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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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July 12, 2023 at 12:57pm
July 12, 2023 at 12:57pm
"With a ripple of leaves and a trinkle of streams, the full world rolls in a rhythm of praise and the winds are one with the clouds and beams-Midsummer Days! Midsummer days!"
William Ernest Henley
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I don't know why, but this quote reminded me of that Shakepeare's play, in which four Athenians run away to the forest only to have Puck the fairy make both of the boys fall in love with the same girl. Then, all kinds of zany stuff happens. I guess it was the mention of "Midsummer."

Anyhow, my mind is a weird jumble, and Shakespeare's comedy has nothing to do with this quote. In fact, the quote is not zany at all, since it evokes a vivid image of the beauty and harmony found in nature during the height of summer, for in its essence, it is a celebration of life.

The phrase "ripple of leaves" suggests a gentle movement, as if the leaves are dancing in the breeze, offering a sense of life and vitality, as if the entire world is participating in a celebration of nature.

Then, the "trinkle of streams" brings to mind the soothing sound of water flowing over pebbles or cascading down a waterfall. It signifies the presence of water, a life-giving element for all species and nature itself.

"The full world rolls in a rhythm of praise" portrays a sense of unity and reverence for the natural world, since all creation is contributing into a collective music. The word praise could be for the Creator or the Creation itself.

Also, I think, "the winds are one with the clouds and beams" has to do with the oneness or rather the integration of differences in nature, creating a feeling of harmony and tranquility.

In short, William Ernest Henley's "Ballade Of Midsummer Days And Nights" is a celebratory ode, so unlike what Shakespeare entertained us with in his midsummer night's comedy.

And yes, I did look up the quote. Thanks, Google!

July 11, 2023 at 12:35pm
July 11, 2023 at 12:35pm
Prompt: If you have a pet, describe a day in its life from its perspective. If you don't have a pet, choose anye animal and write about an imaginary day it its life.


Hello, my name's Noche and I live with my best friend Joy. Joy became my best friend two years ago when my original owners for twelve years didn't want me anymore, although the problem wasn't my fault but their Chesapeake terrier--whatever--dog's; however, this is another past-history story.

Now, I have a much better life, and although I have become a scaredy cat, thanks to that dog, I am not as scared anymore. When Joy and I wake up in the morning, I first arch my back and extend my paws, then jump out of the bed and wait patiently for her to get ready.

When we both head toward the kitchen, I purr and meow because it's breakfast time. After enjoying my kibbles and lapping my water, I jump on my seat next to the computer and wait for Joy to eat her breakfast. My seat is a bit lower than hers and I enjoy it because I can watch the outside from it and also can get loved and petted as she works.

Some days the lure of adventure calls me and I go on the covered porch and watch the vibrant tapestry of fluttering birds, dancing squirrels through the screen and hear the ugly, unfortunate sound of a neighbor's dog yapping. Then I sit near the pool and watch my own image in the water. Sometimes, a chipmunk or a frog runs right outside the porch's doors and I ran with it alongside the screens.

Since it is hot weather now, Joy closes the doors to the inside of the house after airing it. I always go in running even before she calls me and jump on my seat to bask with contentment and I'm lulled into a peaceful slumber.

Then, if I am awake, when Joy walks around the house doing this and that, I walk with her meowing and giving her my approval. Sometimes, she talks on the phone while petting me and I love that. With her each gentle stroke, I know I am being loved and cherished. I also love my treats that I get a couple of times a day.

What I don't like is when someone comes to the door and we have a guest. Then I hide under an armchair in the living room. A cat can never be too careful, can she! Not after being chased around by a big terrible dog!

Joy never leaves me alone for very long. When she goes out and then comes back, I greet her with a meow and a soft purr. Then, throughout the day, Joy and I talk a lot. She tells me stuff in human language and I always meow back. That is, when I am not napping.

When nighttime comes, Joy and I go to the bedroom. As she sits up in bed and reads, I sit next to her and purr. Sometimes we watch something on her pad while we snuggle together. When sleepy time comes, Joy turns off the night and I nuzzle her for a little more petting, just before we both drift off into dreams filled with our endless adventures.


Prompt: Colors
What is your favorite color? Why?
If the world could be only one color, what color would you choose? And would you want to live in a world of only one color?


I can't say any one color is my favorite because my taste for color changes. When I was a teen, I liked the blues. Later on came my green era, followed by purple, followed by any other color and each one changed back and forth.

It is said that colors have the ability to evoke a wide range of emotional responses. Warm colors, such as red, orange, and yellow, are often associated with energy, excitement, and passion. They can stimulate the senses and increase heart rate, breathing rate, and appetite by creating a sense of urgency and they can grab attention with a feeling of warmth and liveliness.

On the other hand, cool colors, like blue, green, and purple, have a calming and soothing effect on the mind. They mean tranquility, relaxation, and stability. Cool colors can create a sense of serenity and peacefulness.

In answer to the question of wanting the world in only one color, a big no; I would hate to live in a world of one color. If such a world existed, what would the poor artists and painters feed on emotionally and otherwise!

Each color has its own psychological (or psycho *Wink* ) effect. To prove that point, this is what I found out about them on the internet.

Red: It is often associated with strong emotions like love, passion, and anger. Red can increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, and stimulate appetite. It is frequently used to draw attention and create a sense of urgency.

Orange: This color combines the energy of red and the cheerfulness of yellow. It is associated with enthusiasm, creativity, and warmth. Orange can evoke feelings of excitement and encourage social interaction.

Yellow: It is often associated with happiness, optimism, and intellect. Yellow can evoke a sense of joy and positivity. It is believed to stimulate mental activity and enhance focus.

Green: As the color of nature, green represents harmony, balance, and renewal. It has a calming effect on the mind and is often associated with relaxation and growth. Green is also linked to feelings of freshness and fertility.

Blue: Blue is known for its calming and tranquil qualities. It symbolizes serenity, trust, and stability. Blue can help reduce stress and anxiety, making it a popular choice for creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Purple: Historically associated with royalty and luxury, purple signifies creativity, spirituality, and wisdom. It has a mysterious and introspective quality. Lighter shades of purple can evoke a sense of romance and nostalgia.

Pink: Often associated with femininity, pink represents love, compassion, and nurturing. It has a soothing and calming effect, and is often used in environments to create a gentle and comforting atmosphere.

I also think or presume that cultural and personal experiences can influence our responses to colors. In addition, color preferences can vary among people, possibly due to personal associations and past experiences.

In general, though, I believe colors have a lot to do with our psychological well-being. I hope our surroundings and moods are enhanced by colors and we always stay under their positive influences.


July 8, 2023 at 12:06pm
July 8, 2023 at 12:06pm
Use these words in your blog: abscond, embezzle, prowess, whimsical and dog days.


Paul was Elmwood's most trusted accountant. The townspeople so trusted him that they neglected to keep after their own savings and investments.

And why not! Their accountant Paul was an unassuming figure with his salt-and-pepper hair and a pair of spectacles perched on his nose. He was known for his meticulous nature and unwavering dedication to his work. Beneath his mild-mannered façade, however, Arthur nurtured a whimsical dream of adventure.

One scorching summer, during the dog days when the sun beat down relentlessly, Paul stumbled upon a hidden account while sifting through a pile of dusty ledgers. It was a secret fund amassed through many years of embezzling.

Urged by his hidden desire for excitement, he decided to abscond with the embezzled fortune and leave behind his dull life as an accountant. He packed a small bag and left the sleepy town of Elmwood, embarking on a journey across distant lands.

During his travels, he managed to master the art of persuasion, honed his prowess in stealth, and embraced the unknown with every step he took. Over the duration of a couple of years, he gained reputation as the "Phantom of Fortune," with people speaking of his uncanny ability to charm his way into secured vaults, his unparalleled agility in eluding capture, and his whimsical sense of justice.

Yet, after a series of escapades, Paul began yearning for his old, familiar life, and with a heavy heart he relinquished his stolen fortune, donating it to charity, and returned to Elmwood, tired and weathered.

When he arrived at his old town, the folks of Elmwood greeted him with open arms. This was because Paul's tales had captured their imaginations, and they treated him like royalty. From that day on, Paul was no longer the mild-mannered accountant. He was now a living legend, and so what, if what he did was ethical or not.

The only thing they knew was that Paul had dared to dream and had shown extraordinary potential in making his dream come true.

Yet, the folks in Elmwood learned how to be truly meticulous in keeping up with their own savings and they watched Paul's every step. As to Paul, although he knew what he did was essentially unsavory, he found comfort in having taught a lesson to the people in Elmwood: The lesson of keeping an eye on their very own money.


July 7, 2023 at 10:52am
July 7, 2023 at 10:52am
"Imagination makes us aware of limitless possibilities. How many of us haven't pondered the concept of infinity or imagined the possibility of time travel? In one of her poems, Emily Bronte likens imagination to a constant companion, but I prefer to think of it as a built-in entertainment system." Alexandra Adornetto
What is imagination to you? Is it a companion, an entertainment system, or something else?


Granted, with old age, my imagination has taken a break and that's why I write and read less fiction and more non-fiction, nowadays. Not that, I don't enjoy reading a well-written story or poem, by the way. Having said that, I have to admit I miss my more imaginative youthful days and ways.

This may be because, with age, reality has set in more strongly whereas imagination's powerful force usually transcends all boundaries. Also, this may be because I have little pep left to explore imagination's infinite possibilities where far-out ideas take shape and concepts come to life.

Then, I still appreciate those concepts born from the depths of imagination, but mostly others' imaginations, to tell the truth. Those concepts can be the building blocks of medical, technological, and social innovations, and also, entertainment to serve as a foundation upon which movies, novels and stories, video games and many other forms of media can be constructed.

As such, imagination creates futuristic technologies, magical realms, fantasy stories and creatures by allowing creators to go far beyond the confines of reality. Who can ever forget iconic fantasy people like Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Cinderella,or Sherlock holmes and worlds like the Middle-Earth and the Star Wars Galaxy! Such fun stuff can easily bridge the gap between the fictional world and my own reality to let me experience awe-inspiring adventures even while I am sitting in my chair, enjoying a cup of tea.

Then, even though my role-playing has stayed within the confines of my childhood, I can still appreciate how imagination also invents those role-playing games and virtual realities that enhance people's otherwise dull everyday lives. For it is through imagination that thoughts transcend far beyond the world we live in to create worlds filled with wonder and innovations with endless potentials.

July 6, 2023 at 10:44am
July 6, 2023 at 10:44am
Prompt: What is the most independent thing you have ever done?


Independence is a powerful concept that resonates deeply with many of us, but since I don't like to rank anything I have done in terms of 'most' or 'least', I couldn't in all honesty answer this question fully.

Yet, I have done a lot of independent things. This may be because I was an only child and I was used to doing things alone and innovating stuff, not just going along. If anything, although I am said to be a mild-mannered person in real life, I am not a go-alonger with everything.

For example, choosing my fields of study, hobbies, or even my husband I have done against others' urgings or wishes and I have never looked back. Things fell in place more or less, over time.

One thing where I wasn't independent of others was raising my children. Even with that, though it was mostly with their father, I did it alone sometimes, or I took the advice of their father, pediatrician, and other professionals. This is because, while independence can be fulfilling and empowering, it's important to strike a balance between independence and interdependence. Independence should not be seen as isolation or a complete detachment from others but rather as an avenue for personal exploration and growth.

Moreover, doing independent things means a sense of responsibility and self-reliance, especially when I rely on myself to achieve a goal. Then, I also have myself to blame if things go wrong. Truthfully, I'd rather not blame anyone for anything, for that would make me a bitter person. This is another positive that results from doing independent things, in addition to gaining a sense of responsibility and adaptation skills to new situations.

July 5, 2023 at 10:18am
July 5, 2023 at 10:18am
Prompt: How was your 4th of July?


My 4th of July wasn't hectic...in the beginning. I did my everyday stuff and reading etc. It was very quiet mostly and I was quite happy with that. Unless if I can count the brownies and the cat incidents.

With brownies, I was just about to take them out of the oven when someone called. So I turned off the oven and talked with her on the phone. Since she is very talkative and our conversation took some time, at the end I had forgotten about the brownies standing in the oven. When I remembered them several hours later, the brownies had become stone hard. Today, I'll try to revive them with the bain-marie steaming method. Crossing my fingers on this.

As to the cat incident, my cat is the epitome of a scaredy cat. When there were no sounds of firecrackers throughout the day, I started thanking my lucky stars, but then at 8 PM, they started with full force, and the cat, trying to hide and/or escape, was meowing and running around the house, and unfortunately not being able to get away from all that din.

So, I ran after her and after finally catching up with her, I picked her up and carried her to bed with me and held her until she calmed down. Luckily, the neighbors' noisy entertainment stopped around 10 PM, and both the cat and I were happy, worn out though we both were.

Although as a reminder of sacrifices made by those who fought for our independence, fireworks with their booms, cracks, and loud squeaks may have a distressing impact on people's and pets' ears. I don't know what happened to the alternative celebrations such as laser light shows and silent fireworks that were supposedly put in the works.

Personally, I have no problem with the fireworks being a powerful symbol of patriotism, celebration, and remembrance as a time-honored tradition, but I guess my cat doesn't care for any such tradition all that much.

July 4, 2023 at 11:58am
July 4, 2023 at 11:58am
Prompt: Missings
Sometimes we miss opportunities or trains or other things. Have you ever missed something like an opportunity or what someone meant when they said something to you?


Missings? There goes frustration, big time.

Such disappointment at first, then regret kicks in with "should've, could've, and would've" at its heels. But it's life and some missings will happen.

Imagine standing on a train platform, watching as the doors close and the train departs without you. Such an overwhelming sense of disappointment and helplessness right that minute inside you. But then, the consolation prize could be, this is not the only day in your life or the only train. In fact there's another one to take off in half an hour. Even if there isn't today, tomorrow the trains will start working again.

Well, so much for the train metaphor. But my main regret about missing something has been not seeing the truth behind someone's words and yet, believing in someone else's lies. Although this was decades ago, I still ponder some "what-if" scenarios and if my life could have been different--for better or worse--if I had made a different choice instead of taking another leap of faith.

Yet, missed opportunities are a natural part of life. No one can seize every opportunity that comes their way, and it's impossible to predict the outcome of each decision. Then, instead of fixating on the opportunities missed, it's more productive to focus on the lessons learned from those experiences.

On the plus side, by focusing on personal growth, staying open to new possibilities, and embracing resilience, I think I turned missed opportunities into stepping stones toward an acceptable life, and despite whatever missings I had in my life, I am not sorry for my choices. By luck or by divine intervention, they seem to have worked for the better.

July 3, 2023 at 9:50am
July 3, 2023 at 9:50am
Prompt: Routine
"If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow -- you are not understanding yourself.”
Bruce Lee
Is there anything that you'd want to add to or subtract from your routine or your life in general?


I used to dislike routine anything when I was much younger, but nowadays I'm finding that at least some routine gives my life a sense of structure and stability. For example, every morning after the usual bathroom process, I make my bed, water the plants, take care of the cat's needs, and then, get my breakfast. Thus, my mornings are well organized and before I am fully awake, I know what to do and that gives me a small sense of satisfaction of accomplishment. *Laugh*

One benefit of routines is that they eliminate having to make constant decisions about mundane tasks and thus they free up mental energy for more important things. By the same token, they provide a sense of predictability and comfort and they help reduce stress and anxiety.

Then, they also let us to make incremental progress and ultimately achieve mastery in various areas of our lives. By repeating the certain actions or behaviors, we help reinforce our nervous system in making those actions easier over time. This can be particularly useful when we are pursuing long-term goals or developing new skills.

While routines do add consistency to our lives and have several benefits, they can also become double-edged swords that can stifle progress and innovation and restrict personal growth, especially if they are too rigid or inflexible. When we rely too much on any one routine, we risk falling into a state of complacency and stifle the opportunities for personal and professional growth. Not to mention, the routines giving us that blah feeling of a sense of sameness and monotony.

As progress often thrives in an environment of novelty and uncertainty, we may consider to break from the constraints of routine and open ourselves to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas. I believe, therefore, by reassessing and adjusting a routine, introducing small changes to it, and looking for new experiences may even out the negatives of it and encourage progress. This way, we may save a helpful routine from becoming a nuisance in our lives.

As to adding and subtracting from my daily routine, I think I'll add a morning walk to it once the heat outside lessens. In the meantime, I may do some stretching exercises inside, just before breakfast. The rest of my day usually goes around whatever I need or choose to do, anyway.

July 1, 2023 at 1:55pm
July 1, 2023 at 1:55pm
Do you have plans for the 4th of July? Or doing something special for with a four day weekend?


I don't have any set plans for the 4th of July, and this or any other weekend. Four-day or regular, weekends have no real bearing on my present life, except for the relief from the landline calls for scamming, charity, or other blah blah. As an aside, Thank you AT&T for your inconsideration of your clients and for not giving me a way to not let those crap calls ring.

I guess, then, for the reasons above, I'll stick to writing about freedom which has proven to have an immense importance in our human experience. Throughout history, the struggle for freedom has been a driving force behind revolutions, movements, and societal transformations.

So, following this trend and then becoming its leader, our USA is founded on liberty and the ideas of freedom.

And it is July 4th weekend this next week, although sometimes, I wonder if, as Americans, we are celebrating a freedom that is in danger of eroding, and I certainly hope escaping reality does not become our new national pastime. Still, at times, I rejoice when we do something really heroic for ourselves and for the world; therefore, as of the present moment, something worth celebrating this July Fourth is our freedom.

What is freedom, then? Do we really understand what its meaning encompasses? To me, freedom represents the absence of undue restrictions on individual autonomy. But how much autonomy and can some restrictions be useful to us? You see, every idea has its own set of pros and cons.

I have to believe that it is still doable, in a free society, for individuals to have the right to voice their opinions, practice their chosen religion and freedom of speech, assemble peacefully, and engage in activities that do not infringe upon the rights of others. The key phrase here is "do not infringe upon the rights of others." I just hope AT &T and such companies and scammers that like to trample upon the good citizens' privacy rights take this into consideration.

As the original foundational stones and our most cherished documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights serve to prevent people, Americans or otherwise, from overstepping their bounds. As such, the tension between individual freedoms and collective well-being still are at odds when it comes to shaping discussions and policies in the United States, even if interpretation of "freedom" may vary among individuals and groups.

I believe no one in his right American mind wants increased surveillance, erosion of privacy, or restrictions on certain civil liberties, despite the societal progress's conflicting challenges. Maybe this is all because the concept of freedom is a dynamic and evolving ideal for it requires constant reflection, dialogue, and a commitment to upholding the rights and liberties of all citizens in order to navigate the complexities of a changing world.

Yet, I think, in comparison to the rest of the world, we're quite all right here in the USA; this is partly because I can carp about most stuff in my blog. The inconsistencies are usually due to the USA always having to solve a few conflicts within itself. Lucky for us, it has always pulled through. Truth is, to me, USA is my beloved, perpetual, and consistently-conflicted comeback kid, as a country.

Happy July Fourth, America!
June 30, 2023 at 10:14am
June 30, 2023 at 10:14am
Write about a recent surprise you have given to someone. what was their expression? how did you feel?


I am not too crazy about giving or getting surprises in general. Nice or not, a surprise may shock a person into a heart attack. I can't recall of any recent surprise that I've given or have received, possibly for that reason alone.

On the other hand, especially for the young, nice surprises have a magical way of instantly changing the atmosphere and bringing joy to both the giver and the receiver. Whether it's a small gift, an unexpected gesture, or a big surprise, the expressions on the faces of surprised people capture a range of emotions, from disbelief and astonishment to sheer delight and gratitude as their faces often become a canvas of emotions.

I recall, in my youth, my grandmother's long-lost younger brother suddenly showing up at the door. Shocked and surprised, my grandmother just fainted, and it could have been worse. What if she had had a heart attack! The rest turned out to be really nice, though. Once her brother explained why he had stayed away and was readily understood and accepted by everyone, he started coming to see us every year from the other end of the world, igniting a burst of happiness within all of us.

Unlike my grandmother, however, not everyone faints and falls. When people are surprised in a nice way, in some instances, tears of happiness well up in their eyes, glistening like precious gems. In other instances, people may exhibit a composed surprise, maintaining an air of elegance even amidst their astonishment. Still others may turn spontaneously bubbly, unable to contain their excitement and bouncing with childlike happiness.

Although every surprised expression is unique, it is in such moments that we witness the sheer vulnerability and beauty of human connection. And who knows, nice surprises may just have the incredible ability to create lasting memories and to forge really strong bonds between people.

June 29, 2023 at 12:43pm
June 29, 2023 at 12:43pm
Prompt: I simply fell in love with...... like you would a person. Write about this in your Blog entry today.


I simply fell in love with Noche the day I saw her, but she wasn't mine at the time. That was 14 plus years ago. My son and his then-wife had adopted her when her mother, a feral cat, brought her to their door and literally and meowingly begged them to take her in, and they did. Go forward 12 years, and my son adopted another cat and a dog, which didn't sit well with Noche.

I have difficulty believing the rotten things Noche did in their house after the other pets showed up. She was creating such a chaos in their lives that they decided to take her to a no-kill shelter. When my son told me of their decision, two and a half years ago, I felt very badly for Noche as I had always loved her very much. That's when my son decided to bring Noche to me on a trial basis.

Trial? My foot! Noche is mine now. I am captivated by her and I love her. I've always loved her, her talkativeness, her jet-black velvety and smooth fur, her vibrant eyes, changing from green to yellow and vice-versa when they catch the light, her sleek body and graceful movements.

But that is not all. she is also very affectionate and gentle with me, purring softly sitting on her seat next to my computer and at nights sharing my bed as she snuggles to me.

Noche, however, is not a lap-cat. She doesn't sleep on my lap as my earlier cats had done. She likes to be next to me, sometimes putting her paws on me, especially when I'm feeling unwell. Then, her soothing presence brings a sense of calm and relaxation and makes me forget whatever is troubling me.

She is agile, yes, but not mischievous. Maybe because of her age, she engages in interactive play only (I think) to please me for a very short time. At other times, her toys are left on their own.

Despite the many superstitions surrounding black cats, Noche is loving, loyal, and a very talkative cat to whom I tell things and she meows back as if she understands every word, and just maybe, she does, too.

In short, Noche is positive energy to me, an exceptional being, and with a unique personality. I am so glad she is sharing her life with me with her purrs and meows. Who knows, maybe I'll learn the meow language and I will be meowing all over my blog, very soon.

June 28, 2023 at 2:37pm
June 28, 2023 at 2:37pm
Prompt: "The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul." Robert Wyland


I feel very lucky to be living so close to the Atlantic Ocean. Standing before it, with its seemingly endless horizon stretching out as far as my eyes can see, I cannot help but feel a profound sense of awe and wonder. The ocean humbles me, reminding me of my tiny place in the universe and ignites my curiosity for its depths, literally and metaphorically.

No wonder, the ocean has long been a muse for artists, writers, and creators of all kinds. Its vastness and ever-changing nature provide an infinite canvas for the imagination to roam free. The vibrant hues of its blues inspire painters to capture its beauty on a canvas.

Haven't you ever stood in awe while looking at a beautifully done painting of the ocean?

Then, writers, too, draw inspiration from its depths, weaving tales of adventure and mystery. Remember Captain Ahab?

Photographers don't stay too far behind either as they seek to capture fleeting moments of beauty, frozen in time.

All this is because the ocean with its coral reefs to majestic whales reminds of its biodiversity and the interconnectedness of all its living things. Also, its resilience in the face of adversity shows me how to be adaptable by instilling a deep appreciation for the delicate balance of nature.

While I stand at the water's edge, gazing into the horizon, I am thus reminded of the boundless possibilities that lie before me and the transformative power of nature, and I breathe in its salty air and give my thanks to the Creator for giving my this experience, this life, this view of the ocean.


June 27, 2023 at 1:51pm
June 27, 2023 at 1:51pm
Prompt: Scents and Smells
Do you have a keen sense of smell? Can smells change your mood or maybe make you happier and healthier?


Actually, any maybe unfortunately, no. My sense for smell was never as strong as some people I know; however, I can detect smells and scents well enough for my own good. I am not sure smells trigger vivid memories for me either, as some people insist that they do, and even though I can be somewhat nostalgic every now and then, it is more likely due to visual cues triggering the nostalgia in me rather than aromas and scents.

It is said that certain fragrances, like lavender, chamomile, and vanilla can help reduce stress, anxiety, and even promote better sleep, and scents like citrus, peppermint, and eucalyptus can uplift mood, increase alertness, and enhance focus. As much I like and appreciate all those scents, to the best of my knowledge, they don't have any effect on me, except for me recognizing them.

Then, there is such a thing as aromatherapy used in treatments for mood disorders and mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and insomnia. I doubt that such a treatment would do anything for me at all, at any time.

All this hoopla about scents and aroma is because, according to those who study these things, scents can also have direct physiological effects on human bodies. For instance, certain smells can stimulate the production of endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals and the aromatic compounds in scents can affect the autonomic nervous system, influencing heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. I am not saying that these finding are false; only that I haven't experienced them.

All I know is that certain plant pollens and dust, maybe some smells too, do trigger allergies and asthma in my body. Maybe it is because of that "asthma caused by allergies" diagnosis by my doctors that I am not experiencing and enjoying the scents as well as they deserve to be enjoyed.

Then, if not for me but for everyone else, I hope all those nice scents and smells can create a healthy atmosphere as I am all for harmony and happiness for all people.

June 26, 2023 at 1:42pm
June 26, 2023 at 1:42pm
Prompt: Words
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world."
Ludwig Eittgenstein
Do you have a way with words and are you sometimes frustrated with them? What are your thoughts on words?


To me, words mean "meaning" since only they have the clear capacity to convey meaning. Granted the five senses plus the sixth one have something to do with meaning, but only words can describe the intricate situations and emotions.

Do I have a way with words? I wish! Sometimes, I have to think twice and then again to find the right word to express myself. Yet, I'm never frustrated with words but with myself at my own inability. I love words. If I didn't I wouldn't be writing. And come to think of it, I wouldn't even be speaking.

Without words, our human experience would remain trapped as signals within the confines of our minds. Words are more than mere symbols on a page or utterances spoken in conversation. Moreover, the better our vocabulary is, the more deeply can our thoughts penetrate the issues.

A well-crafted poem, a heartfelt speech, or a touching story can move us, inspire us, and instill a sense of empathy. Words can heal wounds, offer solace, and ignite passion. On the negative side, they can start wars, spread hate, misinformation, cyberbullying and discouragement.

Still, their positive input into our lives is much stronger, as words can bring people together, fostering a sense of belonging and shared understanding. They transfer knowledge through speech, books, and other media, enabling us to preserve history and document scientific discoveries to share insights from diverse fields of study.

The impact of words on our emotional state and social interactions is enormous. They have the power to inform, inspire, and transform. In essence, they hold an immense importance in our lives. If they didn't, would we be so tickled pink when a baby says his first words? Just think about that!

June 23, 2023 at 11:24am
June 23, 2023 at 11:24am
Please, use these words in your entry today: nudnik, nemesis, satiate, bower and embrace. Have fun!.


Once upon a time, in a far far away universe, on a distant planet existed a small village nestled amidst rolling green hills. In that village lived a peculiar nudnik named Owain.

Owain, coming from a broken family and not having much of an education, had developed the uncanny ability of bothering other people who viewed Owain as their everlasting nemesis.

One day, on a sunny afternoon, a traveling sage arrived in the village. The first thing he heard was the villagers' plight about Owain. As this sage had the wisdom and ability to find harmony in any chaotic situation, he decided to take on the challenge of satiating their frustrations.

He found Owain at a playground sabotaging the games of children, there. Instead of scolding Owain, the sage invited him to a small garden with blooming flowers and swaying trees.

In the middle of a bower in the garden, when Owain was about to trample the flowers, he noticed the sage's aura of tranquility and a feeling of wonder in himself he hadn't experienced ever before.

"Owain, I have an offer for you," the sage said. "Instead of living with your own annoyance, why not become a source of joy and inspiration for others?"

Such a radical idea! Owain's eyes widened in surprise.

The sage continued. "I will teach you the art of storytelling. Since you already possess a knack for seeing the mundane aspects of life, you'll be able to transform them into captivating tales. This trick I learned in a place, far away, called, "Writing.com" and I can easily teach what I learned there to you."

Writing.com? Owain hesitated and thought for a moment. Then he became swayed by the sage's aura. Not a bad idea! Whatever this Writing.com is! Despite his self-consciousness about writing and tales, he nodded and whispered, "Yes!"

The sage embraced Owain with an encouraging smile and began to teach him the secrets of crafting enchanting narratives.

It took days, weeks, months for Owain to absorb the teachings. Once he got good at it, he began to wander through the village, engaging with the villagers not as an irritating nudnik but as a captivating storyteller. His tales revolved around their shared experiences and struggles, infusing them with humor and wisdom. The villagers, although initially skeptical, found themselves captivated by his words, and their previous annoyances faded into admiration.

Owain did not stop at storytelling only. His transformation had encouraged a newfound purpose within himself. Inspired by the sage, he started to listen to others' problems and offered support and guidance to them. Eventually, through his kind acts and uplifting stories, Owain became an important person in the village.

The people sang and called his name in excitement. Their excitement was so strong that they pronounced his name as Owen. Maybe the villagers, too, had learned a lesson here about the potential in each person for growth and change. Maybe names grew and changed, too.

And thus, the village existed happily ever after, due to Owen's stories and kindness, eternally etching his name Owain>Owen in the annals of their history and their hearts.

. .
June 22, 2023 at 10:45am
June 22, 2023 at 10:45am
Prompt: What is one thing you do every summer and it wouldn't be summer if you didn't do this one thing? Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Eeeek! Summer where I live! Hot, hot, hot! In fact I couldn't stand it if not for the AC.

Yes, air conditioning! When the temp outside hits 90's plus even goes into 100s and the temp inside tries to win the heat race with it, air conditioning comes to the rescue. I couldn't live where I live if it weren't for the AC. Thus the one thing about summer here, it wouldn't be summer if I didn't crank up the AC.

To me, air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of all time. That newest techy thing, AI, you eat your heart out! I could live without the AI but not without my beloved AC.

AC in the house is like having my very own personal oasis in the middle of a sweltering desert. Let me give you an example. My mailbox is about 60 feet away from the house. On a hot summer day, when I walk down to pick up my mail, on my way back, I feel all sticky and sweaty. Then, as soon as the AC's cool air embraces me inside with a refreshing hug, I get instant relief and I think, "Well, maybe where I live is not so bad after all!"

This is because air conditioning helps regulate the humidity levels, prevents dehydration, which drains my energy, and therefore, it helps with my productivity in everyday life. Plus, its sweetest perk comes at night when it lets me sleep soundly without tossing and turning in a Gehenna-like bedroom.

Then, most importantly, there is my cat with her fur coat wrapped about her. AC ensures that she stays comfortable, lounges around in style, and doesn't have heat-related health issues.

In short, AC is a blessing I am very grateful for, as it is a life-saver and is making me feel cooler, despite what happens outside of my home.

June 21, 2023 at 10:57am
June 21, 2023 at 10:57am
Prompt: You can have the universe if I can have....... Write about what you would like to have in your Blog entry today.


No way am I stepping foot out into the universe! In the first place. Isn't earth bad enough? Eat your heart out, Captain Kirk and all the ETs!

Yet, as much as I've been carping about the negatives on this planet, I have an ultimate distant dream, which I probably mentioned many times before. I wish people could coexist peacefully, without conflicts and war in our world, the earth.

Just imagine a place where we could prioritize understanding and compassion over hatred and division. That would be pretty amazing, right? This planet, our earth, could be a place where borders are just lines on a map, where people from different cultures and backgrounds come together in harmony, embracing their differences and celebrating their similarities.

When and if that happens, imagine all the wonderful things we could achieve if we didn't have to spend this much time and energy on conflicts. We could further our education, healthcare, and our other important needs, so we could improve the quality of life for everyone. There would be no worries or revenge-taking by anyone since we would instead foster dialogue, understanding, justice, and equality.

I could probably come up with some ideas and urging for the world peace so every one can take action toward it, but this has been done by better people than me, many times over, and unfortunately, to no avail! So, at this point, I am going to keep on wishing for a reality that all of us human beings can enjoy, and I hope, at least, this wish for world peace can gain more than a few allies.

June 20, 2023 at 9:28am
June 20, 2023 at 9:28am
Someone who had difficulty ignoring another person's negativity asked me this question:
“How do we learn to not see what we see, or not know what we know?”
How would you answer her question? And how difficult or easy is it for you to ignore negativity?


Speaking for myself, I can tolerate and even ignore some negativity but there's a limit to everything. I may even try to help if the negative person has some good qualities and does not mean to hurt and scare others with nasty words and behavior.

Negativity can blind people to reality and hurt their growth because it works as a powerful force that seeps into thoughts, perceptions, and overall outlook on life. It also clouds vision, distorts understanding, and stops them from seeing the truth.

Overcoming all this requires a conscious effort on the negative person, but most negative people aren't even aware that they are being negative. For others around them, I can't think of any real workable solution for dealing with the negative ones if their negativity is extreme as what they need may be professional help, only.

Some negative people, however, can be encouraged tenderly to see the positive by being made aware of their negative thought patterns. Possibly, gentle prodding and saying something like, "There you go, again! Nothing is that bad!" may work.

Then, maybe,--when they delve into negative self-talk with words or thoughts such as, "Why is this always happening to me?" or "I must be so rotten to be in this position," etc.--,emphasizing their strengths, achievements, and potential may work to some degree.

Chances are most negative people learned to be negative through their past experiences and by being criticized by people important to them in their earlier lives, such as parents and teachers. In other words, their earlier negative experiences may have led to their later negative behavior, with them subconsciously doing unto others what was done to them.

Truth is, such people need positive reinforcement more than most of us, so they can nurture some self-compassion. This is because self-compassion and the understanding of one's own self leads the way to compassion, kindness, and understanding for others.

Unfortunately for some negative people, their negativity makes them focus only on the flaws, shortcomings, negative aspects of situations, other human beings, and even themselves. This may lead to a general defeatist mindset and hidden or apparent self-doubt and fear.

People around them, then, need to be careful when pointing out a problem or a mishap as something simple may be blown to epic proportions in the minds of negative people. Also, being gentle with them and encouraging the positive sides of their selves would help greatly.

Who knows, maybe what the people who take things adversely all the time can use some praise, meaningful conversations, other perspectives, and most of all understanding.

Then, if you are around a negative person and you cannot "learn to not see what they see, or not know what they know," maybe the negative person's antics are too much for you. Being around a negative person all the time may seriously hurt your own mental health and well-being. I would say, for self-respect and self-preservation, to just remove yourself from the company of such a nasty, pessimistic person rather than allowing them to define and hurt you in unseen ways, when you are only trying to help.

June 19, 2023 at 11:44am
June 19, 2023 at 11:44am
Prompt: Colors
In his Nobel-Prize-winning novel, My Name Is Red, author Orhan Pamuk says:"Color is the touch of the eye, music to the deaf, a word out of the darkness... Delicacy manifests itself neither in weakness nor in subtlety, but through determination of will."
What does color mean to you and how do colors affect the way you feel?


All colors talk to me in some way and my favorites among them change and morph according to the mood I'm in. This is because colors have a language of their own, evoking memories, conveying emotions and painting the world in their bright and pale hues. Their meanings, at times, transcend what my eyes can see.

A color speaks to me at the absence of sound or words. They stir my heart when a favorite color becomes music, with images and memories dancing before my eyes. When I gaze upon a breathtaking sunset, the golden strokes blending into fiery reds and soft purples remind me of letting go of another day in my life.

A spectrum of colors may evoke joy, sorrow, tranquility or excitement within my soul. Color breathes life into my life and into the void when it paints my dreams at night and my wishes and imagination during the day.

A few decades ago, I learned more about the effects of colors when I tried my hand in painting. Then, I discovered their soothing touch, vitality, and illumination. I also discovered that nothing is more bland than an unpainted canvas.

In short, colors are more than pigments and light. They are intangible forces that stir my imagination, wake up my senses, and expand the boundaries of my perception.


June 17, 2023 at 1:13pm
June 17, 2023 at 1:13pm
If you're getting together with friends, do you prefer one on one situations, group situations large or small? How important do you feel it is to keep a social network?


As human beings, inherently, we all are social creatures. Our quality of life and well-being depend on our relationships with others. This might be through physical interaction or online sites and friendships. In fact, I find I can relate better to some of my online friends than to some of the real-life ones. I guess that has to do with being like-minded.

About getting together with friends, it depends on the group or the single friend. I really like both. With a single friend or a small group, depending on the other person or persons, I can learn about them and interact with them better, but a large group can be just as fun, too. As they say, the more the merrier.

Almost any kind of friendship, for me, offers emotional support and companionship, be it in a group or one-on-one. I believe it is the perspective of another person or persons I am after, for a deeper understanding of life, for celebrating achievements, and for providing encouragement concerning everyday struggles and joys. These types of interactions contribute greatly to personal growth as they lead to gaining insights into different cultures, new interests, and new goals.

Also, it is essential to strike a balance between online and offline interactions. Face to face meetings, for example, provide more nuanced communication, reading body language, and emotional bonding than the online interactions. Friends who provide a listening ear, advice, and a different perspective can be invaluable during difficult times. Yet, some of that can also be found in online friendships, too.

To wrap it up, online or offline friendships, whichever or both, do enhance my quality of life, and I feel very lucky to have gotten to know all my friends everywhere.

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