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Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1298223
Just Stuff!!!
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I had thought I would like you use this Blog as a place to share thoughts that just kind of pop up. Maybe even share thoughts of wisdom that I have learned over the years...But this morning very few thoughts seems to be on my mind. Especially with the idea of setting them to words.
I suppose if I stare at this coffee cup a while longer, something profound may soon cross my mind..................................... Another Marlboro might inspire.......................................................Well............Four score and seven yea.........Naaay already been written.......................

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July 21, 2009 at 10:13am
July 21, 2009 at 10:13am
I trust everyone made it through blue Monday. With a few more long days until the weekend I find it helpful to have something to look forward too. So start formulating your plans for the weekend today.

Keep in mind, life is what you make of it so let you mind go free when you start putting your plan in place. If you’re a fisherman, fill up your tackle box with time tested lures. You might even order a couple packs of the magic bait always advertised on the sports channel. The kind that will no doubt have the fish swimming up to the boat and trying to jump in. Tune up your boat, there are few things better than pushing the throttle forward and feeling 225 screaming horsepower bring you up to speed. However, in your excitement don’t forget to replace the drain plug. Finding fish is always a good thing, but you don’t want to go to the bottom of the lake for a personal introduction.

If shopping is what gets you tingly, then think about heading for your favorite stores. Even if you find your wallet is a little thin during this economic down turn there is always Wal-Mart. Start waving happily at the greeter as soon as the door open. Just to show you mean business, hell, grab two carts, push pull and drag.

Should a little romance be in order, save enough money to stop by Victoria’s secrets and pick up a few things for your self. If you don’t have a resident lover to build your desired weekend fantasy around, call up your favorite. If you are feeling exceptionally frisky, I find on occasion it can be particular rewarding to call in two. Just get ‘uuum’doonnne.

At the end of the day, I find I am over all a pretty traditional guy. However, I read and hear about those who like to bring in a few farm, or exotic animals into their search of sexual gratification. So to be fair to all, about all I can say is, just enjoy your critter to the max. The least I can do, is maybe offer up a few words to try and encourage safety in your selection. I was watching the wildlife channel the other night and there was a feature on Badgers. Even if you feel you have a talent as an animal (strongly recommended) whisperer I would refrain from jack slapping or bitch slapping your badger. They are one mean little fucker!!!!
July 20, 2009 at 4:20pm
July 20, 2009 at 4:20pm
Those sexy eyes, those kiss me now lips, the magnetic smile, that firm athletic body. Okay enough about me. How was your day?

A few more hours and Monday will be over!

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July 19, 2009 at 8:36am
July 19, 2009 at 8:36am
Someone commented yesterday that the market and news of the day has put me in a bad mood. I have to agree. So today I decided to soften things up a bit.

The good night kiss

Holding her up close, her body finds warmth from the dark of night chill. Her breath grows soft against my chest when she finds her own secret sanctuary in my arms. In her sanctuary her body finds warmth, her cares of life can slip away, allowing her heart to find peace.

With her heart at peace, she allows me to hold and feel the depths of her soul. Though I now hold the sensual body of a woman, she allows me to share the smiles and dry the tears, healing the hurts and sharing the joys of the little girl, who still dwells just beneath the sensual lines.

From the warmth of her sanctuary she lift’s her face up to me. While her arms cling tight, needing her body ever so close. I move my arms from around her and gently cup her face in my palms. Her body shivers once more when my lips find hers with a tender brush and trace searching kisses over her face.

My arms move back to hold her, still savoring the taste of her kiss and smell of her skin. Knowing the many complexities of the body I hold, complexities that make her all that she is. I will allow the rising beat of her heart to tell me of her needs. I will seek the hunger or tenderness within her kiss to guide me to fulfill her every desire.

Just behind me, my pickup still idles along the curb, reminding me the night is not fully my own.
Breaking our sweet embrace, I remind her that her husband will soon be home and I need to get home and write something for my blog!!!!

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July 18, 2009 at 10:17am
July 18, 2009 at 10:17am
Well, I have blogged for two days, yo yo! It’s the first words I have put together longer than a grocery list in a while. Actually, even that is a stretch, I have to be the most unorganized or unplanned human on the planet. I never make a list of anything and get mad at my self because I don’t, especially when I get back from the grocery store with everything except what I went for. However, the double stuffed Oreo’s are good to have around!! I have run a couple of companies in my life and never or seldom took notes at a meeting. I could usually figure out and remember what was on everyone’s mind. I admit in the latter years there was usually someone there to take them for me, but that was for someone else’s to do list, not mine.

The stock market is closed today, so I have no rant. I did not sell out on Friday, so I hope nothing in the world explodes this weekend. Not sure how North Korea is coming along with their missiles, or Iran’s nuke program. The news seems to focus pretty much on our new health care plan. I suppose if the two countries above every get all that figured out we will no doubt need an excellent health care plan. Oh well, I wont get into all that, the TV is off, my coffee is hot, my blood pressure is low.

Just maybe one little rant about TV and I will post this puppy. You just can’t find any decent Cartoons anymore. Did Bugs Bunny Die while I was away? Did Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner figure out how to coexist? Did Popeye ever make an honest woman out of Olive oil, or did Brutus win her heart? Just so much important stuff to wonder about..Oh well.

I was going to write about taking notes and making list, but lost my focus on that one. Some say I have a short interest..…Oh look a puppy…
July 17, 2009 at 12:07pm
July 17, 2009 at 12:07pm
I think I have been off the blogging trail for so long no one ever reads this thing, but I think I will blog anyway. I haven’t even posted anything new my port for months. So in the remaining time on here I think I will blog every day..lol..Not so much that it will be read, but for my own expression. I play the stock market everyday, or it plays me, may be a better description. As I explained yesterday I have no aspirations to write a book any more, so I need a distraction when the market is red to keep from jumping off a bridge.

Actually there is no bridge nearby, but watching the business news all day can sure put you in a bad mood. I wonder sometimes how the news folk manage to stay off a bridge themselves. I mean its just one negative thing after the other. Even if there is something positive in the economy they poke holes in it. If they them self are short on bad news, they bring in a guest that is ringing his hands with worry. The US markets are so interlinked with world markets, there is always something happening negative happing someplace. Regardless of what is said, at the end of the day it is all about the everyday consumer going shopping. I do imagine it is hard to get excited about buying anything when every time you turn on the news someone says: YOU ARE SCREWED folks. Now on to other news: A family of five was…

Well, I will shut up, obliviously writing did not improve my mood. Think I will go over and plant something on my Facebook farm!!!!....lol
July 16, 2009 at 8:54pm
July 16, 2009 at 8:54pm
My membership expired yesterday and I had decided to delete my account and retire from WDC for a while. However, I had a few GPs I needed to use, so I added another month with those. When I came here I had a specific story I wanted to write and hopefully publish. I had always wondered why relationships start out with so much zest then just fade away. My theory was, hormone’s bring us together and life separates us. I mean all that stuff is nothing you can’t learn on the discovery channel or first year biology class. I just thought I could throw in a few of the consequences, flavored with a little humor for an informative and maybe helpful read.

I always thought it a cruel trick natures plays on us in order to keep the species alive. Seems it hides a lot of blemishes in a partner in the beginning, then, after a couple of kids and the genetic legacy of the pair secured, nature trims back the hormones and its: OH MY GOD!

I suppose back when the plan for survival was put in place, our life span was so short that’s about all there was time for. However, our life spans have lengthened and the law’s of the land suggest we mate for life. So there you go my friends. I think choosing a life time mate with hormones in play is kind of like, a bar, a few beers and chewing your arm off the next morning.

The one single antidote for extending the life of hormones is money within the unity, but even that wears thin after a time. I could go on and on with so many other deciding factors of choice, but no one cares, hormones are deadly. So guys, just keep leaving the seat up and girls keep taking the cosmo test and see how long you can take it when the hormones fade. So after years of extensive research, as you can guess I concluded there was no need for the book. Just shoot from the hip and hope the hormones are not hiding something really off the wall.

Tomorrow or the day after, I will share a few other interesting things I learned, as I went about my research.
June 23, 2009 at 1:05pm
June 23, 2009 at 1:05pm
While watching the events unfolding over the last several days in Iran, I cannot help but think how the world has changed. The people of Iran are prepared to die and are dying for freedom, yet we as Americans, freely give ours away everyday without a whimper.
June 15, 2009 at 1:54pm
June 15, 2009 at 1:54pm
Sometimes a man is at a loss for words when it comes to keeping his woman happy. Most men never take the time to read all the self help articles that women derive so much knowledge from. We usually find it easier to just scratch our nuts and shoot from the hip. With that in mind, I have decided to offer just a few words of wisdom to help. These few words may come in handy, should there ever be that moment when the proper words just can not be found. Say for example you are planning a romantic evening out and she has spent most of the afternoon getting everything just right. When she finally descends the stairs to join you, this is where the proper words are critical. After taking a moment to survey her handy work, the most enduring words you can ever say to her at this moment is: “Is that what your wearing?” Trust me, when you get your dumb ass up off the floor, everything will be fine. Maybe?
June 8, 2009 at 10:30pm
June 8, 2009 at 10:30pm
After a life time of extensive research, I have determined: A woman’s ability to keep house is directly related to the amount of orgasms she is capable of having, in any two hour period.
June 7, 2009 at 12:58pm
June 7, 2009 at 12:58pm
I was riding along in the car yesterday and as usual, when the car finds its way to quiet country roads I cut the radio to go with the quiet of the surroundings. However, even in the want of quiet I find myself humming a tune, or trying to remember words to some old forgotten song. All that usually comes from this is a list of songs I want to look up on the net when I get home.

This morning with coffee by my side I found my self doing just that. I found a couple I had tried to remember but in the process I came across a few songs and videos of Elvis Pressley. I listened to several of his songs and clips from his last couple of concerts. I found a certain sadness in his songs and passing, one I had not understood before. Not only in his passing but the passing of an era as well. When he was alive I don’t think I appreciated his true talent and the uniqueness of his voice and appeal when he sang.

Looking back over the years through his music and videos you can’t for a moment dismiss his talent. I listen to his music now and wish I would have taken a more in depth listen when he was alive. I have to wonder during my Macho years if there might not have been a tinge of subconscious jealously. With time, you realize the jealously is replaced by respect, when you have to give respect where respect it is due. Respect to any man that can turn that many women on........................

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