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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #388967
Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
All comments are encouraged, I am interested in what others think and feel along the topics I choose to write about.

Highlighted entries:

[#732826] "In Memory

Thank-you geja8856 for this wonderful gift

Soaring EagleMother Goddess

Gift from Jilley's PeteyHalf Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Merit Badge in Supportive
[Click For More Info]

Thanks so much for being a great support and wonderful friend *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Fantasy
[Click For More Info]

Member of the Month - September 2008
 [Link To Item #1340208] 
Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in G. o. T.
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 3rd Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby 
Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for you participation with  [Link To Item #1157596]  and for supporting  [Link To Item #dreamscapes]  as a member of House of Baratheon.  Merit Badge in Short Stories
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you for your participation in  [Link To Item #1157596]  with written pieces. Whether you wrote poetry or a short story, doesn't really matter. I just want you to know that I appreciate your time, effort and working with short deadlines. You did great! ~ Gaby
Merit Badge in Generosity
[Click For More Info]

Thank you so much Dyrhearte for your generosity! May this merit badge inspires you to keep spreading the joy of giving. Merit Badge in Writing
[Click For More Info]

A small gift for a fan, and a friend. Why? Because we are writers. Merit Badge in Campfires
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you for your steady participation in your campfire, as part of  [Link To Item #1157596] ! You've shown courage and originality, and you've stepped up to the plate when it was needed. Kudos to you! *^*Thumbsup*^* You're one of the few who are receiving this special MB as a thank you for your teamwork. ~ Gaby Merit Badge in Good Deeds
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations, you won  First Place  in the  March 2014  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

At my Sister's Wedding
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August 9, 2014 at 3:45pm
August 9, 2014 at 3:45pm
Okay, last week is behind me--the weekend is here. Time to concentrate on writing in several ways.

1) Writing as is relevant to WdC;

2) Writing as necessary to change resume at Job Service and Writing a facts sheet to make it easier to remember all the info req'd to fill out job applications. (Basically, a cheat sheet with job related facts per type of job applying for).

3) I know there is a third one...but it has slipped my mind--most likely got lumped up in # 2.

Working on the Bansbree Campfire info updates today and trying to forget the impending financial "Duilin's Axe" (Bansbree's individual take on the "Sword of Damaskeles" for those who missed the reference.)

The work for this is being tweeked in a private item in my portfolio, so if you happen to be tagged but can't see the reference where you are tagged; please, trust me that it is all in good reference and I'm that much closer to finishing this task I have set for myself. Also, I am that much closer to revealing the project to players and the public .
August 5, 2014 at 4:42pm
August 5, 2014 at 4:42pm
Okay time to attend to some writing projects as well as some personal writing.com projects. August 5th already and here just a minute ago it was the 1st! I seemed to have lost a few days not attending to routine...Which WAS getting up and going to work and squeezing in time for what I enjoy. Well, no strict routine has found me sleeping my life away...literally. I didn't get up until after noon, today. I dare not slip back into a night shift body clock--Just about every job I know of, around here, is a dayshift affair. So, I will behave myself and go to bed at a decent hour and make sure I get up tomorrow morning rearing to go go go.

On a positive note, I accepted and finished my first gig assignment. Gotta love my niece for the opportunity to get up close and personal with her present, on going project. It also gave me the opportunity to break into unfamiliar territory with using a, new to me, writing software; Polaris Office. I think most of the time I spent getting set up to respond was in exploring how the software works. Not a complaint; I love it. Unhappy that I haven't tried it on my own until now. Unfortunately, my desktop won't accept docs from it...Crashed it trying to transfer from my tablet to my desktop.

Hate that dratted Blue Screen when it says Memory Dump in Progress....Restart your computer to continue.

I always picture that there is absolutely nothing on my computer when I restart it. *Laugh*

So now, I have figured out to copy and paste the text from the Polaris Office doc. into my email. Mail to myself and then copy paste from my email to a wordpad RTF doc. and work from there. Of course, I lose all the bold/italics/underlines/font size/line spacing etc., and have to reformat for that. But, I keep all the punctuation. Which is a very good discovery, since later, I may be editing for punctuation with my grammar and punctuation books at my side to make sure I give proper advice or make the proper changes. Diligence, Patience, Good Sense of Propriety, and all the rest of that stuff that makes a professional response in a timely manner.

Just poured my second cup (yes, it contains enough sugar and milk to make it a meal).

When I noticed that I had my first gig response I was in the middle of organizing the stats pertaining to
Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms  (13+)
Bansbree: largest and most powerful city ever to sit on the borders of the Three Kingdoms.

I will continue that project right after this blog entry. Then I will post those stats in a new blog entry and tag everyone participating, so they can see what we've done in the last month + a couple days. It is so sweet! I'm impressed with the activity. The rule is No Pressure. You post when you can and it is imperative that you have fun. I do have an imposed 2 day time limit for posting. However, I have let it go for up to four days before actually skipping someone (who hadn't asked for an extendion in mail, I think she was away from internet access at the time.) (almost had to skip myself once for tardiness *FacePalm*). So it is all good.

Okay the second cup of coffee just kicked in. Time to attend to finishing that campfire stats report...*BigSmile* I just got shivers--Campfire Stats Report...sounds so official. *Laugh*
August 3, 2014 at 2:10pm
August 3, 2014 at 2:10pm
I am "comfortable within my skin" today and ready to get some projects started and finished.

In short, my muse wants to play.

My plan: Work on a variety of reviews and polish my technique for "feeling" what the author is writing. I may also practice the comma tips as ~A.J. Lyle~ illustrated in the #20 The Art of Criticism Project Newsletter article, Improving Your Editing Skills: A Pause for Punctuation Identification, Part I.

I am one of those writers who fluxuate between not enough and too much usage; because, I simply do not understand or remember all the rules.

I need to polish my punctuation skills as I'm hoping to work as a professional eventually helping others to edit their own punctuation.

It will help to be able to recite the rule which applies with the correction, as a way to remember that particular rule. Back to fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth grade composition English class. Yes, I know I had plenty of opportunity to learn the rules, but for some reason the rules just never stuck. I'm hoping my maturity as a writer will finally imbed the rules so that I can at least recognize when commas apply and when they don't.

Wadjee Doda! I have always been better at math than writing; but, I've always loved writing more than math.

I also need to add "Proof Reading" diligence to my writing skills--Thank-you 🌕 HuntersMoon for pointing out my typo. (which is now corrected)

August 1, 2014 at 6:11pm
August 1, 2014 at 6:11pm
Below is the August Format to work on.

*Box* 1) Reviews are STILL at the top of the list--the number of reviews written this month = 0

*Box* 2) Review a flash short story and or short story under 1,500 words.

*Box* 3) Review a poem.

*Box* 4) Port raids and reviews on new Yellow case recipients. (Hold over from July--But these will get done!)

*Box* 5) Review Newbies.

*BoxCheck* 6) Random Reviews.
         *NoteB* Review of "Into the Abyss "
         *NoteB* Review of "Our Labrador...."

*Box* 7) Themed Reviews.

         Reviews written on these dates: *Box*
                    Sun 3 Aug 2014 *NoteB**NoteB*

         Reviews written this week: 2 *Box*
         Total Monthly Reviews: 2 *Box*
*NoteB*=short review consisting of more than 250 characters and less than 1,500 characters.
*StarB*=templated longer review of 1,500 or more characters in length.

8) Keep up with campfire: "Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms. *BoxCheck* Aug 1

*Box* 9) Work on what I've started, regarding the project to Evaluate/Organize/Edit/Report on the campfire as
         mentioned in item #8 *Box*

          Reveal Current Stats both WdC official and my own Collection.
          Add at least one major plot shaker and possibly a couple minor ones. (What? Morty getting his
         head chopped off by the Big Bad Obsidian wasn't enough!) *FacePalm*

*Box* 10) Follow inspiration on everything noted on "Honey Do" List. *Box*

*Box* 11) Continue this list of to dos through the week, tally up what was started, and what is finished, and
         what is still pending to be listed on next weekend's project of "To Dos".

*Box* 12) All projects accomplished this month. This is a running total to show myself I'm not an over all

*Box* 13) Outside WdC To Dos related to writing/reviewing/creating...

         Beta Reading Gig updates:
          http://www.fiverr.com/debora_reads/beta-read-your-short-story-or-manuscript *Box*

         Contest entry "Invalid Item completed with Paul D and posted: "our entry "  


                   I think we did really well even with the word limitation. I set it up with a "wordy" blind (sorry
                   about that Paul) and Paul slam dunked with a touch of the Outer limits feel. Paul had the
                   tougher job of getting the word counts into specification, I think. I can't wait until the contest
                   is judged and we can reflesh our anorexic stories into a full blown Short story phenomenon.

                   What I wrote this morning from an old prompt I had in a text.doc on my XP dinosaur.
                   "Note: I've added a new item to my portfolio: [Link ..." 994 words including the note regarding the name.
 A Prompt and...Malyn Compensates wip  (E)
Into a far future, and Malyn remembers a past.

                   This item is labeled work in progress because there will be more than one genre pov
                   written for the prompt. The next genre will be (I hope) SciFi. Then there may be another,
                   but not sure which genre. I have this vision of three different responses to this prompt in
                   three different genre povs and styles.

                   *BoxCheck* First genre response: Fantasy
                   *Box* Second genre response: Science Fiction
                   *Box* Third genre response: Undecided as of yet.

August 1, 2014 at 4:10pm
August 1, 2014 at 4:10pm
Below is the updated "To Do" list to work on.

1) Reviews are STILL at the top of the list--the number of reviews written this month = 1 Review of "Look at Me - scene 10"

2) Review a flash short story and or short story under 1,500 words. *Box* Fail...

3) Review a poem. *Box* Fail...

4) Port raids and reviews on new Yellow case recipients. *Box* Fail...

5) Review Newbies. *Box* Fail...

         Reviews written today: *Box* Fail...
         Total Monthly Reviews: *Box* = 1 Review of "Look at Me - scene 10"

Yes, 1 review for all of July and now it's August. Time to roll the counter back and start over.

6) Keep up with campfire: "Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms. *BoxCheck* *BoxCheck*
My last entry added at 4:44am WdC time--2:44am my time so this basically counts as my first Campfire entry for August.

7) Work on what I've started, regarding the project to Evaluate/Organize/Edit/Report on the campfire as mentioned in item #7 *Box* Fail...

8) Follow inspiration on everything noted on "Honey Do" List. *BoxCheck* There wasn't much inspiration, but what was there I did Follow...Check out Addition #38 of "Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms Hint it's close to the bottom and by Dyrhearte writes...

9) Continue this list of to dos through the week, tally up what was started, and what is finished, and what is still pending to be listed on next weekend's project of "To Dos". *BoxCheck*

July 30, 2014 at 7:06pm
July 30, 2014 at 7:06pm
July 30, 2014 at 9:16am
July 30, 2014 at 9:16am
I have an opportunity related to time management. This theme is very familiar for some reason. ((scratching head in posture of absent wondering)).

I am on an extended vacation--now tell me, is anyone who read my pages really surprised when I say my place of employment has shut down due to 'lack of work?'

I'm not surprised, but still I'd hoped the management had found a way to keep work available. Let's see, the next step is permanent shut down, but of course, none of us presently on the unemployment line are supposed to know this. We have been told we will be back after two weeks. Could happen. But...

Any who, I've applied for employment compensation as of last Monday. Appears, I presently have all the time in the world to attend to activities on WdC, hiking, fishing, camping, and just goofing off in general.

We will see how distracted I am after today. This can go in several directions...highly productive (manic or maniacal?) Or, my mental state can become absent without leave or missing in action (oppressively depressed?). I'd prefer to be maniacal. I'd accomplish so much more that would impact my life and circumstance in a positive way.

I do have help...thank you MichelleWriteMeow for chatting me through the technical steps toward a self sufficient future.

July 28, 2014 at 1:02pm
July 28, 2014 at 1:02pm
"This Week's Goals"   Posted in
Weekly Goals  (13+)
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!

Take care and may your road lead to only good places.


*Quill* I'm the writer I am today, only because of all the help I've received from other writers yesterday.*Bookopen*

** Image ID #1360707 Unavailable **

Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning Third Place with  [Link To Item #1984193]  in  [Link To Item #1971713] .  You have proven that you may be worthy of being welcomed to the   Dark Side.
Merit Badge in Endurance
[Click For More Info]

   With this, I want to thank you for all your hard work and acknowledge the time you've put into  [Link To Item #1157596]  especially while doing reviews at Marathon speeds! I'm impressed! *^*Thumbsup*^* *^*Tophat*^* off to you for an incredibly successful mission! *^*Heart*^* ~ Gaby

Compassion and the effort to try and understand some thing that was not understood before is a step toward acceptance not only of others but most importantly of yourself.
July 27, 2014 at 9:19pm
July 27, 2014 at 9:19pm
If the "Honey Do" List works. Keep doing it.
Below is the updated list to work on.

1) Reviews are STILL at the top of the list--the number of reviews written this month = 1 Review of "Look at Me - scene 10"

2) Review a flash short story and or short story under 1,500 words. *Box*

3) Review a poem. *Box*

4) Port raids and reviews on new Yellow case recipients. *Box*

5) Review Newbies. *Box*

         Reviews written today: *Box*
         Total Monthly Reviews: *Box*

6) Keep up with campfire: "Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms. *BoxCheck* *Box*

7) Work on what I've started, regarding the project to Evaluate/Organize/Edit/Report on the campfire as mentioned in item #7 *Box*

8) Follow inspiration on everything noted on "Honey Do" List. *Box*

9) Continue this list of to dos through the week, tally up what was started, and what is finished, and what is still pending to be listed on next weekend's project of "To Dos".

July 26, 2014 at 1:26pm
July 26, 2014 at 1:26pm
I have made progress on the "Honey Do" List. Below is the updated list to work on.

1) Reviews are STILL at the top of the list--the number of reviews written this month = 1 Review of "Look at Me - scene 10"

2) Review a flash short story and or short story under 1,500 words. *Box*

3) Review a poem. *Box*

4) Port raids and reviews on new Yellow case recipients. *Box*

5) Review Newbies. *Box*

         Reviews written today: *Box*
         Total Monthly Reviews: *Box*

6) First draft for the "Beginning" half of "Invalid Item is written and comes to 1,068 words...need to condense it to 550-600 words to fit contest parameters. *BoxCheck* Got my part down to around 775 words. Not much description left and there isn't much plot building, but the story is cohesive. In short, I'm not impressed with the word count limits in this contest. 2000 word max limit or a 2500 word limit would work so much better for a realistic story base.

7) Keep up with campfire: "Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms. *BoxCheck* *Box*

8) Work on what I've started, regarding the project to Evaluate/Organize/Edit/Report on the campfire as mentioned in item #7 *Box*

9) Draft a response to PatrickB's Symposium #20 prompt and refine it by the end of tomorrow. *BoxCheck* Final edit of response by the end of Thursday then turn in before Friday's August 1st Deadline. *Box* Proof read once then turned in...hopefully I didn't miss anything embarassing. *BoxCheck*

10) Follow inspiration on everything noted on "Honey Do" List. *Box*

Continue this list of to dos this weekend, tally up what was started, and what is finished, and what is still pending to be listed on next weekend's project of "To Dos".
July 24, 2014 at 12:59pm
July 24, 2014 at 12:59pm
Last Weekends tally list that was Not posted Last Monday (July 21) and the continued Tally list for this weekend.

1) Reviews are at the top of the list--the number of reviews written this month = 0 *BoxCheck* Review of "Look at Me - scene 10" written this month = 1

2) Keep up with campfire: "Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms. *BoxCheck* *Box*

3) Evaluate/Organize/Edit/Report on the campfire as mentioned in item #2 *Box* Started but not finished.

4) Review a flash short story. *Box*

5) Free write a beginning of the Partner Up story I'm doing with Paul D For the "Invalid Item. I have a 500-600 word leeway to write a beginning and first part of the middle to our joint story. *Box* Started but not finished. *BoxCheck* First draft is written and comes to 1,068 words...need to cut it down by 450-500 words to fit contest parameters. So I make a Reader's Digest Condensed version out of it.

6) Review a poem. *Box*

7) Send congrats C-notes to friends who just made Preferred author. Wow! Nice Yellow cases. *BoxCheck*

8) Port raids and reviews on new Yellow case recipients. *Box*

9) Review Newbies. *Box*

10) Follow inspiration on everything noted on "Honey Do" List. *Box*

Continue this list of to dos this weekend, tally up what was started, and what is finished, and what is still pending to be listed on next weekends project of "To Dos".

July 24, 2014 at 10:20am
July 24, 2014 at 10:20am
The good news is--I have a four day weekend this weekend. The bad news is I will be only working 30 hours/week for up to four weeks or more, which puts a major strain on my finances. It may not sound like much but 20 hours lost per pay period= -$360.00 per month. That equals roughly to 3/4ths of my rent every month.

Good news, I will have the time I enjoy (?) to write more. The question mark is of course, will I really be enjoying my extra time knowing the cost and potentially worrying over how I'm going to manage to meet my financial obligations.

Another good news thing--I was up at 7 am this morning with little problem. I am officially acclimated to a dayshift schedule. It only took me, what, three months. *RollEyes*

Well, heres to making good on what is given so casually by my bosses at work. Little do they know exactly what they have done.

Another good thing about this temporary schedule, I will only have to miss one working day instead of two when I go to the SpoCon event this coming August. Of course, the bad news is where am I going to get the $$ to go. Oh, don't fret--I AM Going--I'm not going to sit here at home and stew in my own 'juices' because work went south for the summer that weekend in August! The tickets are bought and I'm going! (visualize a stern Grandma with her arms crossed over her bosoms and tapping her right foot with emphasis when she says, "Come hell or high water, I'm going and there is nothing you or anyone else can say to change my mind.") So there! *Laugh*

Oh, CJ Cherrhy will be there, did I mention that earlier? She lives in the area and goes every year.
July 19, 2014 at 11:40pm
July 19, 2014 at 11:40pm
I've been visited...Oh My! "Note: [Image #1980342] *Heart* ~SS~ visited y..."

Thank-you for the Review of "Jabrina and Millicent: Act One" and the Merit Badge.

Merit Badge in Secret Squirrel
[Click For More Info]

 Secret Squirrel visited your port today and decided you deserve a treat just for being you. *^*Heart*^*  ~SS~  and all the wonderful C-Notes points!
July 18, 2014 at 9:16pm
July 18, 2014 at 9:16pm
I don't seem to be having much luck with "goals" this month. So maybe, if I make a "Honey Do" list of projects pending I can trick my silent/sleeping muse into some interest...at least to open one eye and look *Laugh*

1) Reviews are at the top of the list--the number of reviews written this month = 0

2) Keep up with campfire: Bansbree and the Three Kingdoms.

3) Evaluate/Organize/Edit/Report on the campfire as mentioned in item #2

4) Review a flash short story.

5) Free write a beginning of the Partner Up story I'm doing with Paul D. I have a 500-600 word leeway to write a beginning and middle to our joint story.

6) Review a poem.

7) Send congrats C-notes to friends who just made Preferred author. Wow! Nice Yellow cases.

8) Port raids and reviews on new Yellow case recipients.

9) Review a Newbie.

10) Follow inspiration on everything noted on "Honey Do" List.

At the end of this weekend, tally up what was started, what was finished, and what is still pending to be listed on next weekends project "To Dos".
July 11, 2014 at 4:58pm
July 11, 2014 at 4:58pm
I need to get back into doing reviews...no set goal just yet, but I haven't done any this month yet! In fact the last review I've done was the 20th of June! YIKES. *FacePalm*

Need to add to the Bansbree Campfire--would like to post on the Timing is Everything campfire too.

Need to accept a 'Partnering Up' Contest invitation from Paul D which sounds like a lot of fun...The contest runs in August (from the 1st through the 30th)

hmmmm I know there are a lot of other things I want to do this weekend. Will add to the list as I think of them.

July 8, 2014 at 11:44pm
July 8, 2014 at 11:44pm
Okay, I am using my new tablet to make this entry. My computer can't seem to keep an online connection tonight. So I'm having some fun.

This gift has turned into a boon for several reasons; for one I can't "like" posts with my desktop but I can with my new tablet...

Many posts have been hit with a Dyrhearte "Like" the last couple days 😀.

I end up with serious computer lag when I access FaceBook so I've taken advantage of the tablet and have visited several FB friends.

I've also uploaded Jack's Happy Travels App. I said I've been having fun!

I am very impressed with Happy Travels--WOW!

I have also written a couple story ideas onto my tablet at work. (Yes, even though I can't access internet away from home, I still have benefits taking my tablet to work with me.)

All in all, I am very happy and thankful my niece has gifted me with this wonderful tool.

July 5, 2014 at 5:24pm
July 5, 2014 at 5:24pm
Had a visit from my niece today and now am gifted with wifi on a tablet. I will be playing with my new tool probably the rest of the week *Laugh*

A big advantage is I have quicker online access.

I shocked the rest of my family in that I have logged into my facebook acct for the first time in "Forever!" I don't have to wait for my computer to load each page--the pages are loading very quickly and I am amazed--spoiled is the word that fits...

June 28, 2014 at 9:59pm
June 28, 2014 at 9:59pm
My daughter, son-in-law and all four grandsons are visiting from Colorado this weekend. That is why I have been a bit scarce here. Tomorrow we will attempt to get up to Christopher's front yard--I'm not sure how it will turnout beings it might still be above the snowline.

It promises to be an adventure *Laugh*

Late Update:
The mountain road leading to the Bailey Lake trail was still closed so we didn't make the hike to Chris's front yard. We had a wonderful time outdoors up in the pines though. Hiked the road about 2.5 miles round trip.

June 22, 2014 at 1:11pm
June 22, 2014 at 1:11pm
For writing endeavors, Friday started out fantastic. I accomplished 4 fairly well crafted reviews. I even tweeked up my review formatting a little bit and enjoyed reading some very well written poetry and short stories.

Oh, and Friday I was up before noon!

Saturday I wanted to repeat what I had accomplished Friday--HA! Joke's on me. I started to write in my blog and my muse decided to take a trip into memory lane. The result is probably a good 3-4 thousand word essay on my childhood history--a little bit fluffed but not altogether fluffed for anyone in the field of behavioral psychology. No, I didn't post it anywhere...Needs a lot of editing and "reworking" if I'm to let family or public see it. Even toned down it is rated 18+, just because of the magnitude of abuse I experienced before the age of 10.

For posterity's sake, when I started writing in my blog yesterday my intentions were merely to relate my tendency to be a horder. But I got tripped up by, what I recognize now as, an emotional trigger; of all things, a doll I possessed from age 4 until my mid thirties.

And that is all for that topic--I do not wish to become side tracked today--It's Sunday and the last day of my weekend!

Friday was huge in another respect. I cleaned house. erm rather, one room of my house. All flippin' day--12 hours spent between my muse and reviews and me finding my livingroom floor. I've been doing some major cleaning and organizing. Yesterday, I've added to the cleaning endeavors and was actually surprised that I only had to make four trips to the dumpster out back. Mostly paper trash, light and bulky, but my front room looks so very much uncluttered now. Even with sorting piles of books all over the floor, my front room looks better.

Ugh--The carpet is still an ugly brown--but, at least I can see the carpet again.

Another event which occurred yesterday--a rather, unpleasant and painful occurance I'm sure will take a week to heal from. In the process of picking up, sorting what to keep and stuffing what not to keep into trash bags, I have rearranged the furniture. The tom cat who shares his time with me for a place to get a stress free meal and a place to sleep, explored the changes. In the process of his exploration he jumped up on the desk and sat on my keyboard while I was reading...I'd just finished cutting the 'life story to be reworked later' blog and pasted into a text doc on my desktop. For some reason this cat was wound up tight--possibly from all the changes in what used to be familiar territory and possibly from some residual emotional residue from my recent walk through my childhood--Only, he didn't act like he was wound up. I scratched his ears and playfully scolded him for getting in my way then proceeded to lift him up and place him on the floor. He spazzed out--No, he FREAKED out. He went from one instant of purring to the next instant of frantic all claws slashing. Took me by total surprise and I couldn't unload the cat fast enough.

I surprised myself though...I didn't react to the sudden unreasonable pain with my usual violent tendencies. While cursing and screaming out painful exclamations (I can only wonder what my neighbors thought) I simply dropped him onto the floor. If I had reacted in my usual manner--he would have been thrown against the wall. So in that respect--one lucky cat. Not sure if throwing him would have caused me more hurt or less. I know I would have unloaded him a mere couple seconds sooner. His claws went very deep as it is. So in all respects, I'm glad I didn't throw him. I'd feel horrible if I had hurt him.

As it is, he blooded me proper. I mean that literally. I have deep puncture wounds on my right hand and some very deep slashing scratches on the top and underside of my right forearm. I washed the scratches almost immediately and the scratches on the top of my forearm bled pretty darn good. After washing I wrapped a hand towel around my arm and just let it bleed. Deep scratches.

Today, a very deep puncture wound on my ring finger has my whole finger swollen below the knuckle--good thing I don't wear rings. I will reopen the wound and clean it out again--I will need to put something on it to draw out the infection. The scratches on my arm are pretty ugly, and the deep ones have some bruising around them--Like I said they are deep cuts. But they aren't sore.

Mr. Fuzzles came in today and demanded to be loved on. Not sure if he was forgiving me or if asking for forgiveness--probably forgiving me for scaring him. *Laugh*

Also, today, I got up before 9am and I'm drinking my coffee and I've had my breakfast...I think, maybe--fingers crossed--I've made the transition to a daytime activity schedule.

June 20, 2014 at 9:00pm
June 20, 2014 at 9:00pm
Half Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Take care and may your road lead to only good places.


*Quill* I'm the writer I am today, only because of all the help I've received from other writers yesterday.*Bookopen*

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