Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/dragonfish
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613 Public Reviews Given
1,346 Total Reviews Given
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I look for how well the story or poem flows and if there are things out of place. I also check for grammar and spelling errors.
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Sci-fi, Fantasy, Speculative Fiction
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Review of Stowaway  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Off to space to settle on second Earth. Great details throughout the story! Captain Ryan Benjamin didn't look forward to meeting his bride. That was because his bride was his nemesis. Chosen by scientists. Yet he looked forward for his mission to set foot on the second Earth. It turned out his chosen bride had been switched with someone else. Someone who had a husband and kids. Quite a twist! Voice is natural and flows smoothly throughout the story. The prompt is followed. I see all four words bolded. Scifi is a genre, also following the prompt. No spelling or grammar errors found. Good job and keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Jen sounds adventurous as she convinces Claire to go to the shipwreck. Still, even for necessities since they ran away. Great details! Good timing on revealing about the shipwreck. Either one of them could have seen the face on the wall, but I assume it to be Claire. Her adventure stops short on seeing the face. Good voice and tone. It's hard to write 100 words exact but you did it. No spelling or grammar errors found, just one capitalization mistake. Good job and keep up the good work!

"Come on!" Jen Shouted. "We have a few minutes." shouted

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great details! In the land of Oz creepy crawlies abound. Spiders, leeches, ants, flies, hornets, scorpions, and crab with a short description of what each of them does. Then it concludes the Dune beetle to be the best one of them all. The prompt is followed and I noticed a rhyming pattern. The voice reads smoothly and it is easy to follow. There's all sort of creepy crawlies in the land of Oz. No wonder it's famous. Just don't go on a picnic- especially near ants or ant hills. No spelling or grammar errors found. Good job and keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Curse  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great details! Robert one day ran into a little old lady and she cursed him. The first disaster happened when he spoke of the weather and he searched for her after a while. Learning her name and location he met her, but the curse didn't lift. Then more disasters happened and as they happened, he changed from thinking about himself to thinking about others. In the end his confession lifted the curse and he saw it as a blessing. Voice is consistent and flows smoothly. Very close to publication. I spotted a few " errors and one spelling error that would detract a publisher. Easy to fix. I've listed them in order. Good job and keep up the good work!

Her voice was low, ominous. You didn't see me or what? No, I guess not, and that's because you, and those like you, don't see the little people, the invisible ones like me, do you? However, today that will change for I've decided to open your eyes. Suggestion: "You... eyes."

“Mean? Oh, you'll find out soon enough. This is when her bony... Suggestion: enough." This

...feeling of cold that she had just injected into him with her touch.” Suggestion: touch.

Robert muttered as he hurried away, her words echoing ominously in his mind. /justify} Suggestion: {/justify} (Coding usually is invisible.)

She could get vert angry at me if I told you where she is and I wouldn't want that.” Suggestion: very instead of vert

“If that's what it will take to get rid of it,” Robert said.” Suggestion: said.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Great start. I love the details. The dad is facing the fact his wife and sons are creatures. He made a mistake. A mistake he has to live with for the rest of his life. The voice is natural and flows smoothly. I suggest putting a double return (return once more) after the end of every paragraph. Or use {indent} at the beginning of every paragraph. That will make the chapter easier to read. I wonder what will happen next and if the father will ever see his wife and sons again. That is for the next chapter or so to reveal. No spelling or grammar errors found. Good job and keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Toodles  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Great details! The dialogue revealed that a garden had been built and hundred of fairies showed up. Later on it revealed the fairy it was for. True to the prompt for the contest. I think everything needs to be in quotations for the contest purposes, but everything fits otherwise. No spelling or grammar errors found. Good job and keep up the good work!

"You made a good point. ..." instead of The devil made a good point.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This must be a tough time for you to go through. Wanting to do so many things for summer and yet your mother is important. A time you left her with planned activities she had turned them all down. Great details. I believe the prompt wanted just the emotions and activities bolded and you separated those apart in red. The poem fits the prompt. Great voice. Not afraid to hide your worries and desires. It would be good to stick to town and doing things you could bring your mother to as well. Maybe she would enjoy that. No spelling or grammar errors found. Good job and keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Dark Secret
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This dark secret is being compared throughout the poem to many things. These things are so true. Great details on the comparison. Like a gaping hole, like a fungus, spongy. Then it goes on to talk about an abyss "filled with lies and deception". Powerful description words. Works very well for the poem. I think this is in free verse and no rhyme which is okay. No spelling or grammar errors found. Powerful poem and it gives me the chills thinking about what all the dark secret can do. Releasing it is the best way. Good job and keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hero's Legacy  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Mark wanted to wait and wait for the right moment. Chloe wanted some time to herself. So he waited until she was ready to see him. Romance blossomed between the two of them. Finally the big day of the proposal came. He proposed and she said yes. Her family and strangers cheered for them. Great details. Mark struggled to impress her by his own curiosity. No spelling or grammar errors found. Just punctuation errors that I feel is quick fix. Great story. Good job and keep up the good work!

"Well, what do you think? Should I call her? - needs " after ?

Mark replied slowly. I definitely don't want... - needs " before I

"OK, I'll wait, he said. - " after wait,

"Would you stop it! - " after it!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of viking funeral  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Good prose. Great details are included giving me a visual of what is going on. This is also sad. Great picks for genre. The darkness flows through this piece. A wound in the chest is a gory thing. And then to heal the spot by themself. Then the speaker wants someone back. No grammar or spelling errors found. Good job and keep up the good work!

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of In My Tiny Room  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: In My Tiny Room

First Impression: The details of the room is well thought out. I could tell it talks about the tiny room. Then it talks about writing in the tiny room. Once more, the details are well thought out. The writing comes from the speaker's imagination. A place where wings grow. Sculptural existence. Again, good details about the place. A place to dance and check messages as the room welcomes it. It is at the end of the rainbow with the speaker's pot of gold in it. Good details throughout. The room sounds like a good place to stay, where writing gets done. All the drama in the speaker's head gets out. The voice is natural and consistent throughout.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The details throughout this poem. Okay that's not the poem itself. The beginning where the tiny room is being described. And then the writing portion where the writing process is being described. And then the activities that can be done in the room as well. I like it all.

Overall impression: Great job with this poem. The voice is consistent and natural telling believable details about the room. There is a lot going on all at once. Each stanza focuses on a particular aspect at a time. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Published Books of WDC Authors Forum

First Impression: I wish I saw this site when I read Stolen by Vivian Zabel. Her mystery book was awesome to read. Anyway, the forum looks neat. I see the last post was in 2022 so there could be changes and new books to read that hasn't been mentioned here. This would be a go to to find new books to read. Reviewers just need to keep on posting their reviews of those published books. The information is still valid in the forum. The rules are clear. Write a review on this site and in other sites (off of this site) and win a prize. I like that idea. It doesn't take much, but a reward for buying and reading another author's book who is currently active on this site.

What needs your attention: No spelling and grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: There are many books to choose from to read that had been published by WDC writers- they are authors. The forum is filled with reviews of books written by WDC members who have gotten published. Though the last date of the last post is 2022, it looks as if many are still available. I didn't check. Some might be unavailable since time has passed though. As seen from the last post. Still worth checking out to see who is published.

Overall impression: Great job overall. This forum has lasted a long time with promoting successful authors. Someday when I have the space I'll buy a few myself. One at a time though. The rules are simple. A minimum of two reviews giving the username of the member who wrote it. It can't be an anthology. The focus is on those who have been published. Self-promotion is allowed here. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: 48 Hour Short Story Contest

First Impression: I can usually write a 1k long short story in 1 hour, so this contest could be a breeze once I have an idea on what to write about. Saturday would work for me. Or Sunday. Great self explaining title and the rules are clear. I see 2010 was when the last round was held. Probably got busy? It would be nice to see this contest open again. The looks is appealing. I wouldn't change the way it is set up. The prizes are clear and then it goes into the rules. There is a fee to enter but the prizes are worth it. Since you're a senior moderator now maybe you could have a guest judge or two for the next round.

What needs your attention: No spelling and grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: I like everything about this contest. The logo image is perfect. A unique clock showing the hours and the minutes emphasizing time of the 48 hours to write a short story. The instructions is clear. It would already be started by the time I open up that email and read the prompt to write the story. But the timing would be consistent. Friday night is when it starts and Sunday night is when it ends. Sign up ahead of time is a must.

Overall impression: I love the prizes as well. Such generosity. I don't know about what you could do now since it's been 14 years ago since the last round but you could ask for help if you need to to have enough for the next round. There is organization in the rules. Signing up is the first thing. Next thing is waiting to be in the group. Then what to expect and what to do for this contest. 1k-3k is a good range for a short story. Entry is a post in the forum directly with word count at the end. I look forward to hearing if you would consider a new round. Maybe even be a guest judge to help you out. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully
Review of ModSearch  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: ModSearch

First Impression: Instead of calling this a word search normally, the title is ModSearch. That is humorous by itself and also completely explanatory too. This word search is about moderators and what they do. They might not do all of it, but they certainly do most of the things in this word search. Some focusing on one thing and others focusing on other things. The words are well thought of and I found them all. At first I thought I wouldn't be able to find the last word on the list but it was well hidden and I used a technique that helped me spotted it at last in the final moment. What I like in a later section.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The words are well picked. I believe the words like encourage, intelligent, kindness, unique, and wisdom describe what moderators are like. Or their ideals anyway. Each one is unique and filled with wisdom from being long term on this site. Then there are activities they do. Words like contest, editor, and review shows the kind of things you can expect to see a moderator do. Also my favorite words. Editor of newsletter is a big responsibility. Promote, information, and helpful describes what any moderator tries to be and often is, knowing the answer right away. They have been learning the new things available on this site too just like us, and often will be able to know where to look to find the source of the information too.

Overall impression: Great job creating this word search. You've entertained me with helpful words about moderators. Though I didn't know what valorous or vivacious stands for (need to look it up) I know it's a good thing. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully
Review of The Red Rocks  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Red Rocks

First Impression: There's Sacred Mystery in spine of the red rocks. The speaker finds peace in the divine of the red rocks. Such beauty, vibrant colors explode in the speaker's eyes at the first sight of the red rocks. The speaker and her love one set up picnic in the mountain and make toast in the wine of the red rocks. "Sunset and sunrise paint masterpieces" day and night and the speaker sees her path in the "shine of the red rocks". Heart's home in this ghostly place "amongst cathedral of the red rocks".

Great details in the sentences. Everything is about the red rocks. The beautiful and colorful rocks as described. There is so many parts to them, different characteristics that describe each trait. First there is the spine, then there is the divine. Then there is the first sight. Then the wine. Shine. Last but not least is cathedral. These are all parts of the red rocks talked about in the poem figuratively. Great job with the details. The voice is natural. It is consistent with each stanza providing the same great details in a natural manner. The speaker is the one speaking.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

Could print this poem and share it with your family. Put it on the refrigerator.

What part I liked best: The details about the beauty of the rocks. Also the sunset and sunrise scene. Again I have more than one favorite part about the poem. I can't choose a best.

Overall impression: Great details and natural voice. It seems this poem is freestyle, but is actually Ghazal, which works out greatly. Not all poems have to rhyme. It fits with the drop note underneath. This one tells a story about the red rocks. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: ... And now we're out of carrots

First Impression: I find the title humorous. Especially when it comes to dealing with politics. Running out of carrots is a serious missing ingredient though. The speaker is encouraged to vote by dad. One vote to stand by. A candidate was there who gave the speaker hope. Voting time came and the speaker did vote. And the speaker ran out of carrots it seems November 2016. The carrots are no more today. But it will not dissuade this son.

I smiled reading this poem. There is humor in it which I like about it. Great details. Voting is important. All citizens must vote. The speaker stands by these words. The downfall of the voting season is that the speaker ran out of carrots and until today has no carrots. I found this funny and sad at the same time. Carrots are good for your eyes and just all of a sudden run out and not have anymore for the rest of the speaker's life? That's a tragedy to bear. Still, the speaker is intent to vote and I encourage to do that as well. It's important to have your voice heard and it matters in the election whether or not one vote seem to make a difference.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The focus and encouragement to vote even though it sounded like daddy required it. Reading about being out of carrots was funny too.

Overall impression: Great work with the subject of politics without leaning onto any one side of the spectrum. The focus of voting is important even despite a catastrophe happen like running out of carrots. There are few ways to take this poem and I believe the importance of voting is emphasized. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Smokey's Lesson

First Impression: One dark night the scouts came into confrontation with a bear. The speaker was always drafted from the parent committee and this round was no exception. A camp is usually selected. High in the mountains. Jim and the speaker were on duty for boy scouts camp. After much stories and jokes the scouts headed to bed. The speaker woke Jim up and searched the camp. Food was left out in an ice chest. So worked to put the food out of reach. Then Jim warned the speaker to turn around. Right there was Smokey the grizzly bear. Jim scared Smokey off with a tin can. Then commented on how now Smokey has learned on how to use a rake.

This has humor as well as great details. The camp sounds like a beautiful place to go to. Up in the mountains of California. The bears make me second guess going there though. I wouldn't want to run into one close up. Still, worth seeing during daylight. Smokey is one smart bear with the ability to learn to use a shovel and a rake. Interesting twist. I hope Smokey leaves the camp in peace for the rest of the night. No frightened boy scouts.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: Smokey didn't harm anyone. Just sat quietly watching. Got spooked in a gentle manner.

Overall impression: Nice details as mentioned and Smokey indeed learned a lesson. How to use a rake. Maybe the bear could pick up the rake and tackle the food hanging out of reach. Joking. The camp sounds like a lovely place for boy scouts to go to. I love the description of the setting. Vital to the story. Boys have to cook meals themselves. I assume everything is supervised. Except for a nosy bear named Smokey. Humor is good too. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I Remember You  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: I Remember You

First Impression: The speaker remembers a time when you were in a Navy outfit coming home from Desert Storm. Also remembers a time you faced a college of every veteran the speaker has ever known. Also remembers a time when you had a face of "Grand Uncle Roy" who refusing talk of mustard gas in France. Also remembers father who served in Army Corps in World War II. Also remembers John writing poems about Vietnam. So many veterans remembered here. This poem honors them all. It is simple with one line that repeats in the first of a stanza. It is like a wave even though directed at remembering one person.

Great details in few words. Remembering something about the veteran and more veterans along the way. There is a lot to learn from from each of them. It fits the contest nicely. Things happen and time passes by and the speaker remembers these things. It was as if the actions was present when really it was in the past. Nice natural voice. The repetition gives a strong point. The speaker remembers you. It's a happy moment to meet you coming home from active duty.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The repetition of the first line and then a fact given about you the speaker remembers. Good word choice.

Overall impression: I enjoyed reading this poem. There were facts about veterans that stood out. All for remembering one veteran, multiple veterans came into mind. Fits the contest theme nicely. Veterans is a prompt used. This poem is patriotic and honored veterans well. There is few words to describe all that they do for us. This captures that nicely. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Guardians of the night

First Impression: A storm is coming and it can be felt in the character's mind. This nightmare has come out and risen. The shadows have returned. (Now this seems to be reality.) The police came apologizing and explaining that the character's parents had died in a car accident. Then the character switches to the scene of the accident. The bridge gave away. The character was given a flash drive. Then the scene changes back to reality.

Good details worked throughout the introduction. It gives a sense of horror of the details of the nightmares. I believe the police officer scene is that of reality though. So much is going on in so little time. That storm before the police officers came foreshadowed the car accident, though I couldn't guess what bad exactly happened. It seemed as if the nightmare got mixed with her reality. Shadows coming for the character. Is the character trying to hide from these shadows? Reading more would help understand.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

The paragraphs could use some space in between. To correct this problem just enter twice. Enough so there's a gap between the paragraphs. That would make this easier to read.

What part I liked best: The details of the storm coming and of the storm itself. Though the car accident was a bad thing, I loved the details written in a manner describing the car accident.

Overall impression: Great work overall. I think the details really stand out. It would help to add the space between paragraphs to make it easier to read. There is a lot of potential with strengthening this chapter to make it easier to read. It might help to differentiate reality from nightmare a bit more. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

Happy WDC Anniversary!

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: A House in Cornwall

First Impression: When Devon sees Cornwall he immediately bought a house of stone, with trout passing through, and it was exactly what you wanted. (Around willows and has a view of Moors.) Bought it with an upside down view of the Moors, and you said you would be happy. The speaker has never lived there, and it was exactly what you wanted. The speaker has view of the mountains, specifically the Rockies in Colorado, and it was exactly what the speaker wanted.

There is this beautiful view of a house in Cornwall which the speaker didn't go to. Just described it as if viewing it from a picture in a brochure or something. The other person wanted it. Then it goes on to say the house was bought by the two of them and it had an upside down view of the Moors. The other person would be happy there. The speaker has never lived in the house of Cornwall. Just what the other person wanted. The speaker lives in Colorado where the mountains are in reach. Just the way the speaker wanted. Sounds like the speaker and the other person has two different views on where to live. The other person wanted Cornwall and the speaker in Colorado.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The description of the house in Cornwall as well as the mountains in Colorado. Both sound like beautiful places. I know from experience Colorado would be too cold for me. I don't know about Cornwall. Maybe same thing.

Overall impression: Great details. In few words, you describe what sounds like a dream house. Living in two different places wouldn't work out very well in the long run. I love the way the poem runs. Freely flowing. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Destroyer  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

Happy WDC Anniversary!

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Destroyer

First Impression: Started out with it, it destroying everything in its path. There is no stopping it with its sole purpose to destroy everything. All of the good things got destroyed by it. When there was nothing left to destroy, the creature wept. A baby was born. Maybe it found a new purpose in life and stopped crying then. This story was short and to the point. It describes the action of the destroyer. What it can do. It turns out that the destroyer is a creature, a living thing with emotions. I imagine it would be very difficult, but there is hope of seeds left behind to plant new trees and build society back up. Creator is what the destroyer will become.

This story is good, but more details would benefit it. Expanding and showing the destroyer in action until there was nothing left to destroy. Then a baby born gave the destroyer an idea to create the world or create another destroyer. Which ever way the destroyer decides to go from there on. The creature has emotions, show it more. There is a lot of potential in this story. It could develop into having a longer plot.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The creature decided not to go for the baby but to just watch and find that to be enough.

Overall impression: Good story- it has a lot of potential. Details could be expanded a bit and the creature, destroyer, could be shown to have feelings. Even if the feelings is to just destroy things in the beginning. In the end maybe the creature had a change of heart and want to be the repairer of everything good. To bring good back into the world. Still being a destroyer, has a tendency to want to destroy when good comes into fruit. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Classical music too. I listen to instrumental as well. But maybe there is such a thing as classical lyrics. I don't know. Good options. Though I picked on my favorites, still busy with GoT. Keep posting in newsfeed, I will enter one of these days. Monthly is good enough for me. Good job and keep up the good work!
Review of The Jewel Thief  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

Happy WDC Anniversary!

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: The Jewel Thief

First Impression: Things are going by ordinary except that a Monk passed by. Then at home a police came and asked questions. Lawyers were called and everything, but efforts were futile when the trial came because the youngest was the jewel thief. Death was the sentence, but he escaped and lived to see another day.

Trivial, things were going so smoothly or so it seemed as if it was a normal day until the police came. The speaker didn't believe their young sibling could be the jewel thief so helped put together lawyers and everything to discount that theory. But when the time came it turned out he had stolen from the king and queens as well as a few more people, including the judge. That theory went down the drain as evidence proved he was the jewel thief. Good hiding it until the last minute. Unfortunately, or fortunately, he escaped the place to live to see another day. So now what would the speaker feel knowing he was a jewel thief on the loose? Excited, mad, shocked? Still, probably not going to welcome little brother into the house for fear of stolen jewels hidden in the house.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The fight to prove the little brother innocent, he couldn't really be the jewel thief. Until the evidence proved otherwise. Still, he's the character's little brother.

Overall impression: I enjoyed reading this story. The characters are believable and the details are just right. The jewel thief ended up getting away after all, living to see another day. But is wanted for being a thief by the court. Probably would avoid going home because that's where the police would look for him. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Birthday Congrats  
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Birthday Congrats

First Impression: These cNotes are festive whether one cake or a bunch of cakes to even a slice of cake for a missed birthday. These images are cute and I may use one for a birthday or WDC anniversary one of these days. They are that good. Birthday is the theme and there is links to other cNotes if birthday isn't what you want. So there's a variety that way. Having specialized cNotes is a good thing. Now I think more can fit. Or maybe number of recipients can be 25. Easy fix. There is the cute, the adorable, and simply good images. Pricing is good too. Fits well for the birthday boy or girl.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: Everything. There is the teddy bear with multiple cakes for example. The strawberry makes me feel hungry. I love the tiger pawing at the cupcake especially. Nope, the cupcake was for the tiger. But happy birthday to the people getting it. Then what is funny is the slice of cake and the message that goes along with the slice of cake. Missed birthday but maybe could share this slice of cake with you. That is so perfect. Then it wraps up with a teddy bear holding an opened book. Again cute.

Overall impression: What a lovely birthday cNote shop. I didn't find anything wrong with it. The animals are cute and cuddly and the cake looks delicious. Great job with the art. The kids turned out great as well. I see cNotes for other things linked at the top. Great placement. The details are great. Just the right amount of detail used in the right manner. The prices are good as well. Not too cheap not too expensive. A right balance is in place. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully
In affiliation with disABILITY WRITERS GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
House Florent Image for G.o.T. "The Iron Bank of Braavos "Game of Thrones

My name is Angelica, I am one of the sly foxes.

Title: Nature Beauty- Variety Collection

First Impression: At first glance I see flowers of different shapes and sizes, including my favorite flower- the sunflower! The flowers are easy to recognize due to their unique shapes and along with the flowers come unique messages. This has to be one of my favorite cNote shops as I love flowers, but there's so many good ones to choose from too. All of them are good. I'll go through what I like in a later section to avoid repeating myself. The cNote shop is easy to read and understand. It has a welcoming feel to it as I first read the words. The setup is simple and easy to follow.

What needs your attention: No spelling or grammar errors found.

What part I liked best: The photos of the flowers is very natural and realistic. Some are close up, others are in a distance. Either way, it captures the beauty of the flowers. I love them all. There is one that isn't a flower but is also just as beautiful. Range in colors from blue, violet, yellow, orange, and more. The messages fits the flowers they go to, each of them simple and direct. Just the way I like it. There's one I could see would work to sending to my best friend who is going through a tough time in her life right now.

Overall impression: This is a wonderful cNote shop. There is a variety of messages to choose from and a variety of flowers to pick on. Whether for the flower or for the message it is right up my alley. I might send one or two here and there once in a while as the situation rises. I can't think of any suggestions except maybe now I think you can add up to 25. These are beautiful photos and I encourage you to take more. Good job and keep up the good work!

Thank you for allowing me to read your work. It has been my pleasure.

The views and opinions on this review are mainly the things discovered by the reader and therefore, do not reflect necessarily to the group, activity and/or event being affiliated herein. This is only the opinion and suggestions of the reviewer and it is still up to the author of this piece to consider this review as a corrective action or otherwise.

What does the Fox say?????

Listen Carefully
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