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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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December 18, 2023 at 12:17pm
December 18, 2023 at 12:17pm
In what ways can people express love and appreciation to others in their life?


There are so many ways. The more creative you are the more ways you can come up with. This also depends on the relationship you have with any one person.

Off the top of my head, encouraging others during challenges, remembering important dates, recognizing any one person's achievements and positive qualities take the first place. Then comes celebrating milestones in the relationship (that is remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant events), attentive listening and should something go wrong, apologizing sincerely and forgiving little mistakes easily.

Next comes the helping out with tasks and gentle physical touches--if permitted--such as hugs, holding hands, or a pat in the back.

And last but not the least, come the letters and notes with personal messages, thoughtful gifts, with some of them as surprises.

The way I see it, although in our time gifts are mostly store-bought, the most cherished and thoughtful ones are the attentions we give to others in any shape or form. Store-bought or not, any gift that expresses love and appreciation is priceless for it becomes the basic token of our human connections and relationships.

As I was writing this, my next-door neighbor brought me a plate of goodies such as chocolate-covered strawberries plus other little tidbits. It was very thoughtful of her and her gift is much appreciated because it came from her heart. Aren't I the lucky one! *Smile*


December 15, 2023 at 2:08pm
December 15, 2023 at 2:08pm
Dec 14

Prompt: "When an alabaster blanket covers the earth in January, we are reminded of her beauty found in the crisp simplicity of a blank page. Full of promise and hope, a fresh journal to write creative events. Recording what happens in our life is a legacy for those we leave behind."
Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.
Post a reply...


From a blanket of snow to a blank page...frankly, I never thought of snow as something to write on as snow eventually turns to slush, just like some writings, as I should know from my own writing escapades.

Anyway, from which angle you look at it, a blank page is a canvas of infinite potential. It is the tapestry of thoughts and ideas. It's the starting point of every story, the birthplace of creativity, the uncharted territory of the mind waiting to be explored. It's a space where anything and everything can happen.

The beauty of a blank page lies in its patience. It doesn't rush you or demand immediate attention. It waits, quietly, for the first stroke of the pen, the first thought to be born into words. It's a mirror reflecting the deepest corners of the writer's mind, opening to a stage where ideas and characters come to life.

Then, sometimes, for me, it is an intimidating void. This is because I fail to see it as a beautiful promise, a canvas waiting for my touch, a story waiting to be told. This is because at times I fail to see that the promise of a blank page is the promise of creation.


Dec. 15

“Hot cocoa and cold toes remind me of Christmas.” ― Toni Sorenson
What reminds you of Christmas? Of December ?


Dec. 15

There are many reminders and symbols of December and Christmas, and they may vary depending on cultural, regional, and personal traditions.

Off the top of my head, for Christmas, the reminders could be: Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, gifts, Santa Claus, Nativity scenes, and Christmas Carols.

As for December, December birthdays, Winter weather up north and crazy weather where I am, Winter Solstice, Advent Calendars that count down the days, holiday decorations, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and other holidays I may not know about, and New Year's Eve when people feel free to get drunk and celebrate the coming year without knowing if what's to come will be good or bad, but then, jumping to conclusions is a human trait, after all.

December 13, 2023 at 11:59am
December 13, 2023 at 11:59am
Prompt: A letter is practically a gift.
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Surely, a letter could end up becoming the best gift. When preserved well, it has the ability to transcend time as it is a time capsule in itself, preserving sentiments and events, after it may be tucked away in a drawer or kept between the pages of a book, and then found again years or decades away in the future.

The value of a letter lies in its simplicity, sincerity, and the strength of emotions it conveys, be it nostalgia, laughter, tears, or joy. It is a gesture that goes beyond the material, resonating with the recipient on a deeply personal level.

During the First and Second World Wars, letter writing was the main form of communication between soldiers and their loved ones, which helped to ease their pain of separation. Opening an envelope to reveal the letter had to be like unwrapping a treasure in a moment of anticipation and excitement.

Many touching personal stories are vividly brought to life through the exchange of letters, letters between lovers, friends, siblings, sons, and daughters. In our day, many of those letters written during the wars are still alive in the archives and museums. Such letters can also be valued as significant historical documents, especially if they describe events that later become famous.

Some romantics like my grandmother preserved those old letters in a pile wrapped with a bright red ribbon. Then, when I held them in my hand years later, I felt a deep respect and admiration for my grandfather whom I had never met in person.

Letters are valuable gifts that are poignant and authentic. Even if, in our time, communication has taken many other forms, those old letters serve as a reminder of the power of words that link people. Those of us in our time feel lucky when we hold such a letter in our hands and wonder how it has survived in an old trunk or a drawer to celebrate the beauty of human connection.


In Addition:
Here is an article that shows the contents of a book written in 1876, titled How To Write Letters by J. Willis Westlake, an English Literature professor in Pennsylvania.


December 12, 2023 at 12:33pm
December 12, 2023 at 12:33pm
If you knew for sure, your words would change the world for the better, what would you teach the world in an online video as something like a TED talk?


To the benefit of everyone who may turn to my so-called TED talk video, I'd try to teach everyone tolerance and patience. These virtues are as essential for personal growth as they also are for the peace at home and abroad. Who knows, after all if people really knew how to instill inside themselves and use these qualities, we might just manage to have a peaceful world in which everyone worked for the benefit of everybody.

I guess I would start my talk by promoting cultural awareness. That is, learning about and respecting different cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This type of exposure to diverse viewpoints could even bring about the appreciation for one's own culture and background.

Then, I would go on with encouraging empathy in people so they would understand the differences in every person's life experiences. This would teach people to be patient with others who might have varying perspectives and challenges.

Offering the idea of open, honest, and effective communication, that is expressing one's own thoughts in a respectful manner, would come next. This is because effective communication is essential for building tolerance.

Next, I would advise the masses to choose their leaders not on popularity and false impressions but on loftier virtues. This is because leaders and influencers play a crucial role in setting examples as they can create a positive ripple effect that could encourage others to follow suit. I would also tell my listeners to question assumptions and stereotypes, and watch if their elected or to-be-elected officials are basing their judgments on preconceived ideas.

Conflict resolution skills would help also, as they promote active listening, compromise, and finding the common grounds. By addressing conflicts in a constructive manner, a person or any group of people can learn to be patient and tolerant even in challenging situations. I would also include to respond to negatives thoughtfully rather than impulsively.

I would also recommend that the listeners' educational systems and core study programs to reflect a varied range of histories and perspectives, so the students can understand the world better, broader, and more deeply. This way, everyone in the world, if this can ever be done, will feel valued and accepted.

After all, we do have a diverse and interconnected world, don't we!

December 11, 2023 at 2:43pm
December 11, 2023 at 2:43pm
What if instead of today's technological advancements, we could have magical advancements? Which would be more powerful – magic or our new technology? Write a story, poem, or anything else you like.

I can just imagine:

No more long lines in airplane travel or blocked and slow-moving traffic, no more cars, trains, buses trucks, etc.; instead, broomsticks, teleportation spells, telepathy. Heaven!

Diseases could be cured with a flick of a wand or a well-brewed potion, drastically increasing life expectancy. Instead, healing spells and potions.

No more physics, chemistry, computer science, Ai, etc. Instead, we would be learning about different types of magic, potion-making, and spell-casting.

Best yet, we might harness magical energy for power, reducing or even eliminating our reliance on fossil fuels, to solve many environmental issues.

Plus, new forms of security would be developed, and for instance, protective spells could be more common than physical locks, passwords, electronic keys, etc., and law enforcement would use truth spells during investigations.

The economy would change, too. New industries based on magic would emerge and professions like Potion Master or Spell Creator could become very popular career choices.

On the other hand, ethical questions about the usage of certain types of magic could arise. Arguments and conflicts between those proficient in magic and those who are not could lead to social inequalities. Misuse of magic could also become a significant issue. It would be a whole new learning, though.

Yet, come to think of it, I'd rather live with magic than any new technology (at the moment, Ai), which very few people know how to use it or misuse it. And the rest of us, especially the elderly and those who have no techy background, flail about losing their way.

December 9, 2023 at 11:09am
December 9, 2023 at 11:09am
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ...John Ruskin
Let this quote inspire you


It is true that each type of weather has its own unique benefits and experiences. Yet, I can't call a hurricane or a tornado-laden storm "good weather", either. But just maybe, that transition from a sunny day to a stormy night adds excitement to our days to keep life interesting.

Also, I do appreciate the differences in seasons, from the warmth of summer, to the crisp autumn, to the frozen beauty of winter, and to the blossoms of spring. Then, there is that soft glow of a sunrise, the stunning colors of a sunset, the dance of raindrops, and the calmness and beauty of a snowy landscape.

On the helpful side, weather's different patterns support the ecological balance on our earth. Rain provides essential water for plant life, snowpacks contribute to freshwater resources, and sunshine supports photosynthesis.

Then on the personal side, I suspect that experiencing a wide range of weather conditions teaches us resilience and adaptability, and the extremes of weather encourage moments of introspection. These moments provide a chance to connect more deeply with nature and to reflect on life, goals, and our personal well-being.

Finding the good side in every experience and recognizing the positive aspects in all kinds of weather can allow us to lead more fulfilling lives. This is because the weather's whims teach us how to appreciate the interconnectedness between us and our world's quirky nature.

December 8, 2023 at 10:20am
December 8, 2023 at 10:20am
"Of all the months of the year there is not a month one half so welcome to the young, or so full of happy associations, as the last month of the year." — Charles Dickens
Share with us about special times with your families.


I am having a special time right now, because yesterday, my older son arrived to spend time with me. I bet it will be a very special time, as it is always so with him. The key benefit of spending time with family is the opportunity for connection and communication, especially if there is mutual respect and understanding and ways and preferences in common, as with my kids and me.

When my sons and I are together we feel our sense of unity and teamwork. We learn from one another, celebrate achievements, and work through challenges.

My life started out in a big family; therefore, I appreciate family bonds very much. There were times, in our house, where we would be 40 to 50 people, and mostly sleep-overs. Luckily, we had a big enough house, and that regular interaction with family members helped me greatly throughout my later life.

In my adult life, my family life was condensed usually to my immediate family; me, my husband, and our two sons. Now in old age, I am kind of alone more, however not lonely, thanks to today's technology that lets me stay in touch with my relatives and sons quite often. Something is better than nothing, I'd say; although sometimes, I miss just being together with my cousins who are now scattered all over the world. Yet, I have enough good memories of fun times and much love for my immediate and extended family to keep me going.

December 7, 2023 at 11:52am
December 7, 2023 at 11:52am
"Don't let anyone tell you the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon."
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Although this quote is re-quoted by a few other people, Buzz Aldrin the astronaut said it first. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/570233/buzz-aldrin-quotes

I believe Buzz Aldrin explains what he means in the rest of the quote much better than I could. So I googled it, and in its entirety, the quote says: " Don't let anyone tell you the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.—and I made some of them! So don’t allow anyone to denigrate or inhibit your lofty aspirations. Your dream can take you might higher and much farther than anyone ever thought possible!"

Oh, wow! And he's so right in essence, and in the same vein, here's another quote from one of my high school teachers that may explain what Buzz Aldrin means. "Never give up; try, try, and try harder. It can be done."

After all, this astronaut did walk on the moon, didn't he! As such, we do appreciate our astronauts because we appreciate their years of training and education. When they achieve a milestone, our astronauts honor us. We applaud them, not because they set foot on the moon or maybe later--much later, after my own lifetime--in other galaxies, as well; but because their egos help to boost our own collective ego. Still, I rejoice that, here, the human ego is speaking, and there's nothing wrong displaying our human egos, collectively or not.

The ego is the conscious part of the mind responsible for dealing with reality and navigating the external world. One of the key functions of the ego is to maintain a sense of identity and self-awareness. This self-concept contributes to a person's self-esteem and influences how they relate to others. Luckily, I can recall this much from my own meager training in psychology and thank you, Sigmund Freud.

Come to think of it, this human collective-ego is also implicated in various psychological defense mechanisms for protection from anxiety and discomfort. These defense mechanisms--such as denial, repression, and projection--serve us so we can maintain a positive self-image.

Yes, here, the astronaut is egging us on. And most educators know that the younger or the more naive set can gain more ground, if praised rather than put down. I mean, how would it look like if some other important person would say, "You guys are a nothing, for you're only passers-by on a planet that is probably less than one-millionth of a dot on the vast expanse of the universe"?

That assumption, too, would be correct when or if we could be able to look at and examine the structural components of the whole universe. Yet, from our tiny place and our tiny points of view, we still applaud our own quests and perceptions, so we can think we may survive, and even take over the entire creation.

After all, even the tiniest microbe can bring down a huge body. *Wink*

December 6, 2023 at 9:53am
December 6, 2023 at 9:53am
"It's to hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world. "
Dolly Parton
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Well, who doesn't like Dolly Parton! as a successful and iconic country music artist, Dolly Parton has often been associated with authenticity, resilience, and a genuine sense of self. She always shines brightly amidst the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. I like her for her authenticity and her values more than I like her music because I heard her talk several times on the talk shows or what not, and she impressed me with her truthfulness.

Coming to this specific quote, it is a reminder of the struggle to maintain authenticity and individuality in a society that may not always appreciate or understand the value of true uniqueness. It means, in a world where mediocrity is readily accepted and conformity is often rewarded, striving to be exceptional, authentic, and true to oneself can be a daunting task. I am guessing the quote itself refers to Hollywood and the music world, although its idea is also true for every profession or line of work in life.

On the plus side, this quote might inspire people who feel the pressure to conform to societal standards or who find it challenging to express their individuality in a world that often favors the ordinary over the extraordinary. just as a rhinestone is a cheap imitation of a diamond, lacking the depth and brilliance, of the real gem.

The funny thing is, the whole world is trying to make a buck using this quote and Dolly Parton, in addition to lots of second-rate musicians using it in their lyrics. Check these out:





December 5, 2023 at 10:36am
December 5, 2023 at 10:36am
Prompt: Success vs Failure
Do you learn more from your successes or from your failures? How do each affect your mood?


I have to think it must be a rare person or a masochist who likes failures better than successes. Failure often brings disappointment, frustration, and a fear of inadequacy. On the other hand, success brings validation and a sense of accomplishment.

Yet, the crossing line between success and failure isn't always clear and the lessons learned from each can be equally valuable. Speaking for me, I try not to focus too much on either success or failure. For one thing, both result in fleeting emotions and even in iffy life situations. Then, when it comes to failure, I learned a thinking trick to treat it as a probable success underdone. Also, when it comes to success, I don't seek it consciously, but if it happens on its own, I treat it as a temporary delight. Call me chicken, but this way, I can hold my own power over these two extremes.

A common idea is that people learn more from failures than they do from successes. Failures force individuals to confront their shortcomings, reevaluate their strategies, adapt to unforeseen challenges, and develop their problem-solving skills. Failures can also lead to bad moods and prolonged unhappiness, and in some cases, to suicides.

Whereas success, with its temporary feelings of delight, can sometimes mask the underlying weaknesses and can blind people to their opportunities for growth and innovation. It can also turn them into heartless, selfish people who can and do commit crimes on their quest to achieving more success. Yet, as a counterpoint, success can also encourage people to work toward gaining more success by leading them to improve themselves and gain more confidence.

Just like the two poles on our planet, success and failure are the two extremes, and in this way, they are equals in their chill factor as both have their ways of harming people. Still, they shape our journey through life and hopefully, more often than not, they are successful in influencing our mental and emotional growth in positive ways.

December 4, 2023 at 1:48pm
December 4, 2023 at 1:48pm
Prompt: Humor
What makes you laugh the most, these days? Do you plan humor in your writing or does it happen on its own?


"What I can't fix I laugh at" is my motto. Come to think of it, the world's situation at this time is hilarious. You can be sure I can't fix that one; otherwise, I would, humor aside.

Humor, luckily for our humankind, is a fascinating and complex aspect of the human experience, deeply rooted in culture, psychology, and communication. It has a universal language and connects people through laughter. Still, you have to be careful not to step on others' toes because what's funny in one country can be considered an insult in another.

In general, humor has its rules especially when you are writing it. To start with, timing is crucial, mostly when you build tension and release it in a way that surprises the reader or the listener.

Second is the surprise element or an unexpected twist or a deviation from the norm. Jokes often depend on surprise by catching people off guard with plays on words, a sudden change in perspective, or putting opposites together or against each other.

Third is the relatability of the readers or audience to a certain kind of humor. When people recognize aspects of their own lives in jokes or comedic situations, it creates a sense of connection and understanding, and a shared response to the human condition.

In addition, wordplay, wit, caricature, satire, and exaggeration, even if absurd, can add a little or even greatly to the humor and might also provide a social commentary as well as entertainment.

As in everything, humor in writing is subjective and challenging, and the writer must consider who the audience is. Still, humor is a powerful storytelling device, which adds depth and intensity to our work, but we have to take into account and align with the overall style and the particular theme at hand.

When it comes to my own writing, since I'm not quite sure I understand perfectly the intricacies of humor, I use situations or funny people at certain times, but mostly I write as I think. As such, if my thoughts take a turn for what's funny, it shows in the piece I am writing. Otherwise, I don't really plan to write humor. Humor is for those professionals, such as 🌕 HuntersMoon , *Wink* who do it so well.

December 2, 2023 at 12:35pm
December 2, 2023 at 12:35pm
Use these random words in your entry: injury, widen, route, descent, surgeon, wave, prospect, and sink.


On a cold autumn day, Dr. Emma Harper, a surgeon, new in the profession, received an unexpected urgent call. She had to attend a hiker who had sustained a severe injury during a ascent up the treacherous cliffs of a rugged mountain range. The rescue team was hesitant about moving the hiker without a doctor being present.

To Emma Harper, however, the prospect of navigating the perilous route was frightening. She wasn't used to harsh terrains and too difficult situations. Yet, instantly, she said yes on the spot and rushed to aid the patient waiting to be saved by her, after quickly gathering herself and her equipment. As she approached the base of the mountain, the gravity of the situation began to widen greatly before her eyes and her heart started to sink. However, she managed to hold herself together by thinking about the challenge ahead.

The rescue team guided Dr. Harper along a hazardous path, a route becoming steeper with every step, with the sound of crashing waves from below, echoing through the canyon, as a constant reminder of the unforgiving nature of the terrain. Finally, they reached the hiker, named Bill, who was stranded on a windy, narrow ledge of the steep mountainside where Bill just lay there, battered and bruised, with a deep cut on his leg.

Dr. Emma Harper assessed the injury and, swiftly and skillfully tried to stabilize Bill. Seeing her expertise, the rescue team volunteers were relieved and even, among themselves, they managed to utter a few jokes as they secured Bill onto a stretcher. Then, began their descent of navigating down the mountain.

As she managed to set stable steps on the uneven path, Dr. Emma Harper could only reflect on the fragility of life and the resilience of the human spirit and the good will and superhuman efforts of the rescue team. After this, she would have no qualms about helping the injured in any situation. And this incident and the widening challenges in her profession could only fuel her determination to overcome them, one rescue at a time.

And just maybe, at times, it is the patients who rescue their doctors. *Wink*

December 1, 2023 at 2:25pm
December 1, 2023 at 2:25pm
Let this quote inspire your entry: "Snow flurries began to fall and they swirled around people's legs like house cats. It was magical, this snow globe world." — Sarah Addison Allen
Have fun!


Anything about cats, especially those cats that "swirl around people's legs," is like heaven and I'm mush. On the other hand, I don't have the same positive feeling about snow. True, it looks good and fancy, but I've shoveled enough snow in my past and shivered enough in the cold to find a soft spot in my heart for snow.

Yet, the best kind of snow is the one that is captured and incarcerated inside a snow globe. That globe, a fragile sphere of glass, captures a fleeting moment in time in a scene that transports me to a serene and magical landscape.

I like to shake the snow globes just to watch the flurry of those tiny snowflakes dance and twirl, while the world under inside the glass is transformed into a winter wonderland. There, the rooftops of charming cottages are crowned with glistening icicles, and smoke curls from chimneys into the crisp, cold air while people stroll through the village square bundled up in scarves and hats as their children play on the snow. Even with the depiction of people here, a sense of stillness is in this setting, as if a world untouched by time that is made to stay inside a perpetual winter scene.

Is this really a world of tranquility and nostalgia with quiet reflection and enchantment? Or is it a miniature, fake universe created for our momentary escaping from the real world? I bet the answer is yes to both.

As for me, I'd rather watch the snow inside a snow-globe rather than braving it in a real wintry scene. After all, this world in snow is hushed, beautiful, and I don't feel the cold.

November 30, 2023 at 10:21am
November 30, 2023 at 10:21am
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Such a wise quote! And no wonder, since I believe Oscar Wilde has said it.

In its core, the quote reminds us that it is futile to try to mimic others as each person is an individual with his or her own experiences, beliefs, and emotions. Attempting to be someone else or to be like someone else means overlooking the richness of our own identity.

Yet, why the people even attempt to copy others? It is mostly because of upbringing and social pressure. Once upon a time, when one of my aunts told my two very young cousins to emulate me only because I was good in school and wasn't much trouble, I jumped right in and said, "No, they are better than me." I was in my late teens then. And I was right. They are two very wonderful, accomplished women today who may have turned out to be much nicer than me. At least, I think so.

Being ourselves requires courage. It means embracing our quirks, knowing our strengths and weaknesses and breaking free from the fear of judgment, rejection, the noise of fame, and all external influences. Everyone's life journey is unique and whether or not Wilde really spoke these words, the depth of meaning in this quote will echo through time and every culture.


November 29, 2023 at 11:32am
November 29, 2023 at 11:32am
Prompt: Fashion Shows.
Have you ever been to one or participated in one? How do you feel about fashion shows? Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I'm not a big fan of fashion or fashion shows, probably because of the presentation techniques and the image of fakeness that has surrounded them. Yet, I can appreciate their economic impact such as setting trends and promoting brand identity. Also, as for being dynamic events, they become expressions of creativity, style, trends, and innovations.

Having said all that, it is hard to believe that I was in a fashion show...as a model...as a four-year old. This still makes me laugh.

It was during the late 1940s. One of my aunts was working as a fashion designer for children. At the time, she had just started. When a fashion show was to be put on for adults in the industry, the company head told her to come up with something, any one good thing, as she wanted to include her in the show, also.

So, for the lack of child models and because I came without a model's fee, I became her model. All I had to do was hold the hand of another model and walk listening to her directions in whispers. Listening to her? Well, only halfway. Since I had seen how the other models acted before the two of us, I acted on the walkway just like them. Monkey see, monkey do. I think my model and I got the biggest applause laced with giggles.

After it was over, I asked why our walk took such a short time, and made everyone at the backstage laugh. I loved the backstage then because people were paying attention to me and later, after the show, feeding me with goodies.

What I didn't like came earlier, during the preparations. Probably a few weeks before the show when my aunt was sewing that ridiculous dress and practicing the big bows on my hair, a la Shirley Temple which was the trend of the day. But I survived it all, and so did my aunt...survived me that is.

No wonder I'm not fashion crazy. I got my first taste of it, good as it was, at a very early age. As for my aunt, she left the company, got married, and was a housewife for some time, and then, she got a job working in a bank. C'est la vie.

November 28, 2023 at 10:46am
November 28, 2023 at 10:46am
Prompt: Do the holiday seasons make you feel more connected to all the people on earth or less? In what ways and why?


As far as I am concerned, the holiday season has no effect for the way I feel toward anyone or everyone. I like most anyone and I don't hate any one soul.

Yet, I so wish this or any other holiday season or any human endeavor could bring about unity and good will, in addition to shared values, cross-cultural interactions, technological connectivity, and acts of kindness, in our world. And I so hope this year's holiday season will be the time to start watching all nations' well-being, their people's happiness, and the many positive ways they handle their struggles or joys now and throughout their lives.

The pluses of a holiday season is that it tries to create a common ground that encourages a sense of togetherness by involving people in cultural and religious celebrations. One general reason for this togetherness, if possible, is the universality of themes such as love, peace, generosity, and gratitude.

Also, the exchange of greetings, traditions, and stories allows individuals to gain insights into the richness of human culture. This cross-cultural interaction helps break down barriers and fosters a sense of understanding and respect. Charitable activities and acts of kindness also peak during the holiday season, further emphasizing the spirit of global connection.

On the other hand, the holiday season can also bring some negative experiences and challenges to people and groups. For those people who live alone or who are away from home or who have recently experienced a loss of a loved one or who are separated from family through misunderstandings, this emphasis on togetherness can heighten their feelings of sadness or loneliness.

In addition, when the holidays bring people together, contrary to the idealized image of harmonious family gatherings, conflicts may arise due to differing expectations, the pressure to conform, unresolved issues, or the stress of coordinating and hosting events and dinners, in addition to the financial stress and pressure of exchanging gifts and similar activities. These, in turn, may even lead to or make worse those mental health issues such as burnout, anxiety, and depression.

It's important to recognize and address these negative aspects of the holiday season to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals who may be struggling during this time. This way, the holiday season can become a unique and powerful bond for connecting people worldwide in a spirit of joy, warmth, and shared celebration. And I so hope and pray that this may be done very soon.

November 27, 2023 at 10:53am
November 27, 2023 at 10:53am
Prompt: Gifts
What does the word gifts mean to you? And have you ever received a deeply meaningful gift you weren’t expecting? Tell us about it.


Gifts, at first thought, bring to my mind all those God-given (or nature-given) gifts. Then, when I think more about it, everything is a gift. Even the rotten times in our lives are gifts because they teach us about life and ourselves, whether we want to be taught or not, and they show us our own mettle, which we may be too blind to see.

Yet, above all, life is a gift in itself, whether we hold it dear or not.

Then, comes the gifts humans give to one another for any reason or for no reason at all, and they serve as a universal expression of emotions, appreciation, and connection. This is because the act of giving and receiving gifts goes beyond a material exchange; it is a powerful means of communication and it strengthens bonds between any two people.

Gifts are often associated with celebrations and milestones and they also have something to do with cultural celebrations as different cultures attach unique meanings to specific types of gifts, enhancing the symbolic value. Gifts can show love, gratitude, friendship, and sympathy, providing a medium through which we communicate emotions. A well-chosen gift can convey sentiments more effectively than words alone.

Be it a show of generosity and altruism, or symbolism and thoughtfulness, or even reciprocity a gift goes a long way to build relationships or mend broken ones. My favorite kinds of gifts, however, are the unexpected kinds that do not have anything to do with a birthday, achievement, or a celebration like Christmas or a New Year.

At the top of those unexpected kinds comes the sapphire ring I never take off from my finger. My husband and I were in the jewelry store to have a battery replaced in a watch. While I was looking outside the window to our car, he noticed this ring on the display counter together with a matching pendant and bought them right on the spot, saying they would look good on me. This set will always be my most favorite gift.

November 26, 2023 at 11:07am
November 26, 2023 at 11:07am
Prompt: Use these lyrics to inspire your entry today: Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening. A beautiful sight. We're happy tonight. Walking in a winter wonderland. Have fun!


As old as I am, I never rode in a carriage with sleigh bells ringing. What did I miss? Where was I when the whole world was having such fun? These questions I ask myself.

Chances are whoever wrote this carol forgot about the cold of the winter, too, which I am not a fan of. Seriously!

Still, "Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening" opens the door to a world adorned in the magic of winter. The scene is a tranquil field or a lane, where the snow lays like a delicate blanket, reflecting the soft glow of winter's light. Picturesque, right? Okay, again, what about the cold?

"A beautiful sight. We're happy tonight. Walking in a winter wonderland." Walking? In the cold? Why aren't they in the sleigh wrapped in blankets? Yet, the song has a punch to it spiced with merriment and celebration. In this winter wonderland, happiness abounds, and the world seems to pause, allowing those walkers, not me, to embrace the magic that unfolds with each step.

As much as this carol reminds me of the cold, it is a mood lifter and it does capture the essence of the holiday season when, even after the season is over, memories that linger keep running through our minds, especially because Johnny Mathis sang this carol so well, stretching each word in it in his inimitable fashion. Thus, I salute it, lifting my cup of eggnog to it. "Cheers!"


November 25, 2023 at 10:58am
November 25, 2023 at 10:58am
Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.” ― Laura Ingalls Wilder
Talk about childhood memories.


I was an only child to four women, my mother, my grandmother, my aunt, and my grandmother's foster daughter who lived with us all her life. There were men there, of course, but my most intimate relationships were mostly focused on these women. Even after my aunt got married and moved away, she and I were just as important to each other, especially since she couldn't have any children of her own, and I always felt so blessed and lucky to be mothered by four women.

Yet, I was lonely. I always envied people with brothers and sisters and thought, despite all their fights and quarrels and jealousies, they had the upper hand. Now, in old age, I can see that conviction wasn't so far off. Yet, I'm still lucky since I have cousins.

My mother tried to take care of my alone and lonely child syndrome by inviting all their friends' children over. Some I couldn't relate to, others I could, but my favorite friends were my cousins.

My uncles left at least one or two of my cousins to stay with us for weeks at a time when they didn't have school. To this day, one of my cousins who is a year younger than me has been my best friend. I think most of my cousins think they are my best friend, too, btw.

My cousins and I always got into something childish, funny, and full of mischief, which greatly entertained me. When the entire family gathered around the table, Christmas or not, we kids had our own table on the side, so we could plan our escapades and giggle at our internal jokes.

When alone, though, I was a very quiet child who read all the time. Yet, I had the most fun when my cousins were there. My mother used to say, I turned into someone different when my cousins arrived. a kind of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I guess.

Once, my cousins and I, a whole bunch of us, went out of the house without telling anyone we were going and we got caught in the rain and came back like wet rats. The worried adults didn't know whether to scold us or to hug us.

Then, at another time, my granduncle took all of us to a local fair and he had to pay a lump sum to the guys who operated a certain kind of swings so they would take only my cousins and me for a few rides.

My childhood memories linger, evoking nostalgia and a deep appreciation for the fleeting beauty of those formative years. Throughout my so-called adulthood, these memories have served as a source of solace, reminding me of the joy of belonging and the innocence of my earlier times.


November 24, 2023 at 10:15am
November 24, 2023 at 10:15am
On this day in 1969, The Apollo 12 spacecraft returns to Earth, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean. Do you remember seeing the Apollo 12 launch and when it returned? Discuss how you feel about the space launches. Have you seen any launches?


How could I miss those earliest launches? We were all glued to the TV set. Later on, when one of my sons during his teens got interested "greatly" in space exploration, I heard a lot more about such stuff because of him. Later on, however, the excitement fizzled out of everyone, including my family.

Nowadays, the idea is going through a revival due to Space X and Elon Musk, but now my family and I couldn't care less as we are all into earthling-things.

The first time was the Apollo 11 mission, when the first man walked on the moon. The other missions came later to our attention.

As to Apollo 12, it had three people as its crew. During its launch, however, lightning struck something on the rocket but the flight crew took care of it enough to continue the mission. I believe the crew, then, retrieved something from an earlier spacecraft that had landed on the moon, some time ago. Then, some weird thing happened and the cameras were cut off. I knew what it was, but I can't recall it now. I can dig up this much because my late husband had kept talking about it after the lightning hit as he was always much against endangering human lives, no matter what the exploration.

After Nasa gave up on the moon, sort of, Skylab was built where scientist-astronauts conduct experiments. If I'm not mistaken it's still in place. Then, what I consider the best project ever was the Apollo-Soyuz thing in collaboration with the USSR. I don't know what it was exactly about but the idea of collaboration between nations always appeal to me.

Then, Nasa's Space-Shuttle program with some sad failures and also several achievements happened. By this time, especially after a shuttle exploded right after take-off, killing everyone on board, while we all watched and ended up with some kind of a PTSD as a nation, I lost all interest in this, as did my family.

I like, however, seeing the photos Hubble Space Telescope sends. I can't predict where this space exploration thing will take us earthlings, but technology is advancing and new missions and discoveries may shape our future.

Note: I called my son for what he remembered on the subject and he told me a few names and titles. If it weren't for him, I couldn't have come up with the name Apollo-Soyuz that I mentioned, even though I knew all those and a bit more while they were in progress.

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