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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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October 26, 2009 at 12:29am
October 26, 2009 at 12:29am
Good evening Studyees, and welcome. It's been a long week, and I've got stuff I'd like to share with you in between watching my fantasy football team romp (again) and an entertaining Sunday Night Football game.

*Bullet* No news to report on my musical endeavour. I was supposed to get together with the guitarist today, and I've submitted him some lyrics, but my schedule has left me very compromised this week and had to cancel. Why...you ask...

*Bullet* Because J's parents are in town, and she told them we'd be going over to her sister's for dinner, after I told her my plans that she doesn't remember me telling her. So we had a nice dinner during another ugly Bills win. And what are J's p's doing in town now, you ask...

*Bullet* Because J's grandmother has passed. Thursday, in the early afternoon. I left work immediately to join the remaining family at Hospice. And I can honestly say, even woth all the wakes and funerals I've attended in my life, I've never been this close to a dead person just hours after they've left existence. We knew she was having a rough go at it over the weekend, but I guess she didn't have one more pull-through left in her. Rest in peace, Nanni.

She's being buried in Haverstraw, NY, which is just outside of New York City. It's an 8-hour drive. And I won't be going. Why, you ask...

*Bullet* Because I don't have any sick time yet from Walgreens, and because I'm part-time at Borders. So I'll be working both jobs tomorrow instead of being suportive of my family in their time of grief. Walgreens doesn't acknowledge the death of a grandparent of your significant other in their Bereavement policy, so I don't qualify for up to four days of paid leave. Worse yet, neither does Borders, and they only offer two days of paid leave. To this I thump my chest loudly and wail "I HOPE YOUR CORPORATION DIES!"

Oh, there'll be a local service next Sunday at 3pm in Kenmore, but I'll be lucky to catch that. Why, you ask...becasue Borders is having their annual mandatory meeting to set the store for the upcoming Christmas season. Is this what I signed up for when I decided to be a part of the workforce again?

*Bullet* On to the good news...it looks like it's going to be the end of my nearly nine-year run at 542 Penora. Let's face it...I spend every day at 40 Broe with J and the crew, Studyees, and spend 3-4 hours at most in my edifice. A few factors had been keeping me there...not having a place for my stuff that wouldn't fit in 40 Broe; not having the basement ready for her son to move down into so we can take the kids' (bigger) room; being behind on my rent from being unemployed and not wanting to move out with that hanging over my head. Rather than paying rent on a place that I'm really no longer using, I'll be moving in full-time at 40 Broe, saving a ton of money...a lot more than Geico can save me. How does happen, you faithfull Stoggers ponder...

*Bullet* Because I have a diesel-ass lil' brother who wants to try to tame this world on his own, and needs a place to start out in. Double-bonus for me!! He can afford it, he needs to get out on his own and start living like an adult, I have some leeway with getting most of what I need out of there while he's moving in, and I still have a place I can get away to if I need some me-time and space away from the occasional craziness that can become of 40 Broe. All initial roadblocks have been cleared, and the rest is up to me. Mike wants to move ASAP, so I at least have to clear up one bedroomso he can get settled. He's getting an almost fully furnished apartment, because I don't have to worry about things like my couch, chairs, dishes, stuff like that which isn't needed at 40 Broe. He gets all that...the waterbed, a dresser, my old weight bench, things I won't be needing going further in my life. He gets a good start on his journey to being on his own. I couldn't be happier. With him paying the rent and me paying what I would normally be paying on top of it, I'll catch up in no time, and everybody wins. This is exciting!! But I have a little bit of work to do, and not a lot of time to accomplish all of this. Why, you ask...

*Bullet* On top of all of this, I'm working both jobs tomorrow and J is taking the kids to Haverstraw, not to be back until Wednesday. Tuesday I work in the day and then going to see The Get Up Kids with my bro and a bunch of friends. I'll have a window of time in-between to assess what it is I'm leaving at 542 and taking with me. When J comes back, she'll have some time off (bereavement and vacation time she already had coincidentally scheduled) where she's offered to do some cleaning. She's a good woman, Studyees. I'm a lucky bastard. *Smile*

That's about all I got for ya tonight. Hopefully I'll be in a little sooner than later. I'll take another ugly Bills win, a nice win for our bowling team last night, and whatever few minor victories I've also had recently. Looking forward to a great Tuesday...have a good week, my good people...GOODNIGHT NOW!!


The Get Up Kids, "Red Letter Day"
          "We're loyal, like brothers,
          just us vs. all the others..."


October 17, 2009 at 1:44am
October 17, 2009 at 1:44am
Hello Studyees, and what is UP?? Short check-in to say hi and break some breaking news.

We're getting the band together!!

I've found someone, a friend of the kids who lived upstairs from me down the street, and one who I've tried to recruit to the site just so he could get a convenient look-see at my port.

He needs a lyricist for a couple of sweet riffs and a song he's come up with, I've shared with him some of my lyrics. He wants to set my words into motion. We've gone beyond the "yeah, let's get a band!! It'll be sick!!" stage to the "OK, let's do this!!" stage, which means me sharing a lot more with this kid than either of us are used to. I'm trusting this kid, and his guitar. For the most part, ne hears what I hear in my lyrics and can translate them musically. This makes me twinge with pride.

Stoggers, don't get your hopes up. I have no intentions of becoming a rock star, even if it is my "dream job". The fact remains that the last two weeks have been an almost-constant episode of failure. That something like this could come my way, an invitation for a lyricist to get to bang ideas off a guitarist and see what happens, is the 2nd best dream come true to me, and the first is something unspeakably legendary in this crowd...Jess company excluded.

I'm fading fast, Studyees...it's hard work thinking after a 2-job day and having to decide amongst your two favorite internet vices. So with that, I bid you all a Happy Sweetest Day, and hope it doesn't come off as fake as the actual Hallmark Holiday that it actually is, Peace homies, gotta get some sleep. GOODNIGHT NOW!!

October 1, 2009 at 11:44pm
October 1, 2009 at 11:44pm
Good evening my fancy lil internet denziens...long time no see and stuff. So I'm doing a really bad job of schedule-planning for myself and it's caught up with me. I did a tiny bad thing today. Tiny, compared to all the other bad things I've done in my 34+ years of doing bad things.

I called in sick to work today. And I wasn't sick. *Shock*

I know people do it all the time. I've done it before. But I really kinda feel guilty, but I don't.

See, I've been busy so much that my relationship is suffering. I work, I come home, and I want to be left alone to decompress from the day. And by "left alone", I mean go online and check on my fantasy football team for an hour, and then spend the next two hours on Facebook spying on a lot of people I haven't had contact with in almost 20 years. We had a big breakdown over some things last sunday, when I was, of all places, at work. And it was set off over all things, through text messaging. Text fights are, by far, the least productive form of arguing. Anyone who has ever been misinterpreted in text form can attest to this. But I was able to spin it around in such a way that earned me some love, in less than an hour, and I only had to walk about 1/4 of the way home!

So anyway Studyees, this has been playing on my mind for some time, that I work so much, J and I do our catching up and get our work-talk out of the way, listen to some random bs, and then I disappear about three feet away from her to where I can relax. And that's how it's been for the last couple of weeks, after I moved my laptop into the living room desk and freeing up space on the kitchen table.

Can I tell you that I don't like distractions? I like to be attentive, and caring, but I get random bursts of info from her when I'm doing my thing, while she's doing her thing, which is watching tv while reading. Dumb story short, she can't be without me for more than 26 seconds.

See how that random mini-outburst interrupts how the story is going? A tip for random people out there, courtesy of The Library. Gratis.

So fast-forward to today. For some reason last night, I couldn't get myself to bed until almost 3am, even though I had to be to work at The Wall at 8am. This morning did not go well. My alarm went off, I was my typical cantankerous self, and for some reason, fell right back asleep. Woke back up at 7:40...not enough time to shower and get to work on time. And getting to work on time is another of my good intentions that seems to go wrong for me.

I called the store, told the manager that we were running a little late today and I'd be in soon. Courteous, right?

Courteous if I didn't decide to roll over and go right back to sleep. *Smirk*

I called him back at 8:30, in a sleep daze, and told him I wasn't coming in. I believe my exact words were "I've got it coming out of both ends". That didn't seem to appease him one bit, but it did amuse Jesstastic. Luckily, I've been slightly sick the last week, and have been feeling better, but played it a little bit yesterday. I will, however, be throwing my immune system under the bus come tomorrow morning. *Smirk*

So the whole point is, usually I just need my alone time. The perfect day to call in sick this week would've been any day but today, which is her day off. But since I requested off both jobs this Sunday so I could go to a bro-out with some old friends to hang out and watch football, I figured this would be a perfect day to spend time with her and have a nice day together running her errands and whatnot. So I woke up just after noon, dropped her off at her chiropractor's appointment, got my alone time with the Buffalo News at my place for longer than I expected, picked her up, did some shopping, got some stuff, and had some subs and chips for dinner. I basically did it for her. Well, and I was tired, I knew today wasn't gonna be a tough day at work, and it was the best chance to do it. Plus I was tired, obviously. But she deserved some of my time in a public setting, besides the work pick-ups and drop-offs. It was done out of love. Her remarks the other day that I should quit Walgreens because I'm so miserable lately made a bit of a mark on me, but it's silly to do that...yeah, I'll get way more hours now at Borders going into the holidays, but it's not something sustainable, even if it makes me happier but pays less, and I'll have less hours in February.

And I just got interrupted again by said princess, asking the true reason why I called in today. I manned up and told her it was to spend time with her. Then she reminded me how out-of-sorts I was this morning...not shutting off the alarm on my phone even though it was in my hand, looking for something in the nightstand cabinet that had no affect on my day, just totally blanking on this morning. Guess I was a little sleep-deprived, Stoggers...and I miss you guys. As evidenced by the nap I took today when she dropped Alex off at boy scouts. The sleep deprivation, not the missing...the missing is a different orange to this apple.

On a brighter note, it's getting way wicked cooler outside...not that we had a really hot summer, cuz we didn't here in The 'Lo. But the chill in the air and the turning of the calendar means only one thing...HOCKEY SEASON!! As a Buffalo spors fan, this is good news if the Bills are losing, until the the Sabres start losing, and they could go either way this year. I wanna grab my stick and shoot around a little. And the Bills....continue to confound me. They could be good, they won't be great, I don't think they'll totally suck, but they screwed me royally in Fantasy Football last Sunday. I hope I didn't mention that before.

Ohhhhh-kayyyy then Stoggers, this feels a little awkward but I had a good time, and I've gotta go put clothes away. It's a thing I've been trying to do for awhile and started before the actual day started. Chores...damn. Been good to be here. Hope it was for you. GOODNIGHT NOW!!



No, I won't go
I want to stay here with you
September 15, 2009 at 8:33pm
September 15, 2009 at 8:33pm
Hellllloooooo Studyees! A good Tuesday to you all, and what is up? I'm typing this from the comfort of the backyard at 40 Broe, under our semi-delapidated gazebo, using good ol' fashioned dial-up internet. Yes, dial-up. No need for broadband connectivity in The Library, folks. No need to be a part of the modern world and its misgiving technology. Nope, eff that, I say. Eff that and that's what she said, too.

Remember when all internet was dial-up? How excited we were everytime our mouse found something clickable to click on so we moused over it and the text changed colors and we sat with baited breath, wondering for a few minutes where our happy fingers were taking us? Oh, the places we could go! And who could forget the humor and laughs that were had when someone was using the "information superhighway" and you went to make a phone call, thereby interrupting their "world wide web experience" and hearing the pinging and clanging and buzzing and actually experiencing the audible clamor of an internet hard at work, over your very own telephone?

Meanwhile, it's two-fucking-thousand-and-niner, and I'm using dial-up because some fucking kid in the house decided that enough was enough with the modem (to his credit, it does like to fuck with us sometimes), and beat the piss out of it to the point that somethings inside of it began to rattle.

And that's not the worst of it.

He then decides that all of the sudden, he can fix things. So he took the modem apart. Hang on while I catch my breath.

He took the modem apart!

This, mind you, is not our modem. We did not pay for it. Sure, we subsidize it through our Cavalier internet service bill, but it is not ours. Nor do we know if it has a warranty or not. And we don't know if they're going to charge us for it once we tell them our shit isn't right, J's boy ain't right, and they see a modem that hasn't "fallen off the computer desk", as he so put it, but looks like it fell off a computer desk and bounced off of 30 more desks on the way to meeting a cruel death from a blow to the side by a 16 year old's fist. A 16 year old, who's list of failed repair projects reads like Best Buy's sale ad every week, and has no formal training yet somehow seems to know everything about anything there is in the world. A 16 year old who last night argued that sausage ropes made of chicken should be thinner than pork sausage because of the size of a chicken's intestines. Wrap that one around your collective noggins, Studyees, and welcome to my everyday world. It's a world that the only the strong survive, but only if you know everything there is to know about anything, even if you're 100% wrong and enjoy sounding like an asshole about it.

So I'm not happy, and he's trying to make light about things because he feels he did no wrong. I can't even look at him without wanting to inflict harm upon him. He doesn't get it...and it's not that we can even punish him from doing the one thing he loves, because he's already taken it away from himself in that he really can't play online games as well as he used to. So I've got a clueless kid, who doesn't get that he lied about breaking the modem, bored and up my ass about every dumb thing there is in the world that I could possibly give less of a shit about. Meanwhile, we're cancelling the Cavalier home phone and internet package because Time Warner is finally offering a better deal with Roadrunner. They come Thursday to set it up. For half the price of Cavalier, it better be worth it.

What I also realized today, is that all Ietters should be one syllable long and that's it. No more and no less. Letter, say what you have to say and make some room for the next one. I'm looking right at you, W. That's right...every damn letter in the alphabet is one syllable long, but you have to take up three whole syllables. Get over yourself, W. What makes you so special? You're not even a U when halved, you're a V...you look like a UU that went to a Hollywood surgeon who botched your implant-reduction job. You suck, W. You waste my time exaggerating your lies everytime I speak your name in words. You're the problem, W, not the solution.

I'm so glad I got that off my chest, Stogger Nation. It's ranting like this that can only be accounted for when I overextend myself a little too much on coffee...sparked by the agonizing and heart-stomping Bills loss on Monday Night Football to the hated rival Patriots (and don't even get me talking about that) and waking up early because I was opening Borders Express at 8am for the Dan Brown release today (he wrote some book that got really popular about some painter and some kinda system or secretive way of doing things, and today its sequel came out, something about icons or something, or being misled...I flipped through it and could totally ruin it all for you, but then again it sucks so bad that even the lies it lies to me are lies about lies...so I just don't get it) that hardly anyone showed up for, earning myself a wired-up (in two ways) three-hour vacation in which I did nothing. And didn't feel a damn bit guilty. *Smile*

The only good thing about this stupid dial-up thing? It's only a tad slower than what we had before, and it still works with our router. And it doesn't seem to cut out at all. Unless, of course, the jackass of the house is trying to call on real internet service while a kid is playing a game online. Oh, the joys of dial-up.

All right Stoggers, do your thing while I go in the house and grab a sweatshirt...it's dropping into the 50's out here where I can't be bothered (most of the time at least). Of course, the jackass that cuts the internet by trying to call on better internet is also wearing shorts and a t-shirt while his laptop is being powered by an extension cord running to the backyard. Ah yes, the good ol' days...the simpler times...take it all in and enjoy it Studyees. I thought by now we'd have flying cars. Where's my flying car?? GOODNIGHT NOW!!
September 12, 2009 at 2:21am
September 12, 2009 at 2:21am
Good evening Studyees, and what it up? A frantic friday out the window to you all, and hope you're all looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. This cat has stalked his employers to the tune of approximately 14 hours a day for the last four days (which doesn't include Labor Day and the pre-pre-marital rift I was involved in the day before, prompting me to call in sick on the afformentioned holiday). So I'm wired with innanities...let's jump right in...

*Bullet* "I spilled some paint on the wall, so I had to buy a..."

"This old wooden table needs a new finish...let's get some..."

"Oh snap, she pole-dances for a living? She must be a..."

Yeah that's right Stoggers, I'm avoiding the word. But you already know it, and I'm being one of those people I hate, who'd rather spell out the curse word they're going to use rather than just saying them. There's nothing more annoying than waiting on someone to drop an efff-bomb only to have them spell it out like you're not supposed to know that they know something you think they shouldn't. Fuck that with a side of fries. I'm also being the other person I hate, and being annoying about it, as you'll soon find out.

So apparently this week at The Wall, all has been calm or at the very least, manageable, until I leave. And that's when Hell barges in and decides to break loose, from what the veterans of the photo bombshelter have been telling me. I leave an area of San Francisco and come back to Pearl Harbor.

And I know that Friday was 9/11, and it's an "improper" analogy, but seriously, more people seemed to be making a bigger deal outta wednesday being "9/9/09" than I've seen today being the importance of perhaps the greatest national tragedy every to be inflicted upon our fine nation. Holy JC, The Beatles practically turned 9/9/09 into a holiday with the release of their remastered catalog and the "Rock Band" video game edition and whatnot. I digress...and that spoke to the folks who are concerned about the state of the nation. *Smirk*

Among yesterday's many failings in the evening, we had a "special visitor" at the Photo Lab, while I was trudging away at Borders. This morning, The Wall's delivery day, I received a frantic phone call from Mike, the guy who worked last night, who's been there for a year and a half, and knnows his shit. He's a good guy, funny as hell, and him and I have a little history as my alcohol supplier from when he worked at a gas station a few years back across from a previous job of mine. The conversation went like this:

Mike: "Hey...did you look at the waste prints yet today?" (Waste prints are pictures that customers refuse or are misprinted, and it's the job of the morning person to reconcile the physical count with the report we're supposed to print up each morning.)

Bert: "No, I haven't got to them yet...been busy with truck and internet orders." (We got slammed as usual with orders, and I really want to be doing some of the shipment, to make Robin, girl Boy Wonder, look bad because she doesn't lift a finger on truck day. And I really hate reports.)

Mike: "Stop EVERYTHING you're doing and go there NOW." (The sense of urgency was palpable. A trait I kind of admire.)

Bert: "OK, let me get over there...Oh...OHHHHH...OH MY that's not something we see a lot of here!"

Mike then proceeds to tell me the whole story....a young woman comes in and says she has some pictures, and there might be some nudity. mike goes on to find out that the woman is indeed a "model" (wink-wink-nudge-nudge" looking for a break. She is 1) certainly worthy of an opportunity in the world of mature adults-only filmmaking, from a physical standpoint; 2) gives the name "Nadia Nitro", like that's not a dead giveaway in the least; 3) arrives with her own personal bouncer, who isn't shy about why he's there to begin with; and 4) she's dumber than a rock and blatantly flipping through topless photographs of herself while other customers are dropping off pictures of their "normal" activities...you know, entire rolls of their cats, wedding pictures with horrible lighting, damage caused by weather, entire single-use cameras just of a teenager's face shot by the same teenager...the everyday kinda shit I see and treat like wallpaper.

So yeah, we had one of them loose women stop by. I think she was hitting on Mike, because she left with the honey-pot threat of coming back tomorrow with more pictures. Which makes me wonder if Mike really knows what's up...because everyone claims creepy Boy Wonder girl Robin was actually hitting on him the other day, but he didn't see it. Maybe he was too entranced by the cutter scars on all two of her arms, or the fact you could put a USB cord in between all of her teeth and still not connect to anything (and that's the deal-breaker for me, besides her lack of a personality that is anything but depressing, shallow, morbid and whiney at the same time...her teeth do not run consecutively. They stop and go, stop and go. She probably has 4 teeth where you, I and a lot of the free world have 8. And because she's kinda "edgy" and isn't bad to look at from the neck down, this and her attitude make me almost want to swear off the fairer sex for good, if I wasn't so attached to them already.). Sorry for my aside there, but it had to be said.

And so does this...fake chesticles to me mean one thing...a fake person. You bought them in an attempt to succeed at something you wanted to do because you weren't happy with yourself, and what you did have goin' for ya wasn't quite gettin' ya there. I get that part of it, but now you've just added a couple of lies to the size of your bra just to make some extra money and "see where it takes you". Well job, slut.

*Bullet* Speaking of sluts, I'm one for jobs, apparently. But if you got this far, you already knew that.

*Bullet* Football has already started! In my Yahoo fantasy league I'm projected to lose by three points this week. I drafted last in a league that reverses the drafting order in each round, so when I lost out on all the stud running backs, I took the best quarterback and wide receiver (according to most mock drafts), got some capable RB's, stocked up on QB's and WR's, got the best tight end in the game over the last decade, and suffered though my defense and kicker picks. I have depth and trade bait to get a better RB. My team, Incredibad, will not go down without a fight. And I can't wait to spend this sunday, and many more over the next few months, wearing out the "refresh" button on my browser's laptop, hoping to rock this league.

*Bullet* Ask me how I doubled the store's sales at Borders today, in half the time. I got in at 5:30, and we were just under $700 in sales...the lowest of the three days prior when I came in. When I left at just after 10, the final numbers were $1472. There were three people on during the day, and just me when I started my shift. We close at 9pm. On a slow night I can get my closing responsibilities started a little early and be out by 9:20. Tonight, I couldn't even close the front gate until 9:20, let alone start my closing routine. Yes, I am patting myself on the back. I do not like to do that very often, but this was a moment that I have to bask in, because I don't know how the boss is going to look at it. And that's just me thinking the worst. (And by the way...the answer I'll give to the proposed question is "I don't know...i'm sweeeeeeet.")

*Bullet* Got a get-together Saturday night with some high school people. Not taking Jess. She had a work party tonight, but I was busting my ass. She's craving time with me, I'm craving time to me, we had a big disagreement last week, we're better for it, and that's it. Still can't figure out what we're gonna do for the "One Year Being Together" on Monday, but she's been dropping hints like Cummings drops his ee's...there's a full-page ad from the Buffalo News for the musical "Chicago" being performed at Shea's Buffalo Theater at the end of the month that's tacked up on a door maybe three feet away from me, but in the last thirty seconds I wondered if maybe I should get her Bufalo Sabres hockey tickets instead...she's always wanted to go, and I have a few extra bucks this week...I guess I have my research cut out for me.

Monday's out anyway, and she knows it and she's cool with it, cuz the Bills are playing on Monday Night Football, and we can be cheap and get free pizza and wings at halftime (if we choose). Don't sell me out as being unromantic, Studyees...I plan on making my big move a day early to catch her off-guard. I work well in the smaller time frames. I've got time. She will be gifted properly. If not Chicago, the musical, than something else more appropriate, and Sabres tickets are the final option.


I know I have a lot more to share with you Stoggers, but I'm about spent. I don't even get to sleep in on my day off because I have to drive Ms. Ever-loving-me to work in the am. Tomorrow will be filled with much sleep. And since Facebook has ceased to send updates to my phone, I suppose I'll have a little more me-time. GOODNIGHT NOW!!!

P.S. I still don't get it...you're Tila Tequila, and you can't leave well-enough alone.
August 29, 2009 at 2:00am
August 29, 2009 at 2:00am
Stoggers, I don't have time for a WHAT IS UP. I need to vent, complain, and get to work on time...tomorrow, at 12:45 on the east coast.

After three taxing days at The Wall, with issues happening out of my control, and a four hour shift at Borders thrown in there, this is how I wanted to end my day: by myself, alone in a ball cuddled up next to a large glass of something refreshing, with not a care in the world except for the hope that some sweet music was being delivered by iTunes.

Instead, after racing to pick up J's mom at the airport and getting confused as to where I should be going to pick her up, we drop her gear off at J's sister's (opposite direction), take her and J's dad back to our place where we can change out of our Wall polos and into something decent, drive all over trying to find a place where we don't have to wait so long for a fish fry (and if you're not from WNY apparently, don't ask me what a fish fry is cuz I/m not in the mood to explain), we wait x3, eat, and we foot the bill cuz it's their 40th anniversary this weekend. Mom M decided to surprise Dad M by flying up this weekend, scheduling a cookout at J's sis' tomorrow (how nice...no one knew), I hafta work til 9:30, and if I continue this leg of the story I might explode.

So I will. We drop them off at J's sis' (again, opposite direction), and J decides to light into me when I get home. How we never spend time together, never cuddle on the couch, never do anything, slams things while she's making her grandmother's secret recipe potato salad (and I fucking HATE potato salad), News flash, Studyees: I basically work seven days a week. Sometimes, 14 hours a day. And it's work; it's not all showtunes and handclaps and rubdowns. And some days, I'm fucking exhausted mentally and physically. So I wanna come home, check my shit on Facebook and WDC and have a beer or two and get the eff outta dodge. I would rather do that than sit in front of a fucking tv. I would rather slit my man-candy with a rusty screwdriver than watch tv. I prefer the pseudo-intellectualism that comes with me having to type this out, a mere 15 feet away from her on the couch, than watching another episode of something lame on tv.

Problem is, she's always checking up on me as well. It's not comfortable for me to be bangin' away on the laptop in the living room, it's rude to do it while she's talking, and we usually get the important stuff out of the way when we take each other to and from work. What's the big deal? She knows I'll only watch tv for certain things, and if I feel all "so what" about missing them, no big deal. She knew this going into the whole "us getting together" part. Jeez, I love football and my Buffalo Bills, but I was so freakin' worn out that I fell asleep during most of last week's exhibition game. It used to be "I love having you in the house, even though you're in the next room and I can still see you and know you're there." Now it's "You're always on the computer and never spend time with me." What am I supposed to be doing? Being out on the town, spreading my love to everyone but her?

Forgive me Studyees...I had a whole pissed-off agenda planned, but I can't deal with it tonight...my dad pissed me off because his skin cancer follow-up appointment was moved up, he never called us to let us know, we drove a half-hour to be there for it on Thursday with little gas and little cash before payday, and he never added me as someone who could access his files. Then he wouldn't answer his phone. The voicemail he left me said he was fine. When we got a hold of my aunt, that wasn't entirely the case. I'm more than a little fucking angry about it...the doctor didn't have time to talk directly to my dad, who doesn't hear well to begin with, and he still has pain. So who the fuck knows what's going on, let alone I was supposed to be the one to let my sis in Tampa know what's up. I'm the ears of the operation, and I've been rendered deaf so far. FML.

Meanwhile, good news...on the very same day, same sis got engaged. I'm happy for her, but too damn feeling like something or other to be ecstatic. I think her bf is a great guy, I have no qualms and no doubts she'll be happy. But the timing sucks in a lot of ways. The shit with Pop Diesel, our aunt passing, J's grandmother being sick, the fact that a family member from either side has been in town at any time this summer, and we've had a crappy summer built on rain. Plus, J and I turn 1 as a couple soon. That's gotta take my loyal Studyees back a bit.

With that I bid you all a GOODNIGHT NOW, and hope I het it all sorted out know.
August 21, 2009 at 11:50pm
August 21, 2009 at 11:50pm
A late good evening to you, Studyees. Hello, and what is up? It's been a long ass two weeks, that much I can vouch for. Productive? Only you can judge that, as I've given up a long time ago on what actually qualifies as "being productive". Let's see...where do I begin?

*Bullet* Hung out with my boy Dave MF May and some other sweet friends the other day...El Presidente set me up with a ticket last minute for the Taking Back Sunday concert. Damn good times there. *Smile*

*Bullet* Anybody need a job? You can have mine...both of 'em even. Hey- just doing my part to spur the economy and whatnot.

*Bullet* My fantasy football team would be freakin' awesome...if I had a running back. Or 3.

*Bullet* Everyone in our families that is still alive seems to be good and well and all that happy-hoo-ha. Status may be subject to change though.

*Bullet* Gots to give a shout-out to my cool-shit friend Nicole, whose "Party In A Person" persona will be bouncing into town soon for her, ahem, wedding. I will not be in attendance, as apparently I am some sort of X-factor (ex-factor maybe?) the groom can't wrap his noggin around. Dude, seriously, you put the ring on that...and all my past transgressions aside, and all my initial bitterness about the relationship aside, I couldn't be freakin' happier for one of my best friends. For once in my life, I've come out of a sitch actually looking and sounding almost like an adult. Amazing what age and a little perspective can do to a clown like me. But on the real, I wish Nicole and Craig all the happiness and success in the world for many years to come. I'm hella proud of ya, Goldie. *Smile*

*Bullet* So, the contest I've been talking about creating has hit a bit of a brick wall that I fear not even Chuck Norris can roundhouse-kick his badass way through. And that wall is made up of my time, or lack thereof. I have not stopped the thought process about it, but it may have stalled on me. So you fine Stoggers better be enjoying this little entry here, cuz I could be doing other things like planning an elaborate contest, the likes of which has been unseen in the SDC/WDC history. In the meantime, check out a little something else I created waiting for the fist under Chuck Norris' beard to nail me against the lack-of-time wall in my world:

 Weighs A Ton  (E)
8/09 Introspective thoughts set to a folksy ballad style. Deep and moody. Or something.
#1592724 by Fivesixer

The annoying bug got to me and it had to be expunged in lyrical form. Warning: some of the words contained and released by a click on that link can be depressing.

*Bullet* My computer is being annoying as hell, because my internet is being annoying as hell, because our internet service is doo-doo. The landline phone is tied in to the deal, and the phone is down. The wires are underground, and it's friday, so you know they can't send a repair person out til whatever time he can get here on monday. Awesome business practice..."Here's your window...8am-5pm, and you can fan our collective corporate sack if you don't like it or can't be present when we decide to knock on your door...your short-notice fix-it help means that you need us and we're gonna make our best effort to screw you any-which-way-how while you pay our regulatory fees and ridiculous taxes". Meanwhile, our internet crawls. Terrible. Or as Charles Barkley says, "T-R-B-L, trrrrbl".

That's all I've got for now, and I do sincerely hope to do a little catching up with all y'all soon. but I've got a hot lady sitting across from me who's been gnawing at my last nerves the few days and being distracting, so I better squash this while I'm ahead. Peace out now, and stay safe....GOODNIGHT NOW!!
August 8, 2009 at 1:12am
August 8, 2009 at 1:12am
Good evening Studyees. Hello, and what is up? It's an interesting Friday night here in The Library, so take off your fun pants, roll 'em in a ball and toss 'em in the corner, and let's get it on!

Try as hard as I might, funerals are no fun. Pop Diesel even skipped out (it was my stepmom's sister, and since my stepmom is off with someone else, dad must not've felt the need to be awake and drive across town for the 11am, ummm, ceremony? reception? gathering? family meat market? Even if it was right down the street from me. God bless that man.) and I skipped out on the after-party down the road. Free food at a great local restaurant is a great thing...but not when I'm surrounded by a half-family that's sobbing and wheezing and causing me general uncomfortableness. I'm all about family, but geez, I can't take it. And I loved my aunt, but I don't do death very well. I never have, and I don't know if I ever will.

So then I decided to try to get ready for work, but I dillydallied and went in late, a head full of thoughts and crap. Sat through an entirely overdone meeting led by the creepy chick that transferred in from another store, who had my position there and is now getting paid the same amount to be under me. You'd think that she'd just ease up, throw in some insight, and be done with it, collecting her checks and coasting. But no, this, um, person (?) was brought in and management wasn't clear on what they were telling us. She had to be told more than a few times that I'm in charge, everything goes through me, and that's that. In her eyes, we do things wrong, hence the meeting. I've held the position for barely a few months, so I'm going by what I know. My training wasn't all that great, but still, I shouldn't hafta be sitting through her "presentation" just to have most of her ideas shot down by the rest of management present (which I took some solace in). And she doesn't even want to run a photo lab! At the end of it, she remarked to more than one person that she hopes to be working in the pharmacy by the end of the year! How wrong is this, um, person?

Her name is Robin, by the way. So I've taken to calling her "Boy Wonder". As in Robin, Boy Wonder, Batman's sidekick. She's got more scars on her forearms from cutting herself than I have scars from anything I've ever done, physically or emotionally. It's gonna be like the 4th of July when I actuallly slip up and call her that to her face. But she's got it coming....calling some of the things we do "unprofessional"...Boy Wonder PLEASE...like your weird tats and your tight pants and your lack of personality have anything to do with "professionalism". She's about as professional as a Suicide Girl in church, with the personality of a doorknob, only the rusty doorknob that's about to fall off will sound better hitting the ground than she will. She may know what she's doing, but her attitude is certainly not flying with anyone else in my department, and it's wearing thinner than her scars on everyone else.

So what else? Came home after a boring day at work and began to map out my contest. Yes, this is happening!! BLBLBLBLBLBL!!! (and I know you're trying that out loud...I hear it every time I get a text, cuz I'm a dork like that). Still figuring out the final entries in my tournament. And how I'm gonna allot my prize booty. Y'all stay tuned, cuz when it's on, it's ON. Like Donkey Kong. It'll be a project, and I'll be on all you Stoggers to not only spread the word, but to get your entries in and up to date. Remember, it's not just about me, but about all of you too. So when I drop the say-so, y'all best be gettin' those fun pants you rolled up in a ball and threw in my corner back on, because we're gonna tourney like nothing WDC has ever documented. Unprecedented, dare I even say it.

Studyees, that's all I've got for tonight. I've got a new Facebook friend I'm gonna bother for a little bit right now *wink wink*. The power of The Library is validated and always reaching out for more. So with that, spread love and stay safe kids. I'm out. GOODNIGHT NOW!!
August 7, 2009 at 12:00am
August 7, 2009 at 12:00am
Good evening Studyees...gonna keep this short and terse. Been a long week.

*Bullet* Had a great trip to Cleveland. Saw an Indians game, went to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, ate at some nice restaurants, had lots of alone time with the lady. If you're on Facebook (and we're ALL looking at you, Noe *Smirk*) there's pics with more to come. The museum/home for "A Christmas Story" was closed. Jess cried.

*Bullet* One of my aunts died on Monday. Long battle with thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs. Non-smoker. Cat Lady. Big heart. Gonna try to put the "fun" in funeral tomorrow.

*Bullet* Dad tells me today at the wake that he's going to have some cancerous mole removed from his side next week. Lovely. What the hell's going on this year? Is this the Zodiacal year of Cancer? Are people acquiring it because it's going out of style? Next year's trend...the chemo-mullet? The Chemullet? The Chemofro?

*Bullet* J's fam rushed back into town because her grandmother was given two days to live almost two weeks ago. Now they're transporting her to long-term care in Hospice because she's had such a major upswing. Her brother is staying with us this week. Her dad will be here at least two more weeks, but he's staying primarily at her sister's.

*Bullet* I'm trying to fire up some good news...I'm excited for the contest I've been thinking about, but I haven't been able to think about much more than thinking about it. I'll pull it off though...never count this kid out.

That's all I've got...was in desperate need of a nap when I came home from work, only to forget that we were going to a bbq at J's sister's house. Crankyness ensued. I'm officially through with trying to think straight Stoggers, so I'm gonna try to clear my head and wonder how we're gonna spend the $100 bill my cool and still living Aunt Caca gave us for our b-days. Don't pray for me...pray for some fairness in things to be the way we all hope and dream they should be. Peace, love and GOODNIGHT NOW!!
July 28, 2009 at 12:52am
July 28, 2009 at 12:52am
Good evening Studyees...just a quick note to mention some of the brain storming I've gone through about the last entry's "tournament" idea...in the true spirit of the NCAA, I'm gonna turn it into some kind of contest. Probably unofficial, but official to all of those who chose to participate. That means I'm gonna throw swells of gift points at people, and maybe a merit badge or 4. So when I'm ready, y'all best be gettin' your tourney caps on and get down to business. Still workin' on the brackets, the format, and the rest of the details. All I need is for Vegas to sponsor this now...then we're all hooked up.

Basically, what I just said was..."Your inclusion in this, and your help with the inclusion of others who don't normally pay attention to this space, will cause gain for you in ways only the internet can provide, and that's awesome for you." So when I get the link up and running, you relay that to all your people, and they tell friends and I tell friends and so on and so on and so on. The more, the merrier, and then we get better judgement.

This is happening. Z.˚rz 's encouragement and KÃ¥re Enga in Montana 's rationalism are all the spark I need to see this through. Stoggers, expect something extra in your inbox from me, as early as next week. We're gonna turn this Blogville on its earhole, once and for all. The revolution is now computerized.

Thanks for lettin' me invade your computer time. As always, the pleasure is mine. Namaste Studyees, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!
July 25, 2009 at 11:16pm
July 25, 2009 at 11:16pm
Good evening Studyees...long time no see me, huh? I hope everyone's having a fun time...I've had nothing much of interest to report recently, so I guess life must be good. You should see my iPod, he's all grown up now, inchin' closer to 12,000 songs. Daddy's so proud *Blush*. There was a tornado about 20 minutes from me in a little town called Corfu earlier, and tornado watches in Williamsville. KÃ¥re Enga in Montana might remember the last really major tornado we had, in the mid-'80's in my hometown of Cheektowaga...it wiped out the restaurant across the street from my school. The school was unharmed. It was summer, so I had no class anyway. Not that I've employed much class ever. *Smirk*

The real reason I'm dropping in to Stog you is simple. I've come up with an idea that I'm probably gonna work on after next week...Jess and I are going to Cleveland next weekend to celebrate certain occasions in our lives regarding the count of years we've been a part of the planet. Goin' to see the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame, maybe catch an Indians baseball game (they suck, I know, so save it) and check out some of the little vintage shops in the area. Good times. If anyone else is gonna be in Cleveland, hit me up. Sick times!

Speaking of sick, I am. Not cool. Not enough sleep, the kids bringing their filthy viruses in from who knows where, and finally one latched on to this dude. FML...I never get sick. Well, not never but hardly ever. Scratchy throat, cough...but not as bad as the kids. So maybe I shouldn't FML so much.

Anyway...my point...inspired by a book I saw at Borders (I can't remember the title), I plan on creating a tournament. Similar to the NCAA basketball tournament, this book chooses a subject and then 65 things about that subject, ranks them bracket-style in a tournament, and then chooses a "champion". I haven't fully fleshed out the details, but I basically am going to choose 65 (63 plus 2 "at-large" options that have to "play in" to the "tournament") people, places, things, ideas, etc, rank them with my own scientific formula (strictly yet loosely based on my feelings about them), post them in a blog entry, and then let YOU the Stogger Nation decide by voting on which one you want to "choose", "win", "move on to the next round", you know what I mean. A tournament of sorts. I haven't sat down to rank or figure things out, when I do, you'll be the first to know. I'll probably pick four categories, divide them up into four brackets (like the NCAA randomly divides college b-ball teams into regions...I'll never get why they do that...why would Duke be in the West region, or UCLA in the East? Stupid college leaders...) and let them battle. Soome may battle each other, while others may battle you!! I will not be shy, but I promise it will be fun.

Why am I doing this? Because I'm bored, and I want to get back to interacting with this site a little more often. I tried, was doing better for awhile, and then I fell off again. But fear not...this will put me back on the radar. The plan is, once I have a plan, is to create a template of some sort and create an item entry link that I can send to you all, with enough advance notice to share with your people and give this thing some legs. Don't know if it's gonna be daily, one match at a time, if I might do one section at a time, or what I'm gonna do. But hopefully, it'll be a good exercise for me once I start commentating on everyone's results and the winners and losers. Opiinions will fly! People will take offense! Retributions will be made! The only rule is that there are no rules! And, well, the only other rule is that I ask, if you participate, to respect each other and no fisticuff...y'all are a pretty good people, so I don't see a problem. It's more fun if we all play nice. And that includes me.

So, more to follow. Hopefully before we venture off on our jaunt. Don't worry, I'll post pics, just not here. If Z.˚rz can sign up for Facebook, so can you. That's like Amy Winehouse actually signing up for rehab...proof it can be done!

With all due respect now, I have some work to do Studyees...leave any thoughts, questions, concerns, ideas, etc. in The Drop-Off, and I'll address them promptly. Providing J's gramma don't die soon. I hate to be so jokey about it, but that's how I deal. Docs gave her two days. We'll see...could be a whirlwind week between work and readying for Cleveland and random other bs. So peace homies, stay dry, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!
July 11, 2009 at 1:07pm
July 11, 2009 at 1:07pm
Good late-morning Studyees, and a happy Saturday to you all. Not much to speak of the last few days...

*Bullet* Managed to get dragged out of the house by a large black dude otherwise known as my sister's boyfriend...yup, my sis is in town. Up from Tampa for a cousin's wedding that I didn't get an invite to. And I'm not suprised. And let me tell you why...

This cuz joined the service out of high school (I don't remember which one, I wanna say Navy, but I honestly don't remember) and met a dude in California. She met him sooooo much that they decided to get married. This had to be a long time ago, back when everybody was getting married to the point that I was going to three weddings a year and had an ex-girlfriend serve as my "wedding buddy" . For a few years it seemed like everyone was getting married but me. Now, they're all getting divorced. Awesome, the "institution of marriage". *Smirk*

So there was a big reception, my cuz gettin' married, my huge family was there, dude's huge family was there, and the world still turns. A few months later Cuz returns, sans hubby. Not that I've done any investigating, but nobody seems to know the story of the breakup between her and her seaman. All I know is that it was done. And I'm not one to be "that guy" and say "How's things in Marriedland" when Marriedland don't exist anymore, hear me? I just say hey, give hugs, shoot the shit, etc. She's still a cool cuz, but wait for the kicker...

She's getting married today. I met the guy once or twice...seems like a solid dude (but so did the last one). She's been freaking out a little over the past few weeks via her Facebook status, and it's kinda funny. Remarks like "I'm not gonna be a <her last name here> anymore!!"...things of that nature. All of which leads me to think...did she not realize that she was already married once before??!? It really seems as if she's acting like that never happened. And I wouldn't be surprised if my aunt and uncle footed the bill for another big reception. This whole "swept-under-the-rug" thing is shady, and while yours truly is not one to pass up a wedding (open bar, gin-and-tonic heaven), I will gladly sit this one out. Her P's were controlling enough to the point of rebellion, so now they're making up for it by dropping dimes on a bloated wedding reception? I'll pass. I can hear the train wreck a'comin' for miles, Studyees.

No wonder why other countries around the world hate the U.S.

*Bullet* So like I said, my sis is back in town. I met her out last night at an old bar we used to go to with some old friends I don't hang out with anymore. Or should I say, ONE old friend...one or more got married, I got bitter and crazy, one died, and others moved on or away. 'Twas damn good to have a mellow good time at a place where shit used to get ridiculously flipped on a regular basis. I don't regret those days, but I don't miss them either. Chrissy's man opened a chat with me on Facebook and implored me to get down to GPC. After working 8 hours, and Jess working 10 hours and having to work 10 more today, and first battling J's resistance of me going ("You never go out anymore, why are you going now?" Cuz people want to see me, and just cuz you domesticated the stallion, that doesn't mean I'm not gonna want to rip shit up like I used to...it's always gonna be in me to try and replicate some of the good times, only now I'm like, responsible, or something close to it.) and then her questioning me when I asked her if I could go ("What kind of person do you think I am that you have to ASK me if you can do something? You are your own person! [She said that with love, by the way.]) I went, and had a really great time. I even behaved myself, for the most part.

But I will never understand women...especially those with PMS issues. And I don't intend on understanding them, because the game changes faster than record companies trying to catch up with copyright infringers and bootleggers trying to out-do The Man.

*Bullet* Found out from my sis that a close friend of my little bro hung himself. My bro's been through a lot of shit in his almost-20 years, both good and bad, but he's never really been through a death like this. I think, I hope, this experience provides some validation for all the shit he went though trying to get his life on track. He's doing awesome, doing what he's doing, and just needs to catch a break to move up and be able to not have to rely on mommy's money anymore. While I'd rather see him delivering pizzas than snortin' blow, I know he's got something else in him that he can do.

Heroin...it's not for breakfast anymore.

*Bullet* On a lighter note, came across an article in the paper (the Buffalo News...yes, they still print newspapers) about job openings for court security clerks. Guess who's not entirely built right for the position, AND isn't too entirely thrilled with the way things are going down at The Wall? They pay more and are supposedly not going to be affectted by the economy and New York State's ridiculous "budget crisis".

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Especially for almost $40K in starting pay.

*Bullet* We almost always get at least one weekend day off together, but not so this weekend. Our Independence and celebrations of tend to throw the corporate world off, unfortunately. Had I not volunteered to take over someone's shift at Borders I'd have the whole day off today. But J's gotta work, and for some reason I've gotta work tomorrow. But then we get to have real Buffalo pizza and chicken wings at Aunt Caca's with the sis and her man. And I like that.

I hope your corporation dies.

*Bullet* To my cool shit friend Nicole, I miss you and I love you. I mean that dearly. I'm not blowing off your calls; it's just that when you do call me, I'm at work. And when I get home, it's late. You have no idea how sorry I am that we couldn't hang out the last time you were in town. But don't worry...Rachel still wants to take me as her date to your wedding...*Smirk*

All right now, Stoggers, I hafta find me something to eat and catch a nap before I bust out a four hour shift slingin' books, and try to beat the rain storm we're supposed to get. We got some but it's not nearly as bad as they predicted. I had more to say but so much of nothing has happened intertwined with sporadic moments of craziness. Peace out homies.... *Heart*

Bonus iTunes bonus tracks update:

*Bullet* Had an entire sandwich and Buffalo Clam Chowder from The Broadway Deli (y'all who go way back with me know I love that joint) and it basically knocked me out to the point that...

*Bullet* I was a half-hour late for work.

*Bullet* The wind and rain overthrew our gazebo. It is currently an upside-down mess in the backyard, having got into a crazy mash-up with the volleyball net.I'm not looking forward to cleaning that up anytime soon.

*Bullet* Chicken is tasty. Snacking on some now. We cooked it because we were gonna grill it but so much other stuff came up that we never got to it, and we didn't want it to go bad. What I really should be doing is going to bed, but a certain female has slightly reawakened me very stimulantly.I can't remember the last time I had SNL on and didn't watch so much of it.

That's it...I told you all I had nothing to say!!
July 2, 2009 at 11:55pm
July 2, 2009 at 11:55pm
Good evening Studyees...and happy July! All the Leos in the house, lemme hear ya ROAR!

As I'm sure some of you are aware, 7/1/09 marked my 8th WDC birthday. I was too busy working and having another barbecue to mark it appropriately in this forum, so I'll make mention of it now. Eight years is a long time to be writing things down electronically in one place. I liked lana bardot 's line in the last entry's Drop-Off..."I am still so shocked you have been here for 8 years!!! That's longer than my marriage lasted, and that lasted much too long!" So to keep things in perspective, here's some "Eight Year Fun Facts" about me.

*Bullet* In eight years, I've been through three cars (not including J's).

*Bullet* In the last eight years, I've had six jobs (including my present ones).

*Bullet* I've been in varying degrees of relationships with approximately six to eight different members of the opposite sex.

*Bullet* Believe it or not, I've been living in the same appartment the entire time. I've just furnished it a lot more. Although I'm only still paying for that place til the lady and I find something bigger for us to co-habitate in.

*Bullet* I haven't broken a bone in the last eight years...which means I've broken four bones and had one hernia operation in the first 25 years of my life, or between the ages of 15 and 26 to be exact.

*Bullet* I've logged on to WDC 2,191 times, and my port's been viewed 3,283 times. As of this entry, The Library has been visited 6,895 times. One can only imagine the amount of hours (in days) that I've spent at WDC.

I'm sure I could dig a little deeper into my personal history, but that just becomes grandstanding I figure, and I prefer not to go that route. My Studyees deserve better. So here's a little bit of WDC history that some of you Stoggers may or may not remember about this website...

*Bullet* The site was originally called Stories.com...if you were wondering why The StoryMaster's and StoryMistress's handles were named the way they were.

*Bullet* This site was also free. Eff-are-double-e free. Memberships did not exist. You joined, picked your login and handle, and that was it. And if I'm not mistaken, there was no limit as to the amount of items you could have in your free portfolio.

*Bullet* WritingML consisted of bold, italics and basic colors, maybe six or eight. Emotiocons didn't exist. Partly because...

*Bullet* ...blogging didn't exist. There was a "journal" feature, but it's nothing like the blog feature is now. And emoticons probably didn't exist in WritingML also because...

*Bullet* ...there was no chat room or instant messaging. So you can probably assume all the other cool shit that's in WML wasn't there eight years ago.

*Bullet* There wasn't much racial diversity...i.e., it seemed like it was so much easier to email/review cases of other colors. When a country is smaller, it's easier to access those above them. In comparison, Stories.com was a city, and now it's a country. Oh, and "Senior Moderators" didn't exist either.

*Bullet* I think I got promoted to "Preferred" in mere weeks, if not days. I don't think that happens so quickly anymore. In fact, I've only seen a scant few get to experience the joys of case-color changing in the last couple of years. Or maybe I just got lucky by having the right person catch my port at the right time and allowed herself to get sucked in. By my poetry, no less!

*Bullet* That last point leads me to this opinion...I got promoted when there were little-to-no groups dedicated to promoting, reviewing, gifting, etc. It was basically word-of-mouth...you saw something you liked, you emailed another user, they checked it out. It was defiinitely more of a writer's site back then. And I'll admit I'm guilty of this...there are probably a ton more writers on this site compared to reviewers. I'd say it was 60/40 in favor of writers back then. Now it's probably closer to 80/20 for the writers, although I could be wrong. I rarely get any reviews anymore, and 95% of my time now on WDC is spent either blogging or in blogs. There's one phenomenon explained, Studyees. And due to old "friends" leaving WDC for one reason or another over the years, the mount of items I've reviewed in eight years has dipped to 177. That's it. But I've probably seen double that amount, of items that no longer exist.

*Bullet* Accordingly, I once had about 235 items in my port before I was unable to extend my upgraded account a few years ago. And some different pictures were in there also.

And now I'm rambling, Studyees. I'm sure I'm leaving out some other things also...no merit badges, no costumicons, no fun stuff in the store like hoodies (my size is large, by the way *Wink*) and very few frills. It was a straight-up writing site for writers. And evolution has turned Stories.com into a legit social networking website, albeit not on par with myspace or facebook or whatever you choose outside of WDC. What I can say is that I've met some wonderful people, either over email, telephone or in person, and I'm thankful for each opportunity. So this is it...eight years. Crack a preferred beverage, and hope for eight more. I'd love to continue, but the hot chick in the other room won't shut up about some Consumer Reports magazine I got her about clipping coupons, and I can't keep my train of thought. All I know is that I love stats, and opinions. And I get to sleep in a little tomorrow before having an entire weekend free of job obligations. Hence, I will be spending time this July 4th blowing stuff up at 542. Maaad diesel!

So with that, I leave you with the immortal words gifted upon me from the one and only StoryMaster..."Just a quick note to wish you a happy account birthday!" Studyees, live every day like it's your birthday. Y'alls some good people. Stay true. GOODNIGHT NOW!!
June 28, 2009 at 1:14am
June 28, 2009 at 1:14am
Good evening Studyees, and a fine how-do-you-do to y'all. After another 60-hour workweek with no day off in sight, I come to you with something I'm probably gonna laugh off and not get pissed about. I have no energy for it anyway, with the 24-hour bug I think (I hope) puked itself out of my system last night.

But this kinda irks me, and makes me want to have a cigarette even though I've just had one five minutes ago.

I've been making a bit of an effort when I have freetime to catch up. Y'all've been cool with that, and you understand. You know the hows, whens, whys, etc. That is why I will not be naming names, but you'll know who you are, and wisely drop the immature behavior and go about your business when I'm done saying what I have to say, for my own good. I hate carrying negativity to bed with me.

A few weeks back I received a comment from an entry about some nonsense of the given day. I remember it being a good entry, I thought. The comment was from someone who hasn't been on WDC for very long. I tried to be appreciative in my reply. I offered some background on me. Maybe I came off a little condescending. So what, it's my life. This commenter invited me to his/her blog. I said I would, when I get a chance. As life would have it, I have not had the chance. And I don't feel I need to explain any further why. I was getting to it, but I haven't gotten there yet. And I don't think I will be. The want-to is now gone.

Today I received an email from same individual...or rather, I received an email from myself, with some commentary thrown in. I know this because I wrote it awhile ago, and it included clever shades of pink from he/she to denote it's thoughts on my response. And may I say, Stoggers, it wasn't pretty. I will not dignify it with a response, but I'll skewer it a little here...and in the same turn of respect I will probably not talk about it when pressed, only to say how unneccessary it really was.

So basically, you're gonna come into my house, I'mma show you around, invite you back, and then you come and kick my dog and steal my salt shaker? That's some shit, if I may say so. This person has no clue what I do or the life I live, and gives me the same speech girls would give me in 9th grade when I wouldn't call them back when I said I'd call them. Only this time, the rules are different. We're not dating. I'm not gonna take your blog to Denny's. Especially on a day that I've worked from 8am to 9:30pm. Unlike one of the verbal smacks this person attempted to lay down, I do have priorities. You fine, polite, educated folks that have been perusing The Library for a year and a half here get more pull than some stranger off the street who shows up once and wants to put the feet up on the furniture. You earn my time when I have little to give, you don't demand it. I'm all about promoting and shedding light, but I don't have time like I did a few months ago. I don't have all day. There are blogs I haven't looked at in months that I'm still trying to get to. I'm trying to work it, and I know how it works. On this coming Wednesday I'll have racked up eight years on this site. I don't need someone who's got less than three months on WDC trying to tell me what to do. Rules be damned when it comes to "get one, give one" as soon as you squawk about how neglected you feel.

I love each and every one of you in your own way for being a part of what I do. All the better if you're racked on the left-hand side...and don't fret if I haven't gotten to you yet. I will soon. I hate wasting my precious time on a hater. And right now, my time is precious, between working my schedules around two jobs, J's dad being in town to visit his dying mother, random mishaps, J's kids, and my selfishness of trying to max the shit out of this iPod. My cool shit friend Nicole was even in town last week and between work and birthdays and other shit I couldn't even make time for her, and I love her dearly. A tangible, touchable person who is a part of my life and not just words on a screen. I feel fucking awful about that. My best friend lives 20 minutes away and we can barely see each other due to family, work and any number of circumstances. Same with my extended family. So where some n00b gets off on saying the kind of mock-condescending crap it said, I have no idea. In my almost eight years on WDC, I don't think I've even gotten a review for any of my items that sounded so cocky and immature as the email I received did. It bugs me, but it'll blow over quick. For me at least...I have better things to deal with, like trying to find Noe 's address to send her some blank cds, and get some more stuff on my iPod, and the graduation party tomorrow for J's cousins after work, and phone calls I need to catch up on, and so on and so on and so on. You understand. Check that...you understand. And I appreciate that, and all that you are, my faithful Studyees.

With that I need to get back to some basics around 40 Broe. Sorry to have wasted my You-time on such a petty issue, but I had to get it out there to feel much, much better. This coming week will be chaotic, but it's par for the course in these parts these days. Peace to Winkz for graduatin' today, and peace to the people from the past who are no longer on WDC for makin' me the Fivesixer you see. I still have mad love for 'em. Have a diesel Sunday...GOODNIGHT NOW!!
June 22, 2009 at 5:51pm
June 22, 2009 at 5:51pm
Greeting Studyees. Hope Fathers' Day was a pleasant one for all y'all. I know ours was.

Short on time and height, so like my 6th grade BVD's, I'll be brief.

Do you write a blog? I'll bet most of you Stogging Stoggers do. If you fall into this category, you need to read this, stat. Yes, I'm redirecting your attention away from me for a minute. I promise I'll try not to let it happen again.


You may think this doesn't pertain to you. You're wrong. Ever mention a product in your blog that you like? Post a link of a favorite video (who, me?)? Discuss your trip to Starbucks or Target or the shrink?

Big Brother is trying to grow another eye.

I'm prepared to go to war with the FTC. Who's with me?

The more I talk about this, the more pissed off I'm gonna get. So that's your job for today, Studyees. Get pissed off for me. Let me hear it. Share with me all your frustrations at The Drop-Off below. Let's chat. And then, let's keep what's ours. A couple of stuffed pricks and a few misguided a-holes aren't gonna ruin it for the rest of us.

Your anger is a gift.


Fight the power, Studyees. I'll check your emails in a little while.
June 17, 2009 at 10:58pm
June 17, 2009 at 10:58pm
Lo and behold Studyees, your Master Librarian is back for the second time this week illin' and chillin' and causin' confusion. Or something. A long couple days, but I have a story I want to share in a not-so-"Battle-Of-The-Sexes" kinda way.

Ladies of The Library, listen...if you wake up and you're in a bitchy mood and will be for the entire day, men appreciate the frame of mind you have if you apologize early.

Gentlemen of The Library...yo- sometimes, this is not enough.

We had a jam-packed day of shopping for Alex's birthday/hanging out with friends yesterday. Jess woke up and was already in a bad mood. Nothing seemed to be going right. She was in that mood. She warned me. A preliminary apology, if you will.

Then the snappage begins!! The PMS eminated off this woman like I've never seen...shouting at me in stores, lackadaisical walking when we should be in a hurry, irrational thinking...

Example: We had no intention of going to Target. Remember this.

At Best Buy, we were looking for accesories for the mp3 player my dad was going to buy him. Sansa Fuse. Fuze? Fuse? Whatever, it's a Sansa. anyway, they didn't have hard cases for it. So we looked at alarm clock/docking combo thingeys. Something he could plud that joint into if he didn't want to use the headphones. Prices start at $50. She freaks. "I got Josh speakers for his iPod and it was like $20!! <insert scowl and scream here>". Yeah, well, Josh ruined his iPod. And I bought speakers for my first iPod for less than $6. And that, dear Stoggers, is why that iPod was my first iPod, and I am now on my second...buy crap for your good stuff and it turns your good stuff into crap. Plugged my iPod into those speakers and it was never heard from again.

So we go to Target...an unplanned visit and, while not really out of the way physically, time-wise it was. We saw a nice combo on sale for $70 by a decent name (she refuses, like me, to buy electronics with cheap names or store-brand names...the quality is almost always shit). I recommended it. She brings me on these missions because I used to work for a respected local retail electronics company, and I know my shit. Then she balks. She can't afford it. Doesn't want to spend the money. Still has to buy groceries for the gathering of a few of his friends. Hates life. Gets confused. Freaks.

I find one accessory that will work for his Sansa. A plug-in usb wall charger. She panics and doesn't know what to do. I tell her I'll buy it and to calm the eff-you-can-it down. We cash out and I tell her if she doesn't lose the attitude soon, I'm taking her home so she can get the house ready, or curl up in a ball and cry all day, and the kid gets what he gets when I shop.

This shuts her eyeholes up. A little. But not her mouth-hole. If she would've apologized one more time, I still would've taken her home.

Long story short, we went back to Target. After numerous stores. I bought the damn alarm clock/mp3 combo we liked. We basically split the cost, which we were prepared to do anyway. So why the big freakout in Best Buy, when we could've saved time and just got something there? The time we would've saved could've led to much less misery and public breakdowns. It all got done. The kid's happy. Had a great birthday.

Now what?

The moral, to quote the late George Carlin: "Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."

On to the point of this blogtastic adventure tonight....I'm gonna put up a few links and I hope they work. Just some pictures off your friend, Facebook. Cuz I can't bring myself to do one or the other. Cuz I'm lazy. And yeah, they're of me and Jess, and of Alex's birthday. Enjoy...



So chew on that for a bit, Studyees. Leave your notes in The Drop Off Slot down below. I'll oblige. And maybe we'll all have a better tomorrow. Except me...I get to work my first Two-Jobs-In-One-Day in a long ass time. And today was hell at Walgreens, but it was to be expected. And it was nothing compared to the day before. Still no word on J's Nonnie. Cool Shit Nicole is in town and I'll hafta find a way to see her soon. That's it, that's all I got.Take a picture; it'll last longer. If not, GOODNIGHT NOW!!

**And for the hell of it, I'm adding this extra special video for a song I heard in the shower the other day of I song that I liked back in the '80's that drove Jess wild.** If this were iTunes, consider this your bonus track to this blog entry.

June 14, 2009 at 10:11pm
June 14, 2009 at 10:11pm
Good evening Studyees...hope you're all having a freaking fantastic weekend. Before I step aside to watch Family Guy and call it the end of a day off, I thought I'd like to bring the mood down a little by telling you about how I spent said day. I'll try not to make this depressing...no guarantees.

When I re-reach the stage in life that I'm no longer able to make it to the bathroom at the proper time and need to have someone change my diapers, do me a favor and see to it that I have a nice burial (ie: not in the back lot of some bar that's since closed that I frequented in my 20's...pick any of 'em) and put everyone out of their (and my) misery.

We went to visit J's aunt and grandmother today. "Nonnie" is 85-ish (when you're that old, does it matter if anyone keeps score?) and suffers from advanced dementia. She lives with J's aunt, a retired nurse, so she can get proper care and treatment, and she needs almost constant supervision. She's virtually bedridden, but seems to think she can still get around just fine...until she falls. Aunt Toni's apartment makes perfect sense, besides the fact that it's a second-floor apartment. Hence the near-constant supervision.

If memory were at a comparable level of "pull-the-plug-ness" as the incapability to control one's bowel movements, I should have been put down years ago, even if my lovely girlfriend says I seem to remember everything. It's not that I remember everything...it's just that I've documented so much since we were just at the level of "customer/cashier" and it's slightly easier to recall than, say, what I had for dinner last night. She's slowly coming around...and learning not to talk to me about important things after I've had a terrible night of sleep and worked a lot of long days.

So anyway...Aunt Toni's basically been the one to oversee Nonnie the last month or two since she was pulled out of Assisted Living. Occasionally some other family members drop by to help, but it's hard with jobs and kids and crap. We were today's that set of family members to come by and babysit Nonnie so Aunt Toni could get out of the house a little and have a break. Aides are usually in and out during the week, but that's the time Toni takes to clean and stuff...and really, not that these people shouldn't be trusted, but would you want to leave a stranger alone in your house? I'm gonna guess not. So we spent a day watching a once proud and vibrant woman (who now thinks Jess is a tenth-grader) sleep. She was so medicated, so numbed from pain, that she could barely smile. She lit up when Jess and I walked in, but that faded fast into fumbling with her rosary and nodding off. Occasionally she'd mumble in her sleep about the time, but I don't think it was about asking us what the time was. And J gets eerie feelings like, uhhh, for lack of a better phrase, it's almost Nonnie's time. Her other grandmother went through it the same way. Her grandfather Pop-Pop went through it under slightly different circumstances (I forget exactly what, but near the end he was still romancin' the ladies, even though they had to cut off most of his legs...and he's got the same unusual name as I do...just another reason why J's family loves me). I can't imagine what it's like having to watch someone die. Maybe twice in my life have I been close to it, but was too young to grasp what it meant.

Today was kinda chilling...kinda a reminder, amidst the other random hecticness that seemed to occur today...

*Bullet* Her oldest was over this weekend and has a new "friend" in the neighborhood. He wanted to spend time with her instead of going to see his great-grandmother, so we were going to drop him off at her house before we went to visit Nonnie so they could "study for exams", as the kids in my day called it. This chick lives right by the library (The Lancaster Library, not The Library my stoggers chill at) so it was no problem...til we got to Aunt Toni's and Josh calls to say the library is closed. Duh, it's Flag Day. Snap. And we're almost a half-hour away. Guess they get to start their "after-study" date of going to the ice cream/hot dog stand a few blocks over a little early.

*Bullet* While this call is coming through, my dad is calling me to tell us that he'll be back in town from his convention in an hour and a half, and trying to give me directions as to where we're pickin' up Pop Diesel. All of this conversation occurred with me having the oddest, most befuddled look on my face. I had no freakin' clue what was goin' on. None. Thought maybe he thought today was Fathers' Day instead of next Sunday. J's lookin' at me like I'm crazy. Turns out my aunt called her and told her what was goin' on about today...that we had to pick him up at his buddy's house and drive him home. Which cut short our time with Nonnie, because I totally forgot about this. And why did I forget about this? Because Jess told me about this when I was not in a place to be having important conversations, and had no business being awake. Oh yeah...and he was about 20 minutes in the opposite direction of where we were. And this all happened in the driveway of Aunt Toni's, before we even walked in.

*Bullet* Before we even started this voyage, we stopped at Noco to get a coffee and a paper. My bitch of an ex-boss was there, which for some reason seemed to rattle the bejeebus out of me. I had to try to ignore her. I don't think she recognized me totally, but she may have. I was flustered. I probably looked like the idiot who quit on her, rather than the stable individual I've become (laugh all you will...I'm fully in a better place now, hence, "stable").

*Bullet* On the way home, after dropping off Poppa B, we decided to hit up FYE for some cds because we had a coupon that expires today. We wanted to get Alex some cds for his birthday on Tuesday and they had a pretty good ad in today's paper. Of course, FYE is in the third out-of-the-way direction. And as we decide to turn in that direction instead of the one labled "home"...

*Bullet* Josh calls and says he's locked out of the house because Alex forgot the key. J advises him to try to get into the house through the back window. Depending on who you ask, either hilarity ensues, or the effin' kid went about the whole process entirely the wrong way and heads are gonna roll. Basically, he cut the screen and damaged it, along with some other minor things, to crawl through the window. A window he had to stand on a picnic table to reach. A 5'8", 208 lb. kid. The funny's in there, Studyees. I'm gonna let you find it. *Laugh*

*Bullet* As I started this little entry, J was out picking up Alex. The interruption of all interruptions, I was pulled away from my screen over to the tv screen where I could be shown pictures of cars from his new camcorder. Pictures. Not videos. Pictures. Of cars. And his dad. I hate cars. And his dad.

*Bullet* And as Josh was outside grilling hot dogs for dinner, I was trying to lure the cat away from the screen door (and a potential future life as an outdoor cat on the tracks) with catnip, when I saw his fiasco of accidentally dropping a hot dog on the ground. To which I do not remember my comment, other than "I hope that's not my hot dog!!" Josh made burgers the other day while I was at work and wanted to make an extra one for me but it somehow broke apart and slipped into the fire chamber itself, so no burger for me. No biggie, since I don't much care for cow patties anywho, but I gave him fist-bump props for it anyway. However, femme feline fatale Lily was rollin' off a catnip binge while Josh and his lady-friend were eating in the living room and Josh was getting pissed. When I went to check to see if she had consumed the catnip I was chastized..."You gave her catnip? That's why she's acting like an idiot? You'll regret the next time you do that." I'll consider that a minor threat, and minor only, as if he thinks she's gonna piss me off for getting her catnip-high.

That's all I got for ya today, Stoggers. Too many cigarettes, too many miles on WNY's respected infrastructure, a lot of coffee and lotsa love. And more details than I can possibly remember. Blame it on my name, I suppose. Til next time Studyees, take care of each other like you'd want to be if you can't be taken care of...you'll never know how great it really is. GOODNIGHT NOW!!!
June 8, 2009 at 1:17pm
June 8, 2009 at 1:17pm
So here's your Monday rundown, Studyees...better do this quick before exhaustion takes its pretty grip on me...

*Bullet* Saw The Tragically Hip twice last week...both shows were amazing. Get on the bus for this band...been around 25+ years and they still don't suck, nor are they pulling a Rolling Stones-like cash grab. They're the real deal. Unless you're In Your Dirtiest Pants , my lone Canadian fan, and you don't get them. (By the way, I have a crush on any Canadian band not named Nickelback.)

*Bullet* Getting the car fixed. Reason one of 6482 why I hate cars. Seems a wheel bearing is going. That could be why I can't hear the radio while travelling over 40mph. Although, hearing loss is a common trait in my DNA. (Ohhh...And....Midas wanted to charge us $600+ to get the car fixed, but my aunt and uncle knew a local guy who could get the job done in a day, for $300. It's not what ya know but who ya know...which leads me to...)

*Bullet* Driving my aunt's car...kinda sucks...it doesn't feel right. It feels heavy. It feels like something's wrong with it. I don't know shit about cars but, yeah, it don't feel right.

*Bullet* J called me from work to tell me her cell phone is disconnected. Her mom runs the account for her, her dad, and her kids. She asked me to get in touch with her. The cell and e-mail are the only contacts I have for her mom. She gave me her parents' home phone #, but her mom's at work. This should be interesting, considering the mechanic is supposed to be calling J about the car today.

*Bullet* Working two jobs is kinda sucking, although I'm managing it well so far. I'm trying to hold up the mindset that I should be thankful I can have two jobs when the nation's unemployment level is skyrocketing at a clip that could cause any American Idol contestant to consider working at Mighty Taco just for the sick $9+ per hour wage they pay. I pulled off a miraculous 8am-10pm shift between two Walgreens stores yesterday, and amazingly, no one got hurt, I caused minor damage, and managed to still be highly functional by the time I left. Which leads me to...

This. I'm gonna nose around a lille bit and take a nap, because this week has been nuts between the concerts and the two jobs and the wherewithal. Or something. So me and my lovely Tragically Hip hockey jersey (#11) are due for a nice nap. GOODDAY NOW!!

** Image ID #1355758 Unavailable **
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
June 5, 2009 at 1:02am
June 5, 2009 at 1:02am
[Or, the art of self-destruction coupled with the will to live and do right among people...or something. My exhaustion is getting to me and youtube isn't loading anything...and it's bad enough that for some reason the network at 40 Broe has bitchslapped us to the point that we basically hafta reconnect every piece of internetivity so I can cram my iPod with nonsense and Facebook myself up the ass] I am, Stoggers, as those who know me well will silently tell you behind my back, an idiot.

The days, man, they're starting to blend together again Studyees. A happy whatever-day/night it is to you all. I am happy to report that tomorrow (friday) is, in fact, a full no-work, day off for this kid. To go from being unemployed to having two jobs is kinda a big shock to the system. (cue the lighting of another cigarette...here...)

I have ideas and things I want to say/emote/bitch about/praise/compare/provoke, but I can't fit it in. Why? Cuz I'm too damn obsessed with other things. Like myself. Like my iPod, and making sure all the tracks (8200+) have track names and a proper image. Like the kids. Like not fucking up our schedules too much.

Case in point: Alex has a field trip this weekend to a waterpark in PA this weekend. I was enlisted to help my Jess chaperone it (which means, basically, I get to ride waterslides all day while she sleeps on a bench). I have been looking forward to this like mad, ever since the days when I was documenting my chasing of this fine-looking blonde female and wishing I could be a part of her life. Now I am...but the ways of the world have conspired against me. We got the dates wrong thanks to Father's Day being so late, and we didn't bank on the fact that I might be working full-time and plus by now. So no waterpark for this kid, Stoggers. Instead, I will be working from 8am until 10:30pm, when I could be out accentuating my Italian skin with some sun. At least that's the only thing I screwed up schedule-wise...I was proper in not double-booking myself at two places of employment.

To complicate things further, J's car has a wheel bearing that's starting to go. Well, it's far into the process now of going. My dad, Pop Diesel, has given us the ching to get the work done and his sis, Aunt Caca, "has a mechanic", if ya dig what I'm sayin'. But she also spends her summerish weekends at what we lovingly call "The Green House", and we really f'd up our scheduling because I took this weekend off at Borders because I thought I'd be watersliding, but then realized that Father's Day was the 21st and not the 14th, and J's getting the car remedied on this coming Monday, and I was already scheduled to work Sunday 8-4 at Walgreens when one of J's managers offered me a shift at her store from whenever I can get there until close, and I took it because "why the hell not?!?", not totally sure if I knew what I was doing or what I was working, but for the money. While I hate the cash-grab, I'll take the experience. After all, my boss at The Wall seems to think I've taken quite nicely to the position and thinks I'm doing a fantastic job. Which I should be doing, since I've done this job before Stoggers. Just not on thier equiptment and under their policies.

So anyway, we had to figure things out about the car that we share, and Caca came through with her car (long story short...they have three cars between her and my uncle Ron "Dick" and while they're going away here and there, we get the Cavalier and no probs w/J driving it to PA...was hoping for the Explorer, but hell, this makes our lives easier for the time being). That is stress. At least it is for now...and I was feelin' really like J shouldn't be driving her Saturn to PA on the loud wheel while I cruise around in my aunt's snappy Cavalier, but Caca loves my girl and filled the tank with her blessing while echoing my sentiments. God I love my family sometimes! Well, i love them all the time, but it's amazing to see them come through in times when we could use a hand.

Take my dad for an example of this thought...he just straight-up offered us money to get the Saturn fixed. Took me and Mike out to breakfast last week, gave Mike a flat screen tv, gave me $$ for the car and bought Alex an iPod Shuffle for his b-day coming up.Then we walked around the Super Flea (flea market), and dammit, if I wanted something crazy like a used toaster or some spare tires or a bootleg Metallica t-shirt, Pop Deez woulda bought it.

Stogtastics, I realize I'm jumping around and not making any points, so I'm exiting. Hopefully tomorrow, since I'm off work, I'll get to kick a hole in your blog and let you know I was there. It may take me a day or two after a day or two, but I'm here and you're there. I will be taking my little bro to see The Tragically Hip tomorrow night at Artpark, which I am more excited about than you can believe. So with that, I bid you all a good good night, y'all...I'll sleep in, cash some checks and keep keepin' on.......GOODNIGHT NOW!!

** Image ID #1355758 Unavailable **
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
May 21, 2009 at 10:28am
May 21, 2009 at 10:28am
OK Studyees...in honor of my iPod going beyond 7000 songs (and having nothing interesting to say otherwise), I'm rehashing a very, very old blog entry and updating it. Get your groove on!!

iTunes shuffle quiz:

The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say...
Song: Headed Fot The Future
Artist: Neil Diamond
Comment: Off to an interesting start...

Your favorite thing to say when drunk is...
Song: All Your Jeans Were Too Tight
Artist: American Music Club (No Alternative compilation)
Comment: I must have intimacy issues.

Your message to the world...
Song: Words From The Chief Rocker
Artist: De La Soul
Comment: Nicely done.

Your deepest secret...
Song: Brothers Gonna Work It Out
Artist: Public Enemy
Comment: Refreshing.

Your innermost desire...
Song: Drive My Car/ The Word/ What You're Doing
Artist: The Beatles (Love cd)
Comment: That's like a trifecta.

Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include...
Song: Liquid Swords
Artist: The GZA
Comment: Oh hell yeah!

On your deathbed, you'll whisper...
Song: Accordingly
Artist: Chris Whitley
Comment: Nice.

Your friends say behind your back...
Song: I'm The Man
Artist: Anthrax
Comment: And that's why this iPod is going to love me.

You say behind your friends' back...
Song: Addicted
Artist: Hawksley Workman
Comment: Whatever peels your banana (Shameless Nicole plug, because she reminded me when I told her about me doing this iPod Shuffle Form again that I never mention her and her being Cool Shit...so there you are Nicole...peace to the Carolinas of your soul).

When you wake up in the morning, you mutter...
Song: Two Of Us
Artist: The Beatles
Comment: That's kinda cute, cuz it's true.

If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell...
Song: Dead In Motion
Artist: Antipop Consortium
Comment: Ummm...ok.

Right now, your feelings are...
Song: Born To Kill
Artist: Mathhew Good
Comment: Super. Or something I don't know about.

The day you fall in love will be the day that...
Song: Head North, Turn Left
Artist: Big City Dreams
Comment: What, I elope? I flee to Canada? At least it's a local band.

You scream during sex...
Song: The Youngest Was The Most Loved
Artist: Morrissey
Comment: That's creepy.

What do people assume when they first look at you?
Track: Slow And Low
Artist: Beastie Boys
Comment: That's just effing cruel, iPod!!

What will be a big challenge in life for you?
Track: California Girls
Artist: The Beach Boys
Comment: How many time zones away is Cali?

What's your career path?
Track: Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Artist: The Beatles/Across The Universe Soundtrack
Comment: I'm screwed.

Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
Song: The Good Life
Artist: Weezer
Comment: I guess so!

Do you have a secret admirer?
Song: Main Man
Artist: The Ramones
Comment: Holy wow, so not gay.

Will you ever become manically depressed in your life?
Song: Stand By Me (live)
Artist: Oasis
Comment: Guess so.

How will you die?
Song: Don't Wake Daddy
Artist: The Tragically Hip
Comment: Wonderful foreshadowing.

What's for dinner tonight?
Song: Jesus, Etc.
Artist: Wilco
Comment: Peace be with you...and also with you.

What's your excuse for reposting this?
Song: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
Artist: Nirvana
Comment: Like I need an excuse!

Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun Mix)
Artist: Coldplay
Comment: Must be my man-candy talkin'.

Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: Alive On Arrival
Artist: Ice Cube
Comment: Told ya.

I'm intrigued as to why some of the artists in the ending stretch of this exercise were almost all the same. I need a Stogger to Google this and figure out why these patterns exist.

It was kinda fun and kinda humbling at the same time, searching back through old entries to find the original template for this one. I should do this more often. In fact, I may do it on Facebook just for slaps and tickles.

So here's where I put on my Cosby sweater and drop the moral on y'all, Studyees...sometimes it's not a bad thing to look back at your past, cuz you might learn a thing or two. I'm gonna sweat out the results of my drug test for Walgreens, having been offered a position as Head Photo Specialist with a rate of pay at the maximum they could offer me, take a nap and go to dinner at the Mexican joint we love before going to J's neice's softball game. And look forward to a tomorrow where I can tell you all the good good news for certain. So with that, I bid you all a GOOD DAY NOW!!

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