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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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November 14, 2023 at 10:38am
November 14, 2023 at 10:38am
Prompt: Laundry
“I've buried a lot of my laundry in the back yard,” said Phyllis Diller
Does doing the laundry annoy you? What is it about laundry that scares so many people in this day and age when appliances do the job?
Or Write a story or a poem on the subject, if you wish.


Dirt, stain, and odors. Ugh! Try removing them! Yet, why complain? In our day, human ingenuity, advances in technology, and societal change has taken care of the tedious, mundane nature of this somewhat disgusting task.

Historically, laundry was a process done by hand by a group of people, and mostly women (no surprise there!) Then, in ancient Rome, no one did the laundry at home for they had large public facilities where the wash was soaked in water and cleansed in urine (a natural ammonia, eek!), and rinsed and wrung out to be spread out over clean surfaces to dry. If you wish you can search using the name fullonica, as those facilities were called.

Then, what I wrote so far is only a very short version of this info on the web. Here are a couple of URLs.



Then, during the Middle Ages, women took over the chore, totally. This time they used animal by-products and sticks to beat out the dirt. But the fun part was that it was a communal activity, a party really, with women exchanging news and gossip as they worked by a river or any other water source.

Well, so much for the origins of laundry. If I read more about it, I think I might get sick, so I'm very glad and thankful to those who came up with today's machines and made our lives so much the better.

in a room of suds and spins
clothes twirl, a dance begins
water whispers, fabrics play
laundry rules my busy day

detergents dream, bubbles rise
colors mingle, my rainbow prize
hum of machines, some rhythmic song
laundry's symphony all along

folding the warmth in my embrace
scents and softness with fresh trace
from a chaos to a neat array
to laundry's theme I can sway

November 13, 2023 at 10:46am
November 13, 2023 at 10:46am
Prompt: Change
“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves…”- Virginia Woolf
How good are you in dealing with change? What would be the steps to take in dealing with change?
Or write a poem or a story about a "change".


I am not much good when it comes to change, and that's why I stick to the old as long as I can and to those things I can't stand being changed. Yet, there is life, action, and renewal in change, and as the idea about this earth goes, if there is one thing here that we can be sure of is change.

I don't know if anyone has the inkling or the will to plan ahead for change. If anyone did, their lives would be full of planning instead of living. Change, however, is inevitable and comes mostly unexpectedly and different from our planning for it.

Still, just in case, those who know insist that change can be less stressful when we have a contingency plan in place. With what we consider a negative change, we may have to look at the bright side of things that show up with a change and take time to reflect before diving into any action. Creating some normalcy and comfort for ourselves in the process and counting our blessings for what we have, no matter how small, can be of great help to find some semblance of sanity during and after any change.

So here goes something...

A symphony of change, a fleeting chance
in the quiet woods where time does dance
to my wave of farewell, a gentle release
of nature's offering moments of peace

the palette of hues a vibrant array
nature's masterpiece in grand display
autumn whispers secrets to trees
as leaves are carried by the breeze

those leaves, once firm in summer's hold
now flutter down in crimson bold
emerald greens give way to gold
story of my life, furtively told

with an air crisp, chill in the wind,
a shift begins, a cycle thinned
in seasons of change, majestic shows,
trees shed clothes as daring heroes

their rustling hints at a changing tide
leaves cover bare earth in false pride
through amber days, a twilight's gleam
autumn's embrace, a passing dream

nature's canvas painted with care
a tapestry of change beyond compare
those leaves remind me as if a satire
that this life is a constant shellfire

yet in its stance, promises are made
for rebirth and renewal to cascade
as a timeless ode to loyalty of change
in seasons' plays, out of my range

Well, I tried! *Rolling*

November 12, 2023 at 10:24am
November 12, 2023 at 10:24am
Prompt: Use these words in your entry today: small, harm, autonomy, wedding, pay, kneel, realize and injection.


In the small town of Autumn Hollow, lived Abby and Hal, a couple who had been in love for a long time, since childhood, to say the least.

Their wedding was a grand affair, with joyous laughter and merry toasts echoing through Autumn Hollow. But happiness, as everyone sooner or later realizes, can be as fleeting as a wisp of smoke.

Hal, a scientist, was a man of ambition. His latest experiment was a procedure, an injection really, that could grant the recipient eternal life. So, he decided to try the injection on himself first.

A few months after the wedding, the day after the injection, Hal woke up feeling stronger, his senses heightened. Abby and the townsfolk marveled at his vigor, but it didn't last. By the seventh day, Harold was unrecognizable. His once bright eyes now held an eerie glow, his once warm smile replaced by a ghoulish grin. The town's doctor could do nothing but watch as Hal started slipping away.

Abby, heartbroken, refused to leave her husband's side. Each day, she would kneel by his bed, holding his hand and whispering words of love and courage. But all was in vain and Hal passed away, leaving Abby with her grief.

Surprisingly, after Hal's demise, peculiar things began happening around the house. Objects moved on their own, whispers echoed through the hall, and the scent of Hal's cologne lingered in the air. Abby realized that Hal was still in the house, his spirit granted autonomy in death as a reward for the injection he had so bravely tested.

Hal's ghost, unable to cause any physical touch or harm, did what it could to communicate with Abigail. He moved objects to spell out messages, played their favorite songs on the piano, and even maintained the garden they both loved. Yet, he could not provide a warm embrace for Abby.

Abby, however, found a way to pay tribute to their love. Every year, on the anniversary of their wedding, she would put on her wedding dress, kneel by Harold's grave, and tell him stories of the short life they had shared and the love they still held for each other. And Harold, his spectral form glowing softly in the moonlight, listened.

To this day, this love affair in the tiny town of Autumn Hollow still continues, with the tale of the dangerous ambition, that frightful injection, and Hal the ghost who was granted the chilling gift of autonomy, who is now forever bound to Abby, the woman he loved.

November 11, 2023 at 12:24pm
November 11, 2023 at 12:24pm
Did you know Kurt Vonnegut (11/11/1922) and Leo DiCaprio {11/11/1974) shared the same birthdate?
Discuss either one of Vonnegut's books or DiCaprio's movies that you either enjoyed or disliked?



"If you were to bother to read my books, to behave as educated persons would, you would learn that they are not sexy, and do not argue in favor of wildness of any kind. They beg that people be kinder and more responsible than they often are,"
is the quote from Kurt Vonnegut, in the beginning of his page: https://www.vonnegutlibrary.org/biography/

For this blog entry, I picked this novel, which was later made into a radio drama then a movie, because with the world events threatening the world peace at this time in our lives, the story and the ideas in it cannot be more relevant.

The book also has its origin in Vonnegut's personal experiences. During the World War II, while in Dresden, Vonnegut’s job for weeks after the bombing was to gather up and burn the remains of the dead. His experience at Dresden marked him for life and eventually resulted in this literary masterpiece, Slaughterhouse-Five.

Since the book first came out in 1969, at the time, I was busy with my first baby less than a year-old and didn't read it then. A few years later, my husband and I saw the movie but due to the way the story is told in a non-linear form and in flashbacks, I didn't quite get the plot. The ideas in it, however, especially the bitter humor, got to me and knowing how the film industry decapitates good books, I decided to read the book afterwards.

In the book's first chapter, the unreliable narrator (I guess Vonnegut himself), describes his own experiences and education and his employment in various places. Then, he starts to tell the story of Billy Pilgrim, from Ilium (fictional city). Billy is made to serve during the World War II's Battle of the Bulge. But he escapes death, but later is captured by the Germans in 1944. The Germans hold Billy and his fellow prisoners in an empty slaughterhouse called Schlachthof-fünf "slaughterhouse five". During the extensive bombing of Dresden by the Allies, German guards hide with the prisoners in the slaughterhouse, which is partially underground and well-protected from the damage on the surface. Billy somehow survives the fire bombing and becomes an optometrist after the war, with a life and somewhat damaged, later.

There's a lot more to this story that what I can write here as there are many other characters with great variety, most of them shown with great depth of characterization. The novel is told through simple yet ironical, humorous, and sentimental words and sentences, which makes it all the more powerful.

The novel's basic theme is war and death and, in my opinion, the insanity and ridiculousness of life, itself. It may also be that the author was directing his attention to war veterans who may suffer from PTSD and are not fully cognizant of the present realities of living.

Unfortunately this book was banned from some schools in the US, due to its being "depraved, immoral, psychotic, vulgar and anti-Christian." Later on, however, it was reinstated.

Here are some quotes from the book:

“The nicest veterans...the kindest and funniest ones, the ones who hated war the most, were the ones who'd really fought.”

“I have told my sons that they are not under any circumstances to take part in massacres, and that the news of massacres of enemies is not to fill them with satisfaction or glee. I have also told them not to work for companies which make massacre machinery, and to express contempt for people who think we need machinery like that.”

“How nice -- to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.”

“- Why me?
- That is a very Earthling question to ask, Mr. Pilgrim. Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber?"

“It was very exciting for her, taking his dignity away in the name of love.”

Then, as I wrote this entry, I decided to read the book, yet another time.

Here is the free YouTube's audiobook version:

Also, several PDF versions exist on the web or one can buy the book from a bookseller.


November 10, 2023 at 10:00am
November 10, 2023 at 10:00am
Arrgh! I suck at writing romance. But I used all the songs, I think.


Use at least five of these Soft Rock Ballads titles in your entry: *I Want to Know What Love Is, Always Somewhere, How Can I Tell Her, Everything I Own, Against All Odds, Where Are You Now, Beautiful Day, Honestly, Sacrifice, It's My Life, Have I Told You Lately, or Never Say Goodbye


Alex stood in front of Emily's house, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Then, he smiled, thinking of the love songs such as, "I Want to Know What Love Is" and "Have I Told You Lately."

Alex and Emily were friends since they were small children but lately, something had changed between them, something beyond friendship. "How can I tell her?" he wondered, but he knew he had to try.

Against all odds, with the weather turning into a beautiful day, the sun broke through the clouds as he knocked on Emily's door. What if she wasn't home as Emily was always somewhere?

Where are you now, Alex thought as he waited. Emily, however, opened the door with a huge grin on her face and asked him to step inside the house.

Alex stumbled a little with his foot catching the edge of the rug as he entered into the living room, but seeing her smile and feeling encouraged, he began to speak. Emily listened intently, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity, and Alex thought, "Everything I own, honestly, I'd sacrifice it all up for a chance, now."

After a moment of gazing into Alex's eyes, Emily smiled. "*It's my life, too" she said, "and I've been feeling the same way." Alex took a deep breath, and suddenly, he felt an overwhelming sense of joy as if he could fly.

Right there and then, while in a lovers' embrace, Alex and Emily made a pact to never say goodbye, with both looking forward to their life together which would surely turn into a harmonious melody, echoing some timeless tunes.

November 9, 2023 at 11:00am
November 9, 2023 at 11:00am
Cold November Rain. Write about your experience with the cold November rain or the song by Guns and Roses or both for your Blog entry today.


As to the song, it sounds as if it's whimpering around the love-gone-cold idea. True love, in my opinion, never goes cold. Having said that, I think I'll concentrate on the idea of rain in November.

Where I live, we don't have cold November rains. If anything they are lukewarm but still very helpful to ease the heat. According to the weathercasters, we'll get a cold front during the coming days when the temps at night will dip to 60s. But I lived in the up-north climate for many years and I can well relate to a northern USA's November rain.

As a symbol, "Cold November Rain" evokes a sense of nostalgia and melancholy, as it may be the go-between from the vibrant hues of autumn to the stark white of winter with its chill in the air, marking the end of the year in view and serving as a reminder for the passage of time.

Raindrops like icy whispers tapping against the window pane, the gray clouds and the reflections of a mosaic of muted colors on the ground, and the mostly bare tree branches against the overcast sky, with silhouettes stark and haunting, try to wash away the remnants of the passing year.

Then, there is that certain quietude that comes with a cold November rain. It reminds us it's time for introspection, for cozying up with a good book, for sipping on hot tea, and for reflecting on the year that has passed, hopefully to find peace within ourselves, no matter what this mixed-up world presents to us.

November 8, 2023 at 10:12am
November 8, 2023 at 10:12am
Prompt: Happily ever after is just the start of a new adventure in a story. Write about this in your Blog entry today.


We humans cannot help but return to our ape origins, no matter what any religion says about our composition. One of those "aping" incidents is the "happily every after" phrase. In the Google search I'm going to paste after my two-cents on the phrase is: "By the 1880s, we can already find authors calling 'happily ever after' out as BS."

And BS it is as how I see it, since there is no "ever after" guaranteed to us people who are born to die. I had thought, once, I had the happily ever after, but my husband passed away. So there was an end and no ever after.

On the plus side though, be it very temporarily, the phrase makes people happy, like the foolishness of "the tooth fairy" and "the stork bringing babies" do to children. I guess even us so-called adults succumb to believing in magical happinesses, while true happiness comes from reality and how we face and adapt to that reality with logic, hard work, and understanding.

In all honesty, I tried to think of a story that started with "happily ever after"; however, the phrase at this point in my life turns me off so much that I was unable to write anything, let alone a plausible story that started with it. On second thought, however, here is something that popped up into my mind just before I saved this entry.
The prince said, kneeling in front of the princess, "Happily ever after? What do you say?" The princess, who was Scrooge's daughter, answered: "Bah! Humbug!"

Here is what my Google Search came up with the information about the phrase:

This particular phrase is recorded by the early 1700s, but by the 1860s it had become commonly associated with fairy tale and children’s stories. It especially appears in they lived happily ever after—making sure all the princes married their princesses in their castles and enjoyed the rest of their days. By the 1880s, we can already find authors calling happily after ever out as BS.

What, exactly, cemented this connection isn’t clear, as the historic sources of fairy tales don’t feature happily ever after. Nevertheless, the connection was sealed by the 20th century. Not only have countless stories closed with (happily) ever after, but the phrase itself has come to represent fairy tales and happy endings—and marriages, where happily ever after is the storybook ending we’re told to dream of.

Finishing actual stories with living happily ever after became cliché by the 1990–2000s, but popular media, writing, and speech widely use ever after in titles in everything from collections of fairy tales to self-help books on retirement.

Disney even has a wedding blog called Ever After. And, remember that Drew Barrymore movie Ever After, a 1998 fantasy romance?

Ever after has become so common that we can use it like a noun (e.g., we’re all searching for our happily ever after or he finally found his ever after). How … nauseating.


November 7, 2023 at 10:56am
November 7, 2023 at 10:56am
Prompt: Pets
"Pets devour the loneliness."
Nick Trout
Do you have pets? Which kinds of pets are the best for lonely people? And if you could, which wild animal would you choose as your companion-pet if it were legally possible?


Which kinds of pets for lonely people?

For people who live alone, the right pet for companionship can make a world of difference. Their choices could be dogs who act like they are almost human, or cats who are independent but affectionate, or birds, fish, and other small mammals like turtles, rabbits, hamsters etc. Some people also like big snakes, but I don't see how a huge phyton could make a good companion for a lonely old person, as it is important to consider one's lifestyle, living situation, and personal preferences when choosing a pet.

As for me, I have the honor of living with a black cat, Noche, who graces my home and heart with her presence. Noche was not always my cat, however.

Noche was first adopted, when she was only a few weeks old, by my son and her then wife. Noche also came to stay with us together with their other cat several times when my son's family went on a vacation. I always felt a liking for Noche. She was aloof, didn't take to anyone at the drop of a hat, and she had her ways. Once I even saw her hiss at the other cat. I have to say that has been the only time I saw her hiss.

Then, they got the dog. A Chesapeake Retriever mix who turned into a giant dog and ruled over the cats without mercy. Although we all loved this dog, Noche didn't. The other cat sometimes let the dog win and sometimes she held her ground. Not Noche! Noche started being naughty instead. She peed and pooped all over their house and tore the furniture down. To the point that my son and his then-wife began truly hating Noche. So much so that, they decided to take her to a kill-less shelter. That was three-years ago.

At the time, I was thinking of getting a dog to walk around with. Yet, I had read in the news that shelters gave the cats to labs that did medical experiments on them. That news did it for me Thus, one day, when my son brought Noche to me, he said, "This is only an experiment, Mom, only because you wanted her. If it doesn't work, I'm really taking her to the shelter."

Hehehe! An experiment! That's what he thought! Well, it wasn't easy to make Noche behave much better, but I understood her and dealt with her occasional setbacks in behavior and my son never knew of those setbacks, well, not fully.

So now, the fifteen year-old Noche is my best friend and possibly therapist, too. She sleeps with me and is around me all the time and has given me a sense of purpose. If I am busy with doing something too long on the computer or any other thing, she comes and demands my attention. Also, Noche is very vocal. It is hard to believe but at times, we have a two-way conversation going on. Then, she also knows when my arthritis flares up and comes and puts her paws on me and purrs.

Before I was married, which is a lot more than five decades ago, I lived in a house that was full of cats as my aunt who lived with us was a cat lady, and I, too, always had cats. Then, later, because we were traveling so much, we had no pets, except for a dog for the children.

Still, I've always had a soft spot for cats, and at this time, Noche has become the queen of that soft spot. Her highness now rules, not with nastiness like she did in my son's house but with the full softness of behavior and understanding. And I'm truly blessed to have her with me in this alone time in my life and no other pet can rival Noche's purring and meows for me.

I am a big animal lover, and I love the large cats. I bet they would take to me in no time. I say so because even snakes and lizards that are around the yard are friendly to me. Many decades ago in NY., LI., when I was into gardening, a certain ribbon snake used to sit curled up with her head in the air, close to me, and watch me work. Nowadays the few salamanders who live around my potted plants on the porch do the same thing when I'm sitting inside the covered part of the porch; however, these creatures are not pets.

Pets require care and attention, so one needs to make sure to choose a pet that they can provide a good home for. It's also recommended to consider adopting a pet from a shelter, where many loving animals are in need of a home.

November 6, 2023 at 9:58am
November 6, 2023 at 9:58am
Prompt: Time and Thoughts
"In one hour, A person thinks about 3000 thoughts."
--Tad James
I'm guessing some of those thoughts are the ones that pop up on their own into our minds. What do you think about Tad James's claim and which kinds of thoughts pop up in your mind? Also, is your mind so active that it tires you?


In our fast-paced, modern society, it can be challenging to fully deal with and understand the multitude of thoughts that pass through our minds each day, but then, who knew how many thoughts the cavemen had per hour while trying to stay alive in the earlier harsh environment of this planet?

As of our time, in our fast-paced, modern society, it can be challenging to fully engage with and understand the multitude of thoughts that pass through our minds each day. Was it always like this since the dawn of civilization or is this thought activity a reflection of our complex inner worlds?

Then, I don't know how they could measure the 3000 thoughts per hour bit, but probably, it had something to do with the brain scans. It may just be that the sheer volume of thoughts that go through the human mind each hour is a testament to our incredible cognitive capabilities.

Frankly before I read about this finding, I never knew the amount of stuff (sometimes garbage) that flows through our minds. My belief is at least some of those 3000 thoughts keep happening subconsciously because I'm no genius to handle 3000 thoughts per hour, in reality.

As to the kind of thoughts that pop up in my mind, everything is a reminder for something else that may have to do even minutely with me. Case in point, all the photos and artwork on the walls of the house; as soon as my eye catches one of them, they immediately remind me of a person or event or whatever else is related to that picture. Plus, everything else around may act as a reminder, too. Someone's vintage car may remind of my first car, for example, and usually, such a thought comes in a flash.

Sometimes, no reminders are needed. Thoughts just appear without any invitation.

The stuff I don't want to recall may show up also, and I have no control over them. Luckily, I learned about a valuable tool. When something sad or disturbing pops up, I consciously and forcefully replace it with a happy idea or memory. This isn't easy and it takes a lot of practice, but it has been working for me.

Does my mind tire me? I don't think so. If I had only the negatives and worries in it, it would tire me, for sure. But I learned (and am still learning) about dealing with hurtful and tiresome negatives, and I even like most of my thoughts that pop up unannounced. This is because, in the long run, our thoughts allow us to make the most of our inner world and the countless ideas our minds produce.

November 5, 2023 at 9:10am
November 5, 2023 at 9:10am
Here's your opportunity to get up on the podium for your good friend Tom. He's a turkey and he's asked you to save his life by speaking up for him at the town meeting. What do you want to say on his behalf? And what would you offer as a replacement for Tom Turkey at Thanksgiving dinner. Have fun!



Dear Friends and Fellow Humans,

I stand before you today to represent Tom, a humble Thanksgiving turkey, and I am pleading for his life. I implore you to consider the ethical and compassionate choice of sparing Tom from your Thanksgiving dinner table.

Tom is just one individual in a world filled with countless creatures, each with a life, feelings, and a desire to live. He too has a family and friends who care for him. He has experienced moments of joy and curiosity, and like all living beings, he possesses an innate instinct to survive.

Thanksgiving is a time when we the people gather to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. It's a celebration of abundance, family, and friendship. In the spirit of this holiday, I urge you to reflect upon the values of compassion, empathy, and kindness, and spare Tom from his untimely death.

I understand that tradition can be a powerful force, and it's not easy to break free from established customs. However, traditions can evolve and adapt to our growing understanding of the world. This Thanksgiving, I beseech you to set a new tradition, one that values the sanctity of life and chooses to celebrate with compassion.

Please, consider sparing Tom's life and making a difference this Thanksgiving. Choose a meal that embodies the spirit of gratitude, empathy, and kindness. Together, we can create a brighter and more compassionate world for all.

With heartfelt hope and gratitude, I thank you for listening to me.

Before I go, I'm offering you a list of other food options for Thanksgiving:

*Bullet* Tofurkey or Vegetarian/Vegan Roast: These products are designed to mimic the taste and texture of turkey without using any animal products

*Bullet* Butternut squash, portobello mushrooms, or lentils.

*Bullet* Stuffed Peppers

*Bullet* And if you have to have meat: Seafood or other meat alternatives such as the meat taken from an already slaughtered larger animal like pork and beef.

Thank you again for considering to save a beautiful life, the life of our friend, Tom.

November 4, 2023 at 11:55am
November 4, 2023 at 11:55am
Write about your first job and what it taught you.


My first job, so to speak, was tutoring a ten year-old neighbor's child who was attending a very strict private school. It seemed she was doomed to fail and the parents didn't know what to do. At the time, I was in jr. high and her mother asked my mother if she'd let me go over her child's work and tutor her, so at least she wouldn't fail everything. Also, that kid really liked me and was delighted at the idea, and I had the reputation of a good student. So, I did tutor her in everything, which started my at-home tutoring career that lasted until I finished the Uni., only because the girl not only passed that year, she also got very good marks on her report card at the end.

This incident became the talk of the neighborhood and people began bringing their kids to me. As to the first girl I tutored, I later realized she needed a one-on-one type of teaching because she had a serious attention deficit, which the schools at the time had no inkling of. I learned a lot from tutoring her, more than what she learned from me. Then, I used that experience as information in my later work, and I also got a teaching license which I used for only a short time in a high-school sr. class, in which the kids were deemed to be disturbed or low-functioning. At the end of the year, my students got very high grades in my subject.

After that, however, I'd had it with tutoring and teaching and branched into other areas. Plus, I also got married then, and my husband who was in mental health, warned me of the toll this type of a job (i.e. teaching) would take on me, especially in the long run. I sometimes wonder if I would still have stayed in teaching, if I hadn't met him at that time.

All these tutoring experiences helped me a lot in my life especially when raising my own kids. I could see why they did not succeed up to par or why they did so well. In most their cases, their relationships with the classroom teachers became the key, but luckily neither had to repeat a grade or get too low a mark in any one subject.

I think teaching/tutoring is an underrated profession and, to this day, no one takes into account the drainage in a teacher's health; physical or mental. Thus, some school districts just employ anyone who knows something about any subject as teachers for the lack of quality teachers. Teaching is much more than the bland information on any one subject. It has to do with relating to the students, and not just some but all of them.

November 3, 2023 at 12:47pm
November 3, 2023 at 12:47pm

On November 3rd Black Bart makes his last stagecoach robbery. I've included the link if you're needing some inspiration. If you lived in the 1800's and wanted to commit a robbery, what kind of robbery would you commit and where do you think it would be ideal to commit your crime?
Or maybe you'd rather be like Stagecoach Mary the daring black woman who protected stagecoaches instead of choosing a life of crime.
Have fun and remember the minimum is five lines to be counted. Maybe you'll be inspired to write more.


You know, it's challenging enough to be living in the first part of the 21st century after having gone through all that in the second half of the 20th century. Why would I want to go to the eighteen hundreds, then?

Why because the prompt asks me to. *Laugh* So here it goes:

I, Sammy, (actually Samantha Wright) have been known for my sharp eyes, quick reflexes and unwavering resolve to safeguard the travelers and, in my case, the mail carriage of the stagecoach Company Concord, owned by my father. On this miserable late autumn day, however, with the protector-guard of a travelers' coach suddenly falling ill, I had to take over for him and guard that coach without even my father knowing about this situation.

This particular stagecoach would be carrying a wealthy heiress, from San Francisco to some place called Eureka in Nevada, to be betrothed to a rich miner who had struck gold. Although, Miss Abigail, the heiress, shivered when she saw me with my Winchester rifle, I whispered to her that she shouldn't be scared because although in a man's attire, I was a woman. She gave me a wry smile and said in a thin voice, "Heavens, I do not know whether to relax or be more worried."

Why some women think they are so helpless, passes me by. Anyway, at least, she wouldn't be afraid of me or my intentions concerning her you know what.

Somewhere along the way, when we had just entered the vast plains of the Nevada, a pack of notorious outlaws descended on us. I yelled at Abigail to kneel down inside the coach and take cover, although I felt for her since she was probably wearing a tight corset and several petticoats.

Then, I started shooting. The bandits were fierce fighters. Their bullets whizzed past me, Thank the Lord, but they splintered the wooden coach and the hoofs of their horses picked up a cloud of dust. Yet, I remained untouched for a good while as my trusty rifle, echoed through the valley.

With each outlaw that fell, the remaining ones grew wilder and their attacks became more desperate. Then a stray bullet found its mark on my shoulder. Luckily, for us, a Sheriff with his posse arrived and took care of the situation.

I was wounded but the stagecoach driver was in a worse shape. He wasn't too badly hurt but both his hands were shot, and he had wet himself with fear. Thus, the job of driving the stagecoach to Eureka fell on me, with two of the Sheriff's men riding near us as guards. "Take care of that shoulder, Will ya?" said the Sheriff to me as he and his men took the remaining two outlaws with them.

My worst worry, however, wasn't my shoulder. It was my father. What if he'd take me away from my job and marry me off? I took a look at Miss Abigail. She was all white still and shivering with fear. I'd hate to wear corsets and petticoats and be scared of my own shadow, like her.

Please Lord, help me with my father!

November 2, 2023 at 12:25pm
November 2, 2023 at 12:25pm
Prompt: Cookie Monster Day is today Write about your favorite Muppets or write about cookies or both for your Blog entry today.


I missed all the fun! I was too old for Sesame Street!

When Sesame Street came about, I was already married and had a child. In fact, my older son became a Sesame Street afficionado even before he could speak. He had an indoor baby swing for babies we had placed across from the TV. He sat inside that swing, wearing a diaper with his legs dangling from the seat's holes, and watched Sesame Street. He was less than a year old then, and in a few months, that Cookie Monster became his favorite muppet friend. The way the Cookie Monster crushed and crumbled cookies as he ate them made him laugh a lot.

I don't know what made Cookie Monster his favorite. Was it this muppet's distinctive voice, his way of speaking or his declaration of "Me want cookie" or his googly eyes or was it his voracious appetite for cookies, who knew! My son used to sing that song, "C is for Cookie" together with the muppet and he could say the alphabet before he even talked in three word sentences.

Then, who can ever blame the Cookie Monster, when cookies in our popular culture and in our culinary world continue to be a source of joy and comfort! As baked goods, they come in a wide variety of shapes, flavors, and textures. From the classic chocolate chip cookie to intricately decorated sugar cookies and delicate macaroons, cookies hold a special place in the hearts of many of us.

Now that I talked about cookies and made myself want some, maybe its time for me to head to the kitchen and make some apple-cinnamon cookies. *Wink*

November 1, 2023 at 10:06am
November 1, 2023 at 10:06am
Prompt: Write about a magical pumpkin that comes to life.


Her dress was made of a pumpkin's green vine's leaves, and her wings glistened like dewdrops in the morning sun. She had bright, twinkling eyes that held the wisdom of ages and a mischievous smile that hinted at her magical nature. She was Pumpkinella, the magical pumpkin fairy.

Pumpkinella had first come to life eons ago, emerging from a pumpkin. And during the night, after the sun set before the Pumpkin Day when the pumpkin patch was bathed in shimmering light, a chosen pumpkin had begun to shake and quiver. Then, it had opened up and its insides slowly had changed into this tiny enchanting creature.

Just like in the beginning, this year, too, the most splendid pumpkin was an enormous, radiant orange pumpkin with swirling patterns that seemed to dance under the moonlight. Its surface was smooth, and it emitted a soft, warm glow that bathed the entire patch in a gentle, golden light. It is no wonder that only from this special pumpkin, the fairy Pumpkinella finally appeared with the wisdom of ages twinkling in her eyes.

Now, finally in her fairy form again, Pumpkinella flew into the moonlit night to explore the village, her laughter of joy tinkling like windchimes in the breeze. She sprinkled stardust on the villagers' homes, making their dreams sweet and happy. She even played little pranks, turning pumpkins into mini carriages and mice into horses, bringing wonder and whimsy to the village. And why not? Of course, she could. After all who says that only Cinderella's fairy godmother can perform such magic!

The next day, when the festival began, the villagers in the town square marveled at the enchanted pumpkins and rejoiced as Pumpkinella watched from the shadow of an elm tree, feeling the happiness of the people in her tiny magical bones.

Unfortunately, her time of fun was limited and she knew it. When the first rays of the setting sun touched the pumpkin patch, she felt the pull of her pumpkin form, and she fluttered back to her radiant pumpkin to merge her pumpkin vine dress with this pumpkin's surface.

Later, when the sun dipped below the horizon and the pumpkin patch was once again bathed in a magical light, Pumpkinella transformed back into this pumpkin, to stay hidden with her secret until the next year when she'd be born again maybe from a different pumpkin, then.

October 31, 2023 at 10:37am
October 31, 2023 at 10:37am
DAY 2901--October 30, 2023

Prompt: Halloween Monsters
If you could create your very own monster, what would it look like? And/or do you know someone in real life that you could create as a monster in your writing?


My very own monster would look exactly like me, especially when I see me in the mirror sometimes. As to creating a monster from someone I know, I can do that with just anybody, but I wouldn't tell them about it, would I! *Wink*

This is because all people have darker aspects in their make-up. It is just human nature.

If I were to create a monster from someone, I would try to make it believable. I would try to go into the mind and motivations of my real-life inspiration, which just gave me an idea about someone I know who is so sensitive and touchy that she thinks the whole world is out to get her. She's even upset with someone else's success, and no, I'm not kidding. This happened during the last two months. Sometimes when she talks about such things that bother her, she's no better than Count Dracula or Frankenstein.

As such, even when the monster is twisted or acts to the extreme, its actions and motivations have a rational basis that has to do with the personal or societal factors. This way, I would avoid making the monster purely evil or purely good. Then, I would let the monster develop/evolve its character toward the better or the worst. Just imagine Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs!

Thus, I guess, I would humanize the monster by its backstory and giving it moments of vulnerability and internal conflicts, so the readers do not hate it totally but are intrigued by it. Also, I might use the monster as a symbol for deeper themes, such as unchecked power or erosion of morality, and I probably could use it to explore ethical dilemmas, such as in criminal justice, mental health, or societal responsibility.


DAY 2902--October 31, 2023

Prompt: Sudden Scary Things
Which sudden things would scare you? A certain sound, a scream, the doorbell, finding yourself suddenly alone in a graveyard or in a tight place, a stuffed toy coming alive... or anything else?


I am not scared easily but sometimes I'm startled suddenly or annoyed with loud noises like a car horns, sirens, fireworks, thunder, etc.

The sudden scary stuff is often used in horror movies and, I guess, video games. It's no wonder the way some people behaved, people who were into video games too much. The sudden, unexpected appearances of frightening or startling images or sounds could knock anyone off their sanity.

Another scary thing would be a sudden animal encounter and even worse hearing a wild animal in the thick of the night. Imagine a sudden lion's roar or a bat's cry in the dark when you're alone outside, say in the woods. Any kind of scream or cry, especially when it sounds like someone's in distress can be quite startling and unnerving, too.

Yet, fear is a subjective experience influenced by a person's past experiences, temperament, and context. As such, individual reactions to any sudden sound or appearances can vary and what one person finds scary, another may not.


October 28, 2023 at 10:46am
October 28, 2023 at 10:46am
What is your dream project?


I don't have a dream project that I personally work hard at. At this time in my life, I just want to keep going and live through each day the best I can. Having said that, for those younger than me, dream projects have the potential to be incredibly helpful to people, and not just persons themselves but also a whole community and maybe even the entire globe.

Good dream projects often are a combination of vision, innovation, collaboration, and determination. This is because when they are ready to become real, their benefits can be immense.

Dream projects usually vary widely in scope and focus. Among some examples of them with potential benefits to all is the clean energy revolution and environmental conservation. A project like this has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, fight the climate change, and ensure a sustainable energy future for generations.

Space exploration and colonization, as far-off as it seems, can be another ambitious dream. I mean how about mining the asteroids or getting Jupiter's gold? Some of the dreams that are not that far-off could be the medical breakthroughs, global education access, and social and economic equality. Still, my favorite one involves dream projects in the areas of arts and culture.

Imagine artists and even regular people creating groundbreaking works of art, preserving cultural heritages, and encouraging cultural exchange. This could not only promote a sense of belonging and enhance the quality of our lives but also possibly could avoid wars between different groups and nations. Now isn't this something special to wish for all humanity?

October 27, 2023 at 11:46am
October 27, 2023 at 11:46am
The recent mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine reminds us again about guns not being regulated enough in this country. How do you feel about the current laws on guns? Should the laws be more restrictive? What needs to be done to end gun violence?


Unfortunately, gun violence happens in malls, schools, neighborhoods, and just about everywhere. Do we want to live in fear because guns are so easy to obtain by people who cannot think straight? I think this is the question lawmakers need to answer truthfully without being cajoled by groups that promote pro or anti gun laws. In my opinion, just like the perpetrators, the lawmakers we choose ourselves do not think straight either.

Those proponents of not touching the existing laws claim that background checks, mental health screening, safe storage and education would solve the problem. Anyone who has ever worked in mental health would know that the screening will not work. One never knows when a seemingly normal person could suddenly lose it. For the same reason, background checks are not dependable. Safe storage and education should be done, yes, but there is no safe storage of any kind when it comes to enforcing it. Besides, even little kids nowadays know how to undo anything especially if it involves any technology.

On the other hand, a strict assault weapons ban could work to some degree. In the US, gun laws are under federal and state jurisdiction. Then, the second amendment to the Constitution protects an individual's right to bear arms, which has been a significant influence on gun policy and regulation. I'd say let's go back to the time when the second amendment was ratified and let those guns of that time be okay for bearing arms. No one would touch that, would they!

Then, there are the very varied state laws, where in some states, regulations are more permissive. It's very easy to get an assault weapon in such a state and take it to another less permissive state.

I don't know exactly what the answer is, in view of the political, cultural, and constitutional factors. It seems no single solution exists that could satisfy all sides of the debate, as this is a complex issue; however, my feelings and sixth sense tell me that the laws we have are not protecting us well enough, and I will applaud any legislator that addresses effectively this gun violence problem we're having.

October 26, 2023 at 11:03am
October 26, 2023 at 11:03am
Prompt: Six weeks before Covid, I saw a fox by the bucket factory 🏭 by the railroad tracks. We don't have many foxes since they were hunted to extinction sixty years ago. Was seeing this fox a omen of bad things to come? Write about signs and symbols that could be a omen of bad things to come. Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I think your seeing the fox is a good sign that the foxes were not "hunted to extinction," but I wouldn't consider it an omen. It just shows the life force and resistance of a species not to leave this planet.

As for me, I don't believe in omens or pre-ordained signs of any kind. I wish I could give you an entertaining personal story about omens and signs, but it is not to be, for I believe that some or most things in life are only coincidences. Still, omens and signs are fascinating and would be fun to write about in some genres like horror and fantasy.

What emotionally vulnerable people may think to be omens could be a pattern recognition. Even seemingly random occurrences can be perceived as meaningful if they fit into a larger pattern or narrative. Then, people have selective memories or a tendency to recall when or how a certain sign proved to be true, while conveniently forgetting the times that specific sign had not been true. Plus, the stories from others, especially people they respect and believe in, like their elders and good friends, also help solidify the belief in omens and signs.

Yet, omens and signs can provide psychological comfort and maybe a sense of purpose, too, as this mental bias can give people some emotional control over what happens to them, and in this way, they think they can predict the future better. Also, such signs and omens may console us for our shortcomings with the idea that we are part of a larger and more meaningful universe.

October 25, 2023 at 11:14am
October 25, 2023 at 11:14am
Prompt: Let it be and Let it go. How often have you used these concepts to get through problems that arise?


Such powerful and profound concepts these are, yet so simple and easy to say! At first glance they add meaning to various aspects of life such as personal growth, decision making, and emotional health. The mindset behind them, the way I look at it, is encouragement with acceptance of the unwanted or the terrible, releasing the pain from it, and being able to move forward.

"Let it be" reminded me of a famous Beatles song, which I used to love and still do, for it points to the "letting be" and accepting the challenging situations and finding in me the trust that time will do its healing. "Letting it be" can reduce the stress, accept the imperfections, and focus on what I can change.

It other words, "letting it be" enhances my resilience. Resilience has been a life motto for me ever since a very astute high-school home-ec teacher, Miss Lindsay, introduced its true meaning to me and my classmates. "The most important and enduring thing you can instill in yourselves is resilience. It will see you to the end," she said. I think I wrote about Miss Lindsay before. I am still thanking her from the bottom of my heart and may she rest in peace.

Then, "let it go," means to me releasing grudges and stopping to carry emotional baggage, and if I can hack it, it tells me to live in the present. It is tougher than "let it be." This is because the mind has a sneaky way of recalling and resurfacing old rotten stuff and bugging the present with it.

Luckily, in my old age, I have finally come to the decision of letting it go. This decision may be a conclusion, too. It means forgiving and forgetting all wrongs done to me and doing away with (I hope) all my fears and insecurities. It has been some kind of an empowerment for me and I hope my mind keeps on cooperating. It might have been a little late in coming, but it is now a very welcome concept in my life.

October 24, 2023 at 11:28am
October 24, 2023 at 11:28am
Prompt: Mentors
What do you think about mentors? Has a mentor been helpful with your life? If you didn't have a mentor, describe a favorite teacher or relative who helped you.


I owe so much to my mentors who empowered me to investigate several different areas of life, emotional, interpersonal, or professional. They encouraged me and supported me through my joys and trials, and they did this without any prejudice or a complaint or without this being as if it were a duty for them.

My earliest mentors were my uncle, my grandmother, a high-school lit teacher, and another high-school home-ec teacher, then later, an assistant professor in the uni. Maybe they mentored me out of a sense of duty, but I never felt it. I always felt they enjoyed my company.

Some say mentoring is a two-way street and mentors also learn from those who they mentor. I am not sure if any one of my mentors learned from me; therefore, I doubt this idea. I, however, cannot ever repay their attention, their sharing their life and time, and their support when I most needed it.

Because of my experiences with my mentors, I believe a good mentor teaches cooperation, respect for knowledge, respect for people who know more, and he or she fosters a sense of purpose, direction, and clarity in a young or inexperienced person's thinking and life goals, letting the mentored person experience courage and self-confidence. This way, the benefits of true mentoring way surpass just a simple knowledge transfer, as mentors also give emotional support and encouragement, and aid and add to the know-how in career advancement and skill development of a young person.

Truth be told, my mentors became my role models throughout my life. Thus, their effects on me has been life-long, probably or partly because my mentors tailored their guidance to my needs and circumstances. I am forever grateful to them for their interest in me and for all their patience and understanding.


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