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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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June 5, 2009 at 5:39pm
June 5, 2009 at 5:39pm
After some thought, I may have been a bit hasty in my last blog when I made ref to tying someone to the rail road track. Of course if you did so, you would have to go to the trouble of saving them. However, though the admirable thing to do, I have decided it could end up to be very time consuming task. I am not even sure where you could get a white horse and I absolutely refuse to wear a white hat. Even if you do locate a proper white horse, he my not respond on such short notice to the yell of “Hi HOOO Silver!” Then to add further complication you have to come up with a mask. Also in such a politically correct world, where the hell would you find a decent side kick, especially one with a name even close to Tonto. So I will concede on the railroad thing, however the electric fence thing may be workable. Finding someone you detest would most likely be easier than all of the above.
June 3, 2009 at 5:09pm
June 3, 2009 at 5:09pm
The sun comes up, the sun goes down. Sometimes you get tired of being all sugar and spice and everything nice. Makes you want to go out and tie someone to the railroad track or convince someone it feels really good to piss on an electric fence.

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February 8, 2009 at 7:30pm
February 8, 2009 at 7:30pm
Charlie and Abigail Fisher lived a quiet everyday life in a small suburban neighborhood of any town USA. Charlie was a quiet unassuming man of 38, who spent his work days on the assembly line of the local automotive plant. His weekends were most likely spent tending the small lawn, or occasionally attending a local soft ball game in spring and early summer. Charlie was small in stature, but had an easy smile that sat well with most folks around

Abigail fit like a glove with Charlie’s laid back life style. She, too, was soft spoken and spent her weekdays in the business office of the same assembly plant where Charlie worked. The two of them had met there years before and after a brief courtship they soon were married. She and Charlie always looked forward to Wednesday night bowling, where they could bowl together on a mixed league.
While Charlie attended the lawn on weekends, Abigail usually busied herself with chores around the house until her usual hair appointment at 2 P.M. every Saturday. Abigail was always sure, every Saturday while doing her chores to dust their assortment of trophies they had won over the years at Wednesdays bowling.

However, almost every Saturday was special to them, as it had been since their wedding day. Saturday night was always special because the two of them always found time, just after the late news, to come together for their weekly night of love making. Charlie always hoped there was nothing bad on the new that would upset Abigail and distract her thoughts while he did his weekly deed.

Their lovemaking was usually pretty much the same, but Charlie would always remember one special summer night. While Charlie cleaned his tools in the garage or bolted a bumper on a Chevy at work, the thought of that special night would always bring a smile to his face.

In his reflection of the night he could still smell the summer breeze that lifted the thin curtain and drifted through the open window. He could feel Abigail warm and soft in his arms as the breeze touched and cooled the bare skin of the two lovers. He could hear the soft moans that escaped her lips as she felt the rigid length move within the warmth of her. In the dim flickering light of the candle he could see her eyes sharing with him her unspoken secrets.

This night was going as most nights and Charlie would soon pick up the rhythm and bring their close touch to an end. However this night was to be different. He saw the look in her eyes change, her usual relaxed hips suddenly moving up quickly to greet his thrust. Her usual soft moans of pleasure erupted into a scream of passion. He felt her nails dig deep into the skin of his back as she come after him with a sudden hunger. He held her firmly in place, trying to match her sudden want with his own desire. For this brief moment in time he was the man. His thighs took on new strength as her tried to find more of her with each powerful stroke. Her screams of passion and withering body was soon demanding the seed of him, from the depths of his loins. Sill holding her firmly, his trembling body flooded her with his passion. When he released her and rolled off her body exhausted. Yet, he felt good; he had finally brought home the long awaited passion to his Abigail.
However his moment in the sun was short lived, when his usually subdued Abigail jumped to her feet, a string of profanity escaping her lips, demanding to know why he would not let her up.

He soon learned the source of her new found passion. While he planted his length in the heat of her, a bee had flown through the open window had desired to twice, plant its stinging length to the soft ass of his sweet Abigail.
September 10, 2008 at 6:35pm
September 10, 2008 at 6:35pm
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#1417759 by Not Available.
DUH..I forgot to put in the link when I originally posted this..The Gps go to the...
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#1188305 by iKïyå§ama

The cowboy has been kidnapped it seems. This is my first experience with bondage other than the usual everyday stuff like, spanking, handcuffs.. Ect. I am not writing this plea, so much for myself, since I am a, don’t knock it till you try it kind of guy. So I may like the experience, you just never know. I also haven’t been around writing com. that much of late and have likely become a forgotten soul, so I will just have to make the best of it.

HOWEVER!..My horse was also taken in the confusion. He is in dire need of being set free. He was taken without his feed bag, favorite blanket, curry comb and brush. Also since he was taken so soon after Labor day he is still wearing his summer shoes. He likes to be somewhat in fashion should a cute little filly cross his path as he goes about his day. Another cause of great concern is the fact, his captors have threatened to force a bit in his mouth. Or worse, try and put a saddle on him, as he prefers a hackamore and to be ridden bare back. So from the above you can see and feel my concern. Please help me, help him!!

Okay, mean kidnapper the plea for ransom has been sent, so take off the mask, I can tell you are a woman already: “Wow, theses bars seem pretty strong and what is all that leather over there for?” “Is that a swing in the corner?” “Can I order out?” “NO! No! put those away! I am fine”! “The fine print on the box says over 4 hrs and I should seek medical attention”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 16, 2008 at 8:32am
August 16, 2008 at 8:32am
In the green rolling mountains of Western Carolina there is now a touch of coolness in the early morning air. The cool air sets my hot cup of coffee to steam in the early morning light, giving me a hint of things to come. Soon the leaves on the mountains will start to show their colors of fall, further signaling the end of another summer. There is always a touch of sadness for me with the approaching of fall. Even though, the next couple of months will offer almost perfect weather and the mountains will show their awesome beauty , as they change from their rich dark green and nature will slowly weave its intricate tapestry of red, orange and gold.

I think the hint of sadness comes from things I did not get done. The trip I did not take, or time spent simply enjoying the summer sun. I have no real regrets, but it seems in spring I always think of so many things I want to do but never seem to get them done.

This year was my first full summer away from the rat race of airports and rental cars and I had hoped to use the peaceful sunrises and sunsets to string a few words, but what you see on this page is pretty much the extent of what I have written. I have even stumbled, trying to get theses down in some readable order. I have not given up hope however, my muse may return with the snow and cold winter wind.

I hope all in Blog ville, is having a great summer, your bestselling novel has been submitted, approved ect,… and your working on the cover design!!!
June 9, 2008 at 4:40pm
June 9, 2008 at 4:40pm
I usually like to wait for a time, to get over bitching about the cold, before I start bitching about the heat, but the last few days have tested my bitching resolve. However it does look like rain, but wont be bitching about that, as that will cool things off and keep me from bitching about the heat, but it will soon have me bitching about the grass growing so fast, while I am bitching about the fact the weedeater wont start. I wont even mention bitching about gas prices..This is all ready..One bitching blog!!!
June 6, 2008 at 9:58pm
June 6, 2008 at 9:58pm
I suppose every one might assume, The Cowboy, who has a small amount of talent to string a few soft words, of sensual touches and soft kisses, would be out on a Friday night as everyone else, instead of being home.


The cowboy is home:
While others are enjoying the sweet smiles and company of their lover over a bottle of wine and a candle light dinner for two, or sharing loving, meaningful conversation beneath the stars on a warm summer night.

The Cowboy is home:
While others move across the dance floor, locked tight in a loves embrace, their two bodies intricately interwoven as a tapestry of one love moving to the sound of an old familiar love song, its sensual words and beat drawing them forever closer.

The cowboy is home.
While others share the sweet taste of love, their sensual closeness, and brushing fingertips upon bare skin setting the other aflame with driving hunger and animal desire. Their touches and deep searching kisses soon bringing them to connect in the sweet unity as one. While their unity as one body moves in perfect harmony, their eyes locked, sharing a million unspoken emotions of love, understanding and adorations, all bringing them closer to stepping together, through ecstasies sweet gate.

The Cowboy is home with an emergency. All the above can be done most anytime, But,,the real problem is, the heat dried my friggin potted *tomatoes plants out and they suffer from severe dehydration (wilted to hell) So one by one they sit under a hydrating drip in the kitchen sink.

* I know, I mentioned tomatoes in another blog and I don’t have some weird fixation on tomatoes. I just want my..... DAMN SANDWICH!!!

May 10, 2008 at 6:58pm
May 10, 2008 at 6:58pm
Well, the name of my book has been scattered around a few places, so the excitement of the book coming out has worn off. Now, with the coming of summer, I am looking forward to a local home grown tomato sandwich. A big slice of vine ripened tomato, sliced about a quarter of an inch thick. Real mayo, on just two pieces of off the shelf, thin sliced white bread. A light dusting of salt......if it don't drip every where, when you take a bite.....you didn't do it right........so just eat it over the sink........hey....its okay....add just a bit more salt for the next bite...we wont get out of this alive anyway......mumuummm........So damn good.....make a baby pig squeal and wanna snap its mom'mas leg off!!

Then along about the same time comes the sweet, tree ripened peaches from South Carolina, or on down Georgia way. When they get just enough sun to turn the color of......and the juice just.....sorry....I am not even talented enough to set all that to words.
May 2, 2008 at 5:35pm
May 2, 2008 at 5:35pm
My book finally came out!! Go to the link below and check it out. Buy several copies, my pup need's food. He refuses to stand on the corner with our sign so Pickens are slim. He said he would rather chase a rabbit, but he is too slow. I don't tell him, hurts his feelings.


And click new releases, Then "Sensually Erotic" and there it is!

Several folks have asked for a signed copy. I will have a website set up in a week or so, then I can send out copies from here..

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April 22, 2008 at 1:31pm
April 22, 2008 at 1:31pm
Today I saw something interesting, but a bit scary, on the news. From what I understand a couple were having consensual sex. He may have been not getting things done, or she wanted to go watch TV or something. Anyway, whatever the reason she decided she had, had enough, and told him to stop. He stayed inside her 5 seconds (not sure who held the stop watch on that) after she said stop and he was convicted of rape. I for sure don't condone forcing ones self on another, anyone that does should, without a doubt be punished to the max of the law and in some proven cases, I suspect, castration would be the most economical solution

But 5 seconds!!! If I were on a down stroke, it would take me longer than that to process the word no and get out. Then I would most likely say. WHAT? I bet all that would take at least 20 seconds. So off I go in handcuffs.

Like I say, I do not want to make light, or offend anyone in the least. But 5 seconds!!! If this is set as a precedent, men better keep their ass on the bottom, with several cameras set up at different angles to have the jury view while he models an orange jump suit.

Even with that, we will have to be prepared at all times, to stop, flop and role. I would also think it wise to have audio equipment set up to record every second, and on the end of each exit stroke, confirm verbally that we are "still all good here babe"? with a "you sure now?, sweetie" conformation before going back in. As sensitive as I am in regards to my partners feeling, I would most likely stop half way in for a "we cool check" best allocate more time I suppose.

Even with all that to help in court, I am sure they would call in body language experts to analyze the video. Was there malice in his thrust, did he show a threat of intent before receiving her conformation to go back. Was she at anytime, intimidated by his eyes, causing her to feel threatened, thus answering his question under duress? Could foreplay be construed as coercion? Would multiply orgasm cause undue emotional and physical stress?? MERCY!!

AND for god sakes don't touch the HAIR! I am off now to revise all my stories, I am sure, if read in court I could be on death row soon.

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