I went up there the day after Halloween and that is what they were doing, putting all the decorations up. Up and down the street, at least all my neighbors have the decency to still have their Thanksgiving decorations up. I know we only have around three more weeks of that though: Thanksgiving afternoon, that will start changing. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we can give it up.

4. I had a $100 bill to spend this morning and I kind of wanted to go get a bite of breakfast after I left the store. For some reason, I do better grocery shopping before breakfast, no idea why, it's just something I do. I decided I'd spend $95 at the store and save $5 for breakfast. I added up the prices as I added the things to my buggy, but you know that doesn't always work like you want it to. Sometimes I get distracted. This morning it was by a man who worked at the store telling another employee that his girlfriend found out he was cheating on her and he didn't know how since he didn't have the other woman's number saved in his phone. Oh brother, right? I digress, but that does happen to be what I got distracted by on this trip. I got up to the counter and told the cashier that I had $100 bill and that I could only spend $95 of it and to tell me when we got close. I had already decided what I could put back. It added up to $94.66 ! ! ! I was so excited that I was beside myself. I was so beside myself that there were almost two Mrs. Whatsits leaving the grocery store.

5. It's cold! Well, it wouldn't be cold by a lot of people's standards, but in Mississippi, anything that isn't sizzling hot is good. The main thing is that it's jacket weather and that's okay with me. We get so little cool weather here that I enjoy it when it comes. You might as well live in the Sahara Desert as to live in Mississippi in August.

October 17, 2015 at 11:20am
October 17, 2015 at 11:20am
The other day Matt came home with a great big "N" written in black marker on his upper arm. He said that this boy just came up to him and wrote the N on him for no reason that he could see. I asked him if he belonged to "The Random N Society" now. As soon it came out of my mouth it struck me what an excellent title for a book that would be.

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