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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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January 23, 2009 at 2:23am
January 23, 2009 at 2:23am
Just a quick pop-in, Studyees.

Much love for your support. I am slowly feeling normal. Whatever that is.

Jess is a sweetheart. This all y'all know to be true.

I failed her today. *Frown*

We had the day off and lotsa plans. Thwarted, as usual. Her son flipped his shit at school today. After well-deserved dome she had to pick him up. So I did laundry and cleaned up some.

Excuse me while I burp up the Chinese I brought home.

Then I tried to make a day out of things. Of which I got the proverbial shoe thrown at me for.

Hang on... the hot mom is texting me from upstairs.

Awesome... my focus is shot.

I have the first disc of the first season of The Boondocks on dvd playing, and now I get Zack's blog intro that much more. I want that song. The cd junkie that I am.

So I can be a sweet guy. I do nice things. But I made it clear that I am not a mind reader. If you want a hug because you're pissed that you spent your day driving for a bad reason, tell me, and do it before I try to accomplish a few things. AND, don't try to peg me as having planned this. Like I knew your son would flip out... and if I had things planned otherwise, well, ain't a damn thing got done today anyway. 'Cept yo laundry, fool.

Forget what I wanted to do and didn't get done. Excuse the fact that I had the presence of mind to get cat litter and dinner tomorrow along with some heartburn-inducing Main Moon Chinese that kicked ass.

Blew off everyone today...rescheduled with my bro for the morning, and ignored my dad's call while I was at Tops. Turns out Pop Diesel had a "day from hell." The cynic in me me says dude, you contributed to my life being hell, but the everloving in me is pissed that he didn't call me sooner and set shit up for dinner.

Most importantly, I apologize for not responding personally to the comments on my last entry. Me and J are fine; stronger than ever and looking forward while dealing with all that is today.

And peace to KÃ¥re Enga in Montana for enjoying and being inspired by Hawksley Workman. *Bigsmile* I love your work and all that you've been doing with it. Thank you for giving a poor Cheektowaga boy some legs in Blogville.

Gotta hit the sheets of cotton the woman I intend to spend the rest of my life with is asleep under. Studyees, peace and love. Like Slug from Atmosphere says, if you're leavin' cuz of love, you ain't really livin'. Peace and good fucking night y'all. *Heart*

January 17, 2009 at 1:58am
January 17, 2009 at 1:58am
I should be enjoying life right now.

I will blame impending changes, lack of sleep, cold weather and unexpected text messages having to deal with something maybe I'm not ready for. And my back is aching more than... well, today has been too much to be funny, and I spent all my metaphors on J during a good talk after work.

I had a huge panic attack today. I lost function of my right to think rationally for a good chunk of the day.

I haven't felt that way in a long, long time. I scared the shit out of myself.

I made it to work. Barely. And late. With J's help. Thinking it all could be theraputic. The woman is a saint for dealing with me.

I don't do this cold. Usually when I freak out it is in the summer, and in the throes of influence.

More details when they come to me. I still can't put a thought together.

I'm scared, but having dealt with this before is a calming influence.

I have had way too much to think the last few days. I'm not used to that.

Stay well people. Don't worry about me. It is NOT just a guy thing. It is solely a me thing, and surely everyone gets panicy to the point of near destruction, right? I mean, yeah...yeah. Yeah. Or something.

Sometimes creativity breeds from self-destruction. Sometimes the opposite. I do not feel well.
January 16, 2009 at 3:11am
January 16, 2009 at 3:11am
A good evening to you all, Studyees, and what is up? I had plenty of ideas today, but then breaking news hit so let me clear the lane regarding the lesser topics first before I jam up your minds with what really matters. Deal with me.

* Don't know how I managed to cause myself so much pain again in my back.

* Run DMC was elected into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. DMC is on record as saying they would not perform because a member is dead, and they would prefer their fans to remember them as a whole. Coincidentally, Metallica received the same honors. Not only did a member die, but twice did they also replace other guitarists, and no doubt will they perform. This begs the question, who has more class between two groundbreaking heroes of their respective genres? That was my whole blog entry today, in dissertation form, until...

* Ricardo Montalban is dead, RIP. Seriously, I thought he died 10 years ago. No more will he greet me on "Fantasy Island". And yes, I know Herve Villechaize, the dude who played "Tattoo" on the same show and was known for yelling "Da plane! Da plane!" is dead too. He died the year I moved on to better things in life also.

* Winkz was leant a Saul Williams book today from yours truly that he could not stop reading, and wants more. Proof that not only can the youth of today smoke cigs, drink beer and (try damnestly to) fornicate, but they can also get into some cutting-edge poetry and want more. Then, he brought me, in a fit of glee, my mail, which included my Atmosphere package. To which I reacted very teenagerly. With good reason, mind you good Studyees. When I emailed them to find out what the duece was up, I was informed that because I ordered something that wasn't to be released until next week, I wouldn't get the whole order til then. But today, wrapped in the heavy hoodie I am sportin' right now, came the 2 cds PLUS the cd/dvd reissue that supposedly held up the whole transaction. Both Winkler and I did well for ourselves. I got beats, he got his bookbag. (Ask for further clarification.)

* So all this and more has happened, and The J that I have again asked to write an entry but refuses to because her phone's keyboard is cooler than mine picks me up, makes a kickass dinner, and then tells me we're checking out a house to rent that we've had our eye or two or thrice on. I was too excited by all of my other good news to remember the whatwhat I had for her, so we saw a house.

And we fell in love with it. And each other (again), in talking about it.

And I'm not in love with the price, but we'll sacrifice, and the almighty power of love will make this work. That and the almighty power of me finding a 2nd job.

But let's not split hairs right now about details. She proofed me to see if I'm in, and I'm in. She thinks we can do it. No shit, the place is fantastic, with all-new junk holding the place up and making it liveable/rent-to-ownable. But, and there is always a but, I will sweat the affordability. Someone please talk me off the fence, and into a house with a deck and a creek and a master bedroom the size of just my living room and hers combined with a deck also, at the price we pay for our separate places combined. Stoggers, now is the chance for you to jump on your mouse and tell me what you think at The Drop Off.

*** And to think I told her I'd only be a few minutes. Bad B, Bad B.

Big ups to my friends Carol and Randy, for having a beautiful baby boy, again. I love and miss you cats, and I hope all is well. I've been sayin' it for years, but I need to call you soon. And I can't wait for you all to hang out with my Jessica. *Heart* Thanks for bein' great people and great friends. We look forward... *Smile*

And to the rest of you in the Stogger cities of Stogger Nation, GOODNIGHT NOW, Y'ALL! That's my word.
January 13, 2009 at 1:42pm
January 13, 2009 at 1:42pm
Hello all you fancy people that love to read this. What is up? A tremendous Tuesday to you all.

Here in my own little get-go of sanctuary do I, as a singular human being, feel complete. Alas, I've been fronted on. While the intentions are nice, it does not sit well in mi casa.

Stogger Nation, I don't much infringe on you, besides randomly randy Christmas cards. But I need you to get behind me on this.

My sister, who I love dearly, decided to "invite" me to her Facebook waste of space on the, in keeping with quotations, "Internet". Shoulda put that money into people rather than this nonsense.

I awoke to my phone, which is sync'd to my Hotmail account, going nutjob on me with emails. That's nice and all, but I don't need the drama. Sure Facebook is nice, but...

But let me have my anonynmity! For the love of a God you don't even see!

These cousins, some of which I have barely spoken to ever, are suddenly adding me to a list of friends. How can they? I didn't exist for 33+ years! Why now?!? With a family that barely tried to keep me involved outside of them saying hi to me when I would walk down the street and they would pass by in their Chevys like "Good for me, sucks to be you!"

Some I would like to keep in touch with. But who the blue fuck is Chris Snyder? Fuck that.

I am anti-social, regardless of my social beings. I am not meant for much. Apparently there is some sort of Facebook thing with my name on it that I do not approve of. Until I cave in to the weight of it all, DO NOT assume it is me. And then, and only then, once I get my ducks in a row, will I Facebook the fuck outta ya, to the point where they need to redesign the site around me.

I love the love, but I do not reciprocate the intentions, Dear Chrissy. Fuck that and a box of Slim Jims.

I could go on and on, but I love my sister and my girlfriend, so I'm gonna shut the frig up. So there.

K, the pkg is in the mail. All apologies for the hideous tape/packaging job. I made Birch Beer shippable.

Good Day Now!
January 11, 2009 at 3:31am
January 11, 2009 at 3:31am
Hello and what is up, Studyees? A very good midweekend to you all. I have a couple of quick points I want to jot down before I forget, so I'm gonna let the afterburners run until sleep catches up to me.

* It's over between me and J... I'll pause for a sec to let that statement kick in *Smirk* and wait for your jaws to settle back into their normal positions... as I have met pretty much every member of her extended family. No more will I have to endure the "getting to know you" questioning process, the teenage-esque overprotectiveness of distant relatives and their half-assed threats of what could happen if I break their little girl's heart, the grilling, their excitement over the fact I share a name with her late and beloved grandfather, etc. Done.

This weekend her cousin in Virginia came up for her and her twin bro's 40th birthday. That was a nice surprise... the party and the short notice. But, she sets 'em up, and your boy here keeps knockin' 'em down. *Wink*

(And just so's the slower ones out there aren't asking me too many questions, J and I are not breaking up, so save the angst for a snowier day.)

And how do I know I'm so over the whole "meet another member of my family" brouhaha? After going to another of her relatives' domicile after getting out of work today, I forgot when asked where I work. I actually had to think about it for a second. Could've been a combination of not being ready to be entertained by family-flavored strangers after working all day and being full while not wanting to poop at the same folks' house (I'm weird like that... I'll drop ass anywhere as long as I'm comfy and the bathroom is situated far away from common areas... you don't hafta tell me my shit stinks; I already know).

* After Friday's festivities and before today's more formal family gathering, I made the bold decision to have J sleep at my place for a change. She had been at my place in an extended visit once- back in September on the Sunday we "signed the paperwork", if ya know what I'm sayin'.

I finally showed her my bedroom. I put sheets on my waterbed for us to sleep on (it had been almost a year since I slept on it... I have a fetish for sleeping on either the couch in the living room or the loveseat in my spare room when I'm at 542).

This led to further discussions about living together, and how she felt selfish that on weekends when she doesn't have the kids we still stay at her place anyway, and how while I may miss coming back to 542 for me-time, we'll just need to make sure we get a big enough place so that I can feel alone from time to time amidst the chaos of normal life. That is big to me, having that space. It makes me appreciate having others around that much more upon my reentry into socializing with other members of the household.

Which in turn led to, ahem, copious amounts of extreme romantic behavior. Both pre- and post-dawn. Is it really a threesome if she's on the phone with a coworker talking about work stuff when I decide to reengage her in coital fury a third time after barely waking up? Stoggers, discuss this amongst yourselves.

* I emailed a publisher regarding possibly having some of my items published in book format. After years and years of talking about it. I bought a couple of books in our local section at work, checked out one of the websites I saw, and jumped on the phone to test the water. I included my WDC link, mentioned I work in a bookstore, and was generally polite and realistic. No response yet, but if anyone has any input as to how one goes about realizing their dream of seeing their work in print on a small scale, I'm all inbox at The Drop Off below. But the point is, I did it. I took a step. The only place to go is up, right? Sometimes you have to go a little to the right or left first, but to be able to have something a little more with my name on it would be just a kickass cherry atop the mushed sundae of my life. So feel free to share with me some experiences and/or tips.

* Now that the holidays are over, I need a new official ringtone. I have switched back from "Christmas In Hollis" by Run DMC to "Happymess" by Atmosphere: "I'm not perfect but I'm this that and this...my hands are dirty but I'm this that and this...you've been searchin' for this that and this...let's break the surface and make a little happymess...girl you're the most beautiful thing I've seen..." I suppose if the rhyme fits then rock with it, but I get bored. Don't wanna hate on the ringtone though when I have yet to get the cd. Damn you internet etailers. Damn you all!

* K, your box is on the kitchen table next to me, awaiting the finishing touches. No, I am not on the kitchen table. Monday, Tuesday at the latest, it will be in the mail. My word.

Alright. The First Lady of The Library has stolen herself away from the damn book I got her to come downstairs and see what I'm up to and why I'm not in bed yet, being that it's on the plus side of 3am and I have to work all day tomorrow and attend a political meeting after. Luckily I shall have two days off after, hopefully to post a picture or two and catch up on you Stoggers. Thanks in advance for your advice and insight. Y'all mean a lot to me. Peace and GOODNIGHT NOW!
January 9, 2009 at 3:38am
January 9, 2009 at 3:38am
Dear WDC,

Hello, and What is UP? It's The fivesixer of your internet space, and I have a valid question that has been plaguing me for a bit.

Why is it that almost every time I try to respond to someone's blog, the entire text gets locked in a very unpenatrable outline? This also happens occasionally when I try to reply to an email, and my only solution is to scroll down to the reply box.

It is very troubling to me, he who has sacrificed his freetime and using the public library for his internet access, to not be able to reciprocate with the fans of his blog that seem to wait so astutely on his words. I used to visit them so often using only my internet-capable phone, but now I cannot. Not only does this affect my readership, but theirs. And I fear that the trickle-down will not only hurt me, but you, as a high quality service provider that is well-funded from within.

My point is, this is the best damn site to do what it is I do, and to do what a lot of people do. And I can't do what a lot of people thought I could do, based on what I used to be able to do.

And I wondered why random civilians wouldn't bite on my "It's free!" recommendations. Maybe this is why. I was so excited to pay so much more for a phone than a laptop so I could get my WDC on in the comfort of the cell phone anywhere, and be able to tout that gift.

My supporters and I have done our part, WDC. Now, in these times of economic duress, You need to stand up and tell me why I cannot comment to my fellow bloggers. We pay the bills. We do our part. Now why can't I do my part to encourage my fellow WDC'er to do his/her thing? I am more than agitated by this. It has gone on for too long and I don't like that it has come to this.

Step up. For my sanity, and for those I've left behind and/or couldn't keep up with because of technological inadvances.

Very truly yours, WDC,
- The B That Runs This Piece Of The Internet
- Goodnight NOW, The Library.
January 7, 2009 at 1:57am
January 7, 2009 at 1:57am
Good evening Studyees. Hello, and what is UP? A brief rundown, that's what.

* Yes, J and I have discussed renting a house together in Lancaster come spring...the boys need their own rooms, and I shouldn't be paying rent/utilities on a place that I'm barely at. Total misappropriation of funds now. Couldn't tell you when the last time I spent the night at 542 was.

* Ye Olde Rumour Mille is kickin' up at work, and it looks like your boy here may have settled into a full-time gig at Borders Express. But I didn't hear that from anyone, so you certainly didn't hear that from me. Word.

* The stamps featuring my face and a card with me and the little lady have mostly been received and received well. My sis in Tampa said it made her day. Most think we look so happy together. I blame J for that. I'm just the douchebag with the hot girlfriend...and nobody's seen us like we've seen each other, so until you get in on us, we'll be bustin' & dronin' til we're too old to know better. And that will keep us young in our mature years.

* KÃ¥re, if you made it this far, in my corporate bookspeak, "Your order came in and is ready to be picked up." Which means keep your eye on the p.o. box, because I'm mailing USPS in a day or 2. And it comes with liver! I'm kidding. But I hope you enjoy it. *Smile*

* The taco joint in the mall shut down for good. It was only a matter of time. Once I stopped dating the daughter of the manager at another location, and he left, years ago, and she got a real job and got engaged, and felt she needed another go-'round with me 3 years ago or so, that place has so gone downhill. RIP Tijuana Taco, and my eating for free there even after I totally dicked over that girl based solely on my y2k insecurities and later on, my commitment issues.

* Did I mention I bought J a copy of New Moon today? That lucky girl. Or something. Anything to make up for me being hella nocturnal and doubly helacious when I don't get enough sleep. I thought my eyes would bleed when I bought (my being a Mets fan) my own father a Yankees calendar, but this was almost worse. I got a rundown on both her books plus Ann Rice's'. And I didn't want to stab my ears with garlic-soaked crosses.

So much for being quick and easy, Stoggers. If I left anyone or anything out, I'm sorry. I have a new writing or two to post and I will soon, along with some pics. So sit tight and have a Coke and a smile while I find the time to get to that. I'm far too excited by the music I've been able to sync to my phone so far. And where the hell is the Atmos shit I ordered online Dec. 17th? Ten days will turn into two months which will turn into too long.

I think, though I could be wrong, I have said all I need to say. Go Sabres, and GOODNIGHT NOW!

[the after-edit, and my whole point for getting on and posting tonight...}

* As of the coming afternoon, this shameless smack toward lifelong feasability of me as a bloggéd, loved, hated and respected writer turns One. I cannot begin to thank all of you who have supported me and believed in me. With that, I am again actively researching different publishing avenues. Wish me luck...might be a local thing, but I won't have much to lose. You all have given me a confidence that I let lay dormant for so long, and like I said before, this place is nothing without you, to the tune of your numbers and more importantly your input. Peace brothers and sisters.
January 5, 2009 at 2:45am
January 5, 2009 at 2:45am
Good evening, fans of this creepy little crawlspace of internet I like to refer to as The Library, and a belated Happy New Year to all y'all. Without further ado, I'd like to start the year off properly. Or properly off.

Fuck you, Axl Rose.

Fuck you and your orange cornrows, like you're the bastard son of Carrot Top and a Raggedy Ann doll. Fuck you and your whole look. 1991 called, and they want Axl back. Your guitarist paints his face and wears a KFC bucket on his head... is this because that's how little you pay him, or because he's afraid to be seen playing with you, or a combination of both? And fuck you for the joke that will become of Chinese Democracy. That's my word.

Anyone who knows anything about me, Studyees, knows that I am passionate and opinionated about music. Jess, loving girlfriend of the ringleader of this fantastic piece of internet timewasting my Stoggers seem to love indulging, even bought me a bag I keep my lunchtime consumables in that says "music = life" that I proudly swing over my shoulder on days I have to go out into the world and earn the few bucks I need to support both my blogging and eardrum-infecting habits. If you need further proof, knock on 542 and pray that I might be home...maybe there's something in my almost 700-strong cd collection that will tickle your listening fancy. (By the way Noe...the dream vacation of yours that happens in your head doesn't include a stop at Chez 542 in Buffalo?!? I'm hurt. Hurt, I tell you. *Wink* )

I am also informed. I read plenty of magazines and hit up a lot of my musicfiend buddies whenever I can (miss ya, Ash) to get as much knowledge as I can about not only my favorite bands, but also to scour them for new artists I could potentially add to my collection.

So it is, and so it shall be, Stoggers: I did buy the new Guns N' Roses cd. Sixteen years (give or take), or almost half my life, in the making. Luckily, I spent so much of that time broadening my musical horizons that I gave up just about all hope of hearing the long-rumored release of Chinese Democracy.

Why am I complaining? For starters, aside from the fact that this album has been celebrated for years long before completion, there is nothing Chinese or Democratic about it. And unless anyone can tell me otherwise, I'm not seeing it outside of hints in maybe 2 or 3 of the 13 songs.

Also, seriously...some of the songs are just too damn long for their own good. Especially the poppier songs. Catchy hooks and choruses are only catchy for so long, then they just get annoying. Luckily, the sucky wannabe GNR songs are also the shortest. I'm all for artists trying to expand on their creative visions, but not for the purpose of extending a song (or their relevancy), and not for the sake of rehashing a formula that worked in the pre-reality show days of MTV. Quality shouldn't come from quantity.

And lastly, Axl, why bother putting this out under the GNR moniker? Homes, that band is dead. You are the only member of the original band still in the band. I could cut this cd some slack if it were authored by Axl Rose, or Axl & His Hired Guns, or some other stupid name, but why ruin the rep associated with Appetite For Destruction with an overproduced and underworked mishmash of music that is so uncategorical? It makes me wish you'd actually taken the sincerity you put in your performance with Tom Petty at the VMA's on his "Free Fallin'" and channelled that into something more inspired and less overhyped.

All that said, there are 3 or 4 songs I really, really like. Thank whoever your savior is that I don't have youtube on my phone, so as not to be left with the option of being able to post a video of a band that in its prime was one that inspired me to want to be a rock star and now has inspired me to be that much more of a critic.

That's it for tonight Stoggers. I have a fancy little lady upstairs who is already asleep and kinda miffed that I'm not there next to her as well. I guess she had intentions of spoiling me, but I decided to spoil myself with some alone time. Besides, after buying a shit-ton of groceries on my dime, making her a late breakfast, waiting for her to finish reading her stupid book (no offense Lisa, but 37-year-olds don't need to read Twilight) and refilling her coffee, then waiting for her to get ready so we could run her errands just to use my gift card to Applebees to take her to dinner, I should be entitled to some things on my days off. I swear, all some girls want is sex. I may wake her up in the mornings when my loins are awake before my brain, but I shall spare you good people of the things she performed apparently while I dozed just enough to miss out on. She reminded me plenty. But I don't care...she's still my hot piece and I still made time for the boys and managed to put all my clothes away from the laundry (while making more, which I shall take care of tomorrow).

Now with all due respect, GOODNIGHT NOW!!
December 26, 2008 at 7:58pm
December 26, 2008 at 7:58pm
Happy holidays and whatnot Studyees, and what is up? I hope you all have had a fun experience or two over the Festivus season. Here's what's been up at The Library as of late; consider this the loathed "Family Newsletter in lieu of a card", since my purchase of stamps bearing my Santafied face has yet to arrive (and enjoy your New Years' cards, loyal and waiting Stoggers)...

*Bullet* My aunt decided not to have her usual Christmas Eve shindig this year. Do I lament the loss of another familial tradition, or do I wonder if Pop Diesel's malfarious infractions with the law have something to DWI? (Do With It) *Smirk*

[Sidenote: Dad wanted to make plans this weekend, but curiously said he couldn't drive. I had to cancel because I didn't realize I had plans that involved gainful employment and wouldn't be able to pick him up. Hmmm. His accident didn't cause him to lose the trait of leaving out a detail or two, or .15.]

*Bullet* J and I exchanged gifts after she got out of work Christmas Day. Damn to hell all of you who are so unprepared on the day some folks' Lord and Savior is born that you force a stupid pharmacy to open its doors for business just so you can get that last-minute Chia Pet or some other device nobody wants, instead of giving everyone a day off from the world. How thoughtless! 2008 was a leap year, so you had a full 365 days+ to get your shit together and be on time with things, as well as stock up on necessities. Geez, even most gas stations were closed yesterday! Not that that deterred folks from driving, but that's not the point...if you ain't ready for the big day, screw you- you lose.

[Sidenote: I wrote this, so it absolves me from the fact my cards have yet to be completed and sent out. And yes, much to my own chagrin, I included the word "completed". Put that in your corncob pipe and smoke it.]

*Bullet* After the fact, when the holidays are over, don't tell me about what might have been.

I had all my bounty for J stashed at my place, except for the one item I could not find. J wanted a Frank Sinatra cd sold only at Target, so I ditched her on the 23rd and beelined to the closest one at 10:30pm my time, only to find that they had none. Luckily, J's sis called Xmas eve morning from her closest Target while I was making the boys some breakfast, and I was able to convince her to knock down all in her merry way to get the last copy of that cd for me. Diesel on her.

We decided (since I had one gift for her on my person) to exchange one gift that night, so I gave her the cd. Of course she loved it, and my gift was also a cd. I had given her some options, and she went with "Alone 2" by Rivers Cuomo. Not bad.

When we exchanged the rest of our gifts, she said I spoiled her. Among the spoilage was a Buffalo Bills jersey of #51 Paul Poszluzny, her favorite. She adores it. And him. And me, for tolerating her every time the anouncers call his name.

On the way to work this morning, as we pull into the mall parking lot, she tells me "I ran out of money, but I was gonna get you a #23 Marshawn Lynch jersey. How funny would that have been had we bought each other a cd AND a jersey?"

[Sidenote: I was not keeping score about presents. It's not my thing. She did get me a sweet TWLOHA hoodie (ask me about that some time). But I hooked her up strong. Ladies who love J-Lo's Miami Glow, and Marilyn Monroe, and those stupid orange chocolate balls that you get to smash, say "Yeah!" Thought so.]

*Bullet* Since my family's implosion last January (an anniversary I am still not mentally capable of celebrating) and my newfound adoration for love, my holiday was a little out-of-whack. Eschewing what was left of traditions, J and I ordered Chinese take-out, exchanged gifts and took turns passing out in each others' arms on the couch instead of going to El Presidente DMFM's dad's for holiday cheer. I had been teetering between hoarseness and stuffiness throatily for a few days, and J got over being sick in time to get sick again. I sweated out most of it last night; today she still feels like shit. Yay. Or something.

[Sidenote: I found out last January that my dad and stepmom were splitting up after like 25 years of marriage, on the night I thought I was going to give my first-ever live reading of my works. But that fell through, I haven't found a place to make a reading happen for me, and, well, now Pop Diesel's gone done what he did. Awesome, or something.]

*Bullet* Black Friday 2!!! That was the warning on the news last night. The good news is that today wasn't so bad. The potential bad news is that it started out ugly. My manager and I both got in at 8am and we marked down calendars at both the store and our calendar kiosk to 50% off. We opened at 9. Apparently, that wasn't good enough for one cheapskate bitch who called the kiosk (and nobody calls the kiosk) not once, but twice. Another area mall opened at 8 today (poor bastards) and our store there didn't have the random calendar she wanted, so she called us on her cell in the store. Making ridiculous demands. Calling me "uncooperative". Because we're not open yet. I don't go to McDonalds and tell you how to make fries. I don't go to Vicky S and tell you how to look sexy. I don't watch a football game expecting my favorite team's quarterback to complete every pass. At least when I'm set up, then I can talk to you, and try to search for your random shit... until you decide to light me up unnecessarily. And the ask for "the boss". Who tells you no, he isn't the boss, and for the third time tells you what I've told you, and no we aren't holding your lame-ass calendar, and sorry you've been looking all over for it but we've had it for four months now, but you want it today because it's now 50% off? Are you fucking serious? A temporary store with all-clearance items holding items? Man, if I smoked that kinda crack, I prolly wouldn't need to work and/or should stand to get abused by cheapskates. Unbelievable.

So there it is, friends of The Library. And just so I'm not late to the party, Happy New Year y'all. Now if you'll excuse me, I must take myself out of my comfort zone and get my Jess and have another night of sickness on the couch, no roast duck necessary. Goodnight now!
December 11, 2008 at 11:46am
December 11, 2008 at 11:46am
Good Thursday morning Stoggers! Hello, and what is up? Now that the furor over my last post has died down a bit, it's time to take a leap into something never really maximized here in The Library. Thank you all for your kind words directed via The Drop-Off, email and text message toward The CWC That I Am Very Happy To Share A Cozy Bed With, but I'm here now to tell you all about a product that is poised to change my life, or at least the way I handle the mailing of letters, bills, thank you notes and bomb threats, etc.

That's right Studyees...I am endorsing a product and using this space to share it with you.

Jess and I have been pondering options for our Christmas card for weeks, and I am happy to announce that we've made our decision after finally taking the first picture of us that we both like this past weekend and how we're gonna go about it. We bought a box of Dr. Seuss cards and we're sticking that pic of us to all our friends and certain family members. Mainly because the boys won't sit still long enough or remain dormant for a good photo, and J doesn't want to leave them out.

Inside the box of cards is a coupon for what I think is a revolutionary product offered jointly by Walgreens and stamps.com...your picture on a postage stamp.

Let me reiterate, Stoggers, just how awesome that sounds: Your picture, on a postage stamp.

And if you're like me or Noe and have an in with a Walgreens employee, you also get their discount on top of the $2 off coupon. Your face on 20 stamps, normally $18.99, less two bucks and a nice discount from The Wall? Word! Where do I sign up? Just bring a picture, a cd with a picture on it, a media card with your favorite picture on it, and turn it into something kinda like currency that you use to send parcels and well-wishes across the country this holiday season. Who needs a "Forever" stamp when they can have your zip code postmarked over your smirking grill? Why fight the escalating USPS prices just to have some lame ass Christmas tree stamp, when the recipients of your Festivus-for-the-rest-of-us wishes are going to the Hanukkah and Kwanzaa celebrators in your circle of people that you only communicate with through a cheesed-up card? Make it your own, Studyees. And make it fun!

I personally cannot wait to come home and have the most ridiculous snapshot taken of me in a Santa hat to smack on the back of these envelopes. Short of my face gracing a million dollar bill, this is a chance to bring some funny to anyone's day. Especially those mired in the usual December blahs. And a family stamp sets you apart from the masses. Or something.

This whole idea of cards and a personal stamp set me up into the best mood I've been in Xmas-wise in years. Besides "Christmas In Hollis" by RUN-DMC and "Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney, I dug out some stuff for the holidays...Gord Downie's "Christmastime In Toronto"... Hawksley Workman's "Almost A Full Moon" is romantic in a way and can actually bring a happy tear to my eye. Go to www.maplemusic.ca and hook yourself up with a fantastic non-traditional Xmas cd from a fantastic singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist. Easy to get up here, but not so much out west. Hence the website...search and y'all shall be rewarded. Word.

I also have been reading a lot (when you work in a bookstore that lets you borrow books, it happens). Howard Dully wrote a memior titled My Lobotomy, which is a nice read for the disaffected NPR crowd and also an interesting book. But lately, I have been enraptured by Tucker Max's tales in I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. He is not for everyone, but DAMN, he is off-the-charts hysterical in a way that if you lived that life, his life, you could be in awe of. And if you longed for it, you could appreciate it. Zack, you might enjoy it.

That said Studyees, I have to get ready for work. I promise more pictures as soon as I can edit them, remove the redeye and format them to WDC's tiny obligations. If anyone is interested in a Suess card with our autographs and fancy Xmas piccy, drop me your info privately and I'll see that you get the goody-goods. Until I get a day off that I have to myself so I can get situated and caught up on you, you make this what it is, so y'all be good. GOOD DAY NOW!!
December 4, 2008 at 7:50pm
December 4, 2008 at 7:50pm
Here it is, Stoggers.

I promise I'll come by again when I can stay a little longer. And no, this is not my favorite pic of us. I look huge. I'm not, I swear. She's wearing glasses. But I'm being pushed for time, so this is what you get. Text me and I'll set ya up with a better pic.

** Image ID #1502096 Unavailable **

Read a book. Boycott addictions. Love life. Peace homies. *Heart*
November 24, 2008 at 1:53pm
November 24, 2008 at 1:53pm
Hello Studyees, and what is goin' on? A happy Monday to you all after a wild Bills win on Sunday that I missed. In the ignorance of naptime, which is sorely needed, and other responsibilities I'm flatfuck shirking, I wish to present an update on my status as a living, breathing and somewhat cocky member of society. Have at me if you will in The Drop Off down below, you fancy folks you.

*Bullet* I'm way too behind on EVERYTHING.

*Bullet* Work...sucks...because I'm working with people who think I'm some sort of genius. I couldn't spell genius without a dictionary, and they have no clue how lackadasical I am. I fuck things up regularly. BUT, this is the perfect job for me...once I get over my fuckups.

*Bullet* I am still totally in love. Unquestionably. What is questionable is how I show it, and the first 6000 of you that answer "Well, you're a guy..." will get domed with a...a...an...a something. I tend to be a private person (hence the blogsploitation of my life) and I'll keep it that way.

*Bullet* Maybe it's just me, or it's that I loathe snow on the ground, but this time of year sucks the life out of me. I want to care, but I don't. I know a year ago I was in a really bad place mentally, but maybe I had to see it to know I wasn't so bad off.

And I feel entirely horrible that I don't keep up on yall, but that happens. I owe some reviews and MB's. Stoggers, stay with me. I have some stuff to attend to, and I'm out. Peace brothers and sisters...
November 5, 2008 at 1:11am
November 5, 2008 at 1:11am
Stoggers, hello and what is up? Wasn't gonna blog from J's house but I am, and I'm in a quickie vent mode, so here's the brief rundown of what's up lately, and all apologies for not putting the usual spin on things...

- Yay Obama!

- Boo on my stepmom's apartment catching fire and burning to the point where almost all but the memories are lost. After all is said and done, her, her boyfriend, my bro and his girlfriend will land on their feet. I never knew how much facial expressions, pain and sympathy could physically and emotionally wear me out.

- I'll be taking the Borders Express job... grudgingly. It's a keyholder position guaranteeing 30-40 hours a week through January at $8.25/hr and then part-time. Or, I would be making more collecting unemployment.

- I sent Nicole and Hailey a picture text of Jess, against J's will because she had worked all day and thought she didn't look her best. But I do not trust my pic messaging, so I don't know if they got it.

- Holy hell, I may hang out with Dave this week! And he can get his shit out of my apartment. Pshaw, like I'm ever there anymore anyway.

- Showed J some of my older writings finally today. She liked them, though admitted she doesn't "get" poetry. No big, but she at least gave an effort and asked questions and stuff.

That is all for now my lovely Studyees. I hope all is well with you and when things calm back in to a routine I'll fill out the rest of the details. My family will be ok, so no worries. Yeah, it sucks, hard, but the support so far has been awesome and will be going forward. Just don't leave your stoves unattended Stoggers, and if the picture message doesn't work then you may just have to wait for that step the lady and I have had preliminary discussions about...our Christmas card. Now if you'll excuse me please, I should shut the tv off in the other room and warm up the girl who can't wait to fall asleep next to me in her otherwise cold bed. Thank you for your continued support in this here place...y'all rule. GOODNIGHT NOW!
October 24, 2008 at 10:20am
October 24, 2008 at 10:20am
Word up Stoggers! Hello and Happy "WTF where have I been?" Friday to you all, and welcome to The Library. My apologies for becoming domesticated on you all and shirking my studious duties. I would tell you to punish me, but I need some well-intentioned blog love and I come to you on bended knee, begging you all to take me back, faithful Studyees.

I have a job interview today at Borders Express, who once was a partner with Waldenbooks, a job that I once had and absolutely loved. I'm excited in that it sounds good and I get to dress up a little today. Hopefully, it's full-time and pays more than unemployment does. Plus it's a cool as fuuuu-ahhh, ummm, fluffernutter job that I rocked in my short time at Waldenbooks. So clap your mice and tap your laptops together in a Stogger sign of solidarity and good will toward me in hopes that I can earn and charm my way toward some honest employment, y'all. It goes down later on, 2pm Library East Coast time.

It must be said that charm is key for me, and as I dropped Jess off at work today she said "Good luck this afternoon...work your charm!" Ladies and Gentlemen of The Library, I am sharing with you the secret that broke down the counter at Walgreens and led CWC to become the Jessica of my dreams. She mentioned she was up for a promotion, and I said two words in text message format that melted her heart and showed her how much I cared, regardless if it meant I may not see her again if she got the promotion: Good luck.

That meant the world to her. Luck is loving me so far in the home stretch of 2008 that it almost feels right that I had to deal with so many failed relationships and all the fallouts after just to be able to fight for someone that I wanted to be with and have it turn out like it has so far. I am living in the benefits of it. I am the proof. We are the proof.

Do not think I have forgotten any of you, please. Life has paced itself a bit faster than I'm used to, and I do have to catch up on you fine people that gave me hope, promise, flak and whatnot. I miss y'all cats a lot. But if you'll excuse me, I need to shower and figure out which appartment I currently call home has the best clothes for the interview, let alone the fact that I can't decide where I should shower that will give my uncontrollably long hair the best place to dry into the "sexiness" your femmenemy has taken to love. Mad love Stoggers; keep keepin' on. GOOD DAY NOW! *Heart*
October 15, 2008 at 4:01am
October 15, 2008 at 4:01am
Studyees, an East Coast good Wednesday to you all. Hello, and what is up? Welcome back to The Library, where "one month" tastes like a night alone at 542 after too many Marlboro Smooths, but I'll touch on that later. I hope the week has been kind to you all so far; hockey season is underway so you know I'm happy. Go Sabres! At least this winter I'll have someone to watch games with.

Speaking of which, that someone... Stoggers, hit me up if y'all think I'm talkin' 'bout her too much. I don't wanna be that guy. But this is a rundown of the past week or so:

*Bullet* So Jess decided to try dyeing her hair a light brown the other night. I don't think it looks bad, but she is, ummm, ahhhh, well, non-plussed by the results. Claims it looks dull. I had to work the charm into overdrive to get her back to feeling a little bit better about it. And to not help in the hair department, I let her dye my hair with the leftover coloring. My hair didn't take to the coloring so much as hers did. Males, there is almost nothing harder in the world than trying to not only console a woman upset with her dye-job, but trying to console a woman upset with her dye-job while the same chemicals couldn't leave the same imprint on your own dome.

*Bullet* LOVEY-DOVEY ALERT, pt. I: So it's no secret I spend a lot of time at Jess' place. Like, almost all the time. And we are enjoying every moment of it. But come springtime, she wants to move into a bigger place. Perhaps maybe rent a house until she...wait for it...wait for it.../we can afford to buy one. She wants a place where the boys can have their own rooms. A place she can have a nice garden. Somewhere to settle down. A place that is OURS. Not hers, not mine, but ours. You'd think with all the things we've talked about so far Studyees that we've been together for years...the future, more kids, relocating, cohabitating, growing old. All the things people like me "yikes!" at at some point in life one way or another (and don't roll your eyes at me Nicole!), but we're so in-tune and pretty much in a day-to-day existence already that it almost makes sense based on the way we feel about each other. She's a keeper. *Wink*

*Bullet* I can't leave out our supposed-trip to the amusement park last Friday, which sucked balls. The whole day was kinda a mess. She baked cookies, which were awesome and Stoggers, my Jess OWNS the kitchen... I swear I've put on 10 pounds in the last month cuz she can cook cook. Anyway, instead of dropping her son and his friends off at Darien Lake and driving back to pick them up, I suggested we make a date of it and do the haunted house thing not only to save on driving, but to spend quality time together. This, my loyal lovelies, got her excited. Until one of Alex's buddies got really sick as soon as we freaking got there, and she had to take him home, which not only thwarted our plans but left me to oversee two hormonally obnoxious 13-year-olds. I was, however, comended by her for keeping my cool for the most part. I just hope all the hanging out I did that day with Alex, before the amusement park and watching his soccer games and helping him with his homework, will make up for the fact that he busted me and J in the shower, ummm, ahhh, "getting ready" for Darien Lake. *Blush*

*Bullet* LOVEY-DOVEY ALERT, pt. II: I'm sure I could've done a lot more research and looking back on this semi-touchy subject Studyees, but after some deliberations over a nice dinner at a pretty nice restaurant, we came to the conclusion that Sept. 14 was the day we became "exclusive" as far as dating goes. Add in our mutual validation needs just a day or two later, and Tuesday was what they call in junior high our "One Month Anniversary". How did we celebrate? After Alex's soccer game we had pizza and wings from a new joint down the street, rented the new Indiana Jones flick (and it blows compared to the older ones), and came face-to-face with the biggest issue frontin' on us so far...her 15-year-old, Josh. He is NOT dealing well with the fact that I'm always around, even though we get along mostly. He wants his mom to be happy, but tries to get under my skin. He pulls a lot of shit at home, but is doing very well lately at school. The problem is his laziness and lack of respect. He has it so much easier than a lot of kids because he isn't asked to do too much, but he just does what he wants. He thinks he can be manipulative, but we don't think he has a grasp on what it means to be in an adult relationship yet. So he had an outburst again tonight, afraid that the world might actually not be about just him, had another tense set of moments with his mom, and I had had about had it with his ignorance and disrespect toward her. I made a hard decision. A very hard decision. Stoggers, I told Jess to take me home, but not until we had a long, healthy discussion. It wasn't about her, or him, or me. It was about taking a step back so that maybe it could be a bigger step forward later. I told her from the get-go I would never come between her and the boys. Maybe we're spending too much time together for their liking. These are things we have to take into account, Studyees. I am in no way trying to steal away a mother from her babies, but in the same breath we're human and we have needs as well that go beyond adolescent triviality. Life is never scripted once offspring are involved. That I can evolve and emend and ad-lib and keep some peace, and still happen to find myself in a relationship with a girl who manages to keep falling in love with me more and more when she thought any more couldn't be possible...that might sound like crazytalk from a jobless fuckup like me, but you Stoggers know how to make a short dude with a long heart feel wanted anyway, so mad propers to you Wildcats in The Library for keepin' me keep keepin' on.

That might be all for tonight Studyees. I'm sure I have more to share that either my head won't let me remember, or would push the rating to XGC, so bless me with your presence in The Drop-Off, drop an IM @ hailtothethird or text me so much that I can't ignore it, because my phone is back into diesel mode. Happiest One Month Anni- Anni- versery, Stoggers... GOODNIGHT NOW!
October 8, 2008 at 3:36am
October 8, 2008 at 3:36am
Hello, and what is up, Stoggers? A very welcome Wednesday morning to you all, and it has been far too long for my liking. I tried to catch up a little, but to quote the sexiest man alive, Hawksley Workman, "The days are too short to get anything accomplished and too long to know where to begin." Welcome to The Library, where my life is on the verge of becoming a much more open forum.

That's right Studyees...once the love of my life gets her internet back up, this goes in front of her eyes. I've already contemplated allowing her to use this space for her to say hello to you all once she at least sees what it took for her and I to become a we and an us (and dammit, I'm still working on the picture aspect...patience Stoggers, because timing isn't always there).

So yes, I'm still alive and life is beyond good. As for her guest-hosting The Library, give it time. These things need delicate arrangement.

Let's see...where/when did I leave off? Met her siblings on Friday, then on Saturday after the memorial for Justin she met Dave and my sis. And wouldn't you believe it, but my sis of all people, the toughest nut on the family tree, approves. Not that it matters, but it does. And it wasn't just the mourning talkin' either.

Another Sunday breakfast crafted by yours truly, some football at her place, some coworkers' remarks that I should move in, and holdupwaitaminute, it's waaaaay too soon for that. Sweet Jeebus, I'm still stunned by the fact that this chick wants me so much and things are as great as they are thus far and thinks so much of me. Studyees, I swore to not take this too fast, so riddle me this: If I'm not taking this too fast supposedly, then why did I go solo to her son's soccer tilt on Monday, lend him a tie, grill a steak for the boys, make breakfast today, lend out a cd, help with Halloween decorating, and buy shampoo to go with the toothbrush and deodorant I already have there, and put a bunch of cds in her car that she lets me drive pretty much whenever? Huh? Huh? What IS that about? I would love to hear your takes in The Drop-Off down below. Am I maturing too fast, or should I have been this involved so soon before? Or is it just meant to be? Because it really seems like a lot of those things and more.

I will say this one time and one time only Studyees, so check it cleanly, because this came out of positive discussions the last few days: This was meant to be.

The way it happened; what was and what it is now. I couldn't ask for or have expected anything more.

I hate sounding so repetitive, but it is what it is. And I've got to believe the so-called "Honeymoon Phase" is over, after spending so much time with her kids, dealing with her being sick and bitchy, sleeping next to her so much, and her always wanting me around when she usually doesn't want people around. You may all say she is the lucky one, my faithful Stoggers, but it is I who should be and am so lucky.

I know for interests' sake I should go back to being more topical, but really, not much pisses me off these days. And even when I do get pissed, it rolls off of me faster than lipstick does off of a pig, or something like that. Forgive me for being hard to judge or easy to place, but we're so comfortable right now with each other and both so determined not to lose each other or fuck it up. And fucking things up, well, I think I trademarked that shit in the 90's y'all.

So join the parade that is my life or rain on it, whatever your liking. Have no fear; The Drop-Off below will not discriminate and neither will I. Wish I had more to say about something more socially important, but I don't. My bad. Deal with it for now. I have a lot of Stogger Nation to get back to, and I will due to scheduling at The Wall and time on my hands uninterlocked with Jess'. Even if we have dates and things already set up. You make this what it is, and I thank you. When J decides her kids are deserving of internet access (and I being one of those kids), you will hear from her. Until then, GOODNIGHT NOW!

Bonus feature: Alex the 13-year-old likes classic rock and grunge. I brought over some Led Zeppelin and Nirvana. Popped it in while him and I were decorating. I took a break and grabbed some chopsticks (don't ask) and started drumming along to Nirvana (Sliver: Best of the Box) and thought Jess was still in the shower. That would, uhhhh, be a NO, Stoggers. She was watching me through the screen door, beating out beats to drumless songs. Embarrassing? Maybe...if it wasn't the cute thing she saw.
October 2, 2008 at 11:31pm
October 2, 2008 at 11:31pm
Hello and what is UP? It's Thursday in a place I haven't been to in some time called The Library, and a great one to you all. This is my first extended visit to 542 in quite a few days and I miss my Studyees so much due to my phone and Jess' internet being down, and I have a lot of emails to get to, but first let's recap the almost-week, shall we? *Wink*

No, we haven't eloped. Yet. But on the real, I have never met someone like me in so many ways... someone so loving, caring, easygoing, fun, and many more adjectives that could be used in describing J and/or myself. This relationship, for lack of a better term, works. And she knows it too. She knows. I can see it in the way she looks at me and in the way we compliment and complement each other. Ladies and Gentlemen of Studyee Nation, your B here is all growed up and stuff.

There are reasons I try to avoid the adult-sleepover concept with members of the opposite sex that happen to own felines (beyond allergy concerns); cats hog the friggin' bed. But I'm over it. Over it to the tune of well, if the cat wants my side of the bed, guess that means I spend more time on hers. *Wink*

Studyees, what has come over me? I help her around the house, offer to do things, take pressure off her, kick the best cook I've ever dated out of her own kitchen so she can either relax or get caught up on other chores so she we can eat at a decent hour, all so we can do what we swore we wouldn't do between Sunday and Thursday nights when the kids are home...frantically interlock embraces at all hours of the day and night. I put it on you, my Library faithful...this feels very normal to me, but yet it's nothing I've ever really felt before. More on that later, but I'd like to hear your take at The Drop-Off Box below.

The kids? Alex, the 13-year-old self-proclaimed "man, because I have hormones now that I've turned 13", thinks I'm cool and while he can be a bit of a handfull, ultimately approves of me because I'm "a big kid". Josh, her 15-year-old, has his concerns, is a bit protective and thinks his mom shouldn't be dating again so fast, but she explained to him that he didn't really know that we had known each other longer than he thought and that things are going to be good. I'm attentive to him and his needs but I'll have to work just as hard to win him over before everything seems ok to him.

And Jess? After hanging out with her boss/best friend on Saturday we went back to her place and got ready for bed. Her b/bf approves of me hands down and told me so. Diesel points right there, Stoggers. We're laying there, talking, and I finally found the convo spinning in that direction. You know, that direction. The true "L"-bomb direction. So I said those three little words...

She cried.

Studyees, are you kidding me? She cried.

She said it back and offered, "I've never loved or been in love before." Ladies and Gentlemen of The Library, your CWC. *Wink*

Eventually we got to sleep around daylight and by 2pm I was cooking her breakfast. But it's hard to eat with someone else's tounge in your mouth. *Pthb*

What else?
*Bullet* Met her brother, a really chill military dude who's headin' back overseas but won't know where til he gets there.

*Bullet* As she was hustling to get to work, Alex, who usually rides his bike to school, realized he didn't have the key to his lock. I had just lit a smoke and turned on SportsCenter when I saw him peddling up the driveway. Ditched the smoke, grabbed my coat, watched him trip up the stairs to tell J that he needed a ride and I told her I was already on it. That made her morning way more easier.

*Bullet* Stoggers, this mofo has no clue how to load a dishwasher. Same day; I take her to work then stop at 542 to pick up some laundry to do at her place. In between loads, I made a few phone calls and cleaned up the kitchen. I figure, the more I can do for her around the place, the more quality time we have later on. This should be at the head of "The Man Laws". And that's where men go blind, Studyees...help a busy girlfriend out with the shit you can't be bothered to do at your own place, and you will be laying beside, atop, behind, whichever the preference, at the end of the night.

All in all, it boils down to last night and tonight. Without dropping too many details, my girl had been experiencing some physical "female problems" lately unrelated to that time of the month (and I should start keeping track, because she said that would make me a very lucky man *Wink* ). Come to find out that, well, the best way to put it is a future pregnancy is possible but would be difficult. She disappeared into the darkness and I couldn't find her save for the cherry on her cigarette. After making her feel better and letting her talk about her prior health conditions, we went back upstairs and talked somemore. She told me everything about me coming to see her months and months ago, how I made her flustered and if I'd ever talk to her more. I reiterated what you Studyees have already been through with me. We fell back asleep with her telling me "I'm falling in love with you all over again". I countered with "I haven't stopped falling in love with you yet".

Wake up and for the first time in her bed, I got some decent sleep. Sure there was some tossing and turning, but it no longer felt like a stranger's bed. But I ended up oversleeping when she ran errands, and gave me some, ummm, ahhh, what-for on the phone when she called and I said I wasn't ready yet. So I put down my sandwich, hopped in the shower, got ready and finished off the errands with her. And promptly moved a new toothbrush and stick of deodorant into her upstairs bathroom. Her reply, after her joking around? "I know now I can't say I've never been loved or been in love before. This is a first. *Smile*"

If you're still reading this and wondering what she looks like, I'm working on getting a pic. But this is my take: She's 5'2"-3" and looks like a cross between Phoebe on "Friends" and Elliot on "Scrubs", with the best of both personalities combined. Add in the fact that she's practical, quirky (it's almost eerie how similarly quirky we both are) and responsible, and dammit Stoggers, you will love her as much as you love me. As much as I love you, and as much as she loves me.

Besides, who doesn't love a girl who, when you pull off to the side of a supermarket just to get a newspaper and the ATM, texts you while you're inside just to tell you how sexy you are, and then verbally and physically backs it up once you get into the car? Hmmm?

So again Studyees, many apologies for the absence, but I'm sure you understand. There's so much more to be said, but I do have to keep some secrets.

One last take before I go, since I don't know when I'll be back. And this is on a much more serious tip Stoggers. Not that everything isn't serious, but you'll get my drift or peace yourselves out. Seriously.

This entry is dedicated to an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in at least three years. There was a horriffic accident this past weekend on the 290 in which a vehicle was travelling the wrong way and struck another vehicle. RIP Justin. Wish I had not blown off every chance to hang out. Wish I could've been more grateful everytime you asked my sis about me and how I was doin'. I'm not suprised you fuckin' J-bag, but I know you'd still be happy for me. I'm sorry J-dog. I'm sorry.

Please, Studyees, look out for each other. The first time you get to introduce a new girlfriend to people you haven't seen in awhile shouldn't be a funeral. Fuck that. If you're drivin', don't drink, and if you're drinkin', don't drive.

I'll hold off til the wake/funeral to get completely bummed. Until then Studyees, stay true. I will eventually get to your emails and keep them coming. Staying vocal keeps this alive, even when I am suffering from love absentia. GOODNIGHT NOW!

September 27, 2008 at 3:42pm
September 27, 2008 at 3:42pm
Hello, and what is up? A glorious weekend to you all and an apology for not being around for a couple of days. Studyees, love doesn't happen like this. At least not to this chieftan of souls.

All I'm gonna say is your hero has rolled solo in her Saturn Ion trying to find the part to her washing machine (a corrigated hose...why can't Home Depot feel me on that when I have the damn thing in my hand?) bumpin' Atmos, Flobots and Wilco.

And why does she fit so snug into the appendages otherwise known as my arms?

And why is she having a bad day? Her brother is in town, we're all supposed to be going out tonight, etc etc etc.

If all goes to plan Stoggers, today is the day. Last night should have been the night, but after J-enious didn't see the incredibly long-stemmed rose I bought her and laid along the dashboard as I drove her home with the rose tips right in front of her beauty. I even said when we got back to her place "Oh, you left something in the car." Who misses a three-foot-long long-stem rose?

Switching it up a bit Studyees, I bellyflopped off a plank, and gave J a card with the latest thing I wrote. She loved it. I believe the quote was something like "You are sooooo gettin' some this weekend." That was before the rose, but after her laying in my arms during the movie and her saying she could lay in my arms and be caressed for a long time. When I left last night, I wished her a long life. Two of the "L" words I could bring myself to say.

Anyway you Stoggers, it's naptime and I have personal attention to take care of if I'm not to be at home tonight. Stay well, stay who you are, and GOODDAY NOW!
September 27, 2008 at 12:55pm
September 27, 2008 at 12:55pm
Hello, and what is up? A glorious weekend to you all and an apology for not being around for a couple of days. Studyees, love doesn't happen like this. At least not to this chieftan of souls.

All I'm gonna say is your hero has rolled solo in her Saturn Ion trying to find the part to her washing machine (a corrigated hose...why can't Home Depot feel me on that when I have the damn thing in my hand?) bumpin' Atmos, Flobots and Wilco.

And why does she fit so snug into the appendages otherwise known as my arms?

And why is she having a bad day? Her brother is in town, we're all supposed to be going out tonight, etc etc etc.

If all goes to plan Stoggers, today is the day. Last night should have been the night, but after J-enious didn't see the incredibly long-stemmed rose I bought her and laid along the dashboard as I drove her home with the rose tips right in front of her beauty. I even said when we got back to her place "Oh, you left something in the car." Who misses a three-foot-long long-stem rose?

Switching it up a bit Studyees, I bellyflopped off a plank, and gave J a card with the latest thing I wrote. She loved it. I believe the quote was something like "You are sooooo gettin' some this weekend." That was before the rose, but after her laying in my arms during the movie and her saying she could lay in my arms and be caressed for a long time. When I left last night, I wished her a long life. Two of the "L" words I could bring myself to say.

Anyway you Stoggers, it's naptime and I have personal attention to take care of if I'm not to be at home tonight. Stay well, stay who you are, and GOODDAY NOW!
September 24, 2008 at 11:28am
September 24, 2008 at 11:28am
Stoggers, a welcome Wednesday to you all. Hello, and what is up? Welcome to The Library, where the news is big and the egos are small. Today I have a major announcement, but I'm going to work you over and make you wait for it. Wait for it...wait for it...wait...

I won't even bring up the whole fact that on Monday my dad and I got that table outta here. We went to my aunt's and she's givin' me the Italian eye when she asks "What's new?" with her giggle. Studyees, that look cracks me. Like my eye-rolling answer of "nothing" is gonna placate her. Besides, dad already blew my cover, obviously. So I may as well fess up.

Aunt Caca asked me about the Bills game, I blushed, and in her infinite wisdom said "At least you're getting laid." Oh jeebus.

I had to lay it all out for her; no big. Studyees, love your family, even if they have 4 big dogs that drive your eyeballs nutsac.

Meanwhile, Nicole (love you! *Smile* ) is driving me nuts wanting details, and I'm feeling awkward giving them up to an ex who is also a best friend.

After a bad day, which includes J's brakes making noise and needing replacement (good thing she didn't meet me at my aunt's like we wanted to, Stoggers), her washer leaking, and getting backed into by an old lady, I went to her place to chill with her and the kids. I loved it. She loved it. I offered to stop by and give her a hug. Throw us again in the penalty box, Stoggers, for the clutch-and-grab game.

I really wanna illustrate last night and my visit to The Wall today Studyees, but it all boils down to this...I'm tired, but here's your major announcement... we are "Official". CWC and B are now boyfriend/girlfriend. Studyees, throw your Mountain Dews in the air like you're happy to have Dew. All the talk has become action, and all the action has been put into place. She moved me last night to a place that I haven't been in awhile... I wrote. I will post it soon. But I want to write a million poems with her as the focus, if I can't see her eyes a million times.

The gorgeous quote today after I told her to front me Alex's soccer schedule? "*Kiss*"

Stoggers, I am officially official, so do not get any ideas. I am off the market. And pic-tori-ori-als shall be coming soon, I hope. If pic-camera can handle it. I share with you, my faithful Studyees.

Get in to it and get involved, you Stogging Stoggers. Light me up and tell me I'm wrong, or peace me up and shut me down.

This is the most random of entries ever, but it has a purpose. Studyees, I have won. I HAVE WON.

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