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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Alex Guard

Welcome to Writing.Com!

My goodness, what vivid imagery you've created! This is very good. It reads smoothly so the tension was not broken for an instant. my eyes and thoughts never left the picture you've painted.

Good writing!

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Paigeturner

I found your request for serious feedback on "Please Review

This is written so well, I have no suggestions, really.
It's a good vivid image of the character and her emotions are felt and understood well. There are no inconsistencies or distractions. Excuse me, one distraction only.

Then set the picture above her writing paper
then tucked the tissue

It may be because the line begins with --Then--, but the second jumped out at me as a redundant bump. With only two! I suggest cutting the first and using a different word to begin the line; the second should be okay. It's odd because there are many uses of --and-- and they caused no problem with the flow.

It's a good piece that holds the attention through empathy.

I didn't like the choice of the two names or the incident with the 'outhouse', personally. I felt a tone of ridicule, belittlement that I may not have felt if it hadn't been so cliche 'backwood ignorant'.

It's written well.

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#1229395 by Storm Machine

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Review of A Box of Crayons  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Naina

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a wonderful poem. Its rhythm is perfect for children to learn to recite easily. It would be fun for them. Naming the colors helps children to see the images, and the title is fun.

Seen a place where there is purple lawns, --are--
Burly brown orgers give you a fright

What in the world is this? It's sure to be frightening, whatever it is.

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It's a fun, well written piece. Well done!

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Review of Pulse  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hello, Pulse

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is a good opening! It caught my interest and held it. I think it's going to be a very good story. There are some spelling errors, but they can be fixed during editing and revision. Go ahead and write the story while it's in your mind.

But it wasn't going to end up where he planned.

This is a good 'hook' to hint at trouble ahead and to keep the readers turning the pages.

God I'm hot." He was very self-centered

This made me laugh, it's a good introduction of this character.

You've managed to show the reason for the problem through the background scene. It's clear and easy to imagine. You're doing a good job. Ilook forward to the next chapter.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (2.5)
Hello, Kazwriter

I found your request for serious feedback on "Please Review
I am not sure where the plot is going, but it seems to flow. Need critique on style, plot, characters, anything really!

You've got a good beginning. The plot is introduced clearly as far as it will involve cults, and that's a good hook. I've found a few things and have a few thoughts to share; I hope they help.

Graveyard Girl (unfinished) Intro Rated:
A quiet suburb is disturbed by some bizarre happenings.Will Detective M solve the mystery?

With a Non-E intro, not everyone will find this. Since there are no Non-E words in the title or brief description you can safely change it to E if you wanted to.

It was a foggy, cold night. There was a full moon this night, but hardly visible through all the thick fog.

The first line is a cliche and it will turn off many readers, honestly.
The famous line "It was a dark and stormy night." immediately crossed my mind, as it will other readers.

These two lines don't help open the story in my opinion, as the only event we see had no effect from the fog, cold, or moon. At this point, they are just filler words. They could be cutleaving the next line as the opener.

In the small, quiet little city of Kensington lay a cemetery

Be aware of repeating and try to avoid it. It leads to wordiness and will slow the read and reduce the tension.

their branches casting crooked finger-like shadows across the ground.

There was a full moon this night, but hardly visible through all the thick fog.

The bolded line says there can't possibly be shadows.

It was not teaming with life, as most ponds are

Spelling is ---teeming---

It almost looked quaint, and one would be forgiven for thinking the people of this town were peaceful, simple folk.

This is a good hook. It alerts the readers there is something unusal about the town and its people, and urges them to read on. Good!

At the edge of the pond, nestled in amongst a few Willows, a small, stone footbridge.

A word is missing. I'm sure you will find these during revision. I was thinking of --stood--a small...

She seemed terrified.

This made me wonder who was watching her. I believe if you cut the bolded word and changed it to --was--, it would avoid a bit of distraction. She either is or isn't and to 'seem' something means someone else is making that judgment. She's alone.

No warmth that would suggest life. Her skin was pale…almost translucent. Her black vacant eyes stared straight out in front of her, tears slowly trailing down her expressionless, lifeless cheeks.

This is good description and she can be seen clearly. The only thing that caused a bump in the image is the tears. Tears are a sign of life, so she doesn't appear 'lifeless' to me.

Headed down the stairs and just rounding the corner, slammed into someone who was sprinting up the stairs.

I opened the front door and had some trouble keeping Bingo, my Burmese inside, while I grabbed the morning paper off the steps, cell phone and brief case in hand. I managed to get Bingo and and fumbled with the lock.

I had a problem seeing this scene. The first line shows an apartment while the second shows me a house. (steps, newspaper, lock, cat) Would 'his' paper be outside? Would he leave his cat upstairs in his apartment, or down in the lobby? Were the steps outside the building or outside his door? {which doesn't sound probable)

Headed down the stairs
She seemed in a hurry.
someone who was sprinting up the stairs.

I suggest avoiding the passive --seems, seemed-- and be definite. To show someone 'sprinting', especially up stairs, we can assume they are in a hurry, right?

she seemed to be avoiding my eyes.

This is okay in this context as long as readers can see her avoiding him. I didn't. Did she stop at all?

What was she hiding, this girl? The way her eyes averted me sent alarm bells off

He is overly suspicious over common events. She only ran passed him. There's not enough here to cause suspicion at this point.

A petty theft, a lost child which turned out to be at his best friend’s house…

This is odd. Why was he given this instead of the police?

frantic case I’d taken on in this uneventful place.
In this quiet, uneventful little town
In the small, quiet little city

This is said too often. Once is enough. I also suggest cutting either,
--small--or --little--if you keep this third line. Since they mean the same thing, it becomes redundant - wordy.

The only crack in the bravado appeared when she showed me out and thanked me. Her hand suddenly flew up to her mouth and those huge, empty eyes welled up with tears.

Good imagery. She showed little emotion and I was suspicious of her. She still shows little, but it helps.

On my way down the stairs to the building, I heard a strange

--of--the building.

She sat in the middle of the floor of a very sparsely furnished room.

Stay aware of filler words to avoid wordiness. --very--can easily be cut, as --sparse--is known to be --very little--

The next morning, dog tired, I drained the last morsels of strong, black coffee out of my super-sized mug. The office was quiet at 6:30 in the morning. I hadn’t slept well at all.

The bolded phrase is extra telling as the words --dog-tired--and the info of being up until 3:00 will alert the readers he got little sleep without 'telling' them. It could be cut.

And candles.

One of those candles looked a lot like the candle the girl in my building was rocking in front of that night I peered into her living room. What had I stumbled on here?

I think he's jumping too fast to be believable. Add some details to help bring him to this conclusion. Don't candle's basically look alike when viewed in a newspaper? What distinquished these?

The bolded line is pure retelling of a scene the readers already knew, If you added --had--after -building--the remainder of the line could be cut.

I started my car and drove away, the camera I had conveniently positioned on my lap falling to the ground.

Is he inside the car all the time? How did his camera hit the 'ground' if he is inside the car? The sequence of events seem to be a bit off.

I was parked outside Kensington University, finishing off the cheeseburger I had picked up at the local drive-through.

She looked straight at me, with piercing blue eyes.
She couldn’t know…could she?

I'm beginning to see this character as bumbling. Is he sitting so close to the front door that she can look directly into his eyes? Is this the way you want him to be seen?

[follow on] these are author notes to self, right? For revision time?

My attention was quickly drawn to the door where a good looking blonde walked in with a stern looking older man.

Detail of what caused his attention to be 'quickly drawn'. Did he hear her laughter? Something had to do it.

They seemed to be engrossed in conversation.

They definitely were, weren't they? --They were engrossed...shows the reader what they should be imaging.

Porsche [more detail]. They got in and he started the car.

The readers will know they did this so try not to 'tell' them too. This could be cut.

I ran towards my old Ford a block away. I managed to catch up with them just in front of the university. He was on his cell phone and she was sitting quietly. They drove on a few blocks and turned right.

I see him speeding to catch them and then staying on their bumper. He isn't being covert; won't they notice him back there?

I wondered where Mr Evans was.

Why did he wonder this?

I suddenly had an irresistible urge to visit the bridge at the pond myself.

More detail on why he had this urge. His thoughts are tying all these people together with not much to go on, and that makes him appear very close to paranoid to me.

I was coming up the stairs to my pokey little apartment

These words were used to describe the apartment already. I suggest something different, or just leave out --pokey little--

it looked like a medi-evil dagger.

Did you mean --medieval --or will this spelling be sigificant later?

If I was ever going to find the truth I needed to see this.
Could this be that deep? I tried to remember where Millie’s mom lived.
I was starting to feel like the walls were closing in on me.

Be sure to detail why he is feeling this tension and urgency on an 17 year-old case because a girl averted his eyes while rushing up the stairs. He is possessed with a need to know, and this is a good tension builder, but, without details he will come across as imagining mystery where there is none. Paranoid.

to air his troubled tails of woe. --tales--

She had plenty of opportunity to nab him since he was always wondering around.


Another area that needs explaining with more details is the girl in his apartment building. Why hasn't he noticed her before this? Why is everything happening so quickly?

Be sure to work on the detective so he'll be seen as you want him to be. Slow down the action to allow the readers to see the characters as real people. The women have no real distinquising personalities at the moment. It's early and you have time to tell their separate stories; introduce them more slowly so when a name is mentioned later, readers will immediately see the character. Bottom line? Slow down! *Delight*

The framework for a high-tension mystery is laid out just fine. The hooks are put into place throughout. It's interesting and the cast is present. Now it's time to fill in the details.

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#1229395 by Storm Machine

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Review of Rebecca  
Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
Hello, Brianna

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is going to be beautiful! I feel the melancholy the character is feeling, because it's good and strong. Sad.

I found a few things for you to look at when you decide to revisit this piece.

I am seventeen, it is June.

Since this is such a short sentence, I suggest switching the phrases to make the statement clearer. For instance; --It is June, I am seventeen.--

My mother does not lie.
I am seventeen, it is June. My mother is dead

I think a young girl would continue to think of her Mother as not being dead, so --does not--could work; but it implies to the reader she is not dead, and they will wonder. --did not-- would make it clear at once that she is no longer there. She could also stutter over the words. --does not, didn't lie.

it croaks with every breath I take.

Is this a typo of --creaks--? If not, I don't know what this means.

She drank the last of the Mr. Pibb

You had me thinking this was fantasy by mentioning the dragon, so when this line appeared I was surprised. It sets the time as today very well. Good!

the governement --government--

and told my hard shoes to quiet.

The word --be--is missing. to be quiet.--

a man I do not trust. He has taken me to a new home
When the lady, the governement lady, the one who likes cows, went to bed,

This is the only area I had a problem with. The first line tell's me the man took her to his home,(because it wasn't explained) then the second line refers to a woman the reader hasn't met. Where did she come from? It sounds like the girl has spent time with her since she knows she likes cows. So, she didn't meet her that day? A few more details would let the reader know everything the girl knows and they would be able to know her better.

I like the ending a lot. Will there be more chapters? There doesn't need to be, because it finishes up well. I wouldn't mind following her for a bit though. *Delight*

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Review of I Never Knew  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Pain Is Real

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've done a good job describing the main character and getting the readers to not like her, then turning it around at the end. Good planning.

The settings were described well enough to see them. The emotion is the greatest part for me, it was real.

I noticed a few things for you.

A short stature middle aged women named Tammy said
She was excited because her and her best

--she--and her...

Or have some juice.” Tabby said

Her name changed here from Tammy.

Bridgette didn’t answer. She just started out of the window.


Tammy looked into her daughters brown eyes with disbelief

Good showing of her hurt feelings.

Before Ashlyn could finish there was a loud bang, and there were foot steps headed towards Bridgette’s room.
“s***,” Bridgette whispered while, beginning to tremble.

Good showing of trouble, and it causes the reader to feel a bit of fear.

Ashlyn sat next to her mother and gave a generous hug.

The word --her--is missing. ---gave her a -- There are other lines with words missing, so when you read through, read slowly and you'll notice them. You know what it's supposed to say so it's easy for you to insert the word in (in your mind), but leave it out when writing.

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The moral of the story is clear and readers will be able to relate to taking things for granted. It's a good topic to write about. I enjoyed the read.

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Review of Fate  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, crHarvey

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good and intense. The setting is shown, the character is introduced, and the problem is hinted at - good work! I look forward to reading the first chapter.

There are spelling errors that a spell checker won't catch, so be aware of those when editing. Reading aloud, slowly, is the best way to find them.

This prologue is a good hook to grab a readers attention and make them want to turn the page. I liked it.

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The rate is my standard for an unedited first draft.

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Review of Stand Off  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, acme

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is good writing. It has a good hook and the tension builds until we hear a sigh of relief from the character. Well done!

It reads easy and is clear with good imagery. The only spot I got hung up was not knowing for sure 'who held the gun'.

Now please, put down the gun and watch.'

I was sure it was the stranger until I reached this line spoken by the stranger. The drops of sweat from Corvey, combined with the stranger saying his arms were tired, and hinting at trouble because of it, caused me to see the gun in the wrong character's hands.

like a humman bullet before
Spelling is --human--

I'm not sure what the stranger is practicing, or training for. Some sort of acrobatics is clear, and the exact thing is not necessary. Is he actually standing on his hands during this conversation? What an image!

I liked the ending lines. I heard humor there and I could almost feel the characters smile. Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, Morgan Phillips

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Good horror here, captivating! It caught and held my attention well. The scenes and dialogue are clear and easy to see. The sounds are described well to help the readers understand and feel the fear of the characters.

The story is good. The only thing I was disappointed in, is the ending doesn't come to a solid conclusion. It's left to the readers imagination. That's okay, and it works. persoanlly, I wanted to see what the character saw as he looked out the door. *Delight*

I noticed no issues or confusing areas. The scene is played out well.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Mason Santos

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I highly suggest you add political to the genres.

This seems to be a highlight of the events the author deems the top ranking so far. At times it appears to list facts in an unbiased slant, but in each case the slant shows thorough. The numbers cited I will accept on face value as I won't check them myself. An editor must, so it would be a good idea to cite your sources. Habitually.

I noticed quite a few grammar, punctuation errors that get in the way. I didn't list them all, but enough so you'll get the idea and be aware in later writing.

reports came in that is had crashed
choice and also that it is to traumatic for a

Pro-Choice believers think that a woman should just simply have the choice and also that it is to traumatic for a woman to have to give up her baby once she has given birth.

If this is the argument for, it doesn't make sense to me. This hints at love for the child being one of the considerations. I just don't see the correlation and it's not a convincing argument.

the students grieving was uncompressible.

I know this word appears often in Blogs, but it isn't in the dictionary (yet). The word is spelled --incompressible--

nation and told people to treat people I with respect

Just an extra word.

Court ruled that the voting procedures were not out of line in certain places in Florida then others.

This isn't saying what you intended. Something is missing.

The boasted Levee system of New Orleans

The first bolded word must be a typo and the second doesn't need a capital.

that had been put in place faltered in an astounding 53 different places

The bolded word gives a different image than was intended. --faltered--doesn't mean --broke--. You might want to take another look.

but the stadium was damaged also and it spread sickness rapidly.

This is bumpy and unclear. The stadium itself wouldn't spread sickness, but the environment would.

Images were shown allover the news,

reportedly mistreated and not enough good or water had been given out

two Hijacked jets
Fire Fighters and Police Officers

None of these need to be capitalized. These are only examples, there are more.

The Helicopter’s circling the area predicted the towers to collapse

This needs to be rewritten with clarity. This is like saying the helicopters 'caused' the collapse. Or it could be taken as a prophecy, --'when you see the helicopters circle, you'll know the towers will collapse'--

The 'helicopter' did not predict or warn, the men inside did. Clarity.

After rewriting, reconsider the use of 'predicted' also. I think, the men tried to --warn-- instead of predict, didn't they?

This info has been taken from others through the news media, so there isn't anything new from the author to catch the readers attention. I felt it was only a rehashing of some of the biggest tragedies the country has suffered in the last seven years. Tragedies that have affected all of us, no mattter our political leanings. We've heard it all before, over and over.

The piece feels like a column intended for a blog; and it's indended for a favorable audience since it only repeats what has been said publicly. It would hold more interest for the readers, I think, if it included some of the author's own thoughts on these things, and how he came to have the opinions.

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I rated this on an average piece that needs editing.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (4.0)

Welcome to Writing.Com!

The first thing I noticed was the light color. I know it was a broken cloing tag, but the piece was difficult to read. You can check how your work appears by opening it, then if something is amiss go into edit and fix it.

Return to the Lord

The tag is closed on color with only the first letter. Like this.


It will take a little time to remember. No problem.

The piece is well written with clear thoughts. It's an easy read. The only small bump for me is the closing.

God smiled. In a quiet moment, like a faint breeze, came the sense of fulfillment I’d missed

I wondered what caused the sense of fulfillment especially, since it was gone the minute before. I believe a little more detail there would finish it up tighter.

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Good work though, no other issues were found. *Smile* It was quite inspirational and encouraging.

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Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello, jackie

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You've begun an exciting, interesting story. It moves fast and is easy to read. You're doing a good job. I'm not sure of the genre though, I thought it was an article of personal experience. It seems now to be a story of fiction. Whether based on fact or not, it's presented as a story. I suggest changing the genre from article so readers will know what to expect. I'm sure you'll receive more readers.

fool myself into calling them my friends.

I suggest cutting this word to tighten the sentence. Read it aloud without the word and decide if you like it. Be aware of using extra words because they will slow the read and that's not a good thing.

But of course, I'm just another ant in a mountain of sand.

Great line!

once you are done, bring it to the office and tell the secretary that you are to speak to the princepal."

If she is to 'take' it to the office, 'bring' it is the wrong word.
Spelling is --principal-- you'll need to change all of them.

I walked my table and sat down. I started to fill out

The word --to--is missing here.

"So, Jackie, you'll just calm down, no one is up here.

Is this a typo or a nickname for 'Tiffiny'? If it's a nickname, introduce it earlier than this so the reader will be sure.

Enter a space between the paragraphs to improve the look of the page. It will make it easier to read.

I enjoyed the read. The emotions and dialogue are good and help show the character well. The issues she faces are real and your audience will be able to identify with them.

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Well done!

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Review by esprit
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hello, Jakk M.

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I'm impressed with the excellent showing of emotion! Good work!

The scene is shown with good descriptive imagery. The reader is able to listen and feel along with the characters. I think you've done a terrific job of placing the reader inside the head of both characters. That takes talent, and you did it well.

I've highlighted only a couple of things you might want to look at; on the whole, there are no problems.

the tables and chairs are irregularly high off the ground your feet dangle in the air.

This doesn't show what you meant as well as it should. It appears to say the table and chairs are 'off' the ground. I believe you meant they sit higher, they are taller.

She struts in, bags in hand, sunglasses on, and wearing the biggest brightest smile you could ever imagine, ear-to-ear would be an

understatement. His back is to her, he sips his coffee, he is on his second cup.

When I first read this I wondered how he could see the smile since his back was to her. As I read on, I see that you are showing the scene from both points of view. That's not easy, (and not according to the rules) but it's working. *Delight* The second part of the line is jerky. Why don't you try combining a little differently? --His back is to her as he sips his second cup of coffee.--Say it as you wish, but smooth it out a little.

"Shirley?" is all her says after a while, she stays quite

A typo of --he--?
A typo of --quiet--

They sit there in silence for a while, Shirley trying to keep from crying looking away, Steve sipping his coffee and just looking at her.

This is an extra word that can be cut to avoid wordiness. The line will be tighter with it gone.

She just turns her head away, looking out of the window, and tips her sunglasses back down so he can't see the hurt

Good imagery, and good showing of hurt and sadness.

where she went wrong--but she can't.

A word is missing to complete this line. She can't --what--? It doesn't say.

begin to roll down her face, she bits
Typo of --bites--

and continues to just stare out the window.

Another extra word that we all use without realizing it. If you're aware of them, you will begin to notice them too, and avoid using too many of these 'fillers'. This could be cut without changing the line at all.

He wonders back towards her bedroom

This should be --wanders--

She flips down her sunglasses again.

Good showing again; and a good ending to the chapter.
This character is being shown as a personality that hides her feelings. I wish her luck and happiness. Looking forward to the next chapter.

There are punctuation issues that will need to be looked at during final edits.

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Review of Cream Filling  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Johnman

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is great. The creativity of your imagination is wonderful! I am impressed at how good it was, honestly. It reads easy and it makes sense. That's not easy to accomplish when using animals as characters. It didn't come across as a tale for children, I think any age will enjoy it.

The imagery is good and placed the reader right in the middle of the excitement. I worried with the outcome and the end is fitting.

I didn't notice any typos or other issues to get in the way or slow the action. It's a good, all-round good piece of writing.

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Well done!

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Review of Thank You  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, LadyLongfellow

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I believe I've read another of your pieces, but I wanted to read this too. It's a beautiful, quiet poem. It's easy to read and calming to the spirit.
The imagery shows the movements well, bringing life to it - good work!

The emotion I feel is love, given and received with respect, joy in being accepted. Something anyone should be able to relate to.

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I enjoyed the read and found no issues to mar it.

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Review of What If?  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, daydreams

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I like the message you've stated so clearly. The imagery brings the scene to life and lets the reader enjoy the feel and smell along with you. The butterfly is seen as it continues its job, the clouds are moving slowly.

Wonderful writing!

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Review of In The Beginning  
Review by esprit
Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello, Histories01

I found your request for serious feedback on "Please Review

I like the theme. The era is a gold mine for fiction writers. You've begun it well, and the transitions of time are smooth. The plot is still a mystery and the characters don't stay around long enough to become involved with, but I think eventually the timelines will stop and the character can take over. Then, the story will truly begin.

I've pointed out some of the issues you will want to be aware of as you continue to write. The sooner you know of them, the sooner you can begin to avoid them. *Smile*

She had spent much time of late, wondering what the world outside of her Garden was like, creating fanciful images of an exciting world laying just beyond the farthest edges of the Garden

Both of these lines say the same thing. I suggest saying it only once to avoid wordiness, redundency. It slows the read.

The sun shown through the leaves of the orchard casting flickering shadows on the ground as Eve made her way from tree to tree, gathering up the fallen fruit beneath them.

I suggest either increasing the imagery of the first line, or moving the bolded one up to begin the story. It isn't catching the attention of the reader too well.

She quietly hummed

This bolded word could be cut easily to tighten and sharpen. --humming--is naturally quiet, isn't it? Or, leave it if you want to.

as her mind wandered farther a field


she wandered closer

The two lines are noticeably repetitive. Try a different word to avoid it.

beyond their small Garden world.

This is the fith repeat of garden. Can you get by with less? They will become annoying when read straight through with other repeats found along the way. Readers will forget obout the story and begin searching for repeats. Sad, but true.

20 feet from the tree lines edge

This could be trimmed to --tree line--, since everyone knows the tree line marks the edge.

She was no more than 20 feet from the tree lines edge as she placed one of the last fallen fruits into her basket when she saw something out of the corner of her eye

Some of the longer lines are good, and some are too convuluted with a lot of information. They become difficult to follow. Try to write without so many subjects in one line so it'll be tighter and clearer to see.

His eyes were the deepest blue

I've never figured out how the color of eyes can be seen from so far away. have a friend stand a distance from you and see if you can see the color of his eyes.

sharp as to remind her of a hawk but as

the man seemed to be staring through her eyes, right into her soul

This may need more clarity. The image I get is, he seems to be looking through her eyes outward, not inward. Like he's inside her head. I think you're trying to show him staring into her eyes, into her soul.

“Won’t you sit and join me,

I think ending with a question mark here, would make it clearer. It can stand on its own as a complete sentence.

sat to an early luncheon

others like unto me

I'm not sure of the word --luncheon--being used in this era. Do you know that it was? It doesn't go with the old --unto-- style of speech to me. I don't know the word used for dinner or lunch, but it can be found through Google, I imagine. It may be as simple as --sup--or even, --eat--

As she took in this site the man put his arm around her
Spelling is --sight--

Felinus broke into a run trying to cross the distance quickly.

Trim any unecessary words wherever you can. --to run--is the same as --go quickly--, so this is repitition that makes the read wordy and slows down the action.


These are examples of words I found used excessively. Be aware of overusing any word. Replace where you can. They become noticeable and that will pull the reader out of the story.

wardu stood ringing out a rag which he guessed had been used to clean his wounds.

Spelling is --wringing--

Immediately Felinus mind showed him the seen of King Nebuchadnezzar being cut down by

Spelling is --scene--

a tear running ever so slowly down her cheek.

This line ends a very good scene. The imagery and action are seen clearly, and I can feel the emotions. Good work!

As he finished grooming himself the wardu from the day before entered
entered his tent and in her

The bolded phrase could be cut without losing any clarity. The line would say the same thing. Readers will know she is the same.

he would also have to look closer into this situation as well when things settled down.

Redundant, wordy. --also-- and --as well--mean the same thing. You need only one. Your choice.

the king lead Felinus to a seat next to
Spelling is --led--

Now, I have thought over the last three days how best to reward such valor and heroism as you showed on

Umm, he woke up the next morning on the cot, the next morning he met with the king. This isn't three days, is it?

whom Felinus just now noticed had been sitting in the back ground the whole time.

This phrase could be cut safely. Readers will know he didn't notice her, because they were there, too. This is extra overtelling.

As he left the tent he stole a glance
As he exited the tent Felinus let out a great sigh of relief

Notice the repetition? I suggest wording the second differently. Put him outside at this point, maybe?

The main issues to work on at this point is wordiness, reduncency, repitition. All of these things will cause a read to become slow and cumbersome --boring. Keep the action tension tight by avoiding these.

You're going to need a punctuation edit after revising, but I'm sure you already know that.

I hope the feedback helps you in continuing the story.

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Review by esprit
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, Son of A One-Eyed Father

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is not an easy read, nor is it meant to be, I think. I believe it is intended to cause the reader to think. I found it difficult to concentrate on though. Its verbiosity prevented understanding with ease.

question that we are to afraid to see that there is

Grammar. --too--

Purpose, reason and meaning are all words used to ask the same question that we are to afraid to see that there is no answer to. “Why are we here?”

The sentence is convuluted and difficult to follow. A slight rewrite should make it clearer.

I know that I Am. I also know why. I exist to let others know that they exist. My purpose is to wake them up by any means necessary.

There are two kinds of people. There are those who live for others.
These people are too bogged down in

The tone of the message I hear through these words is arrogance. I felt the narrator is saying his purpose is true, and others are wrong. They should be living for themselves only, or at least first. He exists to put the rest on the right track. Two kinds of people, you, who are all wasting your lives, and Me. That's pretty strong. *Smile*

If that isn't the basic message, you might want to change some wording.

I prefer to not try to shorten my thoughts with a blurb. It's worth the full read

The brief description is the place to entice readers in for the 'full read.' It's considered a benefit. Check this item out if you have time; it may help you understand the importance of brief description.

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I do enjoy reading philosophy, I just found this one to be wordy. But, mainly, the tone and word choices doesn't encourage a reader to consider your arguments. It immediately puts those who live for others on the defensive.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello again, Rissa

This is coming along pretty good, the chapter's still too short for much feedback to be offered. That's why I chose to read the intro along with this, hoping it would hint to the plot.

I did find some issues for you this time.

The alarm clock next to the bed rang at six a.m., waking Robert from his comfortable sleep.

This phrase is okay and you can leave it as it is, but it is obvious and will lead to wordiness if you're not aware of it. Readers will assume it's beside the bed.

As he sat up and buttoned his shirt, the woman,

He slept in his shirt?

taking his keys off the nightstand and leaving to his car.

To trim and tighten, this phrase could be cut safely, without losing any clarity. It's up to you, but the next line shows him driving.

The alarm clock next to the bed rang at six a.m
he was running an hour late.

What time was he to be at work? He must be far out of town.

he had never stayed out two nights in a row.

It isn't clear if the night before was his second night away, or if he is planning it now.

he frantically peiced together different lies,

He does't seem to be the type who cares about others, so 'frantic' doesn't fit his personality. (to me) He's rude to his co-worker and has no respect for his wife. I don't him searching for a lie. *Smile*


the man in the cubical next to his stood up. The man's name was Brian. Brian's shift ended when Robert's started.

The bolded phrase could be cut safely to avoid repetition. His name is given in the next line.

required that at least one of the two clocked in and working.

A word seems to be missing. ...two --be--clocked in

I suggest getting some movement, excitement, in here pretty soon. At least hint of the plot and why he acts as he does. Readers are going to want to know what they're waiting on. Will he or she commit murder; or what? Don't wait too long.

Try to make the chapters long enough to allow readers to become involved with the story. It also will help your ideas to flow smoother. Writing the complete story while you have it in your head is best. (ideas get lost easily if you write in short bursts) Then, come back and use your feedback when you begin to edit and revise.

You have managed to pique my curiosity and I wonder what he's going to do and where the 'ghost' comes in. *Delight* That's what I'm waiting for.

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Review of Under the Willows  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Tadia

Welcome to Writing.Com!

Wow! You've some good horror in here to work with, and to hook your readers in tight. There are some issues though, so I suggest you use this as the outline and work the story in with more details. It will be wonderful!

frame of mind to woo my grandmama to his side. Momma didn't really have a choice in the matter.

I wondered if you meant --grand mama--, but it's confusing. I suggest cutting it to avoid the distraction of trying to imagine who the character really is.

Secrets where kept in those days, and it was

Should be---were--and there are more of this type you will find as you continue to work.

and it was years before Papa knew what Mama had become. The storm that had been brewing for years finally broke free

Detail this out. What had Mama become? I only saw she was angry, but not that she had changed in any other way. I didn't know she and papa still had a relationship.

Now the Boudreaux estate wasn't in New Orleans itself,
Even Madame Boudreaux softened towards me

I understood she was going 'home', to her old place. Details would help. And Madame came too? Why did they leave their home in France?

One the fourth day, the whispers of rumors began. The neighbors declared that the baby...
I had a few wonderful months with my son,

Details to fill out a lot of missing information would help. Wouldn't the neighbors have seen the baby during those 'few months'? They would know his skin color. They might gossip about something else, but his color doesn't seem logical to me.

Stillborn the doctor claimed.

I was surprised that a doctor was even bothered with. Why did they bring him in? It doesn't fit their way of living.

Money and heirs is all that concerned her.
But I wasn't there to be anything but a brood mare, which often pointed out to me by my mother in law.

As I read on, I wondered why she no longer felt this way. Did the house change them so much? Was it the house at fault? Old spirits? What caused such a drastic change in their personalities. Mother-in-law didn't change as much as husband did, but she no longer cares about heirs. Why?

for it was the one place Andrew would not come. He was afraid of them.

I like this news. It seems to be a perfect way of introducing some way she will get her revenge. I perked up and thought, 'Good - she'll use this fear to get rid of him'

But, his fear didn't affect the story at all; so, Why was it mentioned?

Except teach her not to scream. She was a good girl and learned well.

I could hear her screams echoing from that room. They filled the house

This is contradictory. She learned to not scream -- she screamed. It's clear why she screamed, it is not clear that she did not. Details?

only to be silence ---silenced--

Madame I could do something about and I did.

This made me wonder why she hadn't done something years earlier to both of them. She waited way too long. The first child should have convinced her. What brought on this drastic solution after so much misery? What was the final straw?

But somehow, crawling and bleeding, I dragged myself down the stairs and out into the garden

This isn't credible without details. Did he leave the room for a good period of time? It would have taken her a long time to crawl that far.

I beat at him, screaming over and over at him to stop

Try using the word --for--him to stop. You decide, but for sounds better to me.

He felt no shame, no regret, just the need to save his own skin and he fled to the bayou.

Who was he fleeing from? Save his skin from whom? Autocracy was the norm, wasn't it? He was absolute ruler over his possessions. This isn't credible for the era.

With dawn came the discovery of my body. The constable and his posse came, storming through the house in search of Andrew.

Who discovered the body? Who was there to even miss her? Slaves aren't going to report him, so --details to fill out the missing parts would help.

The removed Emily's body

A typo, there are more that you will find when you finish your revisions. Don't worry about them at this point.

nothing else before they sealed that room shut, using sealing wax.

Why did they seal the room? What were they thinking?

except for in the journals

Cut one or the other of these words, you don't want both.

They buried him, still alive, underneath the

family cemetary, as far from the place that they would lay myself and Emily to rest.

Cut the --as--it causes an incomplete sentence.

Why would they do this? Why do they assume he was the murderer? With a plantation full of slaves, the only thing they would do is round them up and choose one as the killer. Who told the sheriff he did it? Why do they care?

Why did they suddenly respect her? They don't know her as anything but a quadroon's daughter, trash. I've not seen a relationship grow between herself and any other white, so this isn't credible. She probably wouldn't even be buried in the family plot, realistically. A good scene, but more details are needed.

Forever now, we are trapped with him, to live in death as we did in life.

I just wish that someone could hear our screams....

I'm glad this isn't the end of this story, because this isn't a satisfactory ending for this reader. I'm ready for revenge to be dealt out - severely,! The tables need to be turned on this monster.

It definitely holds the attention.

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I enjoyed the read.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Rochiz

Welcome to Writing.Com!

I liked this, it was fun to read through, The emotion is real, and I could hear humor and love and a little sadness. Hope and happiness all mixed together - just like real life. *Delight*

I thought it read well and didn't find anything to mar the thoughts.

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I'm sorry you had to wait so long to be read.

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Review of The Encounter  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello, ShadowHawke

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This certainly starts off with a bang, good attention grabber! The action is described well and the reader can see it clearly.

I found a few things for you when it's time to edit or revise.

Recovering from the blow from the falling Ankheg, Kalissa steadied herself in case the creature rose again.
creature had inflicted remained. She moved toward Kalissa as the another

Only a typo. The second name should be ---Valawyn--

burns. "Def'fo, grant me wisdom..." she muttered with a half-glance upwards as she knelt
others of the family that they specifically picked by Deb'fo to be

Are these two different gods, or is the first a typo?

She motioned towards the hole in the ground. "Apparently, he was a knight from the north. And he seems to have been carrying a sealed message, bound for Bet Seder. I should take it to the Guard when we get there."

apparently a knight from the north. He was carrying this sealed parchment," Kalissa revealed the document from where she had stored it.

I noticed a tendency to repeat information, it happens in several places. Be aware of it and trim when necessary. Readers shouldn't have to be told more than once what is going on. When you read through again, watch for repeats.

I'm not completely sure of how these characters should appear. I know they are strong and traveling alone. I don't know where they're going, or what their purpose is. Not knowing these things is not interfering with this part though, this scene is good. My only suggestion is to watch the repeats, the redundency, because it will cause the read to become boring after a while. Readers don't like to be told what they already know.

It's coming along well.

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Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Kaia Sincair

Welcome to Writing.Com!

This is beginning pretty well, you're doing a good job with it. The tension is high, but not as high as it will be after you tighten it. This opening will grip the readers in tight by the time you're through.

There are areas of redundency which come from wordiness. I will try to explain. There is at least one spot that more clarity is needed. For the basic storyline though, it's good. It's moving fast and the descriptions are good.

Riana Atwater, a child of the streets of Tesser.

This is a good opening line stating the premise of the story at once, in few words. The problem is, it's an incomplete sentence, and doesn't tie in tightly with this next line.

A thriving port city, it was a place where you would come to expect seeing the likes of her.

Try rearranging the lines a bit and see if something works smoother. You could start with the 'thriving port city', adding her name afterwards. It's just that one thought needs to lead to the next logically. The opening is where you either hook or lose your readers. Try not to bog down with too much info. here.

There were two others her age waiting –one in a nearby alley, she...
ranging in age from four or five to their early teens on nearly all street corners. If they were lucky to survive until their mid-teens,

This doesn't specify her age. I can't figure out her age because she's going to be older acting from the way she lives.

Not only were there now five men and one incapacitated man,
ould have been at a disadvantage if it had only been one, but with three, her odds were all

An inconsistency. How many men are there? This seems a little overtelling to me. Logic will tell the readers a small child is no match for an adult. this could be trimmed easily to hold the tension tighter. Did you know that the more words to be read, the looser the tension becomes? You'll lose your readers. I suggest mentioning the number of men one time only.

“C’mon, lemme go!” She got her eyes to start watering by thinking of anything sad she could remember.

She had to pretend to be scared? Has she been in this situation so many times to be this confident of escape? Not quite a believable idea.

C’mon, we’re going. Olsen, you got the room reserved down at the inn?”

“Ay, sir,” the man known as Olsen said with some pride in his voice “even got a bit of a discount on it, if she’s willing for some work afterwards.”

More clarity is needed to explain when they decided to rent a room, and the 'discount' depending on her. They just caught her. Or were they preparing ahead of time for 'anyone'?

They knew that that had no good names, as far as what they did on leave from the ship was concerned.
good names they had left were the ones the put on as a front for
His helper would go on to have whatever fun her could find once he deposited the man at the ship.

These are typos only.

Riana decided that if she ever got back to her kip, she was going to always keep an eye on whatever might be behind her.

I would expect that to be one of her first hard lessons. This isn't credible to the life she leads.

What was with people coming up behind her tonight? Usually, she was more careful than this.

No she isn't. She just admitted it was a lesson to be remembered. Above sentence.

Actually, you can save yourself the breath. Sir, have you finished your business here?” Riana managed to turn her head enough to see a second man

I can't tell who is speaking here. I thought it was the captain, but he called the other 'Sir', so the first man must be the captain, yes? But, he'd said he served the captain earlier, so I'm confused.

I was, but it would seem something has come up. I am beginning to think that this sailor does not know his place. For ‘one such as him,’ a captain should be treated with respect.

This doesn't help explain who is who. It could be either man.

With a shove, he released her. Surprised by this, she stumbled a few steps before falling to her knees.

This shows well, but it's wordy. Tighten by cutting some words. Words that could safely be cut are: surprised, a few steps before, even --he released her--could be cut because when he shoved her down, readers will see him releasing her.

He turned sharply and stared off back the way they had came.

--staring--makes him look as if he is just standing still, trance-like. I think he would be figeting, moving, walking away, in a hurry.

Riana scrambled to her feet and tried to hurry off to find her way back to her kip

The blue line is good and can be seen and understood well. The bolded line is wordy and only states the obvious. Readers will know where she is going. --trying to find her way--isn't credible. I'm betting she knows every street and knows exactly how to get back. She'd have to.

Again, the story theme of a tough little street girl, is good. I liked it. The rate is for a good draft, unfinished, before editing.

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Review of Cecilia Gies  
Review by esprit
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello, Valeriya

Welcome to Writing.Com!

You're good with description, this has very good imagery. You don't call this a chapter, but it isn't finished, this is only the beginning - right?

They had taken everything from her...

This is a good opening line. It hints at tragedy and drama, and catches the readers curiosity well.

though, had been able to get in a good lung-full of a air.
Only a left over word to be cut.

She tried to breathe in water, choked and gagged. I'm going to die...

It seemed an eternity, her vision was fading, her strength was failing and she was still trying to cough up the water---

She lashed out with an elbow as best she could with her hands cuffed behind her back, but she thought she impacted something.

One of her tormentors punched her in the stomach and unable to beat her own reflexes, she lost some air- watched it bubble away.

I found this difficult to find credible. Breathing water and choking is believable, but instead of thinking of coughing up the water, her mind is going to be on trying to get air. It's impossible to cough without air, so she would continually pull in more water. She should be kicking/thrashing frantically to raise her head. I don't believe she could even think about whether or not she hit something with her elbow. Her only thoughts should be about breathing. This will be very hard to describe acccurately if these other thoughts and actions are going on at the same time. How could she maneuver her elbow around to actually hit someone from her position? She was hit in the stomach apparently after her head was under the water, because she watched it bubble away. How was he able to hit her there in her position? I suggest changing this opening area to make it more logical, therefore more believable. It is an important scene full of tension, but the believability factor is too low and so pulls the reader away.

"I understand," she said flatly.

Good! 'flatly' is a good descriptive for 'giving up', tired, resigned.

He was not bad looking, Cecilia thought, evil to be sure, but he had a nice face when he was really smiling.

This seems to be an odd sort of thought to be having at this point, at least for me. I wonder why she isn't frightened? I felt anger, even disdain, at times, but no fear.

Ah, but you won't hand me over to them, will you, Fritz? she thought, biting her lip. Because that'd be stealing your thunder. You Abwehr and Gestapo may be on the same side, but you certainly don't act like it.

She knows his name? Why does the reader only know him as, her chief tormentor, the Abwehr officer? In order for the readers to become involved and sympathetic toward this character, they need to know everything she knows. You'll want them to think her thoughts and see through her eyes.

The last phrase, --you certainly don't act like it.-- confused me. I thought he was acting exactly like the gestapo. *Smile*

This is a mysterious thought the readers will expect to be answered somewhere.

"So if you would shake my hand and we shall forget all about this dreadful mistake," he proffered his hand.

This seems to be an extra word.

The repetition of the word --air--became noticeable. Try to lose some of those if you can.

Separate the paras with a space for a better presentation and easier reading.

No questions have been answered, so I'm sure this is the first chapter only. I suggest you call it a chapter to alert reviewers. (if it is)

Little is known of the main character and her purpose so far.

The scene is clear. I know she is a spy, also Fritz. He is a good actor, he fooled me. It's going to be a tangled web of intrique, I believe. Tragedy and loss is understood. This theme is introduced well. I believe with tightening and care given in the opening, it will attract and hold the readers attention. The individual scenes are clear. The water, the cellar, the release - all good. It's the opening that distracted too much, as explained above.

The rate is for an average piece that needs more work.

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