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Review of A Beautful lie  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Welcome to Wdc.

The title on the poem is different than the one on the outside. Also, "lie" should be "Lie". Plus there is no need for the period.

You cant live without me.


You want me, You trust me.


You take my hand .


So imange how I felt when you said goodbye.

Spelling may be different if you are not in the USA.


Leaving me with that beautful lie.


Overall, very nice.

As always,


Review of No Longer  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.0)

Welcome to WdC. I hope you get as much out the site as I have.

I am sure many who read this poem will be able to identify with parts if not all of the poetry. All to often we get stuck, unable to move and it hurts to stay. We blame others when it is ourselves.

I found no errors in any way.

Over all this is nice.

As always,

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

I see you entered the Magic of Scent contest. I was thinking of entering too, so I thought I should read what the others had written.

Boy, am I going to have step up my game.

Good opening paragraph.

Great description and a tight plot.

The conclusion was perfect.

As always,

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love the title of this one.

I had honestly felt I had done nothing wrong.


I honestly felt I had done nothing wrong.

I think it is cleaner.

I love this one. This one has a wonderful ethereal quality to it that stirs some wonderful imagery.

Review of Roadside bomb  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Well you cannot say you do not have a seen of style.

This one is clear and there a good sense of cadence to it and the rhyme scheme works well too.

I found no errors in the way of spelling, formatting and only one grammar mistake.

Roadside bomb

Roadside Bomb

As always,


Review of Too late now  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Too late now

Too Late Now

I think this one has a great rhyme and a wonderful cadence.

I found no other errors in the way of grammar, formatting or spelling.

I think this one tells a whole story and really puts in the moment.

Great job on this one.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (3.5)

Will work for food

Your title should appear

Will Work for Food

He asked for a nickel I gave him a dime,
he looked at the sun and asked for the time.

Although this works well in rhyme, I cannot see it being any but a huge fantasy. Trust me, a nickel is nothing.

This seems to not have a clear conclusion.

for entry "Prologue (maybe)
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I skipped the outer remarks altogether. I felt that if I were to go to bookstore and pick this up they would not be there.

They walked into a library. Faint moonlight from the bay windows bathed the sisters and the bookshelves around them in an ethereal glow. Vivele let the door shut behind them and led the way toward the window. She sat down on the window seat and Radi curled up next to her. Vivele reached over and drew the heavy curtains, secluding the sisters from view.

Vivele opened her bag. She took out a crumpled page torn from a book, a desk knife stolen from her Uncle’s office, and a small glass Orb. She picked up the Orb and held it up to the moonlight. The two watched it curiously for a moment. Then it was as if the light from the moon had transferred into the Orb. A sudden silver glow flooded the sister’s faces, and Radi clapped her hands in glee.

I think you should tell or show us were the bag came from. It seems to from nowhere.

I think you should consider reworking some of the sentences that start with the same pronoun, that of "She". I feel it interferes with flow of the story.

She took out a crumpled page torn from a book, a desk knife stolen from her Uncle’s office, and a small glass Orb. She picked up the Orb and held it up to the moonlight. The two watched it curiously for a moment.

Picking up the Orb, she held it up to the moonlight. The two watched it curiously for a moment.

“I take Vé from your name and forever renounce any ties to this earth.

If you are speaking of the planet, you should capitalize it.


She saw Radi’s expression of simple curiosity reflected in the knife’s surface as she reached for her arm. She held Radi’s arm down as she carefully nicked it with the knife right below the elbow.

She saw Radi’s expression of simple curiosity reflected in the knife’s surface as she reached for her arm. Holding Radi’s arm down, she carefully nicked it with the knife right below the elbow.

She threw the shards of the broken Orb out the shattered window and glided out of the room.

I am not a hundred percent sure which she is throwing the orb. Just replace "She" with a name.

I think you should also consider changing Valorén to another name. I feel it is to similar to Vivele and would give this more clarity.

I hope you found this review helpful.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)

There are several places where there is too much space between paragraphs.

“Two hundred gets you your s*** back.” He said, coldly hitching his thumb at the pitifully small pile of belongings behind the counter. “Unless you want to make other arrangements…” Erin trembled with a combination of fear and rage at the unspoken offer, his previous lewd propositions ringing unbidden in her ears. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she stared at the Indianapolis Colts football that topped the measly pile. The ball had been a Christmas gift from Abby and Vincent, personally autographed by Peyton Manning to Nick, it was her boys pride and joy. Choking back a sob she gently laid the still sleeping boy down in a cheap vinyl armchair and sat down on the floor of the office, taking off her boot.

“Two hundred gets you your s*** back.” He said, coldly hitching his thumb at the pitifully small pile of belongings behind the counter. “Unless you want to make other arrangements…”

Erin trembled with a combination of fear and rage at the unspoken offer, his previous lewd propositions ringing unbidden in her ears. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she stared at the Indianapolis Colts football that topped the measly pile. The ball had been a Christmas gift from Abby and Vincent, personally autographed by Peyton Manning to Nick, it was her boys pride and joy. Choking back a sob she gently laid the still sleeping boy down in a cheap vinyl armchair and sat down on the floor of the office, taking off her boot.

“Two hundred gets you your s*** back.” He said, coldly hitching his thumb at the pitifully small pile of belongings behind the counter.

back," he

I hope this helps.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Abhi,

I noticed that you changed you title. That really display a demotion to writing, one that I admire.

I have come back to rate and review this again.

I hope you find WdC a wonderful home and it feeds your muse well as it has mine.

The reason it is not a higher rating is because I well of it, but to be higher I would liked it to see them connect a bit more to each other. You could easily have each be its own poem. Taken as a whole, I am sure if one makes the other stronger.

As always,

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello again,

After reading the second chapter I had to come back for the first.

Please remember I want to that anything I say is my thoughts and what I say, is meant to help.

At first glance there was nothing overly extraordinary about the restaurant’s lone customer.

Introductory clause here; this needs a comma.

At first glance,

Opening paragraphs are very important and first lines doubly so. This is largely what someone will decide to buy a book or pass.

I think this is not very strong, and after reading chapter 2, I am very sure you can do better.

I personal like description. Heck I love it. What I think would be better would be if you were to feed us how he looks more subtly. A little here and there than all at once. To me, it seems forced and not natural.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul…it was in those artic blue orbs that one truly sensed the power of this common man.


“While you are down there, doll.” An insolent voice insinuated from the kitchen doorway, interrupting Ean’s assessment of the little one.

doll," an

The second paragraph is great and much stronger and the one before it.

“I want that cocky little son of a bitch the hell out of my restaurant!” He bellowed, gesturing wildly with his hands.

restaurant!" he

Erin flinched soundlessly as his heavy hand flashed before her wide eyes, the florescent lights glinting off the thick gold rings.

I have never heard any flinch. I think you should cut the word, "soundlessly."

“Move your ass!” He snarled.

ass!" he snarled.

“Is there anything else I can get you this evening, Sir?” She asked softly, trying to avoid his grin.

sir?" she

“I would say a cup of coffee, however by the sounds of things the check is in order.” He murmured with a raised brow towards the kitchens.

order," he

“I am so sorry, Sir.


Understood?” He said softly yet firmly.


softly, yet

Blushing, she trailed off as she realized she was babbling “I can give you directions if you like, Sir.” She finished, casting her gaze to the floor.

babbling, "I

sir," she

She replied with a soft, subservient,“Yes, Sir.” before her brain fully processed the words.


“The check, please, little one?” He murmured. She blushed again, hastily producing the check along with one of the restaurants signature gold-foiled espresso chocolates for the gentleman.

“The check, please, little one?” He murmured.

She blushed again, hastily producing the check along with one of the restaurants signature gold-foiled espresso chocolates for the gentleman.

“The check, please, little one?” He murmured.


Opening her mouth to reply, Erin realized that orders given…the handsome man had turned his attention elsewhere.

man turned

“Yes, Sir.” She whispered, perplexity evident in the quaver of her voice.

sir," she

Determinedly swallowing the lump in her throat she shrugged it off.

throat, she

“Ready?” He asked.


Great cutoff point.

If the opening was stronger I would have rated it higher.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Wrapping jacket and arms tighter about her slender form, Erin turned her back into the wind.

I really think this sentence is incomplete. It sounds off when I read out loud.

He hastened his step as the wind whipped across the dark parking lot.

I thought this line really worked.

“Tinkerbella!” She gushed with the joy of a child.

“Tinkerbella!” she gushed with the joy of a child.

“Ean Vaughn.” He finally supplied in a deceptively soft voice.

“Ean Vaughn," he finally supplied in a deceptively soft voice.

Twins of destiny.” He murmured to himself. “Are you a strong believer in fate, Erin?”
She nodded shyly, obviously waiting for his ridicule. Instead, he smiled.{/b]

Twins of destiny.” He murmured to himself. “Are you a strong believer in fate, Erin?”

She nodded shyly, obviously waiting for his ridicule. Instead, he smiled.

Twins of destiny.”



He murmured to himself.


Ean’s brow shot up in surprise and he took another long look at the youthful blonde.
“I know it is not considered appropriate to ask, however I never claimed to be a PERFECT gentleman. How old are you?”

Ean’s brow shot up in surprise and he took another long look at the youthful blonde.

“I know it is not considered appropriate to ask, however I never claimed to be a PERFECT gentleman. How old are you?”

“I was…I have been supporting myself since fourteen.” She answered, a bit of steel entering her voice as she covered up her near slip.

fourteen," she

Erin grimaced at the comment.


Erin grimaced at the comment.

“I do not need you to patronize me.” She said, her voice strained from between clenched teeth.

me," she

“I…I…I am sorry.” She stuttered.

sorry," she

“Nope…Erin is a good girl. It must be your fault. You corrupted me.” She quipped, the impish twinkle in her eyes at odds with the angelic smile she presented him.

me," she

“I have not begun to corrupt you, little one.” He murmured, bringing a flush to Erin’s cheeks. Ean smiled again.

one," he

“I would like that.” She said smiling shyly.

that," she

Some really great writing! I really mean that.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.0)

“Size 12, your wife knows the sort of things she wears.”
Panic, it was Tuesday, we were going on holidays on Thursday and my wife was in Belfast helping her elderly Father.

Some formatting issues here.

Panic, it was Tuesday, we were going on holidays on Thursday and my wife was in Belfast helping her elderly Father.

Because the use of "father" is a title here and not a name, it should not be capitalized.

elderly father.

“How kind, just what I needed– I’ll keep them safe in the drawer with my 20 other bags of 3for2 knickers”


“Tell you what; I’ll get the wife to sort you out when we get back from holidays”,

what, I'll

the holidays."

Despite the small mistakes, I thought this was HOOT! I would rated this even higher if it had been error free. Let me know if you make any changes!


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (2.5)

I think the opening paragraph is charming.

One day in November, Dad lifted him up ever so gently and put him carefully on an old rug in the cart and took him away. They never saw him again. That night, Dad sat them down by the fire and explained that Sheppey had died and gone to play with all his doggy friends up in Heaven. They were very sad and talked for ages in their bedroom before falling asleep.

Poppet had an idea, “Why don’t we ask Mum and Dad for a puppy for Christmas?”
“Yeah let’s” replied Teddy, all excited.
So they did, but it was bad news. “We’ve already got your Christmas presents and puppies cost a lot of money,” explained Mum. “Maybe next year.”

The Christmas Holidays arrived and Mum asked them to take Speedy, the family donkey, up to the clearing in the forest and collect wood for the fire. They fixed the baskets to Speedy’s back and started off for the woods. Flighty, the mountain eagle, circled high over head. He knew it was his job to make sure they were safe and came to no harm.

There are some spacing issues here.

“Yeah let’s” replied Teddy, all excited.


“Maybe next year.”

I think this would come across my loving if it ended with a question mark.

The Christmas Holidays arrived and Mum asked them to take Speedy, the family donkey, up to the clearing in the forest and collect wood for the fire.


Poppet had heard Dad saying the Fairies lived under the tree, and it would bring bad luck to all who lived in the village if it was ever cut down.

Because you are writing about a group it should be "were" instead of "was".

I think you have too many names that end in "y". I feel that you are trying to make the story too cute. In most of the classic tales for children and fairy tales, the names are real and not cute.

I have to be invisible, but I suppose it’s alright for children to see me.”

all right

If you go to Dictionary.com and look up alright you will see that it should always be, "all right."

“But,what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” said Teddy

"But, what's


“My family doesn't have any food for Christmas Dinner.” His crying got worse.


Teddy thought for a minute, “Maybe we could save you some of our dinner”


Finally,after what seemed ages to Poppet and Teddy he said, “I’ve got it, I’ve got it!“

Finally, after

He was jumping up and down. “ On New Years Eve, I get my next year’s 100 wishes.


Jumping up and down he said, “On New Years Eve, I get my next year’s 100 wishes.

If you make a wish, I’ll use my first wish to make your wish come true”


“Look into my eyes and make your wish. I’ll know what it is”


Of course, they couldn’t tell their Mum and Dad.

Because you are now using "Mum and Dad" as what they are in stead of a name they should not be capitalized.

mum and dad.

They probably wouldn’t believe them, besides if their wish was to come true they had to find a way to sneak some of their Christmas dinner into bags and get it up to the Special tree.


Mum always made an extra big Christmas dinner and this year Poppet and Teddy ate it all up even the Brussel sprouts and asked for seconds.


“My goodness, you two are hungry today, “said Mum.

today," said

“Oh it is such a lovely dinner.”

it was such

They already ate dinner so it should be past tense.

{b]Under the table, they managed to fill two bags with turkey, roasty potatoes, carrots, stuffing and just a little Christmas pudding.It was so nice they ate most of it themselves.

pudding. It

Maybe it was a dream. Maybe the fairy had been naughty and didn’t get this years one hundred wishes.

Maybe it was a dream? Maybe the fairy had been naughty and didn’t get this years one hundred wishes?

“Careful now,careful.” he said “That was a lovely dinner, my children were really happy and had a great Christmas

now, careful,” he said.

Now about your wish.


Sorry it has taken so long but I wanted to get a really really nice one for you.

really, really

“We must do exactly what the Fairy said or our wish won’t come true”


I like the second ending best.

Sorry, I cannot at this time give this a higher rating. Should you make any changes, please let me know and I will happily come back and give it another rate and review.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello again,

It was a bright, but chilly morning in December. Barbara and Ruby, the owners of the Cream Bun Café, were really looking forward to the arrival of what they affectionately called, the Monday Ministers. The reason was the headlines in the Local Paper. “Parish Priest Poleaxed by Christmas Crib Shepherd”.

I have give this some thought. Please consider...

It was a bright, but chilly morning in December as Barbara and Ruby, worked hard at the Cream Bun Café. Both, looking forward to the arrival of what they affectionately called, the Monday Ministers. The reason was the headlines in the Local Paper: “Parish Priest Poleaxed by Christmas Crib Shepherd”.

The Ministers came every Monday morning and sat at the same table. If more than the usual number arrived, two tables were pushed together. Pots of tea and coffee were set on the table so they could help themselves. Also, two plates of assorted, not too fancy, cakes and buns.

I am all for details, but I think this one really does not add to the story.

If more than the usual number arrived, two tables were pushed together.

First to arrive was Rev. Gregory Patterson from the local Church of Ireland. If anyone knew how to generate church funds, it was Gregory. He had written a book entitled “101 Ways” with the subtitle “To Fleece the Public at Church Fetes”.

Oh... it's satire. That's fine, I just thought it would not be so flippant. I am sorry to say, this turned me right off.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (3.5)

I found the title intriguing, but I penchant for fairy tales. So if this does not draw others as it did me, please consider changing it.

This other girl who was named Little Bo-peep

Little Bo-peep is nursery rhyme, not a fairy tale.

This third girl, who as Mary was well known

Neither is Mary.

Now at Little Miss Muffet we shall take a look

Neither is Miss Muffet.

I think this works fine as a poem. It works well in both rhyme and its cadence, and I am sure that many will find this entertaining. Therefore, you should leave it as is.

However, for me, I was disappointed with the mix of nursery rhyme and fairy tales.

Good writing to you,

Review of The Grimoire Ch.2  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)


Good recap.

The dim moon light shines through the hole in the mansion’s roof.


Think about cutting, "The."

I also feel that, "in" should be, "of."

Dim moonlight shines through the hole of the mansion’s roof.

CONSIDER: making one more change...

Dim to Veiled

Veiled moonlight shines through the hole of the mansion’s roof.

It illuminates the room with a sinister glow.

CONSIDER: combing this with the sentence that precedes it.

Veiled moonlight shined through the hole of the mansion’s roof, illuminating the room with a sinister glow.


A baleful glow of moonlight shone through the hole of the mansions roof.

I really believe in combing sentences and changing words. Especially with vamp fic, really go for it.

“You’ve committed quite a serious offense by invoking dark magick to bind me.” The Count snaps with a harsh tone, “I hope you can live with the consequences.”

“Yes, I can.” Devin’s affirmation is half-hearted at best, the gravity of the situation still weighing heavily on his mind.

Think about...

With a harsh tone the Count snapped, "Devin, you've a serious offense. I hope you are prepared for the consequences of invoking dark magick."

{{Either before this of after, show us the Count trapped.}}

“Yes, I can.” Devin’s affirmation is half-hearted at best, the gravity of the situation still weighing heavily on his mind.

I know this is a pain, but I feel strongly that this story would be a better if you were to change the it from the present tense to the past.



I am going back to read the first chapter again. It has been to long and I need try and them as one. I feel that is the only way to be of any help.
And I see that it is a new version of it.

But I stand by everything I have already said.


Review of A Little Girl  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.5)

Well I think the title is a little blah.

and saw the stars there,way up high.

there, way

but for her to reach,they were too far.

reach, they

"Hey stars!" she yelled,"Come down here!"

yelled, "Come

About stars and planets,and outer space,

planets, and

I think this has a great message.


Review of The Painting  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Bob,

Welcome to WdC.

Good opening. Good detail.

Great spelling and formatting.

Her mousy brown hair, pulled back tightly into a bun and her thick glasses only accentuated her plain looks.

This is clear but I would challenge to take this to the description to another level by find descriptive words in a more interesting way.

If it’s alright?”

all right

If you were check with Dictionary.com, you would see that it should be two words.

Just as long as it’s not too much, ok?”


This room holds only one painting, Anyone can see it, but you have to make an appointment first.

one painting; anyone

“It’s just called The Painting. Nobody knows who painted it. It gives me the willies.”

I think it would really add to the story if you would add what someone is doing when they speak.

“My name is Mary Carter. I don’t have any kin, I’m an orphan. Is that all right?”

Find it odd that she would share this.

Yeah, I guess it will be alright.

all right.

“Ok. Just let me pack up my equipment first.


With more confidence than she really felt, Mary replied “I’m sure, but thank you for your concern. I’ll be alright.”


all right."

Is this some sort off joke? she wondered.

'Is this some sort off joke?' she wondered.

The girls mother was behind her pushing her higher and higher on the swing.


That was when she started to wear her hair in it’s now accustomed bun.


Oh my God! That’s Greg Wilson! I don’t remember this ever happening? I would have died from embarrassment. He’s the best looking boy in school! I don’t believe it! He’s talking to me!

I think she is speaking here. If so, you use quotes. If not, then you need say it is a thought.

This isn’t possible. He could have any girl he wanted. Why would he marry me?

Quotes are needed here also.

She and Greg celebrating their fiftith anniversary, surrounded by their three children and ten grandchildren.


His look of concern vanished when he saw she was alright.

all right.

So how the ending was not as strong as I would have liked.

You could easily list this as fantasy. Now if that is not what you would like, then go back in and find a way to show the reader that it is some from the future or from another world.

Review of 52 Candles  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
I think this one is a little depressing and about someone who not healthy emotionally.

I found no errors in spelling, grammar (Well, in poetry has its own rules) or formatting.

I liked the other one much more.

The other formed nice imagery but this one not so much.

Review of Red Tears  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

I really know little about poetry. Now I read it all the time. Not only on the site but we check out books from the library too.

I can share with you what I like and what I do not like.

The room transforms colors and sounds as

To me, it seems as if "as" might read better if it were dropped altogether.

I pick and choose different crayons from the urn,

I think "urn" may not the write word. I looked up urn and does not seem quite right to me.

I watch as she colors red tears on Mama’s face.

A small note: there is a . above the I one the first line of the last stanza.

Other than that, it very nice.

Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Well if that is not the winner, all I can say is they are blind, death and mentally ill.

It is great. I was thinking of entering. No way. Yours is clearly great.

No notes for improvement.

I could not imagine the ending and it made me smile all the way through it. Simply wonderful.

Review of Forever  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

I am reading for my contest, "Death..." I will read everything again after the close.

Confusion crossed her face, then she shrugged and stepped back, allowing me to come in.



{b] “But I should have known you wouldn’t be like that,” I continued, now daring to lift up my head to see her.


I carefully placed a hand over her mouth, feeling déjà vu steal over me.

I really liked this line.

My voice acquired a mocking, childish lilt, until I singsonged the words like a jumprope chant.

jump rope

I thought this was very well written. Where the idea is all that fresh, the telling carries it forward in a very nice manner, one I am glad I read.

Review of Heaven's Tour  
Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I am Alice, and I am reading for my contest, "Death..." Thank you for your submission. I will everything once after the close of the contest.

Looking up as he is speaking I see an absolutely incredible sight.


I think overall, this is well written but it feels a tad rushed to me after the break.

Thanks for the tale and the time.


Review by AliceNgoreland
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Think, Pat.

I have no idea if this is a man or a woman. It would a lot easier to see and feel if I know the sex the person was.

Alright, I’m in a department store.

All right,


The complete and utter silence I’m now hearing is coming from the store’s manager.

I give up, how do you here silence from one person in a place where many things are happening.

I’ve decided to hit the skinless bear on the head again.

How the heck is a skinless bear walking around? It would quickly bleed to death to walk around very much.

I’ve decided to hit the skinless bear on the head again.

I do so.

Patty repeated this pattern about ten times in a row before she admitted to herself that it wasn’t helping.

I was unsure for a moment what "Patty repeated this pattern" meant for a moment. I think you should make this more clear. In an opening chapter you must tickle the reader to read further. However it things are not clear in an interesting way, I will find something else to read.

No matter how flat she made the monster’s head, she was still standing in the same food aisle of the same department store, and the fire in men’s wear was still spreading.

I think you should consider opening with this. It is interesting and does what an opening should, give a setting, a character and tell us something of the story to come in a vivid way.

Patty had put up with quite a bit in the last ten minutes, but getting soaked was just enough to get her to finally leave.

"Had" is one of the words that you can often do without. When can take it out you should. This helps with the overall flow of the story. It quickness the pace and tightens the story.

Patty put up with quite a bit in the last ten minutes, but getting soaked was just enough to get her to finally leave.

She strolled up to the cash registers up front and mused over how strange they now looked to her. They looked so normal just a few minutes ago.

I think you should clarifying who "They" are. Again you maybe loosing a reader. I can see who "They" are. I do not know who "They" are.

Of course, back then there wasn’t a customer torn to pieces in the eight items or less aisle. Patty took a closer look, to confirm it wasn’t anyone she knew, and couldn't help but notice that they had about fifteen items in their carriage.

“Bastard had it coming.”

She did note, however, that he was torn into exactly eight pieces.

Nice bit of humor here.

The greeter turned and ran toward the opening, peering at the mysterious shadows that moved in the shadowy twilight outside.

I think you should change one of the "shadow" to something else.

If panic held Patty in place, she never would have admitted it.

This makes me cringe. It is too cute.

If panic held her in place, she never would have admitted it.

{b]She would tell herself that it was the result of confusion, or disbelief. The old greeter was screaming and flailing as the beast crushed and tore his frail frame slowly apart.

Where I agree that being tore apart "slowly" is more gruesome, I do not think the bear would have taken its time with him. Maybe it was. If so, you should say so.

Without a word, Patty gripped the bat and calmly, quickly, made her way toward the back exit, just as the bear left the greeter’s corpse and lunged into the eight items or less aisle.

Okay, I love King, and where I do not think you should write like him, his advice has some weight to it. He says in On Wring, that adverbs should be avoided as much as possible. That is a sign you are being a lazy writer. This is the 5 or ly I have caught. Some are unavoidable but a lot are not.

A middle aged man, who had wayyyyyyyy too many items in his carriage, decided it was better to duck and hide instead of run.

PLEASE TO NOT "yyyyyyy". Is that something you would see if you picked up an adult book from you library? To me, it is too childish for this story and unnecessary.

You already know how he fared.

I think this should be cut or reworded.

Patty began to stammer and point, but the manager was a ‘time is money, can do’ kind of person, which was a path that apparently led to a monstrous demon from hell.

I think " "time is money, can do' " should read, " 'time is money' ".

As she ran through the newly empty aisles of the mega mart, the other customers, already well ahead of her, began pushing their way through the emergency exit.

"Mega mart" feels like it is similar to Wal*Mart. If so, then you should rethink this statement. I think it would take longer to clear the isles. I think there would still stragglers.

Patty’s mind was built upon foundations of rational knowledge, and one of its cornerstones was the strong belief that if a man is on fire, they won’t just sit and smile smugly at you.

Good line!

Flames enveloped the surrounding racks of unfashionable garments, but all Patty marveled about was how perfect and uninjured the man’s eyes were, despite the fact that the fire has all but consumed the rest of his flesh.

I think you should cut, "uninjured" you say they are perfect, I do not think you need anything more.

Another bit of flesh, which was melting like wax rather than charring, dripped down and landed on its foot. It sizzled like fat on a frying pan.


A bit of flesh melted like wax, dripped down and landed on its foot, sizzling like fat on a frying pan.

Strangely enough, its life and flame extinguished at the exact same moment, although the fire on the clothes racks continued to spread through the department.

Life and flame extinguished at the exact same moment, although the fire on the clothes racks continued to spread through the department.

Patty almost swore she saw the flame dance and leap from rack to rack, as if it had a life of its own.


The flame danced and leaped from rack to rack with a life of its own.


With a life of its own, the flames leaped from one rack to the next.

If you would me to finish the review I will.

Here is what I feel could really make this opening chapter a WOW and not only good.

I would rework the start of this chapter so that we see the skinless bear do its thing and see the reaction to it. I think this would make a lot stronger and really give a read a clear reason to see what was going on. I also think it would take away a bit of that "Army of Darkness" feel to it.

Also, I feel you add more details to take the story to next level. When I read a novel, I really want to get into that world. This still has a lot of that short story feel to it. Like: What was the bat made of? If it was wood or metal it would feel and sound different.

I think you need to add some sensory details to the tale: what more things feel like, sound like, smell like.

I think action is good.

And it is a story worth telling and one many will enjoy reading.

Let me know if you would like me to review any further.

I hope you found these notes helpful.

I know this has gotten a string of high reviews so my advice may not carry any weight, I did as you asked.

All the best to you and your muse.


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