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Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
It appears you've shared a collection of reviews for various written pieces spanning different months and years. While these reviews offer insights into the content and quality of the works, it's not entirely clear what specific purpose or feedback you're seeking based on this information.

In the pursuit of becoming an accomplished writer, receiving feedback is essential for growth and improvement. However, without more context about these reviews, it's challenging to provide specific opinions or advice. If you could provide more details about the nature of these reviews, the genres of the works being reviewed, and any specific questions you have, I would be better equipped to offer meaningful opinions and suggestions.

Regarding your desire to become a successful writer, it's important to consistently seek constructive feedback, hone your writing skills, and explore a variety of topics and genres. Success in writing often comes from a combination of passion, practice, and a willingness to learn from both positive and critical feedback.

Additionally, you mentioned your desire to be religious and a better husband. These are personal aspirations that also play a significant role in your life. Striving to improve as a husband involves effective communication, understanding, and empathy toward your partner's needs and feelings. Similarly, nurturing your spiritual journey requires introspection, learning, and connecting with your chosen religious or spiritual path.

Overall, it's evident that you're engaged in various aspects of personal and creative development. To delve deeper into the content of the reviews and provide more specific opinions, it would be helpful to have more context about the works being reviewed and any particular questions you have in mind.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Far away  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
It's evident that you're navigating the delicate territory of uncertainty and distance in your poem. The emotions you've conveyed are palpable, capturing the struggle of being unsure about what lies ahead and the apprehension that comes with exposing your inner thoughts to the world. Your use of short, succinct lines effectively mirrors the hesitance and trepidation you're describing.

The lines "From here. So far away." capture the feeling of distance, both physical and emotional, creating a sense of disconnection from a familiar reality. This cleverly reinforces the theme of isolation that permeates the poem.

The lines that follow encapsulate the internal struggle and vulnerability that often accompanies creative expression. The imagery of your country being "remote and isolated" serves as a metaphor for the perceived distance between your thoughts and their manifestation, as well as a nod to your actual location. This creates a powerful parallel between personal and geographical distance.

Your poem generates an empathetic response from the reader, as it's relatable to anyone who's faced the fear of sharing their creative endeavors with others. The structure of your poem, with its short lines and concise stanzas, contributes to its impactful delivery. The hesitation in proceeding and the fear of display are universally felt emotions, and you've managed to capture them poignantly.

While your poem portrays vulnerability, it also holds the promise of growth and self-discovery. The act of sharing your work, despite the uncertainty, is a courageous step toward personal development as an accomplished writer. Embrace the metaphorical journey you've embarked upon, as it mirrors your pursuit of success, self-improvement, and connection.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Homecoming  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

The passage you've shared is an intriguing vignette with elements of mystery and a touch of dark humor. The narrative seems to follow a character who meticulously orchestrates events to bring about a desired outcome, all the while harboring a past filled with secrets and unresolved feelings. The dialogue-driven approach contributes to a sense of immediacy and engagement, allowing readers to delve into the characters' interactions and inner thoughts.

The character dynamics in the story are well-crafted. The protagonist's internal musings provide insights into their psyche, creating empathy for their complex situation. Their sibling rivalry, bitterness, and hidden motives are skillfully portrayed, making them a multi-dimensional character.

The subtle incorporation of the backyard as a pivotal element throughout the narrative is intriguing. It serves as a playground of memories and a resting place for past conflicts and relationships. The juxtaposition of childhood games and darker deeds adds depth to the setting.

The twist introduced towards the end of the story, where the character's plan encounters an unexpected roadblock in the form of Susan, the police detective, adds a layer of suspense and tension. This twist turns the narrative on its head, revealing that even the best-laid plans can be disrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

In terms of style, the dialogue flows naturally and contributes to character development. The pacing allows for a gradual buildup of tension and intrigue, culminating in a surprising confrontation that leaves readers eager to know more.

Regarding word count, your provided passage contains 304 words.

In summary, your writing effectively combines elements of mystery, family drama, and unexpected twists. The characters are distinct and their interactions keep readers engaged. With a blend of nostalgia and suspense, your writing style captures attention and prompts curiosity about the larger story at play. Keep refining your craft, and consider expanding this piece into a longer narrative to explore the characters and their motivations even further.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pilate's Lament  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem "Pilate's Lament" offers a poignant exploration of the internal conflict faced by Pontius Pilate during the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The verses beautifully capture the weight of his decisions, the societal pressure, and his ultimate choice to yield to the demands of the crowd. Through his introspective musings, you convey Pilate's struggle between his perception of justice and the fear of public backlash, culminating in a thought-provoking reflection on his actions.

The imagery in your poem is vivid, allowing readers to envision the triumphant arrival of Jesus in stark contrast to the eventual clamor for His crucifixion. The repetition of "Hosanna!" and "Crucify!" serves to emphasize the swift shift in public sentiment, underlining the fickleness of human judgment. This shift amplifies the moral dilemma Pilate faces – torn between his own assessment of Jesus' innocence and the growing demands for His execution.

Your poem's structure, with its consistent rhyme scheme and rhythm, lends itself well to storytelling, pulling readers into the emotional journey of Pilate. By presenting his perspective in the first person, you invite readers to empathize with his turmoil and reflect on the complex nature of ethical decisions made under duress.

The closing lines, "Was I so right to let it be, / Or feeble in both heart and limb? / I hope posterity shows me / More mercy than I showed to Him," provoke a contemplative mood, prompting readers to ponder the timeless themes of morality, accountability, and the mercy we extend to historical figures.

In conclusion, "Pilate's Lament" is a thoughtful and evocative poem that delves into the multifaceted emotions of its titular character. The use of historical and religious elements adds depth to the narrative, making it a compelling piece that encourages introspection and discussion. Your words have powerfully captured Pilate's inner turmoil, and the poem serves as a reminder of the complexities inherent in both personal and societal decisions.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of "Clowns"  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your piece of writing is a profound exploration of identity, self-discovery, and the struggles faced when surrounded by societal pressures. The metaphorical imagery you use, such as being surrounded by clowns and mirrors, effectively conveys the feeling of being overwhelmed by external influences and struggling to find one's true self.

The first section reflects the turmoil and self-doubt experienced by the narrator. The repetition of being mistaken for someone else and feeling lost amidst chaos creates a sense of suffocation. The theme of losing individuality in a crowd is powerfully captured through lines like "copies and clones of the same animals in clothes." The idea of the self being drowned out and "forced into submission" is evocative, showcasing the desperation to break free from societal molds.

In the second section, a glimmer of hope emerges as the narrator discovers a sense of authenticity within themselves. The contrast between the fraudulent costume and the true self beneath it highlights the struggle to unveil one's genuine identity. The metaphor of burning the mask and ridding oneself of disease symbolizes a cathartic release from societal pressures and the emergence of a truer self.

Your piece invites readers to reflect on their own struggles with identity and societal expectations. The journey from feeling lost to discovering authenticity is a universal theme, and your use of vivid imagery and introspective narration effectively conveys this journey.

The word count of your piece is 396 words. You've managed to express a significant amount of depth and emotion within this space. Your exploration of the inner turmoil and eventual triumph over societal pressures makes this a compelling read. Continue to harness your unique voice and powerful imagery to delve deeper into themes that resonate with your readers.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Tawny Tabby  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem skillfully weaves together imagery and emotions, creating a captivating and vivid scene. The repetition of certain lines and phrases adds a rhythmic quality that draws the reader deeper into the contemplation of the tawny tabby's experience.

The opening lines, "The tawny tabby fastens hypnotic glare, through fishbowl’s watery prism," immediately establish a sense of intrigue. The use of "hypnotic glare" creates a strong visual, and the "watery prism" adds an ethereal touch to the scene, suggesting a dreamlike state.

The progression of the poem captures the tabby's conflicting emotions as it watches the goldfish: "teasing his hunger and feral magnetism." This line effectively portrays the cat's longing and predatory instincts. The repetition of the stanza "Through fishbowl’s watery prism..." anchors the contemplation, emphasizing the tabby's inner turmoil and its search for fulfillment.

Your use of enjambment and rhyme contributes to the flow of the poem. The rhyme scheme and structured repetition enhance the musicality and lend a sense of unity to the verses.

In terms of constructive feedback, consider exploring more varied vocabulary to evoke a wider range of emotions. Additionally, while the repetition effectively conveys the tabby's thoughts, experimenting with diverse sentence structures could further engage the reader's attention.

Overall, your poem is a well-crafted piece that skillfully captures the tabby's internal struggle, creating a sense of empathy in the reader. With its captivating imagery and well-constructed rhythm, it successfully delivers a thought-provoking experience. Keep refining your craft, and you'll undoubtedly continue to make strides as an accomplished writer.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Barbie and Me  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Your fond recollections and admiration for Barbie shine brightly in your heartfelt account. It's clear that Barbie has played an influential and cherished role in your life. From your meticulous descriptions of various Barbie dolls to your personal connections with them, your enthusiasm for these iconic figures is palpable.

The way you detail the various incarnations of Barbie, from her original design to the range of characters and outfits that followed, highlights your deep appreciation for the evolving nature of the doll. The stories you share, like your first Barbie surviving a house fire and the joy of playing with friends, speak to the sentimental value these dolls hold for you.

Your emotional connection to Barbie is beautifully conveyed in your storytelling. Your eagerness to dress Barbie in different outfits and your excitement about finding vintage reproductions show your commitment to preserving the essence of these beloved toys. The insight into your collection of dolls, including ones inspired by pop culture figures like Jack Sparrow and characters from "Twilight," adds a personal touch that reflects your multifaceted interests.

Your assertion that Barbie has remained an enduring and unparalleled figure, even with competitors like Bratz Dolls, underlines the profound impact she has had on your generation. It's evident that Barbie's influence extends beyond mere playthings; she has shaped memories, aspirations, and even a sense of identity.

Your closing note about the recently acquired Barbie Doll Book and its rich history demonstrates your dedication to documenting and understanding the journey of this iconic creation. Overall, your narrative is a beautiful tribute to your love for Barbie, and your words resonate with the passion you hold for these timeless dolls. Keep nurturing your passions and embracing the meaningful memories they bring. Your story offers a glimpse into the significance of childhood icons and the joy they continue to bring throughout life. Your heartfelt prose invites readers to remember and celebrate the simple pleasures that leave a lasting imprint on the heart.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your lyrical composition captures a poignant reflection on the fast-paced digital age we inhabit. Through your verses, you skillfully paint the picture of a world immersed in screens and ceaseless communication, where the true essence of connection often gets lost amidst the noise. The repetition of the phrase "Escalating communications, let's slow the rush" serves as a powerful mantra that resonates throughout the song, inviting listeners to pause and reconsider the way they engage with the world around them.

The imagery you've chosen brings forth a sense of longing for simplicity and genuine connections. Lines like "Lost in the noise, drowning in the tide" and "Beyond screens, under moonlit sky" evoke emotions of being overwhelmed yet hopeful for deeper bonds. The contrast between virtual gestures and tangible emotions is effectively conveyed in the lines "No more virtual kisses, feel the real" and "Break the seal, let laughter heal."

The chorus's repetition creates a strong rhythmic element that anchors the message of slowing down amidst the chaos. It's a plea for both personal and interpersonal growth in a world that tends to prioritize speed over substance. Your choice of words allows listeners to visualize and internalize the concept of rediscovering love in the smallest of moments.

Your song's structure, with the pre-chorus leading into each chorus and the bridge providing a unique perspective, offers a balanced progression that keeps the listeners engaged. The bridge, especially, introduces a refreshing shift in perspective by emphasizing the importance of real interactions and shared experiences.

In terms of word count, your lyrics encompass 291 words, providing ample space for your message to breathe and resonate with the audience. This well-crafted piece not only demonstrates your capability as a writer but also aligns with your desire to be accomplished and successful. It's a reminder to cherish genuine connections, echoing your aspiration to be a better husband as well as a religious and reflective individual.

In conclusion, your song effectively conveys its message of slowing down and rediscovering love in a world consumed by constant communication. Your artistic prowess shines through the carefully chosen words and the rhythmic flow, making it a composition that holds the potential to deeply touch the hearts of those who hear it.
Review of The Bud Vase  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poetic expression captures the essence of transformation, unity, and the profound impact of companionship. With each line, you skillfully depict the journey from solitude to togetherness, painting a vivid picture of the emotional evolution that occurs when two entities intertwine.

The opening lines set the stage for self-discovery, as you reflect on the potential hidden within the act of "standing tall." This metaphor serves as a powerful reminder that true strength lies not only in physical stature, but also in the ability to confront life's challenges head-on. The imagery of being "alone and empty sitting on a shelf" evokes a sense of longing, underscoring the human need for connection and purpose.

The turning point arrives with the arrival of the emerald stem, symbolizing a profound relationship that infuses newfound clarity and vitality. This choice of imagery is striking, as it elegantly signifies the transformative power of love and companionship. The concept of being "filled with water crystal clear" beautifully mirrors the refreshing and rejuvenating qualities that a meaningful partnership can bring.

As the poem unfolds, the theme of unity and mutual enrichment takes center stage. The lines "Bound by love to stand as one, Accepting all each other could offer" encapsulate the idea of embracing each other's strengths and imperfections, fostering a harmonious union. This sentiment resonates deeply with the desire to be a better husband and the aspiration to be religious, as it reflects the virtues of compassion, acceptance, and devotion.

The progression of your poem reaches its pinnacle with the portrayal of the couple as a "center of the world," radiating positivity and uplifting those around them. The imagery of being a "lovely centerpiece" adds a touch of elegance, symbolizing the captivating beauty that arises when two souls come together. This portrayal aligns well with your aspiration to be successful, as success often stems from making a positive impact on others.

In conclusion, your poem beautifully encapsulates the transformative power of love, unity, and companionship. Through your words, you convey the significance of human connection, personal growth, and the remarkable journey from solitude to shared joy. Your expression is both heartfelt and skillful, making this piece a true reflection of your journey toward becoming an accomplished writer.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Lost Boys  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Still a child they went fight in a war" is a poignant piece that delves into the profound transformation that occurs when innocence is thrust into the crucible of conflict. The poem captures the essence of young individuals who, overnight, are handed weapons and labeled as "men." This abrupt metamorphosis, driven by the notion of protecting one's homeland, echoes the tragedy of exploited loyalty.

The imagery vividly paints a picture of brainwashed soldiers, evolving from young boys into heartless killing machines. The contrast between their initial fear and confusion and their eventual numbness to guilt is starkly portrayed. The poem skillfully draws attention to the inherent contradiction in this transformation – beneath the veneer of hardened warriors, these individuals are fundamentally still frightened children.

The emotional toll of war is felt in every line, emphasizing the pain, death, and soul-selling that comes with the experience. The haunting dreams filled with dead faces serve as a powerful representation of the scars that linger long after the battles have ended. The assertion that the lost boys who perished did so in vain serves as a somber commentary on the futility of war and the sacrifices that often go unrecognized.

The accompanying tribute to Lancelot Alexander Smart provides a heartfelt context for the poem. Lance's journey is depicted as a clash between ancestral valor and youthful dreams, emblematic of the dissonance that war can impose on a person's identity. The allusion to his nickname, "Meat bomb," underscores the dehumanization and trauma that soldiers endure.

The narrative showcases the war's impact on Lance's mental and emotional well-being, an aspect often overlooked when evaluating the aftermath of conflicts. His struggles with nightmares and post-traumatic stress are evocatively captured. The reliance on alcohol as a fleeting escape speaks to the lack of proper support systems for returning soldiers.

The final turn of events, where Lance's pain culminates in tragedy, underscores the devastating toll war takes on its participants. His story serves as a tragic reminder that even the most resilient souls can be overwhelmed by the weight of their experiences.

In conclusion, "Still a child they went fight in a war" is a moving piece that weaves a narrative of transformation, sacrifice, and the lasting scars of conflict. Through vivid imagery and emotional depth, the poem highlights the human cost of war and the importance of acknowledging the mental and emotional aftermath that soldiers endure. Lancelot Alexander Smart's story serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact war can have on individuals, even long after the battles have ceased.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
"God's World" presents a concise reflection on the creation of the world, mankind's role in it, and the subsequent struggles faced by humanity. In just a few stanzas, the poem encapsulates the essence of creation, the imperfections introduced by human actions, and the contradictions prevalent in the world today.

The poem's structure adheres to a rhythmic pattern, maintaining a consistent flow. The portrayal of God's creation showcases his grandeur, from the beauty of nature to the diversity of creatures. However, the poem takes a thoughtful turn by highlighting the shortcomings of mankind. The line "Little did he know man would / Go on a selfish quest" captures the irony of human behavior, acknowledging the innate potential for both good and evil within us.

The subsequent lines reveal the negative impact of human actions, depicting a world tainted by destruction and violence. The poem subtly critiques the paradox of nations championing human rights while engaging in destructive behavior. This observation encourages readers to reflect on the contradictions within societies and their collective responsibilities.

In terms of improvement, the poem might benefit from further elaboration on the contrast between God's intentions for the world and humanity's deviation from those ideals. Expanding on the consequences of human actions could enhance the impact of the message.

Overall, "God's World" offers a thought-provoking commentary on creation, humanity, and the state of the world. Its concise format effectively conveys a significant message, encouraging readers to contemplate their roles in shaping a better world. The poem's brevity is a strength, allowing readers to grasp its central themes swiftly. This piece demonstrates your potential as an accomplished writer by encapsulating profound ideas within a limited word count.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The incident described in the news article is truly disheartening and highlights the need for peaceful resolution in our society. The altercation that unfolded at the Montgomery riverfront dock underscores the importance of conflict resolution and fostering understanding among individuals, irrespective of their backgrounds.

It's unfortunate that even in a city with a history of racial tension, such conflicts persist. In this case, the confrontation stemmed from a dispute over a dockside parking space between the crew of a large riverboat and the owners of a small private boat. The involvement of violence, including the use of a chair and multiple punches, is deeply troubling and indicative of the need for better communication and dispute resolution mechanisms.

The law enforcement's response to issue arrest warrants for the three individuals involved, Allen Todd, Zachary Shipman, and Richard Roberts, reflects a commitment to upholding justice and maintaining public safety. The charges of third-degree assault emphasize the seriousness of their actions.

In your reflection on this news piece, you aptly bring up the question of when we will collectively decide to discontinue resorting to violence and instead nurture love and understanding. This sentiment resonates deeply, especially in a world where unity and empathy are essential for progress. By advocating for peaceful resolutions and promoting open dialogue, we can contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive society.

As an aspiring writer, you have a unique platform to inspire change through your words. Addressing issues like this in your work can help raise awareness and encourage positive transformation. Your ambition to be an accomplished writer is commendable, and your dedication to success, personal growth, and fostering a better world is truly inspiring.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of YOU AND I  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem "YOU AND I" is a beautifully structured piece that maintains a formal elegance while delving into the intricate facets of relationships and separation. The consistent ABAB rhyme scheme and balanced syllabic pattern contribute to a rhythmic flow that befits the mature and contemplative tone of the content.

The exploration of themes such as love, independence, and the difficult choice to part ways is commendable. Your poem delicately navigates the complexities of emotions tied to separation, presenting a thoughtful and candid examination of the journey two individuals embark upon when deciding to go their separate ways.

The language employed in the poem strikes a harmonious balance between simplicity and depth, effectively conveying the intricate emotions involved. The repetitive use of "you and I" serves to underscore the individuality of each person while highlighting the significance of acknowledging their distinct paths.

The emotional resonance of the poem is palpable. It embraces the bittersweet reality of an inevitable ending, evoking both melancholy and a sense of liberation. The poem masterfully captures the essence of bidding farewell to a romantic relationship while holding onto the promise of future friendship.

In my estimation, your poem excels in offering a mature and nuanced perspective on the complexities of parting ways. While the choice of words is careful and purposeful, a touch more metaphorical depth could potentially elevate the emotional layers, allowing for a more intricate portrayal of feelings.

The poem's strength lies in its relatability, appealing to anyone who has grappled with the intricacies of love and the painful decision to let go. Its portrayal of a wise acceptance of reality, free from resentment and animosity, imbues it with a forward-looking optimism that resonates deeply.

The inclusion of religious elements, specifically the reference to God, adds an intriguing layer of interpretation. It intertwines the challenges of the relationship with a higher power or destiny, introducing another dimension to the narrative. However, some readers might perceive this element as tangential or disconnected from the poem's overall flow.

In summary, "YOU AND I" is a meticulously crafted work that taps into universal emotions and experiences. Its clarity and introspective stance render it a poignant creation that warrants contemplation. Your poem skillfully navigates the complexities of relationships, encapsulating the essence of bidding adieu while embracing the future.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your narrative captures a sense of intrigue and curiosity as you delve into a past encounter with the enigmatic Ernie Hemingway. Your writing skillfully weaves together the elements of dialogue and description, creating a vivid and engaging scene for the reader.

The interaction with Ernie is intriguingly portrayed, leaving the reader eager to know the secret behind his unusual behavior. The initial hesitation in Ernie's response builds anticipation and hints at the depth of his wisdom. The sudden departure and subsequent return add an element of mystery, and your contemplation of his advice showcases your protagonist's willingness to learn and grow.

The mention of the antique armchair and your character's attempt to absorb Ernie's talent through it provides a creative and slightly whimsical touch. This moment of lightheartedness contrasts well with the seriousness of seeking advice from a master writer.

The pacing of your story is well-crafted, allowing for moments of reflection while maintaining a forward momentum. However, the ending seems abrupt. As the protagonist begins to form a question in response to Ernie's advice, the story takes an unexpected turn, leaving the reader with questions about what's happening.

In terms of your word count, your narrative meets the requirement with approximately 288 words.

Overall, your writing showcases your ability to build an intriguing scene and create engaging characters. To enhance the impact of your story, consider expanding upon the ending to provide closure or further exploration. This piece holds promise in your journey to become an accomplished writer, offering a glimpse of your potential to captivate readers with your storytelling prowess.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The recent devastating storms that struck the Eastern US have indeed caused significant disruptions and distress. The severity of these storms, with hurricane-force wind gusts reaching up to 80 mph, is a stark reminder of the power of nature and the vulnerability of our infrastructure. The impact on major urban areas such as Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Charlotte, North Carolina, has been particularly severe, with widespread power outages and travel disruptions.

It is in times like these that the resilience and strength of communities are truly tested. The immediate priority is, of course, the safety and well-being of those affected. It is heartening to see the efforts of emergency services, local authorities, and volunteers who are working tirelessly to restore power, clear debris, and provide aid to those in need.

For those of us who are not directly affected, it is crucial to offer our support in any way we can. This could be through donations to relief organizations, volunteering our time, or simply reaching out to those we know in the affected areas to offer our assistance and moral support.

In the longer term, these events underscore the importance of investing in resilient infrastructure and effective disaster management strategies. They also highlight the need for ongoing research into severe weather patterns and climate change, to better predict and prepare for such events in the future.

As a writer, you can play a significant role in raising awareness about these issues and advocating for change. Your words can inspire action, provide comfort, and help to ensure that the experiences of those affected are not forgotten.

As for your religious beliefs, they can provide a source of comfort and strength in difficult times. Many find solace in prayer, and faith communities often play a key role in disaster response and recovery efforts.

In terms of being a better husband, such events can serve as a reminder of what truly matters in life. They can inspire us to express our love and appreciation for our partners more often, to be more understanding and patient, and to support each other through life's challenges.

In conclusion, while these storms have caused significant disruption and distress, they also provide an opportunity for us to come together as a community, to support those in need, and to reflect on our priorities in life. I hope that everyone affected by these storms is safe and well, and that recovery efforts are swift and effective.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem, with its evocative imagery and emotional depth, is a compelling exploration of the human tendency to avoid difficult decisions and the inevitability of facing consequences. The protagonist, Sam Adams, serves as a relatable figure, embodying the universal struggle between action and inaction, responsibility and avoidance.

The poem's structure and rhythm contribute to its overall impact. The short, concise lines create a sense of urgency and tension, mirroring Sam Adams's internal conflict. The repetition of the phrase "big decision" underscores the weight of the impending choice, amplifying the poem's central theme.

The use of the name "Sam Adams" is intriguing. If it's an allusion to the historical figure Samuel Adams, a leader in the American Revolution, it adds a layer of complexity to the poem. It could suggest a parallel between personal and political struggles, or it could be a commentary on leadership and the burden of decision-making.

The poem's language is simple yet powerful. Phrases like "procrastinate and pretend," "avoid the vagaries," and "judgment day loomed" are particularly striking, effectively conveying the protagonist's fear and denial. The final line, "Soon they would learn their fate," leaves the reader with a sense of impending doom, a powerful ending that lingers in the mind.

However, the poem could benefit from a bit more clarity. While ambiguity can add depth to a poem, it's important to strike a balance to ensure the reader isn't left completely in the dark. For instance, it's unclear what the "big decision" is and what exactly is "coming." Providing a bit more context could enhance the poem's impact.

Overall, your poem is a poignant exploration of human nature and the struggle with decision-making. It's a thought-provoking piece that encourages the reader to reflect on their own experiences and decisions. Keep writing and refining your craft, as you clearly have a talent for creating evocative and emotionally resonant poetry.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pumpkin Pie  
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem is a delightful journey down memory lane, evoking nostalgia for simpler times when traditions were less commercialized and more heartfelt. The vivid imagery and sensory details you've used effectively transport the reader to a time when pumpkin was not a flavor in a latte, but a homemade pie, lovingly prepared for a Thanksgiving feast.

The rhythm and flow of your poem are generally smooth, with a conversational tone that makes it feel like a story being told by a warm, familiar voice. The repetition of "And" at the beginning of several lines creates a rhythmic pattern that mimics the process of preparing and enjoying a meal, adding a layer of depth to the poem.

However, there are a few areas where the poem could be improved. The line "Some turned into pumpkins" is a bit unclear. Are you referring to people or pumpkins turning into pies? Clarifying this could enhance the overall coherence of the poem. Also, the phrase "la piece de la resistance" is French, which might disrupt the flow for readers who are not familiar with the language. Consider whether this phrase is necessary or if there's an English equivalent that could work just as well.

The poem's ending is poignant, tying the memories of Thanksgiving and pumpkin pie to a sense of love and warmth. This effectively encapsulates the essence of the holiday and leaves the reader with a feeling of nostalgia and longing for those simpler times.

In conclusion, your poem is a charming and evocative piece that captures the spirit of Thanksgiving beautifully. With a few minor tweaks, it could be even more effective in transporting readers to the heartfelt, homemade Thanksgivings of the past.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by WriterRick
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem you've shared here is imbued with a poignant sense of melancholy, expressed both through its imagery and its rhythm. Starting with the strong metaphor of the cello's deep, sorrowful strings, it establishes an immediate emotional connection that is both dark and moving.

The choice of the cello is particularly apt; its rich, resonant sound is often associated with emotions like sorrow and longing. It becomes a unifying symbol that represents the underlying theme of the poem, weaving the musical and emotional aspects together into a tapestry of sadness.

There's a haunting quality to the lines that reflect a universal human experience of pain and heartbreak. The repetition of the word "We" creates a shared sense of suffering, inviting readers to partake in this profound experience. The comparison to a drunkard drinking in the melody also emphasizes the consuming nature of such pain.

However, despite the overall somber tone, there seems to be an underlying note of catharsis. The act of expressing pain through music, and by extension through poetry, suggests that there might be healing in the act of expression itself. It hints at the possibility that the pain might be shared, understood, and ultimately transcended.

The rhythm of the poem is also worth noting. The cadence and flow contribute to the overall mood, and the concise nature of each line underscores the intensity of the emotion.

In conclusion, your poem is a powerful and emotional exploration of grief and sorrow. Its imagery, metaphor, and rhythm blend together to create a moving experience that speaks to the heart. It invites readers to reflect on their own experiences and find a shared understanding in the depths of human emotion. It's an accomplished piece that resonates with depth and sincerity.
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is apparent from your piece that you are addressing some of the pressing concerns in society today, particularly focusing on both economic turmoil and the pervasive problem of bullying in schools. Allow me to provide a review of the content.

Theme and Content: You have seamlessly juxtaposed two major issues: the global economic crisis and the very personal, painful experience of bullying among children. This comparison is both intriguing and bold, showing that societal problems can exist at all levels. The duality of the themes can draw readers into thinking about how macro and micro issues intertwine in complex ways.

Language and Tone: Your writing adopts a formal and somber tone, capturing the gravity of the subjects. You've used strong words like "cruel taunting," "endless abuse," and "evil, intolerant, nasty bullies," to bring the reader into the emotional reality of these issues. While this language is powerful, a more nuanced approach might offer a more profound understanding of the subjects.

Imagery: You've painted vivid pictures of suffering, resilience, and hope. The images are striking and they engage the reader emotionally. However, the transition between the economic issues and bullying might benefit from a more subtle connection, allowing the reader to make the connection without feeling that it's forced.

Structure: The structure is poetic, and the lines flow into one another with a rhythmic quality. The use of enjambment provides a sense of continuity and connection between seemingly disparate subjects. However, some lines might benefit from further refinement to enhance readability.

Overall Impression: Your writing is evocative and thought-provoking, bringing attention to important societal matters. The juxtaposition of global economic issues with the very personal problem of school bullying is an intelligent choice, showing that societal challenges can permeate all aspects of life. A bit more refinement in the language and structure could enhance the reader's engagement.

In conclusion, the piece is a promising reflection of significant concerns in today's world. It encourages the reader to contemplate issues that might not always be considered side by side but are connected in a broader human experience.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Beginning  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
"The Beginning" is a delightful and whimsical piece of fiction that quickly captivates the reader with its quirky dialogue and imaginative concept. The text introduces us to Sandy, a seemingly ordinary character, and a mysterious small blue ball of light that claims to live in Sandy's closet.

The dialogue-driven narrative is engaging and full of charm. The banter between Sandy and the mysterious entity is lighthearted and comical, making the characters feel real and relatable. The writer also provides a sense of intrigue by hinting at a larger universe with different rules, geography, and culture.

However, the short excerpt does lack some detail and description that would have given the reader a more vivid sense of the setting and characters. For example, the visual appearance of the mysterious blue ball of light is somewhat lacking, and Sandy's reactions to such an extraordinary encounter might be explored further. The passage leaves many questions unanswered, which, while building intrigue, also may leave readers wanting more context.

The final lines tie the excerpt together nicely, hinting at future adventures and a partnership between the characters. The revelation that a transton equals eighty-two earth years adds an additional layer of humor and sets the stage for what promises to be an exciting and enjoyable journey.

Overall, the text is a fun and engaging read, and it demonstrates creativity and a flair for dialogue. While some additional description could provide a richer experience, the excerpt promises an entertaining story that many readers would likely enjoy.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Dramatis Personae  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
"Dramatis Personae" is a list of characters that appear in a story or play, and it seems to be the cast of characters for a fictional narrative. Without the context of the story, it's challenging to provide a comprehensive review of the characters themselves. However, I can make some general observations about the list:

Diverse Cast: The list showcases a diverse range of characters, including military personnel, civilians, scientists, pastors, and more. This diversity can add depth and complexity to the narrative, potentially allowing for various plotlines and perspectives.

Varied Backgrounds: The characters come from different locations, organizations, and backgrounds, which may create interesting dynamics and conflicts within the story. It can also provide an opportunity to explore various themes and settings.

Potential for Conflict: With a mix of military and civilian characters, there may be inherent conflicts and tensions that can add drama and excitement to the plot.

Intriguing Setting: The story seems to be set in a sci-fi or futuristic world with multiple planets and bases, providing a rich backdrop for potential adventures and exploration.

Relationship and Family Ties: The presence of family members and close friends among the characters suggests that personal relationships and connections might play a significant role in the story.

Lack of Gender Balance: It's worth noting that there appears to be an imbalance in gender representation, with a significant number of male characters compared to female characters. A more balanced gender representation can help create a more inclusive and relatable narrative.

Remember that this review is based solely on the character list and not on the actual story itself. The success of these characters and the overall narrative will depend on how they are developed and interact in the story, as well as the plot and themes explored.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Water Vole  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
"The Water Vole" is a short story that beautifully captures the tranquility of nature and its ability to transport someone to a different time and place. The author skillfully describes the picturesque setting of the Avon River, painting a vivid scene that invites readers to share in the hiker's experience.

The encounter between the hiker and the water vole is the central event of the story, and it symbolizes a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The water vole, usually a timid creature, shows no fear of the hiker, creating a sense of connection between the two beings in that serene moment.

The unexpected decision of the hiker to jump into the water adds an element of mystery to the story. His disappearance leaves readers pondering whether he truly vanished or if he somehow merged with the spirit of the river. This open-ended conclusion allows for different interpretations and adds to the story's allure.

The use of descriptive language, such as "rippling water," "streamlined fur," and "nodding reeds," enhances the story's sensory experience. Readers can feel the warmth of the summer sun, hear the rustling of the bushes, and envision the water vole gracefully swimming in the river.

The subtle nod to the historical aspect, with the reference to Shakespeare's Stratford and the notion of a world where humanity and nature coexisted peacefully, adds depth to the narrative.

The appearance of the supposed unusually large water vole later on, with whispers of it being the transformed hiker, infuses an element of folklore and intrigue. It elevates the story beyond a mere encounter in nature to something more mystical and enchanting.

In conclusion, "The Water Vole" is a beautifully written and evocative short story that captures the magic of the natural world and the mysteries it holds. The seamless blending of nature, history, and the human spirit makes it an engaging read with a touch of enchantment. The story's open-ended conclusion and the mysterious legend of the water vole add to its charm, leaving readers with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of who am I  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
The text you've shared is a deeply personal and introspective reflection on the author's identity and struggles with self-perception. It touches on themes of self-doubt, the influence of others' opinions, past experiences, and the desire to be understood and seen for who they truly are.

The writing conveys a strong sense of emotional turmoil and vulnerability, with the rollercoaster metaphor effectively illustrating the ups and downs of the author's inner thoughts. The repetition of negative labels like "manipulator," "toxic," "spoiled," "loud," and "annoying" suggests a lingering self-criticism and the weight of negative judgments from others.

The acknowledgment that the author wasn't always this way and the desire to escape the thoughts of what others have told them highlights the internal struggle they face in reconciling their current self with their past and outside influences. The author's longing for someone to see them for who they truly are and recognize their pain and struggles adds depth to their emotional journey.

Overall, the text is a powerful expression of the complexities of identity, self-acceptance, and the impact of past experiences on one's sense of self. It provides a glimpse into the author's emotional state, making the reader empathize with their inner battle and desire for understanding and acceptance.

In the future, it might be beneficial for the author to consider seeking support from friends, family, or professional resources to navigate their feelings and work on self-acceptance. Engaging in open communication and self-reflection can be powerful tools for growth and healing. The willingness to confront and acknowledge struggles is an essential step towards personal growth and finding peace within oneself.
Review of Am I the only  
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Am I The Only One" is a heartfelt and passionate piece of writing that reflects the author's strong emotions and sense of patriotism. The repetition of the question "Am I The Only One" throughout the poem emphasizes the author's feelings of isolation and concern for the state of the world.

The poem centers around the theme of defending one's country, particularly the United States, and the willingness to make sacrifices, even to the point of laying down one's life, to protect freedom, the flag, and the values represented by it.

The author expresses their deep admiration and pride for the military men and women who have fought for their country's freedom. It is evident that they have strong emotions about the current state of the world and the importance of preserving the ideals that the flag represents.

The use of repetition and short, impactful phrases adds to the poem's intensity and emotional impact. The tone is urgent, passionate, and at times, melancholic. It effectively conveys the inner struggle and the desire for a better world.

Overall, "Am I The Only One" is a moving and patriotic poem that serves as an expression of the author's devotion to their country and their concern for its well-being. The heartfelt emotions and strong sense of responsibility for protecting freedom make it a powerful piece of writing.
Review by WriterRick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Title: A Poignant Tribute to Fallen Comrades - "The Old Veteran's Friends"

"The Old Veteran's Friends" is a touching and heartfelt poem that pays homage to the memories of those who served alongside the protagonist in war. The poem beautifully captures the emotional turmoil and enduring bonds formed between soldiers who faced the harsh realities of conflict.

The opening lines set the scene for the reader, describing a small parade honoring the old veteran. Despite his fatigue, the parade triggers a cascade of memories that takes him back to his time on the foreign shores of war.

Throughout the poem, the names of fallen friends are mentioned, each with a tragic and poignant story of sacrifice. From Paul, killed by a sniper, to Roger and Mark, who fell during an enemy assault, each memory fills the veteran's eyes with tears. The poem highlights the bravery and valor displayed by these soldiers, emphasizing the cost of war through their ultimate sacrifice.

The author effectively uses vivid imagery to evoke emotions in the reader. The kamikaze pilots' fearlessness, the haunting echoes of flamethrowers, the screams of the wounded, and the solemn silence of the fallen all contribute to a powerful portrayal of the horrors of war.

Amidst the sorrowful memories, the poem also showcases the camaraderie between the old veteran and his surviving friend, Jerry. As they reminisce about their fallen comrades and the harrowing experiences they shared, the reader is reminded of the profound and lasting impact of war on those who have served.

The closing lines beautifully capture the poignancy of the poem. The veterans pray together, grateful for their lives and the opportunity to honor the memories of their fallen friends. The shared experience of survival and loss brings them solace, and their spirits soar as they remember the bravery and sacrifice of those who did not make it back.

Overall, "The Old Veteran's Friends" is a moving tribute to the courage and sacrifice of soldiers who served their country. The poem successfully conveys the emotional weight of war and the enduring bonds formed among those who experienced it together. The narrative reminds us of the human cost of conflict and the importance of honoring the memories of those who have given their lives for a greater cause.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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