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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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May 25, 2008 at 1:54pm
May 25, 2008 at 1:54pm
I'll get this out of the way, because I know you're concerned: you people are friggin' awesome! *Wink*


Newspaper. Mountain Dew.

Take a lap around the perimeter of the store, including cosmetics.

No CWC. *Frown*

Cash out. All of the freakin' sudden, CWC is standing next to the cashier. WTF?!? Is she sitting in the backroom, monitoring a secret "B-cam" and popping out when I'm about to get my change back?

At this point, I don't even know if I actually accepted my change because I practically ignored the girl processing my transaction, and that might suck if I paid with a twenty-spot.

Game on. Sorta.

"So, any big plans for Memorial Day?"

CWC: "Yeah, workin', then going home and sitting on the couch and watching a movie cuz I've felt like crap the last few days."

In my head I'm prepared for just about any response to anything she might say when I open my mouth. Except for what she actually says. *Confused*

"Well, I hope you feel better!" That's it?!? That's all I can say?? Dammit I'm an idiot. My hindsight is like the family member who only comes around after you've blown the lottery prize money and wants to take you to breakfast at Burger King. *Rolleyes*

CWC: "So I'll see ya tomorrow then?" she chuckled.

"Maybe" I said with a wink. Yeah you know it, I'll be there like there's no tomorrow. The movement is ON.

In other news:

*Bullet* An article in today's paper: In Germany, parents of a 7-month old put the kid for sale on eBay, for one euro. *Shock* One euro = $1.57 in the states. They claim it's a joke...but that's not funny. I quote from the paper: "Offering my nearly new baby for sale, as it has gotten too loud. It is male, nearly 28 inches long and can be used either in a baby carrier or stroller." Crazy.

*Bullet* Spring might actually be here in the 'Lo! How do I know? Not the ice cream truck chimes. Not the temps in the sunny low seventies. Not the increase of skin the girls wear. Nope. Sittin' here, doin The Sunday Crossword, when all of the sudden my nose feels like my brain has melted and that's where it wants to escape to. Word, allergy season in full effect and don't forget your late pass. I didn't start getting allergies 'til my late twenties, and even then I just thought it was cigarettes and booze. I sneezed at the notion that it could be pollen and trimmed grass. Now I just sneeze and hemmorhage snot. I know, that's hot, right? *Rolleyes*

*Bullet* For those of you keeping score at home, you'll notice my community points just went up. BigBig thanks to Julie D - PUBLISHED! for giving me a Music Merit Badge! That's flippin' cool as hell...we like a lot of the same music and music is very important to me. It means a lot. So show Jules some love and stop by her blog and port.

Aaaaiiiight...I'm out. Gonna peep you peeps before I hit me some sunshine; it's been too long. Again...you people are absolutely amazing. *Heart*
May 24, 2008 at 1:23pm
May 24, 2008 at 1:23pm
Ahhh, just wondering what to do today, since rhyme doesn't pay...

Gah, I've never been more so frustrated with Rolling Stone magazine in my life. Seriously, who listens to The Eagles anymore? Why is Don Henley on the cover in an old-skool Boy Scout uniform? Aren't these guys dead yet? Go back to your Hotel California, you washed up has-been Desperados. Joe Walsh snorts coke like I snort oxygen. The Seventies called...they want their soft-rock back. Who do you think you are? The heat is gone, Glenn Frey. You don't put out a record for like, 30 years, and then decide to come back with a new cd and only sell it in Wal-Mart??

That last sentence made me throw up a little in my mouth as I typed it. I will not even qualify my anger by posting a link to rolling stone dot com. I always liked Spin magazine better anyway.

This is way more fun anyway:

I know you've been waiting awhile for this:
I walked in, grabbed my newspaper and slashed legs over to the cooler for a fresh Mountain Dew (yo, did you know they make a Strawberry Melon Mt. Dizzy now?? No joke, it's impressive.) to start my day off right. Old lady at one register, pretty teenager at the other. No sign of CWC (cute Walgreens chick) anywhere, and since I need nothing else from this establishment, I wait in line. Get in, get my shit, get out. I get the old lady. Damn.

As I'm making my $2.06 restitution, I hear bellowing from the other register behind me. "Why didn't you come into my line to cash out??" Ahhh...ummm..."Because I didn't even know you were here" I retorted, telling CWC I wasn't gonna go looking all over the store for her (I'm trying to win her over, not stalk her for chrissakes). Plus, I did not need anything specifically from her station in the cosmetics section. Well, besides her smile, but she doesn't need to know that today, plus like I said I didn't even know she was there, and I'm not about to make an ass outta myself hitting on her in front of 2 or 3 of her co-workers. I can make an ass outta myself by myself without personal or physical props, thank you.

She said she couldn't help it that she's so good they make her work all over the store. I asked her why she wasn't runnin' the joint. She rolled her eyes and said "don't ask." I left it at that with a laugh and made my way out the door. Collecting my chips my friends, collecting my chips. I wanna make sure when I'm ready to cash in there's plenty of guaranteed bank, know what I'm sayin'?

Other than that, there ain't much else happenin' in the 'Lo today. Nice weather. Nice people. Gotta find out why there were mad wicked sirens pretty much all the way home yesterday, blaring for about 10-15 minutes straight. If you're celebrating Memorial Day early this weekend, tip one back for me. If you're not celebrating Memorial Day, you're In Your Dirtiest Pants . But if you're In Your Dirtiest Pants , you don't need a U.S. holiday for an excuse to celebrate. And if none of these apply to you...then I really can't help you. Peace, I'm out.
May 23, 2008 at 2:45pm
May 23, 2008 at 2:45pm
Call me cheesy, but when I was a kid, this song made me sad. I used to go through my mom's record collection; I think she was a closet hippie. There were drawings all over the sleeves of her lp's that said "flower power" and other kooky shit. I grew up on "the oldies". I think this song is the first time I ever experienced anything emotional connected to music.


The calendar says it's the end of May. Why does it feel like the beginning of March outside?

The calendar also says it's May 23rd. It's my brother's birthday. He'll be 31 today.

Usually in this spot when I refer to a bro or sis, I'm actually speaking of my half-siblings. We're tight enough that to say "half" would be understating the relationship.

But I actually have a biological real brother. I haven't seen him since about this time seven years ago.

Growing up, we never got along. We didn't have the "typical" brotherly relationship. We fought constantly. Verbally, physically, you name it. We hated each other.

We were two completely different people. I was skinny and slight; he was fat and weighed about 100 pounds more than me. I was more, well, notorious than popular; he wasn't. I had friends and girlfriends; he didn't. I played sports; he got stoned. I got pretty good grades and participated in activities; he cut class and broke into cars. We were two completely different people.

The day before I graduated high school I made the most important decision in my life up to that point: I was leaving my mom's house and moving in with my dad (that's a whole 'nother story for a 'nother time). I had to cut ties with one portion of my family for personal reasons. Family is very important to me, even if I don't always show it. Even if my family is in a million pieces right now. Family will always be important to me, even if some days it hardly feels like I have one anymore.

Well, a few years later I was out and on my own. I had gotten home from work one night and my phone rang (this was when I still had a landline phone). It was my brother Doug, whom I hadn't spoken to in about 5 years at the time. He looked me up in the phone book and called me. We talked for a few minutes and decided what the hell, let's meet up for a few beers. We agreed on a spot that was within reason for both of us and talked for awhile.

We're still a contrast of personnas. He was still big, looked like a biker with his leather and tats and beer; I was still dimunitive and professional looking, sipping gin and tonics. We talked a lot about a lot of things; caught each other up. Why I made my decision to leave that side of the family. He understood. For the first time in our lives, we got along. We had a really good time.

From that point on we remained in touch for awhile. I'd invite him to my parties or we'd just get together for a few drinks. The day before Memorial Day 2001, the weekend I was moving in to the apartment I currently reside, we hung out and shot pool at a bar he was working at on the side. It was a good time.

I went to call him a few days or so later, but his phone had been disconnected. I didn't have an address for him other than he was living in the city. I haven't heard from him since.

I sometimes wish I had made more of an effort. I do think about him from time to time. I'm not tremedously sad about it, but I'm at least thankful I got to say "Hey, let's forget the past. You're my brother, and even though we have nothing in common but our last name, I love you."


Happy birthday, Doug. Wherever you are.
May 22, 2008 at 4:10pm
May 22, 2008 at 4:10pm
they don't know nothin'
about my soul"
-Wilco, "Theologians"


I may offend some people today. I'm ok with that. It's merely my opinion, and I am of firm belief that I was not put here to be loved. At any time, you have the option of clicking the little "X" on the top right corner of your monitor.

And please don't preach to me. Nothing is more offensive to someone who doesn't want to be "as informed" as they are than having one's values force-fed to them that they're cramming their fingers down their throats to purge the perceived evil outta them.

That said, there's been some real interesting discussions about religion happening in chicochica 's blog the last couple of days. I've made it pretty standard practice not to get too involved in discussions regarding this topic, but it's been really thought-provoking, her last two entries and in the comments (enough to at least make me think of reexamining myself).

I'm not judging anyone, so I'll ask that you please not judge me. I realize we're all different...different backgrounds, expectations, values, etc. The last thing anyone I could imagine wants is to be criticized for their personality or belief system (or lack thereof).

I don't pray. I don't go to church or practice any religion. I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm an athiest, because I believe there's something pulling the strings for us, but I don't know what.

I was raised Catholic. I've practiced Christianity with Southern Baptists. I've visited Jewish temples. I've read both the bible and the Ku'ran (pardon me if I misspelled that). Of every religion that I have any bit of knowledge of, I see the flaws as well as the spiritual fruits. The worms in the apple, perhaps. I see little spots. Little things that to me make it very hard to throw my support behind 100%. Religion is a difficult sea to navigate...a lot of times you have to be into it 100% in order to feel like you're going to benefit in the everafter. And if I'm going to be involved in something so deep and meaningful, I'd want to be able to back it up completely. I don't want to half-ass my way through something believing I'm doing the right thing, only to be shut out at the gates. I don't even know if there is an everafter, to be honest.

I respect anyone who has an opinion about their respected choice of faith. But not every religion is right for everyone. Were that the case, we'd all be [insert favorite faith here]. But we're not. What was one of the main reasons the pilgrims came to America? Religious freedom.

I don't see the point on asking a supreme being to do something I should be doing for myself. God isn't gonna find me a job, much the same as Satan isn't responsible for me leaving my last job. God's not going to cure cancer, nor is Satan going to give it to me. God's not gonna drop a supermodel in my lap, and Satan's not gonna make sure I don't wake up next to a lagoon creature. To me, prayer is a roll of the dice. I'm not saying it's wrong and that everyone should stop, now. Obviously I'm sure no one hits their knees at night assuming the Lord's gonna cover the mortgage payment in a show of good faith. I just...don't get it. I wonder if I ever will.

I think what's key is to have faith in the people around you. Have love. Have trust. Have understanding. I know it isn't the easiest thing in the world to do sometimes. Maybe for some, all they have in life is their faith. I'm glad that it works for many people. Maybe miracles can and do happen. But I could never gain the concept of a holy day, living life by a book or communicating with spirits. It sounds shallow, yes. But that's how I look at it. Perhaps I'm in a period of confusion, but I don't think so. Call me ignorant; that's fine. But should that take anything away from the person I truly am inside because I don't spend an hour a week and a few minutes each day honoring a supreme being? I really hope not.


I'm leaving you with this because the ending is a very powerful, moving, visual statement. This video was actually banned from MTV for its graphic content but still won an award as a "Breakthrough Video".

And just to lighten things up a little...this is what Supercuts did to me yesterday..."Invalid Item.

May 21, 2008 at 3:52pm
May 21, 2008 at 3:52pm
I have issues. Everyone has issues. My issues are silly. I probably am making more out of them than I need to.

I have a fear of the most random, routine things in life. I don't like to do them. I do them out of necessity, not because I want to or enjoy them.

These would in include:

*Bullet* Going to the store to cash a paycheck: I used to hate making that trip. I don't remember why. I think it was just the act itself. Or because a fool and his money would just blow it on booze and loose women that weekend. So I'd go to the bank to cash my check at the drive-thru, until it became too much of a hassle to whip out my ID and stick it in the tube that flies up the magical chute that returns it with an envelope of currency...amazing! But I think I've beaten this fear totally...don't get a paycheck! Genius! I should be self-help specialist.

*Bullet* I hate getting my hair cut: This is really problematic for me, especially when I was keeping my hair short. It's like 15 minutes of your life that you never get back, and no matter what you tell the stylist, she's still gonna play God and try to recreate you in her own vision. Which is usually a variance of between 5 and 25% of what you told her. I usually wait until the last possible moment...that day when your hair starts to Flavor Flav on you for no reason. The day when you could style it any which way but your preferred style. And they always cut it about an inch shorter than your preferred style. I wince when they put the Bat-cape on me because I fear the outcome. No wait...I wince because I know the canned, rehearsed conversation that all the chicks at Supercuts seem to have read off a script is coming.

*Bullet* I'm a picky eater: Everyone has their quirks. I'm a slow eater. I chew my food longer than most, and I have no logical reason for it. And if I order french fries (which I seldom do), depending where I am, I'll only eat them with cheese, gravy or barbecue sauce. And I always eat the fries first (I had a bad experience with cold cheddar fries at Arby's several years ago). I also typically order pretty much the same thing at the same place...I will pay for a lot of things, but I will not pay for disappointment. Word.

*Bullet* I hate tying my shoes: Seriously. It's not so much a fear but a dislike. I wonder how much time in our lives we spend just tying shoes. I didn't learn to tie my shoes til 2nd grade. No bullshit. Smartest kid in the class, but couldn't tie his own shoelaces. And you couldn't leave gym class unless you tied your shoes. Amazing how I pulled that off. The coolest thing going back then was sneakers with velcro...I wanted those so bad! I wanted to be like the cool kids! My genius of a mother: "I'll buy you velcro sneakers...when you learn how to tie your shoelaces." I remember telling coworkers once my shoelaces ordeal, and one asked me if my shoes were tied at that minute. I lifted up my foot...Merrill slip-on laceless mocs. *Laugh*

That's enough for one day. I don't need to give you guys any more ammunition than you've already got. I'll leave you with this...I never really got into this band but the two songs I've heard by them I really like.


Guess who's not too excited about his haircut today...*Rolleyes*
May 20, 2008 at 12:41pm
May 20, 2008 at 12:41pm
I think all the talk lately about ratings (E, ASR, 13+, 18+, etc.) is hysterical. The topic has popped up in several blogs lately, and you all know I'm a fairly regular language offender. The eff word in my vocabulary is like having a third arm. I've had ratings changed on me for various reasons (like changing the rating of "Neil Diamond II, Doused By Wine with the reason being "You used wine in the title" -what a load of crap...you can sell kids a costumicon of wine glasses and cocktail glasses, but tell me not one kid under the age of 21 has ever had an alcoholic beverage, and I'll buy your logic). I won't get into some of the horror stories I've heard about ratings changes. I think I'm gonna fight the powers that be for as long as I can for my right to carry the belief that it's not entirely too offensive in the course off a hundred or a few hundred words to include a few completed eff-bombs. But that's not the point of why I'm here today.

I was flipping through a magazine when I came across an ad for a charity website and all these musicians wearing t-shirts that say "I *Heart* boobies!" and so on, so of course the first thought that pops in my head is "Where can I get that shirt??" Dear loyal readers, it is my pleasure and civic duty to track this information down for you.


An organization that raises the awareness of breast cancer and gets their message out in an off-beat sort of way. Then I thought, how funny would it be if they made the shirts in kids' sizes? I think that'd be hillarious! Sadly...I have yet to see one. But you can click on the "KAB Shop" link and get your own "Boobies" t-shirt and support an excellent cause...I know I am *Wink* .

And while I'm on the topic, listen/watch The Bloodhound Gang's lead single from their 1999 masterpiece Hooray For Boobies, "The Bad Touch":


*Heart* Have a great fuckin' day people! *Laugh*
May 19, 2008 at 5:17pm
May 19, 2008 at 5:17pm
Sure Signs of the Apocalypse:

*Bullet* The bone-chilling wind with cigarette-extinguishing forty-something degreeish temps. Global Warming my ass...no need for the heat to be on in May. I haven't been to the library in two days.

*Bullet* The youngish construction worker with the nineties' style doo-rag/bandanna combo with the long tassles. Like a skull cap gone wrong. (Did I just say that?)

*Bullet* Pamela Anderson is now a US citizen. The nation's collective IQ just plummeted.

*Bullet* Paris Hilton wants to reproduce. Ahhh fuck, Brittney's kids are gonna need some friends to score drugs with.

*Bullet* Way to go, NY Department of Labor. Apparently you feel the only jobs I'm qualified for are gas station food managerial and quick lubes. And since I know nothing about cars, I assume the Quick Lube job doesn't involve KY Jelly.

*Bullet* The kids next door have guitars. And amps. I love Nirvana, but if I hear the riff to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" once more, I may Cobain one or more of them.

*Bullet* I passed a private auto-body shop. There was a Jeep Cherokee out front...smashed up, large hole on the driver's side of the windshield, airbag deployed. Draw your own conclusions...so much for airbags saving lives.

*Bullet* Seen leaving a local convenience store: a super-elderly man pushing his wheely-basket-walker. Might've been eighty; sure looked it. In his basket? A thirty-pack of cheap beer.

*Bullet* Passed a VFW hall today too. They had their plastics recycling bin out. It was full of liquor bottles. With Memorial Day coming, let's give these people a little respect. Maybe they won't feel like all they have left is to get 'faced.

*Bullet* A Buffalo sports franchise wins a championship! Kudos to the National Lacrosse League's Buffalo Bandits for taking home the trophy. Now if we could only get over "No Goal" and "Wide Right" and all else that haunts Buffalo sports.

*Bullet* The Walgreens Chick is gettin' friendlier with this schlepp. I may be out of her league, and it might not be a league I want to be in, and I may not deserve a roster spot in any league, but I'm playin' myself in anyway. Word.
May 18, 2008 at 5:19pm
May 18, 2008 at 5:19pm
Wasn't gonna say anything today. I woke up way too early and read KÃ¥re Enga in Montana 's entry. Normally I try to keep the mood in here light, but I can't, nope. Not today.

With all due respect to K and others, the local news has been full of two scandals involving area high schools and their blatant mishandlings in each case.

*Bullet* In an inner-city school, a volunteer girls' basketball coach was removed from her position and a player was suspended from school -for 7 weeks- because a well-respected mens' coach was having relations with the girl's cousin. The principal turned a blind eye to everyone, choosing to find any reason to suspend the girl, when all she did was use her cell phone to alert the volunteer coach of what was going on. This merits a 7 week suspension? One of my brothers pretty much broke a kid's face against a wall during a fight and got a 5-day detention. But this girl was the whistleblower against something she felt wasn't right, the volunteer coach the team loved was let go, the school board spent $25000 on an "investigation", and the public will probably never know the truth.

*Bullet* A baseball team in a rural community recently had their season cancelled due to a hazing incident on their bus. Apparently a varsity player or players stuck an object into someplace in a jv player where objects aren't designed to go. The coaches were at the front of the bus; this occured at the rear (uhh, no pun intended, but the local news spared us details but you can probably guess). After cancelling the season there was a public hearing to discuss the events. The coaches, who were also teachers in the district, were suspended with pay (as per a bullshit union contract). At these hearings, NO ONE came out in defense of the victims. They bitched and moaned over the loss of their beloved coaches, and how their kids might miss out on scholarships because they can't participate in their activity. Let me say this...if you're relying on high school ball as your meal-ticket, you're fucking delusional. And your kid is probably the friggin' perpetrator. Nobody thinks about these innocent victims...the community blames them for "ruining their season". Fuck that! How shortsighted is that? I'm sorry, but that's un-fucking-imaginable behavior from adults. Yes, a couple of bad apples will ruin it for the rest of the bunch. If your kid was so great, why'd he condone or promote sexual assault toward his own teammate? Oh and the kicker to this saga? Reports are surfacing that these incidents have happened in previous years and the coaches knew, but never said a word.

Ok I'm done ranting. I just got to thinking and thinking...and the more I thought, the more I became enraged by how ass-backwards some things are. Laws aren't always culturally viable nor do they adapt. The human nature should not be to encourage violence toward one another in any way, shape or form. Society becomes a joke when we allow and condone the mistreatment of others while those that can do something -anything- to stop it (from any position small or large) sit back and do nothing. A fucking joke. Who the fuck is laughing now?

Aaaaaaand I think I may mosey on over now to the ratings section and GC myself before someone else does...
May 17, 2008 at 2:04pm
May 17, 2008 at 2:04pm
I live in a very non-rural suburb. Besides the parks and the streams that cut through, there's not much in the way of wildlife out here besides birds and squirrels. Maybe occasionally some deer traipsing through the cemetary at night. As I sat at the diner (situated on a very busy stretch of roadway a block down from probably the busiest intersection in the village) for breakfast I saw something I don't believe I have ever seen before (at least not around here).

A turkey. An honest-to-goodness, real, living turkey.

Trying to cross the street no less *Confused* (and save the "bird crossing the street jokes"...they've all been played out and yours isn't any funnier). Holding up traffic. Tom Turkey, out on a stroll in the village. And this sucker was HUGE. This bird could probably feed a family of 8 and still have leftovers (please don't tell PETA I said that). And he made it across the street by golly . Don't know where he was headin' or where he came from. But I saw a freakin' turkey.

And since I'm usually bitching in this place about shoddy customer service, I feel it is my need to also shout out those folks that go above and beyond. That would be the folks at the 50's Diner today. I ordered my eggs over-easy, toast, sausage and mashed potatoes. When she gave me my order, the eggs looked...different. Like there was waaaaaay too much white for the two yolks. Whatever. I ate away like a champ cuz I was starving. Polished off the yolks with my toast (I'm a dipper *Laugh*) and noticed that there was a third egg underneath, like it was meant to be one of mine but they cooked it too long to be over-easy. So the kid made out and got a bonus egg, no charge today. They definitely earned the 50%+ tip.


Enjoy the weekend...watch out for stray turkeys and I hope you all get a bonus egg. *Smile*

OHHH and I have to tuck this in...I was just gifted raffle tix for "Invalid Item from Julie D - PUBLISHED! so I think I'm gonna donate, it's a good cause and stuff. Thanks Julie! That was awfully sweet of ya! *Wink*
May 16, 2008 at 2:40pm
May 16, 2008 at 2:40pm
I saw this as the title for one of Deelyte- Chillin' 's recent entries and haven't been able to get this song out of my head lately:


So last night was different. Our political party had a meeting last night at the chairwoman's house, so we could plan our summer fundraiser. There wasn't too much of a turnout but that's ok; our meetings are usually on a sunday at one of the local bar/restaurants.

After my stellar turn as chairman of last summer's fundraiser, I don't think I'd mind doing it again. It's nice to get your name out there and you meet some interesting people.

It was a pretty nice day so I walked to the meeting. And thankfully it wasn't too long or boring. Kinda got things out of the way and over and done with. And like usual, it takes us about just as long to set a date for the next meeting as the regular meeting agenda takes *Rolleyes*. Adults have too many things to do.

I usually like to sit around afterwards and listen to whoever sticks around to shoot the shit. You learn a lot from these people. Most of them are a lot older and have seen a lot more. And the mayor always has something to say about someone. She's very nice but she's also very opinionated.

By the end of the meeting it was dark and considerably cooler. No way did I want to walk for 40 minutes in that wearing just shorts and a polo shirt. Knowing that the mayor lives around the corner from me, the chairwoman asked the mayor if she'd give me a ride, which I thought was very awesome, and the mayor cordially obliged.

And wouldn't you know it, but the intersection on the way back to our neighborhood was closed off. We had to make a detour...she was all sneaky-like, wondering what the cops were up to. Of course thinking the worst, or that something shady was going on. Turns out it was just a really bad accident. But still, cruisin' around with the mayor...I'm sure not a lot of folks get to say that very often. Kinda neat.


Kinda freaked out a little when I heard this over the sanitary satellite radio at Walgreens. Almost makes me sad when one of my favorite bands graduates to the mainstream. But I have too much respect for Johnny Marr.

So that's all I got today. Hope your weekends all rock!
May 15, 2008 at 3:32pm
May 15, 2008 at 3:32pm
Yup. Another blog entry about girls. Cuz I can be a real moron. And I swear I'm not a whore! *Blush*

Glad I opted for swim trunks over shorts yesterday. Got caught in the rain. But what's that have to do with chicks, you ask? Read on.

There's this girl who comes to the library every couple days or so. She's cute, but thin. Freakishly thin. Meth-head thin. Well, at least pill-poppin' thin.

She was there yesterday as I was gettin' ready to leave. I stopped in front of the library to light a smoke and contemplate my next steps. Meanwhile, Miss little meth-head is having some sort of panic attack in the foyer...she's on the floor, tearing through her backpack like it's Christmas morning and she's flinging her shit everywhere. If she was lookin' for the truth, it wasn't in there.

She manages to somehow collect herself quickly and make it outside. She lights up a smoke and pulls up the hood of her sweatshirt; appears she's walking too. I look at her and say "well, this sucks." She agrees and smiles. She's got her headphones on...conversation over.

Then it hits me as I finish my smoke...this girl looks really familiar. I steal one more quick glance and I finally figure it out...I'm pretty sure I made out with her in a Cheektowaga bar a few years ago *Shock*. Yup. Around closing time. And bars here close at 4am. So yes, the only thing in short supply that moment was sobriety.

She worked with my sis. I'm pretty sure she was under 21 (even now she doesn't look a bit over 18). They had some after-work drinks with co-workers, and some of my friends were gathering at the same hole. Twas a fun night indeed.

Feeling the sudden urge to take a shower, I bolted back inside hoping she didn't remember me. We talked a couple times back then but nothing happened, and I wasn't in the mood for awkward conversation last night anyway. I grabbed a USA Today, read it and she was gone. It stopped raining.

*Laugh* Thank you for your pick-up line encouragement! I may not need them though...listen to this crazy shit:

I stopped at Walgreens again today to feed my Mountain Dew and blonde addictions. She wasn't working. I went to Arby's next door for lunch.

On my way out I see two women walking up to the door, so I swing around so I can hold it open for them (yes, I can be a gentleman *Pthb*). I didn't even recognize my Walgreens chick until she stopped and asked me how I was doing. *Shock*

She goes inside and I make my way across the lot. And amazingly, 3 seconds later she's back at the door, screaming "Hey! You should go in the store and see the awesome display I made! It's in cosmetics!" Usually this stuff slips right past me. Really, I'm a dude, so why would I want to see a cosmetics display?? I see what's going on here *Wink* she wants me to come visit her. So I tell her I will...tomorrow. *Wink* I can play the game too hehe.
May 14, 2008 at 2:33pm
May 14, 2008 at 2:33pm
It's been a bit of an eventful day so far. For starters, let's laugh. Nicole told me about this dude, and he's funny. It's worth the eleven minutes you'll kill watching it.


I could go either way. One one hand, I want to sit in the corner of my room and drink my face off. On the other, I want to love everyone and thing possible. Let's take a look at the good and the bad that has been my short few waking hours today thus far...

*Bullet* Ironically, after yesterday's neighbor entry, I met a neighborhood (sorta) guy today and made nice. He lives right by the Eckerd I used to work at and was a regular customer. Now I see him at the library a lot.

I was turning the corner on my way to Arby's and grabbed a newspaper, when I see a dude pulling a kid in a wagon out of the corner of my eye. I've got my headphones on...you know how I am about that. He catches up to me and starts talking anyway. He was nice. Personable. Not overbearing. I enjoyed talking to him. Jim. Single parent with two boys. Wifey left him; she didn't want to be a mom anymore. Blew off custody hearings, tested pos for heroin, told him "keep the kids, I'll take the car." I felt for the guy, I really did. I wouldn't mind running into him again.

*Bullet* Meeting Jim kinda made me not mind the fact that I saw approximately 11,825 and a half hot girls out and about the area today, and I only went to Arby's and Walgreens. Arby's sucked because this girl walked in and we had a thing for each other once. I really don't care that it never worked out, and I'm glad she didn't recognize me (how could she with her head up her boyfriend's ass the entire time?). We first met back when I was 18 at some churchy thing (yeah, back in the day when I had morals *Smirk*) and we flirted wickedly but we were seeing other people and let it go. Then we met at a bar years later and we remembered each other. We were making out in the corner booth when her co-worker (and a girl I had been seeing a few years earlier) ruined everyone's night by physically dragging me out of the bar and telling me she was coming home with me. I know, I should be so lucky, right? Not when she starts crying and says you're the first guy she's been with in five years and...that's enough of that story. Coincidentally, the girl I saw today works at the same restaurant now as Vinessa. Niiiiiiiice.


*Bullet* If the internet was ten years ago what it is today, these guys would've been the best band to ever come out of Buffalo (and if anyone says "Goo Goo Dolls", I'll stab you in the jaw...just wait, and there I'll be at the end of this entry, stabbing people in the jaw). Girlpope's sound is just of its time...kinda a mix of garage punk power-pop, pre-Strokes, Blur, Weezer, like an updated and less drunk Replacements. Search the used bin at your local record shop and see if you can find a copy of "The Whole Scene Going." You will not be let down. Arguably the best cd a Buffalo band has put out in the past 10-20 years. It's too bad this clip isn't one of their best songs.

*Bullet* I swear to God I have to be more careful. I almost got hit by a car yesterday in a parking lot during a game of mutual admiration between myself and a member of the opposite sex.

*Bullet* And I gotta work on my pick-up lines, because one of these days I'm gonna say something nice to the cute blonde at Walgreens. She was complaining that her co-workers were picking on her. And all I can come up with is "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke"? Damn *Rolleyes*. Gotta work on that.


*Bullet* A threefer today. It's wednesday, why not? Thought I had more, but I can't remember. So I'll stick you with the best song by my least-favorite Buffalo band, head off to your blogs and pray it doesn't thunderstorm today...my Chuck Taylors are on their last legs as it is and I'm probably one good storm away from Fred Flinstonin' home on bald feet. Peace y'all.
May 13, 2008 at 2:16pm
May 13, 2008 at 2:16pm
I'll admit it. I'm not very neighborly. Not that I'm not a good neighbor; I just don't know them very well.

The houses in my neighborhood are really close to each other. I can stand in my driveway, spread my arms out and almost touch the neighbor's house. And the guy on the other side of me, well, his driveway ends at the front of his house, so our houses are even closer.

I'll have been in my apartment for seven years at the end of this month. I remember that because it was Memorial Day weekend when I moved in. The couple that's on the side of my driveway have been in their place since before I moved in. They've been trying to sell that house for about as long. And I don't even know their names. I say hi to them and stuff, but have never made the formal introduction.

The family on the other side...kinda weird. Lotta kids. I'm assuming not all live there permanently or come from the same set of parents. Haven't seen the mom around in awhile. And the only reason I know Al's name is because he left me his phone number when the kids broke my storm window. They've been there maybe three or four years.

Al has a dog. A big one. I'm guessing it's at least part rottweiler. Barks loud. But it's well-behaved. And for the second time in a week, I have come home to find this dog in my backyard. I don't normally have a problem, because the dog is nice and usually comes when you call it (and no, I don't know the dog's name either). But last night, I caught the dog in mid-squat. *Shock* Ohhhh helllll nawwwww! Your dog crapping in my back yard is something I will not tolerate.

Luckily, I didn't literally scare the shit outta him (I know, bad pun...call the bad pun police). But I hafta figure out how this dog keeps ending up in my yard.

And as a testament to how well these kids don't know me, the first time I returned their dog, the oldest thanked me and asked me if I lived around the corner or something. Yikes. I guess they never see me spending enough time sitting in front of my house. And last summer, one of the daughters said "Are you the guy next door? I was looking in your window...you've got a nice place!" Double yikes.

The neighbors in my apartment, I have no choice but to get along with. Here's the layout of the place...I have the entire first floor and the basement. It's big for what I pay in rent. Lotsa space. Upstairs in the front apartment is my landlord's brother, Jack, and his wife Diane (and I'm so not making that up...and this is not a little ditty about Jack and Diane) and their teenage daughter. The back half of upstairs is actually two large rooms. In one room are Jack and Diane's two teenage sons, and in the other room is my landlord's brother Eddie. On the third floor is a makeshift apartment for their brother Bernie. Good thing my landlord and his wife consider me family. They're all good people and there's never any problems. They were even nice enough to bring me down some homemade lasagna the other day (and ladies, here's a tip...a quick way to get to my heart? Make a good lasagna *Smile* ).

It's the little things we do for each other and look out for and help each other. Watch each other's mail, take out the trash, offer up the newspaper when we're done with it, use their bikes. Good people. A lot of my mornings are spent hearing Eddie's stories out front while we wait for the mail.

So that's pretty much all I got for today. Gorgeous day, perfect for shorts...until I just noticed that my socks don't match *Blush*. Lovely. Enjoy a nice summery song that kinda touches a little on family and harmony. Hope it's sunny wherever you are. *Cool*

May 12, 2008 at 2:55pm
May 12, 2008 at 2:55pm
On saturday I brought to you the answer to the question posed to me my outstanding friend Nicole in NC. Sure enough my phone was blowin' up that night with her response. This here is a portion of that conversation, and it was not brought to you by On-Star:

Nicole: Uhhh, so thanks for the eulogy.
Me: Noooo prob.
N: Actually, it is. It wasn't personal enough.
Me: *Shock*What?
N: You left some stuff out.
Me: Well, I couldn't say everything...I mean, your family will be there...
N: Yeah, actually, it was too personal.
Me: Sorry...you know I'd never actually say that...
N: Yeah I know. "Hey Mrs. Z.- your daughter got drunk and slept with me. When she was 19. More than a couple times."

*Note* *Note* ...reminiscing ensues... *Note* *Note*

N: You left out the best parts. That I'm cool shit. Or that my motto is "I'm a party in a person!"
Me: **smack head** Damn! I can't believe I left that out.
N: I think you should blog about me every day.

(This remark coming from the girl who says her life isn't interesting enough to have a blog...like my life's all that interesting to begin with.)

Me: I'll get right on that. "This entry is for Nicole, who is cool shit."

(I think she called me a name in which I'd rather not repeat, so I'll use my writer's license to substitute phrasing.)

N: Oh, whatever. *Rolleyes*
Me: Just sayin'. *Smile*

*Note* *Note* end of conversation *Note* *Note*

Honestly, she's the best female (I was gonna say "chick" but she wouldn't go for that) friend a guy could ever ask for. I'm glad things turned out the way they did for and between us. For being an ex-girlfriend (and the only one who I'm still any bit close to), one couldn't ask for more.


There's a fun little video...and In Your Dirtiest Pants is probably the only one who'll understand the lyrics, but that's ok. A nice soft song for the day. I was gonna write more, but the lengths have been getting outta hand lately so I'll save the topics for another day. Hope everyone's havin' a good one. *Smile*
May 11, 2008 at 3:22pm
May 11, 2008 at 3:22pm
First off, I'd like to take a moment, if I may, to expend warm wishes of gratitude and thanks to all the mothers out there. Thanks for putting up with the shenanigans brats like me put you through all these years.

I woke up this morning (well, not really- I was still half-asleep...maybe a little more) and I realized I still hadn't filled out my stepmom's Mothers' Day yet. I wondered what I was gonna put into it. I'm a card giver for all occasions, and I usually don't just "Love, me" at the bottom; I try to include some sort of personal greeting. And as I was laying in bed, still not having opened my eyes yet, this is what I came up with, and got me out of bed so I could stick it in her card: "Back Back [E]

Then I decided to go for food at Tim Horton's. They have fantastic coffee and the sangwiches are reasonable. But I have one problem with this place. And it's a big problem. And it's why I rarely ever go there for anything more than ONE cup of coffee.

They fuck everything up.

In all the years I've been going there, not once have they gotten an order right. When planning a Tim Horton's run for your lunch break at work or whatever, you have to schedule yourself enough time to go back on a return trip so they can fix their fuck-ups. Not once have they ever gotten a sandwich right. Never. I wish I were making this up. I swear, sometimes this blog writes itself.

And I usually get the kid at the counter who not only doesn't know what he's doing, but completely looks AND sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing. If I don't know what I'm doing, at least I can fake it. I understand having worked in retail that sometimes you're in a pinch and you need to hire the first kid off the street with a pulse, whether or not he can spell his own name. As long as he can count back change. Lord knows I've hired a few idiots in my time, always to disasterous results. It happens. You do it in hopes of biding your time until someone better comes along so you can weed the idiots out. But I digress...

All I want is a sangwich. No soup. No beverage. I've got my Mountain Dew, I'm straight. I place my order. Kid asks me if I want the combo. I say to myself "Self, the beef barley soup looks good. Getchyer badself some of that." Word. So I say yeah I'll take the combo with Beef Barley soup.

That last statement apparently confused the shit out of the poor kid.

How he managed to spit out "Uhhhh...you...can...only...get...a...donut...
...or a cookie...
...or a muffin...
...or an apple, uhhh...
with a combo meal" without falling into fetal position and weeping like Nancy Kerrigan, I'll never know.

(And if you forgot who Nancy Kerrigan was, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T09XWRkq5M)

So I tell him what I want. Roast Beef sammy. Beef Barley soup. Boy genius asks me if I want to get the Sandwich/Soup combo. Oh for the love of Tim Horton himself! No, snappy, I'll gladly pay you regular price for each separate item. And would you mind using yesterday's roll? Of course I'll take the friggin' combo. "What would you like to drink?" I don't want a drink. "It comes with one." Oh my head! OK, a small decaf coffee (believe me, you don't wanna see this kid overcaffeinated...one Mountain Dew is bad enough). "But I think you have to get the medium, it's like the same price." Dammit! Then I think, if this idiot were trying to sell me a car, he'd have me going from a '96 Neon to an '08 Cadilac with the holy shit upgrade package.

Fine. Now that my $4 sangwich has been upgraded to an $8 meal and I just turned Johnny moron cashier into Employee of the Month, I pay and wait. And wait. Settle at my table with my newspaper and my medium decaf. Look to determine the status of this order. It appears as if no one has begun to make my order. Did they outsource it to Canada, home of the Tim Horton's franchise? Eventually our hero, the cashier, comes up to me and says the best possible thing one could want to hear in this situation (and I hope the sarcasm dripping off of that line doesn't leave a stain on your monitor):

"She just told me that, uhhh, we just ran out of roast beef."

*Angry*Ahhhh, WHAT?*Shock*

At this point, I want to eat. I'm pissed. I coulda bitched up a storm. But I'm not like that. Now I want to get the fuck outta dodge. With something. Anything. Throw me a couple of Timbits or something. Fine, I'll take a Turkey Bacon Club. Kid tells me he's gonna owe me some money. Damn right you are, buddy. And give me my food, so I can bid this place adieu.

This is the same place that I stopped at once to get a coffee for myself and a donut for the girl I was seeing. She wanted a plain donut. The round donut with the hole in the middle and nothing else. Easy enough, right? You gotta watch these clowns. I musta took my eye off them; when she opened the bag she got a glazed donut. Bitches.

So I think I'm done with Tim Horton's. Our relationship- kaput. Splitsville. You can keep the kids too.

Let's see...what else is going on? Oh yeah...I was bored yesterday and had my picture taken so I could get an updated pic in here. If you decide to click on it, please...as a friendly warning...do not look directly into the image. Avert your eyes.
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1424895 by Not Available.

Couldn't find a decent song today. Was kinda in the mood for something edgy, pop-rockish. But then I came across this while looking for "Office Space" clips (three words: Best. Movie. Ever.). The song is very offensive, but the video had me in tears.

And a special preview!
Tomorrow we'll feature here Part Two of yesterday's entry, Eulogy: A Response. How did Nicole react when she heard what B was gonna say about her? Drop in tomorrow to find out! *Wink*

Hope all you moms are gettin' a lotta love today. Peace homies.
May 10, 2008 at 2:18pm
May 10, 2008 at 2:18pm
Never met, talked with or hugged a better bunch of dudes than these guys, ".moneen.. And how they manage to keep this kind of energy up throughout an entire concert amazes me...it has to be seen to be believed. You may possibly tire yourselves out watching this.


This one's for you, Goldie. *Laugh*

So I get a phone call from my friend Nicole the other day, and as usual she has to greet me with some random thing to say. Which I'm usually prepared for. But I will admit, she did catch me a little off guard with this one..."When I die, what are you gonna say at my eulogy?"

WTF!! How do you even answer that?? *Confused* Is that a question you can even answer? Now keep in mind that she's a healthy 24 year old with no intention of dying anytime soon. And she will probably outlive me.

Isn't asking that question kinda like eavesdropping on a conversation? And as if answering the question isn't bad enough (because she really had me on the spot), she tells me I should "write about it in your blog". Yikes *Rolleyes*. So here, dear loyal readers, I present to you the eulogy of my lovely friend, Nicole (bring your own tissues).


Good morning. We're here not to mark the death of a friend and loved one, but to celebrate the life and spirit of Nicole. A friend, lover, sister, daughter and wife. She was all those things and many more to a lot of us here today.

She was caring and compassionate, and always looking out for others. Personally she helped me get through a trying time in my life, as I'm sure she did for many of you here as well, in any kind of way.

But I think the one thing we'll remember most about Nicole was her voice. When she got that loud mouth of hers going full-bore, her chuckle could be heard for blocks. That, and I guarantee you if you open up that casket now, she's still fidgeting around and dancing, even in the afterlife.
(**Taps on casket**...Hey! Knock it off in there! Settle down!) In everything she accomplished in her long and meaningful life, there was always movement.

Personally, I'll always remember during an intimate moment in the dark how she couldn't see me, and as she rolled over she elbowed me in the nose with such force that my teeth hurt for two days straight. I think we both had a little too much whiskey that night.

I just want to take this one last chance to say goodbye. You may be gone, but you will not be forgotten. For the next couple days at least.

*Check1*So there it is. Cross that off my list of things to do today. And don't worry...I know some of you might be concerned about me mentioning sex and alcohol during a eulogy. Well, I'm pretty certain that once I make it up the steps of the church, God will strike me down with a bolt of lightning and forbid me to enter her house of worship. Therefore, I really don't need to have a eulogy prepared anyway.

Alright enough of this nonsense for one day. It's too nice outside to be screwing around. Time to go get my laziness on. Have a great day.
May 9, 2008 at 4:04pm
May 9, 2008 at 4:04pm
Wasn't gonna blog today. Not in the mood.

Then I figured I'd just stuff in here what I wrote when I woke up this morning. Haven't written at all in the last maybe 2 weeks. Then I re-read it and said nope...too depressing. It might end up in my port in a few days anyway.

I guess I've just been considering the weight I've put myself under lately. I most certainly am not looking for sympathy; when I get into these moods I have to take a step back and realize that things aren't as bad as they seem and it's all in how you deal with everything that eventually makes you who you are. So today, I'm just dealing...I'll sort out who I end up becoming from it later.


Couldn't figure out what to listen to today, then I saw this cd sticking out from a stack on my coffee table. Kinda sums up how I'm dealing with life today.
May 8, 2008 at 3:30pm
May 8, 2008 at 3:30pm

So I've been giving this some thought. There haven't been a whole lot of major changes at WDC for some time. Which is fine...I'm not a big fan of change and the worst thing that could happen during change is the total imploding of something that you love. I've been a member here for quite awhile...and I wouldn't spend so much time here if I wasn't happy. But these are a few ideas I have that can sorta spruce up the place...


Back in the old days we didn't have merit badges. If someone was particularly gifted in something, they had to take your word for it and as many gift points as you could spare them. Geez, even I only got my first merit badge within the last 6 months. So let's add a few more to the list so a wider range of people can be gifted.
*Bullet* Let's keep the Music merit badge. But I really think there needs to be more categories. Like a hip-hop merit badge. A must. In fact, make me the overseeing body that determines who gets it. The best rhymes over 24 bars wins. Start battle rapping in the streets now, and who knows...if and when it becomes a hit, we'll start the campaign for a Breakdancing merit badge.
*Bullet* And let's not leave out the indie rock and emo kids. Because a Rock & Roll merit badge would simply be too vague nowadays. Bring us your weepiest ballads, tales of teen angst gone horribly awry, broken hearts and black mascara, and for 10,000 GP's someone will show you some love with a merit badge you can sew on your virtual man-purse.
*Bullet* Did you get a lousy review? Let that reviewer know! Nothing says "I hate you and you don't get it" more than a snazzy, heartfelt Ignorancy merit badge. Let the people know you read that mind-numbing review, and your plans to ignore it!


Geez...when I first joined, WritingML existed of a couple colors, italics, bold and underlines. Now it pretty much does everything but put your name on the Pullitzer. So in the name of progress and a continued gluttony of featurism to spice up your blog some more (because you just ran out of those fancy $10 words 3 blog entries ago), I offer the following:
*Bullet* We have emoticons for "thumbs up" and "thumbs down". Now how about a "middle finger" emoticon for when someone talks smack to you in your comments section? Now you can really tell them who's "number one."
*Bullet* And on the subject of hand gesture emoticons, your best blog buddy has just posted the sweetest youtube clip of your favorite band rocking out. Why not reward them by sending them the traditional rock concert staple, the devil horns? Let your BBB know that they rock!


*Bullet* Along with "save", "save and edit" and "preview" buttons, or maybe similar to Spellcheck, how about a magical "Asshole Filter", for every time I post the randomly out-there comment in your blog, email, forum or review. It would translate my weirdness into puppies, kittens, flowers and respect.
*Bullet* Make it easier to upload pictures, and skip with the Image Size Limitations. I'm too lazy to resize my 6 megapixel camera's images into just a tiny low-quality image.
*Bullet* Make the Bio-Block mandatory when signing up for membership. That way I don't waste my time getting into someone's empty portfolio. What a waste of a good mouse click.
*Bullet* And while we're at it, if you're a member and your port is empty, you're not a member. Clear these folks out and you'll have way more bandwidth for my 6 megapixel pictures...problem solved!

There's my community service for the day. Alas, it may not happen during my time, but who knows? Think about it...the "Asshole Filter" would've definitely turned this blog entry into something actually worth reading today!

May 7, 2008 at 3:11pm
May 7, 2008 at 3:11pm
Or more importantly, why don't I pay more attention to detail?

I got my T-Mobile bill the other day. Glanced at it, didn't think anything of it. Originally it was going to be about $86 a month, until I decided I was using text messaging a lot more than I anticipated, so I called them to switch my texting to unlimited. No problem, but I'd have to wait out the billing cycle.

(And T-Mobile's customer service people are probably about the nicest and well-informed customer service types I've ever had the pleasure of speaking with.)

When I was having issues with my automatic billing last month, I called and they cleared it up without hassle. I also confirmed that I was on unlimited texting (this would've made my bill about $92). This is correct.

All of the sudden last week, I was unable to send texts. But it was late and I didn't feel like dealing with it...and of course forgot about it the next day and the day after that and the day after that. Til yesterday.

Yes, I know...I'm figuing this all out now...sometimes I'm not the sharpest (insert cliche here).

So I figured I'd check my Flex Account (which is T-Mobile's way of bailing you out if you go over your monthly minutes or allotted texts). WTF?? My Flex account is at zero dollars. I just put $25 on it not that long ago! And weren't they supposed to send me a text if my Flex balance was getting low? So I put money toward my Flex account. Good to go, right?

Take a second look at my bill...it's $76, same as last month. Unlimited texting my ass...the texting wiped out my Flex account. They never turned on my unlimited texting. Bastards *Shock*! So all my text usuage was coming out of the Flex account.

But it's just as much my fault I suppose for not following up and triple-checking what they were saying vs. what they were doing. Yikes. How do I walk around and not fall down more often? *Rolleyes*

Anyway, I love hockey. And I love love. Every good Canadian band should have a song about hockey. This song has lyrics about hockey. And romance.


Here's the lyrics if you can't understand Gordie:

Good song (sorry Ashley). Let's hope the rain holds off. Hope you're all having a great day. *Smile*
May 6, 2008 at 1:57pm
May 6, 2008 at 1:57pm
*Shock* Yup. Fuck.

After a very frustrating breakfast experience at Subway, I figured I'd dip into the supermarket for some batteries and a Mother's Day card for my stepmom. I bypassed the Hallmark store cuz their signs in the window said "Rock Your Mom" and I thought that to be a little weird and creepy.

So I get to the store and decide to kill a couple minutes playing Quick Draw lotto while I'm shopping and people-watching. I made a couple laps around the store as my Quick Draw games elapsed. I lost, no big thing.

So I'm walkin', got my batteries, card, discman and lotto ticket in my hand. I notice a few employees seem to always be at the opposite end of the aisles I'm in. And after a few minutes they're joined by a suit or 2. What is this? I'm being followed!

Now I realize my wardrobe isn't helping me out in this, looking like some sort of intellectual pimp with my fedora tucked down tight, my glasses and my plushy purple Adidas track jacket. And the cardinal sin of stores...a backpack. I never leave home without a backpack because I usually never know exactly where I'm gonna end up and might need the extra cargo space.

I'm a grown-ass man. Well, ok, I'm short, but I'm grown. I don't need to steal. And if I needed to steal, I still wouldn't...especially batteries or greeting cards...I'd be taking good shit like chocolate and cigarettes *Smirk*.

The suit makes his move and swoops in. Not with a hello or an excuse me. Not exactly polite or discreet either. "When you bring a backpack into this store you have to check it at the office." What?!? I've been shopping at this location for over 14 years. I come here sometimes 2, 3, 8 times a week. Always with my backpack strapped. And now you wanna start enforcing the rules? Bitch please. *Rolleyes*

I don't see the women lining up to have their purses checked, and I've seen purses big enough you'd swear they were smuggling babies. It'd be a lot easier to shoplift with a purse than a backpack...how obvious would I look in a busy supermarket pulling a backpack off my shoulder, opening it and navigating my plunder around all the other shit I'm carrying?

And furthermore, if I really was gonna steal, do ya really think I was gonna loiter around the aisles for awhile with hot goods on my person? Ohhh hellll naw. Get in, get my shit, get out and be halfway down the block before you realize what just happened...I'm not goin' out like a punk *Smirk*.

So that's been my afternoon so far...all but been accused and strip-searched. And because I'm a little unnerved, I offer you quite possibly the spookiest Radiohead song in their catalog...

Good freakin' times so far *Rolleyes*. How's your afternoon?

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